[00:18] morning guys :) How do I find out who is responsible for the maintenance and repair of a package if it's busted please? [01:35] I have added kmail and KDE Telepathy screenshots to the http://www.kubuntu.org/feature-tour to replace the Kopete screenshot. [01:36] They both appear on the www-admin version, but someitimes one or both do not appear on the real http://www.kubuntu.org/feature-tour version. [01:36] Has anybody seen this kind of thing? [02:48] ok history question was 5.04 the 1st Kubuntu release? [02:48] or was there a warty version of kubuntu? [02:50] If http://futurist.se/gldt/wp-content/uploads/12.09/gldt1209.svg is right, 5.04. [02:50] I'm pretty sure it is. [02:52] http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/ [02:52] shows hoary [02:53] Yep. [02:53] I'd call that confirmed then. [02:53] wow that's a cool link ScottK [02:53] i hadn't seen that before a bit mind blowing [02:58] could i take a 5.04 install and upgrade it all the way to 12.10? [03:02] Not in one shot. No way. [03:02] Release by release, it should work though. === JackyAlcine is now known as jalcine [03:18] yeah release by release is what i was thinking [03:25] Of course you'd have to find hardware old enough to boot 5.04 and new enough to boot 12.10. [03:25] Such exists, but it's not a wide band of time. [03:26] better in a VM.. [03:27] Meh. Where's the fun there. [04:12] ScottK: I'll do the qt upgrade today, it didn't publish day before yesterday before I went to sleep [04:13] shadeslayer: OK. Also, f2b8a1237fb5f27957ab3dc7c84335c1dea90ce7 fe2d1518146242532d76f5ee353ab45a4aed29d2 are suspect commits in 4.8.3 if you manage to replicate. [04:13] cool [04:14] first order of buisness is to figure out what went wrong in FF16 + KDE [04:20] Personally, kubuntu_97_a11y_qt_and_qml_backport.diff is on my list of suspects since it's a bit of a huge patch and no one really looked at it again with 4.8.3. [04:23] hm, who uses ff here? [04:24] because I have no idea what this means : "I save an image, try to "Open containing folder" and Firefox ask me to choose an application but opens dolphin too! " [04:24] apachelogger does. [04:24] Let me try. [04:24] * shadeslayer can't see a open containing folder [04:24] * ScottK neither. [04:25] ohhh [04:25] I think I know [04:25] Save in folder and breadcrumbs is what I have. [04:25] save image > download dialog pops up > right click download > open containing folder [04:25] it works for me in unity [04:26] yeah, like that [04:26] micahg: right, the issue is in the KDE patched version [04:26] shadeslayer: right, just letting you know it works in the regular version [04:27] well .. obviously :P [04:28] well, no, we've had crazy stuff break on upgrades [04:28] heh [04:29] the KDE patchery is fairly scary [04:29] shadeslayer: right click? [04:29] maco: in the download window, yes [04:29] oh um you got it right [04:53] tbh I'm not even sure what part of this patch actually calls the binary [04:53] apachelogger: ^ [04:55] ok, so there's a new command called REVEAL [04:55] which is not handled [05:47] ::workspace-bugs:: [1013626] systemsettings crashed with ImportError in /usr/share/kde4/apps/language-selector/language... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1013626 (by Xavier Besnard) [07:18] Raring ringtail... please accept my deepest sympathy ^^ [08:08] * tsdgeos downloads the amd64 image to seed [08:08] and noone is leeching :D [09:10] tsdgeos: haha [09:10] * shadeslayer is seeding via his VPS as well [09:13] so far, ratios look like this : http://i.imgur.com/gkkVM.png [09:26] equal amd64 and i386, that doesn't help deciding which one to list as recommended [09:26] well, our poweruser already run Quantal since early times, and the ones on the kubuntu user ML are terrible as they tend to stick with LTS and always whine about software not working that is definitely working if they would upgrade their system [09:27] somehow we should market that LTS thingy better: if you want up-to-date software, don't stick with LTS [09:27] thanks for reminding me that I forgot to help with seeding... fixed ^^ === yofel_ is now known as yofel [09:29] I kinda get the feeling that the hype was