
zykotick9jrib: i'd say anything suggesting adding 10.10 repos to 10.04 is questionable material anyways ;)00:00
darkprincessNope found it.00:00
ccbndarkprincess: cool, good luck, i gotta go, others should be able to help if you still have questions, good luck!00:00
darkprincessKk Thanks!00:01
jribzykotick9: *nod*00:01
jribjohn_doe_jr: hold on, let me grab a 12.04 iso really quick00:01
john_doe_jrjrib: man thank you so much for all your help!  Will you have to do a sudo apt-get update  and a sudo apt-get upgrade…that might take some time00:02
john_doe_jrjrib: it's 64bit 12.04 Server00:03
jribjohn_doe_jr: well at least 10 minutes to download00:04
john_doe_jrjrib: I've learned to just do a sudo apt-get update and then a sudo apt-get upgrade and then immediately snap shot it in vmware....00:04
jribjohn_doe_jr: yeah, that's a good idea00:04
john_doe_jrjrib: if you can help me get this working….I think I'm going scream b/c I've been @ this for days00:05
john_doe_jrI have noticed that I do get a dpkg-checkbuilddepts says, unmet build dependencies: gsoap (<< 2.8) libflaim-dev (>= 4.0)00:06
=== Dad_ is now known as Guest14332
ASkogliHey. One quick quastion: I used a guide for Ubuntu 10.10 when I was setting up my partitions, is there any difference between that setup and the setup for Ubuntu 12.04?00:09
jribASkogli: what guide?00:09
Biocideyou could just update00:09
john_doe_jrhow do you check the version of your installed software from the command line?00:09
jribjohn_doe_jr: apt-cache policy PACKAGE00:09
Biocidethe setup for 12.04 is virtually seamless00:10
zykotick9ASkogli: assuming you aren't using a 2+TB drive, i doubt there is much, if any difference.  IF it is 2+tb, then yes - things have changed.00:10
Biocidei upgraded from 11.10 threw the update manager00:10
ASkogliA guide from linuxBSDos.com.00:10
john_doe_jrjrib: thanks00:10
ASkogliIt's a 640GB drive00:10
Biocidei would be running 12.10 beta 2 but whats the point when 12.10 comes out 2mrw00:11
zykotick9ASkogli: i "bet" it's find then.  but don't use outdated guides!  try to search for official or quasi-offical ubuntu documentation VS some random post on the internet.00:11
zykotick9ASkogli: s/find/fine/00:11
ASkogliThe reason I wonder is because its a partition called /boot. And when I check other guide there was no /boot in those guides00:12
john_doe_jrWell, apparently I need a version of gsoap that is << 2.8 but I have 2.8.4-2…do you know how I can down grade my version?00:12
zykotick9ASkogli: ahh.  /boot separate is silly!00:12
jribjohn_doe_jr: I'd check the nofolder documentation to see if that's really required (a version less that 2.8)00:12
ASkogliHow will this effect me when I going to Install Windows 7 as a secondary OS00:13
zykotick9ASkogli: it has a couple of required "use-cases" but generally, modern systems don't need a separate /boot - that was to address an old limitation.00:13
icerootzykotick9: depending on the needs00:13
john_doe_jrjrib: well, nofolder only gives u the installation procedure for open SUSE…http://www.nofolder.com/documentation/installation/server/opensuse/opensuse_11-3/00:13
ASkogliOk. Thanks. :)00:13
icerootzykotick9: there are cases where a separate /boot is usefull00:14
Dacshowdy folks00:14
zykotick9iceroot: "it has a couple of required "use-cases" but  generally00:14
SuperMiguelif i want to dual boot a ubuntu and windows... But i want to have a intel matrix raid setup.. Which OS should i install first? ubuntu or Windows?00:14
icerootzykotick9: yeah, generally / and /home are enough00:14
icerootSuperMiguel: is that a fakeraid? or a real hardware raid?00:14
somethingoranothstupid question, what's the use in using gksudo over sudo to run a program?00:14
SuperMigueliceroot: fake00:15
icerootsomethingoranoth: the environment00:15
ASkogliWell, it seems like I have done it right, Ubuntu 12.04 booted just fine. :)00:15
Dacsi am still not able to get to my desktop in my 12.04.1 this happend after i was following a post on how to remove apach200:15
actionParsnipsomethingoranoth: sudo is for CLI commands only, gksudo is to be used for GUI apps00:15
icerootSuperMiguel: fakeraid is bad00:15
actionParsnipsomethingoranoth: but can be used for both CLI and GUI apps :)00:15
icerootSuperMiguel: i would suggest to put windows on fakeraid and linux on software-raid00:15
Dacsi can still access tty's00:15
=== Fike_ is now known as Fike
Hishamoto_MasukiI need to ask an op a question.00:16
somethingoranothbut running a gui app with sudo still launches it...00:16
icerootSuperMiguel: but what is the reason you want a raid for?00:16
Dacsany help will be highly appreciated00:16
SuperMigueliceroot: how can i do that?00:16
SuperMigueliceroot: my laptop comes stock with two SSD in raid 000:16
Hishamoto_MasukiI see there are three ops online!00:16
actionParsnipsomethingoranoth: yes but it isn't setup right and you can damage the ownership of files in yur home folder00:16
Hishamoto_MasukiSo anyway, my question (for an op)00:16
icerootsomethingoranoth: that does not mean that it will run always successfull, there are cases where sudo will fail and only gksudo will work00:16
ASkogliOne more question: The Experimental NVIDIA binary Xorg driver... Is it safe? (Hade Pear Linux 5 for 2 hours ago, it crashed hooribly after fiddeling with Nvidia drivers, therefor Ubuntu now)00:17
zykotick9somethingoranoth: using sudo with gui apps can lead to root owning file in a users home director, which leads to tears.00:17
Hishamoto_MasukiHow do I get a dock on the bottom of my screen (similar to a Mac)? I see it on videos on Youtube. I have the latest Xubuntu.00:17
actionParsnip!gksudo | somethingoranoth00:17
ubottusomethingoranoth: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)00:17
actionParsnipHishamoto_Masuki: install one, there are many to go at00:17
jribHishamoto_Masuki: was that your question for an op?00:17
Hishamoto_MasukiactionParsnip! You're my favorite op, could you help me out?00:17
Hishamoto_MasukiWhere could I find one?00:17
icerootSuperMiguel: two ssds in raid0?00:17
SuperMigueliceroot: yes00:17
Hishamoto_MasukiAnd yes jrib00:17
actionParsnipHishamoto_Masuki: I'm not an op :)00:17
_______________when 12.10 wil publish? which time?00:17
Dacscan anyone help me with this issue00:17
ubottuUbuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.00:17
Hishamoto_MasukiBut you're so smart :O00:17
Hishamoto_MasukiAnyways, where could I find a dock?00:18
actionParsnipHishamoto_Masuki: been at this game a long time :)00:18
jribHishamoto_Masuki: ok, keep in mind *everyone* can answer support questions.  ops are really just for managing the channel (keep spam away, etc)00:18
actionParsnipHishamoto_Masuki: search software centre00:18
Hishamoto_MasukiOkay, one sec.00:18
icerootSuperMiguel: hm sounds useless. ssd is fast enough and raid 0 will increase the change of a complete data fail by 50%00:18
actionParsnipDacs: ask and see00:18
DacsactionParsnip: i have been since yesterday :)00:18
ASkogliOne more question: The Experimental NVIDIA binary Xorg driver... Is it safe? (Hade Pear Linux 5 for 2 hours ago, it crashed hooribly after fiddeling with Nvidia drivers, therefor Ubuntu now)00:18
Queops_______________: before the clock strikes 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands on the 18th00:18
Hishamoto_MasukiI think I might've found one.00:18
icerootSuperMiguel: and fakeraid is even more evil because the raid will only work with your specific controller00:19
DacsDinomuffin: you around ?00:19
Hishamoto_MasukiI'm installing it.00:19
Hishamoto_MasukiIt won't install, it needs Ubuntu00:19
icerootASkogli: you know what Experimental means?00:19
Hishamoto_MasukiUm, could you find one for me? *Linux newb*00:19
actionParsnipASkogli: I use the ones from the Xorg update archive (less fresh more stable)00:19
ASkogliOk, how do I get my hands on them? :)00:20
icerootASkogli: why not using the default drivers?00:20
john_doe_jrjrib: I really think that gsoap is the problem….when I try to build it it states, "gsoap (<< 2.8)…..when I do a sudo apt-cache policy gsoap…it shows I have 2.8.4-200:20
actionParsnipASkogli: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade00:21
jribjohn_doe_jr: yes, I think you are right.  But I would check that the package has that requirement correct00:21
actionParsnipASkogli: gives the 304.51 driver00:21
SuperMigueliceroot: well its makes my system very fast =)00:21
SuperMigueliceroot: 1200mb/s read speed00:21
Hishamoto_MasukiI found a good Dock called Docky :)00:21
SolarAquarionI have a kernel panic00:21
Hishamoto_MasukiThanks guys gtg00:22
lewellynSolarAquarion: join the club00:22
ASkogliiceroot: In hope of that Nvidia drivers will let me see the hole screen on my 720p TV instead of letting 20% outside the screen00:22
SolarAquarionLlewellyn ash?00:22
icerootSuperMiguel: a normal ssd have 600MByte/s? cant imaging00:22
actionParsnipASkogli: I use it on my 6150LE chip to make Urban Terror playable00:22
john_doe_jrjrib: how do I do that for the "simias-build-deps_1.0_all.deb" package…sudo apt-cache policy simias-build-deps_1.0_all.deb ?00:22
dr_willisASkogli:  that sounds like the overscan settings are set on the TV.00:23
SolarAquarionMy sisters laptop is odd00:23
SuperMigueliceroot: but anyways, so how to do it.. fakeraid my windows, and software raid my linux?00:23
SolarAquarionBusyBox built in shell00:23
SolarAquarionMy Ubuntu isn't booting00:23
ASkogliMaybe, when thinking of it, even Windows didn't work on my TV, had to manually rezise the screen resolution using the Nvidia drive00:24
lewellynok. so 12.10 gets me the kernel panic during cd-rom boot, unlike 12.04. and it's a far more concise kp than before. http://imgur.com/kbl6700:24
icerootSuperMiguel: the easiest would be to remove fakeraid and use a normal setup, or you enable a raid0 array in the bios and install windows first, then ubuntu ((alternate cd))00:24
icerootlewellyn: #ubuntu+100:24
dr_willisASkogli:  check the tv's menus/configs. and disable overscan if you can.00:24
lewellynthis is, of course, a boot-time kp unique to ubuntu00:24
lewellyniceroot: it happens in 10.04-12.04 too00:24
actionParsnipSolarAquarion: try booting to liveCD and you can chroot from there to check on Grub config etc00:24
icerootSuperMiguel: but in my opinion Raid is totally useless in a notebook00:24
jribjohn_doe_jr: i'm looking through http://nofolder.googlecode.com/files/ifolder3-linux.tar.gz at the moment00:24
lewellynit just so happens that the screen is sane to read from 12.10. i'll post the 12.04 one if you prefer.00:24
SuperMigueliceroot: got any input on UEFI vs Legacy?00:25
icerootlewellyn: processor context corrupt00:25
john_doe_jrjrib: what is debian squeeze? This site might help: http://wiki.phys.ethz.ch/readme/compiling_ifolder_packages_on_debian_ubuntu00:25
icerootSuperMiguel: dont use UEFI00:25
lewellyniceroot: only in ubuntu though. so it's an ubuntu bug.00:25
icerootlewellyn: hm00:25
SuperMigueliceroot: reason?00:25
lewellynjust went through a half dozen distros today.00:26
icerootSuperMiguel: its a Microsoft Jail developed to steal your freedom00:26
lewellynseriously it's unique to ubuntu. even debian boots.00:26
SuperMigueliceroot: gotcha... So where do i install grub?00:26
somethingoranothDoes Ubuntu do anything to override any options entered in /etc/default/grub?00:26
alien2050SolarAquarion: step 1 - boot live cd step 2 - as root mount your ubuntu partition into /1 (mkdir /1; mount /dev/sda1 /1); do a grub repair (grub-install --root-directory=/1 /dev/sda)00:26
lewellynsince you don't like talk of 12.10, here's the 12.04 ss of the kp: http://imgur.com/u4Fnk00:26
SuperMigueliceroot: create a partition by itself for it? non raided?00:26
jribjohn_doe_jr: squeeze is a release of debian00:26
ASkoglidr_willis: Cheap TV, no settings.... Hehe. Just have to buy a new TV after christmas I guess. :P00:27
alien2050SolarAquarion: then reboot it should be ok00:27
lewellynmore info, but not terribly much more useful.00:27
john_doe_jrjrib: yup 6.0…that's a while back00:27
icerootSuperMiguel: use the fakeraid array00:27
michealPWactionParsnip: By the way, your advice helped me get KDE 4.9 installed without any problems, everything's working brilliantly now thanks very much :)00:27
icerootSuperMiguel: it is one device containing the two drives00:27
michealPWHow do you remember commands like that, with apt-get to find all the kde things? HEHE!00:27
icerootSuperMiguel: just use the alternate cd, there is a fakeraid option00:27
Dacspaste.ubuntu.com/1286123 <--- can someone help me please00:27
actionParsnipmichaelPW: glad you got the gold :)00:27
SuperMigueliceroot: so dont do what you recommended first? install windows in fakeraid and ubuntu on a software raid?00:28
lewellynso does anyone have suggestions for me, as to how to stop whatever ubuntu-specific behavior the kernel is doing?00:28
lewellyni've, of course, fiddled the acpi options in both the bios and the kernel line. no love.00:29
icerootSuperMiguel: just use one fakeraid array for every partition you want00:29
icerootSuperMiguel: windows, / and /home + swap00:29
SuperMigueliceroot: so create 2 arrays on the bios?00:30
john_doe_jrjrib: u got it downloaded yet?00:30
icerootSuperMiguel: find it more handy then one big fakeraid array but raid on notebooks is totally useless...00:30
ASkogliAnyone got expercience from noobslab? Considering to use the Mac OSX Lion Theme.00:30
icerootSuperMiguel: it will increase the chance of a total data loss by 50%00:31
actionParsnipDacs: I don't think nv is around anymore, I believe nouveau now replaces it00:31
lewellynbtw, the output of prior-to-12.04 is the same as 12.04. :/00:31
t|asklewellyn: new hardware? memory error?00:31
SuperMigueliceroot: ya but that only matters if you care about data.. im more 95% speed 5% data... at least for the type of job im doing00:32
DacsactionParsnip: but my laptop was working until i tried to remove apache2. something doesn't add up00:32
lewellynt|ask: i've seen this on 2 motherboard/cpu combos now. different ram in each.00:32
actionParsnipDacs: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc00:32
lewellynand again, only ubuntu.00:32
icerootSuperMiguel: you know that your cpu is doing the job for the raid?00:33
jribjohn_doe_jr: yeah i'll just run it off the live env00:33
icerootSuperMiguel: only on hardware raid the cpu will not do the job00:33
SuperMigueliceroot: ya i know :(00:33
SuperMigueliceroot: so create 2 arrays in bios, so 2 fakeraid arrays, which OS do i install first?00:34
jribjohn_doe_jr: you take a look at this tar.gz I linked before?00:34
icerootSuperMiguel: windows00:34
SuperMigueliceroot: and grub on my linux array?00:35
john_doe_jrjrib: yes I downloaded and read the READ ME file ...00:35
alecbwhat's the name of the standard battery applet that's on the top-right of the screen?00:36
alecblike if I'd want to run it from the command line00:36
icerootSuperMiguel: yes and set the boot order to that array00:36
DacsactionParsnip: precise00:36
icerootSuperMiguel: grub will then boot linux from that array or start the chainloader for windows to start the other array00:37
actionParsnipDacs: do you use the proprietary video driver? Do you use an xorg.conf file?00:37
SuperMigueliceroot: cool thxs =)00:37
icerootalecb: it should be the indicator-applet00:37
icerootalecb: so the battery is not a single app00:37
DacsactionParsnip: the way everything was setip was when i boot my laptop it goes stright to xbuntu00:37
actionParsnipDacs: doesn't answer the questions00:38
kayve_I just had a life upheaval and00:38
DacsactionParsnip: am not understanding your question then00:38
alecbiceroot: is there a name of a general binary to run though, even if it's for more stuff. indicator-applet wasn't it00:38
actionParsnipDacs: did you install the proprietary nvdia driver using the additional drivers app?00:39
DacsactionParsnip: i never had to edit Xorg.conf no00:39
Raptors_Does anyone know if there is software like CrytalDiskMark (memory benchmarking) for linux?00:39
icerootalecb: sorry dont know00:39
DacsactionParsnip: i want to say yes. but i am not sure00:39
DacsactionParsnip:  i cant remember00:40
actionParsnipDacs: run:   sudo apt-get install nvidia-current00:40
somsip!12.10 | somsip00:40
ubottusomsip, please see my private message00:40
kayve_I had to move out of my place that had a DSL connection so I got a Sprint Sierra Wireless hotspot and the internet connection is not persistant00:40
kayve_The Sprint ppl claim it is a problem with my OS00:40
Hishamoto_MasukiParsnip, I got the dock, but I need help00:40
icerootRaptors_: memtest00:40
dormitoWhen I leave my Ubuntu 12.04 desktop idle for an unknow period of time the mouse and keyboard stop responding. They are usb but unpluging and repluging them does now seem to work (and other usb devices continue to work). The openssh still accepts connections. At first I thought it was a standby issue because the screens would be off, however when I disabled screensaver/blanking the issue still would arise. The problem does not seem to occure00:40
dormitowhile the the system is in use (but it hasnt happened very often so I can not be sure of that)00:40
alecbwhat's the name of the standard battery applet that's on the top-right of the screen? ie, the name of the binary, that I could run from a command line?00:40
Hishamoto_MasukiIt says 'enable compositing'00:40
D4rkH4ndI need some help badly. My desktop keeps crashing i havent a clue why00:40
Hishamoto_MasukiHow do I enable compositing?00:40
icerootRaptors_: should also check the speed00:40
=== surgeterrix3 is now known as surgeterrix_devb
actionParsnipHishamoto_Masuki: it needs 3D accelleration and Compiz window manager00:40
kayve_Is there a configuration I can investigate to get my Ubuntu 12.04 to maintain a persistant connection to my Sprint Sierra Wireless 4G LTE Tri-Fi Hotspot?00:41
john_doe_jrjrib: did you find something that something interesting about the dependency requirements?00:41
=== surgeterrix_devb is now known as surgeterrixdevpc
Hishamoto_MasukiI don't know what that means...um...00:41
DacsactionParsnip: its telling me it is the newset00:41
kayve_I keep getting dropped00:41
kayve_I have to constantly reconnect00:41
jribjohn_doe_jr: nope. I figured the requirements should be in the files used to generate the rpm though00:41
D4rkH4ndAnyone able to help me desktop keeps crashing so it will crash shortly again00:42
Hishamoto_MasukiWhat exactly does that mean, Parsnip?00:42
jribjohn_doe_jr: also, the tar.gz includes a copy of gsoap in dependencies/00:42
actionParsnipDacs: what nvidia chip do you use?00:42
kayve_I can't maintain an internet session00:42
actionParsnipHishamoto_Masuki: your video hardware needs to be able to and be configured to do 3D accelleration, then you need to install compiz00:42
alecbwhat's the name of the standard battery applet that's on the top-right of the screen? ie, the name of the binary, that I could run from a command line?00:43
DacsactionParsnip: how can i list it00:43
actionParsnipDacs: sudo lshw -C display00:43
DacsactionParsnip: its not lsmod it is ls"somthing"00:43
D4rkH4ndAnyone able to help me desktop keeps crashing so it will crash shortly again. Unable to do anything other then web00:43
john_doe_jrjrib: I see the gsoap folder under linux-2.7…do I just download the src folder and attempt to compile it or something?00:44
Hishamoto_MasukiI installed it, Parsnip00:44
actionParsnipHishamoto_Masuki: or, press ALT+F2 and run:  compiz --replace00:44
jribjohn_doe_jr: well I'm just suggesting that if you want to avoid using the deb packaging from that bzr repo, you may be able to compile this tar.gz yourself00:45
kayve_I have killed and reconnected my Sprint Sierra Wireless 4G LTE Tri-Fi Hotspot which is the only way I have an internet connection right now, during my connection session here00:45
kayve_I have killed and reconnected my Sprint Sierra Wireless 4G LTE Tri-Fi Hotspot which is the only way I have an internet connection right now, during my connection session here00:45
kayve_is there a configuration fix for this?00:45
FloodBot1kayve_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:45
spundunhi all... should I use synaptic or software center?00:46
kayve_I can't tell WTF I am doing with respect to what you are saying, FLoodBot1 because of my connection problems00:46
DacsactionParsnip: paste.ubuntu.com/128614100:46
D4rkH4ndAND there goes my desktop Fudge00:46
Hishamoto_MasukiThank You Parsnip!00:46
alecbwhat's the name of the standard battery applet that's on the top-right of the screen? ie, the name of the binary, that I could run from a command line?00:47
DacsactionParsnip: you got it00:47
john_doe_jrjrib: I've never done that before…hold on let me make a folder and wget that tar.gz file into it00:47
actionParsnipDacs: looks fine, the proprietary driver is loaded ok00:49
D4rkH4ndI could really use some help here LOL. Desktop crashing every 10min or so. im new to linux00:49
actionParsnipD4rkH4nd: have you tested your RAM using memtest86+ from Grub?00:50
D4rkH4ndjust type memtest86+ in term ?00:50
dormitoWhen I leave my Ubuntu 12.04 desktop idle for an unknow period of time the mouse and keyboard stop responding. They are usb but unpluging and repluging them does now seem to work (and other usb devices continue to work). The openssh still accepts connections. At first I thought it was a standby issue because the screens would be off, however when I disabled screensaver/blanking the issue still would arise. The problem does not seem to occure00:51
dormitowhile the the system is in use (but it hasnt happened very often so I can not be sure of that)00:51
actionParsnipD4rkH4nd: no, its an option in Grub00:51
DacsactionParsnip: so why i keep getting the black screen and i am only able to access tty00:51
D4rkH4ndhow do i do it00:51
rocketwhich channel should I go to ask ubuntu/debian packaging questions?00:51
=== Raptors_ is now known as Raptors
actionParsnipD4rkH4nd: hold SHIFT at boot00:52
D4rkH4ndokay ill try and come back00:52
michealPWhow come lshw -C display shows my GPU at 33mhz? :|00:52
actionParsnipDacs: try running:  sudo nvidia-xconfig    then reboot00:52
michealPWThat can't be right, it's a radeon 6550D hehe00:52
kayve_I have killed and reconnected my Sprint Sierra Wireless 4G LTE Tri-Fi Hotspot which is the only way I have an internet connection right now, during my connection session here multiple times00:53
* adirko is bouncing to 'Howard Stern Show - [Howard Stern Show CDHSRS101712 #01] 10-17-12 CF' 00:53
kayve_Is there a configuration fix for this using my Ubuntu 12.04 so that my internet connection remains persistant?00:53
Joey_Hey check this out: http://eb68b0af.goneviral.com00:55
Nautilusanyone around to help me debug/finish my compass install on Ubuntu 12.04?  http://pastebin.ca/224695800:55
john_doe_jrjrib: alright so I've downloaded it and untarred it ….it has a autogen.sh file….shouldn't I run ~./configure or something at this point?00:55
kringel84Is 12.10 released yet? :)00:56
L3topmichealPW: did you install fglrx?00:56
kayve_Is there a configuration fix for this using my Ubuntu 12.04 so that my internet connection remains persistant?00:56
somsipkringel84: at some point in the next 24 hours, but usually it's some time during the day GMT00:57
L3topkayve_: why is it not persistent? Why is it dying?00:57
john_doe_jrjrib: u there?00:58
kringel84somsip: hard to wait for the CEST people though. ;-) thanks!00:58
BETurnerHello everyone :)00:59
john_doe_jrIf I've downloaded some source files that have a autogen.sh file in it and a build-linux.sh in it…how do I start the install process?00:59
jribjohn_doe_jr: usually ./autogen.sh first00:59
jribjohn_doe_jr: i'm going to install 12.04 to vbox since live env is too slow...00:59
BETurnerAre you running the live from a cd/DVD?01:00
lewellynso, basically, i'm just hosed with ubuntu?01:01
john_doe_jrjrib: Alright so ./autogen.sh —prefix=/usr?01:01
=== onats_ is now known as onats
jribjohn_doe_jr: sure01:02
Dacswhere is Mr. action ?01:02
john_doe_jrjrib: I'm getting configure: error: no C Sharp compiler: mcs not found in $PATH…any idea why that means?01:05
jribjohn_doe_jr: I guess you need mono-mcs01:05
L3topjohn_doe_jr: apt-cache search c# | grep compiler01:06
L3topoops... jrib gave it away.01:06
t|askrelease is in about 12h, right?01:06
john_doe_jrjrib: awesome little command01:07
* jrib steals L3top's credit01:07
L3topthere is no hour t|ask. It releases when it releases. Tomorrow sometime01:07
bnwkeysL3top: thanks again for your help earlier today.01:07
t|askL3top: Oh, I thought there is one, because someone said so... but better if not ,)01:07
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CyclicFluxGreetings all!!!01:08
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L3topNot sure what you meant there t|ask. I was just trying to show you how to find things you may need, whatever that need might be.01:09
Guest69929I had a quick question, its rather strange. I am not quite sure but I may of deleted the trash can in Ubuntu(however I don't believe this to be the case).  But yet the trash can is gone.01:09
bnwkeysWhen I run jockey I don't see any graphics drivers, it says that no third party drivers are installed, but it only lists my broadcom wireless driver.  Anybody have any idea why I can't configure my ATI driver with Jockey (can't see it, using a Gallium ATI driver on precise)?01:09
t|askL3top: I guess, you mentioned jrib ... I meant the release hour ,)01:10
john_doe_jrjrib: almost there….now stating configure: error: Package requirements (simias >= 1.0 were not met:  No package 'simias' found….any ideas how I get that package….I tried to apt-cache search simias and sudo apt-get install but didn't find anything named simias01:10
bnwkeysGuest69929: did you open Dash and search for "trash"?01:11
kayveI have killed and reconnected my Sprint Sierra Wireless 4G LTE Tri-Fi Hotspot which is the only way I have an internet connection right now, during my connection session here multiple times01:11
kayveIs there a configuration fix for this using my Ubuntu 12.04 so that my internet connection remains persistant?01:11
=== cyclicflux is now known as CyclicFlux
kayveI have killed and reconnected my Sprint Sierra Wireless 4G LTE Tri-Fi Hotspot which is the only way I have an internet connection right now, during my connection session here multiple times01:12
kayveIs there a configuration fix for this using my Ubuntu 12.04 so that my internet connection remains persistant?01:12
L3top!patience | kayve it also helps if you answer questions related to your problem.01:12
ubottukayve it also helps if you answer questions related to your problem.: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:12
D4rkH4ndI did a memtest and it went thru and idk why my desktop keeps crashing. Something about  a gpu hang up ????01:12
kayveI suspect I will drop off the server soon once again01:13
xyzonekayve, sure not isp problem?01:13
lewellynok. i guess i have to throw in the towel on ubuntu for good. i just can't devote any more hours to trying to figure out why even the install CD does KPs at boot :/01:13
obtrusivemousei just unzipped a tar.gz file, went inside the folder that it made but when i run make it says /bin/sh: 1: cmake: not found01:13
JoseeAntonioRguys, how do I restart the sound driver?01:13
boggleI am on ubuntu 12.0401:13
jribjohn_doe_jr: don't know :)01:13
L3topD4rkH4nd: You should make at least 8 passes. You weren't gone long enough.01:13
obtrusivemousedoes it need to find something called install?01:13
bogglecontrast is really high01:13
D4rkH4ndkayve have you checked with sprint and the compadibility with ubuntu ?01:13
bnwkeysHas anyone else ever had issues with Jockey/AdditionalDrivers not showing any drivers?01:13
boggleanyone know how to fix massive contrast on i8xx graphics?01:14
D4rkH4ndIt passes 100%01:14
boggleits only in movie player01:14
bogglenot in anything else01:14
john_doe_jrjrib: guess when they were in their IDE there was a package named simias that they didn't include in the dependencies right?01:14
CyclicFluxI got disconnected earlier, but I was asking the question with reference to the trash.  This was not the trash icon itself, which is still present.  Upon opening the icon with a simple click everything was the same but the 'empty trash'/'restore trash' buttons were gray-scaled(unclickable)01:14
L3topbnwkeys: There are no additional drivers for your card. ATI completely dropped support for it.01:14
bnwkeysright XD01:15
D4rkH4ndL3top: im pretty sure its a software issue. Its says gpu hangup. compiz crashes then cairo then gnome.01:15
john_doe_jrjrib: did you attempt to compile it yet?01:16
KRomeleoNdoes 12.10 release at midnight?01:16
jribjohn_doe_jr: nope, still installing01:16
level15_hi, all. I am having massive kernel errors on my linux guests when my host has intensive I/O usage (VM images backup operations). Sometimes, the guest kernel will remount the fs in read only mode, which obviously crashes most of my services. I have been reading and have found that this might be related to host I/O cache, and that it might be a good idea to turn it off by settiong cache=none for all disks of my guests. Is that safe in case of a host01:16
level15_failure?  Has anyone had the same issue and, if so, how did you solve it? Thanks.01:16
john_doe_jrjrib: dang that is taking a whiel01:16
L3topCould very well be... but again, to properly test ram you need to make about 8 passes... what version ubuntu are you on?01:16
jribjohn_doe_jr: have you checked these PPAs? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=ifolder01:16
D4rkH4ndL3top: 12.04 is a n .10 out tonight ?01:17
KRomeleoNyeah is .10 rel at midnight?01:17
KRomeleoNi will stay up late01:17
john_doe_jrjrib: yes but none have built it for Ubuntu 12.04 Server though01:17
Chiyohi there, does anyone here control the domain ubuntu.com?01:17
L3topno... it will be out sometime tomorrow. THere is no hour eta.01:17
jgautierI have a usb 3.0 drive and when I boot the computer it is never recognized.  If I unplug and plug it in then it will pop up on the desktop.  ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS.  Here is some logs from when i boot and it is not recognized.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286174/01:17
penguinmanplus .10 has....issues....01:17
penguinmanto put it mildly01:17
db0rgHey all, does anyone know if VFIO was included in the ubuntu 3.6.2 kernel?01:18
* L3top doesn't understand moving from LTS to the bleeding latest 01:18
jgautierit shows up in dmesg and lsusb01:18
jgautierjust not in mount01:18
L3topD4rkH4nd: what DM are you using?01:18
KRomeleoNL3top, what about gnomebuntu?01:18
D4rkH4ndDM ?01:18
L3topDesktop Manager01:18
L3topUnity, Gnome Classic, Gnome 2...01:19
bnwkeysDungeon Master01:19
john_doe_jrjrib: is there any way I could just launchpad to install ifolder?01:19
D4rkH4ndL3top: umm gnome i guess. im nub so not sure if thats right01:19
D4rkH4ndL3top: gnome301:19
CyclicFluxI know the location of trash is in ~/.local/share/Trash, but the folder is not currently there. I attempted creating a directory but was not able to see a difference.  Is it perhaps something that could be fixed with an apt-get upgrade/apt-get dist-upgrade01:19
* L3top facepalms at own gnome 2 question...01:20
jribjohn_doe_jr: what do you mean?01:20
rds_hai guys ! I have a lot  of images in my folder with different pixel size , I want to filter those images like  pixel  below 300x300 is there any option in ubuntu or can i filter using terminal ?01:20
L3topD4rkH4nd: I am not very familiar with gnome 3... I know that Unity uses compiz and installing things like the compiz manager/various components break it.01:21
john_doe_jrjrib: those were binaries built on specific version of linux right?  so they couldn't be used on my Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit server right?01:21
D4rkH4ndso take off compiz may help ?01:22
jribjohn_doe_jr: well you can grab the source packages if you want and try to rebuild the01:22
opakavicGuys i see blank screen after booting 12.04 ! in my laptop01:22
L3topD4rkH4nd: someone more familiar with gnome 3 should answer that. Just be patient.01:23
opakavici guess i have to pass in some boot parameters, can anybody help me01:23
kayveI have killed and reconnected my Sprint Sierra Wireless 4G LTE Tri-Fi Hotspot which is the only way I have an internet connection right now, during my connection session here multiple times01:23
kayveIs there a configuration fix for this using my Ubuntu 12.04 so that my internet connection remains persistant?01:23
kayveI suspect I will drop off the server soon once again01:23
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KRomeleoNCanonical should release 12.10 niw01:24
KRomeleoNits 10/18 in Australia01:24
L3top!nomodeset | opakavic01:25
ubottuopakavic: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:25
jilebedevHi - can anyone recommend me a tool to find out detailed CPU information? cat /proc/cpuinfo doesn't produce a CPU model, and, in fact, it conflicts with what lshw produces. This is an older Intel Xeon CPU and I'd love a tool that's comprehensive and recognizes older model CPUs.01:25
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john_doe_jrjrib: well, just let me know when you have installed everything ….I really appreciate the help01:27
Dacshere i go again. when i boot my laptop which running 12.04.1 and was working perfect to the point when i shut it down. now when i power it on i get bios screen, then a quick screen flash showing xbuntu and a quick nvidia screen then a black screen anyone help is appreciateit01:28
opakavicL3top: yes let me check01:28
L3topjilebedev: so cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model        is blank?01:28
jribjohn_doe_jr: installing now01:29
CyclicFluxI fixed it!!! I made the folder, and just needed a restart, so there was likely a .lock file/etc... for it.01:29
jribjohn_doe_jr: i still wish I coulf find the documentation on what version of gsoap is actually required01:29
john_doe_jrjrib: well, if you run the configure or attempt to build it..it will tell you what version of gsoap is required01:30
SuperMigueliceroot: still around?01:30
Dacshere i go again. when i boot my laptop which running 12.04.1 and was working perfect to the point when i shut it down. now when i power it on i get bios screen, then a quick screen flash showing xbuntu and a quick nvidia screen then a black screen anyone help is appreciate it01:30
TheDarkPiratehi people! does somebody know how to use the computer as a "bluetooth headset"?01:31
TheDarkPirateI'm using Ubuntu 12.04, and I'd like to do it with my Android smartphone01:31
jilebedevL3top: not blank: it just says a generic "Intel Xeon CPU @ 2.8GHz".01:32
jilebedevL3top: the gents in /r/sysadmin suggested 'dmidecode -t processor' and that's getting me somewhere.01:32
john_doe_jrjrib: that download is for the linux client…you need to download the ifolder3-enterprise-3.8..etc01:32
Dacshere i go again. when i boot my laptop which running 12.04.1 and was working perfect to the point when i shut it down. now when i power it on i get bios screen, then a quick screen flash showing xbuntu and a quick nvidia screen then a black screen anyone help is appreciate it01:32
HICorpGood evening, all!01:33
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jribjohn_doe_jr: -enterprise is only available as .rpm though? What's ifolder3.9-linux.tar.gz?01:33
jp2_ubunturunning lts12.04, trying to install updates in gnome, but when I tell it to install, it doesn't seem to make any progress. How do I know if this is working or not?01:33
L3topjilebedev: sudo apt-get install cpuid01:33
john_doe_jrjrib: ifolder consists of a server and a client ...01:34
john_doe_jrjrib: I'm trying to install the server01:34
john_doe_jrjrib: check this out: http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/4/idpl/17922160/dir/other/com/ifolder3-enterprise-
Dacsanyone please01:35
snatale42Dacs, did you vid driver recently update??01:36
jp2_ubuntuit's using gnome update manager, says 130mb to be downloaded, but never starts a download :(01:36
L3topDacs: did you install the proprietary gpu before shutdown?01:36
pitviper296how do you restart unity from the command line, i hit reset compiz settings and now I have no desktop or minimize , maximize or close on windows01:36
webfoxNot sure which one is causing my poor old computer to suddenly turn off by heat, Firefox, Flash or Youtube.01:36
L3toppitviper296: sudo service lightdm restart01:36
Dacssnatale42: L3top no01:37
wilee-nileepitviper296, Generally with a compiz replace logging out or rebooting is needed.01:37
Dacssnatale42: i think i did update before shutdown01:37
altin_how can I see all the open ports of my router via a command ?01:37
DaemonicApathyL3top: "sudo restart lightdm" is shorter01:37
pitviper296L3top: I've tried that keeps restarting but only shows my wall paper , @wilee tried rebooting as well. had to run firefox from terminal01:38
webfoxBut I suspect being Flash the villain here.01:38
jribjohn_doe_jr: well at least https://help.ubuntu.com/community/iFolderInstall should also allow for the server to install (if we can get it to work)01:38
wilee-nileepitviper296, You might need to reset unity which is alt-f2 unity --reset01:38
john_doe_jrjrib: well, I'm on stand by…I've tried really hard to get it to work using those instructions on that site01:39
Dacshere i go again. when i boot my laptop which running 12.04.1 and was working perfect to the point when i shut it down. now when i power it on i get bios screen, then a quick screen flash showing xbuntu and a quick nvidia screen then a black screen anyone help is appreciate it01:40
jribjohn_doe_jr: i'm ignoring the version requirement on gsoap and seeing what happens01:40
pitviper296wilee-nilee:  ok I can try that. just started ccsm from terminal and enabled unity. going to service lightdm restart , if noting then unity --reset01:40
alien2050simple question probably... how do you completely reset gtkrc (I've installed kxstudio repo and it screws with the theme in gtk 2)01:40
Dacsis it simple to just re-install since no one here is able to figure out what is my issue?!!01:40
john_doe_jrjrib: alright…on the edge of my chair …maybe you can get this to work01:41
DaemonicApathyYes, Dacs. Just time-consuming.01:41
alien2050even tried ln -sf /usr/share/themes/Radiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc $HOME/.gtkrc-2.001:41
alien2050but it still is black background quite ugly......01:41
wilee-nileepitviper296, That will reset compiz as well I believe so just a heads up. If you are tweaking compiz, there are lots of web pages on doing this. You can also have a compiz restart button using the fusion icon as a launcher on the desktop.01:42
DacsDaemonicApathy: i mean , every 30min someone ask me to run a command and i hear nothing back from them01:42
jribalien2050: you sure it's not a gtk3 issue?01:42
alien2050also tried gconftool-2 --set /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme --type string "" and gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme ""01:42
alien2050well it could be... who controls the background is what i d like to know01:42
DaemonicApathyDacs: It can get hectic in here. We all get lost in the shuffle sometimes.01:42
alien2050it's not gnome-shell, just unity 301:43
jribalien2050: the wallpaper?01:43
DacsDaemonicApathy: i understand01:43
KRomeleoNdoes 12.10 release at midnight?01:43
alien2050nope... for example... my skype has a black bg now, also qt designer, and most guis01:43
jribKRomeleoN: no; when it's ready01:43
bazhangKRomeleoN, no01:43
DacsDaemonicApathy: is there a recovery repair like in windows01:43
KRomeleoNreporters are already reviewing the final version01:43
alien2050wallpaper is fine, firefox is fine01:44
jribalien2050: how did you change it originally?01:44
bazhangKRomeleoN, it's not out. so thats not possible01:44
alien2050like I said, I installed KXstudio repo and it dumps a bunch of gtkrc files01:44
alien2050but even when I remove them, it's like it's cached01:44
jribalien2050: "a bunch"?  which?01:44
jribjohn_doe_jr: this takes a long time to build...01:45
DaemonicApathyDacs: Not as such. If you're not comfortable doing something like that with what knowledge you have, I normally suggest a clean install.01:45
alien2050you can have a look at what it does here: http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/Downloads01:45
alien2050there's a link to a file called KXstudio artwork01:45
john_doe_jrjrib: I've got a pretty powerful machine though…what are the commands that you used…did you follow the website exactly?01:45
jgautierupdate on my problem the usb drive will be detected if i turn the computer all the way off and back on but will not be recognized if i do a restart/reboot01:46
pitviper296_wilee-nilee: well unity --reset worked. But for some reason when I click my home folder it doesn't show the left panel that has , docs, pictures, mounted drives and other shortcuts01:46
faoiseamhmy ubuntu server is crashing / locking up occasionally (every 1-3 days) with nothing in syslog / kern.log. It has tons of memory + idle cpu + disk space. Short of a hardware test, what can I do to debug this?01:46
DacsDaemonicApathy: so basically what you are saying that windows will be a better OS01:46
jribjohn_doe_jr: yes, I'm just waiting for bzr-buildpackage to finish.  All I did was edit the gsoap package requirement01:46
pitviper296_wilee-nilee:  nevermind01:46
alien2050I don't think it's the point though... I just would like to reset it01:47
DacsDaemonicApathy: this will be the third time for me in the past year i have to follow and update with a clean install01:47
DaemonicApathyDacs: If you anticipate having to restore your system regularly, sure.01:47
alien2050there has to be a way to "execute" a gtkrc file01:47
DaemonicApathyDacs: This started as an update?01:47
wilee-nileepitviper296_, You found the button, hehe.01:47
alien2050is gtk3 theme only for gnome-shell or does it bleed through unity01:47
jribalien2050: get rid of the packages you installed01:48
pitviper296_wilee-nilee:  stupid hot-key shouldn't have played in the rain01:48
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alien2050yeah I tried that... doesn't work01:48
jribalien2050: *purge* the packages you installed01:48
alien2050like I said I did it01:48
pitviper296_wilee-nilee:  compiz-extra - raind hot key is shift f901:48
DacsDaemonicApathy: then i beleive "update faliure gets bundled with ubuntu" will be my new shirt :)01:48
alien2050actually did even better, I reinstalled the OS to a clean ubuntu01:48
alien2050but my home dir still has the conf somewhere01:49
jribalien2050: so with a fresh new user, you do not have the problem?01:49
L3topDacs: I am sure it can be fixed without reinstalling.01:49
alien2050no, but I really want to track it down cuz there's tons of customization I've got01:50
DaemonicApathyDacs: How did you go about updating? Sorry if you're repeating yourself.01:50
DacsL3top: it is just that eveyone that know how to fix it is busy right?01:50
jribalien2050: well it's likely ~/.gtkrc-2.0 or ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini or some sort of dconf/gsettings setting01:50
DacsDaemonicApathy: 'apt-get update'01:51
alien2050yeah I know... just having a hard time figuring it out...01:51
pitviper296_wilee-nilee:  ty for the help on that, going to reboot and might jump back in chat01:51
jribjohn_doe_jr: it finally finished (with an error regarding gsoap)01:51
wilee-nileepitviper296_ cool01:51
DaemonicApathyDacs: That basically just updates a list of packages...shouldn't break anything.01:51
john_doe_jrjrib: great…any idea how to correct that problem?01:51
alien2050settings.ini didn't tried this one yet let me try it01:52
jribjohn_doe_jr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286203/ you probably need to find yourself an earlier copy of gsoap unless you want to hack on this libsimias01:52
DacsDaemonicApathy: shouldn't is the keyword01:52
L3topDacs: you would have had to use apt-get upgrade to actually apply the updated packages. I am not busy, but I burned the bugger out of my left hand... covered in blisters... so I am slow.01:52
alien2050is there a way to reload gtk-3 without killing unity?01:52
alien2050is it unity --replace?01:52
john_doe_jrjrib: how do I do that?01:53
Dacsis there an op here?01:53
alien2050unity replace is no good01:53
L3topthere are ops... but they don't arrive unless there is a channel problem.01:53
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots01:53
DacsL3top:can you help me then01:54
L3topDacs: for fun, try booting with the nomodeset kernel param.01:54
jribjohn_doe_jr: actually the makefile just copies these files for some reason...01:55
L3top!nomodeset | Dacs01:55
ubottuDacs: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:55
DacsL3top: please understand that i am using the same laptop to chat to you now. i can only access tty01:56
DacsL3top: no mouse btw :)01:56
L3topDacs: I see. lspci -nn | grep VGA01:56
john_doe_jrjrib: did you get .deb files in the build area?01:56
jribjohn_doe_jr: no01:57
L3topDacs: lynx will give you web btw in tty.01:57
DacsL3top: i  have it01:57
jp2_ubuntuWhen trying to install updates in gnome on 12.04lts I keep running into "Task cannot be monitored or controlled" the connection to the daemon was lost. Most likely the background daemon crashed.01:58
Dacsbut don't know how to yank and paste from here to there :)01:58
jp2_ubuntuanyone have a suggestion to get update managet to work?01:58
alien2050ok.... well... it's not gtkrc because I replaced it with one from the net and it's still black although many color changes are now visible01:58
alien2050has to be gtk3 then....01:58
L3topJust give me the XXXX:XXXX part Dacs01:58
DacsL3top: 128620901:58
Dacs^^ paste.ubunut.com01:59
L3topmissing a number01:59
john_doe_jrjrib: any ideas how we can get all this installed?01:59
L3topDacs: you can also sudo apt-get install pastebinit        then <command> | pastebinit01:59
DaemonicApathyL3top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286209/01:59
aditya_how long till 12.10 release02:00
bazhangaditya_, when its ready02:00
DacsL3top: that is what i am using the url is http;//paste.ubunut.com/128620902:00
L3top lol... sorry...02:00
DacsL3top: no problem02:00
L3topDacs: apt-cache policy nvidia-current | grep Installed02:01
DacsL3top: i have the newest02:02
L3toppastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:02
wilee-nileeaditya_, I would get it now if you are going to download.02:02
DacsL3top: actually return nothing02:03
bazhangneed the | L3top02:03
bazhangand a command02:04
L3topif you are pastebinning a file you do not use a pipe... pastebinit will paste the content of the file bazhang02:04
pitviper296wilee-nilee:  I'm back, are you familiar with using dd to wipe all data from a drive02:04
bazhangL3top, you need a command02:04
wilee-nileepitviper296, Not really, I have not needed to.02:05
DacsL3top: can you argu with him later :)02:05
alien2050how can I find out if I have gtk 3.0, 3.2, or 3.4 ?02:05
Dacsnow focus with me :)  at L302:05
L3toproot@dcerouter:/tftpboot# pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:05
pitviper296wilee-nilee: ok , bc I have some drives that i'm looking to sell02:05
pitviper296anyone familiar with using dd to wipe a drive?02:05
kbentley57It's pretty easy02:06
Dacspitviper296: i read it bfore in wikipedia02:06
DaemonicApathyFunny, L3top - when I try that, it just says it can't read it.02:06
L3topDacs: lets try to create one for kicks. nvidia-xconfig02:06
DacsL3top: any other suggestions02:06
wilee-nileepitviper296, I have used dban myself02:07
wilee-nileetakes forever though02:07
l0p3nI have an old computer that can read cd's when logged on to Ubuntu boot not upon boot. However I can access the grub menu. Is it possible boot a cd from the grub menu?02:07
john_doe_jrjrib: found a command to downgrade a package sudo apt-get install gsoap = <version#.02:07
DacsL3top: when i type startx it tells me that it is creating that file02:07
L3topDaemonicApathy: I am root... I am always root. That is probably why.02:07
kbentley57The basic syntax is "audi dx if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb"02:07
jribjohn_doe_jr: i'm no longer sure that's the issue02:07
wilee-nileel0p3n, grub2?02:07
jribjohn_doe_jr: (and that only works if the package is available in one of your repositories)02:07
kbentley57Where adv is the drive you want to erase02:07
L3topDacs: ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:08
john_doe_jrjrib: I see02:08
l0p3nwilee-nilee: hmm how can I find out ?02:08
pitviper296Dacs: I'll take a look at that, more or less looking for the best free data wipe possible02:08
DaemonicApathyL3top: We have something in common, then. But that's not important right now. I'll let you finish. :-)02:08
L3topDacs: if the file exists you might need to sudo the earlier pastebinit... I am not sure... as I said... I am terrible at regular user commands...02:08
pitviper296wilee-nilee:  not familiar with dban, what exactly is it?02:08
jribjohn_doe_jr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286203/ why does it copy stdsoap2.h ok but not stdsoap2.c?  It's copying these files from the originally distributed source, right?02:08
faoiseamhmy ubuntu server is crashing / locking up occasionally (every 1-3 days) with nothing in syslog / kern.log. It has tons of memory + idle cpu + disk space. Short of a hardware test, what can I do to debug this?02:08
=== IdleOne is now known as RaringOne
L3topDacs: brb, need more ice02:09
l0p3nwilee-nilee: It says (GRUB) 1.9902:09
jribjohn_doe_jr: never mind, I take back what I said in the last minute02:09
wilee-nileel0p3n, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154984702:10
john_doe_jrjrib: no problem…once again I really appreciate the help02:10
wilee-nileepitviper296, Dban is Dericks boot and Nuke02:10
mcl0vinL3top, this is Dacs02:11
l0p3nwilee-nilee: wow many thanks. never thought this was possible :)02:11
wilee-nileepitviper296, It is slow though.02:11
jribjohn_doe_jr: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=344043 is probably related.  The gsoap package doesn't include this stdsoap2.c file02:11
ubottuDebian bug 344043 in gsoap "stdsoap2.h, stdsoap2.c and stdsoap2.cpp missing" [Normal,Open]02:11
mcl0vinL3top, i am in i used 'sudo statx and it let me in02:11
john_doe_jrjrib: you see I've tried to install the rpm's from the following site: http://www.nofolder.com/documentation/installation/ifolder/ under 64bit using alien on Ubuntu but I keep getting log4net errors02:11
wilee-nileel0p3n, Grub can do just about anything other then make my coffee in the morning. ;)02:11
pitviper296wilee-nilee: ok I'll take a look, from what I just read on wiki how to: dd may take a very long time. But it should be worth it.02:11
l0p3nwilee-nilee: LOL =D02:12
pitviper296wilee-nilee: bought a hd on ebay and recovered all sorts of files off of it with testdisk, going to wipe it so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands and re-sell02:12
L3topmcl0vin!! good deal... cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager02:13
mcl0vinL3top, /usr/sbin/lightdm02:14
john_doe_jrjrib: what do you think of attempting to install the rpms from the site: http://www.nofolder.com/documentation/installation/ifolder/ under 64bit using alien…is that just asking for trouble?02:15
algnuxhello ,guys,i just got a crash ,when i wanted use xchat and pidgin on my kubuntu12.0402:15
mcl0vinL3top, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286224/ <---- my /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:16
jribjohn_doe_jr: you can try I guess; you won't lose much since we can't get these to build02:16
john_doe_jrjrib: they build using the method on that page …can you try it ?02:17
algnuxthe report said the reason was they used the libenhant.so.102:17
pitviper296wilee-nilee:  whats the general topic channel?02:17
L3topmcl0vin: that is a terrible xorg.conf. But it seems the issue is lightdm is not starting... more than that.02:17
adoniscikhow do you launch URL files by clicking?02:17
adonisciklike in windows02:17
wilee-nileepitviper296, There is a #ubuntu-offtopic channel02:18
mcl0vinL3top, what do you suggesting i should do02:18
pitviper296wilee-nilee: ok , curious how do i connect to new channel using the web irc?02:19
L3topwell if you are only running one monitor, try dumping the xorg alltogether... sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/old.xorg.conf      and reboot... now that you know you can manually start x.02:19
L3topmcl0vin: ^02:19
wilee-nileepitviper296 /j #ubuntu-offtopic02:19
jribjohn_doe_jr: let me try one last thing with this deb packaging02:19
pitviper296wilee-nilee: ty sir02:20
L3topmcl0vin: My hand is covered in blisters, and I cannot stand typing one handed... so I have to pull it out of ice water, and dry it, every time I type... until it burns so bad I have to dunk it again... I am going to have to bow out of support right now. Sorry.02:24
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mcl0vinL3top, no worries mate i hope you feel better soon , and thank you for helping me02:26
jribL3top: time to learn one-handed dvorak02:26
L3topAhv got blistahs on me fingahs!02:27
cfhowlettbfortified: we see you.02:28
jribjohn_doe_jr: i got past gsoap anway... http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286234/02:28
ubottubfortified, please see my private message02:28
john_doe_jrjrib: how did you do that?02:28
jribjohn_doe_jr: I removed gsoap and just used the copy of gsoap that's in /tmp/build-area/simias-
john_doe_jrjrib: did it build the libsimias*deb files in the build area?02:30
jribjohn_doe_jr: the makefile actually uses $(GSOAP) so there's probably a ./configure parameter but I just copied it to /usr/include/ .  Anyway, now there's this new issue but I must go to bed02:30
jribjohn_doe_jr: no, they won't get built if debian/rules throws an error02:30
bfortifiedjust needed a refrence point to check persistence with smuxi02:30
john_doe_jrjrib: crap…dang you got to go to bed….we are almost there02:30
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john_doe_jrjrib: good night..hey u did teach me a lot ..thanks!02:38
KRomeleoNI am gonna get 12.10 tattooed on my ass02:49
KRomeleoNim so excited02:49
bjrohanCan someone help me with a weird (to me anyway) java issue? Website says it can't detect Java while still allowing the Java app to work02:50
wilee-nilee!tmi | KRomeleoN02:51
ubottuKRomeleoN: Um thanks... We *really* did not need to know that...02:51
bjrohanQuiet in here too, everyone must be celebrating 12.10 official release02:52
