
=== IdleOne is now known as RaringOne
RaringOneSo, what do you folks think of the name for 13.04 raring Ringtail http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1195 ?02:22
FlannelI can't tell if we're going to get comments about being a proprietary compression standard, or if we're going to get comments about going the way of the dodo.04:01
jussiIm disappointed.06:24
jussiIt was supposed to be Randall Ross06:25
JoseeAntonioRI was hoping the same06:27
jussiThe ubuntu one free 6 months is a pretty big gamble from canonical, but rather cool at the same time07:17
RaringOneUbuntuOne is free for 6 months?07:20
jussisort of07:21
jussiRaringOne: doispekdetruf?07:22
RaringOneit makes me sad to see iphone clients on there07:23
jussiRaringOne: why?07:23
RaringOnebecause UbuntuOne users should be using Ubuntu07:24
jussiIm happy to see that. Only way to be successful in this is to be truly cross platform07:24
jussiRaringOne: thats a bunch of fail if you ask me07:24
RaringOneproviding apps for other OS'es doesn't make it cross platform, makes it a Storage service.07:25
jussiIts a little more than a storage service do you not think?07:26
RaringOneperhaps, but I thought the point was to encourage people to use the OS07:27
RaringOneThat is becoming clearly not the point anymore07:27
jussiRaringOne: Im not sure you follow. I know many people who use ubuntu, but have an iphone - why should they miss out?07:48
RaringOneyou have a point07:48
RaringOneA good point. I tend to forget that use those things.07:49
RaringOneI don't own a mobile07:49
jussiRaringOne: you luddite :P08:05
RaringOneA happy one at that :P08:06
RaringOneyou what is funny?08:08
RaringOneI know something that is making me giggle08:08
* TheDrums has one not, but does have a Google Number.08:08
RaringOneare you curious?08:08
jussiRaringOne: mildly, but also scared :P08:09
RaringOneok I will share with you08:09
RaringOneput down your drink, don't want you to spill it :)08:09
RaringOne* jussi (quassel@ubuntu/member/beanpc.jussi01) has left #ubuntu-ops (requested by RaringOne (No, but you are!))08:10
jussihar... har... har... hardly qualifies as high quality ontopic discussion :P :P :P08:11
RaringOnehey it is late and it is also release day'ish I think we can allow ourselves some latitude08:11
=== IdleOne is now known as raringOne
=== raringOne is now known as RaringOne
=== RaringOne is now known as IdleOne
zykotick9OMG - donate to ubuntu (aka canonical) is wrong!  i really question legality of "donations" from canada, to a for-profit business... but more importantly IMO, this is morally wrong.  wow...  i'm almost speechless ;)21:51
zykotick9hilarious - choose what area of ubuntu you want to donate too. including (paraphrazing): Desktop, Games, Hardware support, phone/tablet, community, upstream co-operation.21:56
zykotick9(ironically) i personally think "free" software should cost MORE then propritary software (and that is legal/possible with free software)21:58
AlanBellzykotick9: how do you think it should be done?23:03
zykotick9AlanBell: well, not by "donation".  ubuntu for $ makes sense, but "donation" is reserved for not-for-profits IMO (and i believe, in some ways legally as well)23:29

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