generally lower this time though. (Judging from traffic in #ubuntu+1/-release-party and support requests) [09:29] maybe it's just LTS+1 [09:30] transmission crashed last night on my VPS, I only noticed it after I got up [09:30] probably OOM'd === Guest10725 is now known as Mamarok [09:31] not to mention pull-lp-source is kaput [09:44] yofel: I see a rise in the number of people with a X related issue [09:44] really? I had one person in +1 today with the mesa issue, and #kubuntu is about 12.04 [09:44] anyone know the forum situation? [09:46] mck182 said that installing the nvidia driver causes X to hang [09:46] on G+ [09:47] ah, and one person in #kubuntu with nvidia issues too [09:47] we should probably do some jockey testing.... [10:34] ScottK: does the netbook interface immediately after switching to page one? [10:45] shadeslayer: if you mean "freeze", it freezes during the switching animation in the panel. Probably the moment it tries to swtich to page one [10:50] ok [10:50] here's the thing [10:50] Qt 4.8.3 makes everything unusable [10:50] I'm typing text into quaselbut nothing shows iup [10:50] in the text box [10:50] apps tear right through the middle [10:52] seriously, we should go back to 4.8.2 [10:52] I get all sorts of artifacts [10:54] hm .. kind of works with plain old kwin [10:54] kwin_gles makes it all crap [10:56] yep, I removed the KDEWM="kwin_gles" line from /etc/environment , started a new guest session and all is fine [10:57] you mean netbook? or in general? [10:57] in general [10:58] netbook is fine with normal kwin [10:58] even with qt 4.8.3? [11:00] yep [11:00] make sure you're not using kwin_gles when switching to page one [11:00] yofel: http://i.imgur.com/m297B.jpg [11:01] that's with kwin_gles [11:01] yeouwch [11:01] note that my titlebars are NOT transperent by default [11:01] and that netbook works for you is not good :( [11:01] heh [11:02] well, now's weekend, so I can make a bootable SD card or so and help with debugging [11:02] my last debugging attempt ran ENOSPC when installing dbgsymbols [11:05] * yofel seriously wonders why synaptiks has no "turn touchpad off" button o.O [11:07] it does [11:07] you start synaptiks > right click systray icon > touchpad off [11:07] anywho, reported kde bug 308649 [11:07] KDE bug 308649 in compositing "kwin_gles compositing is broken with Qt 4.8.3" [Normal,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=308649 [11:08] oh, you need the applet for that... good to know [11:09] you can even make it auto turn off when you plugin a external mouse [11:09] that's what I did [11:09] nah, I have a trackpoint here, the thinkpad edge here just has a so large touchpad that it's hard to use the keyboard while the touchpad is on... [11:11] ah [11:12] * yofel wonders how to make a configurable autostart for synaptiks if a touchpad exists [11:28] congrats for the release [11:29] Riddell: there is only one thing that you missed, afaik it's the packaging task to add plasmoids to the tray, and print-manager is not being added on a new install [11:49] dantti: ug [11:49] hm, no one mentioned that it needs to be added [11:49] nor was there a bug against it :( [11:51] yofel: oh, it might so happen that the page one freeze is due to mesa 9 [11:51] I think all plasmoids that goes to the tray needs this kind of thing, unfutunatly I could only test a new install yesterday as I managed to have some spare discs to backup and do a better partitioning.. [12:00] * agateau notes that these days virtual machines make it easy to test without repartitioning [12:02] well it's hardly dantti's place to test our distro project, I should have noticed that [12:03] shadeslayer: hm, could be indeed [12:03] I could try that in the evening [12:09] agateau: since I use kubuntu I normally try to test, but most of the time I just upgrade and I've been quite busy with Apper these days.. [12:59] ::workspace-bugs:: [1061073] Desktop effects are slow and desktop corruption using mesa 9 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1061073 (by Stefan Freyr) [13:03] apachelogger: Your fix works in quantal. I'd say go ahead and throw the precise update at the archive and I'll test it in -proposed. [13:12] Hiyas all [13:16] ScottK: k [13:40] ScottK: phonon gstreamer srus confirmed [13:40] *verified [13:40] Thanks. [13:45] apachelogger: update released. [13:47] ScottK: thanks === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan [14:44] Riddell: zing [15:05] * apachelogger away for 4 hrs or so [15:07] Quintasan: zong? [15:12] What's the name of the package for dantti's printer thing? [15:16] FWIW: 12.10 active iso with 'try' mode -> black screen. No trying 'install' mode [15:17] ^^ wetab [15:17] Riddell: ^^^ [15:17] Worked for him. [15:18] hmm, I'll retry again after install ;-) [15:19] 13.04 chainloader uploads on the 25th ...looking forward to the next kubuntu challenges [15:19] allee: also check the .xsession file ? does plasma-devie actually get run? [15:20] Riddell: was 'dead' so I couldn't check anything [15:22] mhmm, install shows for some minutes the msg: * Stopping CPU interrupts balancing daemon [15:22] and noting happens [15:25] Riddell: did you test with real hw (which?) or in a VM? [15:26] Riddell: Yes, yes, the Wroclaw - airport - Wroclaw fee will be ~83 euros [15:27] Assuming that's refundable ofc [15:27] If not then this information is of no intrest to you [15:30] zorael: If you repeat it in here someone may fix it [15:31] genii-around: Right! [15:31] The big Kubuntu 12.10 logo on kubuntu.org still leads to the news/1210-quantal-quetzal-beta-2-out news entry [15:31] Riddell: ^ [15:34] 4th try to 'try kubuntu active' I reached login busy cursor that is not not rotating anymore. Nepomuk using all CPU. Let's wait a bit [15:35] Quintasan: wroclaw? aren'y you going from berlin? [15:35] Also on the release notes page, the Kubuntu Active preview image is only a textual link (files/kubuntu-active-wee.png), not embedded as an image on the page [15:35] Riddell: Yes, that's why I need to find a way to get there. [15:35] Riddell: As in Wrocław - Berlin - Wrocław [15:35] I tried to look for a train but the cheap ones are in the wrong hours [15:36] and the *not* cheap ones are, well, not cheap [15:36] zorael: well spotted, fixed [15:36] s/release notes/release news entry (news\/12.10-release)/ [15:36] zorael meant: "Also on the release news entry (news\ page, the Kubuntu Active preview image is only a textual link (files/kubuntu-active-wee.png), not embedded as an image on the page" [15:37] Quintasan: ok that's fine [15:38] Riddell: awesome, also see said Kubuntu Active preview image thing [15:39] (http://i.imgur.com/jztbc.png) [15:40] zorael: updated [15:40] Glorious! [15:47] Riddell: anyone working on PA3 for kubuntu? Where the best starting point to help plasma active? [15:51] allee: PA3 was out too late for quantal, so packaging that would be a good starting point for sure [15:57] Riddell: ok. Is ther a page for (kubuntu) active with urls to: ppa, bzr & git repos etc [15:58] allee: no I don't think so [15:58] it was put together by rbelem [15:58] there's a team with a PPA at https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-active [15:58] okay. thx [15:59] allee: the seed is at bzr co bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/kubuntu-active.quantal/ [16:00] I suspect most of the packaging isn't in revision control [16:00] allee: it's seen almost zero love for quantal, so any love you can give it would be great [16:08] allee: bother me, shadeslayer or rbelem if you need any help [16:08] Riddell: okay thx for the all info. I'll try to get an overview ... [16:09] Quintasan: will do thx! [16:09] Now that rbelem works for Samsung, is he still interested? [16:11] he says so but I guess life gets filled up [16:16] afiestas: ping [16:20] I'm done for the day :P [16:21] but am around for another 9 minutes [16:21] shadeslayer: time to go out clubbing for the night? [16:21] nah, that's for tomorrow [16:21] and on Sunday [16:21] going to watch Grey [16:22] *Grey's Anatomy [16:22] :) [16:22] watch tezz, it's a very culturally educational film [16:22] hahaha [16:22] I'm amazed at the ethnic diversity of the English polis, they all speak Hindi [16:23] I've pretty much stopped watching Indian cinema, it's absolutely filled with crap [16:23] hehe [16:23] oh, it's entirely possible