Jeremy3Danyone having problems with ubuntu 12.04 and google chrome?02:52
wilee-nilee!ask > Jeremy3D02:52
ubottuJeremy3D, please see my private message02:52
TheodorosHello, does anybody know how to disable the lowmemorykiller? (not the OOM killer)02:52
wilee-nileeTheodoros, YOu were asking that on debian this is ubuntu support.02:53
TheodorosWell it's not something that specific to either?02:53
Jeremy3Dsorry wilee-nilee . Ubuntu 12.04, Chrome. I have a hard time scrolling, posting in text boxes, etc.  When I write in text box nothing shows up. I can't even click and get the mouse cursor02:54
whoeverTheodoros: ... ya uninstall it02:56
sdollinsWhat time do you think 12.10 will hit final release?02:56
bfortifiedI have never had a problem with a chrome and Ubuntu 12.0402:56
Theodoroswhoever: what's the packagename in ubuntu?02:57
cfhowlettsdollins: patience.02:57
sdollinscfhowlett: buttttttttt02:57
Jimster480hey anyone around02:57
sdollinsPatience and I do not like each other.02:57
Jimster480i need an expert02:57
=== aed is now known as Relaed
Jimster480for a problem that is raging the hell out of me now02:57
talsamonsdollins,  it is released, i haved already installed02:57
Flynsarmy!ask | Jimster48002:57
ubottuJimster480: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:57
xz124talsamon: he likely meant iso images02:57
KRomeleoNsdollins, im excited for .10 too02:58
bfortifiedI am an EXPERT02:58
cfhowlettsdollins: it's coming. It's not an iphone.  Wait.02:58
KRomeleoNim waiting for Gnomebuntu02:58
KRomeleoNsince unity is so poor02:58
KRomeleoNthe amazon.com thing scares me02:58
Jimster480I have an Ubuntu 10.10 Install (well its been partially upgraded a bunch of times) I installed a new 3.6.2 kernel for it today that I built myself. Now when i was installing the new fglrx i did a auto-deconfigure on the apt-get and it uninstalled all dependencies in the whole system.02:59
sdollinscfhowlett: I need a new iPhone too. :(02:59
FlynsarmyKRomeleoN: sudo apt-get remove unity-shopping-lens or something isn't ti?02:59
sdollinsYou can just disable it now.02:59
Jimster480What do i Do now? The ubuntu-desktop is uninstalled as well as xorg completely uninstalled and all its dependencies.02:59
KRomeleoNFlynsarmy, it should be opt in not opt out02:59
Flynsarmysdollins: that's not great. they provide an all or nothing switch. i may not want shopping btu do like music/movie news for instance02:59
FlynsarmyKRomeleoN: agreed03:00
bfortifiedOHHHHHH an expert with Ubuntu! sorry total nooob here!03:00
KRomeleoNim a huuuuge gnome fan tho03:00
KRomeleoNi always install ubuntu and then gnome. i cant wait for Gnomebuntu03:00
Jimster480KRomeleoN me too03:00
xangua!ot | KRomeleoN Jimster48003:00
ubottuKRomeleoN Jimster480: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:00
whoeverTheodoros: tried this and nothing came up03:00
Jimster480but the thing is that Gnome3 is a complete piece of trash03:00
KRomeleoNi love gnome 3!03:00
ubottuJimster480:: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:00
Jimster480im trying to keep my old Gnome 2 setup03:00
KRomeleoNim running 3.6 its adream03:00
Jimster480its just bad in literally every way03:00
xanguaJimster480: the thing is you are usin a no loger supported ubuntu version03:00
noirohey now, I love gnome303:01
zfdoes ubuntu support cinnamon?03:01
KRomeleoNJimster480,  have you tried mate03:01
Jimster480yea mate is a flaming POS03:01
Jimster480itsl ike half updated03:01
Jimster480half the things work03:01
KRomeleoNidk, i love gnome 303:01
Jimster480none of the dependencies line up right03:01
noiroThey could have made customizing it a bit more user-friendly, but it's freaking awesome. And mine works fine03:01
Jimster480id rather cut myself than use gnome 303:01
Jimster480its slow as hell, the window management is an example of how to not manage windows, the apps themselves are bad, the window bars are non interactive, it looks ugly as hell03:02
noiroI just think KDE looks and 'feels' so hollow.03:02
Jimster480i cant thing of one good thing03:02
Jimster480and since i always hated KDE and still doe03:02
Jimster480i cant move to that03:02
zfI don't want to be hyperbolic but gnome 3 is literally worse than hitler03:02
FloodBot1Jimster480: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:02
KRomeleoNkde feels like windows xp copied by the chinese03:02
Jimster480yea it does because KDE is terrible also03:02
noirolol. Jim, just move to Openbox03:02
Jimster480the only desktop i ever liked was Gnome203:02
Jimster480lol openbox is like03:02
zfactually @Jimster480 I Gnome3 isn't slow compared to Gnome203:02
zfit just sucks more03:02
KRomeleoNJimster480, xfce is pretty sweet03:03
cfhowlettCan we please move personal opinions to #ubuntu_offtopic and maintain this channel for actual support?  Thank you.03:03
Jimster480for kids running 38603:03
Jeremy3Dwhere should i download chrome for ubuntu 12.04. from the software center or from googles website?03:03
KRomeleoNJeremy3D, u need the .dev03:03
noiroI dunno....Crunchbang did Openbox pretty well. ;)03:03
Jimster480well i do need support i want to know how i can install the dependencies again03:03
KRomeleoNfrom google03:03
xanguaJeremy3D: chromium is in the software center03:03
xz124jeremy3d: software if you want chromium, google if you want chrome03:03
Jimster480is there any way to install them again03:03
Jimster480despite them being old03:03
xz124chromium is the open source version of chrome, missing a few features that nobody uses03:03
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bfortifiedMy grandpa loved his 55 chevy doesnt mean he never bought a car besides that one03:04
KRomeleoNChrome is kinda shitty to use on linux since its not open source03:04
xz124use chromium then03:04
KRomeleoNFirefox is still where its at03:04
xangua!language | KRomeleoN03:04
ubottuKRomeleoN: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:04
Jimster480idk i mean03:04
Jeremy3Dwhats the dev KRomeleoN ?03:04
KRomeleoNim kinda sad that there isnt more celebration in this chan on the eve of a major release03:04
Jimster480i like what i had03:04
KRomeleoNJeremy3D, .deb03:05
xz124jeremy3d: .deb, not dev03:05
Jimster480well because 12.10 is not worth downloading03:05
somsipKRomeleoN: it's a supoprt channel. Try off-topic?03:05
Jimster480beause it uses unity03:05
Jeremy3Dwhich is better, chromium or chrome? i been using chrome but having text box problems, scrolling problems, etc03:05
Jimster480which is another example of how to not do a desktop interface03:05
ubottukRomeleoN, please see my private message03:05
bfortifiedI feel bad for using Chrome but I still use Chrome I like it so much better. There is always Chromium03:05
Jimster480if anyone really knows how to help me with my dependencies03:05
Jimster480please pm me03:05
Jimster480so i can get this fixed03:05
Jimster480I am a software developer and debugging is not a issue for me03:06
Jimster480i just need to get my packages resinstalled03:06
xz124!enter | Jimster48003:06
ubottuJimster480: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:06
Jeremy3Danyone else have a prerence, chrome or chromium for ubuntu 12.04?03:06
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somsip!poll | Jeremy3D03:07
ubottuJeremy3D: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:07
xz124jeremy3D: it honestly doesn't matter much.03:07
Jimster480ive only ever used chromium on desktops03:07
KRomeleoNi like chrome better than chromium but chromium is open so Chromium is my preference03:07
Jimster480idk that there was a chrome for linux now03:07
KRomeleoNChrome is the only way to get new versions of adobe flash on linux03:07
Jeremy3Dyea Jimster480 but i dont know if its chrome or ubuntu i'm having trouble with03:07
KRomeleoNif u need flash03:07
Jeremy3Deverything else seems to act fine. just chrome i have weird issues03:08
Jeremy3DKRomeleoN, Chromium doesnt support flash?03:08
bfortifiedChromium doesnt support anything proprietary right?03:08
KRomeleoNit supports flash03:08
noiroHey guys, one thing that bugs me about Ubuntu is, is there an addon I can include with gnome or something so when I click the middle mouse button, the auto scroll wheel shows up for quickly going to the top of pages?03:08
FlynsarmyJeremy what's your sisue with chrome?03:08
KRomeleoNbut only 11.203:08
KRomeleoNand thats it03:09
Jimster480can someone please help me get my xserver reinstalled?03:09
KRomeleoNif u need adobe flash greater than 11.2, u need Google Chrome03:09
Flynsarmyerr, that was for Jeremy3D03:09
KRomeleoNi had issues with chrome where i would enter a url and nothign woukd gappen03:10
bfortifiedisnt that just sudo apt-get install xorg?03:10
Jimster480no lol03:10
Jeremy3DFlynsarmy, Weird issues. Sometimes can't click in a text box, dont get cursor in text box, weird scrolling issues where only parts of the page scroll, problems with videos on youtube someitmes. etc03:10
Jimster480because all dependencies are broken now. Thats the whole reason why i am here.03:10
FlynsarmyJeremy3D: the YT issue is that it goes at half or twice speed?03:10
Jeremy3Dhalf and jumps around. but i'm more worried about not being able to type in text boxes03:11
bfortifiedmaybe its time to update? 10.10 really? why not 10.04 atleast?03:11
BETurnerChrome on Linux usually has that problem primarily on HTML5 video pages.03:11
Jeremy3Dalso when playing videos sometimes the audio will skip 3 or 4 times in a row03:11
Jeremy3DBETurner, is chromium a better alternative for this case then?03:12
FlynsarmyJeremy3D: it's a known issue. there's a few fixes mentioned here http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=116435 the one that worked for me was disabling the built in flash and usingteh system one by goign to about:flags03:12
Jimster48010.04 was broken03:12
Jimster480thast why i dont use it. Because the major issue with hibernation made it unusable if you had a laptop. As there was no way to sleep or hibernate03:12
obtrusivemouseneed help, saying a required package was not found during a make installation but it doesnt say what the package is03:12
Jimster480and if i go to 11.04 or anything else03:13
KRomeleoNJimster480, its time to grow up to gnome 303:13
bjrohanffmpeg won't install and I can trace it back to it not being able to get  libx264-120. In the package manager it is not available, however  libx264-123 is, which I have installed. How do I install  libx264-12003:13
FlynsarmyJeremy3D: not sure on your other issues. i have noticed that the mouse can disappear in VLC when running synergy...only thing i can think of that's similar03:13
bfortifiedyea yea unity03:13
Jimster480then im just fkd because im stuck with Either unity which is not usable or Gnome 3 which is not usable.03:13
KRomeleoNJimster480, have you tried xfce?03:13
Jimster480so i might as well just delete the linux partition and just use my Win 7 exclusively03:13
bfortifiedi love unity so...03:13
FlynsarmyJimster480: you can disable most of unity. that's what i've done. Only bits of unity I still have are the dash and the run menu. everything else is basically gnome203:13
Jimster480yea i hate it also, its like KDE but its made by even worse people than the morons that code that KDE crap03:14
Flynsarmythough the run menu is a PITA because you can't use tab for autocomplete03:14
Jimster480the dash is the worst part lol!03:14
bfortifiedreally win7 is better then unity? i say enjoy windohs03:14
KRomeleoNJimster480, maybe you can buy a mac mini?03:14
cfhowlettbjrohan: that package shows it's in the universe.  Enable universe repos and you should be able to install03:14
=== SolidLiq is now known as CodeGuru
Jeremy3Dinteresting read Flynsarmy03:14
xangua!eol | Jimster480 in the upgrade link, check the Requirements to change your repository to old-releases.ubuntu.com and please remember this channel is only for ubuntu supported versions03:14
ubottuJimster480 in the upgrade link, check the Requirements to change your repository to old-releases.ubuntu.com and please remember this channel is only for ubuntu supported versions: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades03:14
Jimster480Windows 7 is better than any desktop linux lewl, but I like linux because its faster and gives me better battery life on the go, so I tinker with it.03:14
=== otherone2321 is now known as visored
obtrusivemousehello ?03:15
cfhowlettobtrusivemouse: we see you03:15
obtrusivemousecfhowlett, no one respond to me03:15
cfhowlettobtrusivemouse: what's your ubuntu question?03:15
Jimster480Mac Mini LOL03:15
l0ui625ubuntu 12.10 NOW! plzz03:16
FlynsarmyJimster480: wait until you try to build a HTPC that plugs into your amp and then to tv :( there is no perfect oS. linux = no BD and often not great codec support, XP = slow boot, vista is super sluggish, 7 and up have a screen res issue when primary monitor is turned off - they dont always fix when you turn the TV on resulting in a black screen03:16
obtrusivemousecfhowlett, it was about package not found in installation, now my question is, i need packages from intrepid release (im trying to install awesome 3)03:16
cfhowlettobtrusivemouse: wait 103:17
xanguaobtrusivemouse: you are using a no longer supported ubuntu version, you need to upgrade to a supported one03:17
obtrusivemousexangua, i am using 12.04, i need reps from a non supported ubuntu version03:18
cfhowlett!eol|obtrusivemouse: Intrepid is End of Life03:18
ubottuobtrusivemouse: Intrepid is End of Life: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades03:18
bjrohanHow do I enable universe repos?03:18
bjrohancfhowlett, how do I enable universe repos03:18
xz124!repos | bjrohan03:18
ubottubjrohan: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories03:18
ubottuxz124:: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!03:19
obtrusivemousecfhowlett, not sure if anyone understands. I'm following instructions from this site: awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/awesome-3-ubuntu-git now if you go down to step 5-7 , you see i need intrepid packages03:19
cfhowlettobtrusivemouse: here's the link to the old iso  old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.10/03:19
xanguabjrohan: software center > edit > sources > check the first and second tab03:19
obtrusivemousecfhowlett, how is that going to help? do i install it and take the dependencies manually?03:20
Flynsarmyanyone happen to know if you're able to replace the unity run menu with the older run menu?03:20
cfhowlettobtrusivemouse: as it's end of life, I believe you'll have to do everything manually03:20
Jimster480Windows 7 is great for a HTPC i have a HTPC with 7 on it in my living room lol03:20
somsipobtrusivemouse: you are installing awesome wm from git?03:20
Ameenawaits ubuntu 12.1003:21
cfhowlettJimster480: stop trolling03:21
xanguaawesome.naquadah.org/wiki/awesome-3-ubuntu-git < "There is currently no text in this page" obtrusivemouse also awesome is on precice repos03:21
obtrusivemousesomsip, yes i'm trying to, the installation is quite... broken03:21
somsipobtrusivemouse: as xangua has just said, awesome is in the repos. If you insist from installing from git, expect it to be more tricky03:21
obtrusivemousexangua, you sure? so i just type in awesome and it'll download? wait trying it out.03:21
FlynsarmyJimster480: it's great other htan the screen issue. it resizes res when the primary monitor is turned off. when you turn the tv back on it can occasionally not fix itself so you get no picture. it doesn't happen on all TVs but was happening on my samsung. it sucked hard. otherwise it was a brilliant HTPC OS03:21
Ameenwhen ubuntu 12.10 can be downloaded?03:22
xangua!info awesome | obtrusivemouse03:22
cfhowlettobtrusivemouse: seriously urge you to consider upgrading to the latest LTS release 12.0403:22
ubottuobtrusivemouse: awesome (source: awesome): highly configurable, next generation framework window manager for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.11-1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 821 kB, installed size 2120 kB03:22
xangua!isitout | Ameen03:22
ubottuAmeen: Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party03:22
obtrusivemousexangua, great i'm an idiot.03:22
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FlynsarmyAmeen: you might be looking for the #ubuntu-release-party channel03:22
AmeenI can not download it03:23
Jimster480im not trolling lol, I just want my damn Gnome 2 old distro to be fixed :/03:23
cfhowlettAmeen: it is NOT out yet.03:23
somsipAmeen: It is not out yet. Wait, then come back here and type '!isitout'03:23
obtrusivemouseflynsarmy, are you meaning something other that logging out and changing wm's?03:23
Flynsarmyobtrusivemouse: huh? what're you referring to?03:24
obtrusivemouseflynsarmy, i thought that's what you meant when you mean running an older menu03:24
anders_Hey, I need some help with an internet problem. My stationary computer is freshly installed with Ubuntu 12.04, and uses a Netgear N300 WNA3100 wireless USB to connect to the internet, but I'm missing drivers. I have internet on my laptop, but don't know how to share the internet. No guides on the internet have helped....03:25
ubottuanders_: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:25
Flynsarmyobtrusivemouse: oh the run menu? the old run menu was just a standard window that you coudl use tab to autocomplete. the new unity run menu doesn't support autocomplete making it hard to get to folders quickly03:25
Flynsarmythe new run menu is relatively useless TBH. until they fix autocomplete at least03:25
anders_thanks. :)03:25
Ubuntuooogadoes anyone know what time 12.10 will be released?03:26
ubottuUbuntuoooga:: Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party03:26
somsip!isiout | Ubuntuoooga03:26
bfortifiedI use synapse as my run menu and it works great and auto completes03:27
* Ubuntuoooga silently heads over to the other channel03:27
* Flynsarmy doesn't think 'silently' means what you think it means...03:27
alien2050ne1 knows how to change the unity top bar (dash?) TEXT color ?03:27
Flynsarmygnome-tweak-tool perhaps?03:28
alien2050nah.... not there... myunity can change color but only bg03:28
alien2050gnome-tweak-tool can't do color... yet03:29
FlynsarmyUnsettings has quite a few settings but dont see colour there either03:29
alien2050maybe a css file... but I can't see which03:30
tedskiI'm trying to get 12.04 ready for production to migrate our systems off lucid... we use nis netgroups in ldap and i'm noticing a bug in libpam-modules (pam_access.so specifically) 1.1.3-7ubuntu3.  I read that this is fixed in > 1.1.3 but I notice quetzal still has 1.1.3.  I tried quetzal's build anyway, but to no avail.  If i bring in pam_access.so from a 1.1.1 machine (lucid has 1.1.1), it works fine.  What is my best course of action at this point?03:30
tedskishould I build my own package using pam 1.1.5?03:30
tedskishould I roll all systems back to lucid's working version of libpam-modules?03:30
Mcl0vinok so now i am able to load my desktop normal except ... i am stuck in login screen loop03:31
tedskior is there a more sane way to get an updated version of libpam-modules?03:31
Mcl0vinany ideas guys03:31
alien2050Mcl0vin: missed the first part of your problem, but usually when in a login loop there is a permissions problem on the homedir of the user youre trying to login with03:32
McDickChunk^very true, try loggin in as root03:32
alien2050I usually do chown -R userid /home/userid03:32
Mcl0vinalien2050, but i am able to login as guest fine. so that in a sense confirm it is an issue with permissions you thing ?03:33
tedskiMcl0vin: i would think so03:33
tedskiMcl0vin: login as guest and do ls -ld /home03:34
alien2050yeah I think so guest is not a reference for the problem03:34
bfortifiedsure caint hurt to chown it03:34
tedskiMcl0vin: see if /home/userid is owned by userid03:34
tedskiand yeah, as bfortified noted... it won't hurt one bit to chown it anyway03:34
alien2050you can always hit ctrl-alt-f1 and login as root there03:34
alien2050no need to open a session I'd say03:34
Mcl0vintedski, drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep  1 11:09 /home03:35
Mcl0vinthis is guest03:35
alien2050not /home, check /home/userid03:35
tedskierr, sorry, yeah03:35
tedskiwhat alien2050 said03:35
alien2050do a ls -al /home/"youruseridhere"03:35
tucemiuxanyone here has experience installing ubuntu on a win7 ultrabook?  The ultrabook comes with 4 primary partitions so I need to figure out which partitions I can safely delete03:36
D4rkH4ndHello, who was it that told me to do a memtest86 ???03:36
KRomeleoN30 minutes till 12.1003:37
somsipKRomeleoN: why do you say that?03:37
bfortifiedtucemiux: all of them ;)03:37
D4rkH4ndKRomeleoN: are you sure ?03:37
KRomeleoN10/18 is in 30 min03:37
xangua!isitout | KRomeleoN D4rkH4nd03:37
ubottuKRomeleoN D4rkH4nd: Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party03:37
Mcl0vintedski, yes userid is owned by userid03:37
tedskiMcl0vin: interesting03:38
somsipKRomeleoN: it's released when it's ready, it takes time to propagate. Chill03:38
bfortifiedtucemiux: are you installing ubunut now?03:38
McDickChunkKRomeleoN: it's like a wizard, never early, never late, it comes precisely when it means to03:38
Mcl0vintedski, any suggestion on how to fix it03:39
D4rkH4ndSo i did a memtest86  as i was told. No errors. But my desktop still crashes in this order. compiz/cairo/gnome03:39
tucemiuxbfortified, if i was then i wouldnt be asking here o.O03:39
tucemiuxbfortified, im trying to set up a dual boot here o.O03:39
urgodfatherhello room, i have a slightly off topic question. does anyone have a copy of the 4.21 FW for a PS3? i would prefer not to go to 4.25 b/c i intend to put ubuntu on it03:40
bfortifiedtucemiux: figured as much. sarcasim wont get you far when asking for help03:40
somsipurgodfather: you're right - offtopic. Elsewhere please.03:40
Jimster480hey guys do you know if i use my 10.10 CD can i use it as a repo to reinstall all my missing components?03:40
urgodfatherD4rkH4nd: have you does a hdd test?03:40
urgodfatherD4rkH4nd: no swolen caps?03:41
tedskiMcl0vin: humor us and do: chown -R yourusername:yourusername /home/yourusername03:41
D4rkH4ndim gonna reinstall compiz with out mangr. I read that the mangr will crash gnome3 idk thou03:41
tedskiMcl0vin: just to make sure that's not the issue03:41
dtxHello everyone, I have installed the arm build tools and now for some reason my amd64 ubuntu precise box keeps referring to packages ending with linaro on the end of them. Is there a way to force reinstallation of ubuntu-desktop (it was removed after I added the packages and it keeps failing installation because it references the linaro packages for everything)03:41
alien2050Mcl0vin: did you try the command I sent03:41
urgodfathersomsip: im aware... but gotta try my luck03:41
xanguaJimster480: i already told you you need to use old.releases.ubuntu as the repository and the detailes instrucciones are in the Upgrade EOL web, in the Requirement section03:42
dwlocksI noticed something odd on my 11.04 install about dpkg versions: dpkg --version: 1.15.8 while dpkg -l dpkg: 1.16.003:42
urgodfatherD4rkH4nd: i have mgr on mine no problems03:42
dwlocksany clue as to why that might be?03:42
tucemiuxbfortified, answera question with a question doesnt help much unless you dont understand the problem in which case I doubt you would help finding a solution03:42
D4rkH4ndwell it said it happends with intell gpu. do have ?03:43
bfortifiedtucemiux: im happy to help join #tucemiux-help03:43
urgodfatherD4rkH4nd: mine is an intel gma (netbook)03:44
dwlocksif anyone here has 11.04 installed, I'd appreciate if they could check the output of dpkg --version vs dpkg -l dpkg03:44
dwlocksmy versions don't match!03:44
D4rkH4ndso it dont have intell HD then ?03:44
dtxAnybody familiar with my issue?03:45
urgodfatherdtx: open a terminal and try sudo apt-get clean and sudo apt-get autoremove03:45
Mcl0vintedski, what next03:45
tedskiMcl0vin: still looping?03:45
=== zaydr is now known as ViridusFin
dwlocksdtx: what's linaro?03:46
dtxit removed nothing03:46
dtxurgodfather: it removed nothing03:46
Mcl0vintedski, i will have to reboot03:46
dtxdwlocks: I was wondering that as well03:46
* dwlocks googles linaro03:46
dtxdwlocks: I believe it has to do with some broken ti-imap03:46
tedskiMcl0vin: you shouldn't have to... you should be able to just log out and log back in03:46
dtxdwlocks: ti-omap package repos which I thought were for building for the platform03:47
dtxIt is listed in the Software Center but then breaks when you try to install it03:47
dwlockshmm.  Precise, is that 12.04?03:47
urgodfatherdtx do yo have an arm chip?03:47
dtxurgodfather: I am running on an amd64 machine right now, but I was trying to get arm cross-compile for this panda board I have which does have arm03:48
dtxI was trying to get tools for compiling for arm on my amd64 that is03:48
dwlocksdtx, I don't think the multi-arch stuff is quite complete enough to handle cross-compiles without chroots yet.03:48
trimetaI run a home server, which gives me the landscape-based system info whenever I log in. I like this, but I'd like to configure exactly what landscape shows, rather than just seeing the default info. Is there a way to find a sample /etc/landscape/client.conf (or even a landscape-sysinfo man page) without installing the full landscape-client package which doesn't make any sense with a single-server setup? (E.g., I'm not using Ubu03:48
urgodfatherdtx for arm i would recommend archlinux03:49
dtxdwlocks: is there anyway I can force it to reinstall the amd64 ubuntu-desktop without referencing the other stuff?03:49
dwlocksI'm fighting with multi-arch in a package I'm building atm  :-(03:49
bfortifiedpanda huh? very jealous those look fun03:49
brightsparksI can't upgrade beyond flash 10.3? I downloaded and installed 11.3 but the system just refuses to work with so went back to 10.3. ?03:50
dtxurgodfather: I just ended up running Ubuntu and compiling on the panda itself. I just want to rid myself of whatever is b0rking my system atm.03:50
dwlocksdtx: what does dpkg --print-architectures say?03:50
dtxbfortified: pandas are pretty fun, especially with stepper motors hooked up to it. :P03:50
urgodfatherdtx didnt know ubuntu was (officialy) available for arm, yet03:51
dwlocksrly.  is the linaro reference look like something like  "libc6:linaro"03:51
bfortifieddtx: I want one for a automotive pc built in wi-fi and bt right?03:51
dtxurgodfather: It's not officially supported. It's community project but it is on the download page for 12.04.103:51
dtxdwlocks:  compiz-plugins-default : Depends: libdecoration0 (= 1: but 1:0.9.8+bzr3287-0linaro3 is to be installed03:52
dtxthat's an example03:52
urgodfatherdtx thanks for the tip03:52
dwlocksdtx: I would uninstall the cross-building tools first.03:52
dtxbfortified: bt doesn't work so far, wifi works03:52
dwlocksyeah, that's the the multi-arch stuff giving you hell.03:52
dtxis there a way to reset arch03:53
dtxforce arch?03:53
bfortifieddtx: no bt? no firmware support?03:53
dwlocks--force-arch forces dpkg to install what it thinks is a wrong arch.03:53
dtxbfortified: I just haven't pursued the support. It might be out there somehow.03:54
dwlocksthere's a standard "fix my broken requirements" flag.03:54
* dwlocks looks for it.03:54
dtxdwlocks: I did apt-get -f apt-get -m... it just keeps wanting to refer to those packages03:55
bfortifieddtx: glad for the heads up  was pretty close to buying but i will have to to look into bt support. bt is a must for my project03:55
=== jod is now known as barna
Jimster480okay you wizards its time for another question03:56
PeoplesAdvocateIs there a new Ubuntu out tomorrow? I have been out of the loop since school started!03:56
dtxbfortified: it would be nice for mine but not necessary.03:56
xangua!isitout | PeoplesAdvocate03:56
ubottuPeoplesAdvocate: Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party03:56
Jimster480i have the 10.10 CD mounted, Now i want to use the CD as a repository so that i can rebuild my old dependencies that it uninstalled. How do I do this?03:56
bfortifieddtx: do you have a specific goal in mind or just hacking on it for now?03:56
anders_I've been to the site you guys advice me to, but no luck. Do you know of any secure way to share my wireless connection from my laptop to my stationary using cable?03:57
dtxbfortified: art project involving a magnet, sand, two steppers and a chrome ball03:57
cbeustJimster480: tu use it as a repository, use apt-cdrom, i'm not sure I understand what you are saying about rebuilding old dependencies"03:57
xanguaJimster480: i have already told you what to do to have working repositories, so please stop asking for support for a no longer supported version03:58
dwlocksdtx: have you tried "apt-get install -f"?  Honestly, I'd try dpkg -P <cross-building-tools> first.  whatever the crossbuild tools were.03:58
ssshvbhey I installed ubuntu on my hp workstation without problems (from CD)  but i can not boot it.  the system does not show an ubuntu boot menu .  I have Win7 on the station as well.  as a result i can load only win7 and i can not get access to ubuntu03:58
bfortifieddtx: art project or bedroom toy :003:58
trigger_killIf I install 12.04 now, and then upgrade when given the chance, will there be any diffrences to if i simply installed 12.10 directly?03:58
dtxdwlocks: I think it's actually this TI OMAP specific crap in the repo. It was broken so I tried to fix the line, and probably f#$%ed everything.03:58
Jordan_Ussshvb: Do you have more than one hard drive, and do you know of your computer uses UEFI?03:59
cfhowletttrigger_kill: of course.  Do you really NEED 12.10?03:59
dwlocksdtx: gonna make a japanese garden with a magic rolling ball bearing?  nifty.03:59
dtxbfortified: no bedroom toy should involve sand ;)03:59
trigger_killNo, but my current install is messed up03:59
cfhowletttrigger_kill: 12.04 is Long Term Support good for 5 years.03:59
Jeremy3Dwhoever was helping with my chrome issue earlier, I downloaded Chromium and installed Flash and everything seems to be working better for now. Thanks for the help!03:59
dwlocksdtx: "crap in the repo"?  you mean sources.list?03:59
bfortifieddtx: valid03:59
dtxdwlocks: not too far off03:59
anders_I've been to the site you guys advice me to, but no luck. Do you know of any secure way to share my wireless connection from my laptop to my stationary using cable?03:59
KRomeleoNJeremy3D, good to hear03:59
cfhowletttrigger_kill: suggestion install 12.04. Stick with LTS only releases.  Next LTS will be 14.0403:59
dtxIt added a couple bad source lines03:59
dtxI can tell you the package04:00
dtxhold on04:00
Jeremy3Dthanks KRomeleoN04:00
dwlocksdtx: ahh...  I've never needed to tease out what packages come from what repo.04:00
ssshvbJordan_U do not know what is uefi04:00
dwlocksdtx: there's probably a log of what got installed.  uninstall and remove the TI-OMAP repo package last.04:01
dwlocks*then do apt-get install -f04:01
dtxI don't think I got anything actually from it04:01
NautilusThe other day I ran "sudo apt-get install libcompass-ruby" ... it seemed to go ok and installed many dependencies.  What I'd like to do is a nice uninstall that uninstalls the dependencies too.  What's a good way of doing it ... I don't want to make a mess by experimenting.04:01
trimetaIf the dependencies are only there because apt-get installed them, apt-get remove should remove them, IIRC.04:02
trigger_killwouldn't you need to use apt-get autoremove?04:02
trimetaThat is, apt-get remove libcompass-ruby will also remove its dependencies, if nothing else needs them.04:02
Nautilusthat's my understanding but am hoping to confirm04:02
dwlocksdtx: I guess then just comment out the TI-OMAP sources in /etc/apt/sources.list, do apt-get update, and try apt-get install -f04:02
Jordan_Ussshvb: It's a new kind of boot firmware (replacing the BIOS interface). If you boot from a LiveCD, run boot info script, and pastebin the RESULTS.txt which it produces I can tell you what type of firmware you have, and hopefully how to get Ubuntu booting.04:02
Jordan_U!bootinfo | ssshvb04:02
ubottussshvb: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).04:02
cbeustNautilus: apt-get remove libcompass-ruby ; apt-get autoremove04:02
dwlocksdtx: <disclaimer>but I'm really not a super duper expert. </disclaimer>04:03
dtxYeah that's what I kinda tried04:03
Nautiluscbeust: 'remove', not 'uninstall'?04:03
cbeustNautilus: yes04:03
cbeustNautilus: (man apt-get)04:03
Nautiluswhat does the autoremove do?04:03
ssshvbi booted right now from livecd04:03
dtxThat package should be removed04:03
trigger_killautomaticly removes unused dependicies, i think04:03
dwlocksdtx: did you apt-get update?04:04
cbeustNautilus: removes packages which were installed only to satisfy dependencies which are no longer needed04:04
Nautilusthanks, lemme give them a go04:04
dwlocksNautilus: I always use apt-get -s when I'm not sure what's going to happen...04:05
dtxdwlocks: Yep04:05
ssshvbthanks let me have a look04:05
dtxIt looks like it pulls them from here04:05
Nautilusdwlocks: ah, gotcha04:05
cbeustNautilus: when you apt-get install a b c and that results in Q W E in also being install, apt marks a,b,c as being "manually installed" and Q,W,E as being "automatically installed".  autoremove asks to remove any packages which are marked as auto which aren't depended on by installed packages marked as manual to be removed04:05
trimetaHmm, does aptitude remove add an autoremove at the end? I always use aptitude, rather than apt-get, so that may be why I've seen it remove dependencies in one step.04:05
dwlocksdtx: if sources.list has those repos commented out, then the packages should not be listed as available04:06
dtxdwlocks: That's what's baffling me04:06
dtxhold on a sec04:06
dwlocksdtx: did you try apt-get install -f?  you've already done everything I'd do.04:06
xangua!aptitude | trimeta04:06
ubottutrimeta: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.04:06
Nautilusremoving didn't take out the dependencies but autoremove did04:07
dtxdwlocks: yep04:07
trimetaxangua: I mean, does aptitude remove have a different behavior from regular apt-get remove? I'm not actually having any issues regarding this, I'm just curious.04:07
dtxIs there a way I can say install ubuntu-desktop assuming nothing is downloaded?04:07
dwlocksok... you need to find whatever package is trying to pull in the *-linaro package.04:08
cbeusttrimeta: it also does autoremove04:08
anders_In pure desperation I deleted Ubuntu and trying over again with Windows Installer, but is there anyway I can use the Windows driver to run the Wireless USB stick in Ubuntu?04:08
dtxThe problem is it is a linaro package04:08
dtxI'm just going to keep uninstalling until it works and hope my system keeps working04:08
dwlocksdtx: that's ok.  dpkg -P every *linaro package.04:09
dtxdwlocks: I removed a ton already04:09
dtxI was just one package away04:09
wilee-nileeanders_, wireless sticks are cheap, there is a wiki that lists ones that work, buy one that works.04:10
trimetacbeust: Ah, that's what I was wondering. I knew there was a reason I got into the habit of using aptitude rather than apt-get. (I'm on an amd64 system, so unless multilib runs into the same problems as multi-arch, which I do not believe is the case, I don't have to worry about the aforementioned aptitude bug.)04:10
dtxIt looks like it will install now04:10
xanguaanders_ if there are no native drivers for that dongle you could try ndiswrapper to load the windows driver (.inf file, the xp driver version is advised)04:10
dtxI'm gonna file a bug on the TI IMAP package saying it's a POS and they need to kill it with fire04:10
anders_Ok, will try that xangua04:10
dwlocksdtx:  well there you go!04:10
cbeusttrimeta: i dunno.  I haven't found the need for multi-arch stuff yet04:11
obtrusivemousehaving trouble connecting to wifi on command line, what's the wireless app?04:11
trimetaI once did some cross-compiling to get software running on an Arduino, but I used my Gentoo laptop for that, not my Ubuntu server.04:11
ssshvbive got the result of bootinfoscript04:12
wilee-nileessshvb, Pastebin the text.04:12
dtxHow do I reinstall the 386 pkgs?04:12
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:12
obtrusivemousealso http://askubuntu.com/questions/138472/how-do-i-connect-to-a-wpa-wifi-network-using-the-command-line can anyone explain the textbox in answer 1? i tried it but it gives me unknown global field and invalid config04:13
ssshvbhave no idea how to do it04:14
Jordan_U!pastebin | ssshvb04:14
ubottussshvb: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:14
Pholeyhey a quick question, dont know if anybody here runs linux mint04:15
Jimster480xangua: thanks i figured out how to add it to my system. hopefully this will fix it04:15
xangua!mint | Pholey they do there04:16
ubottuPholey they do there: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org04:16
Pholeywell do any of you have any idea on how to get a notification to come up when your battery is low?04:16
cbeustPholey: have you tried draining the battery?04:18
jam__hey everybody. does boot repair recomended button delete ubuntu?04:18
Pholeycbeust yes, i have lost my work a couple of times due to sudden shut offs.04:19
jam__I needed to reinstall my windows 7 but I still need my dual boot04:19
cbeustPholey: have you tried ubuntu?04:19
cbeustPholey: have you tried file-> save?04:19
dwlocksdtx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiarchCross  oy.  good luck!04:19
wilee-nileejam__, The recommended button loads the mbr with the grub bootloader.04:19
Jimster480xangua: i love you04:20
Pholeycbeust very funny, honestly. but when im grinding on a paper, i dont think about anything but words lol04:20
=== vibhav is now known as ringtail
jam__so what does it mean wilee? I have grub????!! so why i can not see that purple page to choose windows or ubuntu04:21
cbeustis "grinding on a paper" a sexual thing?  I don't know what this means04:21
GoodHeartedGuyhi.. any one knows the release time of the ubuntu 12.10?04:21
GoodHeartedGuyis it 4 pm UK time?04:21
xangua!isitout | GoodHeartedGuy04:21
ubottuGoodHeartedGuy: Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party04:21
Jordan_Ussshvb: OK. It looks like your computer is configured to boot via BIOS, but also has UEFI. Ubuntu installed a UEFI bootloader (since your machine booted the CD via UEFI) but Windows is using a BIOS based bootloader. So, the way to get Ubuntu working is to install a BIOS based bootloader for Ubuntu.04:22
GoodHeartedGuyi mean its suppose to be released today.. but don't know the time04:22
jam__wilee-nilee__,if i still have grub2 so why i cannot see the dual boot page to choose ubuntu?04:22
GoodHeartedGuyno body knows whats the GMT time for release of ubuntu?04:23
wilee-nileejam__, You will need to backup and give me more info.04:23
ealeonive never lefT?04:23
faoiseamhmy ubuntu server is crashing / locking up occasionally (every 1-3 days) with nothing in syslog / kern.log. It has tons of memory + idle cpu + disk space. Short of a hardware test, what can I do to debug this?04:24
wilee-nileejam__, Did you install ubuntu from windows to begin with?04:24
ealeonyes he did04:24
jam__I installed ubuntu 12.04 and win7 dualboot in seperate partition(not wubi  installer) they are completely separate04:25
ealeonyeah but they share RAM04:25
ealeonhow much RAM you got on ubuntu?04:25
wilee-nileejam__, So you have to installs W7 and Ubuntu what is the problem would help here.04:25
jam__ubuntu is not installed on windows04:25
ealeonubuntu is OS and so is windows.....04:26
l0ui625anyone got the ubuntu 12.10 yet?04:26
ealeonnot out yet04:26
dwlocksis anyone still running 11.04 (natty)04:26
ealeonno 12.0304:27
jam__no Im reinstalling win7 and i used bootrepair to continue win install process. and I can not see ubuntu anymore should i install ubuntu from the begining or it is still there?04:27
jam__to sum up how can i log in ubuntu after reinstalling windows04:27
* dwlocks does not believe in multiboot04:28
ealeonget w804:28
wilee-nileejam__, Why would you use the bootrepair to finish a windows install, is this a UEFI setup?04:28
l0ui625i want 12.10 NOW!04:28
ElesaHi, just a quick question, is a /boot partition really needed? If yes, why?04:28
jam__I don't know uefi?04:28
dwlockswindows installers usually overwrite the boot sector, but I haven't done it in awhile.04:28
dwlocksuefi is a new way to specify where the boot info is, right?04:29
jam__but i can not continue installing windows after the first restart in instaling windows04:29
cbeustElesa: if / is on raid. if / is encrypted.  if / is on lvm. probably others04:29
jam__I face with a page grub repair04:29
nytonaed ora ome faccio a scaricare04:30
wilee-nileejam__, So windows boots now correct? You wont see ubuntu from windows in the bootloader or in computer, you can reload grub using the recommended button in bootrepair, it also generates a bootscript, if you have problems post the HTTP address of that script.04:30
ealeonhow do you access an ip addr thats not registered on DNS or within your network?04:30
ocrpyalguien puede ayudarme?04:31
l0ui625que necesitas?04:31
wilee-nileeenglish channel04:31
ocrpyproblema con ubuntu04:31
ealeonsi senor04:31
jam__wilee-nilee__, so i need to run boot repair for second time?04:31
ealeonque pasa?04:31
nytonaitaliano canale ??04:31
l0ui625cual es tu problema?04:31
jam__again recomended setting?04:31
ealeonaieee papi04:32
wilee-nileejam__, YOu have left so much out here, second time has no context.04:32
ocrpycuando instale la version del grub de ubuntu ya no pude ver las particiones de windows04:32
ealeonaieee papi04:32
Elesathanks cbeust, I guess I don't need it :D04:32
ocrpyesq formatee la maquina04:32
wilee-nileeocrpy, This is an english channel.04:32
jam__ok then thanks wilee-nilee04:32
ealeonchulo pinga04:33
xangua!es |  l0ui625 ocrpy04:33
ubottul0ui625 ocrpy: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.04:33
l0ui625busca info en google04:33
xanguaealeon: stop that please04:33
Elesaocrpy: Si no estoy equivocada, el canal en espanol es #ubuntu-es04:33
usr13Elesa: Separate /home is more important that /boot04:33
ealeonxangua, sorry04:33
Elesausr13: Cool, thanks!04:33
l0ui625tienes que hacer recovery con el dvd de windows04:33
ocrpyok thanks04:33
l0ui625y reparar el inicio desde cmd04:34
l0ui625googlea es algo tipico04:34
usr13Elesa:  I use 3 partitions, swap and / and /home (in that order).04:34
ubottul0ui625:: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.04:34
ElesaWhy swap first?04:34
usr13Elesa: speed04:34
l0ui625i talk both dude cfhowlett04:34
l0ui625i just want to help04:35
T_A_N_KI am sorry to bother you all, how do i get the .deb for wine 1.4 for the macintosh ubuntu archetexture? I have been looking for it for about 6 hours now and there is no trace of it on launchpad, i am trying to install wine on a computer with no internet.04:35
usr13Elesa: Speed and convenience.  Swap is smallest, /  is second smallest, /home is large04:35
ElesaI always made / first, then swap and finally home lol04:36
ElesaIs that slower?04:36
usr13Elesa: swap maybe 4G  / maybe 20G  and the rest for /home04:36
ElesaI have 4 GB of RAM04:36
usr13Writing takes place on the outer edge of a disk first.04:37
T_A_N_KSo i am guessing ubuntu does not carry offline debs for the macintosh architecture any more?04:37
nytonalista fila04:37
ElesaT_A_N_K: You mean Power PC?04:37
nytonalista film04:37
T_A_N_KI have been trying to find wine 1.4 for powerpc for about 6 hours now04:38
=== user_ is now known as ealeon
ElesaTo be honest I don't even know if there's wine for Power PC04:38
T_A_N_KThere is, but i cannot use the internet04:39
SqueakyBelleI don't think wine for PPC would work because of the x86 vs PPC arch differences04:39
usr13T_A_N_K: Why not?04:39
T_A_N_Ki need wine to install my netgear adapter, i know, it sounds strange, but i just need it to work because i've done this before04:39
wilee-nileeT_A_N_K, Have you stopped by #winehq04:39
T_A_N_KJust not on powerpc04:39
T_A_N_KGood idea04:39
dubwocask one ask all04:39
dubwocahh yeah04:39
ElesaI don-t think that would work in Power PC04:39
ElesaSince that driver is supposed to be for x86?04:40
ElesaYou could try ndiswrapper instead?04:40
SqueakyBelleI think that's what he's trying to do04:40
dubwocyou can't mix drivers and architectures like that..04:40
ssshvbsorry got DC04:41
ElesaI figured ndiswrapper doesn't work with drivers of different architectures. xD04:41
SqueakyBelleIt doesn't. I've tried.04:41
T_A_N_Kndiswrapper does not work at all, it is crap. Wine works great for installing netgear adapters.04:42
ElesaUmm, like.. Wine is supposed to run Windows software, not integrate drivers with a *NIX system. o_o04:43
OerHeksElesa +104:43
SqueakyBelleElesa +204:43
T_A_N_KWould there be a way to install windows over ubuntu?04:44
ElesaHehe. <304:44
ElesaWindows OVER Ubuntu?04:44
OerHeksT_A_N_K, no04:44
T_A_N_KYes, i am running a hackintosh04:44
ElesaYou mean installing Windows drivers? I don't think so.04:45
T_A_N_KNo, i mean booting windows with grub.04:45
SqueakyBelleHow can you run a PPC hackintosh?04:45
T_A_N_KI was running it before, but it crashed. Now i am using the same model, but i've forgotten what i did.04:46
ElesaT_A_N_K: First of all, you can't run Windows in a Power PC machine. ._.04:46
T_A_N_KI've already done it.04:46
ElesaAlso, you couldn't have a Hackintosh since a Mac computer with a Power PC should have.. well, Mac OS.04:47
ElesaT_A_N_K: Either you're virtualizing Windows, or you really have a x86/x64 processor. xD04:48
T_A_N_KI have a powerpc architechture04:48
dtxOMG my system is so fucked04:48
ElesaThen how can you say that you have booted Windows on it? That's impossible unless you virtualize it.04:48
RaringOnedtx: No swearing in here please04:48
dtxRaringOne: Sorry, thought I was in chat04:49
ElesaAnyway, you're better off searching for a Netgear driver written specifically for your.. Power PC machine.04:49
ElesaYou can't mix architectures.04:49
T_A_N_KNevermind, i found the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMYBWMD6cg804:49
T_A_N_KGood day to you all.04:50
basketballstarwhat time tomarrow will 12.10 be up for installation04:50
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ElesaUmm, encrypting /home is not a very good idea, is it?04:52
ElesaI tried it twice, and the two times, some lvm thing failed to mount the drive.. or something.04:52
ElesaIt's also slower, right?04:52
somsip!list | nytona04:53
ubottunytona: somsip: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».04:53
Areckxhow to use pastebinit or any similar packages? It keeps saying incorrect API04:53
basketballstarwhen does 12.10 come out04:54
whatwhatwhy everyting in linux is difficult04:55
whatwhatnot user friendly04:55
Elesawhatwhat: It depends on your definition of user friendly and easy.04:55
RaringOnesomsip: You were right in this case but please don't assume all italian users are looking for warez.04:55
cbeustand everything04:55
alien2050whatwhat: it's not, but you need to shift your mentality04:55
whatwhatit is alien unless you are talking about some programming stuffs04:56
whatwhatit is not04:56
alien2050it's more powerful, more flexible, and you can finally work with a computer instead of updating your OS and antivirus every 2 minutes04:56
somsipRaringOne: that's 2 nil to me. I'll stop while I'm ahead. Point taken04:56
Elesawhatwhat: Also, things are different in Linux, not precisely harder. For example, would you rather download Firefox from the Software Center, or open up another browser, type firefox.com, go to the download page, wait for it to download, and install it yourself?04:56
cbeustwhatwhat: huh?04:56
GothicKitty93Obvious troll is obvious...04:56
whatwhatinstall a software should be easy but in linux is it tough04:57
whatwhatto get this done04:57
cfhowlettwhatwhat: so use something else04:57
bjrohanWhat are some backup utilites you use? I tried Deja Dup, but it is NOT automatic, never has been for me, always says it is waiting for a network connection when I am connected to my network and can browse the ssh directory I want to store the backup in04:57
gartral|2hey all, can someone tell me what's going on here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286340/04:57
RaringOne!manual | whatwhat04:58
ubottuwhatwhat: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:58
Elesawhatwhat: did you even read what I typed? Installing most things a typical user needs takes like 1 search and 2 clicks in Ubuntu. In Windows it involves Googling stuff and installing them yourself.04:58
whatwhatthat's the reason why linux will not be a wildly adopted04:58
ElesaObvious troll, is obvious.04:58
* Elesa shuts up.04:58
RaringOnewhatwhat: Do you have a Ubuntu support question?04:58
alien2050whatwhat: no it's not... it s actually a lot easier than M$ where you need to run on all the different websites one by one04:58
GothicKitty93Can we vote kick like TF2 lol?04:58
cbeustgartral|2: its trying to load a file that doesn't exists04:58
alien2050to get software that may or may not be free04:59
gartral|2cbeust: but it does exist!04:59
cbeustgartral|2: try ldd or strace to figure out what04:59
ElesaGothicKitty93: That would be awesome! xD04:59
cbeustgartral|2: which exists?04:59
gartral|2cbeust: the SPAZ installer binary04:59
dominic_whatwhat: as what alien2050 said, you need to change your point of view04:59
alien2050or even worst, winbloze doesn't boot anymore, why ? nobody knows04:59
cbeustgartral|2: and running that tries to load something that doesn't exist05:00
whatwhatdominic , the developer of linux os need to change their view instead05:00
ElesaI think we shouldn't argue with him. >.>05:00
whatwhatif they care to make it big05:00
Elesa"The developer of Linux OS"05:00
cbeustwhatwhat: send the devleoper of linux an email05:00
alien2050good luck repairing the OS! in ubuntu it is extremely modular so a lot easier, but also a bit more basic knowledge needed initially05:00
GothicKitty93This guy is obviously a spy...05:01
RaringOne!ot | Everybody05:01
ubottuEverybody: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:01
ElesaHe's obviously trolling. I suggest we stop arguing with him. Also, whatwhat, type this: /join #ubuntu-offtopic05:01
ElesaThere you can evangelize all of us into using Windows or Mac.05:01
RaringOneElesa: please take your own advice and drop it05:02
gartral|2cbeust: strace is giving me very strange output05:02
cbeustElesa: not mac, he's identified unix as the problem05:02
alien2050ha! good one05:02
anders_Then I'm back again.... Fresh Ubuntu yet again, still no luck with the wireless USB. How can I install Ndiswrapper without internet? I got a .tar.gz file, but I don't know how to install it05:02
starbuck33one question: is 12.10 going to be officially released today?05:03
gartral|2cbeust: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286350/05:03
RaringOne!party | starbuck3305:03
ubottustarbuck33: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Quantal release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1995/detail/05:03
xangua!isitout | starbuck3305:03
ubottustarbuck33: Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party05:03
cbeustgartral|2: you'll want -f to strace05:03
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Quantal release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1995/detail/05:03
cbeustgartral|2: the "bin" file is probably forking05:03
cbeustgartral|2: are you on 64 bit and this bin is 32 bit?05:05
schnappiis it out?05:07
whatwhatfanboy will always be fanboy  ignoring the probem .05:07
gartral|2cbeust: I think it's supposet to be a universal05:07
bjrohanDoes anyone on here use a GUI to do a regular backup over ssh? If so what?05:07
cbeustgartral|2: huh?05:08
gartral|2cbeust: I think the binary is suppost to be architecture-independant05:08
bjrohanCan anyone on here hear me?05:08
dsnydersHi all!  Is it better to run ubuntu on a virtual machine under windows, or to run windows on a virtual machine under linux?05:08
cbeustgartral|2: what does "file" say it is?05:08
Elesadsnyders: I think it depends on what you want to do.05:08
dtxbjrohan: no, I have tts turned off.05:08
wilee-nileedsnyders, It is a personal choice there is no better05:09
ElesaOr what system you feel more comfortable with.05:09
bjrohandsnyder - deleted windows05:09
cbeustgartral|2: i don't know what an architecture independant binary means05:09
ElesaI'm not sure if Ubuntu with Unity will behave well in a Virtual Machine though. D:05:09
bjrohandsnyders - remove windows05:09
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:09
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:10
gartral|2cbeust: I thought it would be able to be used for either 32 or 64 bit. but indeed it's 32-bit only05:10
cbeustgartral|2: well in any case, its the same answer, its trying to load a library you don't have installed05:11
cbeustgartral|2: have you tried ldd?05:11
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gartral|2cbeust: the binary is not a dymaic exacutable05:12
dsnydersbjrohan, I'm not sure what you mean by your comment "remove windows".05:12
cbeustgartral|2: lies.  your ldd doesn't know how to read it.05:12
cbeustgartral|2: are you running a 64 bit os?05:13
gartral|2cbeust: indded05:13
cbeustgartral|2: is libc6-i386 installed?05:13
anders_Can anybody tell how the f... I can get ndiswrapper on my Ubuntu 12.04 without internet?05:13
gartral|2cbeust: will be soon05:14
dsnydersanders_, USB thumb drive from another machine?05:14
bjrohandsnyders sorry I was being funny.05:14
bjrohanDoes anyone have a good backup app that works well over ssh?05:15
bjrohanor recommend one?05:15
dsnydersbjrohan, rsync perhaps?05:15
anders_dsnyders: I've tryed with .deb files and tar.gz but haven't got it to work either way05:16
JuegoHow do I turn down the graphics on the live CD?05:16
DaemonicApathydsnyders: For what it's worth, I switched completely to Ubuntu with a new SSD, and run Win8 in a VM.05:16
bjrohandsnyders is it a gui? I need GUI :-(05:16
wilee-nileeJuego, Turn down?05:16
dsnydersDaemonicApathy, That was the direction I was heading in.  I am without experience when it comes to virtual machines.  Can two VMs talk to each other via networking?05:17
anders_I've been working to get Ubuntu work on mye stationary for 5 hours now... please help...05:17
dsnydersbjrohan, No, it's not gui itself, but I believe there are wrappers for it.05:18
DaemonicApathydsnyder: I've never needed to go that far down the rabbithole, but I do know you can share a host folder as an intermediary.05:18
bjrohanso grsync would work well?05:18
