
philballew Raring Ringtail?00:00
JoseeAntonioRcan you guys explain me what's a ringtail? there are lots of ring-tailed animals in Wikipedia00:21
Piciis that the official name?00:23
JoseeAntonioRPici: yep00:25
JoseeAntonioRdo you know what a ringtail is?00:25
head_victimIt's a type of possum00:26
dakerhttp://www.cryptomundo.com/wp-content/uploads/ringtailcat1.jpg ?00:26
JoseeAntonioRthat's one of the ring-tailed animals according to wikipedia, there are heaps00:26
head_victimAh well there you go, I'd never heard it referenced to anything else (I live in AU).00:28
JoseeAntonioRI live in SA, which means I basically hear about fluffy camels00:29
JoseeAntonioRaka llamas00:29
dakerJoseeAntonioR: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/ubuntu-1304-codename-announced-raring.html00:38
JoseeAntonioRurgh :(00:39
akgranerI might be hypnotized on this hangout in a few check minutes out the live stream - http://www.youtube.com/charleshogge #SSEshow01:03
akgranerI am sure a skeptic so we shall see...:-/01:03
JoseeAntonioRlet's check01:08
akgranerJoseeAntonioR, hope you enjoy01:16
JoseeAntonioRakgraner: say your name01:36
akgranerI am so sleepy and relaxed01:39
JoseeAntonioRakgraner: watch the video later :P01:40
IdleOnelol Amber fell asleep02:00
IdleOnethere she is, comming back02:01
=== IdleOne is now known as RaringOne
akgranerRaringOne, I am soooo relaxed..02:19
RaringOneakgraner: I could tell. I'm happy for you.02:19
akgranerLove the guys at #SSEshow...they rock!02:19
RaringOneI know the feeling of the tight jaw and shoulders all the time. feels great when you can let it go, even for just a little bit.02:20
akgranerStarting next week on Tesday's (I don't know the time) Paul will be hosting his own hangout on Air02:21
JoseeAntonioRhey guys, has anyone been having problems with the canonical shop lately?05:40
dholbachgood morning06:35
chilicuilgoor morning o/06:37
dpmhi, is it there yet?08:06
dpmoh, sorry, I meant good morning ;-)08:06
dholbachdpm, you asked in the wrong channel :)08:06
dpmdholbach, I guess trolling can be done in any channel :)08:07
jussidpm: evil... :P08:08
bkerensaIt seems like the more expensive routers get the more trouble the become :D08:43
dpmhey, does anyone know how to forward a full thread in Thunderbird?10:40
dpmah, found it10:40
dpm- select all messages10:40
dpm- right click10:40
dpm- forward as attachment10:40
akgranerHappy Ubuntu Release Day! :-)11:22
smartboyhwakgraner, yay11:22
smartboyhwHappy Ubuntu 12.10 Day11:22
akgranerJoseeAntonioR, and jcastro_ I thought you all might like these resources that huddlehouse productions shares for Hangouts and stuff - http://www.huddleproductions.com/11:26
akgraner(those are the guys behind the Social Sports and Entertainment cast)11:27
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cprofitthappy launch day all!12:03
RaringOnethank you12:03
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RaringOnew.u.c locked for everyone?12:33
RaringOneoops never mind12:33
dpmhey jono, good morning, getting up early to see the release announcement? ;)13:08
jonodpm, up early for a call at 6am13:08
=== IdleOne is now known as raringOne
=== raringOne is now known as RaringOne
akgranerjono - early/late it will all blur once that bacon bit arrives :-)13:15
mhall119heh, so true13:17
akgranerHey if any of you all are interested in big.LITTLE we have a joint ARM & Linaro FAQ starting at 10am EDT - https://plus.google.com/u/0/102031805064483509929/posts?cfem=113:17
jonoakgraner, :-)13:17
czajkowskiI'm having flash backs to my operating system class13:22
czajkowskibad bad flash backs13:22
snap-lBacon bit. I love it.13:33
=== Guest43400 is now known as jrgifford
jussiakgraner: how many hours from now?14:00
akgranernow :-)14:01
dholbachjono, stresstesting webchat.freenode.net? :-)14:02
jonodholbach, ;-)14:02
akgranerthey are about to start - waiting on one of the guest to join14:05
akgranerjussi,  they are live now - https://plus.google.com/u/0/102031805064483509929/posts14:07
JoseeAntonioRakgraner: thanks, I'll check that in a sec!14:44
akgranerJoseeAntonioR, yw - and for the record even though I wasn't hypnotized last night - I was sooo relaxed - I think there might be something to that after all. :-)14:45
JoseeAntonioRI'm glad you enjoyed it, I had phone calls in the middle14:49
