=== JackyAlcine is now known as jalcine [15:24] hi guys. how are you doing? hope good. fortunately another weekend. [15:27] hi DomasoFan [15:27] I have found the dash to be sometimes accessible and sometimes not very accessible at all [15:28] AlanBell: hi alan. wow. ubuntu 12.10 hit accessibility pretty hard it seems. the dash is completely inaccessible. [15:28] not always [15:28] I have had it working, I have also had it working for shopping results, but not for application icons [15:29] AlanBell: so it kinda does a random accessible/inaccessible thing. hmm. [15:29] yeah, I have not done enough testing to figure out what the pattern is yet [15:30] AlanBell: you really have a very unhappy job over there to fix things others have broken. *smile*. btw. there is still the unity-2d package around in a recent version but it seems not to be in the sessions switcher. [15:31] not my job, I just want it to work well [15:33] AlanBell: ah. [15:34] AlanBell: do you know if unity-2d is still supported or not? cause the packages version number fits with the normal unity package. [15:35] erm, I think not [15:35] generally unity-2d is a dead end anyhow [15:36] unity 3d is worth fixing and Gnome Shell isn't far off working either [15:36] AlanBell: ah. i currently started to use gnome shell now. that seems to be more accessible currently. interesting is that the gnome shell favourites list doesn't talk . seems it just says push button all the time when there are buttons. gnome classic seems to work well again as well. [15:37] yeah, favourites list didn't work for me either, but at least the application icons you search for are spoken fine [15:38] AlanBell: sure. this works nicely. someone even got xfce working with orca. guess it was the guy who makes the sonar gnu/linux distribution. [15:42] AlanBell: what i also figured out now the lightdm login screen is a little bit different. when you have multiple desktops installed you need to hit space on the desktop you want to use and hit space again on ok and hit enter to start the desktop. but that's handleable. oh and i saw a unlabeled button in the sessions switcher on the login screen as well. seems it doesn't do all that much. [15:43] hmm, good point [15:43] I should do an updated blog and walkthrough now it is released [15:43] will try and get round to that this weekend [15:45] AlanBell: cool. i'll also continue to figure out whats broken in the other places but on gnome shell it seems to work nice. fortunately we have multiple choices. [15:48] AlanBell: oh and i figured just out that there is an update for orca in the quantal proposed section. let's see what that will do. [15:49] interesting [15:49] AlanBell: will keep you informed. [15:50] AlanBell: seems its orca [15:54] AlanBell: seems it doesn't change much in unity though.. let's see what we get in gnome shell. [15:58] AlanBell: ok gnome shell still has a non labeled gnome shell favourites list. windows list and overview also doesn't read but this was already known. message tray also doesn't talk or has no content. jumps back to another panel. [16:00] yeah, I was hoping the message tray would work because that is a really useful thing [16:00] in Unity if you miss a notification it is just gone forever [16:01] AlanBell: yeah. seems its also not working in gnome shell as well but i guess there is an orca function to get that stuff as far as i know. [16:02] oh OK. I need to learn more about stuff orca can do, there is lots of hidden functionality [16:05] yeah. there is a little bit of documentation on the orca manual. i guess its in the keyboard shortcuts thingy. should be also findable in the orca settings. [16:12] AlanBell: unfortunately on gnome shell you have to ctrl+alt+tab though the panels which is a little bit annoying. wonder if there are some shortcuts. guess i might get used to it but wonder if there is something. wasn't able to find something in the gnome shell user guide though [16:23] AlanBell: btw there is also a ubuntu remix called ubuntu gnome shell remix. heard it should be pretty accessible. see here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME [17:00] cool, I had heard about that and was wondering where the download was [17:00] I will give it a go at some point, I am mostly interested in the standard setup [17:00] AlanBell: seems the bittorrrent links are down for the while [17:00] AlanBell: currently getting it via http [17:38] guess i might need to buy some dvd-rw's. hm. [19:05] AlanBell: hmm. seems ubuntu gnome remix has some issues with the installer. seems to hang after the wireless network page. can't even continue without a wireless network. seems to be non accessibility related though. [20:19] AlanBell: i just figured out that the messages tray is accessible in gnome shell. [20:19] AlanBell: just figured that out when i ran rythmbox.