bjrohanbetter than deja crap?05:18
DaemonicApathy* dsnyders05:18
bjrohanDeja Dup worked otay once, won't do it on schedule05:19
dsnydersbjrohan, I can05:19
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bjrohandsnyders you can what?05:19
anders_Is it easy to share my internet (from laptop) to my stationary (via cable) in 12.04?05:19
dsnydersbjrohan, I can't say.  I've never used it.  My "backup strategy" is to buy the next sized up hard disk and drag/drop05:20
dsnydersbjrohan, I accidentally hit return on that one, sorry.05:20
bkc_bjrohan: If you're familiar with the terminal I'd recommend rsync :)05:22
dsnydersWell, thanks all for your help and advice.  Sunrise in in a few hours and I need to get enough beauty sleep to keep children from screaming in horror when they see me.05:23
anders_dsnyders: can you help me with a easy guide or step-by-step on how to share internet?05:23
dsnydersanders_, Sadly, I can't tonight.05:23
anders_Ok, but thanks. :)05:24
excedereTrying to get logkeys to run on ubuntu 12 on an older Mac, just prints the help every time I try to start it.  Any ideas?05:24
bjrohanwill rsync allow for the exclusion of subfolders?05:27
lestuswhich flavour of ubuntu does everyone prefer>05:28
lestusdo you gutu?ys like xubuntu, kubuntu, lubuntu or plain ol' ubun05:30
dArKd3ViLwhere's ubuntu release party?05:31
bkc_lestus: If I'm forced to use ubuntu at all, I prefer Kubuntu on high-end computers and xubuntu/lubuntu on mid/low-end computers... plain ubuntu is out of the question because I simply hate unity...05:31
bkc_dArKd3ViL: everywhere?05:31
excedereXubuntu on my older machine, plain Ubuntu on the girlfriends rig05:31
excedereshe loves unity, lol05:31
dArKd3ViLnopf, i mean on what irc channel? :P05:31
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Quantal release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1995/detail/05:31
bkc_dArKd3ViL: ^05:31
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dArKd3ViLi miss partybot05:33
dArKd3ViLwhere is he anyway?05:33
AcidHazeanyone taking questions about 12.0405:34
smw!ask | AcidHaze05:34
ubottuAcidHaze: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:34
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:34
AcidHazeihave an issue : using 12.04 on an asus x401a * Model * where no media cards will mount manually or auto mount i have tried writing in the fstab but still no go05:36
=== gartral|Away is now known as gartral
excalibrcan someone explain me how the value Y in grub's "set root (hdX,Y)" is numbered?05:39
c_nickI read a couple of links on how to install windows 8 on Virtualbox(Ubuntu) But i constantly get http://imageshack.us/a/img87/8428/win8errorscreenshot.png error even though i followed everything properly.05:40
bkc_excalibr: 0 -> (partition-count - 1)05:40
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excalibrbkc_: what do you mean by 0..doesn't the value starts from 1?05:42
lbbefHi, I would like to help update the blender package in the universe repo, how do i go about doing that?05:43
bkc_mine says "root (hd0,0)", for sda1... so it's from 0 :)05:43
chovynzhi all. What is the CLI command's for finding all files with spaces and renaming them with underlines? I have done this before with this channels help but cannot remember the command.05:43
bkc_lbbef: become a maintainer :)05:43
infoi want to check whether a command exist of not, in shell script. how can i do that?05:43
chovynzinfo: man command or info command05:44
* bkc_ slaps chovynz with "read what he said again..." :)05:44
chovynzinfo: there's also command -? or command --help05:44
obtrusivemousei cant get xdefaults to pop up, i don't think it exists, should it exist?05:45
bkc_info: if [ `which command` != "" ]; then echo "I exist ^.^" ; fi05:45
chovynzbkc is my statement not true?05:45
bkc_chovynz: nope :)05:45
chovynzbkc lol ok05:45
bkc_chovynz: also, for [05:45
lbbefbkc_: how do i become a maintainer??05:45
excalibrinfo:: command -v foobar05:45
bkc_aargh... I hate my enter-key -.-05:45
bkc_lbbef: no idea, havn't used ubuntu since may :/05:46
chovynzbkc_: can you substitute it for the any key?05:46
bkc_and never been a maintainer05:46
bkc_chovynz: ;)05:46
chovynzbkc_: may i ask why you stopped using ubuntu?05:47
obtrusivemouseis it true you have to create your own xdefaults, vimrc and xsession files?05:47
bkc_chovynz: found Arch Linux :)05:48
bkc_chovynz: I like simplicity, that's all :)05:48
somsipobtrusivemouse: they are to add your own settings. By default, they are empty (never used .xsessions myself though)05:48
obtrusivemousesomsip, thanks, i thought i had to download more files, right now i'm trying to customize my own desktop05:49
somsipobtrusivemouse: be aware that you need to look at .xDefaults and .vimrc - not as you typed them05:50
somsipobtrusivemouse: sorry - .Xdefaults05:51
obtrusivemousesomsip, does the capitalization matter?05:52
somsipobtrusivemouse: yes05:52
chovynzhi all. What is the CLI command's for finding all files with spaces (ex-windows-files) and renaming them with underlines? I have done this before with this channels help but cannot remember the command.05:52
somsipchovynz: this migth help http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4617275/how-to-replace-backslashes-from-windows-formatted-files-into-nix-format-and-ree05:53
excalibrchovynz: find + rename05:54
BadDesignDoes the proprietary AMD Linux x64 driver work for ATI RV515 PRO [Radeon X1300/X1550 Series]  ?05:54
SAKUJ0i am curious, at what time is 12.10 release due? it is probably around us afternoon, amirite?05:55
somsipSAKUJ0: when it's ready. It's not a fixed time05:56
infochovynz: i want to check whether  command "fuser" exist, and if it exist it shouldn't print in terminal, it should return true or 105:56
smwwow, 12.10 is this month... lol05:56
osteenbergeninfo, try "which fuser | wc -l"05:57
SAKUJ0but we can expect it to be within 24h?05:57
excalibri think some mirrors already have the 12.10 final iso05:57
somsipSAKUJ0: due on the 18th, so in the next 24 hours05:57
somsip!isitout | excalibr05:57
ubottuexcalibr: Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party05:57
BhaveshI always keep on getting "The proxy moz-proxy:// is requesting a username and password. The site says: "Enter your MIS Credentials "" when ever I open codeacademy.com 's python course. And it keeps on coming again and again. What should I do?05:57
infoosteenbergen: i want to try that in shell script05:58
SAKUJ0thank you, soms! bloody ms.. i am way too scared to upgrade my ubuntus :p05:58
somsipSAKUJ0: then I would recommend leaving it a few days and waiting to gauge reaction to the upgrade. That's what I do05:59
SAKUJ0haha i am the kind of guy who just starts from scratch and performs a clean install on every desktop05:59
BhaveshCan somebody please give me a zipped version of google chrome .deb for ubuntu? I cannot download .deb directly from my college06:00
excalibrSAKUJ0: that screams ocd! :D06:00
SAKUJ0i even cannot remember the last time do-release-upgrade disappointed me :p06:00
osteenbergeninfo, in shell script you can just use that06:02
SAKUJ0<3 i just read thunderbird 16 is packed :p06:03
osteenbergenresult=`which fuser | wc -l` or just run "which fuser" and check the status of the exit code with $!06:03
SAKUJ0that one is only a few days old i love you guys06:03
infoosteenbergen: thanks it worked06:04
cortexA9Is 12.10 available ?06:05
osteenbergeninfo, owh typo: exit code you get with $?06:05
somsip!isitout | cortexA906:05
ubottucortexA9: Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party06:05
overcluckerinfo: command -v ls && echo true || echo false06:05
ringtailcortexA9: But you can still party!06:06
osteenbergen #zabbix06:07
SAKUJ0haha, I got you somsip ! 12.10 might come out in 24-28 hours! damn you nautical time zone >:p06:10
chovynzhow do i make a file in CLI that i can list a bunch of useful command in? e.g. once I finalise my FIND SPACES AND RENAME TO UNDERSCORE command, I can refer to that file again instead of asking the same question here every two or so weeks?06:10
somsipchovynz: you maybe want to make some aliases in ~/.bash_aliases06:11
chovynznano ~useful.commands.txt or something?06:11
osteenbergenchovynz, bash_aliases is your best bet ;)06:11
somsipchovynz: See here for some examples http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=137494706:11
=== christian is now known as Guest38050
ComraDerpyis there an early release torrent yet?06:13
somsip!isitout | ComraDerpy06:14
ubottuComraDerpy: Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party06:14
hackers72slt a vous tous06:14
HackerIIbe patient06:14
hackers72je cherche irc anonymous merci06:15
somsip!fr | hackers7206:16
ubottuhackers72: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.06:16
ComraDerpyspeaking of which, anybody use the X series radeons?06:16
chovynzhow do i edit .bash-aliases?06:17
somsipchovynz: with a text editor. gedit, or vi or nano in CLI06:17
somsipchovynz:  and it's .bash_aliases06:17
chovynzthanks somsip06:17
hackers72slt a vous tous06:18
hackers72cherche irc anonymous fr merci06:19
cheesytigerhello all. I am thinking of using Ubuntu and need some questions answered. I would like to instal Ubuntu, but I don't have a  discrete graphics card (I have an Intel integrated graphics card). I really don't need a 3D desktop like Unity. Is it possible to install Ubuntu but have a 2D desktop?06:20
SAKUJ0cheesytiger, intel is the way to go06:20
cheesytigerif the answer is yes, what are my options06:20
SAKUJ0is your hardware up to date?06:20
somsip!fr | hackers72 vous ai déjà dit06:20
ubottuhackers72 vous ai déjà dit: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.06:20
SAKUJ0i am using an intel card on my 5 year old laptop right now cheesytiger - it has all the 3d gimmicks on06:20
chovynzCan you explain to me what this will do? I think this might be it. sudo find ~/usb -name "* *" -type d | rename 's/ /_/g'06:20
cheesytigerSAKUJ0: thanks. i went with a basic laptop (not a high-end one)  for budget reasons06:20
SAKUJ0cheesytiger, ram and cpu?06:21
cheesytigerSAKUJ0: what do you mean by up-to-date hardware?06:21
cheesytigerSAKUJ0: 4 GB ram, and CPU is (how do i find out?)06:21
cheesytigerSAKUJ0: what command to run06:21
SAKUJ0it is enough cheesytiger - your hardware won't be too slow (even graphics)06:21
SAKUJ0it is quite the contrary, cheesytiger - if you had a dedicated nvidia graphics card you would not be able to use it anyway06:22
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SAKUJ0cheesytiger, just put in any live cd and you can test the system from there. you can test your '3d environment' by hitting window+s and windows+w - it should do some animated stuff06:23
SAKUJ0but pretty sure you have no need to worry whatsoever06:23
cheesytigerSAKUJ0: i see. well, it's good to know that my computer can handle the 3D environment (I believe this is called Unity, right). but i still would like to know whether I can have a 2D desktop instead, just in case?06:23
SAKUJ0cheesytiger, it gets removed *today* with the release of the next ubuntu06:24
SAKUJ0if you are really worried, stick to 12.04.1 LTS06:24
SAKUJ0which is available now06:24
SAKUJ0it is packed with unity-2d06:24
chovynzCan someone explain this to me? sudo find ~/usb -name "* *" -type d | rename 's/ /_/g'. As far as I know it, sudos find all directories with a space in it and renames the space to underscore. What does the 's/ /_/g' mean or do?06:24
SAKUJ0but there is a reason the devs remove unity-2d06:25
wachpwnskiHow do you make an installer on a usb stick on the mac?06:25
SAKUJ0it sounds harsh especially since unity was in a bad place for a long time06:25
SAKUJ0if you have a laptop with an intel based onboard graphics adapter that is not older than 5 years unity should run find with '3d mode'06:25
HackerIIwachpwnski-  does unetbootin work for mac ?06:25
wachpwnskiHackerII:  looks like it06:26
HackerIIuse that06:26
HackerIIwhen you dl it, go to properties and turn it on06:26
cheesytigerSAKUJ0: ok. what about Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS. What are the 2D desktop options? (By the way, my CPU is Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU        P6200  @ 2.13GHz)06:26
excalibrchovynz: that cmd search for dir names that contain spaces and replace the spaces with _06:26
cheesytigerSAKUJ0: i see your other lines to me06:27
chovynzexcalibr: what does the 's/ /_/g' stand for?06:27
SAKUJ0cheesytiger, in the login screen you can (maybe you need to install a package for it but i think it was not necessary) the option to boot Unity 2d06:27
cheesytigerSAKUJ0: i didn't see them initially because you did not type my nickname in them, and thus were not highlighted by my xchat program06:27
SAKUJ0the only times i have ever found myself in need of Unity 2D was when attaching a 2nd monitor to my 5 year old laptop06:27
ruscouris there any official release time or anything?06:28
excalibrchovynz: substitute all occurences of space with _06:28
somsipruscour: just 'today', as in the 18th06:28
SAKUJ0ruscour, the only thing official is that it will be here within 27 hours and 30 minutes06:28
SAKUJ0ruscour, that however is only the promise06:28
chovynzexcalibr: what does the g do?06:29
ruscourwell my current 12.04 install is pretty horrifically messed up so I might as well do a clean install, meaning I might as well just wait for 12.1006:29
cheesytigerSAKUJ0: i do plan on using another monitor with my laptop06:29
excalibrg=global..apply to all occurrences06:30
SAKUJ0cheesytiger, things could get worse there but pretty sure it will be ok06:30
cheesytigerSAKUJ0: i don't follow. What things could get worse? Worse than what?06:31
SAKUJ0meaning you might have to disable '3d' for that06:31
SAKUJ0if you depend on it i would stick to 12.04.1 LTS - and then see if you have to fall back to unity-2d06:32
SAKUJ0also it was a bit rough before, meaning that 3d only worked on 1 screen or other issues on my hardware06:33
SAKUJ0but you should be able to test it with the live cd06:33
SAKUJ0*on 1 screen at the same time06:33
cheesytigerSAKUJ0:  sorry, i don't understand your last line (On 1 screen at a time).06:35
cheesytigerSAKUJ0: i want to test out a multimonitor setup. What do you mean by "on 1 screen at a time"?06:35
chovynzhow do i find the number of files that FIND finds?06:37
chovynzhow do i count the number of files that FIND finds?06:37
somsipchovynz: find {pattern} | wc -l06:37
osteenbergenchovynz, what are you building?06:39
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ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases06:39
chovynzosteenbergen: a monument to my insanity06:39
kieppieETA on 12.10 release? already 19:40 here in NZ06:40
somsip!isitout | kieppie06:40
ubottukieppie: Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party06:40
kieppiesomsip cheers06:40
jagginessfind -type f |wc -l06:40
osteenbergenchovynz, insanity can be done in a few characters: ":(){ :|: & };:" (Do not try at home warning)06:41
chovynznano .bash_aliases doesnt seem ti work. what am i missing?06:44
chovynz*to. excuse typos. sleeping baby on arm06:44
somsipchovynz: after addnig then, do 'source ~/.bash_aliases'06:44
lestus@osteenbergen do i have to be insane to get it?06:44
osteenbergenlestus, thats a fork bomb ;) brings your pc to a halt by spawning processes of itself06:45
alien2050is there a way to exit the live cd without ejecting the cd drive?06:45
somsip!danger | osteenbergen06:45
ubottuosteenbergen: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!06:45
osteenbergensomsip, i already had a do not try at home warning ;)06:46
chovynzsomsip: -bash: alias: list: not found06:46
somsiposteenbergen: don't post it at all please06:46
lestuswow epic, and how do i reply to you in highlight?06:46
Kartagisalien2050: no06:46
osteenbergensorry will do :)06:46
somsipchovynz: post your .bash_aliases in pastebin06:46
wachpwnskiyou can fork processes of self with that command osteenbergen?06:48
wachpwnskiPM me an explanation of the syntax.06:48
osteenbergenwachpwnski, just google it ;)06:49
jcrzafork bomb eh06:49
jcrzaI'm really tempted to run it06:49
chovynzsomsip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286445/ It had a space in it, and I forgot that spaces are forbidden in commands. I fixed that, now, nothing happens, no error and no message.06:49
Kartagiswhat are pros and cons of lvm over extx/reiserfs?06:49
jcrzaI've always heard of it06:49
osteenbergenthere is an exelent wikipedia article on it06:49
jcrza... how quickly would it anhialate my computer?06:49
lestusin human eyes06:49
jcrzaI just put it in terminal?06:49
lestusor milliseconds06:50
jcrzaI really.. can't resist06:50
osteenbergenchovynz, remove the = after the echo06:50
somsipchovynz: syntax error, try alias hello='echo hello world'06:50
overcluckerKartagis: you mean lvm vs. primary and extended partitions?06:50
somsipchovynz: syntax error, try alias listspaces='echo hello world'06:50
Kartagisoverclucker: lvm over filesystems06:51
chovynznothing still. im going to man echo06:51
osteenbergenchovynz, works for me: alias test='echo "Hello World!"'06:52
wachpwnskiThat is actually pretty funny.06:52
somsipchovynz: in a terminal type "alias test='echo hello world'"06:52
somsipchovynz: then type "test" and it will run the echo06:52
jcrzawow, you weren't kidding06:52
dman7My audio jack does not work in Ubuntu. I have dual boot and tested it in Windows; works perfectly. The speakers play with no problem; it's the audio jack. Any pointers?06:53
jcrzathat ... worked really well06:53
overcluckerKartagis: I'm not exactly sure what you mean. lvm volumes still need a filesystem.06:53
jcrzaTook like 5 seconds and my mouse stopped moving.06:53
jcrzathat's so cool.06:53
actionParsnipdman7: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh06:53
somsiposteenbergen: now do you see?06:53
Kartagisoverclucker: hmm, what are pros and cons of lvm volumes then?06:53
osteenbergensomsip, my humble apologies06:54
* chovynz is puzzled, it's doing something but what I dont know. I have both of yours in there with separate lines and separate words to test each type, and it's still no echoing06:55
actionParsnipKartagis: looks interesting: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/whatisvolman.html06:55
jcrzaIs there a windows equivalent to that fork bomb code?06:55
dman7actionParsnip: neat tool. Info located here: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=d693cc0110cd581c358f0338f0d48efda1574a9906:55
actionParsnipjcrza: probably, ask in ##windows06:55
chovynzok, now it is working.06:55
dman7What should I be looking for?06:55
actionParsnipdman7: thanks, let me search06:56
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chovynzwhere is aliases stored? I think im putting them in the incorrect file06:56
actionParsnipdman7: try:   echo "options snd-hda-intel model=thinkpad" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf > /dev/null06:56
actionParsnipdman7: reboot to test06:56
overcluckerKartagis: the biggest pro is that volume groups can have multiple physical volumes, and so span multiple disks.06:57
somsipchovynz: you can put them anywhere but ~/.bash_aliases is run automatically when you login so they're ready for use06:57
actionParsnipdman7: if it's no good I have an alternative line you can use, but we'll see if that flys06:59
overcluckerKartagis: the biggest con is that if you use any otehr bootloader than grub2, you cant boot off lvm, but require a separate boot partition.06:59
alien2050it is possible to do it I found it07:00
Kartagisthanks overclucker07:00
chovynzsomsip where does alias command from terminal get stored?07:01
somsipchovynz: not sure. It probably has scope in that terminal session and that's all07:01
chovynzsomsip: I'm ssh'ed to my home server07:01
somsipchovynz: same answer applies07:02
chovynzcould it be printing the echos on my server monitor instead of my ssh window?07:02
somsipchovynz: no07:02
TJ-chovynz: Add the aliases to "~/.bash_aliases" then do ". ~/bash_aliases"07:02
TJ-chovynz: the dot "." command in bash is the same as "source" which reads a file into the bash interpreter. You could also do "source ~/.bash_aliases"07:03
somsipTJ-: for now he can't get any aliases working at all, even: somsip> chovynz: in a terminal type "alias test='echo hello world'"07:04
chovynzsomsip: that one worked07:04
somsipchovynz: I stand corrected07:04
chovynzsomsip: but its the exact same syntax that is in the .bash_aliases file I created.07:04
chovynzsomsip: and when I run the other commands, it recognises the command but doesnt echo07:05
somsipchovynz: the one you posted was not the same. that had 'echo='Hello world' in it07:05
chovynzsomsip: I made the syntax the same as yours07:05
somsipchovynz: can you repast it?07:05
chovynzwill do07:05
actionParsnipchovynz: put it in ~/.bashrc   there are other aliases defines there too07:06
EaglemanWhere do i see which app uses fe80::2c96:5de2:12b5:c18b ?07:06
EaglemanThe IPV6 apipa address07:07
wachpwnskiIs there a way to explicitly declare what device I want to install grub on?07:07
actionParsnipchovynz: to apply the new change, run:   source ~/.bashrc07:07
actionParsnipwachpwnski: yes, use:  sudo grub-install /dev/whateveryouwant07:07
dman7actionParsnip: just rebooted; that did not work.07:07
actionParsnipdman7: ok, run:   gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf    change the last line's model to:  model=generic    instead of:  model=thinkpad     save the new file and reboot07:08
chovynzsomsip: TJ- actionParsnip : thanks for the helps. I'm a doofus. I forgot to source the ~/.bash_aliases07:11
actionParsnipchovynz: yes ;) or you can close the terminal and reopen it, same deal07:11
actionParsnipchovynz: makes the file be reread :)07:11
chovynzsomsip: FYI http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286472/ test3 is yours renamed.07:13
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EaglemanWhere do i see which app uses fe80::2c96:5de2:12b5:c18b ?07:13
somsipchovynz: k - so the basics are working now, so you need to just get some helpful aliases in there07:13
chovynzsomsip: yeah thanks :)07:13
chovynzbut still, where does the alias command store things? It seems to be in a different file07:15
somsipchovynz: no idea. It works. Good enough for me07:16
dman7actionParsnip: awesome, it worked! Thanks.07:16
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dman7What's the reasoning behind setting model=generic, btw?07:17
scroduckhello, i fixed nvidio zotac geforce 210 in my computer, but its not working on ubuntu 11.04. how do i make the graphics card work?07:17
Odd-rationalechovynz: I believe aliases are stored within the bash environment07:17
actionParsnipdman7: the default is model=generic   some sound chips need to be told to load the module differently07:17
actionParsnipscroduck: why bother. Natty is dead in less than 2 weeks. I don't suggest you waste any time on Natty07:18
actionParsnipdman7: the line you added simply tells the OS to use that option by default when it's loaded. The other .conf files in the same folder give options for other modules and a few other things too07:19
dman7hmm, looking through the alsa-project url I sent you earlier, it appears that I didn't have that set to anything.07:19
EaglemanWhere do i see which app uses fe80::2c96:5de2:12b5:c18b ?07:19
dman7ok that makes sense. Thanks again, actionParsnip!07:19
actionParsnipdman7: well, nothing more than default, which is attempt to auto detect, which wasn't working, so you told it what to use :)07:19
linelevelEmpty room?07:20
actionParsniplinelevel: not quite07:21
actionParsnipEagleman: netstat -a     maybe07:21
arvindh\passwd @Admin12307:24
actionParsnipAdie: time for a pass change? ;)07:24
jakeR333how to disable  IEEE 802.3 SNAP in ubuntu ?07:24
jakeR333in windows it's easy07:24
jakeR333TCP/IP feature07:24
jakeR333ipv4 i think07:25
linelevelI have an external 1.5GB hdd with a single ext4 partition. Usually Ubuntu detects and automounts it. Starting today, I can see it in Disk Utility, but it doesn't mount. I ran an extensive scan on it in Disk Utility, and it came back as "Disk has a few bad sectors" (there are 10 bad sectors), and 2 warnings (reallocated sector count, airflow temperature), but it says it "passed" the self-assessment.07:25
linelevelCan anyone help me by suggesting how to troubleshoot this issue further?07:26
jcrzayour disk is dying07:26
jcrzamake your time07:26
EaglemanactionParsnip  http://pastebin.com/cfBFk2xK07:26
actionParsniplinelevel: when you last unplugged it, did you safely remove it, or just yank it out?07:27
jcrzaYou could try getting a HD just like it and swapping out the board, I've done it before, it works sometimes07:27
linelevelIf it were already dead, why would it pass the self assessment?07:27
linelevelactionParsnip: I only yank without ejecting if it's asleep (not spinning).07:27
scroduckactionParsnip: my computer crashed07:28
jcrzaI said dying, not dead07:28
scroducki cannot upgrade right now07:28
scroducknow is there any way to do something :(07:28
jcrzaHonestly it could be nothing, maybe some shit just happened and you lost some of your re-allocatable sectors07:28
lineleveljcrza: Well if it's not dead, shouldn't there be a way I can use it to access my data?07:28
jcrzaIt could be the HD starting to fail, so I'd be wary07:28
lineleveljcrza: The problem is that it doesn't mount.07:28
actionParsniplinelevel: it still needs unmounting properly07:28
jcrzaI've had disks have sectors go bad and still work for a while07:28
linelevelactionParsnip: I have restarted my computer since then.07:29
jcrzaand I've had them fail the next day, I'd follow whoevers advice will get you mountable again and abandon that disk07:29
actionParsniplinelevel: caaches ned syncing and the OS needs to forget the device before it can be physically removed07:29
actionParsniplinelevel: If you have bad sectors then the device is dying, probably due to not being unmouted correctly or other things07:30
actionParsniplinelevel: it's only 1.5Gb so no huge loss really (didn't know they made 1.5Gb drive that span)07:30
linelevelactionParsnip: I have never pulled out the USB cable without ejecting first unless the disk wasn't spinning.07:31
linelevelactionParsnip: regardless of the size, I do have some data on it which has not been recently backed up, so if there's anything I can do to get this thing mounted I would like to try it.07:31
actionParsniplinelevel: regardless of it spinning, it still needs to be safetly ejected07:31
linelevelactionParsnip: Okay, I did not realize that.07:32
actionParsniplinelevel: you could try foremost on the mounted partition. You will need enough space to hold all the space on the device as ALL files will be recovered, you can then sift through and find what you need07:33
linelevelactionParsnip: but how do I mount the partition?07:34
actionParsniplinelevel: with foremost you don't want the partition mounted07:34
actionParsniplinelevel: or you can attempt to manually mount it07:34
lineleveloh okay07:34
linelevelyou said "try foremost on the mounted partition"07:35
actionParsniplinelevel: sorry, unmounted. my bad07:35
actionParsniplinelevel: have you attempted to manually mount?07:35
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brightsparksHi - could someone tell how to deal with this? W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://repository.spotify.com/ stable/non-free i386 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/repository.spotify.com_dists_stable_non-free_binary-i386_Packages)07:38
yayLINUXhey at what time will ubuntu 12.10 released?07:38
yayLINUXrelease *07:38
llutzbrightsparks: "grep -r spotify /etc/apt/*"   remove one of the duplicate entries07:39
alakooyayLINUX: well the release cycle is 6 months you can count from that07:40
Kartagiscan I get the opensource nvidia drivers without the card actually installed?,07:40
KartagisyayLINUX: at the end of this month07:41
yayLINUXI saw that it was at october 1807:41
alakoooh wait, it's release date already :)07:41
yayLINUXyeah -.-07:41
actionParsnipKartagis: they are in a default install07:42
yayLINUXI mean at what time today07:42
alakooyeah dunno07:42
Odd-rationaleyayLINUX: /join #ubuntu-release-party07:42
actionParsnipKartagis: they are xserver-xorg-video-nouveau which is in a default install and gives the open source Nvidia driver07:43
KartagisactionParsnip: install of what? I don't remember installing anything after I installed the card. besides, it always showed up in third party drivers07:43
Kartagisthanks actionParsnip07:43
ElesaHi, I used dist-upgrade and after the packages were downloaded, I accidentally aborted in the part where it asks you if you want to install new packages. How can I install them without downloading them again?07:44
wachpwnskiWhat would prevent me from installing grub bootloader on a disk?07:44
actionParsnipKartagis: its in a default install, so you don't manually install anything07:44
llutzElesa: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade    it won't download again07:44
ElesaI'm using apt-fast07:45
ElesaIt tried to download again. =/07:45
actionParsnipElesa: gotta love apt-fast :)07:45
brightsparksllutz: Thanks07:45
actionParsnipElesa: try:    sudo apt-get -f install07:45
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ElesaIt says I have 453 non updated packages, sheesh07:46
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KartagisactionParsnip: it seems I don't have that package07:46
llutz!find apt-fast07:46
ubottuPackage/file apt-fast does not exist in precise07:46
actionParsnipllutz: its from a 3rd party source. It's axel + apt-get07:47
ElesaI'm in Linux Mint 13 but I'd rather ask here since this has to do with apt-get/fast, not Ubuntu precisely07:47
KartagisactionParsnip: should I install it after I install the card?07:47
ElesaAnd I like it here.07:47
llutzactionParsnip: ok, i never heard that before... why don't people just use systemtools which work...07:47
ElesaI guess I have to download again.. -_-07:47
actionParsnipllutz: apt-fast downloads from multiple sources, apt-fast uses axel and downloads from 4 (by default)07:48
llutzElesa: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade    if the packages are downloaded already, they will be used07:48
ElesaNope, it's downloading them again. And I checked that they had been downloaded. D:07:48
llutzor does "apt-fast axel" store them somewhere out of any standard location?07:48
ElesaI guess I'll just use regular apt-get07:49
fredrikskat what time does 12.10 get released?07:50
KartagisactionParsnip: re-checked, and the package is there, but the driver is not being picked up. what do you suggest?07:50
Kartagisfredriksk: /j #ubuntu-release-party07:51
actionParsnipllutz: I believe its in the same place, let me check07:51
linelevelactionParsnip: I did not try to manually mount yet, but GParted says: "Warning: Unable to detect file system! Possible reasons are: -The file system is damaged -The file system is unknown to GParted -There is no file system available (unformatted)".07:52
ElesaSeems like it worked out of nowhere. :D07:52
linelevelactionParsnip: Is there anything I can do to try to recover my ext4 partition on this drive?07:52
ElesaIt was trying to download some other stuff? Thanks again!07:52
actionParsniplinelevel: try the manual mount07:53
llutzElesa: thats how apt is supposed to work07:53
zutgorakquestion: is there a way to create an alias that creates a user with the nologin shell, but still creates an alias?07:53
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto07:53
zutgorakerr.. still creates a home dir07:53
actionParsnipllutz: yeah, same place as apt-get07:53
fredrikskKartagis, thanks!07:54
zutgoraktried alias webuser='useradd -s /sbin/nologin' but that seems to create the user, but not dragging anything from /etc/skel or create a home dir07:54
llutzactionParsnip: anything else would have disqualified the tool forever ;)07:55
Kartagiszutgorak: add a -m, that will create $HOME07:55
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zutgorakso alias webuser='useradd -s -m /sbin/nologin' ?07:55
Kartagiszutgorak: wait a minute, why do you want to create a $HOME for a nologin user?07:56
wachpwnskiI have two network cards, how do I configure those in /etc/networking/interfaces?07:56
Kartagisoh, FTP only?07:56
actionParsnipllutz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286515/07:56
zutgorakim using usermod for apache07:56
llutzwachpwnski: read "man 5 interfaces"07:57
Kartagiszutgorak: and yes, the snytax is correct07:57
Kartagisman useradd for additional information07:57
actionParsnipwachpwnski: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/07:57
KartagisactionParsnip: !nvidia suggests that I do a nvidia-xconfig. does it apply in any case?07:58
chovynzhwo can i make this work better? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286520/07:58
actionParsnipKartagis: it can be needed07:58
stevecamwhen im copying a large file over 100mb to usb, my progress bar doesnt update properly, it moves about 80% then stays there for about 5 minutes, is this a common problem?07:59
Kartagisbrb then07:59
actionParsnipstevecam: what apps have you used to copy the file with?08:00
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chovynzactionParsnip: why am I getting     -bash: alias: /_/g: not found    from this?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286520/ . Rather, I know why it's exiting the command - because it reaches another ' and thinks it is ending the alias. So how can I re-write the alias to do the terminal command properly?08:01
actionParsnipchovynz: my bashfu isn't great. I'd ask in #bash as well08:02
stevecamactionParsnip, nautilus08:03
actionParsnipstevecam: any others?08:03
actionParsnipstevecam: install another, like pcmanfm  and try that, see if the same occurs08:04
EdwardIIIjust connected up to a fresh ubuntu install over ssh. created a new user 'edward', copied the contents of /etc/skel/ into $HOME, but odd things aren't working like tab completion08:04
stevecamactionParsnip, no, haven't really thought of anything else to use, not really an issue as it seems to just not be updating the progress bar properly n othing else but i would like to get it working normally again08:04
chovynzactionParsnip: #bash answered. It is because I cannot have ' inside '. They recommended " inside ' instead08:07
actionParsnipstevecam: you could try it, if its not causing any issues then I'd just let it be08:07
FernestIf I want to install Boost (C++ libraries) on Ubuntu with Synaptic, how do I do that? (There are like 200 packages which are called something-boost-something and none of them seems to be the main one)08:07
actionParsnipchovynz: cool08:07
stevecamactionParsnip, just tried it in midnight commander, the progress bar reaches 100% and it just stays there08:09
actionParsnipFernest: maybe:  libboost1.49-dev - Boost C++ Libraries development files08:09
actionParsnipFernest: I'm on Quantal, so your package may be slightly different08:09
FernestactionParship: is "dev" meant like "SDK" or "development status" (=beta)08:10
actionParsnipFernest: its the development files and headers to make the package work / integrate with the library, not beta08:11
actionParsnipFernest: all the lib packages have -dev packages so that compilation of apps that use those libds can happen08:11
Fernestah. ok08:12
the_dark_knighti have one question related to shell08:12
blazemoreI have one answer, the_dark_knight if you go ahead and ask it08:12
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the_dark_knightwhen i run https://oftcpython.privatepaste.com/b3a004e39308:12
FernestIf I mark this for installation, Synaptic wants to uninstall like 20 packages (which have something to do with boost). Should I just continue or is it risky and can lead to errors?08:12
actionParsnipFernest: if they are needed then you'll need to pull them in08:13
the_dark_knighteven if that file exists in the script it says 'file doesn't exists' why?08:13
Josh-Why ubuntu 12.04 treats left and right super key different ?08:13
the_dark_knightsee my script here https://oftcpython.privatepaste.com/b3a004e39308:13
FernestactionParship: Is there a way to find out if something needs them?08:13
actionParsnipJosh-: because they are different keys08:13
Josh-If I press any shortcut using Right Super key, then only it works08:14
blazemorethe_dark_knight: try it without the square brackets08:14
Josh-actionParsnip, How to make one act exactly like other?08:14
blazemoreAlso the_dark_knight try it without the quotes around $nameBkpLzma08:14
linelevelactionParsnip: Tried `mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /media/my_mount_point`. Got back "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error\ In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so"08:14
actionParsnipjosh-: http://thetechjournal.com/how-to/tutorial-how-to-make-certain-keyboard-keys-act-like-other-keys.xhtml08:15
the_dark_knightblazemore: still errors '-e: command not found' and then 'file not found'08:15
blazemorethe_dark_knight: sorry - try *with* the square brackets, but *without* the quotes08:16
actionParsnipJosh-: that's windows based, gimme a sec08:16
the_dark_knightblazemore: gives 'file doesn't exist' again08:17
the_dark_knightblazemore: i mean it works on prompt08:17
llutzthe_dark_knight: does it work if you replace ~ by the full path?08:17
the_dark_knightlemme check08:17
susebhcan't ping or ssh to PCs using name, but dns-nameserver is set to my router's IP08:18
actionParsnipJosh-: may help https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/KEYMAP08:18
the_dark_knightllutz: blazemore it works if i remove ~08:18
the_dark_knightdon't know why but should work with ~ too.08:19
llutzthe_dark_knight: "remove ~"? ~ is a shortcut for $HOME or /home/$USER08:19
actionParsniplinelevel: you can fsck the partition using a different superblock, there are a few in the partition08:19
llutz(except for root)08:19
linelevelactionParsnip: That's over my head.08:20
actionParsniplinelevel: so is websearching?08:20
actionParsniplinelevel: sudo e2fsck -f -b 8193 /dev/sdb108:21
linelevelactionParsnip: Good call, sorry.08:21
llutzthe_dark_knight: what is the real location of that file, is it /backup/foo   or /home/.../backup/foo?08:21
linelevelI'll read google.08:21
actionParsniplinelevel: I gave the command for you08:21
the_dark_knightllutz: it is /home/foo/backup/bkp.sql.lzma08:22
acHello everyone08:22
linelevelactionParsnip: I ran your command, it says: http://dpaste.org/OAVFd/08:22
the_dark_knightllutz: so should i avoid using ~ and use /home/foo everywhere or just with shell08:22
nootjehow late ubuntu 12.1008:23
ohzoihello, how can i upgrade to 12.10?08:23
llutzthe_dark_knight: to be on the safe side, use full pathes08:23
nootjehow late come ubuntu 12.1008:23
Josh-actionParsnip, hehe, linking arch's website in ubuntu huh08:23
the_dark_knightllutz: ok. thanks. but what was it taking when i used ~08:23
Josh-11.04 was never LTS right?08:23
the_dark_knightllutz: is there any way I can know what my shell script mean by ~08:23
nootjehow late come ubuntu 12.1008:24
Tropicanahmmm, why does my wireless network stop working when i pull out my cable?08:24
gabkdllythe_dark_knight, echo ~08:24
actionParsniplinelevel: sudo e2fsck -f -b 32768 /dev/sdb108:24
actionParsnipJosh-: no, natty is not LTS08:25
Tropicanawhen the cable is in it find the wireless and connect to it08:25
Josh-I wonder why08:25
actionParsnipJosh-: not all releases are LTS08:25
the_dark_knightgabkdlly: echo ~ gives the same /home/foo not /home/foo/ is it the problem08:25
Josh-Yea well, but after 10.04 directly 12.04 :O08:25
actionParsnipJosh-: 8.04, 10.04 and 12.04 are LTS, the intermediate releases are not08:25
Josh-huge gap08:25
linelevelactionParsnip: It says it's fixing it now.08:25
SixThousandOwlsIt would take a lot more effort and resources(programmers) to provide LTS for all releases.08:25
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actionParsniplinelevel: there are superblocks all around the partition, its that important :)08:26
SixThousandOwlsThe mini-releases are kind of like times of experimentation. Then the good elements of those mini-updates are often added to the next LTS.08:26
llutzthe_dark_knight: ~ usually will be expanded to the home-dir as defined in /etc/passwd. did you run that from cron or as a different user?08:26
cheshairHi! I am using Ubuntu backup software. I do want to restore a single file and decided to use this command: http://dpaste.com/815022/08:26
susebhcan't ping or ssh to PCs using name, but dns-nameserver is set to my router's IP08:26
linelevelactionParsnip:  I will need to read about what it is doing. I don't understand what superblocks are yet.08:26
Josh-SixThousandOwls, We already have Six Thousand Owls >_>08:26
nootjehow late come ubuntu 12.1008:26
actionParsnipsusebh: can you ping it via IP?08:26
the_dark_knightllutz: same user foo. not from cron08:26
actionParsnipnootje: ask in #ubuntu+1 for Quantal things08:26
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Josh-He has been asking same thing for quite a long time08:27
gabkdllythe_dark_knight, well, if you need /home/foo/ , then you can do :  echo ~/08:27
cheshairthe point is that i am asked a gpg passphrase although i didn't set one at the time of backup, any ideas?08:27
karneisadaI d/led a daily build a few days ago and it was already 12.1008:27
karneisadadidn't realize it at the time08:27
llutzthe_dark_knight: sorry, i don't know why it wasn't expanded then.08:28
actionParsnipkarneisada: well, yeah. Quantal is out soon :)08:28
linelevelactionParsnip: This seems like it's going to take a long time, so I'll see what happens. Thanks for the help so far.08:28
susebhactionParsnip: yup08:29
actionParsnipsusebh: is the ssh's server name and IP in the DHCP clients table in the router?08:29
Josh-actionParsnip, I had file manager as shortcut for Super+E08:29
karneisadai'm using lubuntu, though08:29
Josh-But, It only works when I press Right Super + E08:29
Josh-Left Super + E dosn't work same08:29
karneisadaI might try out unity08:29
karneisadait's been a while08:30
Josh-Nah, I am liking cinnamon :308:30
actionParsnipJosh-: if you run:  xev      and press both keys, you'll see they make different keycodes08:30
susebhactionParsnip: DHCP is disabled into the router08:30
the_dark_knightllutz: thanks08:31
actionParsnipsusebh: then add an entry for it in /etc/hosts and itwill work08:31
llutzsusebh: how should the router know the hostnames then?08:31
Josh-actionParsnip, So is there anyway for both to perform same task?08:31
Josh-or one map to another?08:32
actionParsnipJosh-: you can map the other to make the same code08:32
susebhllutz: please, explain me, I'm really n00b in networking08:32
llutzsusebh: if you don't use dhcp on the router, the router cannot know the static hostnames of those clients08:33
actionParsnipsusebh: run:   gksudo gedit /etc/hosts     and you can add an entry there to make the name resolve to an IP locally08:33
susebhllutz: so... No DHCP service, no name resolving: am I right?08:33
Fernestisn't 12.10 out today?08:33
susebhactionParsnip: ty08:34
actionParsnipsusebh: np :)08:34
gabkdllythe_dark_knight, I think what was throwing you off might have been the difference in behavior between '~/' and "~/"; the second one gets expanded, the first one does not08:34
actionParsnipFernest: ask in #ubuntu+108:34
minashi, has 12.10 become available yet?08:35
the_dark_knightgabkdlly: ok. ill try that one. 1 sec08:35
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actionParsnipminas: ask in #ubuntu+108:35
minasok, thanks08:36
cheshairhi, do you know a specific place where i can ask of ubuntu backup and duplicity?08:36
susebhllutz: what if I bring an old PC and I turn it into a DNS server? It will resolve names in my LAN even if all PCs are static?08:36
actionParsnipcheshair: here is a good start08:36
cheshairactionParsnip: nice, thanks08:36
the_dark_knightgabkdlly: it is not working08:37
cheshairhi, i am trying to restore a single file from my ubuntu backup. I am using a duplicity command from cli: http://dpaste.com/815022/ The problem is, I am asked a passphrase even though I didn't set one! :-(08:38
gabkdllycheshair, did you try just hitting enter when you are asked for the passphrase ?08:40
cheshairgabkdlly: yep, and I am told: "Cannot use empty passphrase with symmetric encryption!  Please try again."08:40
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto08:40
Gabriel_SOEHello All08:41
chovynzhow and where do I make functions?08:41
cheshairgabkdlly: if I enter a fake passphrase, whatever it is, I succeed in getting the file. The point is this is so obscure08:41
cheshairgabkdlly: I am afraid of giving all my important data to a software I don't understand08:42
Gabriel_SOEI was under the impression that 12.10 is out today.08:42
Gabriel_SOEis it?08:42
actionParsnipGabriel_SOE: ask in #ubuntu+1 please08:42
blazemoreGabriel_SOE: It'll be announced all over the place, check the ubuntu releases mailing list, and blogs like OMG, webupd8 and r/linux08:43
somsipGabriel_SOE: or us !isitout08:43
gabkdllycheshair, oh, that is kind of weird behavior. It has been a long while since I used duplicity. It is a great tool, but requires some reading.08:43
somsip!isitout | Gabriel_SOE08:43
ubottuGabriel_SOE: Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party08:43
actionParsnip!party | Gabriel_SOE08:43
ubottuGabriel_SOE: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Quantal release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1995/detail/08:43
adoniscikhow can you set arbitrary file associations; the application I want is not listed?08:44
Gabriel_SOEThanks for the info m808:44
cheshairgabkdlly: oh I see. I'll read docs again then and then try to open a question to the duplicity or deja-dup developers08:44
cheshairgabkdlly: thanks08:45
actionParsnipadoniscik: the only way I can think is to make a .desktop file for it in /usr/share/applications   and it will be listed08:46
cheshairgabkdlly: ah! insight! I managed to solved my problem! this is the right command to use! http://dpaste.com/815029/ I have to add the --no-encription option since I didn't use encription when creating the backup first08:47
linelevelactionParsnip: Quick question: Do you know if there is any way to say "fix all" or something? It's asking me "Free blocks count wrong for group #xxxx ... Fix<y>?"  But it's asking that for EVERY SINGLE group.08:47
cheshairgabkdlly: thank you so much, cheers08:47
gabkdllycheshair, awesome08:48
actionParsniplinelevel: I suggest you read:  man e2fsck08:48
adoniscikthanks, action, I'll give it a try08:50
actionParsnipadoniscik: you can copy one from ~/.config/autostart   they are simpler, its the only way I can really think to make it work. Others may have a sleeker solution08:51
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adoniscikshould I place it in .config/autostart?08:52
actionParsnipadoniscik: shove it in /usr/share/applications and it will also appear in dash :)08:52
Josh-So, for one of my C++ projects I need -Xrandr08:53
Josh-It seems its not present in Ubuntu08:53
Josh-Anybody knows How to install it?08:54
actionParsnipJosh-: xrandr is in a default install08:54
Josh-It was there from beginning when I was using Ubuntu for wubi08:54
Josh-actionParsnip, It seems G++ can't find it08:54
actionParsnipJosh-: how are you calling it?08:54
Josh-/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXrandr08:54
mkvubuntuHi everybody08:55
Josh-actionParsnip, -Xrandr08:55
mkvubuntuI would render my videos (mkv 1080p and 720p) fluent on ubuntu 12.04 pc is Asrock 330, could u help me?08:55
actionParsnipJosh-: shouldn't it all be lower case?08:56
actionParsnipmkvubuntu: do you mean display the video?08:56
KartagisactionParsnip: how can I verify that I am now using nvidia open source drivers?08:56
mkvubuntuyes actionParnsip, now the videos are like step  by step not fluent08:57
Josh-actionParsnip, No?08:57
Josh-actionParsnip, It was working as is on Ubuntu 12.04 installed on Wubi08:57
actionParsnipKartagis: sudo lshw -C display     driver=nouveau   means you are using the open source driver.  driver=nvidia    means you are using the proprietary driver08:57
Josh-it seems to not working on a proper installation of Ubuntu 12.0408:57
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto08:58
actionParsnipJosh-: the installs areidentical. With Wubi you use a file stored in NTFS which is loop mounted at boot. The OS and hardware access is identical in every way08:58
scoundrelhi, I'm in the UK and was wondering when 12.10 was available for download08:58
Josh-actionParsnip, Exactly08:58
actionParsnipscoundrel: ask in #ubuntu+1 please08:58
ubottuNope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party08:58
scoundreloh ok, sorry about that didnt know, thanks08:59
actionParsnipmkvubuntu: can you pastebin the output of:  sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a; uname -a       Thanks08:59
mkvubuntuyes ok08:59
KartagisactionParsnip: configuration: driver=nvidia latency=008:59
scoundrel#join #ubuntu+108:59
actionParsnipKartagis: you have theproprietary driver then09:00
Josh-actionParsnip, Can't find -lxrandr -lXrandr09:00
mkvubuntuPCI (sysfs)09:00
Josh-any of those :p09:00
icerootJosh-: its xrandr09:01
Josh-iceroot, yes?09:01
KartagisactionParsnip: how can I replace it with the open source driver? sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau says it's the latest version09:01
Josh-iceroot, In LIBS of makefile you should be writing, -lxrandr09:01
actionParsnipKartagis: you could uninstall the nvidiadriver and the nouveau will beused09:02
susebhin /etc/resolv.conf tells me not to edit this file by hand... What files should I modify to change the value of "search" variable?09:02
actionParsnipmkvubuntu: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade09:03
KartagisactionParsnip: what's the package name to uninstall?09:04
belgianguyhmm is it normal that 12.10 isn't popping up in my Update panel yet?09:04
actionParsnipsusebh: you can add your own nameservers in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail09:04
DJonesbelgianguy: Its not released yet09:04
TJ-susebh: /etc/resolv.conf is generated by scripts under /etc/resolconf/. The "search" entry is created by /etc/resolvconf/update.d/libc09:05
KartagisI'm removing nvidia-current and nvidia-common09:05
belgianguyDJones: oh, I thought it was released, as I just read an article at Ars Technica09:05
actionParsnipKartagis: if you run:   dpkg -l | awk {'print $2'} | grep nvidia | grep -v nvidia-common           should list the packages09:05
belgianguybut pêrhaps that was a late beta09:05
susebhTJ-: ok, ty, how can I use that to modify "search"?09:06
wachpwnskiI am getting /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys is not a regular file09:07
killer_hi.....when is 12.10 going to release09:07
nilujeI run ubuntu 12.04 with Unity. I have a dual screen. There's no option sticky edges in my display settings. How can I remove it?09:07
actionParsnipkiller_: ask in #ubuntu+109:07
wachpwnskiIs that a permission thing with sshd?09:07
somsip!isitout | killer_09:07
ubottukiller_: Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party09:07
actionParsnipwachpwnski: is that on the client on the server?09:08
actionParsnipwachpwnski: do you use ssh keys?09:08
wachpwnskithat is the server in /var/log/auth.log09:08
SixThousandOwlsI was wondering, is there a way to minimize everything at once? I'm using 12.04.09:08
actionParsnipwachpwnski: then I'd look at your keys, make sure they are all good09:09
TJ-susebh: You can create "/etc/default/resolvconf" and add specific variables to it which will be used by that script to set "search"09:09
actionParsnipSixThousandOwls: if you ALT+TAB, you will get to a show desktop item09:09
SixThousandOwlsOkay, thank you.09:09
linelevelactionParsnip: I ran your last e2fsck command with the 'y' switch. It just finished. Now I manually mounted it successfully!09:10
actionParsniplinelevel: sweet! now get a backup off it09:10
linelevelwill do!09:10
linelevelThanks for the help.09:11
actionParsniplinelevel: no problems :)09:11
mkvubuntuthans actionParsnip i'm trying09:12
thepreacherfrom time to time the transparent conky window on my ubuntu 12.10 install turns all white so that I cannot see the white text. It doesn't stay that way for long though then changes back to transparent. I never had this with ubuntu 12.04. Any ideas what is going on?09:12
actionParsnipmkvubuntu: its a copy and paste to a terminal. What's to 'try'?09:13
DJonesthepreacher: #ubuntu+1 for 12.10 questions until its officially released09:13
mkvubuntuyes I put in it and I am waiting to finish and trying it if after all be solved :)09:13
susebhfind it!!! :D to modify the "search" variabile in resolv.conf you need to first modify /run/resolvconf/interface/eth0.inet and the run #resolvconf -u09:13
* susebh HAPPY! :D09:13
venelinhow can I check AMD Catalyst Control Center version installed?09:14
actionParsnipsusebh: seems a bit pointless to use DNS if you only have a small LAN and no DHCP.09:14
Sefid_parI wanna see the content of DVD1; I wanna know if it has Eclipse in it.09:14
adoniscikparsnip: i've created the desktop file and can see it in the dash, but I can't get it to appear in the file associations. any pointesr?09:14
actionParsnipvenelin: dpkg -l | grep fglrx09:14
bkeithWhat time will Ubuntu 12.10 be released at?09:14
crizisvenelin, open catalyst center and check 'information' tab in the menu09:14
actionParsnipadoniscik: I believe it's to do with the categories line09:14
susebhactionParsnip: you say? Why? Explain, explain!!!09:15
wachpwnskiactionParsnip:  authorized_keys isn't supposed to be a folder is it?09:15
actionParsnipsusebh: the name translation can be handled by /etc/hosts   especially if you have something like 3 systems.09:16
venelincrizis, thanks a lot I should see it there09:16
* Sefid_par werer glad if knew that Eclipse is in DVD109:16
actionParsnipwachpwnski: i've not used ssh keys, so no idea. sorry09:16
actionParsnipbkeith: ask in #ubuntu+1 please09:16
KartagisactionParsnip: when I uninstalled nvidia, I got stuck with 720x400 as screen resolution09:17
susebhactionParsnip: ok, 'cause it's not a pain if you set up one-by-one manually... Right. But what if the LAN has got a complex config with a lot of PCs in there? Could be another way instead of doing it manually?!?09:17
wachpwnskigot it09:17
actionParsnipKartagis: sounds like your display isn't giving edid. You could use an xorg.conf file to set the resolution09:17
mkvubuntuRight same problem and even I cannot open xbmc now...09:18
