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Daphkohello, has anybody a good instruction to setup an mailserver on ubuntu ?00:36
uvirtbotSpamapS: Error: "server-guide" is not a valid command.00:53
ubottuThe Ubuntu server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/00:54
SpamapSDaphko: ^^00:55
* SpamapS wishes bots would just work w/ natural language00:55
patdk-lapwell, atleast it does pat-speak :)00:58
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level15_hi, all. I am having massive kernel errors on my linux guests when my host has intensive I/O usage (VM images backup operations). Sometimes, the guest kernel will remount the fs in read only mode, which obviously crashes most of my services. I have been reading and have found that this might be related to host I/O cache, and that it might be a good idea to turn it off by settiong cache=none for all disks of my guests. Is that safe in case of a01:16
level15_host failure?  Has anyone had the same issue and, if so, how did you solve it? Thanks.01:16
SpamapSlevel15_: cache=none is safe, yes.01:19
level15_SpamapS: thanks01:19
SpamapSlevel15_: it may result in slower burst I/O speeds, but thats whats killing you now anyway (lots of bursts that hammer the cache)01:19
sarnoldlevel15_: that somehow reminds me of https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/106452101:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1064521 in linux "Kernel I/O scheduling writes starving reads, local DoS" [Medium,Triaged]01:19
SpamapSsarnold: that looks AIO related01:21
level15_I also read something about setting AIO to threads01:22
sarnoldSpamapS: oh? I may have missed that...01:22
level15_in KVM01:22
sarnoldSpamapS: does kvm do AIO or async io or mmap or blocking ..?01:22
SpamapSI don't think it goes through user space..01:23
level15_the bug report suggest changing the i/o scheduler... that would be on the host, not the guests, correct? And for that to work, I would need to reboot the host. Correct?01:23
SpamapSsarnold: I don't know enough to answer intelligently tho01:23
SpamapSlooks like you have to pass aio=native to turn on AIO01:24
SpamapSlevel15_: no not correct01:25
level15_I read threads was better than native01:25
SpamapSlevel15_: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-change-io-scheduler-for-harddisk/01:25
sarnoldSpamapS: drat :)01:25
level15_SpamapS: good! thanks!01:25
SpamapSlevel15_: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/lnxinfo/v3r0m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fliaat%2Fliaatbpkvmasynchio.htm01:26
SpamapSlevel15_: no hard data there, but "tests show it improves thigns" blah blah01:26
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level15_SpamapS: So i should use a raw device instead of files... I would have liked to know that before i set up my VMs :-S01:31
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SpamapSlevel15_: thats a pretty common paradigm. Files are only for convenience01:42
sarnoldbut man they are convenient. :)01:48
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level15_thanks for your help earlier today.03:23
trimetaI run a home server, which gives me the landscape-based system info whenever I log in. I like this, but I'd like to configure exactly what landscape shows, rather than just seeing the default info. Is there a way to find a sample /etc/landscape/client.conf (or even a landscape-sysinfo man page) without installing the full landscape-client package which doesn't make any sense with a single-server setup? (E.g., a setup wh03:33
trimetaHmm, aptitude show suggests that landscape-client is more about integrating with Ubuntu's cloud infrastructure. I don't want that either; I'm happy to just ssh into my own server. I'd just like to configure what appears when I do so.03:34
tedskiI'm trying to get 12.04 ready for production to migrate our systems off lucid... we use nis netgroups in ldap and i'm noticing a bug in libpam-modules (pam_access.so specifically) 1.1.3-7ubuntu3.  I read that this is fixed in > 1.1.3 but I notice quetzal still has 1.1.3.  I tried quetzal's build anyway, but to no avail.  If i bring in pam_access.so from a 1.1.1 machine (lucid has 1.1.1), it works fine.  What is my best course of action at this point?03:42
tedskishould I build my own package using pam 1.1.5?03:42
