
wallyworldwgrant: a quick one for you https://code.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/launchpad/translator-licence-checks-531720/+merge/13045800:47
wgrantAlready there :)00:48
wgrantwallyworld: Does set_translations_relicensing agreement want to invalidate the cache?00:49
wallyworldwgrant: i think it should00:49
wallyworldso that next time get is called, it returns the new value00:49
wgrantI missed the last hunk, nevermind00:49
wgrantIt's a bit sad that we have a property into a method into a cached property into a method00:50
wgrantBut it's the easiest way to do this00:50
wallyworldthanks, i didn't want to mess with t too much00:50
wallyworldwgrant: hwdb - we have plans to remove soon right? if so, we should be able to reduce the priority of the hwdb criticals00:57
wgrantwallyworld: I demoted the non-ZOP criticals (eg. regressions) a few weeks ago, but by ZOP the timeouts are still critical, though we have decided to ignore them00:58
wallyworldsure, but if the feature is being removed....00:58
wallyworldwe don't really care00:58
wgrantRight, but they're still noise00:59
wallyworldnoise in the critical bug listing, yes01:00
wgrantAnd in the OOPS reports :)01:00
wallyworldonly till the feature is removed01:00
wgrantRemoving code is the best way of fixing criticals :)01:00
wallyworldif we aren't going to fix, regardless of oops report noise, it's no using seeing them01:00
wallyworldwhen did we say we can remove the code?01:01
wgrantProbably in about 6 months01:01
wgrantAnyway, you can demote them if you want01:04
wgrantThere's ~1 timeout and ~2 OOPSes01:04
wallyworldi will do that i think01:04
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adeuringgood mmorning07:11
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RoelVhow do I make an existing project part of another project in launchpad?08:39
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czajkowskicjwatson: it feels like we only just compelted the opening of translations for Q!10:32
cjwatsonThe wheel keeps on turning10:35
cjwatsonAnd to be fair it was a bit prolonged last time because it took ages for people to work out what to do, hence me providing some links up-front10:36
czajkowskiit's a slow cog in motion today10:36
shadeslayerI seem to be getting this error : http://paste.kde.org/574226/ : when polling launchpad every 5 minutes11:41
shadeslayerscript : http://paste.kde.org/574232/11:41
shadeslayercould someone suggest a polling interval that won't get my ip blocked?11:41
cjwatsonI don't know the reason for the error, but that error doesn't look like a blocked IP to me11:42
cjwatsonYour problem might well simply be that you're trying to use launchpadlib in a threaded program11:43
cjwatsonTry rewriting it based on an event loop11:44
shadeslayeryeah, I guess I'll have to do that11:44
jmlhow do I get a launchpadlib object given the normal browser URL  for that?11:58
jmlload(), maybe11:58
jmlah, but the URL needs to be transformed, somehow12:04
jml<app> -> api, insert api version as prefix12:05
cjwatsonjml: or just strip the scheme and host off the front12:15
cjwatson>>> lp.load('/ubuntu/+source/base-files')12:15
jmlcjwatson: oh, that works? neat. thank you.12:15
cjwatson<distribution_source_package at https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/ubuntu/+source/base-files>12:15
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flacostejelmer: thank you very much for all your work over the last 3 years! good luck with your future projects!13:51
nigelbjelmer's leaving too? :(13:56
cjwatsonhm, I guess I can't land those two branches since we're in testfix mode14:01
rick_h_abentley: r=me14:02
abentleyrick_h_: You mean abel?14:02
rick_h_doh, bad tab completion, yea adeuring ^14:02
adeuringrick_h_: thanks!14:03
cjwatsonadeuring: did you notice your buildbot failure?14:04
adeuringcjwatson: no, thanks for the heads up!14:04
adeuringcjwatson: looks like a flaky db connection, we had tehse failures too often... I#ll start a another buildbot run14:06
rick_h_deryck: ping, got a sec?14:36
deryckrick_h_, sure, what's up?14:36
rick_h_deryck: want to chat and bring up another possible card for beta14:36
deryckrick_h_, sure.  meet you in the standup hangout.14:37
jcsackettsinzui: available to chat?14:42
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=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: bac | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: ~240
oalcawatch this15:28
oalcaits what I believe a good blueprint15:29
czajkowskioalca: thats a blueprint issue15:32
czajkowskioalca: it'd be a bug if anything to be developed on , if you like please file a bug .15:32
czajkowskioalca: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/780165  maybe this might be close to what you are looking at ?15:33
_mup_Bug #780165: commenting on specific lines in a diff using the web UI is tedious <code-review> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/780165 >15:33
oalcalets see15:35
oalca<czajkowski> lets see15:35
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cjwatsonoalca: I've generally found that it's not a good idea to register blueprints on projects you're not a developer on; it makes more sense for developers to decide whether something's big and complex enough to need that level of planning15:43
oalcaok, im sorry for that, im kind of new on launchpad, I tought bugs where for fails on systems15:45
czajkowskioalca: no worries have to learn somewhere.15:45
oalcayesterday I was here, asking about this, but none answered, so I decide to do that15:49
