[00:44] http://www.mythbuntu.org/ is down, fyi since earlier today [00:45] Gibby, thanks, I've already emailed Daviey about it [00:46] rgr, just checking, have link to an iso download by chance? [00:51] Gibby, yep [00:51] sec [00:51] Gibby, where you at? [00:51] USA? UK? [00:51] USA [00:52] 32bit please [00:52] ftp://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/mythbuntu [00:52] finally upgrading from 10.04 to 12.04, well tried to upgrade my network boot, no luck ;(, trying to install mythbuntu to sdcard now [00:52] I've always done fresh installs myself [00:53] yeah, i was trying to do a fresh mythbuntu 12.04 diskless install, but mythbuntu is no longer in ltsp, tried using do-release-upgrade with no luck [00:53] i am way behind, was on .23 i belive [00:54] yea we haven't really supported ltsp for like 4 years [00:54] it worked great in 10.04 lol [00:55] was close to getting it to work, but had to many hacks on it [01:01] what's wrong with mythbuntu.org ? [01:02] wangel, IDK [01:02] I can't ping the server anymore [01:02] yah [01:02] and [01:03] isitdownformeoreveryoneisitdownformeoreveryone [01:03] ack [01:03] www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com says everyone :D [01:03] 2isitdownformeoreveryone [01:03] and that is the best I can do for a server that is physically in another country [01:03] aye [01:03] I guess myth 0.26 is offical now? [01:03] wangel, something you need off of it? [01:03] wangel, yes [01:04] for awhile now [01:04] I just wanted to see if they where supporting it [01:04] wangel, mythbuntu? [01:04] aye [01:04] yes we are [01:04] for 12.04 [01:04] yep, I have 12.04 installed [01:04] so you would need to activate the 0.26 repo [01:04] anything special I need to do to upgrade it? I don't have the experital repo selected.... Ok [01:05] just go and select the 0.26 repo [01:05] and type in the passphrase? [01:05] wangel, if you hit refresh, you don't need to enter the passphrase anymore [01:05] ahhh, good deal [01:05] it should refresh and see that 0.26 is released [01:05] see how long it's been since I upgraded :D [01:06] wangel, well to be fare, that whole thing is newish in 12.04 [01:06] ah [01:06] I enjoy doing updates and stuff from command line [01:07] guess I should go read what's changed :D [01:22] any thoughts on cheap remotes? my wife and kids go through them like crazy and just ran out, I can't find the ones I was using anymore they were just cheap $10 from china but worked great and were backlit [01:58] tell them to stop eating them :D [02:04] lol, doesn't work out that way [03:08] is there a dev/nightly build of the XBMC MythTV PVR plugin anywhere ? [03:21] Killerkiwi: that plugin is not associated with mythtv [03:21] also whenever i have tested it the experience was not as good as a native frontend [03:58] Had my backend pause on an update and now my frontend won't login to it, can somebody help please? [04:01] is the frontend on the same machine? [04:04] no [04:04] check mythbuntu control center that Remote MySQL connections is enabled [04:05] some times mysql updates disable it [04:08] thank you [04:09] that simple [04:09] thank you killerkiwi [14:30] dmfrey: superm1 says that a fresh install of the android app pulled all guide data and took about 15 minutes [14:30] well i assume it pulled all data, it took about 15 minutes to finish whatever it was doing [14:30] but it should have all been done in the background [14:30] shouldn't have affected usability [14:31] yeah it was in the background [14:32] was it that the notification was there that long? [14:34] yeah, it wasn't causing usability issues, just seemed peculiar that the whole thing had to be downloaded [14:35] superm1: I wonder if you needed to dismiss it or something [14:35] and it just waited there for a while [14:35] no it was showing progress the whole time [14:35] just moving slowly and pegging network for a while [14:36] hmmm [14:36] bad connection? [14:37] during that process it is downloading each hour of the program guide [14:37] i am working on a way to better load this stuff [14:37] dmfrey: how much is it loading up front now? [14:37] but I find that some of these calls that return a lot of data is slow to generate the file on the server [14:38] the total file is less than 1mb [14:38] for each hour [14:38] at least on my system [14:38] rhpot1991, it is downloading 288 hours worth, which is what is loaded on the server [14:38] it will be changing in an upcoming release [14:39] ah I thought it was doing on demand already [14:39] it is only the first time through [14:39] after it just "catches up" with what has not been loaded yet [20:48] hey guys, I'm runnign mythbuntu on my revo 1600 - any ideas how to enable vdpau? [20:56] is vdpau supported on 2:0.25.2+fixes.20120801.46cab93-0ubuntu1 [20:57] andylockran, should be [20:58] tgm4883: i get pretty choppy feedbac,and in the setup wizard can't set vdpau as an output option [20:58] running nvidia 304.43 driver [20:59] any recommendations? [20:59] hmm [20:59] is libvdpau1 installed? [20:59] also check frontend logs [21:00] frotnend logs - will check there [21:01] Oct 18 22:01:24 media mythfrontend[3350]: E CoreContext mythrender_vdpau.cpp:603 (CreateOutputSurface) VDPAU: Error at mythrender_vdpau.cpp:603 (#25, A catch-all error, used when no other error code applies.) === qwebirc94775 is now known as zurvan [23:55] Is there any known issues with atom processor, ION second generation GPU and mythtv frontend?