jonodpm, mhall119 I am going to cancel our app dev call as I think we discussed everything earlier this week14:50
dpmjono, ok14:52
dholbachballoons, shall we have a call real quick?14:59
balloonsdholbach, yes.. let me finish typing in this presentation ;)15:00
dholbachwe can live-type :)15:00
balloonsfair enough15:00
balloonsstart it up15:00
dholbachballoons, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/762196410b107d717f1918f0d99822ee1ee3723a?authuser=0&hl=de#15:01
* balloons changes into quetzal shirt15:03
balloonshow could I not wear it on release day!15:03
smartboyhwballoons, LOL:D15:03
balloonsdholbach, if/when it loads I'll be there15:04
* dholbach starts the stopwatch15:04
jonodholbach, dpm hangout is open15:30
dpmI wish we had a webapp for hangouts, anyone up for it? :-)15:31
* nigelb points to mhall119 :P15:32
dpmsorry, Firefox froze, will try again15:32
mhall119nigelb: you can do it too15:44
JoseeAntonioRjcastro_: what do you think of a quick uonair having skaet giving us some release notes?15:48
JoseeAntonioRif she agrees, though15:49
dholbachenjoy the celebrations!17:23
dholbachsee you all tomorrow!17:23
=== RaringOne is now known as IdleOne
nigelbmhall119: are we using django 1.3 anywhere? https://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2012/oct/17/security/18:42
mhall119nigelb: probably18:45
mhall119summit is 1.4 now, and I think LTP is still 1.218:45
mhall119but internally we might be18:45
nigelbmhall119: there is security updtaes for 1.3 and 1.418:46
nigelblet me know if you need a hand with summit.18:47
nigelball it needs is a django upgrade18:47
mhall119nigelb: yeah, we should get that from our packages18:51
nigelbmhall119: ISD packages? ah18:52
marcoceppican I get ping?18:55
nigelbmarcoceppi: ping?18:56
marcoceppiah, perfect, thank you18:57
dakernigelb: mhall119 LTP is still 1.1.219:02
mhall119which is almost 1.2 with all the patches it has19:04
mhall119http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/11pdip/ubuntu_tv_opens_up_for_more_community/ needs some up-vote love19:18
mhall119bkerensa: ^^ see my shameless asking for upvotes19:20
bkerensamhall119: allow me to oblige19:30
bkerensamhall119: upboated19:30
czajkowskiwhoo talk/demo/install went well 24 students came to see20:12
czajkowskiyeah current desktops in the dept are running fedora with seemingly unity of some sort20:15
czajkowskinot working well20:15
czajkowskiso many a bit not impressed with open source20:15
czajkowskibut after seeing mark last week running it came20:16
czajkowskiNo pressure!20:16
czajkowskibut we had fun and discussed jobs/options how to get involved and gain experience20:16
mhall119there's an independent guy building Unity for Fedora, but I did hear it was pretty unstable atm20:17
czajkowskithen we went to the pub had pizza20:18
czajkowskidownloaded some 12.1020:18
czajkowskishared about my laptop to use20:18
czajkowskiand going back on tuesday night20:18
czajkowskito workwith people using it20:18
czajkowskiand joining LP, and learning how submitting and following bugs works20:19
bkerensajono: so PuppetLabs is trying to find a beer to fill their kegerators that start with "Q" for our release party :)20:19
mhall119we should get Dos Equis to sponsor a part for UDS-X20:20
marcoceppiThe most interesting party in the UDS.20:20
mhall119I don't always sing karaoke, but when I do it's the YMCA with sabdfl20:21
jonobkerensa, :-)20:30
* popey packs his beachball20:55
balloonsmhall119, hehe20:59
balloonsthat beach party was pretty awesome20:59
czajkowskithat band was amazing21:05
JoseeAntonioRthe food was amazing!21:07
czajkowskiyes yes it was :D21:07
czajkowskicant go wrong with burgers from a BBQ :D21:07
bkerensaThe food was great but the food at the google party was also equally good they had some great nachos21:17
bkerensaThe blue bunny was an added treat ;)21:17
czajkowskito me nachos is something I nibble at while eating from a bag at cinema21:18
popeymmmmmm nachos21:28
popeyblue bunny guy was ace21:28
bkerensa#Ubuntu is getting hairy21:48
bkerensaTechcrunch surely has went downhill since Arrington left22:01
mhall119man, the social counters on the main ubuntu.com page really show where our audience resides22:40
mhall11985k on G+, 20k on Twitter, 2k on Facebook22:41
ajmitchbkerensa: yeah, that article is missing the point a bit22:45

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