tedskishould I roll all systems back to lucid's working version of libpam-modules?03:42
tedskior is there a more sane way to get an updated version of libpam-modules?03:43
ReekenXtedski: First question: is mirgration really important or it can just wait?03:47
tedskiit's important03:47
tedskiand a coworker may or may not have already allowed a few precise boxes in prod :(03:47
tedskihence my penchant for a shitty workaround03:48
ReekenXWell I don't know maybe others have different opinion, but in your place I would just build my own package and when apt repositories will update you will receive developers build package.03:50
ScottKtedski: If you can find the exact change from upstream that fixed it, we can get a post-release update done, but in the meantime, if you've tested bringing the lucid package forward and it works in your use case, it's not insane.03:50
tedskiScottK: yeah, i haven't tested the whole package, just pam_access.so03:51
tedskiScottK: i'll see if i can find the change in the upstream release03:52
tedskiReekenX: thanks for the advice, that's what i'll do in the meantime03:52
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tedskihrmm... okay... so it is fixed in Linux-PAM-1.1.5 and the fix is somewhere in here http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286316/04:33
tedskii'll poke at it a bit more tomorrow and nail down the exact fix04:33
SpamapSMan, I used to think NIS was dead04:37
SpamapSbut the number of bug reports I see about it make me think twice04:37
SpamapSI mean, it is walking dead, no doubt04:38
tedskiit is04:38
tedskiand this is nis migrated to ldap04:38
tedskiyay for legacy04:38
ScottKtedski: Once you get it nailed down, file a bug with the patch and steps for reproducing the issue.  Then give me a ping with the bug number and I"ll look at getting it in.04:40
tedskiScottK: sweet.. thanks, will do04:40
* tedski &04:41
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chovynzhow do I make functions and where are they stored?08:43
melmothchovynz, what do you mean by functions ?08:48
chovynzalias wouldthiswork='find ~ -name "* *" -type f && $(($(find ~ -name "* *" -type f | wc -l -printf 1+)0))'                 what im trying to do, is list all files that have spaces, then number them. I currently have success. But I want to pass the result of the second find to a variable so I can say echo there are <variable> files that have spaces. Someone suggested I use functions instead of alias08:50
chovynzmelmoth: where does the function go? in bashrc or in .bash_aliases ?08:52
melmoth.bashrc i think08:53
melmothor any file you source before calling it08:53
chovynz.bash_aliases is being sourced anyway, so could I continue to use that but with a function inside, instead of an alias?08:54
melmothtry :)08:57
chovynzmelmoth: -bash: /home/nathaniel/.bash_aliases: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `(' -bash: /home/nathaniel/.bash_aliases: line 1: `spacef() {'      what am i doing wrong? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286580/09:08
melmothworks here09:09
chovynzhow do you get it to work?09:10
melmothi mean i just pasted the function ina file, sourced it and launched spacef09:10
chovynzwhats the output?09:10
melmothit s still running :)09:11
melmothi m not sure about what the find is doing09:11
melmothbut i can call the function all right09:11
melmothwell, it show the number of file but $spacef is not correctly set09:12
melmothit s actually.. not set at all09:12
chovynzthe find is trying to find all files with a space in it,09:12
chovynzhow do i set it lol09:12
chovynz$me=dumby. echo chovynz is $me09:15
chovynzmelmoth: i would kiss you even if you were a hedgehog09:18
chovynzthank you very much09:18
* melmoth think nobody knows you are a dog on the internet :-)09:20
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pittihello everyone10:48
pittiI've got a question aboutu charms again10:48
pittiI checked out jibel's jhbuild charm and was making some edits to it, in particular hooks/install10:48
pitti(locally, nothing committed to LP)10:49
pittiI run this as "juju deploy --repository ~/ubuntu/charms local:jhbuild jhbuild-test"10:49
pittishoudl this use the actual files in ~/ubuntu/charms/quantal/jhbuild/* ?10:49