BadDesignHow can I find out how many inchs my monitor has with some kind of tool?09:19
actionParsnipsusebh: if the network gets complex then yes maybe, DNS in the router just makes life convenient. Its not much different than adding the DNS file you just had to add.....09:19
actionParsnipmkvubuntu: did you reboot09:19
somsipBadDesign: you mean, a ruler?09:19
mkvubuntuI didn't reboot, should I reboot pc?09:20
susebhactionParsnip: ok! Understood. ty for your time!! :]09:20
actionParsnipmkvubuntu: yes, to reload the new driver09:20
mkvubuntuok just give me the link to be in this webchat.freenode.net again thanks09:21
actionParsnipmkvubuntu: that's the link, why do I need to give you anything?09:21
mkvubuntujust in case something won't be fine then...09:22
icerootBadDesign: maybe xrandr can read that information09:23
adoniscikparsnip: do you have to do anything after placfing the desktop file in the folder to get it to appear the file assocations list?09:23
adoniscikthe right folder, that is09:23
actionParsnipmkvubuntu: I don't follow you09:24
KartagisactionParsnip: still no :S09:35
dydguys i'm installing linux mint, but i don't know what version i should install09:36
dydnow i use ubuntu09:37
actionParsnipdyd: mint isn't supported here09:37
KartagisI've put in the line Modes        "1680x1050" in Subsection "Display" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but the resolution is still the same09:37
dydactionParsnip, oh yea, #ubuntu xX09:37
actionParsnip!mint | dyd09:37
ubottudyd: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:37
KartagisactionParsnip: can you help?09:42
osteenbergenKartagis, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution09:45
actionParsnipKartagis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286621  is my xorg.conf   which may help09:45
acei have a strange error i don't know how to fix when i installed gcc4.4 i38609:45
acedpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/gcc-4.4-base_4.4.7-1ubuntu2_i386.deb (--unpack):09:45
ace'./usr/share/doc/gcc-4.4-base/README.Debian.gz' is different from the same file on the system09:45
KartagisactionParsnip: Modes shouldn't be in Subsection "Display" then09:46
actionParsnipKartagis: are there any bugs reported?09:47
actionParsnipKartagis: launchpad.net09:48
actionParsnipace: are there bugs reported?09:48
Kartagisno idea09:48
KnuffelbotKnuffelbot voor de commandos van de bot typ je  !commands09:50
Knuffelbotkexwork voor de commandos van de bot typ je  !commands09:50
TJ-Kartagis: "man xorg.conf" gives detailed specifications of how Modes are used, from the Monitor, Modes, Display  sub-sections09:50
KartagisTJ-: I'm seeing that Modes should be within SubSection "Display", but no luck for me :S09:56
tunnuzHi there, does anyone know the release date of 12.10?09:57
Laicetoday i thought09:58
dontknowit will be released today?09:58
Laicenah they might just bin it09:59
ncvhello, have someone 11.10? If yes, can you verify if there is a macro/function __read_chk on include/*/asm/uistd*.h? thank you :)09:59
Arnolddontknow, indeed. 18th of October is the plan.09:59
Laicelooking forward to inst'ing didnt try any of the betas/RCs this time round10:00
Joel_redoes anyone use the karaoke app - ultrastar dx?10:00
tunnuzIt's already October 18 where I live :D10:00
tunnuzOh, yes, everywhere probably10:01
tunnuzbut does anyone know the time?10:01
MonkeyDustJoel_re  there's performous in ubuntu10:01
tunnuzThe release time10:01
dontknowi think i will go on with 12.0410:01
MonkeyDusttunnuz  of what timezone?10:01
dr_willisthere never is a set time10:01
TJ-Kartagis: It says, under sub-section Display, Modes: "They  must  correspond  to  those specified or referenced in the appropriate Monitor section (including implicitly referenced built-in VESA standard modes)."10:02
riqdiizis there Ubuntu for android?10:02
Joel_reMonkeyDust: ah, yeah.. well Ive just been trying to guage how many users of ultrastar delux are out there, or if people are generally aware10:02
resetknopje12.10 pm ???10:02
Joel_rethe project is lacking devs and needs some love10:02
tunnuzresetknopje: yup10:02
dr_willisriqdiiz:  there is an ARM release of ubuntu. but ive not seen a specific ubuntu on a tab;et/phone yet. except in a vm.10:02
TJ-Kartagis: Usually it is sufficient to specify the correct HorizSync and VertSync in the Monitor section. From those, the server can figure out which modes will work on the monitor10:03
dontknowif there is a gude to remove adware elements from 12.10, i may switch 12.1010:03
MonkeyDustdontknow  adware elements?10:03
dr_willisdontknow:  just remove the shopping lense. its not adware10:03
dr_willistheres a check box option also i recall10:03
Arnolddontknow, there's also an option to disable online searching from the Privacy settings category10:04
riqdiizok Dr what is vm?10:04
MonkeyDustriqdiiz  virtual machine10:04
hetkathelp: I booted up once with my ps2 mouse disconnected and now after rebooting with it connected it does not work10:04
dontknowafter that dash doesn't send what i typed?10:04
dr_willisriqdiiz:  dozens of 'ubuntu in android os' apps on the marketplace/googlrplay store10:05
riqdiizcan it be used on smartphones?10:05
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dr_willisriqdiiz:  search the google play market...  yes.. it depends on your device10:05
hetkathelp: I booted up once with my ps2 mouse disconnected and now after rebooting with it connected it does not work10:06
dr_willisthey put  ubuntu in a vm on the phone, you then connect to via a vnc cliennnt to get a desktop normally.10:06
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riqdiizyou get Ubuntu desktop version on the phone?10:08
dr_willisriqdiiz:  yes.. may not be identical. to whats on the pc.10:09
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rich_Can anyone suggest why I cant upgrade my ubuntu server to 12.10? http://pastebin.com/dW9CAQJ110:09
rich_Nothing on apt-get update either, surely it should be able to update10:10
DJonesrich_: Its released yet10:10
jribrich_: 12.10 isn't out yet10:10
patcitojrib: will it be out today?10:10
riqdiizdoes it offer bios multiboot on the phone?10:10
jribpatcito: that's the plan10:10
dr_willisso you used the 'update to developement' option?10:11
dr_willisriqdiiz:  it runs in a vm.. so that would make no sence10:11
rich_Oh, I thought it had been http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2012/10/ubuntu-12-10-quantal-quetzal-takes-flight-with-a-bag-full-of-juju/10:11
patcitorich_: ars is BS10:11
rich_Fair enough10:12
rich_that explains that then10:12
dr_willisor they just failed to state the actual release date10:12
riqdiizok because its not installed on firmware10:12
jribrich_: you can join #ubuntu-release-party while you wait :)10:12
belgianguylol, I got fooled by the ars article as well10:13
belgianguyperhaps I should update my news resources10:13
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riqdiizthanks Dr10:14
dr_willisevery release we get the same things. :) 'this site says its out... no its not' 'whats the time of release.. there is no set time'.... and so on. ;)10:15
MonkeyDustthat's why there are factoids, i guess, to answer always the sae10:15
MonkeyDustthe same questions10:15
dr_willisand yes you can update/upgrade to final from beta.. ;)  that will cover 80% of what people will be asking..10:16
dr_willisi forget that  shopping lense disable factoid..10:16
meomicsorry to ask here - but i can not find any info on the web - maybe anyone knows at what time 12.10 will be released?10:17
jribdr_willis: !adlens10:17
MonkeyDustmeomic  any time now10:18
MonkeyDustdeveloppers are having coffee10:19
dr_willisheh heh... and  theres the first... of the 80%10:19
zalgorHello. I got printers listed in firefox, but not in kde applications. I am using local cups with browsepoll to a cupsserver. Any ideas?10:19
meomicMonkeyDust: so there wont be any conference or anything like that? - sorry im not familiar with that topic - im using already for 2 years but never cared and now i am having incopatible noebook - 12.10 will fix most of these things... thats why i am asking :)10:19
dr_willissome time soon meomic . theres never a set 'time'10:20
meomicah oke, ive waited 1,5 month so its ok : )10:20
dr_willisif you were in a hurry there the daily build/last beta isos.10:21
meomicyea but i dont like to get into betas etc. - its hard to get out later of it...10:21
dr_willisi updated my beta install last night.. now to buckle down for the release day storm.10:21
icerootmeomic: dist-upgrade will give you the final when it is releases10:21
dr_willisget out of it?10:22
dr_willisand yes you can update/upgrade to final from beta.. ;)  that will cover 80% of what people will be asking..10:22
icerootmeomic: but i dont see a reason to install 12.10 today10:22
meomicdr_willis: ah ok, didnt knew it was easy to switch from beta to 'final' :)10:23
dr_williswait for the release then wait an hr or so for the torrents to get going..  download the iso in 5 min.. then when you install the servers will be getting hammered  so you cant install other packages for a day or 310:23
dr_willismeomic:  no switching at all.. ;)  you just update/updrade10:24
dr_willisthe joy of apt.10:24
jassii have problem raegarding ubuntu 120410:24
iceroot!details | jassi10:24
ubottujassi: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:24
dr_willisi do tend to do a clean rrreinstall of my beta test box once final is out to 'learn' the proceeess and clean out the beta stuff id tested that i dont need10:25
meomicyea that is a nice idea - about downloading from torrent. thanks alot - will save alot of time10:25
jassiWhen I used to login into my system i got an error messg : Failed to apply network settings org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.PermissionsInvalid: The permission of the setuid helper is not correct You might not be able to connect to the Bluetooth network via this machine.10:25
jassim using dual boot system10:26
dr_willisgrab the torrents then wait a day or 3 untill i install ;) is normally for me10:26
jassiubutnu version is 12.0410:26
jassialso wifi is not working10:26
HollyRaindoes 12.10 is going to coming with the search in Amazon enabled by default?10:26
jassin blutooh too is not working10:26
jassiany help?10:27
MonkeyDustjassi  use blueman (bluetooth manager)10:27
jassipendrives are aslo not visible10:28
jassiwhen i used to shutdown my system i always get ubuntu lgin screen10:28
jassidrive are not visible10:28
jassiwhat to do?10:28
FloodBot1jassi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:28
kompensatoris there a release party channel? :)10:29
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TJ-jassi: Have you recently done an update on that system?10:29
somsip!party | kompensator10:29
ubottukompensator: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Quantal release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1995/detail/10:29
jassihere is my problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286666/10:30
MonkeyDustjassi  try ctrl-alt f1 sudo-apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade (do you have network in the tty screen?)10:30
jassiinternet is not working10:31
jassierror is related to network10:31
jassiden how can i update10:31
jassiany help10:32
TJ-jassi: please pastebin the output of this command, run at a terminal: "sudo ls -l /"   - sometimes this can be the result of a permissions problem10:32
abdelghaniis there any developper from Algeria?10:32
ikoniaabdelghani: is there a reason you need someone from Algeria10:33
addraehelp, my ubuntu looks like this10:33
jassiok let me do10:33
squev_having problems logging in on ubuntu in my VM just loops back to login screen10:34
abdelghaniikonia: to install a specific thing10:34
ikoniaabdelghani: you don't need someone in Algeria for tha10:34
ikoniaabdelghani: just ask your question and someone maybe able to help10:34
addraehelp my ubuntu looks like this http://i.imgur.com/7DCyv.png10:35
jribsquev_: create a fresh new user and see if it happens with the new user as well10:35
addraehelp my ubuntu looks like this http://i.imgur.com/7DCyv.png10:36
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ZybeHow do you switch between terminals?10:36
abdelghaniikonia: we have here an internet pack called NEDJMA pack internet doesn't work in ubuntu10:36
ejvZybe: if you wish to scroll tty's when physically attached, ctrl+alt+F[1-10] are usually mapped10:37
ikoniaabdelghani: ok ?10:38
addraehelp my ubuntu looks like this http://i.imgur.com/7DCyv.png10:38
ejv!patience | addrae10:38
ubottuaddrae: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:38
ikoniaabdelghani: you need to talk to the people who make it to find out why it's not working10:38
jassii am back10:39
susukehi guys10:39
cdavisAny torrents have 12.10 yet?10:40
AngelicxhcHello guys! I'm having problem with installing Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS via USB stick. I'm restarting my Laptop (ASUS X59GL) and starts "Install Ubuntu" after time the Graphic Welcome Screen appears and just freeze...  where's the problem and how can I fix it anyone knows? Thanx in advance!10:41
TJ-!md5 | Angelicxhc10:42
ubottuAngelicxhc: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows10:42
TimothyAjust got a new server...and it's exhibiting the same problems as my server with the dead harddisk. except, there are no bad blocks on the disk this time.... what else should I look for?10:42
TJ-Angelicxhc: Check the image downloaded and written to the flash device matches the checksum published on the download web-site - it could be the result of corruption10:42
shwaiilQ: There's articles saying that 12.10 is released, but... that's not actually truth, at least I can't find it in the ubuntu website ?! tks for looking10:44
MonkeyDustshwaiil  any time now10:45
DJonesshwaiil: Thats right, its not been officially released yet, although it is due at some point today10:45
somsip!isitout | shwaiil10:45
ubottushwaiil: Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party10:45
rachaAm I mis-understanding the apt-get -purge switch?  I thought it was supposed to remove every trace of a program.10:49
jassii have problem10:49
MonkeyDustracha  try this line     dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' |  sudo xargs dpkg -P10:49
jassihere is the problem : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286666/10:50
hetkathelp: ps/2 mouse stopped working. it is detected by mdetect but pointer doesnt move10:50
hetkatany ideas?10:50
jassiplease help me10:51
rachaMonkeyDust: thanks, I'll try that next time10:51
* racha goes off to manually remove files and dirs :(10:51
susukehetkat, try this "modprobe psmouse"10:52
hetkatsusuke -> blank response10:52
ravnanyone know where to find octave 3.6 packages for mint/ubuntu?10:53
susukehetkat, oh... then sry dude...10:53
hetkatsusuke i dont seem to have that module installed10:53
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susukehetkat, it works for me. when it was stuck i used this... it will work10:54
hetkatany idea how to install it?10:54
jassiis there any to help me10:54
AtoxIOwhere is the waiting for quantal channel?10:55
DJonesAtoxIO: #ubuntu-release-party10:55
susukehetkat, try this "http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/mouse-modules-2.6.32-5-powerpc64-di"10:55
AtoxIODJones: thanks :D10:55
jassiplease help me10:58
jassiknock knock10:58
ikoniajassi: you need to ask a question to get help10:58
bkc_!ask | JesseC10:58
ubottuJesseC: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:58
bkc_!ask | jassi10:58
ubottujassi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:58
jassihere is my problm10:58
ikoniajassi: saying "knock knock" doesn't put anything for us to work on10:59
ikoniajassi: forget about the bluetooth error at this time10:59
ikoniajassi: concentrate on your wireless networking first10:59
ranjanHi all, when will ubuntu 12.10 release?10:59
Adam1213ranjan: join #ubuntu-release-party10:59
crizishttp://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2012/10/ubuntu-12-10-quantal-quetzal-takes-flight-with-a-bag-full-of-juju/ ars technica review already out btw :P11:00
ikoniaand only an idiot would read those reviews as it's not released.11:00
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blazemoreLike they're going to fix the fundamental issues between yesterday's daily and today's final build11:01
blazemorethe issues are political, not technical. you can't open a bug report for that11:01
jassi_i have a probelm : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286666/11:01
ikoniajassi: and you've been told what do to11:02
ikoniawhat to do11:02
ikoniajassi: asking again won't change that11:02
ikoniajassi: concentrate on getting your wireless networking setup first11:02
ikoniaignore the bluetooth error11:02
ikoniathen work on what's left11:02
jassi_i was offline11:02
sturmijassi post your question on askubuntu11:02
sturmiwithout further information we can't do much11:02
sturmia forum is better for that11:02
jassi_I already posted there11:02
sturmiwell then i'm sorry but you have to wait a little bit11:02
jassi_what type of info do u want to know?11:03
ikoniajassi: what have you done to resolve the wireless networking so far ?11:03
jassi_ikonia nothing is workig11:04
ikoniajassi_: right11:04
ikoniajassi_: so what make/model of network card do you have ?11:04
jassi_how to know this11:04
ikoniajassi_: can you use the wired network on this machine ?11:05
jassi_related to netwrk nothing is working11:06
bkc_bring up a terminal and paste the output of lspci11:06
blazemoreomg not in here though11:06
bkc_^ !!!11:06
blazemorepaste it to http://paste.ubuntu.com11:06
ikoniajassi_: please READ what is being said to you11:07
blazemoreAnd paste the URL in here :-)11:07
ikoniajassi_: and answer the questions11:07
ikoniajassi_: can you use wired networking on this device ?11:07
jassi_ikonia: no11:07
jassi_but i have tried data card11:07
jassi_but dats not working11:07
ikoniajassi_: ok, is there a reason you can't use the wired card ? is that not working also ?11:08
jassi_right now i don't have wired connection11:08
bkc_jassi_: as I said, bring up a terminal and run lspci and then paste the result on http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste the link here :)11:08
hetkathow can i find out which device my seriual mouse is attached to?11:09
hetkatI gather its either ttyS0 or ttyS1 but which?11:09
bkc_hetkat: neither11:10
hetkatgo on..11:10
bkc_hetkat: /dev/input/mouse011:10
ikoniajassi_: ok, run lspci and you should be able to see what your wirless card is, tell us that info11:11
ikoniajassi_: or paste the whole lot in a pastebin (not in this channel)11:11
bkc_hetkat: serial, ps-2 or usb has nothing to do with it... it has to be in /dev/input to work...11:11
jassi_let me do11:11
hetkatwell if I do "sudo inputattach --daemon --intellimouse /dev/input/mouse0" it says "can't set line discipline"11:12
marsfligthDoes exist a gui/frontend application to change defaults applications? Thanks11:15
hetkatbkc_ any ideas how I can get my mouse to work?11:15
RaringOnemarsfligth: gnome-tweak-tool11:16
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jassi_hi ikonia11:19
marsfligthRaringOne: Thanks11:19
jassi_please chacek the output11:19
google_360_baiduwhat time ubuntu 12.10 will release11:21
google_360_baiduwhat time ubuntu 12.10 will release11:21
google_360_baiduwho konw?11:21
ubottuNope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party11:21
jassi_please help me11:22
trijntje!ask | jassi_11:23
ubottujassi_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:23
jassi_here is the problem : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286666/11:24
sturmiand again we can't do anything with that11:25
sturmiadd the output of lspci for example11:25
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jassi_stuemi see the output11:25
nannesno quantal no quantal no quantal11:26
^moonriver^hi all11:26
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jassi_sturmi here is the o/p : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286725/11:27
Kartagiswhen I uninstalled nvidia, I got stuck with 720x400 as screen resolution11:29
Kartagisplease help11:29
marsfligthRaringOne: Sorry, in my 'gnome-tweak-tool' there are no option to change default applications, in my case the default music player11:31
jassiis there to help me11:34
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sabdflare we there yet?11:34
somsip!isitout | sabdfl11:35
ubottusabdfl: Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party11:35
jassihere is my problem11:35
trijntjejassi: that's multiple problems actually11:36
the_dark1knighthey where do i get the name that I have as a root - /home/foo. I want to get foo without knowing what my root dir is. i have tried uname11:37
trijntjehave you tried installing nonfree drivers for your wifi?11:37
jassiwhat to do11:37
RaringOnesabdfl: :)11:37
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blazemorethe_dark1knight: You can use ~ which is your home directory11:37
sabdflnice nick, RaringOne11:37
trijntjethe_dark1knight: what do you mean, the root dir is always /11:37
RaringOnesabdfl: Thank you sir.11:37
blazemorethe_dark1knight: For example, ~/Music = /home/username/Music11:37
blazemoreuname has nothing to do with it11:38
RaringOnesabdfl: you should come party with us in #ubuntu-release-party11:38
trijntjejassi: open update manager11:38
sabdflRaringOne, am there already11:38
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:38
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jassiinternet is not working11:38
the_dark1knighttrijntje: oh yeah forgot / is root . i meant home. my bad11:38
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trijntjethe_dark1knight: echo $USER11:39
trijntjejassi: wireless is not working, so you have to attach a network cable first11:39
jassii treid data card11:40
jassibut not working11:40
trijntjejassi: data card?11:40
jassirelience dongle11:41
the_dark1knighttrijntje: good11:41
mamedi wonder how much ram does ubuntu 1204 consume normally? my laptop has 1204 and it consumes 800 Mb and my ram is 2Gb11:42
the_dark1knighttrijntje: can i use uname with some option and find out?11:42
mamedthe_dark1knight: uname -a11:42
mamedi wonder how much ram does ubuntu 1204 consume normally? my laptop has 1204 and it consumes 800 Mb and my ram is 2Gb11:44
trijntjejassi: you have to use a  cable to install the wireless driver11:44
the_dark1knightmamed: no -a doesn't work11:44
the_dark1knightmamed: just wanted foo from /home/foo/11:45
mamedthe_dark1knight: wht are you looking for11:45
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akisany idea how can i disable windows minimize effect at gnome classic (no effects) under 12.04?11:51
jmbZerohi@all, any news about quantal release? :-)11:55
Guillem_akis, probably at metacity properties under gconf-editor11:55
jmbZeroi just can't wait anymore11:55
somsip!isitout | jmbZero11:55
ubottujmbZero: Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party11:55
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Guillem_akis,  there used to be a sort of  "low resources" settings11:55
akisi look at this right now11:56
jmbZerosomsip: thanks :-)11:57
AxonetBEis it possible to put in raid and SCSI disk with an SATA disk?11:57
Guillem_akis: gconf_editor->/aps/metacity/general/reduced_resources11:57
akisdo i have to check it? probably yes?11:58
Guillem_akis, yes11:58
ellorenzHi to all11:58
akisthat it. great. now is working very very fast.11:58
Guillem_akis, the "long description" tells what it actually does11:58
akisyes i know. i used already gconfig to customize windos buttons form left to right.11:59
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marsfligthDoes exist a gui/frontend application to change defaults applications? Thanks12:01
akisone more question. when my gnome classic is loading 'konversation' or is emptying my trash in dolphin i can see in my panel running something starting from k...(must be a kde source). this doesnt happen under xcfe. is it possible to disable it? after some seconds it auto disappeares12:02
stimpiemarsfligth, settings->details has default application12:02
Fodi69marsfligth: on the top right corner, you open Settings and there is a Details option on the bottom right corner12:03
ovidiu^^what's the channel for ubuntu 12.10?12:03
k1l_ovidiu^^: #ubuntu+112:04
Dragonster82Hey what's up people!12:04
Dragonster82How are all of you?12:04
livingdaylightDragonster82, sup!12:04
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=== Ansi is now known as Ansii
livingdaylight!hi | Dragonster8212:04
Dragonster82Hey what's up livingdaylight ,do you have any problem?12:05
Dragonster82with ubuntu, etc.12:05
riqdiizfine dragonster;)12:05
livingdaylightDragonster82, yes, many.12:05
Dragonster82That's great riqdiiz!12:05
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Dragonster82What problem do you have? I might be able to help you. @livingdaylight12:05
livingdaylightDragonster82, I have xfce on my laptop12:05
Dragonster82Okay, and?12:06
[twisti]is there any reason not to mount /tmp as a ramdisk, assuming i can spare the ram ?12:06
AnsiiHi all .. need help.. I have ubuntu12.04 LTS , have installed skype on it.. the problem is.. that every time i start skype and start video, the system randomly chrashes and reboots, it happens immediately when i try to share a file or screen thru skype.. anyone?12:06
livingdaylightDrag0nir, I don't know if it is a good choice. It's saying I don't have permission to 'hibernate' = weird12:06
ellorenzI need to create an hotspot wifi with apn, i have an intel interated wifi  somebody can help me?12:06
marsfligthstim and Fodi69, thanks, was under my eyes and I never seen. Great!12:06
livingdaylightDragonster82, I don't know if it is a good choice. It's saying I don't have permission to 'hibernate' = weird12:07
livingdaylightDrag0nir, sorry12:07
suigenerisI uninstalled nvidia-* but nvidia-common, and now I'm stuck with 720x400 resolution. can you help?12:07
Dragonster82Whoa, that's weird livingdaylight, I have never seen an operating system not allowing you to hibernate, maybe it wants you to work. Haha.12:07
livingdaylightDragonster82, also the Date is on top of the Time all scrunched up on the panel, instead side by side. Looking in preferences I don't see a solution12:07
AnsiiHi all .. need help.. I have ubuntu12.04 LTS , have installed skype on it.. the problem is.. that every time i start skype and start video, the system randomly chrashes and reboots, it happens immediately when i try to share a file or screen thru skype.. anyone?12:08
riqdiizdragonster82;)is there a way of altering a machines IP?12:08
livingdaylightDragonster82, yea, the slave master :/12:08
Dragonster82riqdiiz , do you mean the static IP or what?12:08
livingdaylightis today the release of quetzal?12:08
Dragonster82You can do that by accessing your router's localhost if I'm not wrong.12:08
livingdaylightquetzal is a bird?12:08
Ansiiriqdiiz start using TOR :)12:08
Dragonster82livingdaylight have you done a complete re-installation of xcde12:09
riqdiizAnsii wat is TOR?12:09
livingdaylightis this the quetzal bird we're naming our distro after? http://www.mayanmajix.com/lab_F1.html12:09
livingdaylightDragonster82, its a fairly new/clean/fresh install - about 5 days old12:10
Guillem_akis, I would say that you have something in your session12:10
Guillem_try gnome-session-properties12:10
Ansiiriqdiiz start using TOR .. TOR is a network application to hide ure IP info over the network.. which is made possible through a number of ways..12:10
Ansiiriqdiiz visit the TOR site and you'll get to know what i mean..12:11
Ansiiriqdiiz start using TOR .. TOR is a network application to hide ure IP info over the network.. which is made possible through a number of ways..12:11
Guillem_akis, kde has a GUI for the session as well, and as far as I can tell, they tend to mix things one to the other12:11
AnsiiHi all .. need help.. I have ubuntu12.04 LTS , have installed skype on it.. the problem is.. that every time i start skype and start video, the system randomly chrashes and reboots, it happens immediately when i try to share a file or screen thru skype.. anyone?12:11
EaglemanAny idea why my crontab backup job was executed each minute for 1 hour long? When i run the script mannualy it just runs one time:   *        4       *       *       3      /scripts/backups/configbackup12:11
Dragonster82livingdaylight, I think it may be a problem with your permissions.12:11
riqdiizI'd be glad to know ;)12:12
suigenerisEagleman: the first * means every minute12:12
akisgnome-session-properties opens my startup applications12:12
Dragonster82riqdiiz If you want to set your static IP, you have to access your localhost, which by default would be
Guillem_akis, check there is no entry with a "k..." at the beginning12:13
Guillem_akis, just a gess12:13
suigenerisI uninstalled nvidia-* but nvidia-common, and now I'm stuck with 720x400 resolution. can you help?12:13
akisGuillem_: nothing. i have only thunderbird and nvidia driver12:13
AnsiiHi all .. need help.. I have ubuntu12.04 LTS , have installed skype on it.. the problem is.. that every time i start skype and start video, the system randomly chrashes and reboots, it happens immediately when i try to share a file or screen thru skype.. anyone? please someone help12:13
Guillem_akis, OK, forget it12:13
Eaglemansuigeneris doesnt it mean on which minute of the hour like 3:30?12:13
suigenerisEagleman: then it has to be 30 15 * * *12:14
Guillem_akis, I would say that when you start a KDE app (konversation, dolphin, ...) it does start some KDE services. What you see is that.12:14
suigenerisEagleman: if you want it to run on 3:30PM every day12:14
AnsiiHi all .. need help.. I have ubuntu12.04 LTS , have installed skype on it.. the problem is.. that every time i start skype and start video, the system randomly chrashes and reboots, it happens immediately when i try to share a file or screen thru skype.. anyone? please someone help.. i have a HPDV61152TX machine12:14
akisGuillem_: yes thats right. but it happens only in gnome classic. not in unity, not in gnome 3 and as i wrote already not in xcfe under xubuntu 12.04. why?12:14
Eagleman*        4       *       *       3      /scripts/backups/configbackup   gets executed on wednesday night on 4:00, i have no idea why it just keeps going for an hour12:15
Guillem_akis, probably what happens is that xfce and gnome-3 don't care to show that in their "systray" whereas gnome-classic uses an older "systray" concept that gets puzzled and shows that12:15
Guillem_akis, very few people use gnome-classic, you know...12:16
EaglemanI had like 60 files in the configbackup directory, each different with one minute12:16
suigenerisEagleman: do you want it to run at 4AM every Wednesday?12:17
suigenerisEagleman: try 00 4 * * 312:17
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suigenerisEagleman: or 00 4 * * wed12:18
dr_willisno file listing here mure12:18
suigeneris!list | mure12:18
ubottumure: suigeneris: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:18
akisi am came in gnome classic because i am dissapointed from both unity and gnome 3. Actually i am running gnome like xcfe because i don't have the courage to fresh install xubuntu 12.04.12:19
Eaglemansuigeneris i will try   30       14      *       *       4      /scripts/backups/configbackup12:19
EaglemanSo it will run in like 11 minutes12:19
Eaglemanthursday 14:3012:19
suigenerisdr_willis: can you help me?12:19
dr_willissuigeneris:   depends on the issue.12:20
suigenerisEagleman: use 30 14 * * * thu just in case12:20
samuelargh, i upgraded to the beta of 12.10 and everything was fine, today whole bunch of updates with the release and now none of my proprietary drivers are activated and my touchpad doesnt work waaahhhh :P12:20
suigenerisdr_willis: uninstalled nvidia-* but nvidia-common, and now I'm stuck with 720x400 resolution. can you help?12:20
samuelwho's bright idea was it to remove jockey12:20
dr_williswhy did you uninstall them suigeneris ?12:20
Dragonster82I have no idea samuel .12:20
maxviWhen will be released ubuntu 12.10?12:21
Eagleman30       14      *       *       thu    /scripts/backups/configbackup12:21
suigenerisI'm trying to use nouveau (I think that's the opensource driver)12:21
EaglemanNow i have to wait12:21
samueli just downloaded it from the software center and got my wifi going again (had to tether to my phone to do it though)12:21
suigenerismaxvi: /j #ubuntu-release-party12:21
suigenerisdr_willis: I'm trying to use nouveau (I think that's the opensource driver)12:21
dr_willissuigeneris:  that   would be the default. but why use it if the nvidia driver works12:22
suigenerisdr_willis: otherwise xen shuts down the monitor12:22
Dragonster82I can help you suigeneris12:22
dr_willissuigeneris:  check your x logs to see what driver is being used now12:22
suigenerisDragonster82: please do12:22
Dragonster82Hang on suigeneris12:23
suigenerisdr_willis: sudo lshw -C display says nouveau12:23
suigenerisbrb, getting coffee12:23
faoiseamhmy ubuntu server is crashing / locking up occasionally (every 1-3 days) with nothing in syslog / kern.log. It has tons of memory + idle cpu + disk space. Short of a hardware test, what can I do to debug this?12:23
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toremirkfaoiseamh: do a memtest.12:24
Dragonster82suigeneris are you back?12:25
murequasi amici12:26
Fluggsis it right that 12.10 release is today?12:26
Dragonster82Hello there fluggs12:26
GoodHeartedGuyhi.. ubuntu 12.10 still not uploaded .. any idea when will it be released?12:26
cdavisI just have no patience on release day either12:26
suigenerisI'm back12:27
Dragonster82Are you there suigeneris?12:27
Dragonster82Okay, good.12:27
GoodHeartedGuyi am going crazy !!!! ..12:27
FlyingElviswhats the name of the launch party channel?12:27
suigenerisFlyingElvis: #ubuntu-release-party12:27
FlyingElvisty suigeneris12:28
Dragonster82I want you to open up terminal, type in this: "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"  remove the quotes of course. Then go to the monitor lines , and overwrite these two lines : HorizSync and VertRefresh with this:12:28
nikolamI have message: "Processing was halted because there were too many errors." while updating from 10.04 LTS 64-bit to 12.04 , while pulseaudio is using 100% CPU (both cores).. What should I do now (Seems like upgrade is at the end)...12:28
Dragonster82    HorizSync       30.0 - 83.012:28
Dragonster82    VertRefresh     56.0 - 75.012:28
Dragonster82@nikolam try restarting?12:29
phetHi. I installed w7 in a disk, and then linux in another disk. Linux says the disk with linux is sda and the one with w7 is sdb, but I cannot boot w7, grub2 doesnt seem to detect it, its like it doesnt exist, but I can see it with gparted (the other disk)12:29
Dragonster82Hello there savio.12:29
GoodHeartedGuythe release date of ubuntu 12.10 is today only right???12:29
Dragonster82@GoodHeartedGuy google it.12:29
suigenerisDragonster82: then?12:29
Dragonster82suigeneris I'll PM you the steps again.12:29
suigenerisGoodHeartedGuy: /j #ubuntu-release-party12:30
savioDragonster82, hey12:30
suigenerisDragonster82: I did those changes, what now?12:30
GoodHeartedGuyDragonster82: it says today.. and its not uploaded yet !12:30
nikolamDragonster82, problem is, will everything be allright after it?12:31
ubottuNope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party12:31
Dragonster82nikolam : what were we speaking about again?12:31
suigenerisGoodHeartedGuy: it's today sometime between now and 23:59:59 (quoting the /topic)12:31
Dragonster82Suigeneris : reboot12:32
Eaglemansuigeneris you were right:   http://pastebin.com/Hf7hEdp012:32
EaglemanAnd the config backups only exists one time12:32
nikolamDragonster82, upgrade process halted with pulseaudio 100%12:32
nikolamnow precise process is using 100%12:32
nikolam"Processing was halted because there were too many errors."12:33
Dragonster82@Nikolam: I have no idea what the problem is.12:33
Dragonster82Why don't you PM me the errors12:33
nikolamDragonster82, but you suggested restarting. Thanks for it.12:33
Dragonster82nikolam restarting MIGHT fix it.12:33
nikolamkhm. khm, I guess I MIGHT be thankful this is not the server I am upgrading.12:34
KartagisDragonster82: I'm suigeneris, thanks it worked12:35
Dragonster82No problem kartagis.12:35
Kartagisnow I'm using nouveau and I have 1380x768 screen res12:35
Dragonster82That's great to hear Kartagis.12:36
Kartagisnow to find out if sen works alright12:36
Dragonster82Or rather, read.12:36
Kartagisthe only glitch is, it gives me horizontal stripes on the screen at splash screen12:36
Kartagisthat's acceptable I guess12:37
Kartagisor is it?12:37
nikolam  Package libkparts4 is not configured yet.12:37
nikolam kate depends on libktexteditor4 (>= 4:4.8.1); however:12:37
nikolam  Package libktexteditor4 is not configured yet.12:37
nikolam kate depends on libplasma3 (>= 4:4.8.1); however:12:37
FloodBot1nikolam: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:37
nikolam  Package libplasma3 is not configured yet.12:37
nikolam kate depends on libqt4-qt3support (>= 4:4.5.3); however:12:37
Dragonster82I have no idea about that one, Kartagis, because I've used that method to fix my laptop, too. It had no problems.12:37
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Quantal release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1995/detail/12:37
Kartagis!paste | nikolam12:37
ubottunikolam: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:37
Kartagisbrb, to check xen12:38
Dragonster82Okay kartagis.12:38
onatswhere is the download for the new version?12:38
amacis 12.10 coming out today?12:38
Dragonster82New version of what, onats? You can check out all the version at www.ubuntu.com12:38
nikolamAnyway it is restarting. in GU now. After waited for precise process to stop (after killing sound)12:39
amacI am looking forward to new amazon feature. It will help me find things I need to buy.12:39
onatsso it hasn't been released?12:39
* nikolam is sorry again for flooding I thought I send /msg.12:39
tsimpsononats: sometime later today12:40
Dragonster82Hello there jingjong.12:40
amacwhat would be better is if ubuntu would periodically give you full screen ads of products which you might want based on your usage habits12:40
onatstsimpson: ok thanks. are you familiar with juju and openstack?12:40
onatsanyone familiar with that? openstack + juju?12:40
tsimpsononats: I'm not, no12:40
ubottuJuju is a open source devops platform created to allow rapid deployment of applications in the cloud12:40
Kartagisyay! I'm using nvidia with open source drivers, on 1320x640 screen resolution AND on xen kernel12:41
mtx1980hi ppl12:41
mtx1980anyonde there?12:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:42
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:43
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phetany help with linux seems unable to detect w7 in sub?12:44
phetsdb sorry12:44
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osteenbergenphenom, what commands are you running?12:45
osteenbergenphenom, sorry should be phet12:45
kuukiehey guys, does anybody know when the ubuntu 12.10 final version will be there to download?12:46
phetosteenbergen: I just installed it, and it is not detected. So I tried os-prove, it doesnt find it12:46
osteenbergenphet, so windows was installed and then you added ubuntu or did you already have an installation?12:47
lochermkuukie, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule12:47
phetosteenbergen: I had 2 empty disks. I installed windows in 1, then linux in the other12:47
kuukieit should be released today but it isnt there until know12:48
osteenbergenphet, I got both on a single disk multiple partitions and it auto detected them... looking for the command to update grub12:48
lochermkuukie, according to the link i just posted it should be release next week12:48
kuukiehmpf...okay thanks12:49
somsiplocherm: it's 18th Oct, sometime12:49
phetosteenbergen: my problem is that I have both systems in different disks, and it seems to fail to detect it12:49
Papaelooo is ubuntu 12.10 available for download if yes please give me links12:50
theadminPapa: Not yet.12:50
somsip!isitout | Papa12:50
ubottuPapa: Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party12:50
osteenbergenphet, and you are sure you installed grub on the correct disk?12:50
Papahow many hrs left?12:50
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somsipPapa: more12:50
Papaany ideas how many more hours?12:51
osteenbergenphet, http://askubuntu.com/questions/197868/grub-does-not-detect-windows12:51
somsipPapa: no. it will be out when it's out12:51
kuukielocherm, according to that site it sould be released today12:51
phetosteenbergen: grub is installed in the linux disk12:51
osteenbergenphet, basically run "sudo os-prober" and check if it sees windows12:51
Papasome wbesites saying ubuntu 12.10 is available for download12:51
somsip!isitout | Papa12:51
Papabut when i go to download 12.04.112:52
osteenbergenphet, mine says: "/dev/sda2:Windows 7 (loader):Windows:chain"12:52
joker__hello i have a problem witch my ubuntu 10.10 i'm know is old one but i dont have so good internet conect to update it12:52
lochermthe ubuntu wiki says it's going to be release next week12:52
theadminPapa: "Some sites" aren't a trustable source. ubuntu.com is. It's NOT out.12:52
somsipPapa: it is not out yet. It could be any minute, or it could be a while12:52
TreaverUmm where is the release at for 12.10??? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule12:52
phetosteenbergen: this is my exact same error (the link you pasted)12:52
joker__my problem is witch libusb-dev i can't to install it12:52
osteenbergenphet, follow the steps and vote if it works ;)12:53
Papa12.04 gave me problems so can't wait12:53
theadminjoker__: That's not surprising. 10.10 is not supported, the repos are no longer around.12:53
phetosteenbergen: I will try, thank you, I have the computer in another office lol12:53
theadminjoker__: Upgrade or, well...12:53
Papaphoronix is saying unity is lower than kde is it true12:53
osteenbergenphet, your welcome12:53
theadminPapa: Probably depends on your hardware... For me, yes, it is.12:53
Papahuh kde is fast than gnome based unity ?12:54
ItsAllGoneWierdhi, if i make changes like installing wifi drivers while running linux from USB, those changes will be permanent, right?12:54
joker__sad its no way to install libusb-dev i need to switchmode on my huawei modem12:54
Papaubuntu 12.10 will ship with which kernel any ideas ?12:54
theadmin!info linux-image-generic quantal | Papa12:55
ubottuPapa: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (quantal), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB12:55
Papawhat do u think abt amazon integration ?12:55
Papasome people not liking it12:55
Dragonster82Whoa, "Papa", what a nice name.12:55
theadminPapa: Please refrain from offtopic discussion. This channel is support only. Quantal discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 until release.12:56
Papadragonstar this is my real nickname :)12:56
Treaver /join #Ubuntu+112:56
ibere_SPhi folks. what's the current, stable and supported java to install on ubuntu 12.04: openjdk-7-jre or openjdk-6-jre?12:59
theadminibere_SP: Both are stable and supported, just choose the one that fits your needs better. I'd go with 6 myself, 7 still has some problems even upstream.13:00
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.13:00
hackeronanyone know of a PPA that has ffmpeg 1.0?13:01
BluesKajHi all13:02
ibere_SPi was reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java but i'm confused once in Synaptics there's an Ubuntu icon saying only openjdk-6-jre is supported...13:03
CorrupterThelosthow do i get a voice?13:04
CorrupterThelostoh nevermind.13:04
CorrupterThelostgood day everyone.13:04
theadminCorrupterThelost: Hello.13:04
Ramsed /join #Ubuntu+113:04
CorrupterThelostjava 7 is still pretty new13:05
CorrupterThelostmight be some time until it is fully adopted and updated in synaptics.13:05
EaglemanHow do i create a user and group in one command? like what happend when i had to fill in a username on startup13:07
Eaglemanwhen installing*13:08
drag0niusis there something extra i need to do to run /etc/cron.d/ folder?13:08
drag0niusi've file containing http://pastebin.com/BPmNLM7t but it never runs13:09
icerootdrag0nius: just install cron and cron will execute the files in /etc/cron.d/ when they have the correct syntax13:09
drag0niusi have it installed13:10
NaeblisHi. I want to connect an external monitor with my Compaq laptop, but I keep getting a blank monitor. The Display settings also don't show the second monitor as being detected. I'm using nvidia proprietary drivers. Any help?13:10
icerootdrag0nius: /var/log/syslog  should show the script (imo)13:10
drag0niustried restarting with sudo service cron restart13:10
drag0niusbut still nothing13:10
CorrupterThelosteagleman side chat me.13:10
Guillem_Naeblis, nvidia-settings13:10
htrakiWhat is the release time today for 12.10?13:11
Eaglemanwhat CorrupterThelost?13:11
Guillem_Naeblis, setup the external monitor there13:11
Guillem_Naeblis, "Display settings" is OK for oss drivers but I think it does not work OK with nvidia proprietary13:11
dontknowi will try to build chromium13:11
IvaniHello folks...13:11
ZybeHow do I open a application from terminal without the terminal beeing connected to the application?13:11
NaeblisGuillem_, thanks! Will look into it. :)13:11
Eagleman!pm CorrupterThelost13:11
huggy-bearZybe: append an ampersand or & to the command13:12
huggy-beare.g.: rhythmbox &13:12
drag0niusgot it, the file had some weird owner13:12
drag0niuswasnt root13:12
Guillem_Naeblis, among the options regarding mutiple monitor there, you most  probably you want "twinview"13:12
Guillem_Naeblis, what a horrible syntax. Hope the message is clear though.13:12
zykotick9Naeblis: be sure you are using nvidia-settings, and enable the monitor in there13:13
Zybehuggy-bear: If I do that and then close the terminal the application closes to.13:13
theadminZybe: application &disown13:14
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theadminZybe: Then close the terminal.13:14
NaeblisGuillem_, seems to be working. At least the monitor is showing something other than blank. :)13:15
zykotick9Zybe: you might want to try "nohup rhythmbox" then try closing the terminal, and see if rhythmbox stays open...13:15
theadminZybe: (or yeah, if "application" is already running, then nohup it)13:15
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phetosteenbergen: no luck with that. I have tried other things and nothing. I can see the partition and mount it, but os-probe won't recognize it13:17
osteenbergenphet, maybe the bootloader of windows 7 is corrupt so the partition doesn't register as a windows13:18
Guillem_Naeblis, in twinview mode, the monitor extends the desktop. You may change the relative position and/or overlay them. Drag windows to make them show at the other monitor.13:18
CorrupterThelostbootloader of windows 7 goes corrupt alot and is easily fixable.13:18
phetosteenbergen: I havent touch anything in that other disk13:18
theadminphet: Have you maybe removed the boot partition?13:18
theadminphet: Windows installs it's bootloader to a separate, 100MB partition, for EFI compatibility.13:19
phetboort partition? the one created by the installer? no, it's there13:19
Guillem_Naeblis, you may also clone the monitors (useful for presentations with a beamer)13:19
CorrupterThelostwindows uses a small 100-350 MB partition for the bootloader or places a file called boot which is hidden on the first primary partition of that disk13:19
phettheadmin: I have a disk with w7 and a disk with linux. I didnt touch the w7 disk at all13:19
CorrupterThelostdid you do anything to change that?13:19
CorrupterThelostoh i see, you say you installed win7 and then disconnected it while installing linux and then plugged it back in and tried to register it with grub?13:20
phetCorrupterThelost: no, both were contected while I installed linux13:20
phetbut linux was installed in another disk13:20
akishi all. althougt i installed en_US while i installed my system now this is 'gray" and everything is running under en_UK. How can i re-load en_US?13:20
osteenbergenphet, there is also boot-repair to help diagnose some issues: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Info#Step_2_-_Install_Boot-Repair13:20
JoeyJoeJoHow do I save static routes so I don't have to re-enter them after every reboot?13:22
susukehi .... how can i remove rhythmbox from volume indicator and also want to replace vlc insteam of rhythmbox. can anyone tell me13:23
BluesKajphet , which media did you use to install ubuntu ?13:24
theadminsusuke: Not really possible -- Ubuntu developers developed it specifically for RB I'd think.13:25
truexfan81i have buntu 12.04 on my pc, i have a samba share setup. On my netbook i dualboot 12.04 and xp. 12.04 does not see the samba share, xp sees it and can access it13:25
truexfan81whats up with that?13:25
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susuketheadmin, oh .. ok13:25
ubsrvHi, trying to install a packet using apt-get , im geting this error13:27
bkfitzNeed help: Using 12.04 Classic with Compiz but the 'grid' effect (snap windows to 1/2 screen) is not working even though it is enabled in Compiz Config Settings Manager.  Anyone have any ideas???13:28
bkfitzCrazy... now it's working13:30
=== zfze is now known as babalu
BluesKajphet  booy into th elive cd or usb and open a terminal , run sudo fdisk -l to determine the assigned device designation /dev/sdX of your ubuntu install , X being a letter /dev/sda or b or c etc ..then in the terminal run , sudo grub-install /dev/sdX , that should reinstall grub and it should show the OSs on your system13:30
bkfitzits working with some windows but not others...13:31
bkfitzxchat = working13:31
BluesKajerr boot into a live cd or ..13:31
bkfitzchrome = not working13:31
bkfitzfirefox = working - wt?13:31
truexfan81more info: netbook does not show the share when i do smbtree either13:32
Indexdoes nobody actually talk in this chat? O_o13:33
CrypticS_Index: did you have a question of some kind?13:33
Indexnah i  just want to kill some time instead of do college work13:33
PiciIndex: Its a support channel, if you're looking for general chat, theres #ubuntu-offtopic and #ubuntu-release-party (though thats just for today)13:34
DJonesIndex: You may want to join #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-release-party for general chat13:34
Indexah ok, thanks man :D13:34
=== SejmL is now known as Qaa
zoktarSo did everyone read about the  ubuntu phone & tablet?, im excited! i was wondering if someone more knowledgable could tell me how hard/easy/possible it would be to run existing android apps on such a device? and or how much work would need to be put in to port existing android apps to work with a ubuntu phone / tablet. since its all linux based and whatnot.13:38
truexfan81well since i'm being ignored i'll just leave13:39
daviddoriahas anyone successfully compiled gcc 7.2 on Ubuntu 12.04?13:41
flomotohi everybody. Release after release, I see less and less infatuation around a new ubuntu version. And for 12.10, it's even worse : no countdown on websites, nobody seems to be waiting for it. Today, the 12.10 is supposed to be released, and no one care. Does it mean people are disappointed by unity ? Or some kind of hype effect about ubuntu born in 2006 or so has vanished ? I don't know.13:44
krosonHello, where is ubuntu 12.10? xD13:45
Piciflomoto: This isn't a discussion channel.  If you want to talk about the release theres #ubuntu-release-party13:45
Picikroson: ITs not out yet.13:45
flomotoPici: pffff......13:46
jrzabottflomoto: In my ludricous opinion... After I installed kubuntu-desktop, i'm a bit disapointed with unity... The average response speed in everything is very slow in my old notebook... =( I do believe in unity, but in this moment I choose kubuntu-desktop.13:46
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
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=== phet_ is now known as phet
akisi am running gnome classic on 12.04. every time i launch a kde application i see in my bottom panel 'launching kde global shortcuts server'. is it possible to disable this?13:54
Basithello, I want to ask something13:55
ubottuNope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party13:55
BasitAt what time (in GMT) will Ubuntu 12.10 release?13:56
krosonBasit: the time is: When it's done :). Be patient13:56
Basitcan you tell me the exact time of ubuntu release party?13:57
compdocBasit, its invite only13:58
compdoconly the cool ppl are allowed13:58
ludolanHi, is it possible to put ubuntu iso on an USB key WITH the last updates ?13:58
BasitI know that, just tell me when 12.10 will be out.13:59
ZahnPastorDoes anyone know the exact time for the ubuntu 12.10 update? In european time?13:59
Basitin GMT +5:0013:59
PiciZahnPastor, Basit: There is no preset time.  It will be out when its done.13:59
BasitOK, so what are the new features in 12.10?14:00
fidel_Basit: #ubuntu+1 ;)14:00
fidel_as this channel is always focusing on the current version14:01
arunkumar413hi, is ubuntu 12.10 released?14:01
fidel_and #ubuntu+1 on the coming one14:01
Vegancheesesteaki think this is an apt-get question... what is the command to remove unused old kernel based files? my /boot is getting bloated.14:01
Myrttiarunkumar413: no set time.14:01
arunkumar413Myrtti, today is the release date, right?14:02
Myrttiarunkumar413: yes.14:02
Basit12.10 will be launched tomorrow, according to softpedia.com's link: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-12-10-Is-Now-in-Final-Freeze-Launches-Tomorrow-300194.shtml14:03
fidel_never trust softpedia ;)14:03
MyrttiBasit: when was the article published?14:04
fidel_they write tones of wrong infos about apps theyhavent even talked to the dev or anyone else ... at least thats my experience with them ;)14:04
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jonocan someone set the topic to: 12.10 Release Party in #ubuntu-release-party14:11
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | 12.10 release party in #ubuntu-release-party | IRC Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | IRC info: http://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Release Notes: http://ubottu.com/y/rn | Download: http://ubottu.com/y/dl | Currently supported versions 8.04 LTS (server only), 10.04 LTS, 11.04, 11.10 and 12.04 LTS.
