
UsersI have my AOD270 installed with lubuntu, but the GMA3600 drivers called cedarview did work.02:12
UsersAny one can help?02:13
kanliotfor 12.04 you might not need cedarview, but that's just from reading a bit02:17
ambjornHello lubuntu folks.  Just installed Lubuntu 12.10 and having some trouble with drivers.  The drivers for my wireless card and for my graphics card didn't install automatically, and I don't see a shortcut for getting them ("install drivers")02:26
kanliotambjorn first time installing lubuntu?02:27
kanliotor ubuntu?02:27
kanlioton that pc?02:27
ambjornNo, but I was with Mint for while this year.02:27
ambjornNot at all the first time installing ubuntu on this pc.02:27
ambjornI've done a little bit of distro-hopping since the introduction of Unity.02:28
ambjornWait, might have found it02:28
=== Random833 is now known as Random832
ambjornNo, there's a package called 'additional drivers' in the software centre, but it's tied to KDE...02:31
kanliotso is your wireless not working?02:32
kanliot1 thing at  a time02:32
ambjornWireless not working02:32
kanliotand there's probably better people to ask in #ubuntu and on the forums02:33
ambjornOk, I'm still rooting around in the repos02:33
kanliotlspci -nn |grep netw02:33
ambjornI assume the drivers are all there, and that the GUI front end was just a convenience02:33
ambjornWhat output should I expect from that, kanliot?02:35
kanliothuh it migth be net instead of netw02:37
kanliottrying to id your wireless hardware02:37
ambjornGot it02:38
ambjornUnfortunately, that only returns the ethernet controller02:38
ambjornThe system isn't recognising the card at all02:38
ambjornI can find the exact version, but it's a broadcom card02:39
kanliottry ireless instead of netw02:40
ambjornThere it is02:40
ambjornBroadcom BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n02:41
ambjornThe terminal emulator that comes with lubuntu really is bare bones.02:42
kanliotdid you update02:42
kanliotafter installing02:42
Userstry terminator.02:42
ambjornI did kanliot, I mean I went into the software updater and verified I was up to date02:43
ambjornthanks Users, checking it out02:45
kanliothttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1979460  this guy was able to solve his bcm432202:48
ambjornChecking it out, kanliot02:49
ambjornAnd thanks for lending me a hand, I appreciate it02:49
kanliotdont' feel loyal, you should ask otherplaces if i can't help02:50
ambjornI think I may have found the right wireless driver in the repos...02:51
kanliotyou should write down everything you do02:51
kanliotso you know where you are02:52
ambjorngood idea02:52
kanlioti just found a page that said it definitely should have been in additional drivers02:53
kanliotdid you open additional drivers under preferences?02:54
ambjornNo, that's where my problem started02:56
ambjornIt didn't show up in the menu02:56
kanliotit should be under preferences02:56
ambjornYes, that's where I expected it02:57
kanliotwhat iso did you download02:57
kanliotadn this is 12.10, right?02:57
Userssome says in 12.10 additional drivers option is intergated with software source02:58
ambjornthat's the iso I downloaded02:58
kanliotusers  what's that?02:58
ambjornthe torrent version02:58
kanlioti dont understand02:58
ambjornThat's the full address02:59
kanliotok that's good info03:00
kanliotthx users03:00
ambjornYeah, thank you.  I would never have thought to look for it there!03:01
UsersI am still downloading the ISO image of lubuntu, can't tell what is happening03:01
ambjornLooks to me that you found what's happening, which is that I just didn't know where to look to install drivers in Lubuntu03:03
kanliotwell i have documented the moving03:04
kanliotand i was runnign 12.10, but additional drivers was there, so they must have moved it after i installed it03:04
ambjornI hope I haven't borked anything up by installing drivers directly from the repos03:05
kanlioti donno03:05
ambjornIt's be a pain to have to reinstall the system now I've got all my packages set up03:05
UsersIt is really confusing03:06
Userswow,the new lubuntu 12.10 is beautiful03:07
ambjornIt's good looking, isn't it?03:07
UsersI love the small square icon of chromium03:07
kanliotyou should email the mailing list03:08
kanlioti know an artist who would love to hear that03:08
Userswill, soon03:09
ambjornAll right, thanks for your help so far, folks.  I'm going to see how things work on restart...03:09
=== JackyAlcine is now known as jalcine
