
wxlooh i like this preseed business00:25
wxli was concerned it wouldn't play right with ppc but it seems to be behaving00:26
wxlso far so good on the server upgrades00:26
wxl5 passed, 1 in progress00:27
balloonsjust finished wubi upgrade00:30
balloonsall went well00:31
wxli was excited to see lubuntu in wubi00:31
wxli didn't know it was there00:31
wxlwe're working on docs to point out that fact00:31
ubot5Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party02:48
holsteinhowdy! ...we are hustling to get the 64bit ubuntustudio tests done from http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/240/builds/26218/testcases03:57
holsteinwe still have time? correct? how much time do you think we have? and, could we talk anyone in to helping out you think?03:57
ScottKholstein: I think you have some time.  It's only 5AM in the UK right now.03:59
wxlaw shoot ubuntu server ppc failed for preseed04:00
wxli've noticed a lot of these testcases seem to be copied over from x86 tests04:00
wxli wonder if the preseed file isn't inappropriate04:00
ScottKThey probably are.04:00
ScottKIIRC, dapper was the last release that powerpc was a Canonical supported architecture.04:00
wxlthat's nice :)04:01
holsteinScottK: we'll see what we can do.. thanks!04:01
=== Ursinhal is now known as Ursinha
* ScottK is going to bed, but if anyone has time, it looks like Xubuntu could use some help.04:42
holsteinanything special i need to do to make a hardware profile? just sudo lshw and pastebin?04:45
ScottKFor filing a bug?04:48
holsteinScottK: just for on the testcases04:48
ScottKOh.  Dunno.04:48
* ScottK was going to bed anyway ...04:48
holsteinwell, i'll link it.. wont hurt04:49
holsteinScottK: GN04:49
Noskcajwxl: are you able to test the netboot let?05:01
Noskcajanyone(its PPC)?05:02
holsteinwell, the ubuntustudio 64bit tests are mostly done05:16
holsteini think someone more familiar should test the persistent live one.. and i'lll try and find someone before i go to sleep05:16
holsteinactually, i didnt see http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/240/builds/26107/testcases05:33
holsteinthe upgrade one.. we dont have that one done for 64bit, and it wont get done in time.. is that a deal breaker?05:34
Noskcajwhy doesn't netboot have bug reporting instructions?05:57
wxlNoskcaj: i'm still working on server06:09
wxlnot even close O_O06:09
Noskcajwxl: do you know of anyone who can?06:09
Noskcajphilballew hid when i asked him06:09
philballewI have a ppc laptop06:10
philballewnever tried06:10
philballewsorry for hiding, currently doing homework for a java class06:10
wxldoes it require a flash drive?06:11
Noskcajwxl, cd or dvd works as well06:11
Noskcajphilballew: just if you have time06:11
wxlok cuz booting flash on openfirmware BLOWS06:12
Noskcaji know06:12
Noskcaji couldn't get it to work at all06:12
wxlyeah i have about a 1% success rate06:12
wxlsooooooooo did you try netboot with cd/dvd then?06:13
wxldd worked fine?06:13
philballewif you live in ca your free to have it probably and play with it06:13
Noskcaji used brasero, and its running at the moment06:13
wxli assume you had no troub le finding the right url?06:15
wxltestcase is written for arm :/06:15
wxland we actually want mini.iso not an img. blah06:17
Noskcajwxl: i know, i will do a re-write of the testcase for ringtail06:17
Noskcajand put the normal link in06:18
wxlburning it with hdiutil on the intel mac06:23
wxlso what problems were you having Noskcaj ?06:24
Noskcajmy first install didnt work but im running it again06:25
Noskcajand it said to use the uk server06:25
Noskcajfor downloads06:26
wxlcool part about netboot: i can use my junky old 650mb cd-rws06:26
Noskcajwxl: so true06:28
wxlwhen you say it didnt work what happened, Noskcaj ?06:35
dholbachgood morning06:35
wxlget booted to open firmware prompt after the yaboot prompt???06:36
Noskcajwxl: it installed fine but gave an error whenever it was started, i think i somehow caused it though06:37
jibelHey dholbach06:37
dholbachhey jibel06:37
wxlcuz i realize the download info is only appropriate for 64bit06:37
Noskcajwxl: i did get the normal one06:37
wxlsomeone's smarter than me :)06:38
* wxl yawns06:48
Noskcajhow many do you have to go wxl?06:51