pittibecause every time I do this, the thing that lands in the newly created VMs is the old version without my changes10:50
pittiwhat does seem to help is to run upgrade-charm afterwards10:59
pittiI even bumped revision, but it still seems to deploy revision 110:59
pittiis that cached somewhere?10:59
melmothpitti, i think you need to increment your charm revision file11:04
pittithat's what I tried after the first failed attempt11:04
pittibut after bumping it still deployed versino 111:04
pittiI now destroyed teh whole env and re-bootstrapping11:04
pittimelmoth: where in the stack does it cache the old revisions?11:05
melmothi have no idea11:05
* melmoth is a juju n00b11:05
pittiok, thanks11:05
pittidestroying env & re-bootstrap helped11:06
pittibut that can't be the final answer11:07
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skaethiya,  anyone around that can help us finish off the testing of Ubuntu Server for 12.10?   We've still got some manditory tests that need to be run:  http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/240/builds12:03
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ubsrvhi, trying to install a packet using ppa geting this probleme , http://pastebin.com/YJFSsWuV13:38
TLoTis that a private PPA?13:39
TLoTi'm assuming so since the team its connected to doesnt show for normal people13:40
ubsrvits open bravo comunity edition for ubuntu servers13:40
TLoTubsrv: you sure that ppa link is right?13:41
TLoTthe format returns a 404 when i convert it to its LP link13:41
ubsrvyes right !13:41
submanI'm installing Ubuntu Server for the first time and it seems to have stalled after successfully configuring the network.  No error, just a purple screen.13:42
tedskiubsrv: according to open bravo's documentation... you're using the wrong ppa13:43
TLoTubsrv: nnnope.  https://launchpad.net/~openbravoisv fails.  try using ppa:openbravo-isv/ppa instead13:43
tedskiadd-apt-repository ppa:openbravo-isv/ppa13:43
TLoTand you're probably using the wrong ppa if you're using the wrong link13:43
TLoTwhich i said already, your link was likely wrong.13:43
tedskithat's from http://wiki.openbravo.com/wiki/Installation/Ubuntu13:43
ubsrvthx guyz !13:46
jamespage bug 106792914:10
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1067929 in maas "maas-region-celeryd connects to the wrong queue." [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106792914:10
hggdhmatsubara: how's the maas test going?15:05
matsubarahggdh, bad15:07
matsubarahggdh, trying to figure out why the nodes are not enlisting at  the moment in the lab15:07
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hallynSpamapS: hi, could you pls accept https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=lxc  soon?  or if you won't get a chance, lemme know and i may add 2-3 bugs to that queue15:16
hallynstgraber: it looks like you haven't merged my github.com/hallyn/lxc with lxc-oracle?  I'm going to push his last patch to there now, so when you do merge it you can get it all at once (in a few mins)15:25
stgraberhallyn: ok, sounds good15:26
stgraberhallyn: a bit busy with release, should have time to pull later today or tomorrow15:26
acidflashubuntu server 12.04 -> I am trying to add nameservers in /etc/network/interfaces  ; isnt it added like this -> nameserver
stgraberacidflash: dns-nameservers
acidflashstgraber: has it changed from nameserver to dns-nameservers ?15:30
SpamapShallyn: SRU processing is about 2 weeks behind right now15:31
* SpamapS disappears15:31
stgraberacidflash: no15:31
hallynstgraber: understood, thanks!15:34
hallynstgraber: latest patch pushed to staging.oct15.1.d15:38
acidflashok i figured that i would just change it in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail15:38
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anomalyI have ssmtp setup, where root is sending emails without issue.  what am I missing, because I can not send email as a user.  I get the error "send-mail: Cannot open mailhub:25"16:31
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ANDwlkpwhat is the best chose bacula, amanda or other system to backup data?16:48
ANDwlkpdo you have any idea?16:48
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alysurCan someone point me to a channel to help with website troubles running LAMP on ubuntu server?17:17