ambjornGetting there!03:18
ambjornNow here's an interesting thing I hadn't noticed before: the NVidia driver seriously degrades the beauty of the chrome03:18
ActionParsniphey guys03:21
ambjornHi ActionParsnip03:21
ActionParsnipdoes the Lubuntu ISO use the non-pae by default?03:22
ActionParsnipin the 12.10 release?03:22
Unit193ActionParsnip: There is no "non-PAE" in 12.10.03:22
ActionParsnipso it was dropped?03:23
Unit193Yep, in the release notes.03:23
ActionParsnipis there a work around for the usual pae not found boot error?03:23
ubottuUbuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) release notes can be found here http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/12.1003:23
Unit193ActionParsnip: Not a supported one, except use 12.04, upgrade computers, or switch distros.03:24
Unit193(Technically, you can use an alternate kernel, but not easy or supported)03:24
ActionParsnipthanks dude03:24
ambjornHello again, I've got most of drivers working, I think, but don't seem to be able to configure my laptop's touchpad.  I always have trouble finding these configuration options.  Anyone point me in the right direction?03:43
ActionParsnipambjorn: what make and model system?03:44
ActionParsnipambjorn: is it a sony vaio?03:44
kanliotif something specific is missing from that page lemme know03:45
viniciusarqhas anyone updated to 12.10?03:45
kanliotviniciusarq, not exactly03:46
viniciusarqupdate manager says ubuntu 12.10 i'm not sure if updating it, it won't get me ubuntu instead of lubuntu03:48
kanliothuh i donno03:49
kanliotbut i doubt you will get unity03:49
kanliotyou can quote me on that03:49
UsersIntelGMA3600 is a totally disaster on linux platform03:50
UsersIt needs too much lucky to get it work03:51
Userslubuntu 12.10 failed to start GUI on my AOD27004:12
Usersjust now04:12
Usersmaybe I should give up and turn back to ubuntu04:13
Userslubuntu 12.04 impressed me with the performance, hope new ubuntu 12.10 does the same.04:16
kanliotit's possible you will have similar problems with ubuntu 12.1004:17
kanliotif you do, please report them04:17
ambjornkanliot, it's hard sometimes to know what needs a report04:18
ambjornThanks for your help guys, I'm off04:20
Userslooks that almost all problems share one topic: drivers04:21
ekajIf I have a computer running lubuntu plugged into a monitor, is it going to flip out if I unplug the monitor?04:28
ekaj? vga04:29
kanliotyou're supposed to turn the pc off04:29
kanlioti forget why04:29
kanlioti cant remember04:29
kanliotmainly hardware04:30
kanliotso you don't have to repleace your video card04:30
Usersmaybe my luck runs out, Ubuntu 12.10 crashed on my AOD27004:35
Userseven CUI failed to startup!04:36
Usersstill have work to do, thanks, off04:57
frenchhj'ai besoin d'aide !06:30
Unit193!fr | frenchh06:30
ubottufrenchh: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.06:30
frenchhi need help06:30
frenchhi can't make my keyboard in french06:30
Unit193Well, you could always try the French channels, or here in English.06:31
Unit193Tried something like http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1455877 ?06:31
frenchhok i try it06:33
frenchhhow to edit  this file : open file /etc/default/keyboard06:52
frenchhi don't know how to open it  en root mode06:52
Unit193Open a terminal (Accessories>Lxterminal) and type gksudo leafpad /etc/default/keyboard06:53
frenchhcool i did it06:55
frenchhi restart to see if it works06:55
frenchhthanks Unit193  !!!06:55
Unit193Sure thing.06:56
sb1980anyone having trouble with flashplayer after update to 12.10 too?08:35
half-duplexno sb1980, but I do clean installs09:20
sb1980its getting even worse now. i've seen that some packages were not properly installed, but nvidia-current seems to cause problems09:55
CXIVAnyone knows solution for this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/obconf/+bug/105954310:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1059543 in obconf (Ubuntu) "GUI - Invisible GUI elements [Lubuntu]" [Undecided,New]10:14
=== head_v is now known as head_victim
kanliotdid you try with diff widget themes10:23
CXIVSure :)10:24
CXIVWhen I disable antialising then it's ok10:25
CXIVI got a workaround , changing pixel geometry from default RGB to "none"10:27
kanliotdid you add that tyo the bug report10:28
CXIVI will10:28
CXIVI think it will work for everyone10:48
