holstein | len-dt: there you are! | 03:36 |
holstein | im home, but i cant really help out im afraid | 03:37 |
holstein | i only have 7 hours to sleep | 03:37 |
holstein | im looking up the test page | 03:37 |
holstein | see if anyone has done the tests yet for 64bit | 03:37 |
holstein | i'll link it to Ralph | 03:37 |
Len-nb | Not much I can do. I have only the 32bit | 03:38 |
Len-nb | even a vbox is something. | 03:38 |
holstein | yeah... i'll start downloading the iso | 03:39 |
holstein | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/dvd/20121017.1/quantal-dvd-amd64.iso is the right one, correct? | 03:39 |
Len-nb | I think. | 03:40 |
Len-nb | The time stamp should be 18:45 (server time) | 03:41 |
Len-nb | Ya, 17.1 is right. | 03:42 |
holstein | ok.. you have the iso? lets split this up and knock it out in Vbox | 03:42 |
Len-nb | Can I do that with a 32 bit machine? | 03:42 |
holstein | in vbox | 03:42 |
Len-nb | You may spend a lot of time teaching me then :) | 03:43 |
holstein | its not ideal, but ralph doesnt know what we are talking about | 03:43 |
holstein | maybe we could talk someone on the xubuntu team into doing it | 03:43 |
Len-nb | Let me wander downstairs | 03:43 |
Len-nb | astraljava, would be ideal I think (does he have 64bit?) | 03:43 |
holstein | i have one, but just the one.. and im not going to be able to mess with it tonite | 03:44 |
len-dt | Ok, I will start downlaoding | 03:45 |
len-dt | How do I set up vbox? | 03:45 |
micahg | apt-get install virtualbox :) | 03:46 |
micahg | you can't do 64 bit unless you have a VTx chip though | 03:46 |
holstein | yeah.. this one doesnt have it... | 03:46 |
holstein | i no one machine here did though... ive dont it before... | 03:46 |
holstein | i know* | 03:46 |
len-dt | Looking at the time it will be too late for me to do anything by the time I even get the ISO downloaded. | 03:48 |
holstein | yeah... im not sure i can help either | 03:48 |
holstein | im wiped too | 03:48 |
len-dt | 2AM or so. | 03:48 |
holstein | my brain is dead | 03:48 |
holstein | ive been playing all day... and driving | 03:49 |
holstein | len-dt: when are the "due"? | 03:50 |
len-dt | I do have to go to work tomorrow.... it will be 3pm pdt (-700) by the time I can start anything. | 03:50 |
len-dt | I think release was some time ago? | 03:52 |
holstein | drag... did we miss it? | 03:52 |
holstein | what is that channel... #ubuntu-release? | 03:53 |
len-dt | it is already 3.25 am on the 18th | 03:53 |
len-dt | yes | 03:53 |
len-dt | They haven't changed the banner to say released. | 03:54 |
len-dt | holstein, pretty quiet in there | 03:54 |
holstein | thats not the right channel | 03:56 |
holstein | its #ubuntu-testing i think | 03:56 |
len-dt | well I will let it download, but I will have to go. good night | 03:58 |
holstein | len-dt: well... if we miss it, we miss it... | 03:58 |
holstein | len-dt: you are doing a lot for the team, and we should have testers | 03:59 |
holstein | we should have some users who understand what that link was we sent out.. | 03:59 |
holstein | len-dt: im going to burn this disc and do these on metal | 04:14 |
holstein | check back in if you start doing the tests... the ones i do should be on the list anyways | 04:15 |
holstein | our iso looks good | 04:31 |
holstein | i dont know who did what with the theme and wallpaper and all, but it looks slick | 04:31 |
holstein | len-dt: i did them | 05:16 |
holstein | len-dt: i didnt get a live persistent setup going though | 05:16 |
holstein | acmeinc1: if you did the live, i did the others | 05:20 |
Len-nb | the only one missing is the upgrade case | 05:22 |
holstein | acmeinc1: if you are idle and into testin, xubuntu needs help | 05:22 |
holstein | http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/240/builds | 05:22 |
holstein | len-dt: i didnt see the upgrade case anyways | 05:22 |
Len-nb | all the upgrades are together not with the flavour. | 05:22 |
holstein | len-dt: does that depend on the iso releasing? | 05:23 |
Len-nb | I don't know. | 05:23 |
holstein | i dont think so | 05:23 |
holstein | i think it would be an iso testcase if it were | 05:23 |
holstein | anyways, we are good, but xubuntu could use help | 05:24 |
holstein | oh.. i see it now http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/240/builds/26107/testcases | 05:24 |
holstein | that would take me 7 hours i bet | 05:24 |