Picijono: *poof*14:12
jonoPici, you rock14:13
jonoas ever :-)14:13
ogra_thx !14:13
arunkumar413in how many hours will the new version release14:13
icerootarunkumar413: when its done14:14
arunkumar413iceroot, but today is the release date14:14
krosonFor people here that (plan to) use Ubuntu as main OS and Windows for gaming, what % of your disk do you give to your NTFS partition(s)? Thank you14:14
Odd-rationalekroson: How large is your drive?14:15
krosonOdd-rationale: 500 GB14:15
krosonwindows will be only for games, ubuntu for everything else :)14:15
masterfasterKardos: 20 Gig for Windows + X Gig for games14:15
marsfligthHow can I avoid that the background output of my croned bash scripts as root aren't saved into the root mail?14:15
krosonmasterfaster: what is X Gig?14:16
masterfasterkroson: if you have 50 Gig of Games you need 50 Gig :)14:16
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icerootarunkumar413: and my argument is still valid14:16
krosonany space? i wanted opions on what that X should be, without being less than needed but also not more14:17
Odd-rationalekroson: Yeah, depends how much games you have.14:17
icerootkroson: we dont know which games you are using, so its your choice about the size14:17
masterfasterkroson: 10 gigs for a modern game14:17
arunkumar413iceroot, u mean that it could be postponed14:17
wolskroson: 20GB for windows is way too small. and games should be on the same partitions as movies, music, etc. aka "whatever is left". hundreds of GBs or even TBs14:18
icerootarunkumar413: i mean this channel is for 12.04 and because 12.10 is not released yet and everyone is askinig when does 12.10 comes out, we dont like these kinds of questions because when it is there you will see it because of that "its done when its done"14:18
wolsmasterfaster: > /dev/null  in the crontab14:19
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wolskroson: I suggest 100GB for windows and its programs (browsers, office, IDEs,...), 20GB for ubuntu depending how much data you have there and rest for games,movies, etc14:19
awestrokekroson: for reference, my virtual windows 7 image (compressed, few programs), is 24 GB14:19
FloodBot1the000owl: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:20
krosonwols: thank you, i was thinking about something around those sizes too14:22
AcidHazeihave an issue : using 12.04 on an asus x401a * Model * where no media cards will mount manually or auto mount i have tried writing in the fstab but still no go14:22
masterfasterwols: he only wants win for games. i have the same setup and my win7 partition uses 16 gig14:23
VirungaHi, is Ubuntu One Music Store available in Europe, specifically in Italy?14:23
MyrttiVirunga: it works fine in Finland.14:23
awestrokeHello Rutz14:24
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VirungaMyrtti: did you buy music?14:24
wolsmasterfaster: my \windows alone uses 27GB I think. then add pagefile, c:\programs etc. remember: windows "solved" DLL hell by keeping ALL dlls it ever encounters forever and using hardlinks.typically awful MSFT "solution" to a problem. the end result is that \windows always, always increases it's size on disk14:24
MyrttiVirunga: yes.14:24
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VirungaMyrtti: cool, euros or dollars?14:24
MyrttiVirunga: euros.14:25
VirungaThat's a nice service.14:25
dArKd3ViL#ubuntu-release-party is going crazy14:25
VirungaI'll try it.14:25
VirungaMyrtti: thanks.14:25
krosonmasterfaster: 16gb is the default install. If you apply updates and install programs it will increase14:25
krosonthe windows folder14:25
wolskroson: we are very very much OT :)14:26
krosonwols: we're talking about dual booting xD14:27
Rutzwow..ther's much traffic in the #ubuntu-release-party .. and here..oh god..this wonderful silence <3 :D14:27
ncopacongrats with 12.1014:28
masterfasterkroson: i dont know, i checked, its 16 GB including drivers, libreoffice, firefox, gimp214:28
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krosonmasterfaster: i'd say that you installed a lite version14:28
sbiethoHi, I am having issues compiling a vb.net project with monodevelop, anyone can help?14:28
masterfasterkroson: nope :)14:28
krosonbut let's leave offtopic and start partying xD14:28
masterfasterkroson: ha14:29
ncopaanyone knows if ubuntu 12.10 uses less, more or about the same of memory than 12.04?14:29
ncopa12.04 is at the limit on my wifes pc14:29
himanshu_linuxi love ubuntu . :)14:29
ncopaand i cannot add more ram :-(14:29
krosonncopa: around the same14:29
wolsncopa: new OS rarely uses less...14:29
akissuddenly my system 12.04 lost the greek names of my files and has unrecognizesd characters and the files cannot be opened. any idea to fix ti?14:30
Rutzthe shit about 12.10 ist, that it does not support unity2d14:30
wolsncopa: then you need to cut down a few programs she might not need14:30
bazhangRutz, no cursing here14:30
RaringOne!language | Rutz14:30
ubottuRutz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:30
krosonif i were to risk 'more or less', i would say less14:30
ncopawols: it happens apps does mem optimizing14:30
MyrttiRutz: I'm sceptical about your claim, and you can continue that discussion elsewhere14:30
wolsncopa: sure, but new features need more RAM. no way around that14:30
krosonncopa: or use xubuntu xD. Even kde probably will be faster than unity at this stage14:31
wolsotoh you could go to top, sort for memory and maybe cut some useless weeds out of that tree14:31
ncopatried that14:31
ncopaand i use xfce myself14:31
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts14:31
ncopabut its for my wife :-/14:31
ncopaubuntu used to be ideal for her14:32
zalgoris there a way to reduce the high number of continuing requests by the print interface (unity/gnome/kde) to cupsserver? Out of technical reason we are using "servername printerserver" and not "servername localhost". Opening a printer selection box is like a DOS-Attack to our cupsserver.14:32
krosonncopa: if she likes unity, and LTS works fine, just keep it14:32
huggy-bearncopa: if it's for your wife, why not stick to ubuntu 12.04 and unity2d? is there a reason you really need 12.10?14:32
huggy-bearncopa: 5 years of support!14:32
ncopano, that was my question, actually, should i bother upgrade it...14:33
Artheisthi all14:33
ncopashe was not too happy when i upgraded to 12.0414:33
krosoni believe your wife won't need any of the new features of 12.10, so probably no :)14:33
huggy-bearncopa: nope.14:33
caycepif i do apt-get —no-install-recommends ubuntu-desktop, i get unity w/o all the extra apps and the shopping bits?14:33
dr_willishome users really need 5 years of support?14:33
wolsncopa: I would wait around 1 maybe 2 months before considering to upgrade to a new ubuntu release. they need the time to fix their bugs14:33
the_dark1knightwhy this error when starting apache2ctl http://paste.ubuntu.com/1286999/14:33
ncopagood idea14:33
wolsdr_willis: yes they do :)14:33
huggy-bearyou will always have the latest firefox and thunderbird, lots of other apps are available through PPAs or elswhere if you really need to upgrade them, so why bother with 12.10?14:34
krosonncopa: is she used to windows? if so, you could use kubuntu and personalize it to look & fell more similar to windows14:34
ArtheistI just did an update of my system 12.04, it broke my git package ...14:34
ncopaand btw, she has asked if its long to next ubuntu release14:34
ncopashe used windows long time ago14:34
wolsdr_willis: the less stuff changes for my aunt, the better. if it worked, I would want 10 years of support and upgrade only her browser14:34
ncopa4-5 years ago14:34
Artheistdoes this issue has to do with the 12.10 release today ?14:34
ncopabeen ubuntu since14:34
Hishamoto_MasukiI have some big trouble14:34
t4nk803does anybody know when ubuntu 10.04 LTS is not supported anymore?14:34
t4nk803I mean the exact date?14:34
geecatHow can i install eclipse 4.1 in ubuntu 12.04?14:34
Hishamoto_MasukiUmm, it won't let me change my Window Stlye.14:34
Hishamoto_MasukiIt's stuck on this one only.14:34
Hishamoto_MasukiI want to change it to Mac-Style buttons14:35
iceroott4nk803: when 13.04 (15.04) will be releases14:35
ncopakroson, kubuntu might be an option yes14:35
JMS32Hello. My PC on ubuntu freeze. All that i can see is just a black screen. No response to keyboard/mouse. How to know why? It's not first time.14:35
krosonncopa: so if she likes the gnome way of using things, personalize gnome fallback for her, or use cinnamon14:35
krosonor keep unity14:35
Hishamoto_MasukiI have some big trouble14:35
Hishamoto_MasukiUmm, it won't let me change my Window Stlye.14:35
Hishamoto_MasukiI want to change it to Mac-Style buttons14:35
geecatI tried lot I am able to execute eclipse using ./eclipse but icon doesn't show in the launcher14:35
geecatcan any one help14:36
krosonLinux is all about choice. If you can't decide just give her different options for her to try and let her decide14:36
t4nk803iceroot: No, when 10.04 LTS will not be supported anymore.14:36
Hishamoto_MasukiI want to change it to Mac-Style buttons14:36
huggy-beart4nk803: all i can see is April 201314:36
ncopai have this love/hate relation with unity. its great for those 1024x600 screens, but requires more mem than those boxes have...14:36
Hishamoto_MasukiIt won't let me14:36
FloodBot1Hishamoto_Masuki: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:36
Hishamoto_MasukiI just need help!14:36
huggy-bearHishamoto_Masuki: do you mean the window decoration?14:36
krosonbut, like huggy-bear said, if she doesn't complain about nothing at all, just stay with LTS14:36
Hishamoto_MasukiYes Huggy14:36
Hishamoto_MasukiIt will not let me change in Window Manager14:37
Hishamoto_MasukiIt doesn't show the list anymore14:37
huggy-bearHishamoto_Masuki: what version?14:37
Hishamoto_MasukiLatest Xubuntu/14:37
ncopayeah, i'll probably let her stay on 12.04 for a few moths at least14:37
ncopaand see14:37
JMS32How to know why my PC freeze?14:37
t4nk803Now, after April I basically have to upgrade to a newer version? I mean it, won't good to be online if I still use 10.04?14:37
geecatHow can I install eclipse juno manually in ubuntu 12.04?14:38
shaneohey guys would it be a bad idea to jump the gun and install 12.1014:38
JMS32Hishamoto_Masuki, hello14:38
krosongeecat: very easily. Just go to eclipse website, download it14:38
Hishamoto_MasukiCould you help me14:38
ncopaHishamoto_Masuki, hi14:38
krosonand unzip it to wherever you want to have it14:38
Garr255|Mobileshaneo, I wouldn't14:38
shaneo:) thats all I needed to hear thanks Garr255|Mobile14:39
marsfligthHow to avoid that the background output of my croned bash scripts as root aren't saved into the root mail?14:39
Hishamoto_MasukiIt's too crowded...I'll come later...14:39
huggy-bearHishamoto_Masuki: some themes don't allow you to change the button order.14:39
wolsmarsfligth: I already told you.  > /dev/null14:39
wolsmarsfligth: you can do this for stderr too of course but that's a bad idea14:40
geecatkroson, i did download the file and extracted but when i run it using "./eclipse", it runs but icon is missing it does not shows up in icon panel14:40
ArtheistNobody had git package issues today ?14:41
wolsgeecat: which JRE?14:41
geecatlet me check14:41
geecatwols, 1.714:41
krosongeecat: you can run it directly from a file manager, no need to use terminal. As for the icon, you will have to select it somewhere14:41
kroson*from somewhere14:41
ncopathanks all!14:42
wolsgeecat: there is no such JRE. the important part is: openjdk or oracle14:42
geecatkroson, icon is present in the eclipse folder along with the executable14:42
geecatwols, sorry its oracle14:42
alestehi, Does anyone know when will be the release of Ubuntu 12.10?14:42
krosongeecat: what is the problem you are facing? does the eclipse executable have the eclipse icon on it?14:43
krosonaleste: today xD. Seriously, no one knows xD14:43
basketballstarhow do i install 12.1014:44
ttgrhey, any idea how to configure SNMP on Cisco EPC3825 ?14:44
geecatkroson, no,  two are separate files icon has xmp extension14:44
ubottuNope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party14:44
krosongeecat: i suppose you want to create a launcher, so create one, in "application" write eclipse, in "icon" write eclipse14:45
geecatkroson, can you suggest me some url which i can refer to for writing the launcher14:46
krosongeecat: eclipse has an executable on your PATH, so you don't need to use ./eclipse, just eclipse14:46
alecb`% dhcpd \ zsh: command not found: dhcpd` wat do? :/14:46
SaipWhere do I get to download Ubuntu 12.10?14:46
alecbsorry, meant dhcpcd (same problem)14:47
krosongeecat: i'm not on unity right now, can't remember, but i'd say right-clicking the desktop or something14:47
geecatkroson,  when i type eclipse i get message that eclipse is not install14:47
geecatkroson,  thx for the help i will figure out and try to write launcher14:48
conleyTo upgrade, can I just download the torrent now and tell the update manager to use that?14:48
ttgrif i do snmpwalk to (my CIsco EPC3825) it returns: "no response received", any ideas ?14:48
conleyI doubt ubuntu's servers are going to need any extra load today. Or does update manager use a torrent automatically?14:48
krosongeecat: ahh sorry, you installed it manually, so it is not in your path.14:49
thienmamorning guys! anyone get silverlight working on linux?14:50
geecatkroson, yea i tried to include it in my path but that also is not working eclipse is running file the problem is icon, it is not loading up or what i don't understand14:50
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icerootttgr: guess its blocked there, see the manual of your router14:51
DJones!silverlight | thienma14:51
ubottuthienma: For Microsoft Silverlight support, install Moonlight with the following command: « sudo apt-get install moonlight-plugin-mozilla » in a terminal.14:51
geecatkroson, i tried creating  eclipse.desktop but that is not working14:51
krosongeecat: that is strange, it should run without trouble14:51
masterfasterthienma: it does not work with netflix though14:51
thienmawait let me rephrase my sentence, anyone knows a fork project for silverlight?14:51
conleythienma: because it does not support the drm in silverlight14:52
geecatkroson, yea earlier i never faced any problem , i am facing this in unity14:52
masterfasterthienma: yep drm sucks14:52
thienmaso running virtualmachine for now?14:52
krosongeecat: i don't know what is happening then. Maybe someone with unity and eclipse here has the same problem and can help you14:52
masterfasterthienma: yep vm14:52
thienmathanks guys!14:52
conleymasterfaster: clearly it provides a better experience for consumers14:52
allan_Unity sucks.14:52
masterfasterconley: yes but no linux support sucks14:53
conleymasterfaster: that was sarcasm ;) drm is shit14:53
masterfasterconley: haha14:53
geecatAny one tried installing eclipse manually in Unity(12.04)?14:53
icerootgeecat: why not using the one from the repos?14:54
RaringOne!language | conley14:54
ubottuconley: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:54
krosongeecat: use the version from the repositories14:54
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g0bl1nsetting an Online Account makes it available for what ? What is the IM client by default ? Empathy ?14:54
g0bl1ndo the account need to be inserted in the Empathy accounts area also ?14:54
geecatkroson, repositories is not updated it still has 3.7 but current one is 4.114:55
marsfligthwols, thaks for answering, I didn't see your previous, sorry. My scripts are made to save stdout and stderr on a log into /var/log, so, if I send to /dev/null I think that has no sense. Maybe, I can make a script to invoke as first that it croned and stdout sent to /dev/null, then, the croned script will launch another one that save 2>&1 to /var/log. I just verified once more my scripts and abjectly I inserted the 'tee'14:55
marsfligthcommand (just an extract: otale.sh 2>&1 | tee /home/), Do you think that is 'tee' to create that unwanted output?14:55
geecaticeroot, repo has 3.7 but i want to install 4.114:55
zenxhi i just deleted /etc/sudoers accidentally, and now i dont know how to restore it14:56
zenxi dont have a root password14:56
zenxand cant execute sudo14:56
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ovidiu^^ok so ubuntu 12.10 is out14:57
compdoczenx, even a typo in the sudoers file can prevent you from running sudo14:57
deadmundzenx: boot a live CD, use root on the CD to replace the /etc/sudoers, edit that file to include your user.14:57
compdoczenx,  ^14:57
zenxthanks, thats a good idea14:57
krosongeecat: i don't know why it doesn't work, but maybe... unity bug? xD14:58
krosonwhat features do you need from eclipse 4.1 that are not in 3.7?14:58
krosonubuntu 12.10 is in the repositories now!14:59
geecatkroson, i don't know the difference its the latest so i am trying it all the new version has something new which helps in development15:00
dr_willisand this is a suprise? ;)15:00
huggy-beargeecat: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/eclipse/downloads/drops4/R-4.2.1-201209141800/eclipse-SDK-4.2.1-linux-gtk.tar.gz15:00
lillosalve a tutti15:02
geecatkroson, sorry its not eclipse 4.1 its eclipse 4.215:03
laweHi, would using dd on Linux make a bootable Windows 8 USB?15:05
dr_willislawe:  #windows might know15:05
krosongeecat: its the same procedure, i don't know why eclipse isn't running at all15:06
wolsmarsfligth: what is the full line for one of your scripts in your cron?=15:06
knowjDoes anyone here use Bind9?15:06
krosongeecat: what is the output of eclipse in terminal?15:06
zalgoris there a way to reduce the high number of continuing requests by the print interface (unity/gnome/kde) to cupsserver? Out of technical reason we are using "servername printerserver" and not "servername localhost". Opening a printer selection box is like a DOS-Attack to our cupsserver.15:07
dusaresknowj, I do15:08
geecatkroson, no output it runs normal no error , probably some unity bug15:08
krosongeecat: if it runs normal in terminal, it HAS to run normal from the GUI15:08
krosonsimply put, double-clicking eclipse in the file manager is the same as writing 'eclipse' in terminal15:09
knowjdusared: I've just set it up on a devbox for internal domains/dns cache but every so often I try a local domain it doesn't find a result15:09
geecatkroson, yea thats true its strange that icon is not showing up15:10
knowjdusared: All external domains work fine but the internal ones don't resolve when apache and bind9 both return status running15:10
dusaresknowj: did you set the search domain correctly in the resolv.conf and did you end all names with a '.'15:10
krosongeecat: try 3.7 from the repositories, see if it works in unity15:11
marsfligthwols, in 'sudo crontab -e' I've: '00 */2 * * * nice -18 bash /root/uus.sh' anything else15:11
krosonit should15:11
buzzinh1RaringOne, why did you ban me?15:11
geecatkroson, i tried 3.7 it works15:11
dusaresknowj: what do you get as response when you try to resolve the names on the command line ?15:11
gxhey guys, i'm looking for the best/most efficient way to delete files from a folder older than 180 days. We're talking almost 80GB in one folder, though. I can't even ls the directory15:12
knowjdusares: I don't think I touched the resolv.conf :S15:12
linuxman1Hello. How do I delete read-only files from my USB stick Trashes Directory? I have been Googling it but I havent found a solution yet. I am using UBUNTU 10.04.15:12
geecatbut since 4.2 is not in repo i tried installing it manually and it is not working15:12
dr_willisgx:  find has options like that15:12
dusaresgx take a look at find15:12
L3topDoes anyone know if there will be a backported precise kernel for lucid? To answer the obvious question, we have too much plumbing to do a full upgrade.15:12
gxthats what ive been trying to do, but it's just sitting/frozen, due to how many files are in the dir15:12
knowjdusares: I am accessing the local domain from another machine btw15:13
krosongeecat: so either ignore unity or eclipse 4.2 :)15:13
gxthe directory has almost 80gb of images in it, that have been accumulating over almost 2 years unnecessarily, id like to setup a cron job to remove older than 180 days, every day15:13
dr_willisgx:  it may take some time.. no magic tricks will remove that15:13
gxfind . -name '*.*'  -mtime +18015:14
gxthat's what i'm using, just to get a listing of the files. does that syntax look good? (i'm in the working dir)15:14
dr_willismake some subdirs, have a cron job sort/move them weekly  ;)15:14
geecatkroson, i will try some more i will look at other applications and see how they are installed and then try eclipse that way15:14
gxyeah, thats the plan15:14
geecatkroson, thx for you help15:14
wolsmarsfligth: add >/dev/null   your redirections inside will take precedence for your logging15:15
linuxman1Can anyone help me out, please?15:15
dusaresknowj that should be no problem15:15
ghostcartIs there any way to get wine windows to show on the view with all the windows?15:15
ghostcartfor ubuntu 12.x15:15
alecbhow can I check what drivers my wifi card is using right now? (ie, if they're the built-in drivers, compiled kernel drivers, vendor drivers, etc)15:16
knowjdusares: I had my local dns config set to 192.168.0.*,, It may have been trying to use one of the Google DNS15:16
ghostcartI don't know the name of it, it's the view that appears when I press the windows button15:16
deadmundalecb: You can use sudo lspci -k  and then google the driver names15:16
deadmundalecb: most likely, they're open source kernel modules.15:16
RaringOnebuzzinh1: join #ubuntu0ops15:16
RaringOnebuzzinh1: join #ubuntu-ops15:16
alecbdeadmund: I might have tried using the vendor drivers but I don't remember if I did a fresh install since then or not15:17
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deadmundalecb: alright.  use sudo lspci -k then15:17
banjolailaHey, i'm new to ubuntu. Just installed ubuntu server, and I am having some problems with installing Samba. Could anyone help me?15:17
L3topalecb: lspci -nnk | grep -iE '(wlan|wireless)'15:17
L3topalecb: lspci -nnk | grep -iE '(wlan|wireless)' -A315:17
dr_willisbanjolaila:  give some more details. how are  you installing, and what errors?15:18
z2s8ovidiu^^: where can download?15:18
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krosonDoes anyone know if ubuntu blocks telnet client access by default, or is it open?15:18
krosonso, telnet, as the client15:18
BluesKajknowj, if you need to add dns nameservers to resolv.con, that's no longer the correct file , add them to  /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head , that file writes to resolv.conf now , and just ignore the warning and add your dns IPs as nameserver15:18
banjolailaDr_willis i installed it but every time i try to start I type in the admin password and nothing more happens15:19
krosonsorry, i wanted to mean server15:19
krosontelnet server15:19
dr_williskroson:  theres no telnet server installed by default if thats what you mena15:19
somsipkroson: closed here15:19
krosonsomsip: thanks15:19
dr_willisbanjolaila:  try to start what? the samba service should start at boot time automatically15:19
knowjBluesKaj: I've got my nameservers set within the networking/interfaces and that seems to do the trick15:19
banjolailaDr_willis. Oh ok. But how do i config it?15:20
dr_willisbanjolaila:  via the samba config files in /etc/15:20
dr_willis!info samba-doc15:20
ubottusamba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.3 (precise), package size 1649 kB, installed size 6960 kB15:20
BluesKajknowj, yes that works if you're using network manager15:20
banjolailaDr_willis could you elaborate? I'm a total noob15:21
dr_willisthe samba-doc package has like 3 books on configuring samba ;)15:21
deadmundI have my computer connected to a receiver (a stereo system).  The sound played by music files on the computer is about 10db quieter than the sound from a component CD player through the same receiver / speakers.  If I turn the volume up on the computer the audio gets crackling (I think it's peaking the signal).  What is going on here?15:21
L3topdeadmund: in terminal type alsamixer. Check master and device output levels15:21
banjolailaDr_willis Ok, thanks for the help :)15:22
dr_willisbanjolaila:  its a text file you edit in /etc/ if you know 0% about samba its time to read a few beginner guides on it.15:22
knowjBluesKaj: Is network manger not ideal on a server then?15:22
BluesKajdeadmund, using the analog connection ?15:22
dr_willisbanjolaila:  why are you using the server edition anyway?15:22
banjolailaDr_willis i'm setting up a server at home for media and stuff like that15:22
deadmundBluesKaj: yes, analog out on the PC (1/8" stereo "headphone" jack) and typical left / right RCA jack into the receiver (I have an adapter cable)15:23
dr_willisbanjolaila:  the desktop edition can do that...15:23
deadmundL3top: The levels are set to 0db gain15:23
banjolailaDr_willis yeaaah... no one told me that lol15:23
dr_willisbanjolaila:  unless you ppperfer a cli only interface15:23
BluesKajknowj, well if network manager is working , stick with it15:23
dr_willisbanjolaila:  server had no gui desktop by default is about the only differance in your case15:24
BluesKajdeadmund, do tou have a digital input on the stereo amp ?15:24
BluesKajdo you15:24
banjolailaDr_willis Ok, i installed the desktop feature anyway.15:24
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deadmundBluesKaj: the receiver has digital input but the PC does not (but the video card has HDMI out)15:25
deadmundBluesKaj: What does analog / digital matter here?15:25
BluesKajdeadmund, most audio cards have a digital/coax output , looks like an orange rca analog jack15:26
lowtaxretarded ringtail15:26
dr_willisbanjolaila:  be sure to check out the ubuntu manual also.15:26
carloI'm tryin to download ubuntu 12.10 but the speed of download it's just 205 KB/s ?  I used to download .iso file in the blink of an eye before and now it's going so slooow!15:26
dr_willis!manual > banjolaila15:27
ubottubanjolaila, please see my private message15:27
deadmundBluesKaj: My (onboard audio) does not have digital out.  What does it matter though?  Will using digital out fix the problem?15:27
BluesKajdeadmund, better audio and more control with the digital15:27
dr_williscarlo:  use torrents on release day... is the best way15:27
L3topdeadmund: digital is better... and either on or off. Volume is handled at the receiver.15:27
deadmundBluesKaj: I see.15:27
deadmundinstead of having two volume controls15:27
carloDoes someone got link to torrent file for Ubuntu 12.10 (i386) ? The one on the sites doesn't work.15:28
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ZybeI'm looking for a application to display different "endpoints/units" on my network. I know mac has something called ting or something like that. Is there anything like that for ubuntu?15:28
dr_williscarlo:  could be its being updated now.15:28
deadmundthanks for the help guyz15:29
dr_williscarlo:  today is release day.. so things are chaotic. ;)15:29
fidel_Zybe: how would you define endpoint/units? network devices like host/printers?15:29
BluesKajyup the audio is passed thru to the digital input on the amp prctically unchanged (less processing) and ther dac on the stereo is probly much higher quality than the pc , deadmund15:29
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Zybefidel_: yes printers firewalls, computers anything that's connected to the network really15:30
fidel_Zybe: using 'nmap' would be 1 method15:30
duryhi there all :-)15:30
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fidel_Zybe: which is available for both: osx and linux. never heard of 'ting' or something similar on osx15:31
ArubaDodsHi everyone15:31
tottto-drummondgday all15:31
carlodr_willis: yep that's what I thought... is there any possibility of getting torrent file becuase I can't download it from offical website15:31
Zybefidel_: a friend told me about ting, he may be totaly wrong to :D15:32
durywhy not screensaver in 12.04.115:32
ArubaDodsI need help15:32
dr_williscarlo:  when its officially released it should  be everywhere15:32
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fidel_Zybe: well doent matters at the end. there are tons of network scanners available15:32
carlodr_willis: never mind just downloaded this torrent file seems like they fixed the problem :)15:32
tottto-drummonddoes someone knows if the problem with ndiswrapper has been fixed with the final release of 12.1015:33
dr_willismake sure you are not torrenting an old release/beta/rc ;)15:33
fidel_Zybe: in case of namp a simple start would be: nmap -sP (or whatever matches your network)15:33
duryis there screensaver in 12.10?15:34
marsfligthwols: thanks for helping.15:34
ArubaDodswhen I insert a second cd after the first one, it does give me files with chinese names is there anyone who knows why15:34
dr_willistottto-drummond:  given the huge # of issues ndiswrapper can have with specific hardware differances... you whould have to give more details15:34
dr_willisdury:  install one if you want15:34
ArubaDodsI have to restart to be able to see the real files with original names15:35
maxviwill ubuntu 12.10 be released today?15:36
dr_willisArubaDods:  actual  chinease/real names? or just really messed up filenames?15:36
tottto-drummonddr_willis the current problem regarding ndiswrapper is allready well documented on the bug reporting system of launchpad15:36
wilee-nileemaxvi, That's the scuttlebut.15:37
durydr_willis: does it work properly if I'm going to install it... you said: install one... so are there more than one xscreensaver to install15:37
ArubaDodsit looks like chinese not garbage15:37
dr_willisdury:  the xscreensacer 'system' has dozens of screensacers you can install for it to use15:37
dr_willisArubaDods:  you are ejecting the cd's ? or how removeing them?15:38
MonkeyDu1tdury  best way to find out, is by trying15:38
Saipwhat time is the ubuntu 12.10 release scheduled?15:38
MonkeyDu1tSaip  any time now15:38
dr_willisthere is no set time....15:38
ArubaDodsi use the eject button (software)15:38
SaipThanks MonkeyDult :)15:39
=== MonkeyDu1t is now known as MonkeyDust
dr_willisArubaDods:  try the 'eject' command from a terminal15:39
alecbalright, so I did what the realtek site said to do to install their drivers, but the lspci output hasn't changed (it's still rtl8192ce). does this mean it didn't work? or might they just be calling their driver the same thing?15:39
duryMonkeyDust: can you assist me to install it properly?15:40
lowtaxwhy would lspci change15:41
duryMonkeyDust: I'm using 12.04.115:41
ArubaDodswhich is the eject command?15:41
dr_willisdury:  ive seen guides on setting up xscreensaver on the omgubuntu!, or webupd8  blog sites15:41
dr_willisArubaDods:  'eject' is the command....15:41
lowtaxtoo many noobs15:41
lowtaxuse ubuntu15:41
MonkeyDustdury  fastest and easiest is a fresh install - backup first, if you don't have a separate /home15:41
dr_willisArubaDods:  open terminal.. type eject ;)15:41
ikonialowtax: I'm sorry what ?15:42
FuraiIs there going to be booze at the party?15:42
ikonialowtax: tone it down please, the name calling is not welcome, or needed15:42
MickStepHi, probably about once eveyr 2-3 days my always on pc crashes, like instant crash from which all I can do is switch it off and on, even alt-shift-print screen RSEIUB fails to reboot it.15:42
MickStepI suspect this is a hardware fault, any idea how I can diagnose the problem?15:42
lowtaxikonia: is there a non support channel15:42
carlodr_willis: it's beta release <facepalm> so I think I need to download it with slow speed like everyone else...15:42
BluesKajalecb,  sudo modprobe rtl8192ce , if there's not output from the command then the driver is loaded15:42
ikonialowtax: none for you to rant and name call in15:42
duryMonkeyDust: what you mean separate /home ?15:42
MonkeyDustlowtax  #ubuntu-offtopic15:42
ikoniaMonkeyDust: NO15:42
lowtaxMonkeyDust: thanks15:42
dr_williscarlo:  err.. its not released yet.. i think....15:42
MonkeyDustikonia  sorry, havent followed15:43
MonkeyDustsorry, really15:43
ArubaDodsit says unable to find or open device for: 'cdrom'15:43
dr_willisMickStep:  ssh in, monitor logs15:43
dr_willisArubaDods:  weird. try eject /dev/sr015:43
MickStepdr_willis: do you mean after the crash occurs or upon reboot?15:44
dr_willisArubaDods:  or 'sudo eject'15:44
duryMonkeyDust: what you mean separate when you saying... backup ... /home ?15:44
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dr_willisMickStep:  in realtime befor it crashes15:44
duryMonkeyDust: sorry15:44
carlodr_willis: it's now. just visited ubuntu website and download again the torrent file and it seems like this is the right one :) finally15:44
ArubaDodsok eject /dev/sr0 works15:44
MonkeyDustdury  if you have a separate /home, you can more easily fresh install15:44
L3topdury: he means on its own partition15:44
dr_willisArubaDods:  /dev/cdrom is normally a link to /dev/sr015:44
g0bl1nI added online accounts, but opening Empathy doesn't show them. Do I have to manually insert those accounts again on Empathy ?15:45
MickStepOK, I see what you mean, which logs specifically should I monitor?15:45
L3topdury: so it remains untouched when you reinstall on the main partition, and you just point to it during install.15:45
ArubaDodsok I insert the cd back it gives me the real files on it, thanks a lot15:45
somsipIt does look like the torrents are live http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.10/15:46
duryMonkeyDust, L3 top: "df -h" ->command to check that15:46
dr_willisMickStep:  look in /var/log perhaps kern.log, dmesg, mayby others15:46
ikoniasomsip: please don't post that stuff15:46
somsipikonia: really? ok15:46
MickStepthanks for your help dr_willis15:46
ikoniayes, it's not been released.....there is a reason people aren't giving that information out until it's released,15:47
* dr_willis waits for the actual official release anouncement....15:47
* MonkeyDust has the ubuntu page open15:47
dr_willishititing reload every 5 sec?15:47
duryMonkeyDust, L3top: "df -h" ->command to check that15:47
BluesKajdr_willis, are we there yet ? :)15:48
MonkeyDustdury  use sudo fdisk -l to get an idea of partitions15:48
edveanyone here knows SQUID ?15:48
Praxiwth my chrome keeps closing15:48
L3top!anyone | edve15:49
ubottuedve: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:49
jeremystwhat is the best way to setup ubuntu as an access point? my wii cannot detect ubuntu hotspot.15:50
L3top!pm | edve15:50
ubottuedve: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:50
duryMonkeyDust: after    sudo fdisk -l ?15:50
benccis there ETA for gnomebuntu? http://gnomebuntu.org/15:50
jeremystwhat is the best way to setup ubuntu as an access point? my wii cannot detect ubuntu hotspot.15:51
MonkeyDustdury  that's for a first impression15:51
edveHow can I keep my squid log historic for like 60 days ?15:51
MonkeyDust!partition > dury15:51
ubottudury, please see my private message15:51
duryall right15:51
jeremystwhat is the best way to setup ubuntu as an access point? my wii cannot detect ubuntu hotspot.15:52
varikonniemihow safe is the update process to 12.10 for other installed os:es? Namely, is it any way that something could go wrong so that the data on windows partition gets lost?15:53
JMS32How to set maximum FPS in string like v4l:///dev/video0 ?15:54
Guest26731varikonniemi what is the upgrade path15:55
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Insomn1avari i dont see any problem with upgrading from 12.04 to 12.10, however, I myself prefer to stay on LTS releases15:56
L3topedve: see if this is helpful to you http://etutorials.org/Server+Administration/Squid.+The+definitive+guide/Chapter+13.+Log+Files/13.7+Rotating+the+Log+Files/15:56
varikonniemii would only on commercial servers limit myself to staying lts15:56
Insomn1ait will not interfere with any windows partitions currently installed on the system15:57
Insomn1ait might update the grub bootloader, but that being said grub will still allow you the option to boot into your windows environment15:58
L3topI prefer stability over "new thing" varikonniemi. If I wanted to reinstall every few months I would still be on windows.15:58
varikonniemiLOL, i have not had any problems since i ditched fedora 15 alpha (which was the distro i started my linux career on) so you are exaggerating quite a bit15:59
varikonniemierr, i have had problems, but not so that i have had to reinstall15:59
Insomn1awhat are you afraid of happening when you upgrade vari16:00
Insomn1athat you will lose your windows partition?16:00
ArubaDodsis there a command line for stitching videos together?16:02
somsipArubaDods: what kinds of videos - what codec/extension?16:02
ArubaDodsI know the one cat16:02
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots16:03
excalibrit's out!16:03
somsipArubaDods: I have used ffmpeg and converted to something else, then used cat, and joined them banck. Faffy but it worked16:03
durythere will be xcreensaver in 12.1016:04
somsip*converted them back...16:04
ArubaDodsok, I will try that one, thanks for the info16:04
Wipsterhey all, when I do 'top' in my new 12.04.1 server install my load is 1, however I dont see a process in the table with a cpu over 2%, where is this load coming from?16:04
duryyes or not?16:04
prashant_123456what files are needed to make a bootable pen drive ubuntu16:04
CupOfCocoaHey everyone, just installed ubuntu but I get some really weird error when trying to run an executable: http://pastebin.com/YrS0mUwM what am I missing?16:04
lotuspsychje!12.10 | dury16:04
ubottudury: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+116:04
somsip!info xscreensaver | dury16:05
ubottudury: xscreensaver (source: xscreensaver): Automatic screensaver for X. In component main, is optional. Version 5.15-2ubuntu1 (precise), package size 261 kB, installed size 852 kB16:05
somsipdury - still 12.04 info here...Surprised if it's not though16:05
ArubaDodssorry I am new here, how do you send a message in red color to me?16:05
duryall right16:05
somsip!who | ArubaDods16:05
ubottuArubaDods: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:05
dileepobject doesn't support this action error wine16:05
_Trullowhat is best, tracker or beagle?16:06
somsip!best | _Trullo16:06
ubottu_Trullo: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:06
_Trullowhat a useless tip somsip.16:06
lotuspsychje_Trullo:keep polite here16:07
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:07
=== zz_scottas is now known as scottas
_Trullohe could have told me, tracker is good for searching for files, beagle is good when you want to search for content in files16:08
_TrulloI'm going with tracker16:08
lotuspsychje_Trullo:be happy someone wants to help you16:08
ArubaDods!who | somsip Ok thanks16:08
ubottusomsip Ok thanks: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:08
somsip_Trullo: you have your own answer. Great. The factoid worked :)16:08
G__81is 12.10 released ?16:08
ArubaDods!somsip thanks16:08
lotuspsychje!12.10 | G__8116:09
ubottuG__81: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+116:09
somsip!tab | ArubaDods16:09
ubottuArubaDods: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:09
_Trullowell, it's bad when you get help on google faster than in a channel with humans :/16:09
dr_willisnot really _Trullo16:09
jrib_Trullo: hmm, pretty sure tracker searches inside files too16:09
lotuspsychje_Trullo:if you like google why come ask here?16:09
ArubaDodsI dont know, I will keep trying here16:09
somsipArubaDods: just put som{press tab} and wall will be good16:09
G__81lotuspsychje: is it getting released today ?16:10
seednodeIn theory16:11
ArubaDods! somsip now16:11
ArubaDods! somsip | ok16:11
somsipArubaDods: using ! only works to get the bot to say something. So !bot | ArubaDods would get the bot to address the 'bot' factoid to you16:11
_Trullolotuspsychje, I prefer asking experts than wading through 100 of differents answers on google :/16:11
D3RGPS31does a dist upgrade involve installing packages that were uninstalled after installation :v16:11
ArubaDodssomsip, oh ok16:12
genii-aroundD3RGPS31: It can, if you removed packages which were Suggested or Recommended originally.16:12
somsipArubaDods: yay :)16:13
lotuspsychje_Trullo:the experts recommended you there's no such thing as best software16:13
jrib!dist-upgrade | D3RGPS3116:13
ubottuD3RGPS31: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.16:13
Jimster480-Laptohey guys, whats an easy way to get a "script" (its really 1 line) to be run when i login, but it requires root?16:13
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:13
jribJimster480-Lapto: what script?16:13
D3RGPS31thank you :v16:13
Jimster480-Laptoi need to set the xorg-radeon-driver to low power, bceause it sucks at power/fan management on my card and it overheats my laptop to 80C on idle16:14
lnwlf2121Jimster480-Lapto, there are a number of ways to do this... the end solution being one that bypasses the issue... but... again, lots of ways...16:14
CupOfCocoaAnyone? http://pastebin.com/YrS0mUwM16:15
ArubaDodssomsip, oh ok now I get it, finally. thanks for you patience :)16:15
somsipArubaDods: yr welcome16:15
Jimster480-Laptoso i need to do echo "low" < /sys/class/card0/device/power_profile16:15
ArubaDodsubottu, thanks for your patience also :)16:16
ubottuArubaDods: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:16
prashant_123456bootable pen drive by just copying some files from a bootable media16:16
pulbhey guys! is ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso  on the releases.* domain the final image?16:16
tsimpsonpulb: when you see the announcement on www.ubuntu.com, that's when it's final16:16
somsipCupOfCocoa: permissions?16:16
devjustforfun_\join mysql16:16
devjustforfun_\join #mysql16:17
jribdevjustforfun_: / not \16:17
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JMS32 How to set maximum FPS in string like v4l:///dev/video0 ?16:17
dr_willistry a / devjustforfun_16:17
schreberWhen is the 12.10 iso supposed to be released, I've checked some mirrors and I've only seen src16:18
jribpulb: 12.10 hasn't been officially released yet16:18
jilebedevHi hi - are there alternative methods to mounting a physical hdd automatically after reboot beside the standard modifying of /etc/fstab?16:18
dr_willisJMS32: you sure thats even doable?16:18
CupOfCocoasomsip: set to chmod 77716:18
Jimster480-LaptoJMS you would use the echo command16:18
jribpulb, schreber: #ubuntu-release-party if you want to party while you wait :D16:18
dr_willisjilebedev:  mount command in rc.local or an autofs service16:18
CupOfCocoaand even then I should only get a permission error not a not found16:19
lnwlf2121Jimster480-Lapto, so... just on boot right? not when you login to xwindows?16:19
djzndelay on release?16:19
Jimster480-Laptowell it can be when i login to x16:19
Jimster480-Laptosince i mean its a xorg driver so.... xD16:19
lnwlf2121sudo crontab -e16:19
lotuspsychjeim looking for a decent gnucash alternative16:19
lnwlf2121@reboot echo "low" > blah blah blah16:19
Jimster480-Laptokk thanks16:19
[1]JeffAnyone have any advice on a tzdata bug on lucid that prevents dpkg from installing anything?16:20
lnwlf2121Jimster480-Lapto, or really : @reboot echo "low" < /sys/class/card0/device/power_profile16:21
JMS32dr_willis: nope. But i have a hope in that16:21
Jimster480-Laptoi got it thanks!16:21
lnwlf2121also, you could put the script in /etc/rc3.d16:21
Jimster480-Laptonever used crontab in ubuntu16:21
djznwhen is it released16:22
Jimster480-Laptoive only ever used it in CentOS and Fedora for servers16:22
JMS32dr_willis: it's impossible?..16:23
alecbhow can I check if vendor wifi drivers have been installed/are being used correctly?16:23
Jimster480-Laptofor how much longer will 10.04 be supported?16:24
lnwlf2121alecb, check the output of dmesg16:24
lotuspsychjealecb:if it works :p16:24
dr_willisJMS32: no idea. id search for  v4l docs and examples. insread if asking hiw to do somthing that may not even be doable on irc16:24
lnwlf2121alecb, which should also be recorded in /var/log/messages16:24
lotuspsychjealecb:what card brand are you looking for?16:25
lnwlf2121alecb, it will tell you releases and copyrights and yadada yadada16:25
sturmiJimster480-Lapto: Until April 201316:25
Jimster480-Laptokk thx16:26
lotuspsychjeoldskool lillo16:26
Jimster480-Laptoi think im going to point my repos there so that i can do some updates16:26
fungusJimster480-Lapto, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS16:26
JMS32dr_willis i'm a;ready found. But it won't work16:26
mikecchey guys, update manager yesterday told me that the nvidia driver has been updated. so i did it, and now when i go to use the NVIDIA display manager to detect my external monitor, it says my driver isn't new enough. should i revert back? any other ideas?16:26
alecblotuspsychje: I'm hving wifi problems -- don't know if it's in spite of vendor drivers or if they're installed but not helping16:26
lnwlf2121alecb, maybe /var/log/syslog16:27
lotuspsychjealecb:please tell us what wifi card you haveing?16:27
Jimster480-Laptothansk fungus i know LTS, i just forgot how long they were supported. Ive had ubuntu installed on atleast one of my machines since 200516:27
lnwlf2121alecb, linux distros get confusing :P16:27
fungusJimster480-Lapto, yes, that page shows detailed support timelines.16:27
fungusincluding the info you requested.16:27
alecblotuspsychje: I have a realtek 8188CE16:27
sturmiCan I just install Ubuntu on a SSD (Crucial M4) or do I have to make some kind of special adjustments?16:28
lotuspsychjealecb:i think many realtek drivers are listen on their website16:28
lotuspsychjesturmi:set ahci to bios16:28
noirosturmi, just put the / partition on it16:28
sturminoiro: I'm going to make a clean install so I would just tell the installer to chose the SSD, that should do trick or?16:29
lotuspsychjesturmi:if BIOS is set to ACHI, it will detect your ssd fine16:29
sturmilotuspsychje: okay thanks. I think it's already set to AHCI16:29
SoveAfter reading guides from multiple sources, i'm still a bit undure about installing from USB drive16:30
sturmilotuspsychje: but I'm checking it before installation16:30
lotuspsychjesturmi:i think ubuntu is already optimized for ssd trim16:30
lcabrezahi guys, quick question. i want to upgrade my hard drive from 320GB to 500GB. How can i copy all the partition and files w/out reinstalling?16:30
SoveDo I just put the ISO there, set boot order and it's good to go16:30
alecbnot realy sure what I'm looking for in the dmesg output?16:31
alecb(sorry, just got dropped from wifi)16:31
alecbwhat am I looking for in the dmesg output?16:31
lotuspsychjeSove:you need to unpack the iso on the usb, with software so it makes the usb bootable16:31
Jimster480-Lapto1 sec lcabreza, ill get you the command. YOu want to copy from one drive to another one right? the partition and all?16:31
SoveAnd such softeware would be16:32
lnwlf2121alecb: dmesg|grep <wifi device name, like... wan0 or whatever>16:32
lotuspsychjelcabreza:there are several clone packages around16:32
lotuspsychjeSove:what Os are you on now?16:32
SoveWindows 716:32
lcabrezaJimster480-Lapto: yes that's right ..16:32
jcrzayou guys tried the new release yet?16:32
lotuspsychjeSove:we cant support win7 lol16:32
jcrzathinking about upgrading my desktop16:32
lcabrezalotuspsychje: i want to make sure i choose the best one ..16:32
Jimster480-Laptolcabreza: check out this link http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/19141/clone-a-hard-drive-using-an-ubuntu-live-cd/16:33
lotuspsychje!info clonezilla16:33
SoveWell, I need to b able to install ubuntu >_>16:33
ubottuPackage clonezilla does not exist in precise16:33
Jimster480-Laptoit explains how to use dd to copy your partition over. It works wonders, I did it with this laptop that im using right now.16:33
Jimster480-Laptoyou dont need clonezilla lotuspsychje. You can use dd just fine, its pretty simple if you read the short instructions.16:33
lcabrezaJimster480-Lapto: Thanks, my objective here, so that when i plug it back to my laptop i don't have to reconfigure again. it's just replace the hard drive..16:34
anomalyI have ssmtp setup, where root is sending emails without issue.  what am I missing, because I can not send email as a user.  I get the error "send-mail: Cannot open mailhub:25"16:34
L3topclonezilla ftw... dd is a brilliant tool... but if you don't do it right, it can destroy your data.16:34
alecb_what am I looking for in the dmesg output? (not trying to spam, connection getting dropped so often I don't know what's going through and what's not)16:34
lotuspsychjeSove:on ubuntu you can use the usb tool, but plz join ##windows for usb tools/iso16:34
Jimster480-Laptoyea all you need to do is connect both drives in some fashion, and then dd from one drive to the other drive. Then you can put the new drive in your laptop and it will work as if nothing has happened.16:34
SoveOh well, found a software to do that already16:35
lcabrezaJimster480-Lapto: thats great..exactly what i needed ...Thanks bro ..16:35
lotuspsychjeSove:you made a good choice for sure to install ubuntu16:35
Jimster480-Laptolcabreza: no problem man16:35
lotuspsychjeL3top:how can it destroy16:36
L3toplotuspsychje: its nickname is "disk destroyer". google it.16:36
lotuspsychjeL3top:lets see16:36
alecb_what am I looking for in the dmesg output? (not trying to spam, connection getting dropped so often I don't know what's going through and what's not)16:37
lcabrezaJimster480-Lapto: quick inquiry, after copying, will it allocate only the space on the old drive and then other remaining space as unallocated ?16:37
lotuspsychjeL3top:you mean the zero commands and such16:37
Jimster480-Laptolcabreza: you can choose these options i believe. You can format the other drive first and then copy the data over.16:38
lcabrezaJimster480-Lapto:lets say , from 320GB to 500GB will it use only the 320 of 500 and leave the other 180 as empty or free space16:38
lcabrezaJimster480-Lapto:ok, what about it's partition table ? does it going to be automatic ..16:39
Jimster480-Laptolcabreza: you should be able to format the 500 and then copy the data, if it will overwrite and give you 320? I'm not sure, but if it does you can use a pratition manager to expand your partition to the whole drive.16:39
L3topwrong if of... 0... wrong block size... just all sorts of issues that result in failure if not outright destruction for newbs I find clonezilla to be just fantastic at without much risk... as well as the ability to run over network easily etc... It is fast, and clean. That was all I was saying.16:39
lotuspsychjeL3top:i agree on the gui easy part of clonezilla16:40
Jimster480-Laptolcabreza: it has been a while since i cloned a drive, but dd is very specific. Either way if it does you can just expand the partition after it has been copied over.16:40
Jimster480-Laptolcabreza: there are all kinds of tutorials that explain how to do it, and its only a few simple commands. I used to do it on my enterprise servers all the time.16:41
lcabreza Jimster480-Lapto: great..i'll give it a try ..16:41
Jimster480-Laptolcabraza: and the drives were all sorts of sizes.16:41
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L3toplotuspsychje: I really like the easy ability to traverse the network to clone or drop images... but we are offtopic.16:42
lotuspsychjeL3top:does that work for cloning huge data hd's too from one to another in ubuntu?16:43
L3topas long as your destination drive is of equal size yes.16:44
L3topnot exactly in ubuntu though... it is a live disk16:44
lotuspsychjeL3top:also if its not system drive, like just a file hd 1tb to 1tb?16:44
L3topyes lotuspsychje.16:45
Jimster480there is also the gparted distrobution lol16:45
lotuspsychjeL3top:cool to know tnx16:45
Jimster480i used that one a few times for our enterprise SCCI drives years ago16:45
L3topIt will clone individual partitions or whole disks16:45
NoBlueToothHello all, I am using Ubuntu 11.10 and trying to setup a bluetooth headset, the device has paired but not showing up in sound prefencies. I followed the guide here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothHeadset that didn't work either any suggestions?16:45
lotuspsychjeL3top:got an idea what speed it would clone a 1tb?16:45
L3topallows me to do stupid destructive things to my system, because a restore is just 15 min away16:46
lcabrezai have another question, im sure you can help me. after doing an rdesktop-vrdp on a ubuntu desktop. i won't be able to connect again. what could be the issue here? the temp solution is to reboot16:46
lnwlf2121while we're on the topic of clonezilla, I seem to remember there was a way to take live backups of servers without them going down... like... via dd and nc and the recover them from baremetal via clonezilla16:46
L3topA full 1tb would take some time.... cloning is longer than restoring... and it depends on whether the drive was local or over the network I would guess.16:46
lnwlf2121is that right?16:46
leifmadsenafternoon all -- I have an ubuntu 12.04 server in a VM spun up by vagrant. When the machine spins up, it obtains it's nameservers via eth0, but I'd like to configure it to pull from eth1 (since that is the bridged interface). Any suggestsions?16:46
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)16:46
lcabrezaNoBlueTooth:you need to install the bluetooth manager and then right click on your headset and click audio sink16:46
CyberPerkI just did a clean install from CD a 12.04.1 LTS, the install program did not find a network connection but I installed anyway hoping the install would find the network. It did not.  any help?16:47
lnwlf2121dd if=/dev/sda|pv|nc mybackupserver <myport>16:47
NoBlueToothlcabreza is that blueman? or something different?16:47
alecbjust tried installing vendor drivers for wifi card instead of built-in kernel modules -- how do I check if I'm actually using the vendor drivers16:47
lotuspsychjeL3top:ok tnx mate16:47
lnwlf2121something like this?16:47
lotuspsychjesouper time here16:47
ubottusome help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b16:47
acolytetojippitydid i read somewhere that 12.10 Quantal dropped today?16:47
lcabrezaNoBlueTooth: yes blueman manager v1.2316:47
lotuspsychjealecb:read that url mate16:47
NoBlueToothI installed the latest via apt-get when I right click on headset, I do not see any "audio sink" option16:48
Jimster480yea lnwlf2121, we used to do live backups of servers years ago, but idr if we were using dd or not. My server admin was taking care of that at the time.16:49
L3topsome time today yes acolytetojippity. Not sure if it has yet or not.16:49
Maxstyvasonhey today is the release date for 12.10 correct?16:49
D3RGPS31Maxstyvason: yes16:49
ZahnPastorand we are waiting....16:49
lcabrezaNoBlueTooth: what version of headset you have ?16:49
ZahnPastorand waiting...16:49
Maxstyvasonill get my backups going then16:49
acolytetojippity@L3top how does one go about upgrading?  i have 12.04 atm.16:49
ZahnPastorfor hours...16:49
acolytetojippitydo you need to do a new instal?16:50
Maxstyvasonmy backups wont be done until tomorrow so its a non issue for me16:50
lcabrezaNoBlueTooth: try turning it off and back on and then search again > sometimes you have to remove and pair it again16:50
Maxstyvasonacolytetojippity: probably not but I always do16:50
NoBlueToothNot sure, however I just clicked refresh services and got "the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus secuirty policy blocked the reply"16:50
ZahnPastor...and again waiting...16:50
NoBlueToothI googled this in the past and got no where16:50
L3topacolytetojippity: WHEN there is a release, you should be able to sudo do-release-upgrade I believe16:50
duryMaxstyvason: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/16:50
Maxstyvasonso yes thanks for the info, sorry for a queston thats probably been asked 10 million times already16:50
=== CyberPerk is now known as No_Internet
acolytetojippityok, cool.  I guess i'll just wait until it's ready.  thanks!16:51
totemhmmm coffee, www.kopiluwak.org16:51
No_InternetI just did a clean install from CD a 12.04.1 LTS, the install program did not find a network connection but I installed anyway hoping the install would find the network. It did not.  any help?16:51
Maxstyvasonsame here I dont mind waiting an extra day or so16:51
Maxstyvasonget it done right16:51
NoBlueToothI tried repairing + changing usb ports for the dongle16:52
MaxstyvasonI have to backup EVERYTHING anyway its been a few releases since ive done a clean install16:52
NoBlueToothI tested the headset and it works with my mobile phone16:52
Maxstyvasonshould I upgrade to 64 bit yet?16:52
Maxstyvason32 bit sees all my ram just fine btw16:52
bazhangMaxstyvason, reinstall you mean16:52
Maxstyvasonyes I have to things are messy16:52
Jimster48064 bit is great. You should def use 64 bit if you are ron any system from the last 4 years imho.16:52
Maxstyvasonmy etc folder is cluttered16:53
bazhangwonder if I can cat ubuntu.iso > usb flash stick16:53
Maxstyvasonjanitor crashes when trying to clean things out :-P16:53
MaxstyvasonI love how you can just click a switch and turn off amazon kudos for making that a simple "click and done" feature16:54
=== _xi0n is now known as xibalba
Maxstyvasonalthough I use amazon for EVERYTHING I buy now adays so its a non issue16:54
alecbI don't understand option 2 in that realtek link... what is it actually saying to do?16:54
Maxstyvasonim serious I get toilet paper, and paper towels delivered to my house I hate shopping16:55
Maxstyvasonsome will hate on Ubuntu for amazon, I say thanks for making my day one step easier16:55
No_Internetamazon can be turned off, correct?16:56
Maxstyvasonin the control center under privacy16:56
ubottuIf you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ16:56
Maxstyvason(I polayed with the beta in virtualbox)16:56
alecberr, ok, so, I just tried to install vendor drivers for my realtek 8188CE wifi card -- how do I check if they actually installed properly/are being used16:57
ctalocI'm so excited, I cant deny it (8)16:57
Maxstyvasonim not excited anymore16:57
jribctaloc: #ubuntu-release-party16:57
Maxstyvasonafter 8 years is it now? I sort of expect it16:58
carloguys what's the best RSS reader for Ubuntu ? What would u recommend me?16:58
jriblet's get back on the topic of support here :)16:58
jribcarlo: BestBot can tell you what people like16:58
jrib!best | carlo16:58
ubottucarlo: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:58
wojtekis 12.10 released?16:58
L3topbazhang: I would expect that to put a file *.iso on the drive... but you can dd it.16:58
jribwojtek: no16:58
k1l_wojtek: sit and wait in #ubuntu-release-party  to be announced16:58
NoBlueToothin blueman I just got "Page Timeout"16:59
hwhomeworldhit o all16:59
NoBlueToothis it worth reinstall bluez?16:59
hwhomeworldhas anyone tried instlaling ubuntu using the vmware player16:59
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bekkshwhomeworld: I bet someone did.17:00
L3topYes you can install ubuntu in vmware, or virtualbox, or KVM-Qemu hwhomeworld17:00
huggy-bearNoBlueTooth: have you tried installing some of the bluetooth firmware?17:00
hwhomeworldthought so.17:00
carloubottu: Ok thanks for the tips!17:00
ubottucarlo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:00
NoBlueToothI'll be honest I did apt-get install blue* when things wasn't working i have all the blues packages17:00
DeividAvoid the pain17:01
Deividof Windows 8.17:01
DeividThe all-new Ubuntu 12.10 is out now.17:01
DeividGet Ubuntu 12.1017:01
FloodBot1Deivid: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:01
=== Rob_der_Dritte is now known as Robert_Zenz
ac_12.10 iss available !!!17:01
huggy-bearNoBlueTooth: but I think you might need some of the firmware-* packages.17:02
codemaniacis checkpoint vpn client is available for ubuntu?17:02
bekkscodemaniac: As the vendor, thats not GPL'ed :)17:02