eldermanHello, I am having trouble configuring my touchpad in Lubuntu 12.10.  There are no configuration options as far as I can tell.  The problem's similar to bug 527890, except that the touchpad's recognised correctly and has most functions.  I want to get rid of tap to click.  This is the first time I've had trouble with my touchpad on an Ubuntu variant.13:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527890 in Arch Linux "ALPS touchpad in HP Mini 311 not configurable/recognized as a touchpad" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52789013:17
eldermanOh, and a question: can anyone help?13:18
MovadoHello guys. I installed Lubuntu 12.10 Today. I like simplicity, but also I have some questions. My laptop is Asus A53S. I have two graphic cards: Intel and Nvidia. I read about optimus nonsense. So I decided that I will use Intel graphic drivers. They installed by default or not?13:19
eldermanMovado, I learned a bit about graphics drivers in Lubuntu last night when I was installing.  I'm not knowledgeable, but I might be able to point you in the right direction while you're waiting for someone else to come along.13:20
eldermanHave you found the 'additional drivers' tab?13:21
MovadoOkay can we talk about it? I have some newbie questions. I don't want to flame it13:21
Movadolet's talk it in private13:21
ekajI made a directory in / using mkdir, but it isn't showing up... Why would that be?14:01
infectedorganismneed root to create a folder there i believe14:03
infectedorganismso.. just 'sudo mkdir foldername' and you should be good14:04
truexfan81#ubuntu told me i could get some kubuntu help here15:09
eldermanNo, sorry, I meant that this a ghost town too15:09
truexfan81oh lol15:09
elderman#ubuntu is the most active15:09
truexfan81elderman: i'm trying to get gtk apps to look right in kde, but the themes applied in GTK+ Appearance don't seem to be being applied15:10
eldermanYou're trying to get them to look like KDE apps?15:11
truexfan81as close as possible15:11
truexfan81hexchat for example, right now looks like a win95 app lol15:11
eldermanIn my limited experience, mixing DEs is a recipe for frustration.15:11
eldermanI've never tried to do what you're doing truexfan81, but perhaps this would help? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GTK-Qt15:13
eldermanOr something like it?15:13
eldermantruexfan81, and this https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Uniform_Look_for_Qt_and_GTK_Applications15:14
pibarnasgreat release.15:18
=== fragalot is now known as Guest51055
eldermanHello, I am having trouble configuring my touchpad in Lubuntu 12.10.  There are no configuration options as far as I can tell.  The problem's similar to bug 527890, except that the touchpad's recognised correctly and has most functions.  I want to get rid of tap to click.  This is the first time I've had trouble with my touchpad on an Ubuntu variant.  Can anyone help me get the touchpad driver working?15:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527890 in Arch Linux "ALPS touchpad in HP Mini 311 not configurable/recognized as a touchpad" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52789015:42
downwashGood evening17:13
downwashAnyone familiar with GRUB 2?17:13
TheLordOfTimedownwash:  to what extent do you need?17:14
TheLordOfTimedownwash:  you may need the grub support channel if we can't help17:14
downwashI'm in the grub-rescue prompt after upgrading to 12.1017:14
downwashset the prefix right (I think), but still getting "file not found" when trying insmod17:15
downwashPrefix is (hd0,5)/boot/grub (as according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Troubleshooting )17:16
downwashroot is (hd0,5)17:16
downwashBut trying the "linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sdXY ro" command doesn't work17:17
TheLordOfTimedownwash:  you realize X Y are variable right?17:19
downwashYes, sda5 here17:19
TheLordOfTimedownwash:  did you try that?17:19
downwashError is "Unknown command 'linux'"17:19
downwash(yes, I did try that)17:19
TheLordOfTimedid you try the boot repair method it suggests via the livecd?17:20
downwashWell I only have a 12.04 livecd here, which seems to run into trouble finding the servers17:21
downwashIt's looking for the QQ version, I guess17:21
downwashEhh, PP17:21
TheLordOfTimethe precise servers exist :P17:22
TheLordOfTimethat points to a networking issue on the Live environment (which is why i keep ethernet nearby ;P)17:22
downwashLemme boot the CD again17:22