wxlNoskcaj: too many06:51
wxli've done 8/1506:52
wxlso 7 left06:52
Noskcaji think netboot armeel+omap will be released as it is due to the lack of rebuilds to netboot06:53
wxlbut i'm not going to bother with the 2 kvm ones or the 1 vmware one06:53
wxli don't think i can do iscsi without starting another server06:53
wxlso there's another 206:53
wxlpretty darn sure virtual machine host/kvm won't work06:54
wxlso there's another one06:54
wxlso that leaves 706:55
wxlit's not 8/15 i've done06:55
wxlforgot the run-once's06:55
wxlso all those ones i say i don't have to do and i still have to do 7 XD06:56
wxli don't think i'm going to do the raid one. it doesn't seem like it's going to work based on the fact that it relies on grub which ppc doesn't have06:57
Noskcajwxl: lol, great work testcase people07:02
wxlon the other hand as ScottK pointed out early ppc is the black sheep of the canonical family07:02
Noskcajwxl: very true07:07
wxlNoskcaj: worked. used lubuntu minimal07:29
Noskcajok, i will use xubuntu-desktop and see if that works too07:30
wxlmight try lubuntu desktop too if you care to07:30
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
wxlanywho i'm going to set this thing to installing something and go to bed07:33
Noskcajwhat do i file a bug under for an error after the mini.iso install?08:04
TheDrumsWhat type of error?08:06
Noskcajit says "Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed"08:07
Noskcajeven after many reboots08:07
Noskcajunfortunatly wxl is asleep and he just passed the testcase08:08
Noskcajanyone? balloons i'm assuming you know08:10
TheDrumsI tested one a couple days ago, no issues.08:10
Noskcajwxl said no issues either, i dont know what is happening to my g408:10
TheDrumsI did a i686.08:13
Noskcajboth mine and wxl's are PPC08:17
=== ac is now known as ac_
phillwNoskcaj: what video card do you have?09:11
Noskcajon the mac, i dont know09:13
Noskcajphillw: i wil check when i can put a normal os on it09:14
phillwNoskcaj: okies.09:14
Noskcajsorry about not putting up a proper bug report, do you like my replacement?09:15
Noskcajgood night everyone09:29
ubot5Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party09:40
phillwhi, as my *buntu hard drive has checked in sick (perfect timing), is there anyone who could test the lubuntu 12.04 --> 12.10 (AMD)?10:26
smartboyhwAnyone like to help test Ubuntu Studio upgrade amd64 testcases for us? phillw ?10:30
phillwsmartboyhw: read my last comment :(10:30
smartboyhwphillw, sorry forgotten:D10:30
phillwI have 12.04 installing into a VM as we speak, but it takes a couple of hours for me to grab an iso, so I'm not much use to you.10:31
phillwand that's a CD sized iso!10:31
smartboyhwphillw, wow...I am faster than you on that maybe10:32
phillwI'll be AFK for a couple of hours, should be back intime for release!11:49
sagaciphillw: yup11:51
=== _salem is now known as salem_
jamespagehggdh, help!12:43
hggdhjamespage: I am here, what is going on (or not going on, as it may be)?12:59
jamespagehggdh, struggling to complete the juju+maas test for quantal release12:59
jamespagewe think it works but I can find no-one who has run it on amd6412:59
jamespagehggdh, do you have the right kit to test?13:01
hggdhjamespage: I have two amd64 available13:02
jamespagehggdh: might be enough13:02
hggdhjamespage: so, what you need me to do? One of the machines already has MAAS13:08
jamespagehggdh, does it have remote power control over the other one?13:09
hggdhjamespage: nope, not directly. Both of the are on a CDU strip though, and I can control power13:09
jamespagehggdh, hmm13:11
hggdhjamespage: power can be controlled via script (Andres' implementation for the Sentry CDU). So, if this is enough, we are good13:12
cjwatsonno pressure but this is critical path now :)13:13
jamespagehggdh, I don't think you have enough nodes todo the test13:17
jamespageneeds 3 - maas, bootstrap + deploy13:17
hggdhjamespage: I can grab some machines from the lab -- say alkaid, phact, and rukbah13:19
wxlTheDrums: do you know if he figured out where to file that bug? there's another bug like that that's been affecting alternate and server for other people, even the one guy with the same video card as me who usually shares the same problems13:19