NoBlueToothhuggy-bear do you know which ones i'll need?17:02
huggy-bearNoBlueTooth: what is the device in question?17:02
bekkscodemaniac: *ask even.17:03
NoBlueTooththe bluetooth dongle or headset17:03
codemaniacbekks: is it available for free download and use?17:03
bekkscodemaniac: Ask the vendor - Checkpoint. :)17:03
codemaniacok thanks bekks17:03
huggy-bearNoBlueTooth: what company?17:03
NoBlueToothUSB Dongle, Belkin FBT009   Headset, Tritron 9070017:04
xubuntu115i have uninstalled and reinstalled xserver17:04
alecbI just tried to install vendor drivers for my realtek 8188CE wifi card -- how do I check if they actually installed properly/are being used17:04
huggy-bearNoBlueTooth: about your belkin thingie: I just googled a forum post where someone said it didn't work in 200917:05
NoBlueToothdid they say it didn't work with a fix? or ..17:06
DX099hello, how do I disable all my ppas ? do I also have to uninstall everything that comes from a ppa ?17:07
theadminDX099: You don't have to, but it is a good idea as you won't get updates for such software anymore17:07
alecbI just tried to install vendor drivers for my realtek 8188CE wifi card -- how do I check if they actually installed properly/are being used17:08
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DX099theadmin, is the "Y-my-ppa" (or smth like) software a good way to do so ,17:08
theadminDX099: Not even sure what that is17:08
theadminDX099: You can use ppa-purge to remove PPAs and simply use apt-get to remove software17:09
huggy-bearNoBlueTooth: apparently there are no drivers for it :(17:09
DX099and by the way thanks for the advice yesterday, dd worked just fine. t17:09
theadminDX099: Oh, good to hear17:09
NoBlueToothits weird how the device pairs though17:09
huggy-bearNoBlueTooth: but it's old news. as for your headset, can't find any info on it. but you can read this, maybe it will help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothHeadset17:09
NoBlueToothI tried that17:09
NoBlueTootheven the steps for the ubuntu 9 (the second bit)17:10
NoBlueToothfails to start the modules17:10
DX099theadmin, I know but how do I check which software comes from ppa and so on ?17:10
dalton2345hello everyone, anyone know of a program like mpd but for videos, so i can manage the playlist?17:11
theadminDX099: I'm not too sure of that.17:11
DX099theadmin, ok, I'll just try with synaptic17:11
alecbI just tried to install vendor drivers for my realtek 8188CE wifi card -- how do I check if they actually installed properly/are being used? (sorry if spam, not sure if my messages are going through at all)17:12
alecbI just tried to install vendor drivers for my realtek 8188CE wifi card -- how do I check if they actually installed properly/are being used? (sorry if spam, not sure if my messages are going through at all)17:12
g105bI'd like help with Ubuntu 21.10, the latest version.17:12
jribg105b: are you from the future?17:12
g105bjrib: no, 21.10 is the current stable version17:12
islandmonkeyg105b: Is it really 2021?17:12
g105bhttps://help.ubuntu.com/ there, 21.1017:13
huggy-bearNoBlueTooth: how does it fail to start the modules? can you give me the error?17:13
jribg105b: ha17:13
NoBlueToothFailure: Module initalisation failed17:13
NoBlueToothit happened when trying to run "pactl load-module module-alsa-sink device=btheadset17:14
huggy-bearNoBlueTooth: could be that you are missing that module. not sure17:15
wojtekwhat was the name of release party channel?17:15
valnourg105b: funny! looks like someone transposed some digits17:16
kroson_someone update the topic xD17:16
dubac0_gimp save as jpg png or jpeg ? how to?17:16
Ikarus_does any one know why i have a username and password prompt when i just instaled unbuntu?17:16
theadminIkarus_: Well duh, you define a username and password when you install17:17
bekksIkarus_: Because you where prompted to create one during the installation process.17:17
Ikarus_i didn't and thats wat i thought it was, but its asking me to actually log in. Duh17:17
KrenairTrying to run 'vagrant', but I get "The program 'vagrant' is currently not installed."17:17
KrenairWhen I do "sudo aptitude show vagrant" it says "State: installed"17:18
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | 12.10 is out! release party in #ubuntu-release-party | IRC Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | IRC info: http://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Release Notes: http://ubottu.com/y/rn | Download: http://ubottu.com/y/dl | Currently supported versions 8.04 LTS (server only), 10.04 LTS, 11.04, 11.10, 12.04 LTS and 12.10
theadminKrenair: dpkg -L vagrant | grep -L bin/17:18
Ikarus_any idea how to log in or do i have to install all over again17:18
theadminKrenair: dpkg -L vagrant | grep bin/17:18
theadminIkarus_: You'll have to use the recovery mode to reset your password or reinstall17:19
joakimbittorent links doesnt work17:19
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=== GhostFreeman\ is now known as GhostFreeman
Krenairtheadmin, ah, that reveals where it's actually installed... Running it from there works. I'll have to remember that trick, thanks17:20
Ikarus_oh...euh....how do i do that. I'm honestly a windows kind of guy, but want linux on the desktop17:20
theadminIkarus_: Then I suggest you just reinstall. This time please remember the password you create.17:20
Lazureok, so, ubuntu 12.10 is out, yet i can't seem to download it.17:22
Ikarus_thats the thing. I didn't get to creat it17:22
Lazurethe website tries to send me 12.04 when i ask for 12.1017:22
Lazureand when i try the alternative downloads with torrent, it says the file isn't fond on their server17:22
Ikarus_but i'll try again17:22
jcrzaI was gung-ho about the new ubuntu until I read the tagline "avoid the pain of windows 8" ... I can't be the only one who thinks that's pretty assinine17:22
jcrzaCan't I like both?17:23
jcrzaI don't think windows 8 will have the tagline "fuck ubunt" .. I mean cmon17:23
Lazurei won't use windows 8 until someone finds a way to bring back aero glass. i will NOT use that fugly DOS looking UI they got going there with the flat rectangles17:23
Lazurei cannot stand to look at that.17:23
grandal_primehey guys...i got a situation where i built a machine with a bunch of ram in it. and the installer used half my hd space for a swap drive.17:24
grandal_primei want to shrink that now...17:24
jcrzaI just figured I'd register my annoyance, not that it really matters17:24
unlessHello folks!17:24
Lazureanyways, does anyone have a link to the proper torrent file for the official 12.10 64-bit release? the official website links it, but it's broken17:24
jcrzaI think ubuntu is better than making its tagline "fuck windows"17:24
grandal_primeits all done with lvm and gparted dows not work with that.17:24
Ikarus_lol well i'm begininb to hate windows. I dont know what microsoft is doing but it sucks17:24
devslashis ubuntu server 12.10 stable ?17:24
bazhangjcrza, stop the cursing17:24
RaringOne!language | jcrza17:24
ubottujcrza: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:24
reufUnix text file format -  what is the encoding?17:24
ubottukarm61: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:25
jcrzaYou'd rather scold me for cursing than talk about something vaguely ubuntu related, alright17:25
olinuxcan i hide the taskbar on left of screen17:25
i7ci'm printing some pdf on ubuntu... it takes like forever then it prints one page, then it takes like for ever again and prints next page... what's wrong there?17:25
Lazureok there it's finally working. i can finally download ubuntu 12.10 64-bit17:26
unlessSince I've installed hp driver for my hp printer I get the following message showing besides some eventual system breaks. http://imagebin.org/23240017:26
olinuxi7c, i have a pdf that does that on windows, i was thnking the file must be crazy17:26
=== Edgan_ is now known as Edgan
Lazurei figure the torrent will be faster since ubuntu releases always result in dialup speed downloads directly17:26
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unlessCould someone help me figure what could I do to solve this issue please?17:26
i7colinux: :o you think it's file related? mhm i'll check that out17:26
unlessIs there any other hp driver user at this channel which passed for some sircunstances like that please?17:26
unlessI'd like to talk to someone which passed throw this issue in some time of his live.17:27
unlessPlease, could someone try helping me here?17:27
JoseeAntonioRguys, I'm having a prob. After a sudo apt-get update, sudo do-release-upgrade is still not showing any new versions.17:27
gilmarAlguem fala portugues!17:28
unlessgilmar, não17:29
Pici!pt | gilmar17:29
ubottugilmar: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:29
mbalmermais uma caneca!17:29
gilmarObrigado vc17:29
WeThePeoplehow are are local dir. mounted?17:30
DX099hello, I backuped my home, I backuped the whole /etc/ with sudo, not to loose my users, groups, and co. I saved my ppas, can I do a clean install ?17:30
lnwlf2121DX099, if you're asking if anyone can think of anything else you might want17:31
Jimster480-Laptowell where did you back it up?17:31
lnwlf2121DX099, I usually also get a listing of all the packages I have installed17:31
DX099on an externel hdd17:31
lnwlf2121DX099, not that that ever is 100%, but its helpful :)17:31
DX099lnwlf2121, dpkg --get-selections is done17:31
MonkeyDustDX099  yes and better create a separate /home partition, it makes fresh install a lot easier17:31
hapsterdownload link to ubuntu 12.10 torrent broken?17:32
=== Mike is now known as Guest87475
DX099MonkeyDust, I will this time17:32
DX099also what about the encryption ? does it work well apart from slower disk I/O ?17:33
ngomeshello , i used to stream audio from my pc to internet with this command -> vlc -vvv /dev/snd/hwC0D0  --sout '#transcode{acodec=mp3,ab=256,channels=2} :standard{access=http,mux=ogg,dst=:8080}' but now with pulseaudio and stuff , the device does not work anymore ... can anyone help with the right device ?17:34
=== RaringOne is now known as IdleOne
MarcNI switched back from cinnamon wm to the default ubuntu unity one.  Cryptkeeper is no longer displayed in the icon bar.  What am I missing?17:36
L3topngomes: I would purge pulse and be done with it.17:37
ngomesL3top, wont that broke my sound system ?17:37
ngomesor ubuntu17:37
MarcNcryptkeeper is running, but not displayed in the icon bar.  Any guesses why not? dbus related? I'm running an up to date 12.0417:38
billkdI'm using Ubuntu quantal, but pulseaudio doesn't work once I logi n. It works at the lightdm login screen but after that it breaks. Any suggestions?17:39
olinuxany reason not to run 64 bit?17:39
olinuxwebsite says 32bit recommended17:39
kroson_olinux: short answer, no17:39
kroson_long answer: if you don't have very very old hardware, no17:40
dr_willisthats for people who have no idea what 32 or 64bit means olinux17:40
=== Purian23|Mobile is now known as Purian23|Work
dr_willis'idiot proofing' in the form of reccomendatings ;)17:40
grandal_primegrrrr i cant disable the swap drive?17:40
billkdsolution, make a multiarch diskimage and recommend that.17:41
dr_willisgrandal_prime:  you used 'swapoff' ?17:41
varikonniemioh yeah, fingers crossed. do-release-upgrade in progress17:41
billkdI'm using ubuntu quantal, pulseaudio doesn't work after I log in but it does work at the lightdm login screen. Any suggestions for how to fix that don't include switching audio systems?17:41
varikonniemihas people been reporting failures in upgrading yet?17:42
grandal_primedr_willis, trying that it wont off17:42
olinuxok thanks, just got a new machine and installed 12.04 late last night17:42
grandal_primedr_willis, trying that it wont off17:42
dr_willisbillkd:  try twiddling with that pavcontrol center tool to select the  output device perhaps?17:42
Papais 12.10 available for download ?17:42
elgatonPapa: yes17:43
Papalink pls17:43
varikonniemisudo do-release-upgrade or from ubuntu.com17:43
grandal_primehey dr_willis what im trying to do is shrink it17:43
* dr_willis hasent noticed any 'its released' anouncements yet,,,17:43
olinuxnew to ubuntu, any tricks or favorite apps recommends?17:43
grandal_primeits huge...like 35 gigs17:43
grandal_primei have 16 gigs of ram in the box17:43
dr_willisgrandal_prime:  i tend to use live cd's for such tasks17:43
PapaAvoid the pain17:43
Papaof Windows 8.lol17:43
varikonniemioh well sorry if its not "officially" released yet, i thought it was since do-release-upgrade started working a moment ago17:44
dr_willisolinux:  start with the ubuntu manual. ;)17:44
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:44
grandal_primeya but dr_willis  what tool do i use to shrink the swap..its an lvm formated system gparted does not work17:44
Jhoneni just installed 12.10. what a complete mess17:44
dr_willisgrandal_prime:  no idea on lvm.17:44
billkdpackage name?17:44
awole20what's so bad about windows8, aside from the weird start menu dock thing?17:44
kroson_olinux: if you are new, test the default ones, see which ones you like, and you are always free to try adding new ones to the bunch17:44
varikonniemiJhonen, bashing ubuntu in general or compared to 12.04 ?17:45
olinuxwindows8 will be great17:45
kroson_if you desire17:45
dr_willisrants are for other channels please.17:45
billkdpackage name?17:45
Jhonencompared to 12.04 - That version could at least handle my nvidia card17:45
Papaubuntu > windows 8 dude17:45
PapaUbuntu 12.10 will be supported for two years woot17:45
varikonniemiwhat happens with 12.1017:45
varikonniemidon't say black and white stripes17:45
kroson_Papa: 1.5 years17:45
domtronhello, I'm looking for an editor that can give a realtime preview for text files like html, markdown, and latex and is/is like vim.17:46
Jhonenif i press dash, the whole screen goes blurry and then freezes17:46
h00kJhonen: please feel free to file bugs17:46
nik90Jhonen, the graphics card problem and performance fixed will be the focus of attention for 13.04..so that should not be a long time issue17:46
awole20Papa: no disagreement here. just hearing everyone's rants, but most of it seems to boil down to the start menu weirdness.17:46
billkdperhaps use vim?17:46
Papanaah dude microsoft is evil ppl should be windows free mero gah stupidity17:46
grandal_primeok dr_willis got it17:48
billkdpackage name for pavcontrol-center17:48
olinuxdomtron, i'm a vim fan for several years and lately using sublimetext exclusively17:48
grandal_primeummm used Logical volumne management tool.. its in the 1204 repost17:48
awole20Papa: haven't given it a test drive, so I wouldn't be able to say.17:48
domtronbillkd: I don't belive it provides real time rendering of those files. I found a plugin that renders .md files and serves them on a localhots port.17:48
grandal_primerepos that is...works good...but now creating new swap partition..what file system type?17:48
grandal_primeswap is not in the lis17:48
kostkonMarcN, check this blog post:  http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/cryptfolder-indicator-ubuntu.html17:49
kroson_grandal_prime: select the mount point Linux-swap17:49
billkdpackage name for pavcontrol-center?17:49
domtronolinux: thanks I'll check it out17:49
DX099also what about the encryption ? does it work well apart from slower disk I/O ?17:49
kostkonMarcN, if you don't want to app the ppa, you can download the deb directly from here https://launchpad.net/~atareao/+archive/indicators/+files/cryptfolder-indicator_0.0.4.4-1ubuntu1_all.deb17:50
DX099on 12.10 ?17:50
unlessSince I've installed hp driver for my hp printer I get the following message showing besides some eventual system breaks. http://imagebin.org/23240017:50
JhonenDoes anyone know where to find the restricted drivers?17:51
billkdnevermind I think it's paprefs17:51
kostkonMarcN, nevertheless, the ppa page is located here, along with instructions on how to add it: https://launchpad.net/~atareao/+archive/indicators17:51
domtronolinux: wow that's pricey, and I didn't see rendering as a feature17:52
MarcNkostkon, thanks for the pointers17:52
kostkonMarcN, cryptkeeper is an pretty old app, it only works with gnome2.17:53
MarcNkostkon, I've been using it for a long time....17:54
billkdin paprefs what can I change to fix it?17:54
kostkonMarcN, not on 12.04 i presume :P17:54
unlessSince I've installed hp driver for my hp printer I get the following message showing besides some eventual system breaks. http://imagebin.org/23240017:55
daddyapisI noticed there's no alternate install (yet, maybe ever) for 12.10. Does the desktop installer still try to force UEFI? Anyway to disable this, if I don't have the option in my BIOS?17:55
Calinouno alternative installs in 12.1017:56
MarcNunless, which package is that?17:56
Praxihmm google chrome keeps crashing at random times, I've tried uninstall/reinstall with no luck yet17:56
kostkonMarcN, ok, it is an gtk 2 tray app, so it works on xfce and/or other similar DEs.17:56
unlessMarcelT3, not s17:56
xodiakI have 12.10 beta 2 installed. Do I need to reinstall 12.10 official or can I just upgrade?17:58
bipulhow shud i know that my ubuntu is being infected by some virus17:58
DJones!final | xodiak17:58
ubottuxodiak: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Quantal and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.17:58
unlessMarcN, I am not sure.17:58
Jhonenxodiak: if i were you, i'd wait with the upgrade17:58
i7colinux: really seems to depend on the file... is there any way to "correct" the pdf so that it is properly printable?17:58
Papaany1 installed 12.10 final release?17:58
bekksPapa: I bet someone already did.17:58
delinquentmeon ubuntu ... will a mv operation of the same size be faster than a CP?17:59
billkdso how can I fix pulseaudio? Not trying to be annoying here17:59
kickingvegasnot that17:59
bekksdelinquentme: Only when staying in the same filesystem.17:59
unlessMarcN, how do I figure it?18:00
kostkonbillkd, mmm?18:00
billkdany ideas?18:00
kostkonbillkd, what's your problem exactly?18:00
billkdsound works on the login screen(lightdm) but then breaks.18:01
billkdafter login18:01
MarcNunless, what did you type at the terminal to run it? or from the menu?18:01
kostkonbillkd, right. and what have you tried so far?18:01
olinuxcan i snap windows to the right or left 50% of screen like win7 / fedora?18:01
kickingvegasquestion: will an upgrade respect the wifi driver / module I installed in 12.04?18:01
billkdrm -rf /home/billkd/.pulse upgrading packages reinstalling pulse by dpkg-r pulseaudio and reinstalling and nothing works18:02
billkdgnome-control-center shows only dummy output18:02
Notimikanyone having graphical hickups with 12.10 and amd radeon cards in unity?18:02
kostkonbillkd, you are using 12.04?18:02
unlessMarcN, Iǘe installed HPLIP 3.12.1018:03
L3topNotimik: what driver are you using/what card18:03
L3topNotimik: what hickups18:03
NotimikL3top: amd prop one 585018:03
hwhomeworldmy vmware virtual install is hang at installing screen. is it a good idea to restart??18:03
kostkonbillkd, ok, try killing it: pulseaudio -k, then restart it:  pulseaudio -D18:03
kostkonbillkd, see if you are getting any error messages18:04
NotimikL3top: flashes the screen when i move the mouse up or down the unity bar18:04
billkdfrom the cli or gnome-terminal?18:04
poineso, what time will 12.10 be released?18:04
kostkonbillkd, terminal18:04
dr_willisolinux:  that feature works for me in unity by default like that. ;)18:04
kostkonbillkd, gnome terminal18:04
DX099poine, it is out18:04
NotimikL3top: works well in kubuntu though18:05
poineDX, the update manager doesn't show it to me... what am I missing?18:05
DX099poine, releases.ubuntu.com/12.10/18:05
dr_willisive not seen an official anouncement yet poine ...18:05
bekkspoine: Just wait until it shows up.18:05
Papalol comodo has released antivirus for linux lol18:05
dr_willisbut ive been busy ;)18:05
poineThanx DX18:05
L3topNotimik: I would submit a bug. That sounds like quantals problem to me.18:06
DX099poine, maybe the server you're updating from hasn't been updated yet, just wait18:06
dr_willispapa theres at least 3 different av tools for linux that i know of.18:06
billkddaemon start failed18:06
kostkonbillkd, does: ps -A | grep pulse produce any output18:07
DX099dr_willis, http://www.ubuntu.com/18:07
dr_willisDX099:  im on my phone, so im not reloading that site every 5 sec like others. ;)18:07
billkdlooks like it's running on pids 2868 and 1020318:08
DX099dr_willis, not need to reload , that's actually the first time i load that page since like 5 days18:08
dr_willisupgradeing  to 12.10 today will be nasty slow i bet due to server load.18:08
kostkonbillkd, ok. try: pkill pulseaudio18:08
Dark_ApostropheHello, is dist-upgrade to 12.10 available yet?18:08
billkdyes! edit sources.list18:08
kostkonbillkd, then, give again: ps -A | grep pulse18:08
NotimikL3top: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-2d/+bug/960469 found this one18:08
billkdreplace your codename wwith quantal18:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 960469 in unity-2d (Ubuntu) "Unity-2d flickering in Dash and Launcher with fglrx when use_opengl enabled" [Critical,Confirmed]18:09
DX099dr_willis, just go to cdimages.ubuntu.com, the lastest daily of quantal is bit-wise the same Iso everyone is rushing for18:09
Dark_ApostropheOh, thanks :)18:09
dr_willisbillkd:  i dont think thats the right way to upgrade18:09
billkdno output now18:09
dr_willisDX099:  i dont think i need to download it to my phone. ;)18:09
kostkonbillkd, ok, then give: pulseaudio -D18:09
billkdno more output18:10
DX099dr_willis, yeah, though that would be great :)18:10
DX099can anyone help me decide if I should choose partition encryption when doing 12.10 fresh install ?18:10
xodiakIt looks like I might be successfully updating now! :)18:10
billkdhold on18:10
kostkonbillkd, now open your sound prefs and check, i mean your gnome sound prefs, not papprefs or pavucontrol etc18:10
dr_willisDX099:  plus i updated my beta box 6 hrs ago. :018:10
dr_willisDX099:  you on a laptop?18:10
DX099dr_willis, yes18:11
billkdok hang on18:11
dr_willisDX099:  worried it may get stolen and people may get your stuff? if so encrype. ;)18:11
kostkonbillkd, ok, then do the following: pkill pulseaudio, then go and delete your .pulse folder again, then give: pulseaudio -D18:11
DX099dr_willis, does it really slow down everything ?18:11
billkdheadphones builtin audio now displays18:12
DX099will it be ok with Grub ?18:12
kostkonbillkd, and make sure you don't have any apps running, like ffox or totem, anything that has to do with audio18:12
billkdbut that's alsa18:12
dr_willisDX099:  no idea. i never use it. i see way to many people with issues  with it in here18:12
kostkonbillkd, alsa?18:12
grandal_primedr_willis, problem is im trying to figure out wich one is the swap partion18:12
billkdI'm totally blind so I have speakup in the console to talk to you.18:12
kostkonbillkd, you mean alsamixer?18:12
billkdI killed pulse so it fell back to alsa18:12
dr_willisgrandal_prime:  should be listed in fstab or mount output18:13
kostkonbillkd, right. ok, try deleting your .pulse folder again and then try restarting pulseaudio with pulseaudio -D18:13
enkeronHello! Everybody use dwm + conky?18:13
billkdI use orca to get arouynd. The way I knew it worked on login only is orca talked on the login page but then it stopped talking so I lost sound and volkume keys didn't do anything/nmake any clicks I had somneone look at it and I was on dummy18:13
dr_willisenkeron:  you mean 'does anyone' ?18:13
kostkonbillkd, ok. got it18:14
dr_willis!info dwm18:14
ubottudwm (source: dwm): dynamic window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.0-4 (quantal), package size 79 kB, installed size 219 kB18:14
grandal_prime/dev/mapper/FPHQ--KVM-swap_1 none            swap    sw              0       018:14
Papaguys anyone have ubuntu gnome shell remixdownload ?18:15
decciHi Guys18:16
decciI need to create Xubuntu live cd with mkahawa (http://www.mkahawa.net). I am in verse to build two sets of live cd, one for the server and another for the client. On the Server Live Cd : 1.)Webmin 2.)Mkahawa Server  3.)Gofris 4.)Wine18:16
ubottuabete80: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:16
dr_willispapa not an officially supported vaiant so not really supported here.18:16
keithanyone ever got the ubuntu installer giving you 'no space left on device' when trying to install?18:16
decciI read about uck tool. Anyone who have experience wit this tool?18:16
IdleOnedr_willis: not supported here.18:17
teddyp1ckerhi all18:17
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xodiakokay --- stupid question... How will I know if I successfully upgraded from 12.10 beta2 to 12.10 official?18:17
teddyp1ckerdoes anyone tried to use 12.10 + wayland under virtual box?18:17
trismIdleOne: why isn't the remix supported here, it is in universe18:18
jelly-homeHi, I get a 404 on http://ubuntu.virginmedia.com/releases//quantal/ubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso when trying to download18:18
DX099dr_willis, ok so If I don't REALLY need, I should avoid ?18:18
IdleOnexodiak: what does lsb_release say18:18
enkeronAnyone use dwm with conky? Have some problems with starting conky, can't understand what command I must write in .xinitrc..18:18
IdleOnetrism: it is?18:18
deccixodiak: apt-get upgrade18:18
trism!info ubuntu-gnome-desktop quantal | IdleOne18:18
ubottuIdleOne: ubuntu-gnome-desktop (source: ubuntu-gnome-meta): The Ubuntu GNOME Remix desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2 (quantal), package size 3 kB, installed size 26 kB18:18
dr_willisDX099:  i perfer to keep things simple. ;)18:18
IdleOnehmm, ok I was wrong18:18
IdleOnetrism: thanks :)18:18
trismIdleOne: no prob18:18
dr_willisenkeron:  most basic command would be 'conky &'18:19
kostkonxodiak, either open and check your version in the system monitor, or just give:  cat /etc/lsb-release18:19
genii-aroundxodiak: lsb_release -r  will just say Release:        12.1018:19
King_Arthurwhat is the basic difference between xubuntu and lubuntu?18:19
enkeronyes, I tried it, but nothing work18:19
xodiakIdleOne: is that a command?18:19
dr_willisenkeron:  open a teminal and see if it works18:19
kroson_King_Arthur: desktop environment. xfce for first and lxde for second18:19
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nopestickyricehey 12.10 came out, but it doesnt showup in update manager18:20
kroson_xfce has more features, but is a little bit heavier than lxde18:20
IdleOnexodiak: yes, lsb_release -a18:20
King_Arthurthanks +kroson_18:20
kroson_if in doubt, go with xfce, or try both, my opinion...18:20
nopestickyriceanyone else have that problem?18:20
dr_willisnopestickyrice:  have patience..18:20
enkeronyes, it's working. But can't work in dwm status bar18:20
oscalationnopestickyrice: same here , any solution? no update given in update manger, settings are set to show update for any version18:20
IdleOnenopestickyrice: if you are on 12.04 you will need to go into Software Centre and change from LTS only to All Releases18:20
dr_willisactually for lts to non lts you have to check a 'allow non lts upgrsades' dont you?18:21
nopestickyriceIdleOne: thanks will try that18:21
xodiakIdleOne: NO LSB modules are available,18:21
DX099dr_willis, ok, maybe better that way... and also I backed up my /etc/folder with permissions and stuff as well as passwd and shadow, to keep my groups and users. Will it be okay to overwrite the fresh /etc/ of 12.10 with my backup ?18:21
xodiakIdleOne: Description: Ubuntu 12.1018:21
AnsiiHi all .. need help.. I have ubuntu12.04 LTS , have installed skype on it.. the problem is.. that every time i start skype and start video, the system randomly chrashes and reboots, it happens immediately when i try to share a file or screen thru skype.. anyone? please someone help.. i have a HPDV61152TX machine18:21
IdleOnexodiak: do you see Release:12.10?18:21
enkeronI think someone use bunch of program, and share his work script18:21
IdleOne4 lines down18:22
dr_willisDX099:  never tried it. i only have 3 users. so i always readd them in the same order18:22
QueopsUniversal-USB-Installer- doesn't have Ubuntu 12.10 on the list : |18:22
DX099ok, thanks18:22
xodiakIdleOne: Yes I do.18:22
=== Mike is now known as Guest89334
IdleOnexodiak: you're good to go :)18:22
dr_willisenkeron:  start with the default conky setup and make it work. then start tweeaking it18:22
xodiakThanks... This is crazy in here18:23
w30King_Arthur, Lubuntu will give you a light weight set of default apps like Abiword instead of Libre Office etc.18:23
EvdbNeed a little help with scripting. I know how you can create a file in a script, but how can you create a script within a script? I know how to make the .sh file, but how do I determine the contents of the script made in the script?18:23
anuaitthi i see the statement "Avoid the pain  of Windows 8." on ubuntu's home page which is not at all good18:23
anuaittcan someone explain me what was the need to do so ??18:23
dr_willisEvdb:  determine what commands go in the new script?18:23
jelly-homeanuaitt: I agree that schadenfreude is distasteful18:23
Queopsanuaitt: i dont like it as well, it's sinking a bit low18:24
Evdbdt_willis yeah, Do you know how?18:24
DX099anuaitt, one of the first goal of ubuntu is to eat Windows mshares, they clearly stated that from the beginning18:24
stobixyo. Can I install Ubuntu by simply untaring all neccessary files unto an empty partition? I have an empty partition, but no cd drive or the likes...18:24
DX099anuaitt, look for bug #1 in launchpad18:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Proprietary operating systems have a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118:24
anuaittbut this does not mean u can say like this18:24
dr_willisEvdb:  how can anyone but yourself know what commandsa are needed to be IN the script.. we dont know what its supposed to do..18:24
enkeronI tried to start conky with default config in Gnome - all right. I think problen not in conky's config, but in .xinitrc18:24
QueopsDX099 it's still sinking a bit low18:24
Queopsand read proprietary, not just window.s18:25
Queopsanyway usb installer for 12.10 any recomends?18:25
dr_willisenkeron:  i thought x used .Xsession these days not .xinitrc18:25
Evdbdr_willis yeah but I just need to now how to place it in the script. I have a script, and when that script runs it makes a new .sh script. I just need to know how to determine the contents of the script made with the script dr_willis18:25
anuaittif you want to see you will sell it for your features not by defaming others ..18:25
anuaittit is totally wrong18:26
ardchoilledr_willis: it does but he may be starting apps from a wm18:26
dr_willisEvdb:  you can use echo or 'here documents' to echo the commands you want into the new file.18:26
xanguaanuaitt: do you have an ubuntu support question¿18:26
Evdbdr_willis hmm, I'll go try that ;)18:26
kostkon!ot | anuaitt18:26
Evdbdr_willis thanks in advance18:26
ubottuanuaitt: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:26
enkeronoh. cool idea. I forgot about this. Thanks18:26
nopestickyriceIdleOne: it worked, i am now upgrading to 12.10 :)18:28
enkeronlucky man :)18:28
DX099Queops, of course, but since Windows still owns more than 80% of desktop, it's not that inappropriate  for me. FOSS needs to get more offensive. The disaster that happened with OGL4 and Direct3D is proof enough that doing things like the concurrence doesn't exist don't work well when it comes to dragging regular users to FOSS. Anyway, just "dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdx" where x is your usb device like sdb/c/d...18:28
QueopsDX099 offtopic for that.18:29
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nopestickyriceif you want to do it yourself you have to change /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades, change lts to normal   and then run  sudo do-release-upgrade18:29
xodiakwhen I run apt-get update. I'm getting for "Failed to fetch" ... 404 not found. Any reason for concern?18:29
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QueopsAnd DX099 sadly I only have a windows machine right here18:29
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xodiak*for = four*18:29
QueopsI overloaded the universal usb filter though, should work.18:29
jribxodiak: try a local mirror18:30
dr_willisxodiak:  servers are under heavy load right now i imagine. ;)18:30
DX099Queops, yes, that should do it.18:30
xodiakyou think!? lol18:30
QueopsDX099 ^^18:30
dr_willisthis is why i update my beta befor release then wait a week to update again after release18:31
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ardchoillepretty smart18:31
=== ummmmm is now known as ummm
nopestickyricethe one time university internet is useful :<18:31
calmpitbullhello i need help18:32
calmpitbullcant install anything18:33
calmpitbullhave error Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)18:33
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AnsiiHi all .. need help.. I have ubuntu12.04 LTS , have installed skype on it.. the problem is.. that every time i start skype and start video, the system randomly chrashes and reboots, it happens immediately when i try to share a file or screen thru skype.. anyone? please someone help.. i have a HPDV61152TX machine18:34
dr_willisimpressive that skype could crash so badly18:35
dr_willisit actually reboots. not closes X ?18:35
AnsiiHi all .. need help.. I have ubuntu12.04 LTS , have installed skype on it.. the problem is.. that every time i start skype and start video, the system randomly chrashes and reboots, it happens immediately when i try to share a file or screen thru skype.. anyone? please someone help.. i have a HPDV61152TX machine18:35
xanguaAnsii: did you installed from the software center¿¿18:36
xanguai've had that issue but only skype chashes...not all the system18:36
Ansiixangua yess18:37
Ansiixangua yess why??18:38
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots18:38
user__hi everyone, I got a question: can I upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10 and add full disk encryption during this upgrade?18:38
Thisguy_Does --match iprange allow use of ranges in --dport?18:39
Thisguy_In iptables ofc18:39
cgtdkAre people experiencing issues with 12.10? Thinking about upgrading from 12.04.18:39
Papa12.10  > 12.0418:40
jcrzaHow can I upgrade my server easily?18:40
Thisguy_Oh, is 12.10 out?18:40
jrib!upgrade | jcrza18:40
ubottujcrza: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:40
jilebedevHi: ls -l gives me permissions in this order: user(read/write/execute), group (read/write/execute), and 'other' (read/write/execute). Normally in ls -lah, the 'read/write/execute' is abbreviated to rwx. If I see rws for the 'group' column, what does that mean?18:40
angela-hi all i hav nau ubuntu 12.04 whan das the new upgrate comming out ?18:40
AstralStormhow can I get rid of unity's autohide of the panel?18:40
cgtdkangela-: it's out18:40
Papait is out dude18:40
AstralStormit is annoying in my virtualbox18:40
jcrzaI meant my server.. those are desktop instructions18:40
cgtdkAstralStorm: because of Unity?18:41
jribjcrza: actually, see the release notes because that wiki may not be up to date18:41
jrib!notes | jcrza18:41
ubottujcrza: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) release notes can be found here http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/12.1018:41
angela-cgtdk,  whist one is it ?18:41
cgtdkangela-: 12.1018:41
angela-ok thanks cgtdk  i`m conne download him rigjt owy18:42
xanguaAstralStorm: right clic in the desktop, change background, check the second tab18:42
stobixhm. Can I do a network install of ubuntu?18:42
cgtdkstobix: yes18:42
z2s8Hi, i made a live usb of the new ubuntu, and one of my pc booted from that fine, but my other pc can't boot from that anyone have same problem or know the solution to solve? thx18:42
cgtdkstobix: at least I think so18:42
AstralStormxangua, hmm, thanks, I never thought to look in the "change background"18:42
stobixcgtdk: oh, nice. That might save the day for me. Know of any guide to help me through the process?18:43
* stobix googles18:43
cgtdkstobix: I'm not actually sure. I thought I saw it on the website before, but now it's gone.18:43
cgtdkI think18:43
Jimster480oh so it is finally out lul18:43
stobixcgtdk: Found an even better option for me while googling. Thanks for your help! :)18:44
webm0nk3yjoin #u1db18:44
varikonniemiis the amazon link in the launcher after the upgrade supposed to open a limited chrome tab?18:44
valnourjilebedev: get an answer for you question yet?18:45
varikonniemikinda weird to just put a url link into launcher18:45
valnourjilebedev: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setuid18:46
* stobix is going to use the wubi ubuntu installation in windows to install ubuntu on a separate partition. (Inception much)18:47
decciHi Guys18:47
decciI need help with uck tool18:47
black_puppydoghm, upgrade 12.04 --> 12.10 asks for kerberos servers for my realm with a blank default. do I need this setting?18:48
decciWhat If I want to install few number of fixed packages. How to do that?18:48
Thisguy_Oh wait18:48
=== marco is now known as Guest58790
Thisguy_Is Quantal the release version or is it still Beta?18:48
dniMretsaMis it possible to install and set the home folder name to something other than the username?18:48
nagelhello. As i saw all the ubuntu variants came out. Where is gnomebuntu?18:49
trismnagel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/ReleaseNotes/12.1018:49
cyberjunkieis 12.10 called ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso18:50
cyberjunkieweird... cause the dwonload link is sending me to that18:50
dniMretsaMor should I install using a different username and then change the that?18:51
nagelthank you very much trism18:51
Diabo-Leopoldinaalguém me le?18:51
jrib!pt | Diabo-Leopoldina18:51
ubottuDiabo-Leopoldina: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:51
SoonnHi. I'm in doubt if update my 12.04 or make a clean instalation of 12.10. I have my /home in a separate partition but installed some programs and if I make a clean installation should reinstall. Is safe the update?18:52
jribSoonn: with backups, everything is safe18:53
Soonnthanks jrib yes, but don't whant spend time in update and after that have to make a clean installation :-)18:53
xodiakanyone hear if myunity will be available for 12.10?18:54
jribSoonn: update should be ok, but there's always a chance of things going terribly wrong.18:54
varikonniemiwhy did the raid mounting move from /media/ to /media/$USERNAME ? Now my whole torrent collection is lost for seeding since the path has changed18:54
trismxodiak: unfortunately it wasn't ported to gsettings so it was removed, though I haven't checked recently if upstream has been working on it *looks*18:54
Soonnhahaha yes jrib18:54
=== ibere_ is now known as ibere_SP
budtazhello Ubuntu... any know can help me with gimp 2.6   im look for HDR high  dynamic range   .. thank you for ur help18:54
SoonnI'll try to update, cross my fingers not to have to make a clean installation, personal and important things are in /home in a diffeent partition18:55
upsetChanging the default applications does not take effect/effects inconsistently. This was fixed in Quantal, but is there a way to fix it in 12.04?18:55
trismxodiak: yeah doesn't look like any work on it upstream either so probably dead for now, gnome-tweak-tool is still available though and dconf-editor for anything else18:56
scarrsexperienced ubuntu user... I cannot gksu but I can sudo in terminal help?18:57
luckybunnyhi folks, slight problem...18:57
luckybunnyI've lost unity, probably a compiz crash18:57
upsetluckybunny: What do you think happened?18:57
luckybunnyI can't get a terminal, or change window to a browser or anything18:57
upsetluckybunny: Did you install gnome?18:58
Thisguy_Where do i go to ask about the Bourne shell?18:58
kriskropdI'm writing a script that runs at random intervals, it needs to adjust the volume of only one specific application then return it to the default volume value - ubu server 12.0418:58
upsetluckybunny: Did you install gnome 3, I mean18:58
=== truexfan404 is now known as tf81_netbook
luckybunnybut kvirc is working fine, with the exception of no menus (they're usually on the unity panel of course)18:58
MickStepHi I am havig a recurring crash problem, one second the system is working fine then next not even alt-shift-printscreen RSEIUB will have an effect. This crash happens on average once every 2 days but can happen more frequently than that or less frequently. For instance I have had my computer on for 4 hours and had a crash. It is an always on PC. kern.log: http://pastebin.com/epwhhQ73 dmesg: http://pastebin.com/GSU7UhYR18:58
MickStep19:57 <MickStep> syslog: http://pastebin.com/bGiSDE22 Can anyone glean any information from these logs as to what might be causing the crash?18:58
Thisguy_I got it, never mind18:58
ubottujovi: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:58
luckybunnyupset: no, although it might be installed as part of the dist upgrade I'm halfway through and can't switch to18:58
luckybunnybasically I'm stuck on kvirc right now, because unity has crashed18:59
upsetluckybunny: Woah. Too much for me, sorry18:59
upsetluckybunny: That sucks, though. A messed up dist upgrade19:00
Logan_!pastebin | calmpitbull, can you please paste bin the full message you receive when attempting to install packages?19:00
ubottucalmpitbull, can you please paste bin the full message you receive when attempting to install packages?: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:00
luckybunnyI can switch to the tty1 etc, but can't relaunch unity because going to tty1 means leaving the current x session19:00
scarrshelp, I cant use gksu... I can sudo just fine19:00
=== Kopp is now known as Guest1905
luckybunnyand since unity should be on this session, switching to tty1 won't help19:00
upsetluckybunny: I'm pretty sure there isn't a way to restart x without killing those processes19:00
ubottujovi_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:01
luckybunnyI probably don't need to restart x19:01
=== Guest1905 is now known as Koppen
luckybunnyjust either unity or compiz19:01
upsetluckybunny: But isn't that the problem?19:01
upsetluckybunny: You won't have a usable gui if you do that19:01
upsetChanging the default applications does not take effect/effects inconsistently. This was fixed in Quantal, but is there a way to fix it in 12.04?19:02
luckybunnyif I could switch window and get into terminal, I could just fire up compiz --replace and unity --replace19:02
luckybunnyand all would be well19:02
calziferhi, how stable or whats the quality of the LTS packages? is it still that only core packages gets bugfixes fast and everything else does take a lot of time for bugfixing?19:02
luckybunnybut since I can't even fire up kvirc's terminal, nevermind the regular terminal, can't do that19:02
jcrzaI love how easy it is to upgrade distros19:03
luckybunnyoh... I can get a browser up, thanks to a http link19:03
upsetluckybunny: Huzzah!19:03
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)19:03
upsetOh, thanks ubottu, that's actually pretty interesting19:04
luckybunnyeverything is working fine, really. All it is is a loss of window switching and virtually everything desktop environment related19:04
MickStepluckybunny: You should be able to restart compiz like this DISPLAY:7 compiz --replace19:04
scarrswhy does gksudo work, but gksu not?19:04
sturmiIs there any way to add an ICQ Account to empathy?19:05
luckybunnyMickStep: thanks.. will try that now19:05
luckybunnyMickStep: will I need to sudo that?19:05
kostkonluckybunny, no19:05
erictr1ckGetting software packages is taking forever...19:05
luckybunnyDISPLAY:7 - command not found19:06
upseterictr1ck: Everyone is upgrading right now.19:06
MickStepsorry DISPLAY=:719:06
erictr1ckupset: i know, im just too excited i guess :)19:06
upseterictr1ck: I wouldn't even try to upgrade immediately. I would wait for other folks to do it and find the problems and the like19:06
upseterictr1ck: Let braver more knowledgeable folks break their extra machines, alert devs, and then upgrade19:07
kriskropdI'm writing a bash script on my ubu server 12.04 that needs to adjust the volume of one specific program (vlc) when it runs, but im having trouble finding a way to do this ~ anyone have ideas? :)19:07
kostkonsturmi, install the package: telepathy-haze, then restart empathy19:08
erictr1ckupset: i hear ya... this is my work put too. maybe i really should wait19:08
sturmikostkon, i found a different solution online just now19:08
kostkonsturmi, which is19:08
sturmiyou can add icq to the online accounts by installing the package "account-plugin-icq"19:08
upseterictr1ck: You probably can't since you've already started, right? Don't cancel a dist upgrade.19:09
dr_williskriskropd:  vlc has command line options i recall to adjust its volume.19:09
domtronhi does anyone know of a text editor that can render a preview of html, markdown, and latex in real time?19:09
kriskropddr_willis: yes, but those are for the instances you begin fromt he command line, not an exiting process of vlc19:09
dr_williskriskropd:  check vlc --help19:09
NaughxiusHai everyone! :D19:09
kriskropddr_willis: also --volume is buggy in vlc, which is what you are referring to i believe19:10
erictr1ckupset: yes i did start already but at this rate itll be enough time for people to bug by the time it actually downloads19:10
kostkonsturmi, yes, that will also install telepathy-haze, but also add icq as an option in the online accs, so yeah, install it.19:10
kriskropddr_willis: im expecting a pulseaudio or alsamixer solution19:10
dr_williskriskropd:  ive seen them used befor via ssh to controll a existing vlc instance.19:10
upseterictr1ck: But you'll be in their boat!19:10
NaughxiusSomeone got mirror links for 12.10?19:10
Naughxiusdownloads slowly... :(19:10
dr_williskriskropd:  theres command line mixer volume controll tools also19:10
kriskropddr_willis: i run vlc in ncurses mode, however my script is made for autonomous running19:10
luckybunnythat gets my windows back, but still all borders and unity missing... weirdly19:11
upsetAnyway, no responses to my query. I guess I'll take the slow route and go to the forums or research more19:11
pmdzHi guys, can someone help with package pinning? Details: http://pastebin.com/C6Zg8c1E. I want to pin compiz and dependencies to "quantal" release19:11
kriskropddr_willis: the script must be able to adjust volume without my interaction, thats the whole point19:11
upsetluckbunny: Metacity I guess19:11
dr_williswatching videos in the ascii aet output mode? ;)19:11
jribkriskropd: look into pactrl or pacmd, but with vlc it's probably easier to use its remote capabilities directly19:11
kostkonluckybunny, try resetting unity, you may lose some customisations but you'll get your desktop back19:11
kriskropdjrib: thanks19:11
upsetLater guys19:11
laweCan someone do my Linux IT homework for me?19:11
snoopydroppydomtron: you ever find one, tell me!19:11
MickStepdo DISTPLAY=:7 unity --replace too, form a different tty19:12
stefano_ciao a tutti19:12
snoopydroppydomtron: you could always run autosave in the editor, watch the directory with inotify and let in compile and update evince.19:12
kriskropdjrib: do you know if vlc remote canbe controlled via scripts? this is honestly something that must work without any interaction from anyone19:13
snoopydroppydomtron: sounds like a script you could publish on github and get some recognition for.19:13
jribkriskropd: yes19:13
domtronsnoopydroppy: gedit has a plugin that gives a markdown preview http://blog.philippklaus.de/blog/2011/06/26/markdown-for-the-gedit-text-editor-on-ubuntu-11-04/19:13
varikonniemiwasn't 12.10 to start promoting 64 bit version? on the web page it still recommends 32bit...19:14
domtronsnoopydroppy: but I'm hunting for a vim like editor or plugin19:14
dormito my usb keyboard and mouse seem to randomly quit working, repluging them in does not fix the issue (but other usb devices continue to work). as far as I can tell without a mouse/keyboard the rest of the system continues to work. I am running ubuntu 12.04 desktop. I found a kernal message in the syslog at about the right time " xhci_queue_intr_tx: 1 callbacks suppressed" I dont know if its related, but its my best guess (but I have no idea what19:14
dormitoto do about it if it is related). excerpt from syslog:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1287538/ around 12:01 I sshed in and issued a shutdown -r now command19:14
domtronsnoopydroppy: found one for markdown but it is not working on my computer19:15
insanoHow can I patch Menlo font for gnome-terminal?19:16
scarrserror: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'19:16
domtronsnoopydroppy: https://github.com/suan/vim-instant-markdown that is all I have found though :/19:16
scarrshow to fix?19:16
sturmibtw is somebody using a Radeon HD and has installed 12.10? I tried to use the additional drivers but after logging in after a restart I'm only seeing the wallpaper.19:16
Matanhello, i have problem with indicator applet in u12.04 (mail/message menu), i have no idea why they is can't open in dock so i can't see integration with pidgin, xchat, thunderbird and other apps, someone know how to solve that problem?19:17
ardchoille!sudo | scarrs19:18
ubottuscarrs: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo19:18
varikonniemisturmi, i have seen many people complaining about graphical issues with 12.10, both on amd and nvidia side19:18
pmdzCan someone help with package pinning? Details: http://pastebin.com/C6Zg8c1E. I want to pin compiz and dependencies to "quantal" release19:18
wilee-nileesturmi, It would probably help if you name the radeon and the drivers you installed.19:19
kostkondormito, first of all, try connecting them to different ports. if they are connected to a usb hub, then try to connect them directly to your pc19:19
natefooso i've got upstart stuck, it appears to be this bug: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=58274519:19
ubottuDebian bug 582745 in upstart "upstart: Upstart jobs get stuck when "expect daemon" or "expect fork" is wrong." [Normal,Open]19:19
wilee-nileevarikonniemi, That s hardly helpful.19:19
insanoHow can I patch Menlo font for gnome-terminal?19:19
natefoois there really no way around this other than rebooting?19:19
ubottutim: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:20
varikonniemiwilee-nilee, it is in the fact that he does not get desperate when no-one have better clues so he knows he is not alone19:20
kostkonMatan, for xchat, you need to install the package xchat-indicator19:20
sturmiwilee-nilee well I tried both of the proprietary drivers from the addtional drivers section (fglrx and fglrx-updates) for my Radeon HD 7800019:20
sturmiand with both it doesn't work19:20
luckybunnyapparently, there's no way to open x display 7 at all19:21
wilee-nileesturmi, Cool, I can't help here, but the channel works best with details, thanks. ;)19:21
Matankostkon, but i can't see that menu in bar19:21
MickSteptry DISPLAY=:019:21
kostkonMatan, you need to add or setup and account on an app that supports the messaging menu first for the envelope icon to appear, in 12.1019:22
zelinot sure if simley, or code19:22
dormitokostkon : they are a wireless pair, but they reviecer is pluged directly into the pc. however I have (if I understand my motherboard correctly) a set of usb 1 ports, a set for usb 2 and a set for three, I just moved it to 3. However I tried moving the reviecer from a usb 1 port to a usb 2 port while it was being unresponsive and it did not fix the issue19:23
insanoHow can I patch Menlo font for gnome-terminal?19:23
luckybunnyworking (sort of) now19:24
luckybunnythanks MickStep19:24
MickStepluckybunny: np19:25
kostkondormito, i think you should try all the available ports first19:25
dormitokostkon: alright I'll do that (since the problem occures randomly I'll have to wait till it next happens again). thanks19:26
kostkondormito, no prob19:26
Naughxiusok, I've one nice mirror :D19:26
insanoHow can I patch Menlo font for gnome-terminal?19:27
pmdzCan someone help with package pinning? Details: http://pastebin.com/C6Zg8c1E. I want to pin compiz and dependencies to "quantal" release19:28
kriskropdjrib: thanks, ive setup vlc to run on telnet then have the script telnet to the RC interface for vlc to contorl volume ~ i just need to figure out how to get it to send the command over telnet by itself now (never scripted for telnet before) , nonetheless ty19:29
jribkriskropd: probably just use netcat?  Not sure, but I'm sure you can find plenty of examples19:30
wilee-nileepmdz, You are running precise correct?19:32
xodiakrunning software updater and get this error: Failed to download repository information19:32
infranet12off topic a bit here, check out my phone up for sale at: http://tiny.cc/4r2dmw thanks!19:33
wilee-nileepmdz, You are using precise compiz as of now correct?19:33
pmdzwilee-nilee: correct19:33
=== damned is now known as blodamned
wilee-nileepmdz, I'm curious as to why without the quantal compiz even installed you think it is a better choice.19:33
jribinfranet12: please don't advertise here19:34
wilee-nileethe desktops are different releases pmdz19:34
jcrzaWill upgrading from 12.something server to 12.10 mess with my iptables settings?19:34
jribjcrza: it shouldn't19:34
pmdzwilee-nilee: some bugs which annotiny me were fixed19:34
infranet12ok, np didnt know i couldnt19:34
pmdzwille-nilee: *which annoying19:34
wilee-nileepmdz, how do you know this will extrapolate to running this in precise?19:35
jschallinfranet12: that rule pretty much applies to the entire internet unless otherwise specified.19:35
pmdzwilee-nilee: I don't19:35
wilee-nileepmdz, I would just be careful then if you mess with this be sure to be backed up and or know how to fix it. ;)19:36
infranet12jschall, :) i got it19:36
jschallpmdz: why not just upgrade to 12.10?19:36
pmdzwilee-nilee: I know how to fix it. Don't have time for upgrade19:37
wilee-nileepmdz, Actually this channel is for within release support by and large, so you may not get support as quickly or at all doing this as well.19:37
pmdzwilee-nilee jschall : already fixed my problem, thanks for response19:38
wilee-nileehehe jarhead syndrome19:38
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest70997
bobopI am having a problem getting the upgrade how do I mannually get it19:40
Guest70997I want to to a fresh install of ubuntu from 12.10, however, on the reinstall option, it won't change my partition map so that it automatically separate boot from home and so on. 12.04 has a utility to do this, but reinstalling would just use current partition map. How can have ubuntu to access that mode so that it plans automatically how much space I need for this & that ?19:40
Guest70997bobop, www.ubuntu.com19:40
wilee-nileebobop, The mirror you are on may have it yet, software sources is where you would look.19:41
Maxstyvasonhow come Ubuntu 12.10 wont boot at all after install?19:41
Guest70997Maxstyvason, grub working ?19:41
wilee-nilee!details > Maxstyvason19:41
ubottuMaxstyvason, please see my private message19:41
MaxstyvasonI install it to my secondary hard disk and it wont work19:41
rawxid like to talk to someone privately about ubuntu?19:41
bekksGuest70997: "Install" - that will cause you to lose your current data without backing them up before.19:41
Myrttibobop: if you're on 12.04, it might be that the settings are so that it looks for only long term releases as upgrades19:41
javierf_Hi. I upgraded to 12.10 and have problems with message-indicator. I use pidgin and incoming messages are not indicated there, neither it changes colour. Also, won't work for incoming mails... any one knows what can be? thanks!19:41
Maxstyvasonuh I gave enough details19:41
blodamnedHi ubuntu-users19:41
wilee-nileeMaxstyvason, Hardly.19:42
MaxstyvasonI install to secondary hard drive, I select secondary hard drive and it skips over to Windows and boots19:42
hpram99Have a standard ATI video card, just updated 12.04 to 12.10, now it states my video Driver "Unknown", no additional drivers options19:42
Guest70997anyone has a clue ?19:42
NaughxiusIf someone needs mirror.19:42
kroson_hpram99: what is the video card?19:42
rawxi have a issue with my graphics drivers aswell19:42
hpram99dunno, 3 year old ATI Radeon something something19:42
Maxstyvasonif you want people to "avoid headaches of Windows 8" make the goddamn thing work better than Windows, at least Windows 8 fucking boots19:43
rawxits nothing to worry about, just install as a fresh copy19:43
rawxand it should boot19:43
wilee-nileeMaxstyvason, Did you make sure grub was installed in that secondary HD's mbr. If you run the bootscript it would help us help you.19:43
Maxstyvasonbuit its not19:43
MaxstyvasonI shouldnt have to19:43
Maxstyvasonit should do it19:43
kroson_hpram99: go to terminal and write 'lspci |grep ATI'19:43
Maxstyvasonidk what grub is19:43
rawxgrub is a boot launcher19:43
SolarisB1ygrub is da bomb19:43
rawxit lets you decide what OS to boot from19:44
NaughxiusWindows 8 is totally crap... with that metro-style thingy...19:44
hpram99ATI RV770 [Radeon HD 4850]19:44
Maxstyvasonno shit sherlock idk what it does specifically outside of not working at all19:44
kroson_Maxstyvason: what do you think of ubuntu 12.10 unity?19:44
Maxstyvasonidk I cant use it19:44
SolarisB1yall windows fan boys have this "give me the answer now" attitude19:44
Maxstyvasonid like to but I cant boot19:44
blodamnedHi everybody, I'm on lucid and I need some help for a problem of (new) hard drive partitioning... Is it a good place to ask my question ?19:44
Maxstyvasonyou people make a shit os19:44
kroson_hpram99: support for HD4xxx cards using the "Additional (proprietary) driver"19:44
wilee-nileeMaxstyvason, I was going to try and help you, but your attutude along with the swearing which is against channel policy has you in my ignore list as of now19:44
Maxstyvasonlearn to make sure everything fucking works retards19:44
rawxmax, ubuntu is a good os19:44
* SolarisB1y enjoying my working ubuntu19:45
hpram99kroson_, I realize that, however the tab shows no available drivers, it's greyed out19:45
kroson_so you already have the latest driver you can use right now, which is integrated in ubuntu kernel19:45
bekksrawx: He's gone.19:45
bekksblodamned: yes.19:45
rawxi noticed that19:45
kroson_hpram99: you are in the "Software Sources" application?19:45
blodamnedGreat !19:45
hpram99kroson_, yes19:45
Naughxius@hpram99; there is lots of mirrors there.19:46
blodamnedIt's a bit complicated for me. The fact: I just bought a Seagate barracuda HD and trying to format it in a HD enclosure, using gparted on Lucid19:46
rawxwhats the best IRC for discussion of new ideas for ubuntu?19:47
NaughxiusLucid is quite old.19:47
bekksblodamned: And...?19:47
lnwlf2121do usb connected HDs keep a record of the computer's they're plugged into?19:47
kroson_hpram99: you don't see the Tab "Additional Drivers" or it is greyed out?19:47
bekksblodamned: Whats the specific problem doing so?19:47
blodamnedMy problem is that there is a "bad signature"19:47
hpram99Naughxius, I'm not sure if that was meant for me, there's no mirrors in there19:47
lnwlf2121or usb sticks in general?19:47
Naughxius@hpram; my bad >.<19:47
wilee-nileerawx, #ubuntu-offtopic might be one but there is no best for that really.19:47
MrGizmo757hey dose anybody know how to get Compiz-plugins-extra installed?  it's only giving me the transitional dummy package.19:47
WeThePeoplewierd thing just happened.. i put the trash from glx dock in dir. where it wasnt suppose to go, and now cant login, i am booted into backtrack, how do i fix this19:47
hpram99Naughxius, my issue is that the "Additional Drivers" is blank, the buttons are greyed out, and I cannot install the drivers19:47
blodamnedAnd either gparted, parted or other alternatives that I though always ends with the same problem19:47