TheLordOfTimei have to disappear to class, unfortunately, dude, so i will have to say you may need to wait for someone to stop by17:22
TheLordOfTimeif all else fails, there's always #ubuntu (you can still get grub fix support there, but they may point you to the grub channel)17:23
downwashk, thanks for the help so far17:23
downwashHmm, it appears to be working now. Apparently I somehow forgot to connect first time around. Nice going downwash.17:30
downwashW00t, booting again. Thanks a load!17:36
downwashWhile I'm here, an entirely unrelated question: is template support still planned for PCmanFM 1.1, and is there an expected time of arrival of 1.1?17:38
Mr__holy shit did you guys screw up this release19:01
Mr__good god19:01
Mr__worried too much about the new friggin icons instead of having stuff working19:02
Mr__problem #1     proprietary drivers don't work and the new additional drivers in the software source is broke19:03
Unit193Please keep it family friendly, and the new drivers doesn't have a thing to do with the lubuntu team. :P19:04
Mr__problem #2    clicking or trying to launch pcmanfm directly doesn't work, only works if you open another directory, doesn't open directly though19:04
Mr__uhm the software sources and additional drivers not working correctly certainly does19:04
Unit193Mr__: Not the *Lubuntu* team, that's something that comes from the parent Ubuntu.19:05
Mr__and this graphics card i have is a 2 gig ati video card.... if thats not supported then thats ridiculous19:05
NUCLEARWINTERbuy nvidia card19:05
NUCLEARWINTERtheir propietary drivers are better than ATI's19:05
Mr__didn't you hear torvalds19:06
Mr__fuck nvidia19:06
Mr__and thats not a solution shithead19:06
Unit193!language | Mr__19:06
ubottuMr__: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:06
wxli agree, not a solution19:06
NUCLEARWINTERnext curse word and +q19:06
wxlbut i also agree, that's not a way to get your problem solved19:06
Mr__wxl, well asking question in here only gets a smart a** response19:06
Unit193Try jockey-text from the terminal.19:06
Mr__so what am i supposed to do19:06
yngveHi, my DNS is not working after upgrading lubuntu from 12.04 to 12.10 :-(19:07
yngveHave someone else the same problem?19:07
wxlMr__: it doesn't seem to me (and i'm pretty level headed about this whole thing) that you're just asking a question. let me know when you do that and maybe we can figure this out.19:07
yngveThis is the problem described http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1230481519:07
wxlyngve: your dns server? or what? specifics, please.19:07
wxlooh thx19:07
Mr__wxl, pcmanfm doesn't launch directly19:07
yngveI can't look up any DNS from Lubuntu19:08
wxlMr__: i cannot confirm that problem. i get the exact opposite. if you run it from terminal, what output do you get?19:08
yngveip's I can ping but not a domain19:08
NUCLEARWINTERyngve, nano /etc/resolv.conf and line: nameserver for example19:08
Mr__wxl, nothing no error or anything, it just doesn't open19:08
Unit193!resolvconf | yngve19:08
ubottuyngve: resolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04 and later, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/network-configuration.html#name-resolution19:08
Mr__wxl, however if i open it as root it does open19:09
Unit193NUCLEARWINTER: That's a symlink to an autogenerated file, it'll have due to dnsmasq cache stuff.19:09
yngveThanks Unit193 and ubottu I will check it out right a way!19:09
wxlMr__: what output do you get running it from terminal as root?19:09
NUCLEARWINTERUnit193, trolololoooo :--)19:09
Mr__and can someone please tell me how an 2 gig ati pcie video card is not found by the additional drivers,,, nor does it work when fglrx is installed directly19:10
Mr__wxl, there is no output19:10
wxlMr__: that is a problem with canonical19:10
Mr__wxl, i'm so sick of pass the buck19:10
Unit193strace pcmanfm19:10
wxlMr__: as for pcmanfm apt does "apt-cache policy pcmanfm libfm" give you?19:11
wxlMr__: whether you LIKE it or not, lubuntu is not responsible for developing that any more than they are for, say, apt-get.19:11
Mr__seems fine except19:11
Mr__N: Unable to locate package libfm19:11
wxlMr__: i didn't ask if it seemed fine; i'm looking for specifics19:11
wxloh libfm ain't right hold on19:12
Mr__wxl, giving you a specific which is  N: Unable to locate package libfm19:12
wxlyes that19:12
wxlMr__: let's be more specific. i want "apt-cache policy libfm3 pcmanfm | grep Installed"19:12
wxlMr__: THE WHOLE THING19:13