wxlphillw: just waking up. hope my email made sense13:19
cjwatsonjamespage,hggdh: any news?13:51
jamespagecjwatson, matsubara is spinning up a maas deployment now in the maas qa lab13:51
hggdhcjwatson: matsubara is running the tests on the server team's maas lab13:51
phillwwxl: as the netboot has a fail, and you state that 32 bit is the more common one required, along with it needing a workaround... it's not really fit for release.14:26
wxlphillw: the testcase is a fail, not the test14:27
phillwwith having ubuntu-core ppc, we can build server etc from that. I'd also have to make a fake RAID array under VM to test the install under VM. For this, I need my *buntu hard drive back. That is a couple of hours off line for me, so I'd miss the dead line.14:27
wxlbut i'm fine with whatever14:28
phillwI think for server-ppc, if we get it to pass the tests at some point, I'll add it as a community edition to my ISO server.14:28
smartboyhwphillw, good:D14:28
wxli really like netboot14:29
wxli forgot about that14:29
wxli did that once a long time ago14:29
cjwatsonphillw: netboot can't really not be released, FWIW14:29
cjwatsonIt's in the archive like it or not14:29
wxlphillw: so you can take care of the vm stuff and iscsi?14:29
cjwatsonAll you can really do is stick a release note on it14:29
phillwubuntu-core ppc, should be a good enough starting block14:29
phillwcjwatson: oooh, thanks - it still shows not-ready on iso tracker.14:30
wxlthe thing i'm worried about is the mandatory raid test which it is highly doubtful i will be able to accomplish just based on time alone14:30
phillwwxl: had my hard drive not checked in sick, I was going to do the raid one 1st to get it out of the way.14:31
wxli did a bunch of test yesterday while i was at work number 1, went to work number 2, then came home and did a bunch of tests until i couldn't see straight14:31
smartboyhwwxl, wow;D14:32
wxlnow it's time to do it all over again :)14:32
wxli wish that stupid recusive fault bug wasn't popping up for everyone14:33
phillwsame here....14:33
wxlthat is troubling, whatever it is, because it makes my only one other nvidia-equipped tester useless14:34
wxlluckily there appears to be more radeons out there14:34
wxland desktop works fine for them14:34
wxli have to re-do preseed too14:35
phillwI think one the guys reckoned it was about 25% nVid, 75% Radeon14:35
wxlbased on the 6 of us? XD14:35
wxlgrr virtualization host is mandatory too14:36
phillwwxl: colin says that net boot is available, but needs the release notes doing.14:36
wxlit is doubtful to me that any ppc will be kvm-friendly14:37
wxlphillw: by release notes you mean i'm supposed to write the test case appropriately? XD or i should go ahead and solve the recursive fault bug? ;)14:38
phillwjust you comments on the recursive bug and other comments from your test will be okay. raise a bug against the test case so that it can be looked into. (I've already got the "grub" one for ppc on my TODO list).14:40
wxlphillw: well reeally every ppc test needs to be reviewed but that one in particular is horrible so i'll raise a bug14:42
wxlgot to take kid to school14:42
balloonshowdy gents14:49
smartboyhwhowdy babyface_14:49
smartboyhwhowdy balloons14:49
babyface_hello smartboyhw14:49
smartboyhwbabyface_, sorry want to say howdy to balloons tab failure:P14:50
babyface_smartboyhw,  that's ok   ;)14:50
balloonsdon't worry babyface_ I'll still say hello to you!14:50
balloonsdid you get a chance to test the chinese images?14:50
babyface_balloons, downloading, will test it after the downloading14:51
babyface_balloons, I  got this issue from plars just now14:51
balloonsbabyface_, ahh I see the chat14:52
balloonsyou can't zsync them eh?14:52
babyface_balloons, I can, but, you know, there are no old chinese images on my disk, so it's the same as a fresh download14:54
balloonsahh.. figures14:56
wxlballoons: the mandatory virtualization host test for ubuntu server ppc requires the use of kvm which according to their homepage only supports x86 hardware with virtualization extensions, which is to say, it's irrelevant for ppc. can we remove it?15:11