kroson_hpram99: you can't install the drivers, because like i told you, they no longer exist for your card19:48
kroson_hpram99: AMD no longer provides them19:48
hpram99kroson_, you did? huh, I missed that.19:48
MneumonicEnabling the experiment Nvidia driver breaks my system.  It starts up and i get a low resolution desktop with no panel or unity bar.  Anyone know how to properly install the experimental drivers in 12.10?19:48
kroson_but the Open source community has a driver for your card, so unless you play games in linux, you won't notice a big difference between the AMD fglrx driver, and the opensource driver19:49
rawxgotta love non open soruce drivers19:49
bobopI actually am getting a error about the 12.10 beta disc and it failed to install fakeroot and that is preventing me from upgrading19:49
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hpram99kroson_, the fglrx driver is slow :/19:49
rawxfor 12.10 i wiped my drive and did a fresh install to bypass errors19:49
kroson_hpram99: do you play games on ubuntu? 3d games19:49
Naughxiussudo shred -n 1 -v -z /dev/sda ???19:50
hpram99kroson_, no, the occasional minecraft, but regardless, is it included?19:50
NaughxiusI play minecraft :P19:50
blodamnedbekks: for example: I try to make a msdos mbr, and the standard ubuntu tool tells me: "Error creating partition table: timeout (10s) waiting for change"19:50
kroson_hpram99: go to terminal and write 'glxinfo |grep Vendor'19:50
hpram99kroson_, because even the dash takes 1-2 seconds to appear and my CPU spikes any time something moves19:50
kroson_tell me the output19:50
GneaNaughxius: they have minecraft legos now19:50
bekksblodamned: Then just use sudo fdisk :)19:51
hpram99have to install tools... one sec19:51
truexfan81when does 11.10 reach eol?19:51
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) was the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111019:51
hpram99kroson_, no output19:51
rollitupi am trying to upgrade to 12.10 and i got this message so do you guys suggest to go ahead with the upgrade or abort it ?19:52
rollitupYour graphics hardware may not be fully supported in Ubuntu 12.10.  Running the 'unity' desktop environment is not fully supported by your graphics hardware. You will maybe end up in a very slow environment after the upgrade. Our advice is to keep the LTS version for now. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/UpdateManagerWarningForUnity3D Do you still want to continue with the upgrade?19:52
Gneatruexfan81: I think it went eol when 12.04 came out (it wasn't a big release)19:52
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MneumonicHas anyone tried installing the Experimental Nvidia Driver in 12.10?19:52
kroson_hpram99: go to terminal and write 'glxinfo |grep vendor'19:52
blodamnedbekks: I didn't try as I do not know how to use it safely19:52
Gnearollitup: I would play it safe and not upgrade19:52
hpram99server glx vendor string: SGI19:52
hpram99client glx vendor string: Mesa Project and SGI19:52
hpram99OpenGL vendor string: X.Org19:52
sburjan`Hello. How can I change from GDM to lightgmd ? I have issues with GDM, I guess VMWare's video acceleration is not enough19:53
bekks!fdisk | blodamned19:53
EvdbHey guys I have a problem with my keyboard:19:53
bekkshhmmm, hmmm.19:53
kroson_hpram99: you are with the opensource driver, that is the one you have to use now19:53
Naughxius@Rollitup; keep your Long-term support (LTS) version.19:53
rollitupthanks Gnea :19:53
Gneasburjan`: did you install lightdm yet?19:53
truexfan81Gnea: how long after eol do the repos stay?19:53
sburjan`Gnea: yes, it's installed19:53
EvdbI have an AZERTY keyboard, and can't get a backslash. I want to xmodmap it, would xmodmap -e "keycode 60 = colon slash backslash" work?19:53
wilee-nileerollitup, Without information on your graphic card at the least how would we know?19:53
Gneatruexfan81: good question. I do not know.19:53
bekksblodamned: http://www.howtogeek.com/106873/how-to-use-fdisk-to-manage-partitions-on-linux/19:53
hpram99kroson_, that's odd, I'm pretty sure unity is being rendered in software, it's killing a core on my i7 just to move a window19:53
Evdbbecause normal gives colon, shift gives slash but the third one, what's needed for that one?19:54
rollitupwilee-nilee: yeah thats a point but i think i can wait19:54
wilee-nileerollitup, I would until you are sure. ;)19:54
EvdbHas anyone read my problem?19:55
Guest37771Dears i have bt5r3 when i did ap-get update it said {{{{Err http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid/main Packages19:55
kroson_hpram99: https://launchpad.net/~makson96/+archive/fglrx?field.series_filter=quantal use this ppa, when it says that fglrx-legacy is working. For now, it doesn't seem to be working (I haven't tested it)19:55
Guest37771  404  Not Found19:55
Guest37771Get:34 http://packages.fwbuilder.org lucid/contrib Packages [407B]19:55
Guest37771Get:35 http://archive.getdeb.net lucid-getdeb Release [7,252B]19:55
Guest37771Err http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid/main Packages19:55
FloodBot1Guest37771: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:55
Guest37771  404  Not Found}}}} could u help me for this error plz19:55
Naughxius@Evdb, try to change your keyboard settings.19:55
snoopydroppyEvdb: this might not be exactly what you wanna hear, but test "US international keyboard (altgr dead-keys)". It is worth the short learning curve, trust me!19:55
xodiakAs an Ubuntu user Is it obnoxious of me to feel superior to a mac-user?19:55
wilee-nilee!patience > Evdb19:55
ubottuEvdb, please see my private message19:55
EvdbI found it guys nvm and excuse me19:56
Naughxius@xodiak, yes! since mac is a closed OS :D19:56
wilee-nileexodiak, It is obnoxious to feel superior to anyone. ;)19:56
xodiaklol good point. I'll just switch to pity for them19:56
NaughxiusMac is wost than windows.19:56
EvdbThanks anyways snoopydroppy ;)19:56
wilee-nileexodiak, Empathy is the best.19:56
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dariebihi all, does anybody knew why i cant install remastersys at my ubutnu 12.04?19:57
wilee-nileedariebi, Can you describe the problem.19:57
L3topdariebi: which repo did you use?19:57
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots19:58
Jean-JaquesHow can I enable the installation of untrusted source please ?19:58
L3topJean-Jaques: Why do you want an untrusted source and what is it?19:58
kroson_hpram99: as an alternative, do what is said here: http://www.ubuntuvibes.com/2012/10/how-to-enable-opengl-30-support-for.html . If you do this, you are at your own risk.19:58
crizishttp://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/warsow | for ubuntu, www.warsow.net | free!! :>19:58
dariebioneiric iam using, i cant install it. (sudo apt-get install remastersys) i was reading in ubuntuusers but it failured19:58
Jean-JaquesPython ASF Video player19:59
xodiakgood-day to you all have fun with the upgrades. Thank you ubottu for the auto-help. And the other guys whom I cannot remember.19:59
hpram99kroson_, are you saying that the drivers aren't working in 12.10?19:59
L3topJean-Jaques: what is the source?19:59
hpram99kroson_, oh, upgrade kernel, hrm... btrfs devs are asking me to do the same thing...19:59
wilee-nileedariebi, It is not in the repos. http://askubuntu.com/questions/133272/how-do-i-install-remastersys20:00
L3topdariebi: as I understand it remastersys is not in repos, you have to add their source. Instructions are on their website for various versions.20:00
dariebiok thank you for the link.20:00
xflr6Bonjour tt le monde20:01
kroson_hpram99: tell me the output of 'glxinfo |grep renderer'20:01
L3top!fr | xflr620:01
ubottuxflr6: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:01
Jean-JaquesUbuntu is automatically detecting them20:01
stobixhm. aptitude just removed aptitude... Not the best action IMHO.20:02
xflr6I thought I was on u-fr...20:02
kroson_hpram99: and from what you say, you are not using the full potential of your card. So you can do what i said, and is in that link. But that is not supported by ubuntu. Although you can backup and see if you have luck xD20:02
hpram99OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on AMD RV77020:02
NaughxiusI speak french :D | Je parle français :D20:02
truexfan81Gnea: http://askubuntu.com/questions/101479/are-existing-updates-available-after-end-of-support20:02
knxvilleI had a SCSI harddrive attached to my ubuntu server hosting video surveillance video, but suddenly it is empty, have you guys ever tried that? It was after a restart20:02
dysocoHello, I just installed Ubuntu 12.10 but I can't get a decent resolution because of the Nvidia drivers: So I tried installing them but apparently Jockey wasn't installed, so I installed it via de Software Center, then installed nvidia-current via Jockey, but apparently failed... but the software center says nvidia-current is installed and now I can't boot into Unity, and the resolution still is crap... any ideas ?20:02
xflr6me too20:02
bekksknxville: Tried what?20:03
kroson_hpram99: i don't know. Test some GPU intensive apps to evaluate its performance20:03
dariebithx again, now iam right. :-)20:03
guest_ee87I finished installing 12.10 should I restore my /etc/ before booting it for the 1st time or should I wait to have booted once ?20:03
knxvillebekks: losing data from a harddisk after a reboot?20:03
kroson_see if it is comparable to what you had previously20:03
L3topNot here Naughxius20:03
kroson_hpram99: as alternatives, you can upgrade your kernel, and also use xorg-edgers ppa, but this procedure is risky20:03
kroson_i have to leave now, good luck20:03
hpram99kroson_,  thanks20:04
dysocoI also get buggy icons in Unity20:04
L3tophpram99: Can you restate your problem?20:04
Jean-Jaquesgstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly liba52-0.7.4 libdvdnav4 libdvdread4 libmad0 libmp3lame0 libmpeg2-4 libopencore-amrnb0 libopencore-amrwb0 libsidplay1 libtwolame0 libx264-12020:04
Jean-JaquesRequires installation of untrusted packages20:04
ccvvccWhen i connect to smb share on ubuntu which the shared directory is /mnt/ mounted with NTFS i get empty directories20:05
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guest_ee87I finished installing 12.10 should I restore my /etc/ before booting it for the 1st time or should I wait to have booted once ?20:05
hpram99L3top, I have an ATI card, and updated to 12.10, it appears that unity (and any other rendering) is using CPU instead of GPU20:05
Gneatruexfan81: awesome.20:05
L3topthat is the ugly plugin that is likely throwing that Jean-Jaques. It is not necessarily legal depending on your location.20:05
dysocoso can anyone help me ? I messed the nvidia drivers... what package should I install if I have a new Nvidia GTX550 card ? I want the propietary drivers20:06
stobixehm, what's the latest version of ubuntu called?20:06
stephenmac7Hey, I was wondering why my computer's graphics keep glitching and making weird lines.20:06
stephenmac7stobix: Quantal Quetzal20:06
wachpwnskiis this valid for an fstab entry, they said I can break ubuntu if I do it wrong: UUID="143fca20-e8f9-4c73-83e0-ce12d667c20a" /incoming ext4 defaults 0 120:06
L3tophpram99: apt-cache policy fglrx | grep Installed; and give me the output of lspci -nnk | grep VGA -A3 in a pastebin please20:07
hpram99L3top, opening the Unity dash causes a core on my CPU to spike, typing in XChat I can tell is very slightly delayed20:07
stobixstephenmac7: ah, thanks20:07
L3tophpram99: I believe the R7xx is an HD 34xx series... not positive.20:07
stephenmac7Like so: http://i.imgur.com/17EAQ.png20:07
hpram99L3top, it's a 485020:08
L3topk... still need those outputs hpram99.20:08
hpram99L3top, http://pastebin.com/Z6QSxxvX20:08
stephenmac7Maybe install nvidia might help?20:08
iLogicalhow do I make .txt files to be opened automatically by gedit?20:09
L3tophpram99: what is the output of apt-cache policy fglrx | grep Candidate     you can put that here20:10
dysocowhat is the correct way to install the nvidia drivers ? Jockey keeps failing20:10
wilee-nilee!fstab | wachpwnski20:10
ubottuwachpwnski: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:10
L3topand are you opposed to using the proprietary driver hpram99?20:10
hpram99$ apt-cache policy fglrx | grep Candidate20:10
hpram99  Candidate: 2:9.000-0ubuntu320:10
hpram99L3top, no, I don't have any preference to proprietary vs open20:11
hpram99L3top, whatever works best20:11
wilee-nileewachpwnski, It might help to look at the wiki info, fstab does have a bit of control but us easily fixable, although you may have to chroot in to do it if broken.20:11
L3tophmmm... I will have to look at that more closely... as of CCC 12-5 or 6 they dropped support for your chipset... and I do not know what is in the Ubuntu version hpram99... so give me a few minutes20:13
senden9Can anyone confirm the following on Ubuntu 12.10: "sudo service networking restart" kill the window manager (unity).20:13
guestolypHello, do you know when the gnome3 12.10 remix will be up ?20:13
hpram99L3top, I have other cards...20:14
L3topsenden9: that will not kill unity, it will restart the networking.20:14
luisgbmhi guys! a quick question: how does the ubuntu integration with twitter deals with those restrictions from twitter API? tokens and etc20:14
L3tophpram99: it may not be an issue... it is just kind of a pain to undo if it does not display... so I want to see what version is there.20:14
dysocowhy the hell Jockey depends on kdelibs and Kdevelop ?20:14
dysocoI'm guessing it's for Jockey-kde but it's completly dumb20:14
hpram99L3top, is there somewhere I can go to see the list of still supported cards?  I have no particular attachment to this one20:15
trismguestolyp: available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/ReleaseNotes/12.1020:15
easykillI uh, lost power in the middle of upgrading my ubuntu. It no longer works. Is there any way to fix it without just wiping it and loading a month old backup?20:15
jribeasykill: describe the current state20:16
seednodeWell, can you boot at all? Or does the install not show up?20:16
L3topno hpram99. They drop support, they do not tell you what they support. As of 1204 if THIS returns a result, it is NOT supported: lspci -nn | grep VGA | grep -Ei '((R.)([2-5])|(9|X|ES)(1|2?)([0-9])(5|0)0|Xpress)'20:17
abaraticanHow can I get apt-get to give me a version of vim that supports :set clipboard=unnamedplus ?  (so I can yank to the clipboard)20:17
easykillwhen i boot it it shows the usual sort of purple screen it shows for ubuntu booting then it goes black and stays like that forever20:17
L3tophowever they dropped support for the HD2xxx - HD4xxx series with the latest round hpram9920:17
hpram99L3top, no result20:17
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wachpwnskiI'm just looking to auto mount a partition.20:18
L3topright... so it is supported on 1204 hpram99... you are on a different version, and I need to match up the ubuntu version with the AMD version to see if it is the one that drops support or is the last one before the drop, which would have been smart.20:18
hpram99L3top, I carefuly watched the upgrade process, there was no mention of unsupported video20:18
L3tophpram99: that is because you were running the radeon driver, which is open.20:19
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kostkondysoco, open your software sources and select the additional drivers tab. that's how you install your proprietary drivers in 12.1020:19
L3topHowever how well THAT driver works with quantal, clearly not as well gelled as your previous version20:19
hpram99L3top, oh, you're right, I was, I switched back due to dual-head issues, I forgot...20:19
senden9@L3top: That's why I entered it. But "sudo service networking restart" kills (for me) also Unity.20:19
matzipan[aw]hmmm.. guys, any idea why dist-upgrade is not picking any updates?20:19
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ccvvccWhen i connect to smb share on ubuntu which the shared directory is /mnt/ mounted with NTFS i get empty directories,why?20:20
easykillfuck it i will just wipe my computer then20:20
IdleOne!language | easykill20:20
L3topsenden9: that is very wrong. I would look at syslog and dmesg log in /var/log and see if I could figure out why your desktop is crashing.20:20
ubottueasykill: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:21
chovynzhow can I write the result of find to a file, overwriting each time? (I want to create a log each time I run a command, that writes to a file and does not append)20:21
jribchovynz: redirect the output of find with >.  But why?20:21
senden9@L3top: I try it 3 times. I think it's a bug. always the same result.20:22
dontknowlol avoid the pain of windows 820:22
olinuxavoid the pain of ubuntu20:23
dontknowanyone tried to update from 12.04?20:23
roSieversHi, I just freshly reinstalled 12.04 (SSD broke). Now I'd like to get my old /home back (on the HDD). This is from 12.04.1 - can I refstab /home anyway or should I first update to 12.04.1?20:23
kroson_olinux: what do you mean?20:24
chovynzjrib: I've created a function to find and list all files and directories with spaces in them. I want the output to go to a file instead of the screen - so I can read it at a later date and fix it up as I need to, rather than being bombarded with screen vomit. :-) http://paste.ubuntu.com/1287702/20:24
chovynzjrib: I deal with alot of files from windows users.20:24
jribchovynz: you prefer that to just having them renamed automatically?20:24
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chovynzjrib: how do I go about that?20:25
fyksenHey! I just installed ubuntu 12.10 on my desktop pc. I got 2 ssd, and I wanted them to be in RAID0, so Iv installed the server version. After this, I installed ubuntu-desktop. But now I cant find the apps that lets me install the nvidida driver. Should I install it directly from Nvidia?20:25
jribchovynz: you can pass '-exec' to find and it will execute a command on what it finds20:25
olinuxkroson_, mac has problems, windows has problems, unbuntu has problems20:25
dontknowanyone tried to update? and did it give you trouble?20:25
kroson_chovynz: you write a script that runs find20:26
chovynzjrib: oh yeah, I have the rename in a separate function, but this helps me to see where the conflicts are if there are two files named the same.20:26
kroson_writes that like you say, and then > to a specific name of file20:26
chovynzI'll probably name it spacerz lol20:27
kroson_olinux: sure, but canonical is not saying that ubuntu doesn't have problems too20:27
L3topsenden9: then file a bug report... again... I would look at the logs that I mentioned.20:27
kroson_chovynz: so if you want to write the output on a file, you need to create this script, so you can run the command more easily20:28
chovynzkroson_: ?20:28
kroson_you write the command find + everything you found to put the package names separated by spaces, and if you add > (filename) to the end of the command, it will write the output to a file20:28
kroson_chovynz: do you know what i mean by script?20:29
chovynzoh cool thanks kroson_20:29
kroson_chovynz: paste here the command you will use for find20:29
indierossfyksen, open the software center then hit edit > software sources. click on the far right tab at the top20:29
fyksenindieross, Ahh, TY. :) My bad!20:30
indierossjurr welcome20:30
L3tophpram99: Ok... lets sudo apt-get install fglrx      if it crashes and burns I will walk you back out of it... but I think you are in the clear.20:30
L3tophpram99: are you on this machine now?20:31
L3topin irc I mean20:31
L3topIf so, do you have another machine you can connect to irc on hpram9920:31
hpram99L3top, yeah, let me move to my lappy20:31
billci am running a desktop how do i install a server20:31
tehpwnzWhat's the normal temp of a macbook pro running Ubuntu? Is 70 okay or that's too high20:31
L3topbillc: why do you want to run server? What are you looking for that desktop does not provide?20:32
billcwant access to all my home drives with my portable equipment20:32
chovynzjrib: kroson_ so if I do this :~$   find ~ -name "* *" -type f > ~/files.with.spaces.txt20:33
chovynz this should do what I want?20:33
bekksbillc: And whoch kind of "server" do you want?20:33
hpram99L3top, actually wait20:33
senden9L3top: syslog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1287708/  dmesg from the running system: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1287710/ dmesg.0: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1287716/20:33
jribchovynz: sure though I think you should change what you want20:33
dr_willisbillc: install the services you need on the desktop machine20:33
chovynzjrib: how so?20:33
L3topYou can do that with desktop billc20:33
hpram99L3top, I started installing the legacy drivers, just updated the repos and it's waiting for me to click "update"20:33
kroson_chovynz: do you want a file with 2 lines?20:34
hpram99L3top, looks like a bunch of xserver updates20:34
L3tophpram99: by all means update20:34
L3topif you get what you need out of the open drivers... I am all for that hpram99.20:34
hpram99L3top, well, this is the legacy driver20:34
L3tophpram99: same thing.20:35
chovynzkroson_: no i want a list of all files and directories that have spaces in them. The variable $toto only gives me the number which is useful to see at a glance.20:35
billcwhen i leave my desktop i want to b able to access all my files from my laptop, netbook, tablet or smartphone either read or save20:35
L3topkeep in mind hpram99, as of today, ATI considers your chipset legacy.20:36
dontknowdoes 12.10's encryption encrypt whole disk? if so, does it support AES-NI instruction set?20:36
* L3top opts not to rant20:36
bekksbillc: Then just install all services desired on your desktop machine.20:36
hpram99L3top, that sucks, but whatever I guess20:36
fyksenWhats the best RDP software for Ubuntu? I want to be able to RDP into my ubuntu desktop from my ubuntu laptop :)20:36
bekksfyksen: Then just use VNC.20:36
jaqqueis anyone using Universal Client Configuration Service to connect to a Windows RDP from the Ubuntu 12.10 greeter?20:36
billcon my ubuntu desktop20:36
bekksbillc: Yes.20:37
fyksenbekks, what software, do you have any links to show how to to it? : )20:37
billcwhere do i find them20:37
kroson_chovynz: so it gives you the number of directories with spaces, and files too, right?20:37
kroson_that script20:37
bekksbillc: In the software center, e.g.20:38
bekks!vnc | fyksen20:38
ubottufyksen: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX20:38
chovynzthat script, finds xyz files > textfile, tells me on screen how many files and directories20:38
jribchovynz: well I don't see why you would want a list instead of just doing the renaming directly20:38
soupeeeafter an update wicd doesn't connect with the free wifi around town. log says "err, wlan0: timed out". But I can connect to home wifi ok. Any suggestions?20:38
ls612is there a compat-wireless package yet for 12.10?20:38
fyksenbekks, ur a beast! TY again :)20:38
chovynzjrib: some are duplicates, some are the same name but different files20:38
kroson_chovynz: what is the output without the part wc -l ?20:39
kroson_|wc -l20:39
jribchovynz: but that's a separate issue20:39
billcthank you20:39
peto__at what UTC time has been Quantal released?20:40
chovynzjrib: yeah. got that covered. Renaming is no prob, but when there was conflicts this is a useful analysis tool.20:40
dontknowdoes whole disk encryption use intel's aes-ni?20:40
dontknowin 12.1020:40
jribchovynz: if I wanted to find duplicates, I would use fdupes20:40
chovynzkroson_: truncated http://paste.ubuntu.com/1287728/20:41
chovynzthanks jrib20:41
soupeeeafter an update wicd doesn't connect with the free wifi around town. log says "err, wlan0: timed out". But I can connect to home wifi ok. Any suggestions?20:42
kroson_chovynz: so, isn't this what you wanted?20:42
chovynzkroson_: that's exactly what I wanted.20:42
cyrusgodhi there, was anyone tried to install the new 12.10 on a asus zenbook ux32vd?20:42
L3top!anyone | cyrusgod20:42
ubottucyrusgod: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:42
kostkoncyrusgod, just load the live cd/usb and select the option to try it.20:43
chovynzkroson_: your answers before allowed me to do that, thanks20:43
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kroson_write this instead: echo $(find ~ -name "* *" -type f) > filename20:43
kroson_instead of the toto part20:43
hpram99_L3top legacy drivers appeared to perform identically20:43
kroson_for the second toto20:43
kroson_write this:20:43
FloodBot1kroson_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:43
hpram99_L3top aka, poorly20:43
chovynzwhy would i do that kroson_ ?20:44
L3topok then hpram99_ sudo apt-get install fglrx20:44
cyrusgodkostkon: i tried to do that, but when a select that option or other... the screen stay black20:44
hpram99_L3top yup, done, rebooting now20:44
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cyrusgodkroson_: and doesn't do anything more20:44
kroson_echo $(find ~ -name "* *" -type d | wc -l) >> filename (here is the same filename as before)20:44
hpram99_L3top, I hope I didn't have to remove the legacy drivers first :/20:45
kostkoncyrusgod, oh ok. probably graphics card related20:45
L3topno hpram99_... they are part of the basic xorg set20:45
bglazerI'm running nouveau drivers on an nvidia geforce 8300m. I have a dual monitor setup. Everything works well for 5-10 minutes but then my system slows to a crawl. Any ideas on how to remediate this?20:45
kroson_chovynz: this will enable you to have a file with the output, instead of having it appearing in the bash20:45
bizhanMonahi, ubuntu 12.10 got realease today where could I get the source code for that release? thx20:45
L3topbglazer: does top reveal anything?20:46
kroson_so you can access the output of that log whenever you want20:46
chovynzah. thanks kroson_20:46
cyrusgodkostkon: so i won't be able to install it right? this ultrabook has 2 weeks20:46
kostkoncyrusgod, you mean it's pretty new?20:46
cyrusgodkroson_: i was expecting much suport with this new 12.1020:46
cyrusgodkostkon: yes20:46
chovynzkroson_:  does that >> append?20:46
kroson_chovynz: no problem :)20:47
kroson_chovynz: yes20:47
L3top!nomodeset | cyrusgod20:47
ubottucyrusgod: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:47
chovynzkroson_: sweet!!20:47
kroson_the first > creates a line, >> creates a 2nd line20:47
kroson_it appends to the first one20:47
cyrusgodubottu: i will try that thnks20:47
ubottucyrusgod: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:47
L3top> write >> append20:47
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cyrusgodL3top: thanks20:48
L3topnp... we can try other things if that does not solve20:48
sebubafala galera, corrido aqui :(20:49
kroson_chovynz: |wc -l     meant word count, of lines, that's why you were getting the number of those files you specified instead of actually getting them20:49
bglazerL3top: I've never looked at top while the system was running slowly. What should I look for?20:49
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hpram99_L3top, wow, it hasn't been this snappy since I last installed the proprietary drivers...  however, my dual-head setup is broken again :(20:50
soupeeeafter an update wicd doesn't connect with the free wifi around town. log says "err, wlan0: timed out". But I can connect to home wifi ok. Any suggestions?20:50
hpram99_L3top, and gwibber crashed, and I don't have any of the UI except the desktop20:50
ejvPlease don't give out wrong information, ">" is used for redirecting output to something other than stdout. ">" overwrites the file if it exists or creates it if it doesn't. ">>" appends to a file or creates the file if it doesn't exist.20:50
chovynzcan I #comment in a function?20:50
kostkoncyrusgod, also make sure that the iso image you've downloaded is not corrupted, by verifying it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM20:50
kroson_ejv: that is what i said20:50
hpram99_L3top, and compiz just crashed...20:50
kroson_> is for overwriting20:50
L3topbglazer: it should be fairly self evident. I would boot from scratch... watch top... and see if processes are chewing up more and more ram/cpu (prob ram) and figure out why.20:50
kroson_>> for appending, or creating if the file doesn't exist20:50
bglazerL3top: Ok thanks for the advice!20:51
L3tophpram99_: not sure what that means. The fact that it was up... doesn't lead me to believe that it is the driver, but... a quantal issue. I would look heavily through the logs to confirm that... but that would be my where my blame was sniffing.20:51
kroson_hpram99_: did you fix your problems with 12.10?20:52
hpram99_kroson_ no, L3top has been helping, tried legacy drivers you suggested, no difference in performance, L3top found that the proprietary drivers should still work and I installed them20:53
ejvhttp://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/io-redirection.html - I recommend this resource for a more thorough explanatin of I/O redirection (stdin, stdout, stderr)20:53
kroson_hpram99_: and they work better ?20:54
hpram99_kroson_ seems to, except I'm missing unity :/20:54
hpram99_kroson_ the mouse at least moves smoother, and applications seem snappy, but I'm missing the entire UI20:54
kroson_hpram99_: installed fglrx 12.9?20:55
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soupeeeafter an update wicd doesn't connect with the free wifi around town. log says "err, wlan0: timed out". But I can connect to home wifi ok. Any suggestions?20:56
hpram99_kroson_ how do I check?20:56
chovynzkroson_:  jrib hows this syntax? how is $textfile, and would it work? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1287757/20:56
qwebirc78667hmm, for some reason I can't connect via irssi..??20:57
doug1if I do an 'apt-get policy' and I see several versions of a package... why doesn't 'apt-get install 2.7.19-1puppetlabs2' work?20:58
kroson_hpram99_: apt-get search '~i ^fglrx$'20:58
kroson_i think20:58
hpram99_kroson_, nevermind, I found it, it shows version 2:9.00020:58
KrenairI get this when doing apt-get update20:59
KrenairW: GPG error: http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>20:59
jribchovynz: no, that won't work.  $() expects a command inside20:59
chovynzcan i do it without $() ?20:59
pardaxwhat is the best way of secure chat over ssh21:00
hylianKrenair: run this command in terminal: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf (you may have to run it more than once)21:00
FluxarrayI have an issue with 12.04 and 12.10 on my laptop concerning java and my device drivers, I was wondering maybe someone else encountered the same: when running a very simple JFrame, it makes the entire system lag (only if I have proprietary drivers installed). I have to install these drivers otherwise my brightness keys won't work. The laptop is a HP Probook 6570b and has an AMD GPU using the 12.8/12.9beta drivers (both give issues)21:00
FluxarrayIf someone could help me, or knows how to get the brightness keys to work without proprietary drivers I would be very happy :D21:00
soupeeeany idea why wicd connects to "secure" wifi at home, but not free wifi at McDonalds?21:01
hylianFluxarray: sorry, never ran into that before... hmm.21:01
xangua!gpgerr | Krenair21:01
ubottuKrenair: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »21:01
chovynzjrib: it works!21:01
FluxarrayHylian, do you know how to get the brightness keys? The indicator pops up and the keys themselves work, but the brightness just stay the same.21:02
bglazerFluxarray: have you tried this http://linuxon1001p.blogspot.com/2010/03/fixing-brightness-controls.html21:02
hyliansoupeee: wicd, along with nm-applet, both want to connect to networks already verified by you as ok. You do this by manually connecting to them. I did not have this problem afetr the first time I connected.21:02
Krenair24 new signatures... interesting21:02
KrenairThanks xangua21:02
neo_anyone have problems with unity on 12.10?21:02
hylianFluxarray: sorry, i don't.21:02
neo_i can't get into my system21:02
bglazerFluxarray: oops sorry.21:03
hylianneo_: exactly what is happening?21:03
soupeeehylian: how do I manually connect?21:03
bglazerhylian: have you tried this http://linuxon1001p.blogspot.com/2010/03/fixing-brightness-controls.html21:03
Fluxarraybglazer, thanks! I'll try this. No idea how to do it but I'll find it21:03
neo_flushing display21:03
neo_@hylian: have you heard someone had problems also?21:04
hyliansoupeee: it depends on the program you are using, but you should be able to peruse through the connections available, and then choose one to manually connect to.21:04
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hylianbglazer: i am not the person with brightness issues, Fluxarray21:04
scarrshelp... banshee crashes immediately upon start the only way of fixing it so far is a complete os install21:04
Krenairhmm, chovynz. I recognise that name from somewhere. Wouldn't happen to be an ex-discovery player would you, chovynz?21:04
bglazerhylian: Oops. Got mixed up.21:04
hylianbglazer: no problem man. :)21:05
neo_i can only go to init 3... pls help! i just uninstalled fedora after 3 years... and first thing after installation - i can't get into the unity21:05
hylianKrenair: did my workaround do the trick?21:05
kostkonneo_, you need to give more info21:05
pgdacAfter grub screen ubuntu  is not showing login screen only  almost black screen is showing?21:06
ElixirVitaeIs there an equivalent of YUMI for linux?21:06
hylianElixirVitae: never heard of it..??21:06
neo_@kostkon: i have dell xps m1530 with 8600gs nvidia...21:06
doug1Ok, if I do "apt-get install puppetmaster=2.7.19-1puppetlabs2" I get... " Depends: puppetmaster-common (= 2.7.19-1puppetlabs2) but 3.0.1-1puppetlabs1 is to be installed"....21:06
bglazerFluxarray: this link might provide a more usable solution http://askubuntu.com/questions/123604/how-do-i-make-screen-dimming-work-in-ubuntu-12-04-beta-221:06
ElixirVitaehylian, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/21:06
doug1where did 3.0.2 come from?21:06
neo_@kostkon: exacly what info you need?21:07
ElixirVitaeIt says it works through WINE, but I want something native, if there is one.21:07
neo_can i install some other display like xfce?21:07
wmp_hello, in 12.10 i have only one cpu in /proc/cpuinfo. dmesg show: CPU1: Not responding.21:08
hylianElixirVitae: I personally use UNetBootin myself, but I don't know if it supports multiple os's on one usb key drive..21:08
kroson_neo_: what do you get when you boot ubuntu?21:08
andyc101Noob looking for fastest and easiest to use GUI for rasberry pi21:09
soupeeehylian: went through wicd->preferences -- nothing about connecting manually, unless there's some way of saying "manually" that I'm not grokking.21:09
pete_hi guys, ive just installed xubuntu on ubuntu 12.04 becasue it runs so much faster on this netbook, but i dont like how it looks and was wondering how i change themes etc21:10
neo_@kroson_: i get to the login window, i enter my password and unity starts to load. Then it stopes and start to flash (in cca 1s interval). then it stops in fractal picture and it flashes when i move the mouse or push anything on the keyboard21:10
kroson_neo_: ubuntu 12.04 or 12.10?21:11
ElixirVitaeHmm, I should check whether it does, hylian.21:11
bglazerneo_: have you tried logging into unity2d?21:11
hyliansoupeee: I was referring to seeing the network in your wireless manager (wicd-gtk, for instance) and then choosing it. That is manually.. I think I may have misunderstood the question.21:11
neo_@kroson_: 12.10 unetbootin usb21:11
kostkonbglazer, 12.10 doesn't have unity 2d21:11
neo_@bglazer: no i didn't, dunno how21:11
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kroson_neo_: 12.10 doesn't have unity 2d21:12
neo_i just came from fedora and rhel world :) after 3 years21:12
Fluxarraybglazer: Thanks man!21:12
kostkonneo_, are you able to open apps?21:12
jmcantrellwhat's a good ultrabook that works with ubuntu without any tweaking?21:12
kroson_it should work now already, using llvmpipe21:12
neo_@kostkon: i-m not able to open any gui app... i'm in init 321:12
andyc101Hello easiest and fastest GUI do rasberry pi?21:12
neo_Does Ubuntu have #unity irc channel21:13
Fluxarraybglazer: also sorry for bothering you, I googled my ass off but I thought the things I found where for specific laptop models only :)21:13
kostkonneo_, you could try installing the nvidia driver.21:13
kroson_neo_: do you have network? LAN at least21:14
hylianpete_: hmm, i never theme anything, i like vanilla. But I am sure if you google'd it you would find themes. I can help you with things like placing the xfce4 bar in a different location, i.e. on the sides or bottom. in the xfce settings manager you can change theme, windows decoration, and a few other things.21:14
neo_@kostkon: i suspected thats a problem21:14
bglazerandyc101: you could try the #raspberrypi channel. They can probably answer your question21:14
neo_i have wireless21:14
kostkonkroson_, good question21:14
neo_and it works as you see21:14
xanguaElixirVitae: i use multisystem http://liveusb.info/dotclear/index.php?pages/install21:14
jmcantrellwhat's a good ultrabook that works with ubuntu without any tweaking?21:14
neo_@kostkon: can you tell me which repo do i need to download/enable21:14
neo_for nvidia21:14
xanguayou can algo support them by buying then ;)21:15
kostkonneo_, you just need to give the usual sudo apt-get install cmd21:15
bglazerFluxarray: no problem. I can't guarantee that this will work of course.21:15
xangua!hardware | jmcantrell21:15
ubottujmcantrell: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection21:15
neo_@kostkon: don't need to include some extra repo?? wow, thats great21:15
kverbranyone ever heard of a login name being changed on the login screen?21:15
chris__Hi, is it normal that there is nothing under "Other Software" in the "Software Sources" after installing Ubuntu 12.10 (fresh install using Wubi)? I think there is supposed to be at least the Canonical Partners Repository in there. I tried manually adding it (and doing an apt-get update) but Canonical Partner software still doesn't show up in the Software Center.21:15
ElixirVitaeHmm, that looks promising, xangua, thanks, will try.21:15
kverbras a glitch I mean - the login name on the login screen changing and not letting you in\21:16
yayLINUXhey, I want to install ubuntu 12.10 with my USB and both with unetbootin and yumi it gives the error that it can't find a live system... :/21:17
kostkonneo_, yes. anyway, try giving: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current21:17
xanguayayLINUX: is your usb stick file system fat32¿21:17
andyc101#rasberrypi is quiet. Looking for fastest and Easiest to use GUI  for pi21:18
jmcantrellxangua: thanks21:18
kroson_kostkon: neo_ be careful, i don't know if your card is supported by nvidia-current21:18
kroson_maybe only the 173 version21:18
kroson_i'm not sure, you should check that21:18
neo_@kostkon: yes, that should help... i don't understand why everything did well when i ran ubuntu 12.10 live... maybe i should try with vesa if nvidia-current don't work21:19
kostkonkroson_, nvidia-current installs the 17321:19
kroson_kostkon: it installs 304.51, doesn't it?21:20
kroson_any way neo_ , just do 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nvidia-current'21:20
aleksandar22Will the upgrade to 12.10 contine working if I suspend my PC21:20
kostkonkroson_, oh damn, i don't know :/ http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/nvidia-current21:20
=== asdfina is now known as GH0
xanguaaleksandar22: you don't want to leave your pc alone while upgrading versions21:21
kroson_kostkon: nevermind, i checked and his card supports 304.5121:21
Logan_andyc101: You probably want #raspberrypi.21:21
kostkonkroson_, nice21:21
aleksandar22xangua: will the upgrade dialog ask for restart?21:22
andyc101Logan. Been there. It's empty21:22
Logan_andyc101: Not for me... There are 398 people in there.21:22
kroson_aleksandar22: yes, when it ends21:22
xanguai have leave it alone and regretted it aleksandar2221:22
yayLINUXanyone has the same problem?21:23
YugnoswamHow do I installed Ubuntu for dual-boot when I already have WinXP using a USB Pen Drive?21:23
aleksandar22xangua: ok thanks21:23
yayLINUXyou can choose it when you are installing ubuntu yugnosawm21:23
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Fluggsis there already a way to create a live usb stick for 12.10 on a windows machine?21:24
YugnoswamyayLINUX: I can't find the download for USB on the ubuntu site, would you mind linking me?21:24
=== rofl is now known as Uprising
yayLINUXuhm I think you can just use the normal file21:24
yayLINUXBut I had a problem whith it when I tried it with my USB21:24
Vert_Fluggs: google penDriveLinux21:24
YugnoswamyayLINUX: :/ Damn21:24
Vert_they have apps that make it super easy21:24
yayLINUXI tried it with yumi and unetbootin and it all went wrong21:24
yayLINUXit all said: unable to find live system or something like that21:25
Vert_yayLINUX: I've never had any issues21:25
yayLINUXI downloaded the torrent one21:25
xangua!usb | Fluggs21:25
ubottuFluggs: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:25
yayLINUXmaybe that is the problem21:25
=== asdfina is now known as GH0
Yugnoswamubottu: persistent?21:25
ubottuYugnoswam: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:25
xanguayayLINUX: did you check the integrity of the isso¿ tried the usb tool that comes in ubuntu¿21:26
Vert_Yugnoswam: That means you can save stuff to the USB disk21:26
neo_12.10 Unity doesn"t work!21:26
Vert_Yugnoswam: and keep setting's from time to time, as opposed to a live cd, where it's all static21:26
erictr1ckmy "Getting new packages" is stuck on file 84 for like an hour now :(21:26
Hishamoto_MasukiI need some help BIGTIME.21:26
neo_does ubuntu have #unity channel21:27
Vert_Hishamoto_Masuki: Don't ask to ask, just ask21:27
neo_this is insane21:27
Hishamoto_MasukiUm, yessir. I just installed PlayOnLinux, and every time I run it it does nothing.21:27
Hishamoto_MasukiNothing at all, nothing comes up...21:27
YugnoswamVert_: So do I just download the ISO, put it on a USB Drive, set my laptop to boot from USB first? When I do that will the installed let me choose which partition to install it to? I don't want it overriding WinXP21:27
WeThePeoplestartup apps not running, have looked at the startup applications and everything is fine there, any ideas21:27
kroson_neo_: what happened when you installed nvidia driver? still the same problem?21:27
zykotick9Hishamoto_Masuki: start it from a terminal, look for error output.21:28
Praxihas development stopped on Chromium and I should be using Chrome now?21:28
Vert_Yugnoswam: If you are afraid of overwriting XP and you already have XP installed, use wubi21:28
Hishamoto_MasukiHow do I start it from Terminal21:28
aleksandar22Praxi: no21:28
WeThePeople could i reinstall anything to make this work?21:28
aleksandar22chromium is the base for chrome21:28
YugnoswamVert_: Well I just want to know if it lets me select a partition21:28
neo_@kroson_: almost the same. now i can see background and when i hit alt+f2 i can see run txtbox bottom right21:28
aleksandar22so no chrome without chromium21:28
zykotick9Praxi: Google-chrome is based off of chromium.  aleksandar22 backwards!21:28
Vert_Yugnoswam: It does, but it also lets you select the wrong paration21:28
Vert_Yugnoswam: So be very careful21:28
kroson_neo_: very strange behavior, unity channel is #ubuntu-unity21:28
neo_@kroson_: but i cant run any gui program...21:28
YugnoswamVert_: I'm not a moron though lol21:28
Praxisomebody in here a while ago said to use chrome for some reason over chromium, and I can't for the life of me remember why.  Driving me nuts21:29
aleksandar22PDF viewer21:29
YugnoswamVert_: And I've labelled the partitions as "Windows XP" and "Linux Ubuntu" already21:29
neo_@kroson_: should I ask there for help?21:29
kroson_neo_: and here too21:29
zykotick9Praxi: chrome isn't supported in #ubuntu, chromium from repos is.  Might be something to consider.21:29
bekksPraxi: One reason might be the PepperFlash plugin.21:29
kroson_Praxi: i can only think of PepperFlash21:29
Vert_Yugnoswam: If you've already made and labelled the partitions, I for see no issues21:29
dr_willisYugnoswam:  ive gotten into the habbit of NOT using spaces in partion labels. ;)21:29
Endafyso yay new Ubuntu, which nvidia driver do I use21:29
Hishamoto_MasukiHelp. How do I run the application in Terminal? It's on my desktop21:30
kroson_Endafy: which is your graphics card?21:30
Praxinot sure what pepperflash is!  will have to go read I guess :)21:30
yehauyenhow can i change my username in ubuntu?21:30
Yugnoswamdr_willis: Yeah I used underscores but meh, im lazy to press shift.21:30
neo_@kroson_: oh yes, i forgot to mention: i have different (bigger) fonts here in irssi so i think maybe display driver is not the problem?21:30
EndafyI have reinstalled Ubuntu twice now because after installing a driver it goes to 1024 x 76821:30
zykotick9dr_willis: all my labels are single words ;)21:30
dr_willisPraxi:  googles built in flash for their browser21:30
erictr1ckhow much risk am i at if i cancel the 12.10 upgrade during the "getting new packages" step?21:30
Endafyand shows nothing21:30
kroson_neo_: no idea, sorry :(21:30
Vert_erictr1ck: None as it hasn't done anything yet21:30
zykotick9yehauyen: i'd suggest you simply create a new user, and move files myself.21:30
Endafydoes anyone out there have an nvidia 550 or newer card21:31
Hishamoto_MasukiHelp. How do run an app with Terminal?!21:31
Endafywhat version of the driver should I use21:31
kroson_Endafy: what ubuntu version? and which version of driver?21:31
dr_willisHishamoto_Masuki:  figure out what the launcher is launching  and type the command at the terminal21:31
Endafy12.10 obviously21:31
kroson_and downloaded driver from nvidia website, or repositories?21:31
Hishamoto_MasukiWhat is the command?21:31
Endafyand im asking you what version of the driver should I use21:31
Hishamoto_Masukidr_willis: What's the command?21:31
EndafyI have a gtx 55021:31
dr_willisHishamoto_Masuki:  NO idea what launcher you are refering to...21:31
kroson_Hishamoto_Masuki: just write the name of the app21:31
Endafyive used "reccomended21:31
Hishamoto_MasukiThe program is on my desktop21:31
dr_willisHishamoto_Masuki:  look in the .desktop file of your launcher21:31
zykotick9kroson_: "downladed driver from nvidia website" is unsupported here.  and IMO a BAD idea on ubuntu.21:32
roylaprattepi just installed dovecot from ubuntu 12.0421:32
Hishamoto_MasukiIt says there is a 1615 segmentation fault, how do I fix that?21:32
roylaprattepi cannot make imaps to work... only imap currently working21:32
YugnoswamVert_: ironically, Linux's servers are rather slow for their software being mainly used on servers lol21:32
kroson_zykotick9: i know that, but he could have gone that way21:32
roylaprattepsomeone can help me ?21:32
roylaprattephow do we add protocols to dovecot 2.0 in ubuntu 12.04 ?21:32
Endafyim gunna try this 1 more time21:32
kroson_Endafy: if you have that card, and used the recommended method, don't see why it doesn't work. Is it nvidia optimus?21:33
zykotick9kroson_: sorry, my bad.  you where asking a follow up question ;)  guess i should have addressed Endafy (but that woulnd't have made any sense yet).  sorry man.21:33
Endafyill try the experimental vdpau driver21:33
chovynzI have a bunch of music on my ubuntu box that I would like served. How do I go about this? what program do I use to serve and what program do I use to receive?21:33
Endafyif it doesnt work than Ubuntu is more headache than Windows 8 lmao21:33
kroson_zykotick9: no problem :)21:33
Endafyat least with Windows 8 my computer works21:33
dr_willischovynz:  depends on what clients you plan on using to listen to them21:33
wifioregonI was just upgrading to 12.10 when my son decided to play a Windows game with wine.  THe game froze and when I killed it, the PC restarted in the middle of the upgrade.  I ran all the various commands to fix it. but it keeps having problems with installing isc-dhcp-server and now I cant get on the internet at all.  (wifi or eth). Any ideas on what I can do?  Is there some kind of repair install option I can use with a disc?21:34
dr_willischovynz:  the various UPNP/DLNA servers can serv them to many devices21:34
Endafythis installation has been more of a migraine than Windows ever has21:34
erictr1ckVert, have you gone through the upgrade yet?21:34
kroson_Endafy: when you install nvidia driver21:34
Vert_erictr1ck: In the middle of downloading it right now21:34
kroson_you go to software sources, then the recommended driver right? in "additional drivers"21:34
chovynzdr_willis: what is DLNA?21:34
Endafyrestarting now21:34
kroson_then you reboot, and only get 1024x768?21:34
ubottuTo stream media to other UPNP aware devices (such as the Xbox, PS3, or iRadio) you need a UPNP server. See !info mediatomb for information regarding the MediaTomb package21:35
kostkonchovynz, you can setup a daap share in rhythmbox, for example.21:35
ActionParsnipwow sub 2000 users, expected more21:35
wifioregonDOes 12.10 have some kind of repair install feature? WHere I could boot to a live disc and repair the current instllation?21:35
ActionParsnipwifioregon: you can chroot from the liveCD to the installed OS and do stuff21:36
chovynz!info mediatomb21:36
ubottumediatomb (source: mediatomb): UPnP MediaServer (main package). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.1-0ubuntu4 (quantal), package size 10 kB, installed size 77 kB21:36
wifioregonActionParsnip:  sdo I have to mount the HD first?21:36
chovynz!daap | me21:36
ActionParsnipor use samba and you can stream using that21:36
ActionParsnipwifioregon: yes21:37
zykotick9!msgthebot | chovynz21:37
ubottuchovynz: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".21:37
Endafythis right here is why people dont use Ubuntu21:37
=== [NM]entropyX is now known as [NM]entropy
Endafyit doesnt work21:37
wifioregonActionParsnip:  k thanks I'll try.21:37
Endafyyou seriously need to fix this damn OS21:37
chovynzworks fine for me endafy21:37
ActionParsnipwifioregon: www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video   has a chrooting how to, it then shows an install of grub, but you won't need that21:37
wifioregonActionParsnip:  thanks21:37
Endafychovynz: nvidia drivers crash the OS21:37
Vert_Endafy: Ubuntu does tend to have more then it's fair share of hard fails when it decides not to work21:38
chovynzEndafy: you've updated to 12.10?21:38
erictr1ck Vert_: yeah, i started this morning, now at file 85...21:38
EndafyI seriously dont know what the fuck to do short of reinstall21:38
Endafyum yes21:38
kroson_Endafy: you said you had problems with resolution, what is your problem afterall?21:38
Endafyclean install21:38
xangua!language | Endafy21:38
ubottuEndafy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:38
neo_wait a minute, theres no person that can help me here on #ubuntu channel?? pfff21:38
EndafyI install the nvidia driver after a fresh install and the OS craps out21:38
Vert_erictr1ck: slow internet connection?21:38
Endafyevery version in Additional Drivers21:38
Endafyive tried them all21:39
Endafynothing works21:39
kroson_Endafy: you have to use the current one, first21:39
kroson_and only that one21:39
WeThePeoplei have chrooted into my ubuntu partition, what can i check to help solve this problem?21:39
Endafyive been at this since I got the iso earlier21:39
kroson_not 221:39
kroson_and then you reboot, and what do you get?21:39
Fluxarraybglazer: here I am again, after following the instructions in the link you provided, the brightness buttons don't register at all anymore. :(21:39
Endafythis is bullshit21:39
chovynzEndafy: first thing you need to do is go for a walk, get some fresh air.21:39
erictr1ckVert_: actually my connection seems fine. was thinking it was the ubuntu servers. but i guess if your download speed is fine, i dont know what the issue is21:40
Endafyyou wonder why people never use Linux, and especially after such a claim "avoid the headache of Windows 8" this shit makes me sick21:40
Praxiwhen adding a user via commandline does using the --group flag create the group if it doesn't exist?21:40
chovynzEndafy: all these people are volunteers and it doesn't help YOU, to vomit your anger all over them.21:40
Endafyits like a bunch of 5 year old children designing a crap os without understanding how to code in the first place21:40
icerootPraxi: is there no entry in the manpage about --group?21:40
Vert_erictr1ck: My connection speed is hovering at >200Kbit/s21:40
Endafywell make it fucking work because I paid money this time21:40
icerootEndafy: stop flaming please21:40
kroson_Endafy: so you came here to criticize, not to get help21:41
Endafynot when I paid 100 bucks to them21:41
xangua!ops | Endafy21:41
ubottuEndafy: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!21:41
Vert_erictr1ck: But then there are lots of servers, so maybe disconnect and retry?21:41
zykotick9Praxi: if you want you user to be "ubuntu-like" i'd strong recommend you use "adduser" and not "useradd".21:41
EndafyI want help I want it to work "without headache"21:41
chovynzEndafy: this is the incorrect place to do what you are doing21:41
Endafythat means 0 input from me21:41
FluxarrayEndafy: test first pay later21:41
icerootEndafy: stop it!21:41
Endafymake it work21:41
kroson_this is not a flaming channel, like you there are many users here asking for support about their ubuntu installations21:41
progre55hi guys. As far as I remember, for upgrading from an LTS to a next version, you need to set to upgrade to non-LTS in some file, right? but where?21:41
wolsEndafy: then behave like an adult and not a spoiled brat21:41
icerootEndafy: post usefull questions with usefull details or stop chatting here please21:41
* dr_willis wants paid also..21:41
kroson_and they are not being childish like you, so behave if you want to be helped21:41
bekksEndafy: If you paid for it at Canonical, then contact Canonical support.21:41
EndafyI did21:41
chovynzEndafy: this is the free, volunteery help section21:41
Praxizykotick9, its actually a service account, so don't care too much :)21:41
Fluxarraybglazer: here I am again, after following the instructions in the link you provided, the brightness buttons don't register at all anymore. :(21:42
EndafyI tried every nvidia driver after a fresh install every time with my nvidia gtx 550 card21:42
bkerensaEndafy: please stop now21:42
neo_Anyone! Please instruct what can I do to make my Unity run??21:42
bkerensa!guidelines > Endafy21:42
ubottuEndafy, please see my private message21:42
FluxarrayEndafy: vtk21:42
Endafyit boots to a screen with just a mouse cursor at 1024x768 with NOTHING else on the screen21:42
Endafywhat do I do21:42
bkerensa!justask | Endafy21:42
ubottuEndafy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:42
neo_@Endafy, i have that same problem21:42
zykotick9Praxi: i would "expect" (but don't know), that useradd "might" create the group as well (so long as you give it the correct switch ;)21:42
fellayaboycan i add another hard drive to my system, create a raid, without having to reinstall ubuntu?21:42
bglazerFluxarray: sorry! I'm not sure what another solution would be.21:43
neo_so obviously its nvidia driver is the problem21:43
bekksfellayaboy: Which RAID level do you want?21:43
icerootfellayaboy: yes you can add it and build a software raid without reinstall21:43
dr_willisneo_:  sounds like compiz is perhaps failing to start due to somthing with the 3d driver support.21:43
Endafyyou cant claim "avoid headaches of Windows" with releasing something like this ASKING FOR MONEY21:43
xanguaprogre55: software center-edit-sources-update tab21:43
PraxiI'm reading the man page now for adduser, dang iceroot for making me RTFm21:43
progre55xangua: appreciate!21:43
neo_@dr_willis: how can I disable Compiz?21:43
iceroot!ops | Endafy (he is ignoring to stop flaming)21:43
ubottuEndafy (he is ignoring to stop flaming): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!21:43
bkerensaEndafy: I will ask you again please follow the channel guidelines this is not the right chanel21:43
bkerensaiceroot: Thanks were here.21:43
fellayaboydoes one harddrive have to be a master and the other a slave? im using ide....21:43
dr_willisneo_:  for a temp fix. you could resort to using Unity2d.21:43
ActionParsnipEndafy: Ubuntu doesn't ask for money21:43
neo_@dr_willis: and can I install gnome3 or xfce?21:43
dr_willisneo_:  what is your video chipset?21:44
bekksEndafy: fellayaboy Which RAID level do you want?21:44
EndafyActionParsnip: it certainly does21:44
neo_@dr_willis: nvidia 8600gt21:44
dr_willisneo_:  you can install as many desktops as you want.21:44
icerootbkerensa: then do your job :)21:44
Endafygo to the download area21:44
Fluxarraybglazer: no problem... I'm just sick off windows and as a java dev I can't really live with my system almost grinding to a halt when opening a FJrame with proprietary drivers. The X.org ones work fire but I can't adjust the brightness which is just a shame21:44
bekksfellayaboy: I just meant you, sorry.21:44
Endafyit explicitly asks for money21:44
kroson_Endafy: you could start by asking everything on the same line. Second, you could try to read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia21:44
ActionParsnipEndafy: Ive never paid in the 5 years I've used Ubuntu21:44
EndafyI cant read anything21:44
Praxithey put up a donation link ActionParsnip21:44
EndafyI cant get my desktop working21:44
icerootbkerensa: because of him here is a big discussion/flame without him it would be much nicer here, so feel free to do your job on him21:44
FluxarrayEndafy: you can skip the payment, stop being a troll21:44
ActionParsnipEndafy: how is that money?21:44
fellayaboywell im new to raid..but i want to use 2 hard drives as one...thats it...no backups no thing just a simple 2 hard drives as one21:44
zykotick9Praxi: where do you see a donation for ubuntu?21:44
BoreeasAh, if only ubuntu would solve hibernation as well as windows :/21:45
neo_@dr_willis: lol i know i can... can i disable compiz or unity works on compiz?21:45
dr_willisneo_:  seems theres some known bugs with that card.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/66124821:45
PraxiI didn't see it, but read about it on slashdot zykotick921:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 661248 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "PCI Race Condition with COMPAL FL90" [High,Confirmed]21:45
zykotick9Praxi: i doubt that...21:45
bekksfellayaboy: Do you want a stripe, or a mirror?21:45
dr_willisneo_:  as i mentoned UNITY2d does not use compiz21:45
WeThePeoplehow would i reinstall lucid without it messin with my hdd21:45
fellayaboyno mirror21:45
fellayaboyidk what a stripe is21:45
icerootfellayaboy: you really want raid? or do you mean lvm?21:45
bekksfellayaboy: Then you have to reinstall.21:45
ActionParsnipEndafy: if you install xfce4 package in a CTRL+ALT+F1 screen, you can install xfce4 which doesn't need compositing and will give you a desktop21:45
neo_@dr_willis: how can i run unity2d? (i have 12.10)21:45
WeThePeopleand stuff21:45
zykotick9Praxi: you can't "donate" to a business.  it's not allowed.21:45
dr_willisneo_:  xfce also does not use compiz21:45
dr_willisneo_:  install unity2d ;)21:45
Endafyso sudo apt-get install xfce?21:46
kroson_Endafy: gnome-session-fallback is an option too21:46
ActionParsnipEndafy: when have you paid for Ubuntu?21:46
fellayaboywell..i have a  hard drive thats 20 gbs and another thats 30gb...i want to add both so they run as one 50gb21:46
szalzykotick9: in what country?21:46
Praxipay what you want thing similar to humble bundel then21:46
dr_willisunity-2d - transitional dummy package21:46
zykotick9szal: hopefully all.  but certainly in canada.21:46
bekksfellayaboy: Then you dont want RAID, but LVM. And a working backup.21:46
savrdoes it make any sense to install something like juju on my server if I am just using it to deploy a wordpress blog and some other sites?21:46