abentleybac: Could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/projectgroup-private-projects/+merge/130590 ?15:54
cjwatsonThese two buildbot failures are both transient, right?15:55
cjwatsonThe devel one certainly has nothing to do with my changes, so I'm retrying it15:55
cjwatsonBut the db-devel one looks pretty transient too15:56
abentleycjwatson: I agree.  Parallel-testing has unfortunately made buildbot a bit more flaky.  Still worth the trade-off, though :-)15:59
jml*so* glad that happened, btw.16:00
abentleyjml: Yeah, it's great.16:00
cjwatsonOK, forced db-devel too16:01
cjwatsonAnd I definitely agree on the trade-off16:01
sinzuijcsackett, I added a comment with out finding: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/40362916:03
_mup_Bug #403629: Translation message link points to wrong message number <404> <lp-translations> <message-sharing> <Launchpad itself:Triaged by jcsackett> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/403629 >16:03
sinzui^ I think there is a second case were a POFile translation was accepted, but later changed. the submission remain, but it is not in the pofile16:04
czajkowskijelmer: good luck and we shall see you soon when you're in my neck of the woods!16:10
czajkowskilifeless: ohhh hello there :D16:10
bacsorry abentley, was on a call.  can i look at it after lunch?16:14
abentleybac: sure.16:14
bacabentley: ok, will do16:14
abentleybac: thanks.16:14
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abentleyderyck: Just added a card for bug #1068719 to the beta lane.16:35
_mup_Bug #1068719: Person overview page breaks when assigned proprietary blueprints <oops> <private-projects> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1068719 >16:35
deryckabentley, I saw that.  thanks for adding it.16:37
deryckabentley, do you think there's more investigation to do for the "blueprint listings related to product" or just drop that now, in favor of these other reported bugs/cards?16:38
abentleyderyck: I think we need to look for other possible issues there.16:40
deryckabentley, ok, thanks16:41
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rick_h_abentley: ping, got a sec for eyeballs?17:26
rick_h_abentley: doh nvm...dippy _owner for query :/17:27
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rick_h_sinzui: ping17:36
sinzuihi rick_h_17:36
rick_h_sinzui: I'm working on implementing this 'userCanBeDeactived' idea17:36
rick_h_and I see lots of other examples of userCanXXXXX17:36
rick_h_but none I can find are in a validator-like context. Where not only do I want a bool, but a textual message reason I can pass back to the UI17:37
rick_h_sinzui: do you know of a case you can think of? I'm bzr grep'ing and failing.17:37
rick_h_and I'm not totally cool with having a userCanBeDeactivated returning a tuple of (bool, [list,of,reasons])17:37
rick_h_since it's a bit against the pattern in place for something named that way17:37
sinzuirick_h_, lib/lp/registry/browser/peoplemerge.py illustrates what we do now to check for ppas and private branches17:38
rick_h_looking, thanks17:38
sinzuirick_h_, I see duplicate in between the validator in that module and PersonSet._merge17:40
sinzuiboth are calling the same methods, but they handle them differently17:40
rick_h_sinzui: yea, that's what I was trying to avoid. I hoped to really make the validator just call Person.userCanBeDeactivated and then that method would return true/false and messages17:40
rick_h_but it seemed against the current pattern, which appears to be true17:41
rick_h_so wonder if I should just call it something different and move along17:41
sinzuirick_h_, I think there needs to be complex method that raises an error with an informative message (that can be captured an safely displayed), and a method that captures any error and returns true. I think this is the common practice used by Zope fields to validator or sae if the data is valid17:51
rick_h_sinzui: ah, ok cool. I'll add that second layer in17:52
abentleysinzui: I've been thinking that maybe validation methods should yield (not raise) exceptions, so that you can capture all the validation errors.18:04
abentleysinzui: Then methods that wanted to validate before making a change would simply raise the first exception, if any.18:04
rick_h_abentley: yea, that'd be cool. I'm capting them into a list currently and then checking that return list.18:04
sinzuiThat would solve the awkward validator in peoplemerge.py18:04
abentleysinzui, rick_h_: Something like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1289982/18:08
sinzuiI think we prefer the look-before-you-leap style where canXXX returns early, other methods would collect them to show the user all the reasons18:10
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abentleyderyck: chat?18:35
deryckabentley, sure, give me 5 or 10 minutes to get free.18:37
bacabentley: your branch looks good.  thanks.18:40
abentleybac: Thanks for the review.18:40
deryckabentley, I can chat now.  jumping into stand-up hangout.18:44
rick_h_bac: got another branch for you if you've got time please? https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/launchpad/related_projects_1063272/+merge/13041419:17
rick_h_bac: tried to explain things as they can kind of come across as a bunch of disjoint changes19:17
bacsure rick_h_19:18
rick_h_bac: heading afk, if there's anything that comes up pop it in the MP and I'll get back to you.20:24
bacrick_h_: ok, sorry i got distracted20:24
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=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: ~240

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