wxlalso am i wrong but this testcase seems a little sparse http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/240/builds/26210/testcases/1445/results15:13
phillwballoons: the same could be said of RAID, as the link points to using KVM to create a 'software' RAID15:13
wxli can guarantee that one's going to pass XD15:13
* balloons distracted for a moment15:13
balloonsbe with you a few15:13
wxlphillw: it's possible to run a test as a guest but not possible to run kvm on the host if the host is ppc15:14
wxlso yeah actually the iscsi root (virtualized kvm) test is invalid too15:14
wxlso nevermind that going to pass thing ;)15:14
phillwwxl: just wait for Nicholas to catch up with us.15:15
wxloff to make breakfast then :)15:15
phillwwxl: thanks for the all-nighter!15:16
wxluh oh we got people looking to install already on #lubuntu ;)15:20
phillwit's not finalised yet!15:21
wxlhah i know15:21
sagacikubuntu 934mb, ubuntu 763mb15:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 763 in zope2.7 (Ubuntu) "Something wrong on mkzope2.7instance" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76315:23
wxl< linux_training:#twitter_wxl> [84] Ubuntu Linux 12.10 review: Better, but slower http://t.co/dAqGSpuU <bit.ly/U9nz8C>15:23
phillwsend them to #ubuntu-release-party15:24
* wxl fears joining said channel due to the potential flood15:25
phillwhe he, I'm just awaiting the note from kate, so I can set about the GetLubuntu Wiki!15:26
wxlew zdnet recommending mint over ubuntu bummer15:26
wxlphillw: are you or karl or someone taking care of linking the L-PPCFAQ to the release notes?15:27
phillwdepends what type of DE you want!15:27
phillwwxl: I've been on once to do a tidy up, anything else need doing?15:27
wxlno should be ok, i just did one too after you15:28
phillwyou comments on minimal for ppc would be appreeciated, I think server-ppc is okay once we strip out the N/A test cases.15:28
phillwwxl: has the tomcat test instance finished for ppc-server?15:30
wxlrunning the last tests now15:32
wxlphillw: you mean comments on netboot?15:33
balloonsk -- so what's up?15:33
phillwokies, I've let kate know that I'm waiting on Nicholas to confirm the N/A tests for server15:33
phillwballoons: several test cases (the ones not done) require KVM, which is not supported on PPC and therefor are N/A ... can these be removed from the mandatory tests?15:34
wxlballoons: basically we need ot kill the kvm tests on ubuntu server ppc as ppc chips can't do kvm15:34
wxl↑ what he said15:34
balloonsgot it15:34
balloonslet's go15:34
phillwkate has agreed to hang on whilst I sought agreement from you.15:34
balloonsyes, we can do that15:35
balloonshowever, we can't do it right now15:35
balloonswell, I guess we can15:35
balloonsif we change the testsuite now, it will refresh everything15:36
balloonsmeaning you will need to re-report the results15:36
smartboyhwballoons, not good when 12.10 testing almost came to the end..15:36
wxlmark 'em all as passed with notes? ;)15:37
balloonswxl, phillw it won't require re-testing obviously15:37
wxltomcat done15:37
stgraberphillw, balloons: kvm supports ppc, it's pretty recent but our qemu-kvm is building for ppc and BenC has been poking hallyn and some others to fix some bugs15:37
stgraberso removing a testcase because kvm doesn't exist on PPC would be wrong15:37
wxlstgraber: kvm supports ppc as a GUEST not as a HOST15:37
wxlor am i reading you right?15:37
phillwstgraber: so it will be available for 13.04?15:37
stgraberwxl: see ppc section: http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Processor_support15:38
wxlwell i'll be a monkey's uncle15:38
wxlhomepage needs to be updated15:39
stgraberwxl: some ppc CPU have hardware virtualization and are supported by kvm though it's apparently still early stage15:39
wxli quote: "KVM (for Kernel-based Virtual Machine) is a full virtualization solution for Linux on x86 hardware containing virtualization extensions (Intel VT or AMD-V"15:39
balloonswxl, phillw so you were basing this on real life experience or ?15:39
wxlx86 hardware != ppc ;)15:39
wxlballoons: basing it on kvm's home page15:39
wxlbut it also sounds like we can't be sure it will work15:40
wxlcertainly not for 12.1015:40
wxlright, stgraber ? i can't just grab it out of the repos?15:40