Mr__after running that, everything is installed at the latest version19:13
wxlMr__: not your opinion or analysis of it19:13
Mr__  Installed: 1.0.1-0ubuntu1  Installed: 1.0.1-0ubuntu119:13
yngveNUCLEARWINTER, your suggestion works! Thanks!19:13
NUCLEARWINTERyngve, until your dhcp lease gets updated19:14
wxlthat appears right for sure19:14
wxlMr__: try this one: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit && strace pcmanfm | pastebinit" and give me the resulting url19:15
yngveokey? so I should figure out how to make it permanet? <NUCLEARWINTER>19:16
Mr__You are trying to send an empty document, exiting19:16
wxlfun; hold19:16
Unit193Heh, so it's already running, I'd think.19:17
wxlmay be pastebinit issue19:17
wxlMr__: apt-cache policy pastebinit19:17
wxlneed exact version number please19:17
Mr__1.3-2ubuntu3 019:18
wxlthing's broken19:18
wxlone s19:18
Unit193unit193@Sigma:~$ apt-cache policy pastebinit| pastebinit19:19
wxlok do this echo -e "<pastebinit>\n\t<pastebin>http://pastebin.com</pastebin>\n</pastebin>" >> .pastebinit.xml19:20
wxlTHEN do19:20
wxlstrace pcmanfm | pastebinit19:20
wxldoesn't xchat have an /exec command?19:21
wxlwould save you from copying and pasting19:21
Mr__ran you last command again19:22
Mr__waiting for the slow servers now19:22
wxlif yu're doing the strace you're prolly waiting on it19:22
Mr__doesn't work19:23
Mr__no url19:23
wxlcan you do:19:23
Mr__thats how i feel about this whole release19:24
wxlecho "i hate you pastebinit!" | pastebinit19:24
Mr__bash: !": event not found19:24
wxlecho "i hate you pastebinit" | pastebinit19:24
Mr__Error parsing configuration file!19:25
wxli'm no good19:25
wxlok do this echo -e "<pastebinit>\n\t<pastebin>http://pastebin.com</pastebin>\n</pastebinit>" >> .pastebinit.xml19:25
wxldon't do that19:25
wxlok do this echo -e "<pastebinit>\n\t<pastebin>http://pastebin.com</pastebin>\n</pastebinit>" > .pastebinit.xml19:25
wxldo that19:25
wxlshould have tested first19:26
Mr__entered that, no errors or anything19:26
Mr__no url or anything either19:26
wxlno you didn't19:26
wxli re-edited it19:26
wxlthe last tag originally was </pastebin> not </pastebinit>19:26
wxland don't forget to use > and not >> for your redirect19:27
Mr__i used the last line you suggested19:27
wxlnow it should work19:27
wxli have the same version19:27
wxlfollowed the same procedure19:27
wxldid the same test19:27
Mr__but it doesn't work19:27
Mr__so, apparrently the upgrade process isn't so smooth19:27
Mr__my system was cherry before the upgrade19:28
wxlanother mistake on my paste19:28
wxlstrace outputs stderr i think19:28
wxlstrace pcmanfm 2>&1 | pastebinit19:28
Unit193/tmp/.pcmanfm-socket--0-ronnie rm that, done.19:30
Mr__Unit193, thx man19:34
wxlno s$$$$$$$19:34
wxlwhere did you grok that from Unit193 ?19:34
Unit193wxl: It was right in the strace, why did you think I wanted it?19:35
Mr__now as for the proprietary drivers,, and or additional drivers not picking up my card19:35
wxlUnit193: i know that much. i see it there, but frankly i see it in mine, too. same return.19:35
Mr__any ideas?19:35
Unit193Mr__: As I said, jockey-text may do it.19:35
wxlMr__: i hate to say this, but i'm gonna say it. go bug #ubuntu. chances are they're dealing with this left and right.19:35
wxl↑ that's another good suggestion19:35
Mr__Unit193, tried that and it didn't find anything19:36
=== Guest51055 is now known as fragalot
yngve_After upgrading from Lubuntu 12.04 to 12.10 I have lost all sound. :-(19:43
Mr__i think lubuntu, if they really want to be for aging computers should stay one version behind the current ubuntu version19:48
Unit193yngve_: http://www.unixmen.com/2012003-howto-resolve-nosound-problem-on-ubuntu/  and  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems19:49
yngve_@Unit123 Thanks, I googled those pages, checked volume and installed alsamixer. But no luck19:51
Unit193Do you have pulseaudio?19:51
yngve_might be my old macbook air 119:51
yngve_yes. I get this pulseaudio19:53
yngve_E: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running.19:53
yngve_E: [pulseaudio] main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed.19:53
Unit193Some recommend that you purge pulseaudio as it causes issues with lubuntu.19:53
yngve_Will do19:54
Unit193To try and fix: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Advanced_Linux_Sound_Architecture  and https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio19:54
yngve_should a reinstall pulseaudio afterwords?19:56