I saw that film on cable TV [16:24] is it the one about a bomb on a Train? [16:24] that's it [16:24] right, saw bits and pieces of it [16:24] it also has a scottish highland river in London [16:24] :D [16:25] like I said, Bollywood is a huge load of sexist crap imo [16:25] they released a new film called 'Student of the Year' today and the actors look nothing like students [16:31] shadeslayer: I love the "special effects" in bollywood [16:32] xD [16:32] more like the whole movie is made out of special effects xD [16:32] dude jumping 50metres like it's normal stuff to do [16:32] 50 meters? pft [16:33] You make it sound like guys jump 100 meters like it ain't no thing [16:34] and that in slow motion while singing! [16:37] anywho, off for the night \o/ [16:37] shadeslayer: \o [17:04] What's up with that? My login changed to stupid ubuntu not seeing nice kde theme anymore [17:07] hello, I've found a problem on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/ the favicon is the ubuntu logo instead of the Kubuntu logo [17:08] ovidiu-florin: wiki.kubuntu.org is a redirect of wiki.ubuntu.com, so it's unavoidable. Kubuntu specific stuff is in /Kubuntu. [17:11] I really did not understand why Jorge posted that email is a resolved problem.. Thunderbird sucks and kmail does not help me a lot either [17:12] Quintasan: pong [17:18] txwikinger2: It's well established that all MUA's suck. Each in it's own special way, so you have to pick the suckage that works best for you. [17:18] ScottK: Yeah I agree.. I am thinking about writing my own, since the suckage of each of them is just too great [17:19] That way lies madness and despair. [17:19] I think they just doing far too many things I do not need and crashing my laptop all the time [17:19] Read some IMAP RFCs and you'll feel better. [17:19] ScottK: I have read all of them [17:19] I used to work in telecom.. RFCs do not scare me [17:20] heh [17:21] I think I will go with a RESTFUL api and an sql backend... imap just does not cut it for me [17:21] that would also eliminate all this indexing nonsense in the client [17:23] Does anybody know how to get the login manager to take on the kde theme instead of the unity theme? [17:23] * yofel hears sql + mail and thinks of akonadi [17:23] *shudder* [17:24] txwikinger2: It just works here, so no suggestions. [17:24] Of course I don't have Unity installed either. [17:24] Well before the upgrade it worked... but then, I used kdm instead of gdm [17:25] now both use lightdm [17:25] I wonder where that's even set... [17:25] can you check if it's a theme setting? [17:26] I try to set the theme in systemsettings --- it took out the guest login, but did not change to kde [17:26] tried [17:27] check /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf [17:27] Ah.. there is a conf file in /etc/lightdm [17:27] yeah.. just saw that [17:27] should have greeter-session=lightdm-kde-greeter [17:28] brr who has firefox with KDE patchery on Quantal? [17:28] oh fun, I have user-session=xubuntu in there o.O [17:28] xD [17:28] I bet I have to change this manually after every release upgrade from now on [17:28] Slowly ubuntu is getting on my nerves [17:29] I'm wondering how that gets set... [17:29] probably within some package installation [17:31] txwikinger2: You should not have to change it again. [17:31] If you do, it's a bug. Worst case you should get asked. [17:31] No.. did not get asked [17:31] It only asked my if it is allowed to stop kdm during upgrade [17:32] Right, I mean in the future. [17:32] Well. I will see in 6 month [17:32] Now that you've manually modified the conffile, it shouldn't just overwrite that change. [17:32] On the netbook it was fine.. but then I only have kubuntu on it [17:32] heh [17:34] Maybe there should be a way to set it somewhere in the systemsettings. Not everybody wants to change this at commandline [17:34] I'm fairly perplexed as to how this happens : http://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?59011-Firefox-KDE-support&p=312155&viewfull=1#post312155 [17:34] o.O [17:35] works perfectly fine on precise [17:43] yofel: if you're on quantal and use FF, can you have a look? [17:43] s/look/reproduce