wxlor perhaps even more appropriately, the virtualization host task won't install it15:40
stgraberas far as I know we have a qemu-kvm binary for PPC in the archive15:40
wxlwell i'll give it a shot15:40
stgrabernow you may need some pretty specific CPU to make it work15:40
wxlbut if it fails, i'm not going to mark it failed. we'll discuss it then15:41
balloonswxl, yes, I would try15:41
phillwstgraber: so, should we mark as N/A until we have time to do further work. Otherwise perver-ppc is a NOGO15:41
stgraberppc is a port, so the lack of result for a single test shouldn't prevent publication15:42
wxli have a g4 32 so it should work15:42
wxlstgraber: well it *IS* a mandatory test as the suite is written15:42
wxlby the letter of the law and all…15:42
phillwnot sure how much time we have left before kate closes the door on testing....15:42
wxlwell i have to go to work15:44
wxlwhen i get there i'll run the test15:44
wxlhopefully i can have it donerelatively soon15:44
cjwatsonit's ridiculous to require virt host on powerpc when it's so new16:06
cjwatsonbesides, it's too late, that image was already marked ready, signed off, and published16:06
cjwatsonfeel free to release note it but it is too late to say it's not releaseable now16:07
ScottKwxl: mandatory isn't really mandatory in all cases.  It means you have to think about if it's important.16:10
phillwcjwatson: once again, thanks.16:10
cjwatsonright, ScottK puts it more gracefully :)16:10
cjwatsonthe rules are meant to be interpreted by humans16:11
phillwScottK: all the various ways that we can install server-ppc have been checked. KVM stuff is not applicable to all PPC machines, and will be moved from mandatory.16:11
ScottKThat and a lot of the powerpc test cases were blindly copied for i386/amd64.16:11
phillwjust not 10 minutes before deadline :D16:11
ScottKSo you have to think about it is a lot more true for powerpc than other archs.16:11
phillwScottK: I'm more than happy with the verification of the 'standard' installs that have been done. They should cover all PPC's, the others may, or may not, be applicable depending on hardware.16:13
phillwThat will require a whole new wiki area to be written!16:14
phillwcjwatson: just a quick query.. I don't see server-ppc listed at http://releases.ubuntu.com/quantal/16:22
cjwatsonphillw: powerpc is on cdimage - follow the link at the top16:23
phillwcjwatson: that just shows alternate and desktop? I was looking where the server images are stored?16:25
smartboyhwphillw, the cdimage link shows the ppc server image16:26
cjwatsonyes, I checked16:26
phillwfound them, it's just so I can update the wiki page with all these 'new' ones that have arrived :) Thanks!16:27
smartboyhwphillw, :D16:28
wxljust for grins i'm gonan try the virtualization host16:48
wxlmight be cool to know where we stand for 13.0416:49
balloonswxl, :-)16:49
wxlglad to hear i'm not going to be under the gun tho16:51
* balloons puts wxl under the rope16:51
wxloops wrong channel16:53
wxlanyone: is there a place where canonical keeps track of which architectures are being used? i'm especially curious about 32 v 64 bit regardless of whether or not we're ttalking about x86 or whatever17:04
phillwwxl: sadly, not. As there are so many ways of getting the iso's it is pointless trying to keep track.17:12
phillwwxl: were you aware that there is a 32bit AND 64bit netboot for PPC? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/quantal/17:14
wxlphillw: yes i passed the 3217:14
wxlbtw stgraber et al. the virtualization host task failed. kvm-ok is not found and lsmod | grep kvm is null. so put that on the todo list for 13.04.17:15
wxlphew i can't take that release party channel anymore17:15
phillwI'm just editing that part of the Wiki now...17:15
phillwI never joined it :P17:16
wxlso what do you need from me?17:16
wxlit's like a freaking high school party17:16
phillwDid anyone test the 64 bit netinstall for PPC?17:17
wxlno 64bit here sorry17:17
phillwokies, I'll ask on mailing list. It may be a N/A for lubuntu.17:17
wxlit'll prolly work17:17
smartboyhwOK someone change the topic....Ubuntu 12.10 is released!!!!!!!17:18
phillwyeah, I'll put it up on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall for completeness sake :D17:18