wxli wouldn't use pulseaudio unless you 100% need it for some audio project you're doing20:00
wxlread: playing music is not an audio project20:01
yngve_ok, I see20:01
yngve_still no sound but uninstalling it, it says it needs a reboot20:02
sourav_helloo guys20:50
sourav_guys i have one problem i don't use network manager i change dns via resolv.conf but it changes after reboot any fix for this20:52
wxlsourav_: did you try using the resolvconf utility?20:53
Unit193sourav_: You can purge resolvconf, that'd fix it. :D20:53
sourav_i directly do sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf20:53
sourav_every reboot i have to manuall enter nameserver which is annoying20:54
ubotturesolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04 and later, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/network-configuration.html#name-resolution20:54
redderhsanyone use a hauppauge tuner?20:55
sourav_i have extremely slow adsl pppoe connection when i configure it via net mgr but sudo pppoeconf does the trick20:55
AmmarGreenhi everybody21:16
AmmarGreenim new in linux world21:16
wxlwelcome AmmarGreen21:17
AmmarGreenfirst like to say wow21:17
wxlyou've made lubuntu your first distro?21:17
AmmarGreenthis is so amazing lubuntu my first time running linux21:17
AmmarGreeni have a question21:17
wxlfire away21:17
AmmarGreenmy computer dont have any sound21:17
AmmarGreendo i do something wrong21:17
AmmarGreenits a freesh install21:18
NUCLEARWINTERopen terminal21:18
NUCLEARWINTERja type: alsamixer21:18
AmmarGreenill try21:18
wxli'll leave this in your hands NUCLEARWINTER i gotta jet21:18
NUCLEARWINTERif you have under the "mixers" MM, you need to press m letter and unmute them21:18
NUCLEARWINTERhey, it's 00:20 here21:18
AmmarGreennow it says 0021:19
NUCLEARWINTERPCM and MASTER are the one that matters most21:19
AmmarGreenthats it ?21:19
NUCLEARWINTERdo you hear sound?21:19
AmmarGreenwhat about the volume icon21:19
AmmarGreenits not there21:19
NUCLEARWINTERhi again21:27
AmmarGreenHi  im new here sorry i was DC21:27
AmmarGreeni cant get the volume icon on my dock21:28
AmmarGreenis it my sound card muted ?21:28
NUCLEARWINTERif you say in terminal: 'lspci |grep Audio', do you get something like 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)21:28
AmmarGreenok wait i try21:28
AmmarGreen00:01.1 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Wrestler HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 6250/6310] 00:14.2 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Hudson Azalia Controller (rev 01)21:29
AmmarGreenthis it what i get21:29
NUCLEARWINTERthat means you have HDMI in your display card21:30
AmmarGreenim using sony vaio 11 inch amd apu21:30
NUCLEARWINTERdoes this mean you want audio to come out from the tv or something like that with the HDMI?21:30
AmmarGreenno no21:30
AmmarGreenjust my speakers21:30
AmmarGreenand like to have the volume icon also so i can turn up and down the volume21:31
NUCLEARWINTERyour sound card is not regonized21:31
NUCLEARWINTERhorrible word to type21:31
AmmarGreenso what can i do21:31
NUCLEARWINTERif you can provide a exact model of your vaio, people may be able to check more about it21:32
AmmarGreenok what it the command for terminal21:32
AmmarGreenso i can copy past21:32
AmmarGreenmy system here21:32
AmmarGreenwill a web link help ?21:33
NUCLEARWINTERa web link is okay for example21:33
NUCLEARWINTERor "sony vaio superpc12321" or something like that21:33
AmmarGreensony vaio e series sve1111m1e21:33
AmmarGreene2-1800 cpu21:34
AmmarGreenis there any hope ?21:35
AmmarGreeni tried ubuntu 12.10 it works fine there21:36
AmmarGreenbut i love this lubuntu and hope it will work with lubuntu21:36
NUCLEARWINTERquite challenging21:38
NUCLEARWINTERtrying to figure out the chipset21:39
AmmarGreenwill kernel upgrade work ?21:41
NUCLEARWINTERif you have one waiting, could be so21:43
AmmarGreenits my first distro like to learn about linux and do google much about it21:44
AmmarGreeni found kernel 3.6.221:44
AmmarGreenin google21:44
AmmarGreeni could try and if did work21:44
AmmarGreenwhere can i share my info21:45
NUCLEARWINTERI cant find the chipset21:48
NUCLEARWINTERi assume that's quite new hardware21:48
AmmarGreeni dont know21:48
AmmarGreenbut many thanks21:48
NUCLEARWINTERweird that it works under ubuntu21:49
AmmarGreenhow does this chat work21:49
NUCLEARWINTERbut not lubuntu21:49
AmmarGreenya i know21:49
AmmarGreeni did re-install ubuntu21:49