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TheInfinityi have a 64bit system with a cups printing server (via samba). i just upgraded from 10.04 to 12.04. now my 32bit printer driver does not work any more.17:25
TheInfinitywhat would be the best way to get it back working (and btw - why did just force install work before - and now it fails?)17:25
RoyKit fails if there are dependencies that can't be resolved17:26
RoyKplease pastebin errors17:26
TheInfinityRoyK: just force install results into a dependency problem and into non working filters17:27
TheInfinitywhich is trange, in 10.04 everything was ok, also the filters (/usr/lib/cups/filter/17:28
alysurthere can be problems upgrading versions, what method did you use?17:31
RoyKor do-release-upgrade17:32
TheInfinityyea i meant this ;)17:32
alysurok good17:33
alysurlol thats about all i know about upgrading with minimal problems17:34
alysurstill learning what i can.17:34
TheInfinityalysur: eben zimbra was no problem. upgrade was really, really smoth (when i remember dapper ... huh!). but this printer driver ... huh. -.-17:35
alysuranyone able to point me to a channel more appropriate for php parsing problems?17:35
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alysurI often just backup necesary files and then do fresh installs of ubuntu and then reload the data i need back onto the machine, i view it as a safer method17:36
RoyKTheInfinity: I'd say file a bug, but please set LC_ALL=C before filing it, since not all people understands German ;)17:36
alysurmight just be paranoid though +P17:36
alysurich verstehe nicht17:37
TheInfinityRoyK: the deb is a i386 deb ... which is the problem at all. the main problem is - what's the right way to use 32bit printer drivers in 64bit systems?17:38
sarnoldwarum nicht? :)17:38
RoyKTheInfinity: there seems to be conflicts between libs17:38
alysurrunning a 64bit version?17:39
* TheInfinity runs a 64 bit server, yea17:39
alysurI had problems that i was directed to make sure i downloaded the 32bit libraries17:39
RoyKdoes anyone run 32bit OSes anymore? ;)17:39
TheInfinityRoyK: ... at a server? ;=17:39
alysuri do, on 32 bit systems =P17:39
RoyKwell, not much choice17:39
* RoyK only has a couple of ARM machines on 32bit17:40
alysurnot a server, that was a desktop enviornment, but i remember having troubles running 32bit applications on a 64bit version17:40
RoyKalysur: afaics this isn't a 32/64bit problem, but a problem with older libs installed than what's needed17:41
alysuralrighty, i never did get the 32bit apps running . not really relavent here though17:42
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TheInfinityok that's scary. first time i tried apt-get -f install's only sollution was to uninstall my driver package. now - i do not think i changed anything - it provides an solution which installs several i386 libs17:42
TheInfinitywtf Oo17:42
TheInfinityi dont like different behaviour at same request.17:42
sarnoldTheInfinity: there were a few hours yesterday with busted mirrors; did you perhaps get the "remove" option during those hours?17:42
TheInfinitysarnold: everything yesterday17:43
TheInfinityin the last 6 houres17:43
sarnoldah, then ignore me again ;)17:43
alysurill be back in a short bit here17:43
TheInfinitysarnold: but thanks, such "minor" issues often have quite unhealthy results :)17:43
sarnoldTheInfinity: yes, I spent half an hour investigating my own local system before questioning the mirrors... hehe.17:44
RoyKhttp://www.ubuntu.com/ <-- :D17:50
TheInfinitythis seems to work17:57
TheInfinityi have _no_ idea how ubuntu decides that this specific cups filters have to be run in 32bit mode17:57
sarnoldTheInfinity: was the filter produced by xerox or something, and just provided as a binary blob?17:58
TheInfinityand i habe also no idea why ubuntu offered me this time the 32bit lib solution17:58
TheInfinitysarnold: binary blob, it's a dell printer which seems to be a relabled fuji xerox17:59
sarnoldhow's that for confusing? :()17:59
TheInfinityi have _no_ idea what dell, xerox and fuji had in mind when they developed this. i hope nothing. i'm afraid it's pure sadism -.-18:00
patdk-wkwell, dell doesn't make anything, it's all rebranded stuff18:13
patdk-wkwell, I guess the do make their motherboards, or have them made for them18:14