the issue [17:46] hm, well, can do. If you promise me that ff-kde won't break too much. I do use FF as primary browser [17:48] forgot to eat lunch again... need to stop that [17:50] yofel: it doesn't break anything :) [17:51] shadeslayer: what was the PPA again? [17:52] https://launchpad.net/~blue-shell/+archive/firefox-kde [17:56] shadeslayer: fine here http://yofel.dyndns.org/pics/ext/ff-kde0.png [17:57] hmm ... to add to the weirdness , he has this weird download icon on the top left [17:57] hm, am I even using the kde addons? [17:58] the window style is different [17:58] shadeslayer: nope, I'm using the GTK one [17:58] so nvm that [17:58] now... [17:59] why am I doing that o.O [17:59] *headdesk* [17:59] ? [17:59] forgot firefox-kde-support -.- [17:59] did you install the helper [17:59] Pft [18:00] do I need kmozillahelper? [18:00] yes [18:01] or whatever its called ... [18:01] please update your ppa instructions then [18:01] kmozillahelper isn't automatically installed [18:01] doesn't the ppa say to install Firefox-kde-support ? [18:02] it does [18:02] and now... [18:03] nvm, NOW I have the KDE ui [18:03] \o/ [18:04] shadeslayer: still fine http://yofel.dyndns.org/pics/ext/ff-kde1.png [18:04] * yofel goes digging for *that* torrent [18:05] heh, I also tried with the PowerPC server torrent, it still said ktorrent for 3 [18:05] *me [18:06] note how his download dialog had a weird text box where it says svg ? [18:06] yeah - also the theme is different [18:06] looks oxygen-gtk3-ish [18:06] or is that qtcurve? [18:07] idk really [18:08] * yofel -> dinner, bbiab [18:08] cya [18:18] Is there some kind of difference between for instance fglrx/nvidia-current and fglrx-updates/nvidia-current-updates ? This is the first I've noticed there are these new packages [18:20] IIRC -updates are unstable packages? [18:22] They seem to have the exact same versions between them ( fglrx and fglrx-updates are both 2:8.960-0ubuntu1 in Precise for instance ) and same files too, according to http://packages.ubuntu.com. Just seemed... odd [18:24] maybe -updates was the higher version and the standard package caught up ? [18:24] I am purely speculating here [18:25] #ubuntu-x probably knows [18:25] genii-around: -updates are for post-release updates for the driver [18:25] there are 2 packages as some people might not want to risk the update [18:26] Interesting [18:26] you'll notice that nvidia-current is 295 in precise and -updates is 304 in precise-updates [18:27] Ah, makes sense now. the fglrx one just hasn't had any updates then. [18:29] hmm ... [19:04] * yofel remembers that he wanted to test netbook again [19:54] shadeslayer: hm, actually, the netbook issue is unlikely mesa related as compositing is off when it freezes [19:59] According to apachelogger's theory it's one plasmoid on page one gone evil, so remove them all and add them back one by one until something horrible happens. [20:03] well, I can give that a try.. [20:12] apachelogger++ [20:12] I'll try it again, but netbook froze once I added opendesktop [20:16] ::workspace-bugs:: [1068834] Kopete shows on 12.10 Kickoff Menu @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1068834 (by Marco Parillo) [20:18] and I have no idea what the knowledgebase applet is supposed to do - I don't see it [20:18] but it's opendesktop that freezes [20:18] yofel: Maybe it will be less stressful to see if the bug I just reported is just on my netbook. [20:19] got the bug # ? [20:21] bug 1068834 [20:21] Launchpad bug 1068834 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "Kopete shows on 12.10 Kickoff Menu " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1068834 [20:22] It is an unusual use case, I admit. but it sounds as if you are really exercising the netbook interface. [20:23] well, unusual or not doesn't matter for bugs [20:23] uhm.... [20:24] mparillo: that's not only netbook - it's there in the desktop kickoff list as well :S [20:25] ah, you were switching [20:25] let's try it on stock desktop [20:28] hm, ok, *that* has ktp as it should [20:28] * yofel digs through the config files again [20:28] For netbook, there's a script in k-n-d-s that sets it, IIRC. [20:29] ah, I