
cjwatsonHey, http://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/installation-guide/ still seems to be the 12.04 guide14:08
cjwatsonCan anyone update that ASAP before release?14:08
guntberthi tsimpson, at last,  a living soul! :-)15:34
tsimpsonI may be living, but I'm not actually in the doc team15:34
guntbertI was afraid it my be so  -  it looks like there is nobody around - at least there are no ractions15:36
guntbertouch, my typing is awful15:36
jbichaany wiki admins around?15:36
tsimpsonguntbert: they have a mailing list though, probably more active than here15:37
guntberttsimpson: I sent a mail, yesterday - still "awaiting moderation" :-/15:38
tsimpsonsubscribe first, then it won't need moderation15:39
guntbertseems a little silly for just one shot - but will do :-)15:41
jbichaguntbert: it's being worked on now so you don't have to send the email if you don't want to15:44
guntbertjbicha: thx for the info - too late :)15:50
guntberta propos wiki:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/MeetingAgenda  seems just a little bit outdated :-)15:57
jbichaguntbert: yes, most of the DocumentationTeam/ pages are a bit out-of-date, you're welcome to help update them16:01
guntbertjbicha: good point, I joined the team - we'll see what I can help16:29
raducan someone fix this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+bug/106820216:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 1068202 in ubuntu-docs "URGENT: 2 BIG mistakes on the //help.ubuntu.com/ homepage" [Undecided,New]16:31
jbicharadu: sure, it's already fixed but the website only gets rebuilt once a day so you'll have to wait until tomorrow16:31
radua ok then :) thanks16:31
cjwatsonjbicha: admins might be figuring out how to help that along nowish17:28
jbichacjwatson: oh thanks, it looks fixed now :)17:54

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