phillwclose quarter wiki editing with this amount of links in per table is making my eyes wonky!17:19
=== jibel changed the topic of #ubuntu-testing to: Welcome to Ubuntu QA and Testing | http://qa.ubuntu.com/ | Ubuntu 12.10 is released! | http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com
balloonseven jibel stuck around for that :-)17:21
smartboyhwbabyface_, woot17:21
smartboyhwOuch balloons phillw woot17:21
jibelCongrats everyone !17:21
smartboyhwYay yay yay17:21
* phillw still editing wiki area...17:22
smartboyhwphillw, oh sorry:P17:23
phillwGetLubuntu all updated...17:25
smartboyhwphillw, :D17:26
phillwmy server is now zsyncing, as soon as it is done each team listed at http://phillw.net/isos/ may use it as a secondary direct server download.17:27
smartboyhwphillw, yay17:27
wxlphillw: should https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu reference the lubuntu ppc faq too?17:35
phillwwxl: it's all done via release notes.17:40
phillwI haven't even had time to check links yet! 3 pages of iso links to alter... Standard, Alternate and mini.iso!17:41
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
phillwwxl: link to release notes added to GetLubuntu17:43
wxlhey at least when ubuntu for android comes out we won't need to test that for ppc17:45
phillwis there anyone about from arm for Lubuntu release?17:46
wxlwhat's minimum hardware for lubuntu arm?17:48
wxli have two old webos phones that maybe i could make work17:48
wxli know one of them had instructions on running debian lxde off of it17:49
wxlmy pre2 is indeed a cortex a817:51
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
phillwwxl: I'll look for ogra coming online, the ARM team have been looking after the testing etc. They asked for a low resource version, but our devs don't have access to ARM kit, so they've been looking after that 'in-house'.18:22
wxlphillw: it probably won't be easy to do, especially considering there's no external storage (read: sd card) but i'm not wedded to the phone. i'd hack it as needed. would be a fun project18:27
wxlis it time to start testing 13.04 yet? ;)18:33
phillwwxl: the information about arm is at http://lubuntu.lafibre.info/12.10/18:36
wxlhm, pretty scant18:37
njinthanks to all the group for the great work done. Fabio18:58
njinballoons, hallo, great intro...http://www.ubuntu.com/  lol19:10
phillwballoons: I don't have a list of the TL's for the different flavours, but can you let them know that all members of the family that are listed at http://phillw.net/isos/ have Quantal iso's available as a secondary direct server.19:26
phillwballoons: hold that note! just found at least one hasn't got on.19:28
balloonsphillw, hehe19:41
balloonsstudio is 40419:42
phillwindeed, that was the one I checked. unit is looking into it.19:42
phillwit is the 1st time the script has been fully run, so a bit of tweaking is to be expected.19:43
phillwas it is zsync, re-running it causes minimal traffic for the images it already dafely has.19:43
wxlhey i didn't know there was ATA over ethernet. are we going to add that along with iSCSI for server tests?20:08
phillwwxl: they still make ATA hard drives? :P20:15
wxler forgot my eyes there20:16
phillwforgiven, you spent a long time at the screen!20:16
wxlyou sound like the guy on the party channel that was like "why do they recommend 32 bit still? NO ONE uses anything but 64 bit anymore"20:16
wxlsame guy was of course saying ppc is so "1998"20:16
phillwah... 1998, when men were men & he was a but a little sperm....20:17
phillwballoons: when will you next be on 'normal' duties? I have a batch of 'old' test cases to be converted :)20:41
balloonsphillw, we can do it anytime now20:43
phillwballoons: whilst we were busy, Julien did make a start on the lubuntu "test once' cases that are specific to LX :)20:44
balloonsyea, now that the release is out, we can go wild on fixing up the cases20:45
Noskcajdo you guys want me to start xubntu lvm + encription?20:45
Noskcajor netboot20:45
phillwNoskcaj: all our iso's got out :)20:45
balloonsNoskcaj, the lvm+encryption for xubuntu should be the same as ubuntu20:45
Noskcajthen can someone put it in20:45
Noskcajphillw: i meant rewrite20:46