forgot that we had seperate settings for that [20:29] yup, that has kopete [20:29] thanks ScottK [20:29] You're welcome. [20:29] Makes it an easy sru too. [20:38] ScottK: should we bother? the fix won't make it on the images anway, and has no effect later [20:41] I agree that on the stock 12.10 desktop ktp is as it should be. Is it rude for me to mark somebody else's bug 945805 as fix released? My bug 947290 was marked as a duplicate of that one. [20:41] Launchpad bug 945805 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "Kopete menu item exists in KMenu even though Kopete is not installed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/945805 [20:41] Launchpad bug 945805 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #947290 Kopete menu item exists in KMenu even though Kopete is not installed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/945805 [20:42] mparillo: only if you do it without saying why [20:43] well, in fact the new one would be yet another dup [20:44] or actually not, that probably was about the desktop [20:45] mparillo: feel free to close, I'll fix the netbook settings in the meanwhile [20:45] Right, the old one was on the 'regular' desktop, which works in 12.10. My new one was switching from the netbook to the 'regular' desktop. [20:59] Done. And congratulations on getting to the root cause of Bug #1066861 [20:59] Launchpad bug 1066861 in kdeplasma-addons (Ubuntu Quantal) "Plasma-netbook freezes after clicking on 'Page one' in the panel" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1066861 [21:02] well, not root cause, but at least we know where to look next [21:17] ::workspace-bugs:: [1027341] Debian kdm.d directory being ignored by upstart job @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1027341 (by jhansonxi) [21:17] ::workspace-bugs:: [1027553] plasma netbook lock/logout broken after upgrade to 4.9 rc2 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1027553 (by Joseph Braddock) [21:33] guys, any change you will consider adding this to Qt in precise/quantal. it doesn't bother me really, but it rather confuses users [21:33] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/+bug/959151/comments/31 [21:33] Launchpad bug 959151 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave." [Low,Triaged] [21:34] or this, for 4.8.3: http://paste.kde.org/574616/ [22:19] yofel: If it has no effect later, then don't bother, just do it for raring. [22:51] afiestas: still there [22:51] ? [23:10] ScottK, yofel: Would it have an affect if there was a 12.10.1 before 13.04? Or is that not going to happen? [23:10] It would, but it's not. [23:10] We don't do non-LTS ISO updates except in extreme cases. [23:10] One example was the famous Debian openssl bug. [23:11] Once that was fixed all the affected media were respun even though not all of them were LTS. [23:11] I have also gotten non-LTS variants in an otherwise LTS release included in the point release. [23:11] Making up a respin on our own thought, there is no precedent for. === Kalidarn1 is now known as Kalidarn [23:33] Thank you for the explanation. [23:37] does someone knows what happened to libutouch-geis-dev [23:37] Hey there all. I upgraded to quantal today, and beforehand i removed orca. not sure if that has to do with it, but i now have accessibility icon stuck in clock area and it will not exit [23:37] http://i.imgur.com/wLyPK.jpg [23:38] quit doesn't quit it [23:38] hmm it's called geis only now.. [23:39] dantti: Renamed to I don't remember what due to trademark issues. It's still around under whatever the new name is. [23:40] ScottK: ok, touchegg just segfaults here, so I'm trying to see what I can get from it to make a proper thing.. [23:42] funny the compiled from sources version works... [23:42] Maybe it just needs rebuild? [23:42] ScottK: hmm you actually have the patching to use the right name [23:42] Dunno [23:42] but dunno maybe the build is old and geis API/ABI changed... [23:42] wouldn'd be surprised if that was the case [23:43] but anyway, I want something integrated in kde so, kded instead of this executable and a kcm is sort of a must I'd say.. [23:43] let's see how much work would it be