neo_@dr_willis: can you please send me the bug link?21:46
fellayaboyyou have info on lvm bekks21:46
icerootfellayaboy: then you have to reinstall or you are just mounting the other drive somewhere in the filesystem where you need 30gb21:46
bekks!lvm | fellayaboy21:46
ubottufellayaboy: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto21:46
Praxizykotick9, http://slashdot.org/index2.pl?fhfilter=ubuntu+donation  "ubuntu asks users to pay what they want"21:47
savri have only one server now but one of the sites may grow to a few servers21:47
Fluxarraybglazer: found another grub adjustment, rebooting now21:47
dr_willisneo_:  seems a little old. but i recall seeing others with that chipset having issues in the past   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/661248D21:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 661248 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "PCI Race Condition with COMPAL FL90" [High,Confirmed]21:47
xanguaPraxi: you know the diference between pay and donate right¿21:47
ActionParsnipEndafy: you do know that Ubuntu is free to use and download, you don't have to pay. Not even for support (unless you want to)21:47
Hishamoto_MasukiHELP. Every time I start up playonlinux it give me this error message: line 141:  2063 Segmentation fault      "$PythonBin" mainwindow.py "$@"21:47
fellayaboyi want to install programs from uubntu..i dont want to use it just for space but for the filesystem...so that i can install programs if i run out of space too u know21:47
Endafyinstalling xfce now21:47
Praxigrammar nazi's21:47
wNi have 2x2TB disk and 3xTB disk 1 one lvm volume to make 1 large 7TB volume21:47
cgtdkI seem to be affected by this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nouveau/+bug/1048701 I get to the screen where I can select if I want to try ubuntu or install it. No matter which I pick it screws up with the same error described in the bug report. I'm quite sure I can make Ubuntu work if I can install the proprietary Nvidia driver, but it's not very easy when you can't get into21:47
dr_willisneo_:  just been looking at askubuntu.com for info on it.21:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1048701 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (Ubuntu) "NVidia GPU lock-up on 12.10 Beta-1" [High,Triaged]21:47
cgtdkUbuntu at all. I used to just get the alternative installer, but since Ubuntu doesn't have that option anymore, I'm not sure what to do.21:47
zykotick9Praxi: OMG.  sorry.  you where correct!21:47
chovynzgl Endafy21:47
Hishamoto_MasukiHELP. Every time I start up playonlinux it give me this error message: line 141:  2063 Segmentation fault      "$PythonBin" mainwindow.py "$@"21:47
szal!repeat | Hishamoto_Masuki21:48
ubottuHishamoto_Masuki: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:48
dr_willisHishamoto_Masuki:  id just use the normal wine, and not use playonlinux21:48
Endafythis shit needs to get worked out21:48
fellayaboyso imagine if i install programs more than 20bgb...then with the other hard drive i just install more u know21:48
Hishamoto_MasukiI need PlayOnLinux to install Steam though, don't I?21:48
szalEndafy: wash your mouth..21:48
Endafyyou cant make such claims as avoiding headaches releasing anything less than working21:48
dr_willisHishamoto_Masuki:  no you do not.21:48
chovynzmaybe so Endafy or you could try buying a graphics card that is actually supported?21:48
kroson_Endafy: eventually it will, but flaming won't help you at all21:48
dr_willisHishamoto_Masuki:  i never use playon linux, and i install the steam client all the time21:48
Praxican't say I agree with Endafy, but was just saying, something is going on with ubuntu and money :)  I don't know the specifics, but when I am forced to pay x$ amount to run ubuntu, then I will complain about them asking for money hehe21:48
Hishamoto_MasukiTeach me how to install it? I have Xubuntu21:49
neo_how can i page up channel conversation in irssi? (someone)21:49
Praxiuntil then I could learn to code and make it better21:49
dr_willisHishamoto_Masuki:  install wine,  then 'wine whatever.exe'21:49
icerootneo_: page up/down21:49
dr_willisneo_:  shift pageup perhaps?21:49
bekksneo_: By pressinf the "page up" key.21:49
kroson_Hishamoto_Masuki: using winetricks21:49
KiLuMnaTihey guys about to install ubuntu as a htpc.. and browsing too21:49
Praxiand yes iceroot the group creation was in the man page :)21:49
dr_willis!appdb | Hishamoto_Masuki21:49
ubottuHishamoto_Masuki: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:49
neo_@iceroot: thank you :) (i tried shift pgup)21:49
icerootPraxi: nice :)21:49
chovynzi can get lost in this room for ages...lol... not solving anything, just seeing all the problems people have21:50
chovynztime for me to do something useful. thanks all for the helps.21:50
icerootneo_: ah ok, is there a program which is using that shortcut as default?21:50
Hishamoto_MasukiIt's installing!21:50
cafreeHi, I just upgraded to 12.04 and trying to learn about about Unity.  Is there a way to customize/control what events cause a notification?  Say, e-mail for example?21:50
KiLuMnaTidoes it work good as a htpc HDMI out audio and some we browsing on tv21:50
Hishamoto_MasukiThank you!21:50
Praxihmm and slashdot called it a DONATION FORM, you guys are harsh today lol21:50
dr_willisHishamoto_Masuki:  if you did not have wine installed.. makes me wonder what play on linux was trying to launch...21:50
icerootdr_willis: playonlinux is using its own wine-installation called wine-prefix21:51
icerootdr_willis: its not the default wine21:51
PraxiHishamoto_Masuki, playonlinux has some really nice forums, were you unable to find an answer there?21:51
dr_willisiceroot:  so it pulled in a specific wine version from the repos when it got installed? or a differnt one then whats in the repos?21:51
icerootdr_willis: thats the special about playonlinux to install a wine for each application21:51
icerootdr_willis: different21:51
Hishamoto_MasukiI have 3.18 mbps download speed, what is it in kbs?21:51
dr_willisiceroot:   a whole 'wine-celler'21:51
icerootdr_willis: it has its own wine build for every game21:51
icerootdr_willis: yes21:52
goddardso is chrome os ubuntu based?21:52
kroson_dr_willis: i think it is compiled, could be wrong though21:52
icerootgoddard: no21:52
goddardiceroot: know if it could be converted?21:52
icerootgoddard: no21:52
chovynzwhen I try to "exit" out of a ssh session, the terminal says "there are stopped jobs". what does this mean and why won't it let me quit?21:53
Praxigoddard, are you talking about a chromebook?21:53
goddardPraxi: just came out i think21:53
Verterictr1ck: The what?21:53
cgtdkDoes Ubuntu 12.10 server still have the text based installer?21:53
icerootchovynz: it means there are jobs in the background which will get killed when you exit the shell21:53
paco1hello @ll!21:53
icerootchovynz: if you type exit again the session will get killed21:53
Praxigoddard chromebooks?  I've owned one for 6 months? now21:53
Fluxarraybglazer: Here I am yet again, reporting that the other change I found doesn't work either. I found this however, but I requires me to change the linux kernel and the post does not describe how to do it. http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dri-devel/2012-July/025535.html21:53
icerootchovynz: to avoid that programs are killed which you started in ssh use screen21:54
iceroot!screen | chovynz21:54
ubottuchovynz: screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. The 'byobu' package provides very useful additional utilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen21:54
chovynziceroot: what can i type to see what jobs are ... ?21:54
Just[a]GuyHello there, can anyone help me to troubleshoot my network manager? For some reason it does not connect to my vpn from anonine.com (OpenVPN)21:54
icerootchovynz: hm i only know to put them back in the foreground (fg)21:54
neo_@dr_willis: theres no unity2d in repo... just some transitional packages21:54
varikonniemiseems that all nvidia drivers silently fail to install and leave the desktop unloaded after reboot21:54
Praxigoddard http://chromeos-cr48.blogspot.com/2012/04/chrubuntu-1204-now-with-double-bits.html21:54
icerootcgtdk: yes21:54
goddardPraxi: ok21:54
Praxinever used it myself though, just remember reading about it when I first got my chromebook21:55
cgtdkiceroot: great, then I can replace that awful nouveau driver with a proper (and sadly, proprietary) driver21:55
paco1im creating a dns test server with ubuntu 12.04. I have problems with the new resolvconf configuration. In fact, with ubuntu 10.04, with the same configs dns file, all works fine21:55
neo_@iceroot: should I try installing xfce?21:56
paco1but don't work with ubuntu 12.0421:56
icerootneo_: for what reason?21:56
chovynzthanks iceroot that helped21:56
neo_@iceroot: because unity doesn't work...21:56
icerootchovynz: great21:56
icerootneo_: of course you can install xfce4 if you want it (sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop)21:57
noiroJust install gnome or kde. :P21:57
Jimster480-Laptohumble bundle is awesome21:57
Jimster480-Laptobeacuse the games always work on linux21:57
goddardPraxi: well they got a new one21:57
Praximan I am really digging guake, I am having trouble finding if I can spawn another terminal with a key, anyone know?21:57
noiroI can't figure out how the heck to get GW2 running on Linux21:57
goddard250 bucks21:58
Praxigoddard, new model? roger21:58
GUIsSuckDoes the net installer for 12.10 use the text based installer? (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/12.10/)21:58
noirowhat is guake?21:58
neo_@iceroot: i hope it will work but I'm so pissed off because when i ran live usb of 12.10, unity worked like a charm, now when i installed it over my 3 years old fedora, now it doesn't work21:58
icerootGUIsSuck: yes21:58
Jimster480-Laptoanyone know where the memory management source files are in the kernel21:58
GUIsSuckiceroot: awesome21:58
skyjumperdoes anyone know how to actually change the cursor theme?21:58
neo_i'm so angry now for installing ubuntu :/21:59
WeThePeopleare there restore points in lucid21:59
kroson_neo_: don't be, you came to ubuntu for unity? If not, then probably other desktop environments will work ok21:59
GUIsSuckiceroot: now if only I could figure out which one of these is the net installer iso: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ :S21:59
noiroWho in their right mind would choose a distro just for the DE?22:00
neo_@kroson_: i came because i'm an old debian user :)22:00
GUIsSucknoiro: newbies, though it could be argued that they are not in their right mind22:00
neo_but i'm waiting for remix to install gnome3...22:00
neo_i don't like unity22:00
D3RGPS31GUIsSuck: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/gtk/mini.iso22:00
kroson_neo_: if you are an old user, you know how these things work in linux, sometimes. Also fedora isn't what you could call "rock solid" xD22:00
GUIsSuckD3RGPS31: thank you22:00
Dino901Doesn anyone here have experience using touchscreen display with Ubuntu?22:00
MultbrelchI have the cairo dock22:01
D3RGPS31GUIsSuck: don't thank me :v i may be wrong22:01
Jimster480-Laptonorio: thats half the point of the distro is the DE you want to use....22:01
kroson_neo_: just install it now then, what are you waiting for?22:01
GUIsSuckD3RGPS31: uh huh22:01
D3RGPS31GUIsSuck: :322:01
Praxinoiro guake is a drop down terminal, similar to a Quake console from back in the day.  http://guake.org/22:01
neo_@kroson_:agree, on fedora solidity :)22:01
tgm4883Jimster480-Lapto, not really22:01
Jimster480-Laptoneo_: you can instal gnome 3 now22:01
hpram99_ok, so unity still won't load22:01
neo_it's a red-hat playground22:01
hpram99_I'm back to fglrx-legacy22:01
GUIsSuckD3RGPS31: there's also a mini.iso in: /ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot (i.e., the dir above gtk/)22:01
neo_@Jimster480-Lapto: why it isn't in the repo22:01
hpram99_I get a desktop, my files, but no dock22:02
Jimster480-Laptotgm4883: there are so many distros with similar software compatibility these days that really you want one with the software compatibiliity.22:02
Multbrelchgnome classic + cairo = fast and quite nice22:02
OerHeksDino901, i don't .. best suggestion is #ubuntu-touch irc here on #freenode22:02
neo_or am I missing somethin :)22:02
Jimster480-Laptoand the desktop that you want on it, thats why you choose a distro22:02
Dino901@OerHeks - Thanks.  Didnt spot that channel22:02
varikonniemithe amazon and ubuntu one music buttons work only with firefox as they are supposed to, if chromium is default browser they open up a new browser icon in launcher22:02
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tgm4883Jimster480-Lapto, if you say so22:02
varikonniemiwhat package to file bug report against?22:02
neo_rebooting with xfce, wish me luck :)22:03
GUIsSuckneo_: done :)22:03
Jimster480-Laptotgm4883: for servers its completely different. its about security and stability aswell as software compatibility.22:03
Jimster480-Laptoso a distro like CentOS is king22:03
Jimster480-Laptoluck wished.22:03
kroson_also gnome 3 is partially installed already, he only needed gnome-shell22:03
D3RGPS31GUIsSuck: thank you :V22:03
GUIsSuckD3RGPS31: for what?22:04
tgm4883Jimster480-Lapto, I still disagree, you may choose a 'flavor' because of the DE, but choosing/changing an entire distro on something that can be easily changed seems foolish22:04
D3RGPS31GUIsSuck: telling me where the ISO image is :322:04
icerootGUIsSuck: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso22:04
iceroot!mini | GUIsSuck22:04
ubottuGUIsSuck: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:04
GUIsSuckD3RGPS31: I don't know :P I just pointed out that there are several22:04
GUIsSuckiceroot:  thanks22:04
kroson_Jimster480-Lapto: humble bundle is awesome :). And we will have steam soon22:04
Sicpwhat do I need to be able to SSH to my machine using its public IP address?22:04
Andrei_can any1 help me?22:05
GUIsSuckiceroot:  what is the different between netboot/mini.iso and netboot/gtk/mini.iso ?22:05
icerootSicp: openssh-server installed and the router configured to forward port 2222:05
GUIsSuckiceroot:  does the gtk/ one have a GUI?22:05
icerootGUIsSuck: think so22:05
icerootGUIsSuck: but never used the gtk version22:05
GUIsSuckiceroot: ok, I'll make sure to avoid that one then22:05
iceroot!details | Andrei_22:05
ubottuAndrei_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:05
GUIsSuckthanks for helping me out22:05
icerootGUIsSuck: :)22:05
icerootGUIsSuck: you are welcome22:05
neo_@iceroot: xfce works ok but i really didn't expected this..22:06
kroson_neo_: you want gnome 3? you already have it. What you need is gnome-shell, 'sudo apt-get install gnome-shell'22:06
ment0sDoes anyone have experience with webvirtmgr ?22:06
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neo_@kroson_: thanks, i'll install it then... i thought it is not yet ready for 12.1022:07
Andrei_hmm ok... Im running ubuntu 12.04 and... well everything is fine exept when i try to boot on my desktop ( i know is related to the graphic card ) but i cant enter ubuntu to fix... getting a message "out of range 92.3khx / 58kHz"22:07
kroson_neo_: you didn't enjoy the xfce interface? of course it is not as user-friendly as others, out-of-the-box, requires time to customize22:08
neo_@kroson_: i never liked it... for thin versions, i use fluxbox or some other window manager22:08
D3RGPS31neo_: could look into openbox :v22:08
ActionParsnipAndrei_: what video chip do you use?22:08
Andrei_GTX 56022:09
neo_@D3RGPS31: like it also :)22:09
neo_with some additional packages22:09
skyjumperanyone else having trouble with the 'open terminal' keyboard shortcut?22:10
skyjumperin quantal22:10
roylaprattepHi, I just installed dovecot from ubuntu 12.04 and my "doveconf -n" show me "protocols = " imap"". I want to know how to enable "imaps" please..22:10
mah454Hello ...22:10
mah454I use ubuntu 12.04 (64bit) . I have problem with flash player on this architecture (64bit)22:11
mah454flashplayer crash on all browsers ...22:11
mah454I use Firefox , Opera , Chrome , chromium , ....22:12
Fizzikhmm 12.10 is out i wonder if i should upgrade22:12
mah45432bit version have not this problem but 64 bit always crash !22:12
szalmah454: 64bit Flash player, or 32bit Flash player in 64bit execution container (there was a name for that, but I don't remember it)?22:12
kroson_szal: was it nspluginwrapper?22:13
szalkroson_: sounds about right22:13
mah454szal: this : /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped22:13
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Jimster480-Laptoim going to change some code in the kernel and see how it turns out22:14
Jimster480-Laptowish me luck22:14
szalmah454: complain to Adobe; they delivered a crappy final release, then announced Flash player for Linux to be EOL22:14
KiLuMnaTihey guys do you guys recommend Ubuntu as a htpc?22:14
KiLuMnaTihow is audio setup on hdmi video cards22:14
Jimster480-Laptouh, its not bad as a htpc, depends on the hardware though.22:14
KiLuMnaTias its going to my reciver22:14
zykotick9KiLuMnaTi: ask in ##linux for a little less biased opinion ;)22:14
Jimster480-Laptoi have no issues with Sound via HDMI on my AMD card22:14
varikonniemiis thunderbird mail not integrated anymore in the messaging menu? at first the whole menu was gone, but when i launched thunderbird it appeared with only the option to launch thunderbird22:15
Jimster480-Laptobut fglrx is something you might want22:15
Andrei_ok.... can i edit my kernel on windows?22:15
KiLuMnaTiJimster480 ill be using nvidia gt52022:15
Jimster480-Laptobecause the standard xorg-radeon isnt that great22:15
szalzykotick9: perhaps less biased, but pretty surely more elitist ;)22:15
Jimster480-Laptoand you cannot edit the kernel on widnows.22:15
szalAndrei_: define 'edit'22:15
Jimster480-LaptoI am not sure about Nvidia cards never used one with HDMI out on linux.22:15
Jimster480-Laptowith the Android TV boxes being so cheap these days though it doesnt really make sense to build a HTPC22:15
Andrei_szal: well.... i need to add nomodeset to it22:15
belgianguynice one 12.10!22:16
E_dog_12what exactly is an HTPC?22:16
CrOOgiehello! Anyone have idea why for me "add-apt-repository" command just dissapeard after ubuntu update? I had small problems with update but now it's working on but without that command.22:16
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zykotick9szal: discussing anything but ubuntu issues is OT here... so, for any distro recommendation you should be asking elsewhere.  i don't personally frequent ##linux myself, so can't speak to it's regulars ;)22:16
belgianguyfinally my fglrx doesn't crash anymore22:16
KiLuMnaTiJimster480-Lapto i got a pc hooked up to my onkyo reciver22:16
Jimster480-Laptooh so you already have a HTPC?22:16
Jimster480-Laptowhat is on it right now?22:16
icerootCrOOgie: /usr/bin/add-apt-repository  does that file exist?22:16
KiLuMnaTibut want to switch to linux22:17
KiLuMnaTihaving audio issues22:17
Jimster480-Laptolinux way better than hackintosh22:17
Jimster480-Laptoi was gonna say Windows (i know thats taboo here) is great for HTPC with the right options and config22:17
D3RGPS31Jimster480-Lapto: opinion :V22:17
Jimster480-Laptowell Mac OS is a bad operating system by fact. So idk22:17
CrOOgieiceroot: nope :/22:18
Jimster480-Laptothey take the greatness of BSD and strip all the great out. and then sell it22:18
SolarisB1yits unix with crap on top ;<22:18
D3RGPS31SolarisB1y: well-polished crap :l22:18
Jimster480-LaptoUbuntu isnt bad for a HTPC for what you want to do. and its minimal config.22:18
SolarisB1ylinux makes a pretty kik booty htpc if you want a cool one22:18
szaliceroot, CrOOgie: how about '/usr/bin/apt-add-repository'?22:18
SolarisB1yhttp://liquidgalaxy.endpoint.com/ || powered by ubuntu22:18
KiLuMnaTiokay i thought it has hdmi audio configuration issues22:18
FlynsarmySolarisB1y: speaking of which, will be building one of these bad boys tomorrow http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=14136922:19
neo_@iceroot: installed gnome3 (feelgood :)). how can I completely remove xfce and its deps?22:19
SolarisB1ythat does games and panoramic video too =)22:19
Jimster480-Laptonah i dont have any hdmi config issues. but like i said im on AMD graphics and not Nvidia. But as far as i know22:19
belgianguyis there a way to force FF to show possible Web App dialogs again?22:19
SolarisB1yFlynsarmy: sweet22:19
belgianguyI'm trying to get the one for Grooveshark22:19
KiLuMnaTiim installing it on a intel dg33tl board and asus nvidia gt520 card22:19
Jimster480-LaptoNvidia has way better support on nix than AMD, so I dont see how you would have an issue22:19
belgianguybut I can't get it to show22:19
KiLuMnaTithanks Jimster480-Lapto22:20
CrOOgieszal: even yours doesn't exists22:20
Jimster480-LaptoKiLuMnaTi: no problem22:20
KiLuMnaTithis channel is really busy and active22:20
Jimster480-Laptoat the moment it is atleast.22:20
KiLuMnaTiluv it22:20
Jimster480-Laptothere arent that many people talking considering 1600 people in here lolol22:20
icerootneo_: on 12.10?22:20
zykotick9Flynsarmy: although xbmc has the best features, i find it's stabilty (or lack there of) outweighs it's benefits.  best of luck.  mythtv and freevo are other options to consider, not as flashy/featureful but a lot more stable.  YMMV!22:21
kroson_neo_: sudo apt-get autoremove --purge xubuntu-* && sudo apt-get autoremove --purge xfce*22:21
iceroot!puregnome | neo_ (just use the remove part for xubuntu-desktop, the long command)22:21
neo_i did apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop and autoclean but it removed just xfce22:21
ubottuneo_ (just use the remove part for xubuntu-desktop, the long command): If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome22:21
Flynsarmyzykotick9: do they have android app remotes that also let you turn the machien on and off?22:21
KiLuMnaTiya first need to get ubuntu installed22:21
icerootneo_: removing the metapackage xubuntu-desktop will not remove xfce or anything from that22:21
KiLuMnaTithen will look into which program to use with htpc22:21
zykotick9Flynsarmy: no android here.  best of luck.22:22
KiLuMnaTixbmc is what i am using now22:22
neo_@kroson_: thank you22:22
kroson_neo_: i'm not sure it will remove everything, probably not22:23
Jimster480-Laptobrb shower22:23
kroson_so check out the link on puregnome too22:23
neo_@kroson_: i'm fine with this (freed about 100M)22:23
CrOOgieszal, iceroot: I think that 'apt-utils' package solved my problem ;)22:24
kroson_neo_: nice :)22:24
kroson_so you are fine now with gnome 3? glad22:24
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neo_i was using gnome 3 on fedora for some time...22:25
pognoi use gnome classic22:25
neo_it's not bad... but it's SID :)22:25
icerootCrOOgie: ah ok, good to know22:25
neo_does Ubuntu have something like Autoplus in Fedora?22:26
pognofor me is bad..gnome 3 have a bad organized22:26
asifi am asif new in this chat room please help me22:26
kroson_neo_: what do you want to install?22:26
Fudgeasif  the way it works is you ask your question with as much info as you can22:27
neo_@kroson_: maybe skype, codecs, vlc, google-earth and programs like that22:27
Fudgepogno  what have you lost22:27
neo_but in one click if possible :D22:27
ActionParsnipneo_: what is autoplus?22:27
neo_search for autoplus for fedora22:27
pognofudge ?!22:27
ActionParsnipneo_: you can install google-earth and skype from the partner repo22:28
Andrei_guys i need help i cant got "out of range" on GRUB and i cant boot to fix this22:28
kroson_ActionParsnip: a GUI script to add repositories with nonfree content in fedora and install, among other tweaks22:28
ActionParsnipneo_: vlc is in the default repos as is ubuntu-restricted-extras will install which installs the codecs you need22:28
ActionParsnipkroson_: thanks22:28
myhero_i am downloading Ubuntu 12.10, but the browser download size is 763MB and torrent size is 800.1MB so both are different...........which one is right ???22:28
zykotick9pogno: i was SUPER disappointed to learn that "gnome-classic" is this version only, it' won't continue :(..  reason #3 for me dropping gnome altogether ;)  i loved gnome2 best DE ever ;)22:29
ActionParsnipneo_: software centre allows you to enable repos, or you can simply uncomment the partner repo lines in /etc/apt/sources.list22:29
asifhow can i make friends...???22:29
Fudgegnome-mate is a gnome2 fork22:29
neo_@ActionParsnip: i preffer sources.list :)22:29
asifneo what about you ??22:29
Fudgeasif are you using Ubuntu or have a support question for Ubuntu?22:29
ActionParsnipzykotick9: could use xfce, its coded using gtk22:29
ActionParsnipneo_: either, its the same difference22:30
asifya i am using ubuntu22:30
Fudgemake friends by learning everything about it and helping others :p22:30
zykotick9ActionParsnip: i use xfce for both my, and my mom's, HTPCs ;).  but for desktop - it's not gnome2 ;)22:30
neo_@asif: what about what, sorry?22:31
jpgI just looked at the ubuntu icons and spoke out loud the words "I love Ubuntu"22:31
ActionParsnipzykotick9: similar in look and feel22:32
b3un0today i did a dist-upgrade and the alt+tab stoped working in my gnome-classic :-(22:32
Andrei_how do i fix the "out of range" error? cant ever see grub.... i need to boot to install video card drivers22:32
bekksb3un0: dist-upgrade from which release to which release?22:32
zykotick9ActionParsnip: xfce is a bad gnome2 - i agree.  they are similar ;)22:32
kroson_zykotick9: your opinion :). It can be a good one22:32
ActionParsnipAndrei_: what video chip do you use?22:32
BlackphyrI updated from 12.04 to 12.10 today and now have no dash, and no bar across the top of my desktop. only the desktop icons I had before22:33
Andrei_i use and GTX56022:33
b3un0<bekks> i did it in precise. so the packages were updated22:33
ActionParsnipBlackphyr: do you us eproprietary video drivers?22:33
Blackphyranyone have an idea how to get my dash back?22:33
zykotick9kroson_: i agree.  it's only "my" opinion.  YMMV ;)22:33
b3un0<beeks> after it the alt+tab stoped working22:33
ActionParsnipAndrei_: add the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=122:33
NaZZaXSo Wols and co I have an answer to my data corruption issue and apt-get!22:33
rexwin_how to add static ip address for eth0(ubuntu)?22:33
bekksb3un0: Did you logout and log back in afterwards? And my name is be_k_ks22:33
Andrei_ActionParsnip: how?22:33
bekksrexwin_: We dont support JEOS in here.22:34
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | Andrei_22:34
ubottuAndrei_: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.22:34
b3un0<bekks> sorry by the wrong typing. :-)22:34
BlackphyrBlackphyr> I did before. but I'm not sure how I can re-install it since I can't get to the settings / drivers22:34
b3un0<bekks> yes, i did a logout22:34
rexwin_ok bekks, i will get back to you in 30 min22:34
ActionParsnipBlackphyr: do you us eproprietary video drivers?22:34
b3un0<bekks> so i installed the cinnamon. i liked it :-)22:34
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Blackphyrbefore I was able to install my graphics driver by going to 'additional drivers' in settings22:35
kroson_Blackphyr: now that feature is in the Software Sources application, in a tab22:36
ActionParsnipBlackphyr: what video chip do you use?22:36
Blackphyrit's an AMD graphics card on a laptop22:36
Blackphyrkroson> the problem is I have no dash. only my desktop icons. I had to use terminal to get to irc22:36
ActionParsnipBlackphyr: Have you tried removing the driver, then rebooting then reinstall them22:37
kroson_Blackphyr: which one?22:37
hiredmanI just installed ubuntu on a netbook with an atheros wifi chip, and durring the install process wifi worked fine, but now all the options to enable wifi are grayed out in the ui22:37
QueopsOkay, so is anyone having problems after installing nvidia proprietary drivers, namely bad resolution and unity not loading?22:37
Queops@ Ubuntu 12.10 x86_6422:37
hiredmanany ideas why wifi would work fine with the install process, but not afterwards?22:37
BlackphyrI don't know the exact one. I didn't need to know before. When I installed Ubuntu 12.04, everything worked fine, and then I used additional drivers to update for 3d support.22:37
ActionParsniphiredman: do you dual boot?22:38
kroson_Blackphyr: but we need to know your card. On a terminal write 'lspci |grep AMD' the paste the output here22:38
Blackphyrso now it seems I need my graphics driver to be able to change my settings and I need to be able to see my settings to install my graphics driver22:39
kroson_Queops: there were some similar problems, the obvious solution is to install an alternative desktop environment.22:39
Queopskroson_, defeats my purpose of trying 12.10 haha22:40
myhero_i am downloading Ubuntu 12.10, but the browser download size is 763MB and torrent size is 800.1MB so both are different...........which one is right ???22:40
kroson_Queops: but try this first: xrandr --addmode S-video ... (replace the ... with the resolution you want)22:40
kroson_Blackphyr: you don't, do as i said :)22:40
Queopskroson_, unity doesn't load, even if i change the resolution dont think that will help22:40
Queopsusing nouveau for now...22:40
Queopstried current-updates and even experimental.22:40
Queopshad to fall to console mode to remove them22:41
kroson_Queops: you have unity with nouveau?22:41
myhero_i am downloading Ubuntu 12.10, but the browser download size is 763MB and torrent size is 800.1MB so both are different...........which one is right ???22:41
Queopskroson_, nouveau comes as default22:41
Queopsthe drivers work on 12.04, all of them, just not 12.1022:41
kroson_Queops: i know, does unity work with that driver?22:41
Queopsyes it does.22:41
Queopswoot, might have a solution here kroson_ http://askubuntu.com/questions/202677/nvidia-driver-doesnt-work-in-12-1022:43
kroson_Queops: not the first person with that issue here. Unfortunately don't know how to fix it.22:43
Queopskroson_, yeh I suspected it, no worries22:43
Queopsthanks anyhow22:43
kroson_Queops: linux-headers is the fix :)22:43
Queopshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-updates/+bug/1068341 and im glad its already reported22:44
Blackphyrkroson> sorry. missed what you had said to do. I scrolled up and found it. sec. I have to install lgrep22:44
rvgateAre the nvidia optimus graphics cards found within some laptops now fully supported with 12.10?22:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1068341 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-updates (Ubuntu) "nvidia-current-updates missed linux-headers-generic deps" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:44
kroson_its not lgrep, it is |grep22:44
kroson_Queops: great, that will help a lot of people22:45
BlackphyrKroson_ yup. I just got it. but there's a lot of output22:45
Queopsnvidia pretty much has my respect linux wise22:45
QueopsI love how greatly my card is supported22:46
kroson_lspci |grep AMD , copy and paste this22:46
belgianguyhow does one uninstall Web Apps?22:46
kroson_there can't be that much output22:46
Queopskroson_, it's his card?22:46
Blackphyrkroson here's the relevant one I think: 00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] RS880 Host Bridge22:46
Blackphyr00:01.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] RS780/RS880 PCI to PCI bridge (int gfx)22:46
Blackphyr00:04.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] RS780/RS880 PCI to PCI bridge (PCIE port 0)22:46
Blackphyr00:05.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] RS780/RS880 PCI to PCI bridge (PCIE port 1)22:46
Blackphyr00:11.0 SATA controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 SATA Controller [AHCI mode]22:46
Blackphyr00:12.0 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 USB OHCI0 Controller22:46
Blackphyr00:12.2 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 USB EHCI Controller22:46
FloodBot1Blackphyr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:46
FyksenDoes anybody know how to install ubuntu one indicator? :)22:47
Blackphyrdarnit. pasted too much22:47
Queopswell now you know haha22:47
kroson_Blackphyr: lspci |grep ATI22:47
BlackphyrI thought I was pasting ONE line. grr22:47
ozetteHi, I'm here on ubuntu 12.04 w/ gnome 3.4.2. I'm trying to check fluid and responsive designs on websites, but I can't. Whenever I drag my window it just jumps from dragging-point to dropping-point. the content of the page is updated only after the "drop", how can I change this?22:48
stobixyo. How do I add an entry to the grub menu? In my previous distros I just added an entry to menu.lst, but Ubuntu seems to have some automagic features to take into account...22:48
Queopsif it's the video card try | grep vga instead, i think it always shows vga22:48
Blackphyrthere kroson_ did you get that?22:48
kroson_do as Queops said :)22:48
Jimster480-Laptok bak22:48
Queopsstobix, Ubuntu uses Grub 2 now, with all the gimmicks it brings, i used grub-customizer program to do my management on 12.0422:49
Blackphyr01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RS880M [Mobility Radeon HD 4200 Series]22:49
Queopsit is a non-official program, theres a PPA for it though22:49
Queopsthere we go, Blackphyr and kroson_  :P22:49
kroson_Blackphyr: i can't remember what your issue was?22:49
QueopsI see that you are using a laptop, does it have 2 video cards Blackphyr ?22:50
Blackphyrkroson_ I have no dash. nothing but desktop icons22:50
Blackphyrno only one video card22:50
Queopsokay, just checking22:50
BlackphyrUbuntu was wroking great. I upgraded to 12.10 and all I can access is my desktop icons and terminal22:51
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kroson_Blackphyr: AMD dropped driver support for your card22:52
Blackphyrno dash. no bar at the top with buttons22:52
kroson_so you must be using opensource driver now, and it seems to be having some trouble xD22:52
QueopsBlackphyr, if you were happy with 12.04, i recommend you keep using it for that laptop22:52
Queopsif the drivers were dropped22:52
Blackphyrso I should go back to 12.04 then?22:52
Queopsmost likely :(22:52
Queopsi feel for you22:52
* Blackphyr sighs22:53
Queopsmy laptop is not good with ubuntu or any linux for that matter aswell22:53
Queopsits hybrid amd/intel22:53
Queopsand lets say it sucks22:53
FloodBot1Queops: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:53
Blackphyrand here I was happy about getting a new version22:53
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belgianguyanyone know how one uninstalls Web Apps?22:54
alexfpmshi guys, i've just installed fresh Quantal but i have hard time to get nvidia work. Is it known issue ?22:55
QueopsBlackphyr, is that laptop from 2009?22:55
kroson_Blackphyr: you could try amd legacy, but i don't know if it works, can't guarantee that :S22:55
belgianguyas they aren't listed in the Installed Software at the Ubuntu Software Centre22:55
Queopsalexfpms, install linux-headers packages22:56
kroson_alexfpms: if it is the common issue, where you can't get to unity, you need to install the linux-headers package manually22:56
Queopsalexfpms, I just had that issue.22:56
Queopsand kroson_ it works, crisp and nice ;)22:57
Blackphyrkroson_ how would I try that?22:57
Queopsso it's def. a fix.22:57
virusuyhowdy y'all !22:57
BlackphyrI might as well try the legacy before I try going back to 12.04. I have nothing to lose at this point22:57
alexfpmsQueops, yeah exactly, when i install nvidia-current Unity stops working22:57
graingertBlackphyr: legacy?22:57
Queopsalexfpms, are you stuck at the screen?22:58
QueopsI can help you out if you want22:58
alexfpmsjust the desktop with some icons22:58
Queopsallright so22:58
Queopsjust tell me the model really quick22:58
WintreSo I just installed ubuntu 12 on a new machine22:59
kroson_graingert: https://launchpad.net/~makson96/+archive/fglrx this22:59
akSeyahello :(22:59
WintreAnd I copied my id_dsa over22:59
akSeyafolks.. any easy way to downgrade ubuntu?22:59
WintreAnd logged out, and back in... and it was deleted22:59
WintreAnybody know what's doing that?22:59
ActionParsnipBlackphyr: if you make a fresh user, is it ok there?22:59
akSeyai have just made dist-upgrade to quanta, but I cannot install yakuake, and there is no ALT+CLICK to move windows ... these two are enough for me to want a rollback23:00
Queopsalexfpms, hit CTRL+ALT+F123:00
BlackphyrActionParsnip> how can I make a fresh user from terminal?23:00
ActionParsnipakSeya: open a konsole and run:  sudo apt-get --reinstall install yakuake     doe sit install ok?23:00
ActionParsnipBlackphyr: sudo adduser nameofuser23:01
alexfpmsQueops, and then what you advise me to install current or updates ?23:01
Queopsalexfpms, depends on your cardmodel23:01
alexfpmsQueops, or experimental ?23:01
vaultI'm trying to make 12.10 bootable from USB, but 12.10 Desktop doesn't appear in the options of the Universal USB installer, just 12.10 daily build.23:01
QueopsI usually used current-updates23:01
alexfpmsQueops, gtx 68023:01
Queopsbut now im tryign experimental, seems fine23:01
akSeyaActionParsnip, I'm on ubuntu, it says it depends on kdebase-runtime that will not be installed, depends on konsole, will not be installed23:01
Queopsalexfpms, anyway we have things to fix before that23:01
Queopsare you into console mode already?23:01
alexfpmsQueops, thank you very much23:01
Queopsso now login as your user23:02
Queopssudo apt-get remove nvidia-whateverpackage you installed, just hit tab for automcomplete23:02
alexfpmsQueops, next ?23:02
Queopsmaybe a sudo apt-get autoremove23:02
Queopsnow install like so sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic23:03
Flynsarmyso is it safe to upgrade 12.04 to 12.10 or are there issues?23:03
Queopsi believe that is the name23:03
ActionParsnipakSeya: are you using Gnome desktop?23:03
alexfpmsQueops, done23:03
ActionParsnipFlynsarmy: there may be issues23:03
Blackphyrokay I created another user. now how do I switch to it? lol23:03
FlynsarmyActionParsnip: is there a known issues page?23:04
ActionParsnipBlackphyr: log off, log in to the new user?23:04
akSeyaActionParsnip, unity, yes.... and yes, I want yakuake :P23:04
alexfpmsQueops, so i can try now nvidia-current-updates ?23:04
ActionParsnipakSeya: so why are you installing a KDE app, why not install Guake which is Gnome based?23:04
ActionParsnipakSeya: makes no sense23:04
Queopsalexfpms, for good measure also install linux-headers-3.5blablabla-generic23:04
kroson_Blackphyr: log out, log in23:04
Queopsit's the current kernel version23:04
ActionParsnipFlynsarmy: it varies from install to install. There is no hard and fast list23:04
Queopsbetter safe than sorry23:04
Blackphyrparsnip> I've always had it set to open my main user account automatically23:05
akSeyaActionParsnip, last time I tried guake, it doesn't fit my needs23:05
alexfpmsQueops, i install linux-headers-generic and i saw it also installed linux-headers-3.523:05
Queopsalexfpms, good news then. now reboot23:05
ActionParsnipakSeya: then I suggest you report a bug with the deps. Seems weird to install a whole tonne of KDE deps just for a drop down terminal. What is so special about Yakuake?23:05
alexfpmsQueops, ok23:05
Queopsproprietary drivers need a reboot.23:05
akSeyait does not split terminal (like yakuake with CTRL+T CTRL+L)23:05
Queopswhen you come in install experimental for example (Works fine for me on my GT320 lol)23:06
Queopsthe usualy way, reboot again and ti should work, as it worked for me :)23:06
ActionParsnipakSeya: I see, does tilda do that?23:06
Queopsthe usual way* alexfpms_23:06
ActionParsnipakSeya: yes, tilda23:06
akSeyagoing to find it out :)23:06
Queopsalexfpms_, seems you dced lol23:07
tux9thHow do I load a kernel in Grub when there is no "kernel" command :S!23:07
chovynzmy screen is very dark. how can i increase the brightness? there are no brightness controls in the brightness app. (Ubuntu 12.04 liveusb)23:07
akSeyadamn.. no tilda...23:08
Blackphyrno it didn't give me a choice of who to log in as. It just logged me in to my regular account. how can I install that legacy-amd you guys were mentioning?23:09
ActionParsnip!info tilda23:09
ubottutilda (source: tilda): terminal emulator with first person shooter console likeness. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.09.6-2 (quantal), package size 78 kB, installed size 588 kB23:09
Queopsalexfpms, when you come in install experimental for example (Works fine for me on my GT320 lol) the usual way, reboot again and it should work, as it worked for me :)23:09
kroson_Blackphyr: i don't know if you should... do you know how to revert to default in case you have any problem?23:09
alexfpmsQueops, wow guy you're my Savior, can't live without prop. nvidia ;-)23:10
Blackphyrkroson> well since my only other alternative is a clean reinstall with 12.04, what do I have to lose?23:10
Queopsalexfpms, same, nVidia ftw! ;)23:10
kroson_there a couple things you could try: fglrx-legacy, new kernel, xorg edgers, and a new desktop environment would probably work23:10
Blackphyrokay. well I'm open to suggestions23:11
alexfpmsQueops, i thought i have to wait weeks before they fix it23:11
BlackphyrI just want to try something23:11
akSeyaActionParsnip, but more important, moving windows with ALT+CLICK .. any idea?23:11
Queopsalexfpms, nVidia users on linux/ubuntu are too big of a base to go weeks unnoticed23:11
tux9thHi I have a quite troublesome problem. I rebooted after updating to 12.10 (from 12.04) and now my grub is empty. Also in the grub commandline the command "kernel" doesn't exist23:11
Queopstheres already a bug report on the problem23:11
tux9thIs there something new I don't know about? How am I supposed to load a kernel?23:12
ActionParsnipakSeya: not sure, does it happen as a fresh user?23:12
Queopsand Steam is coming so ;)23:12
alexfpmsQueops, good news23:12
akSeyahum.. need to try out23:12
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alexfpmsQueops, thank you anyway for help23:12
Queopsalexfpms, no worries :)23:12
akSeyayes, does not work with a new user either23:13
KiLuMnaTido people use Cario dock here23:13
alexfpmsQueops, ;-) already started23:13
Blackphyrkroson> and without being able to access any of the Ubuntu features except terminal, I really don't know what to try or how to do it.23:13
jimi_Is there a special driver for the intel hd3000  graphics adapter? or is it natively supported? i get terrible FPS jerkiness23:13
kroson_Blackphyr: lets try the ubuntu fglrx driver first, the one that is on the repositories23:14
alexfpmsQueops, i dont understand why they removed "Additional drivers" by default ?23:14
tgm4883alexfpms, they didn't, it got moved23:14
ActionParsnipjimi_: isn't there a mesa driver for it?23:14
Queopskroson_, maybe he should remove all traces of previous drivers, or did he already?23:14
ActionParsnipjimi_: are there any bugs reported?23:14
icerootalexfpms: Queops its not removed, its placed in the software center now23:14
kroson_Queops: we will rewrite xorg.conf after23:15
jimi_ActionParsnip, not seeing any23:15
alexfpmstgm4883, moved where ? it even doesn't installed on my system23:15
Queopsiceroot, I'm glad im not removed!23:15
icerootQueops: :)23:15
tgm4883alexfpms, it's part of the software sources now. Don't ask me why23:15
Guest43077can't get my canon printer ip6000d to work properly since udating fron 10.04 to 12.0423:15
alexfpmstgm4883, ok23:15
tgm4883alexfpms, if you go into software sources, it has it's own tab23:15
QueopsYeh the drivers are on a weird place now23:15
kroson_Blackphyr: are you in a terminal?23:15
BlackphyrI'm in a couple terminals23:15
KuwangerIs it possible to install Ubuntu amd64 from an i386 [virtual] machine?23:16
ActionParsnipjimi_: did you try the mesa driver?23:16
Guest43077everything else works fine23:16
ActionParsnipKuwanger: I'd ask in #vbox23:16
kroson_Blackphyr: lets backup xorg.conf23:16
stobixQueops: hm. I guess I'll use grub-customizer as well, as soon as I've managed to boot... ;)23:16
Guest6572suck my d*ck m*ther f*cker23:16
kroson_sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.BAK23:16
jimi_ActionParsnip, i am just using whatever the kernel detected....23:16
Queopsstobix, it worked with 12.04, make sure 12.10 is supported before modifying stuff23:16
Queopsstobix, and it's the best hands-down I ever saw to manage grub223:17
KuwangerActionParsnip: I'll ask there too, but it'd seem to be an Ubuntu amd64 install cd question.23:17
rigidi experience strange behaviour with openGL games (like torus trooper)... it seems like if the left-arrow key is stuck and I can't find anything on the web about it23:18
rigidstrangely it's with all games that use opengl23:18
ActionParsniprigid: what video chip?23:18
stobixQueops: ah, will do.23:18
rigidtumiki fighters is another game that suffers from this... does anyone know how I could try to work around it?23:18
rigidActionParsnip: nvidia, do you need to know exactly?23:19
rigidActionParsnip: with nouveau drivers iirc23:19
ActionParsniprigid: did you install the nvidia proprietary video driver?23:19
rigidActionParsnip: no, could that fix it?23:19
stobixQueops: first, I have to solve that I apparently misspelled the / entry in /etc/fstab, and now has a / that is mounted readonly so I can't change /etc/fstab. (Wehee)23:19
rigidActionParsnip: could the video driver really affect the keyboard input?23:20
akSeyaALT+CLICK changed to WINKEY+CLICK23:20
ActionParsniprigid: its all part of the x server, so could do23:20
ActionParsnipakSeya: ahhh, nice share :)23:20
Blackphyrkroson> I had to reboot. totally locked up. can you give me that command one more time?23:21
rigidActionParsnip: thanks, at least i got a starting point for debugging now :)23:21
jimi_ActionParsnip, it looks like the mesa packages are installed... how can i tell if i am using them23:22
stobix...is there any way to remount / rw instead of ro from a root terminal?23:22
akSeyaActionParsnip, the thing I like in yakuake most is that it works almost like tmux, but with mouse support for selecting active terminal23:23
ActionParsnipjimi_: sudo lshw -C display    will show the driver in use, if you use a hybrid video chip ati or nvidia + intel then you will get issues.23:24
daviddoriaeven after adding this file: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/power-hibernate.html - I still don't see a hibernate option in the Leave menu23:24
akSeyawell.. got to go23:24
akSeyasee ya tomorrow23:24
=== newbie is now known as Guest49459
Guest49459I'm upgrading to 12.10.  Is it a good thing or not?23:25
jimi_ActionParsnip, doesnt look like it is using anything except generic? http://pastebin.com/nGWptdRR23:25
tux9thGuest49459: killed my grub23:26
azalimeHi guys, I need to add a new language (Tamazight) to Ubuntu but missing iso2 code. How do I get started? Microsoft just released their feature and it's making a buzz23:26
tux9thi'm stuck with nothing23:26
Guest49459tux9th: what does that mean, kill your grub?  You mean the bootloader was wasted?23:27
tux9thBootloader is wasted. I have no idea how to boot my syste23:27
AaronMTI upgraded an old box from 9.04 to 12.10 and now everything is busted23:28
tux9thleft me with a grub that doesn't know the kernel version23:28
Guest49459tux9th: How are you on the chat if you can't boot?23:28
tux9thI cannot load the kernel in the prompt because there is no KERNEL23:28
tux9thI have more than one computer23:28
AaronMTWhat a disaster23:28
AaronMTWas this release tested?23:28
Guest49459tux9th: This release has what kernel?  3.5?23:29
dr_willisdemand a refund! ;)23:29
MyrttiAaronMT: how did you upgrade it then?23:29
tux9thbut I don't care about the kernel I cannot boot it ...23:29
tux9thdoes anyone know a decent grub on a stick?23:29
tux9th*grub iso23:29
dr_willistux9th:  about any live linux cd cdn be used to reinstall grub.23:29
Guest49459tux9th: Hope I can get through this upgrade without a problem23:30
dr_willistux9th:  theres a boot-repair live cd that i reccomend23:30
rigidfyi, switching to nvidia drivers didn't solve the "hanging-left-arrow-key" problem :(23:30
tux9thwhich one?23:30
ActionParsnipjimi_: I suggest uou report a bug23:30
Guest49459Wish me luck in succeeding the upgrade23:31
tux9thdr_willis: which livecd would you recommend?23:31
steveeJhi, has anynone managed to compile dropbear for arm using arm-linux-gnueabi-? i have tried everything but the static dropbear binary won't find the any users23:31
almoxarifetux9th: http://sourceforge.net/p/boot-repair/home/Home/ <-- works for me23:31
dr_willistux9th:  theres a boot-repair live cd that i reccomend23:31
dr_willistux9th:  its mentioned on the fixgrub wiki pages23:31
coder2000I just upgraded to 12.10 and it killed my grub install. it cannot even find my kernel to boot manually.23:31
L3toptux9th: I also wrote a script that makes fixing grub very easy.23:32
StZI just updated from 12.04 to 12.10, and unity and/or compiz refuses to start, leaving me with my desktop image + icons.23:32
tux9thI think if I could just get a working grub on a live cd I could boot my system and fix it23:32
dr_willisboot any linux, chroot into the system. fix grub23:33
L3toptux9th: dr_willis's suggestion is a tried and true method.23:33
alexfpmsStZ, like Queops said me just install linux-headers-generic23:33
kroson_tux9th: http://opensource-sidh.blogspot.in/2011/06/recover-grub-live-ubuntu-cd.html just a suggestion23:34
tux9thI'm already downloading that file23:34
alexfpmsStz, it worked fine for me23:34
ActionParsniptux9th: you can use the liveCD to make the first HDD boot :)23:34
jimi_ActionParsnip, What is the bug? (sorry)23:34
gealanyI wonder how everyone is doing.23:34
ActionParsnipjimi_: graphics are slow23:34
MyrttiAaronMT: so how did you upgrade then?23:35
StZalexfpms, reinstall?23:35
ActionParsnipgealany: that is offtopic here, this is support only23:35
jimi_ActionParsnip, it didnt look like it was using the right driver though? it looked like generic?23:35
alexfpmsStz sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic23:35
QueopsStZ if you are on nvidia, remove the nvidia-* package, install linux-headers-generic, reboot, install the proprietary again, reboot, done.23:35
QueopsStZ CTRL+ALT+F1 to go into console mode.23:36
designbybeckI was running Beta 2..... Idid the dist upgrade, I think!? Now do I know if it did do a full upgrade and that I do in fact have the latest!23:36
dr_willisdesignbybeck:  see what lsb_release -a sayd23:37
kroson_Could anyone tell me what are the options i need to select in recovery mode to get to a terminal with apt-get ?23:37
dr_williskroson_:  you could use text, or single user mode also if thats all you need is to get to a console/terminal.23:38
coder2000I've done most of the things I know to fix grub. Trying boot-repair.23:38
alexfpmskroson_, CTRL+ALT+F1 to go into console mode23:38
kroson_dr_willis: how can i force to get to one when using default boot option?23:38
ActionParsnipjimi_: driver=i915   its using the driver23:38
StZAfter upgrading to 12.10, unity and/or compiz refuses to load. I can see my desktop, and desktop icons, but no launcher, no top menu.23:38
kroson_dr_willis: and supposing i can't get to X23:38
dr_williskroson_: append the 'text' optioon to the boot line23:38
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode23:38
jimi_ActionParsnip, oh, ok. Is that the right one for a HD3000 ?23:38
QueopsStZ, did you ignore what we told you?23:39
kroson_dr_willis: thank you23:39
StZNo Queops. I reinstalled the headers, no solution23:39
designbybeckdr_willis: doesn't say anything about beta23:39
designbybeckso is that good23:39
Queopswhat is your card model?23:39
coder2000It complains about not finding physical volume (null)23:39
QueopsYou probably didn't do it the right way StZ23:39
alexfpmskroson_, CTRL+ALT+F1 to go into console mode23:39
alexfpmskroson_, no X in console mode23:39
shwaiilQ: I'm trying to upgrade 12.04 to 12.10 but trough update manager the new version is not being displayed. I've changed UK to main server, still nothing. Tks for looking!23:40
QueopsStZ you must remove the proprietary drivers, reboot and install them again, and reboot to use them.23:40
kroson_dr_willis: how do i add something to the end of a boot line in grub2? i always forget about that23:40
ActionParsnipjimi_: its an intel one, so yes23:41
StZQueops, Do you know a how-to posted somewhere? Or at least see what proprietary drivers i'm using?23:42
Lazureok how do i stop this from happening in ubuntu 12.10? i have told it NOT to turn off the display after 15 minutes etc etc, but it STILL blanks my screen. I need my screen to stay on constantly. how to prevent this ?23:42
QueopsStZ this http://askubuntu.com/questions/202677/nvidia-driver-doesnt-work-in-12-10 probably.23:42
KuwangerIs there something besides LVM to give more flexibility when it comes to storage utilization?  As it stands, it's a rather tedious process to umount (itself a tedious point on an active system), resize down with a fs-specific tool, shrink an lvm volume, then resize up to fill the available space.23:42
L3topStZ: lspci -nnk | grep VGA -A323:42
alexfpmsStZ, i found that link in history http://askubuntu.com/questions/202677/nvidia-driver-doesnt-work-in-12-1023:42
kenn3thI'm trying to rescue a messed up upgrade using apt-get install -f. It's asking for which encoding to use on the console...! Can anybody help?23:43
almoxarifekroson_: make the changes to file /etc/default/grub , update-grub <-- in terminal to make change23:43
StZWilll try, back in a few23:43
kroson_almoxarife: just want to run once the line23:43
trismshwaiil: in software-properties-gtk Switch to the Updates tab and set Notify me of a new Ubuntu version to For any new version, then try again23:43
alexfpmskroson_, end of a boot line in grub2?23:43
almoxarifeso many crashed updates, what is going on?23:43
alexfpmskroson_, from grub ?23:43
tux9thdr_willis: boot and repair doesn't know how to handle lvm23:43
r33P33rhello eveyone23:44
almoxarifekroson_: don't understand23:44
kroson_alexfpms: yes, grub2, add text to the boot line23:44
kroson_what is the key?23:44
thedoorMy network desappeared after the upgrade to 12.10, anyone can help me?23:44
r33P33ranyone using plank ?23:44
alexfpmskroson_, don't remember, try e23:44
almoxarifekroson_: make the changes to file /etc/default/grub , update-grub <-- in terminal to make change23:44
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alexfpmskroson_, what do you whant to do ?23:45
dr_willistux9th:  neither do i. ;)23:45
kroson_alexfpms: i don't remember either lol23:45
kroson_alexfpms: boot into text mode, i need to add text23:45
tux9thdr_willis: perfect!23:45
r33P33ris there someone who uses plank ?23:45
dr_willis!info plank23:46
ubottuPackage plank does not exist in quantal23:46
r33P33rits docky writen in vala23:46
alexfpmskroson_, if you want change grub settings they are /etc/default/grub23:46
asdfnhow do I install binary packages?23:46
L3toppackages contain binaries. What are yout trying to install asdfn23:47
almoxarifeasdfn: via gui? 'synaptic' in a gnome desktop\23:47
almoxarifeasdfn: alt-f2 , type 'synaptic'23:48
ActionParsnipasdfn: usually mark them as executable and run them23:48
ActionParsnipr33P33r: I'm close to it, looks decent23:49
alexfpmskroson_, if you want change settings in console mode so: nano /etc/default/grub23:49
r33P33rActionParsnip: close to what ?23:49
AaronMTAaronMT: !hardy23:49
ActionParsnipr33P33r: soon as quantal gets nice i'll be switching off Unity (Used it to do testing) and use openbox + plank23:49
guea119after upgrading to 12.10 my devices don't work properly how can I fix this23:49
r33P33rActionParsnip: you should try its speedier and clean23:50
r33P33rActionParsnip: but i am having some troubles with themes23:50
guea119networking and USB mouse don't work but touchpad does23:50
almoxarifeguea119: were the header packages installed for your new kernel?23:51
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ActionParsnipr33P33r: its my next thing to play with, I've been testing Quantal since alpha 2 to get bugs reported etc23:51
asdfni downloaded phantomjs1.7 in binary package since the repo version is too old, trying to understand how to install it. thanks I will try that you suggested23:52
obtrusivemousehelp me out here, i had to close my computer during "installation of ubuntu 12.10", when I turned it on, only a certain portion of it was finished, what can i do to get it to fully install23:52
jribobtrusivemouse: fresh install?  Just install again23:52
almoxarifeasdfn: if the file exists as a download and you already have 'gdebi' a gui to install debs then use it23:52
guea119almoxarife the header package appears to be installed23:53
obtrusivemousei had it update from the terminal, so i dont think it does that... i guess i have to do a fresh one.23:53
JoshuaBrownSystem update. yay.23:53
almoxarifeguea119: there should be 2 header files, probably there23:53
Dratonhey guys - quick 12.10 question.  Everything seems to be running fine but I keep getting 3 lines of 'file not found' before grub when booting23:53
DratonI assume they are grub panics, any idea how i can diagnose?23:54
almoxarifeDraton: did you have a graphic grub prior?23:54
StZI've ran the instructions in that post, Queops. However, there is no change at all.23:54
jribobtrusivemouse: was the update still downloading or had it begun installing?23:54
StZDo you have any other ideas what could be causing this?23:54
guea119in the package manager I see linux-headers 3.5.0-03500 and the same name with generic at the end23:55
jrib!who | obtrusivemouse23:55
ubottuobtrusivemouse: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:55
almoxarifeDraton: can't remember which log is strickly for boot sequence, but it is there in var/log/.....23:55
Dratonalright, i'll start there, thanks almoxarife23:55
L3topStZ: can I please see the output of lspci -nn | grep VGA23:55
obtrusivemousejrib, it was already downloaded, it was installing in fact i am running a fairly ok run ubuntu but i get popups everywhere saying something is broken23:55
thedoorMy network interface is missing after 12.10 update, any one can help me?23:55
jribobtrusivemouse: did you use do-release-upgrade or update-manager to upgrade?23:56
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obtrusivemousejrib, i think i tried do-release-upgrade but it said no new version found23:56
jribobtrusivemouse: what do you mean?  You said the update started.23:56
ElixirVitaeSay, I want to make a live CD with my current programs and configurations, like a portable version of what I have, is that possible?23:57
wachpwnskiIs there any reason my bash script can be executed in the console, but wont run on @reboot cron?23:57
jribwachpwnski: there probably is a reason yes.  You'll have to provide more details for a better answer :)23:57
obtrusivemousejrib, yeah but when i entered do-release upgrade it tells me there is nothing to be found, i just tried update manager and get a software updater so there might be some good hope after all?23:57
ActionParsnipElixirVitae: you'll need to use a tool on the ubuntu liveCD and apply your settings there23:57
jribobtrusivemouse: do your sources.list point to quantal at the moment?23:58
ais523so I'm currently upgrading 12.04 to 12.10, and unity crashed, and won't start again; I started metacity instead from the virtual terminal, so I can at least just-about use the computer (although without any sort of panel), but the distribution upgrade window has gone blank for some reason, anyone know how to figure out / view its progress?23:58
wachpwnski@reboot ~/.cron_script23:58
jribwachpwnski: don't use ~23:58
ActionParsnipwachpwnski: use the absolute path, it reduces problems23:59
wachpwnskican't I use %h too or no?23:59
StZL3top, output -> PM23:59
jribwachpwnski: $HOME should be ok23:59
ais523oh, now the distro update window just closed spontaneously23:59
obtrusivemousejrib, just checked it and yes it does, but for some reason it also has repositories from 11.04 which was what i originally installed.23:59

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