RoyKpatdk-wk: Dell has bought a few companies over the time, and thus are making their own things more and more18:22
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RoyKsuch as EqualLogic SANs18:22
patdk-wkya, that is the only oneI can think of18:22
RoyKwhich I have begun to get a rather bad feeling about18:22
RoyKno checksumming, just trusting drives' ECC18:22
RoyKbad indeed18:22
RoyKthe chance for a checksum collision on most drives are low, said to be 1:10^14 or 1:10^15, in practice perhaps 1:10^1218:23
RoyKstill a high number, unless you have a truckload of drives18:24
RoyKbetter use something sane like ZFS :รพ18:24
l0p3nHello! I am trying to load ubuntu-server iso from grub but I am failing. Could someone please take a look at the commands I'm using and tell me what I'm doing wrong?  http://pastebin.com/4NTFqexJ18:49
sarnoldl0p3n: perhaps a forgotten 'insmod fat'?18:55
sarnoldl0p3n: you also have hyphens before noprompt and noeject -- is that intentional? (unlikely to be related)18:55
TheInfinitythanks for everything, especially @ RoyK :)19:00
l0p3nsarnold: Oh I see that now. But I did use --noeject and --noprompt in grub. And I have also tried using insmod fat.19:07
l0p3nsarnold: When I followed the steps in the tutorial using an Ubuntu-desktop image I had no problems booting the image. I just can't understand why I can't do the same thing with a ubuntu-server-image :/19:09
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Sentynelhi folks, just upgraded my ec2 server to 12.10 and it won't boot. I suspect grub is broken; the server starts up but fails EC2's reachability check, and nothing is getting written to /var/log/boot* or anything. I've got the root volume mounted to another ec2 server and chrooted in, but running grub-install fails saying "path /boot/grub is not readable by grub on boot."20:37
SentynelI also tried just running update-grub, which ran with no complaints but didn't make any difference20:38
Sentynelany suggestions?20:38
hallynSentynel: is /boot a different drive?  did you mount it?  any errors upon mounting?  any drives full by chance?20:48
Sentynelhallyn: no, single volume. I mounted it and chrooted in. there's plenty of space on the drive.20:49
RoyKcall amazon20:49
patdk-laphmm, the drive was setup at sector 2048 or higher right?21:11
Sentynelwhatever the amazon defaults are21:11
patdk-lapI know many people where having issues cause grub breaks the 32k limit now21:11
Sentynelit's worked fine for the last year and two upgrades21:11
patdk-lapyes, but you said you upgraded21:11
patdk-lapand upgrade from what install would matter21:11
Sentynelit was originally 11.0421:11
patdk-lapso it should be, but I can't confirm21:12
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chovynzI have a bunch of music on my server, what can I use to get them served? currently I can access them via http, but that's clunky. What program (on both ends), one that serves, and one that controls or can make their own playlist independantly of other computers?21:28
diogo_79hi guys21:46
diogo_79i have install ubuntu server 12.0421:46
diogo_79and i am having trouble to install modem 56k21:47
diogo_79is this possible?21:47
diogo_79i want to use this server has a fax server21:47
diogo_79but i need to install a modem21:47
diogo_79i have us robotics cr-21 56k pci21:48
diogo_79but i cannot get it to work21:48
sarnoldwhat fails?21:49
dannfsudo start21:49
paco1hello @ll!22:03
paco1im creating a dns test server with ubuntu server 12.04. I have problems with the new resolvconf configuration. In fact, with ubuntu server 10.04, with the same configs dns files, all works fine22:04
paco1and i think the problem is resolvconf22:09
paco1i don't know really how to setup it, meanwhile there are a lot of documentations22:10
paco1for exemple, what is the difference between dns-search and dns-nameservers in /etc/network/interfaces and search and namserver in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base?22:13
paco1thamks very much22:13
hallynsmb`: filed bug 1068365 about the openvswitch problem.  gotta go, bbl.22:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1068365 in linux "openvswitch gre tunnels not working in quantal" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106836522:19
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