Len-nb | ask skaet I guess. I really am off to sleep though. | 05:25 |
Len-nb | It doesn't take long if you already have the ISOs... but not to worry | 05:26 |
holstein | len-dt: i dont have 12.04 installed here yet though | 05:29 |
Len-nb | holstein, Thank you very much | 05:29 |
holstein | i'd have to download it... i cant do it tonite | 05:29 |
holstein | Len-nb: thank you.. the desktop looks great! | 05:29 |
Len-nb | if you can't you can't | 05:29 |
Len-nb | the install works ok though... best way to go | 05:30 |
Len-nb | GN | 05:30 |
astraljava | holstein: Did the amd64 tests get done? | 05:56 |
astraljava | I didn't check IRC after 3 pm. yesterday... | 05:56 |
astraljava | I see they did. Thanks, guys. | 05:57 |
ailo-w | No releases yet, right? Not even Ubuntu, I think | 07:00 |
ailo-w | What are the things we need to do now, post-release? | 07:00 |
ailo-w | 1. update download page 2. post release notes | 07:00 |
ailo-w | What else? | 07:00 |
ailo-w | astraljava: ^ | 07:02 |
astraljava | ailo-w: I don't think there's much else. Post something on the lists, maybe? Update IRC channel topics. | 07:12 |
astraljava | I think releases happen later today. I somehow have a time of 1500 UTC in mind, but that could be anything. | 07:13 |
jussi | !isitout | 07:18 |
ubottu | Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party | 07:18 |
astraljava | Heh. | 08:02 |
smartboyhw | OK the images as I saw now are all tested....Just wait for scott-work to declare it is readyy:D | 10:12 |
smartboyhw | EMERGENCY: ailo len-dt micahg ailo-w astraljava drupin if you can please test Upgrade Ubuntu Studio amd64 testcase....Nobody is doing it and I can't | 10:28 |
astraljava | smartboyhw: If it's still on when I get home, I can give it a go, but it'll get probably too close to comfort, deadline-wise. | 10:31 |
smartboyhw | astraljava, er I know you feel difficult doing deadline-wise....OK hopefully we can make it then | 10:31 |
smartboyhw | Irratiing.....Howcome on the Ubuntu Studio 12.04.1 installation partitioning thing it shows the Xubuntu logo rather than the Studio one? | 11:11 |
knome | >:) | 11:12 |
knome | that's probably the burden you got from copying all the xubuntu configuration | 11:12 |
smartboyhw | knome, yeah | 11:13 |
ailo-w | I can't test either, until about 3h from now | 11:21 |
smartboyhw | ailo-w, by that time I will have finished it:D | 11:21 |
knome | by that time it's out :P | 11:22 |
smartboyhw | knome, true:P | 11:22 |
smartboyhw | To everyone: Expect Ubuntu Studio images ready when scott-work arrives | 12:28 |
jussi | !isitout | 13:11 |
ubottu | Nope, it's not out. - http://bit.ly/Wdxvys !party in #ubuntu-release-party | 13:11 |
smartboyhw | jussi, please wait:D | 13:12 |
knome | jussi, stupid one. :) | 13:26 |
smartboyhw | LOL | 13:43 |
smartboyhw | Ubuntu Studio builds marked ready | 13:57 |
len-dt | smartboyhw, I was just thinking that the text from the blue prints anything marked "done" could be put together as release notes. | 14:13 |
smartboyhw | len-dt, er hrm.......Let me ask skaet for that | 14:13 |
len-dt | (if it doesn't vanish at release) | 14:13 |
len-dt | I can do it later after work if need be. | 14:13 |
smartboyhw | len-dt, ok | 14:14 |
len-dt | speaking of work.... | 14:15 |
* len-dt rushes out the door... | 14:15 | |
smartboyhw | len-dt, LOL | 14:15 |
smartboyhw | len-dt, ailo astraljava to anyone that has website and IRC channels access rights, here is the new Ubuntu Studio 12.10 Release link: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/12.10/release/ | 14:18 |
holstein | woohoo! | 15:28 |
holstein | the trops rallied and the 64bits got tested in time it seems!! | 15:28 |
holstein | troops* | 15:29 |
holstein | smartboyhw: thanks for doing those 64bit upgrade tests | 15:32 |
smartboyhw | holstein, :D | 15:32 |
holstein | knome: ping | 15:35 |
holstein | i bet you are busy, but could you help us with updating http://ubuntustudio.org/download/ at your leisure? | 15:35 |
* smartboyhw agrees | 15:35 | |
smartboyhw | Actually I wanted to port the release notes too | 15:36 |
holstein | its not knome 's first rodeo, so lets see what he says and has time for | 15:36 |
knome | holstein, updating - how? :) | 15:36 |
smartboyhw | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuStudio | 15:36 |
smartboyhw | The release notes | 15:37 |
holstein | knome: with the 12.10 links or whatever... what did you guys do? | 15:37 |