balloonsxubuntu I believe is set with what they want20:46
balloonsfeel free to re-write netboot20:47
balloonsit's on the list20:47
balloonsNoskcaj, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/QuantalTestcaseUpdates20:47
balloonsthat's all the outstanding work for testcases20:47
wxlthat netboot testcase, phew20:48
phillwballoons: you know what? I completely forgot about that page :(20:49
wxlthe server ppc raid testcase also needs serious looking at20:49
Noskcajballoons: i will start on that sometime soon, i am pretty sure the xubuntu guys want lvm + encription20:49
phillwwxl: all the ppc cases need looking at - espec. those that involve KVM, they will not be mandatory owing to it never going to be supported on all ppc archs.20:50
phillwbut, as a 'test once' it may be useful if we find any ppc kit that supports KVM :)20:50
Noskcaji think the upgrade to 12.10 servers are overloaded20:51
Noskcaji'm only getting 40kb/s20:51
phillwNoskcaj: quite possibly!20:51
phillwNoskcaj: as lubuntu still ships an alternate, using http://linuxpoison.blogspot.com.ar/2011/06/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-using-alternate.html may well be faster. You can grab the iso from http://phillw.net/isos/lubuntu/quantal/release/ which may be a far faster method :)20:54
Noskcajphillw: i will just stick with the main installer20:55
Noskcaji have made a typewith.me for netboot ppc that i will start working on http://typewith.me/p/netbootppc20:56
wxlphillw: unless stgraber can convince us otherwise ;)21:03
phillwwxl: as I mentioned, with work ongoing, ppc people will no doubt be asked to test what they come up with.21:04
phillwballoons: with the exception of the lubuntu alpha's & beta's which hold ppc stuff, is it safe to purge the other flavours so we have a clean sheet for 13.04?21:12
balloonsphillw, you can safely purge everything from 12.10, except ppc as you mentioned21:13
phillwokies, I'll do that manually. All except server are now mirrored.21:14
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
phillwballoons: who best to ask about the non-standard way http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/ is set up?21:25
phillwprecise is in one place ... releases has maverik and there is no entry for quantal!21:27
phillwI'm assuming http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/ has the quantal ones?21:27
phillwnot sure if colin is the one to ask, he was approving ppc stuff earlier whilst we were debating :D21:30
balloonscdimage isn't really meant to host anything21:34
balloonsit's a temporary spot21:34
phillwnow's a good time to grab it, before they go move it :D21:41
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
phillwsorry balloons, my turn to get totally side tracked. It will need a completely new script to handle ubuntu & ubuntu-server. I'm just grabbing the server ones in manually so that they are there :)22:37
phillwand probably upsetting people as they come in at ~5 Mb/s to my mirror..22:38
phillwballoons: did you get chance to look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing#Applications_test_cases or do you want to leave it until tomorrow?22:41
balloonsphillw,  no22:41
balloonsok -- so migrate those?22:41
phillwballoons: if you would be so kind? I sorta remember you had a little script to do that?22:42
phillwwow, coming in at 10Mb/s now.... at least I won't be troubling the releases server very long :)22:43
phillwahh, its pulling them in from the cloud.... I'm VERY impressed!22:47
balloonsphillw, I can convert tes22:59
phillwballoons: if you can convert, that would be a help.... the lubuntu-testing crew are now eager to get their hands on test cases.... Boy, are they gluttens for punishment!23:01
balloonsnot today23:01
balloonsbut later23:01
phillwI'll catch you tomorrow, it's been a long 3 days, and stressful at times. How the heck we went from zero tests passed on 17th, to nearly everything passed, across all archs and flavours is a testament to the sheer bloody mindedness of the testers - across all flavours of our family.23:03
phillwI'm fortunate to have the L-QA guys, but you also know that all the QA people really did rise to the occaission on this one!23:04

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