AmmarGreenand everything just worked21:49
AmmarGreenthe sound21:49
AmmarGreenand but not ati graphic21:49
AmmarGreenwhen i install fglrx21:49
AmmarGreenthe manu dont open21:49
NUCLEARWINTERnot the first one with problems ati propietary drivers21:50
AmmarGreenwhen i install the fglrx driver in lubuntu my ati works perfect21:50
AmmarGreenfglrx ati works in lubuntu but nut ubuntu21:51
AmmarGreenmy sound card work in ubuntu but not lubuntu21:51
wxlok THAT'S weird21:51
AmmarGreenhehe  i dont understand21:51
wxlsome dude was saying he couldn't get fglrx to work in lubuntu21:51
AmmarGreenfglrx 9.0 works perfect21:52
wxlthe sound servers are different between ubuntu and lubuntu so that's not totally surprising21:52
AmmarGreenwith my amd apu cpu21:52
AmmarGreenil be back21:53
wxlA new Xorg stack has been introduced which includes xserver 1.13 candidate versions, mesa 9.0, and updated X libs and drivers. The new xserver provides improved multiseat support, better smooth scrolling, and a large variety of bug fixes. There is a new version of the ATI driver, and the proprietary -nvidia driver now supports the RANDR standard for monitor configuration. ← from Ubuntu release notes21:53
wxli think i got it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#Sound_not_Working_On_PC_with_HDMI21:56
AmmarGreenhi again21:57
NUCLEARWINTERyou got.... Internal Server Error21:57
AmmarGreenkernel upgrade 3.6.2 didnt help21:57
wxlhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#Sound_not_Working_On_PC_with_HDMI ← AmmarGreen21:57
wxllet me know what happens21:58
AmmarGreenthen there is nothing that can be done21:58
wxlno click the link21:58
wxlit's a suggestion21:58
AmmarGreenoh ok wait21:58
AmmarGreenwell im no programer21:59
AmmarGreendont know how to make the file21:59
wxlopen leafpad21:59
wxlsave it as ~/.asound21:59
wxlsave it as ~/.asoundrc22:00
wxli mean22:00
AmmarGreenah ok wait22:01
AmmarGreenok know what22:02
AmmarGreeni did create the text file ~/.asoundrc22:03
AmmarGreenand did also copy the content it the ~/.asoundrc22:03
NUCLEARWINTERactually it doesnt require restart, if I recall right :-)22:03
AmmarGreenyou mean restart the computer22:03
wxli don't offhnand rememeber how to restart alsa but go for it22:04
NUCLEARWINTERsudo service alsa restart ?22:04
AmmarGreenok wait22:04
wxlsorry i'm on the phone at the same time22:04
NUCLEARWINTERor maybe it doesnt require restart if you're plaing around with jackd22:04
AmmarGreenalsa: unrecognized service22:04
AmmarGreenwhen typing sudo service alsa restart i get this alsa: unrecognized service22:05
NUCLEARWINTERI dont have ubuntu machine atm. near me, I cant help with restarting alsa without reobot22:06
AmmarGreenyes sir22:06
wxlalsa force-reload?22:08
AmmarGreencan i say something22:09
AmmarGreeni just fucking love this chat man22:09
AmmarGreenit works22:09
AmmarGreenmy ati and sound card just work22:10
AmmarGreendamn im so happy22:10
NUCLEARWINTERgood, but next time try to keep language family friendly22:10
wxlkeep the language family-friendly tho22:10
Unit193Should add in pulse, make it more fun.22:10
NUCLEARWINTERmakes me kinda laugh as I look at my nickname and I talk about family friendly :D22:10
AmmarGreenok how do i do that too22:10
Unit193AmmarGreen: Kidding.22:11
AmmarGreenu guys are so awsome22:11
AmmarGreenmy first distro22:11
AmmarGreenmy first support22:11
AmmarGreenwow man22:11
AmmarGreenjust called my friend about this22:11
AmmarGreenthanks so much22:12
NUCLEARWINTERAmmarGreen, we are so awesome that if we walk past a mirror, we are stuck in front of the mirror for an hour as we keep watching ourselves from it22:12
AmmarGreenthe movie is on and the speakers are on22:13
AmmarGreeni wish you all the best weekend :-D22:13
wxlglad all is well AmmarGreen22:13
NUCLEARWINTERit just gets better, mother in law promised to take kids for a nightstay tomorrow22:13
wxlfeel free to hang out here with us AmmarGreen22:15
wxlmost of us just idle here all the time :)22:15
AmmarGreennice man22:15
AmmarGreenim a apple advicer22:15
wxloh really?22:15
AmmarGreenmaybe i can help or share22:15
wxlAmmarGreen: do you have any ppc machines?22:15
NUCLEARWINTERAmmarGreen, you are welcome to join #lubuntu-offtopic for a chatting22:15
wxltoo bad22:15
AmmarGreenim using a pc22:15
wxlwe need more ppc testers22:15
wxllubuntu has more or less become the de facto distro of choice for ppc22:15
AmmarGreenbut what kind of test are you looking for22:15
wxli was once a card carrying apple supporter… ;)22:15