* holstein looking at the xubuntu site... | 15:37 | |
knome | holstein, oh right, just the links. sure | 15:37 |
smartboyhw | knome, and the release notes can you?:D | 15:37 |
knome | smartboyhw, what about them? | 15:37 |
ailo | smartboyhw: I can do it | 15:37 |
knome | ailo, cheers | 15:37 |
smartboyhw | ailo, yeah | 15:37 |
holstein | knome: yeah, whatever is easy | 15:37 |
knome | yup | 15:38 |
ailo | I'll update the download page too | 15:38 |
knome | ailo, oh, cool. thanks :) | 15:38 |
smartboyhw | ailo, cheers | 15:38 |
smartboyhw | ailo, knome holstein len-dt thanks for bringing Xubuntu and Ubuntu Studio 12.10 | 15:38 |
holstein | i havnet spent much time in ubuntustudio since 10.04... i have to say, the desktop and theme look great | 15:39 |
holstein | the wallpaper is really nice and appropriate | 15:39 |
holstein | things match and look clean | 15:40 |
holstein | everything works | 15:40 |
smartboyhw | holstein, :D | 15:40 |
ailo | The only thing about the wallpaper I think is that the resolution is really low | 15:40 |
holstein | or most everything i tested last night | 15:40 |
ailo | Looks not so good in 1080p | 15:40 |
smartboyhw | ailo, agreed | 15:40 |
holstein | ailo: i think its supposed to be that way, right? | 15:40 |
holstein | i thought that was the "vibe" of it | 15:40 |
ailo | It doesn't look right in high resolution | 15:41 |
ailo | Looks a bit home made, if you know what I mean | 15:41 |
* astraljava thinks it looks sweet on 1920x1200 | 15:41 | |
smartboyhw | ailo, it is home made:P | 15:41 |
holstein | yeah, i thought that was just the feel of it.. kind of 'natural' or something | 15:42 |
holstein | anyways.. kudos are due for sure | 15:42 |
holstein | if my dual head had "just worked" out of the box, i would have upgraded right then :) | 15:42 |
astraljava | There were some issues certainly during the cycle, but it should JustWork™ now. | 15:46 |
smartboyhw | astraljava, as Steve Jobs said "It all just works":D | 15:46 |
holstein | last night, with the latest 12.10,, it didnt just work | 15:47 |
holstein | im going to try installing the proprietary nvidia drivers though | 15:47 |
smartboyhw | holstein, alright | 15:51 |
holstein | the pulse JACK source thing is neat | 15:51 |
smartboyhw | holstein, :D | 15:52 |
holstein | i'll want to know how to just disable that on my system, but its nice that it "just works" | 15:52 |
smartboyhw | holstein, good:D | 15:52 |
ailo | Website updated | 16:11 |
smartboyhw | ailo, :D | 16:12 |
ailo | Just a note. I would want to recommend we move away from recommending the LTS as a production machine, unless ones aim is to keep the same installation for years | 16:13 |
ailo | For us, LTS does not seem to have any other benefit | 16:13 |
smartboyhw | ailo, well you can:D | 16:13 |
smartboyhw | ailo, you need to update the bottom part of the download page | 16:15 |
smartboyhw | All about 12.04....Change it to either 12.04 or 12.10 | 16:15 |
ailo | smartboyhw: Ah, yeah.. | 16:16 |
smartboyhw | ailo, :D | 16:16 |
drupin | hey smartboyhw | 17:20 |
drupin | how ya macho man | 17:20 |
drupin | errrrr | 17:20 |
smartboyhw | drupin, ailo astraljava knome yay Ubuntu 12.10 is officially released along with Ubuntu Studio 12.10 !!!!!! | 17:20 |
smartboyhw | also to len-dt | 17:25 |
smartboyhw | Thanks all!!!!!!!! | 17:25 |
smartboyhw | sadly scott-work missed it... | 17:25 |
smartboyhw | Anyone that has the ability to change channel topics? | 17:25 |
smartboyhw | astraljava, can you help change the channel topics? | 17:27 |
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntustudio-devel to: Ubuntu Studio Development Channel | https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio | Ubuntu Studio 12.04 LTS is released: http://goo.gl/FEAxP | Ubuntu Studio 12.10 is released http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/12.10/release/ | ||
smartboyhw | micahg, good:D | 17:43 |
smartboyhw | micahg, do it also in #ubuntustudio main channel | 17:43 |
* micahg doesn't have permissions there | 17:44 | |
smartboyhw | micahg, oh no | 17:46 |
knome | smartboyhw, it's not the end of the world | 17:46 |
smartboyhw | knome, lol | 17:46 |
smartboyhw | Of course it is not:D | 17:46 |
knome | it's better to download the new image tomorrow anyway, more available bandwidth | 17:46 |
knome | and more torrent seeders | 17:47 |
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