wxlAmmarGreen: oh just testing new releases22:15
wxlAmmarGreen: for that matter, there's an open door if you want to help us with anything22:15
AmmarGreeni can ask who have a G4 og G522:16
wxlmany of us started here with questions and fell in love22:16
AmmarGreennot using22:16
AmmarGreenthis is my first time and let me say this is better than microsoft and apple22:16
wxlAmmarGreen: i'm now referring to anything, not just ppc22:16
wxlAmmarGreen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/GettingInvolved22:16
wxlyou actually just came in when the new release came out so soon we'll start testing the next one…22:17
AmmarGreenopinion and experience22:17
AmmarGreenthats what i will share22:17
AmmarGreeni like to test22:17
AmmarGreenso im open22:17
wxlAmmarGreen: the #1 thing i can ask of you is help report bugs!22:17
wxlif you find something wrong, we need to know22:17
wxland the bug reports are the way to do it22:17
AmmarGreenwhere can i report22:18
wxlit's so simple22:18
wxlyou just go to terminal and type "ubuntu-bug some-package" where some-package is whatever's not behaving22:18
AmmarGreenlet me see in my terminal wait pls22:19
AmmarGreenit says the some-package dont exist22:19
AmmarGreenoh sorry my bad22:20
AmmarGreeni get it :-D22:20
AmmarGreenwell i will report as much i can when something happen22:20
AmmarGreeni did also install it on my fathers MSI wind 13522:20
AmmarGreenhe just said wow22:20
AmmarGreenanyway i did bookmark this site and will also hang around soon again. im from denmark and the time is 002122:21
AmmarGreenill see you guys :-D22:21
wxlone sec22:21
AmmarGreeni have  problem22:22
NUCLEARWINTERdanish people eats weird sandwiches!22:22
AmmarGreenwhen i click on system information22:23
AmmarGreenits just hang and doing nothing but a grey screen22:23
AmmarGreeni did a ubuntu-bug hardinfo22:25
AmmarGreenwhat do i do know ?22:25
NUCLEARWINTERit should instruct22:27
AmmarGreenjust send a rapport22:28
AmmarGreenanyway thanks for the big help22:28
AmmarGreeni will be here soon again :-D22:28
AmmarGreendid already bookmark this site22:29
fg3ahi i just installed lubuntu 12.10 and i want to install the ati drivers, the ".run" binary from ati web don't work properly for me, is there other option for installing?22:31
humongous_mangohi there, so i burned a disc of 12.10 but when I boot to it, it just says 'machine error'22:32
Newkhi.. somehow some programs do not change to the theme i've set.. for instance Transmission-gtk23:03
Newki'm on 12.0423:03
Newkwhat besides obconf and lxappearance do set the the theme?23:04
psilo23Hi everyone, anyone knows how i can change my audio output to usb ? I tried to find it anywhere but really cant find how to do it23:06
holsteinpsilo23: i might consider using pulse and pavucontrol23:07
holsteinyou can try in the terminal with alsamixer23:07
psilo23thnx let me ch23:08
psilo23check that23:08
holsteini would run "lsusb" and look for the device there.. if you see it run "aplay -l" and "arecord -l"23:08
psilo23yeah ive seen it connected23:08
holsteinthen, you can try in the terminal with "alsamixer" and maybe select it with F623:08
holsteinor select it in the application, such as in the menu in audacity for example23:08
holsteinpsilo23: you could also do that with JACK.. depending on what you want to use from the system audio-wise23:11
holsteini would say JACK is overkill for that though23:11
psilo23now i dont have sound at all anymore23:12
holsteinpsilo23: you probably have chosen the USB device, and have something turned down, or its not well supported23:12
holsteinthe other option is hardware.. disable the onboard sound in the bios23:12
psilo23no i switched it back23:13
psilo23because the usb didnt work23:13
holsteinfor me, thats kind of what pulse is good at.. managing different devices and other stuff23:14
Newki use kxstudio and i'm a happy with linux and audio now23:18
holsteinfalk helps us out with ubuntustudio a lot23:19
Newkalsa, jack and pulseaudio in harmony23:19
holsteinin the OT channel we can talk about how i dont need/want that, but im glad its available for those who do23:19
Newknot sure why this gtk theme fails on some programs though.. if its because of some clash between kxstudio and lubuntu23:20
Newkyeah for the casual audio user pulseaudio is fine now23:21
psilo23well i have my sound back on but still no audio through the usb device :/23:26

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