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pittiGood morning03:40
didrocksgood morning04:46
pittibonjour didrocks04:47
didrockshey pitti, how are you?04:47
pittididrocks: quite fine, thanks! how about yourself?04:48
didrockspitti: I'm good, thanks04:48
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rickspencer3good morning all07:23
didrocksbonjour rickspencer307:25
rickspencer3hey didrocks07:25
rickspencer3what's the French community saying today about 12.10?07:26
rickspencer3c'est bon?07:26
didrocksrickspencer3: not as many downloads as for previous releases, seems people want to wait a little bit before downloading07:26
didrocksrickspencer3: also, as we have a rock solid LTS, I think a lot of them won't upgrade for the first time in years07:27
rickspencer3didrocks, interesting, why do you think that is?07:27
didrocksthey like precise :)07:27
* rickspencer3 nods07:27
didrocksI had the same feeling yesterday evening in ubuntu-lyon07:27
didrocks(I went to the evening event, for helping upgrades/installs)07:27
didrocksjust my feeling, it seems but strong LTS release are not good for later intermediate ones!07:28
didrocks… which is a good thing in some way ;)07:28
rickspencer3well, yeah07:28
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:35
didrockshey chrisccoulson, how are you?08:38
chrisccoulsonwell, that should keep the webapps guys busy. been picking firefox crashes out of the crash database for them this morning :)08:38
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks08:38
chrisccoulsoni'm good thanks, how are you?08:38
didrocksI'm fine, thanks :)08:39
didrockschrisccoulson: heh ;)08:39
chrisccoulsonnumber 4 ;)08:40
chrisccoulsonthat's just for the last 24 hours. if i look at the last week, that crash is number 1108:40
chrisccoulsonit's going to overtake all of them quite quickly :(08:40
didrockschrisccoulson: can you contact them and work with them to get those fixed?08:43
didrockschrisccoulson: I think we will need to help them to get a better firefox plugin08:43
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah. they're all going to be travelling next week aren't they?08:43
didrockschrisccoulson: right, most of them starting wednesday08:43
chrisccoulsoni wonder whether to just fix it for them before this appears on mozilla's radar08:43
didrockschrisccoulson: so that's plenty of time to get some fixes in first! :)08:44
didrockschrisccoulson: agreed08:44
didrockschrisccoulson: would be bad to have it disabled :p08:44
chrisccoulsondidrocks, https://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2012-October/msg00056.html ;)09:24
chrisccoulsonsystemd now a hard dependency of gnome-settings-daemon....09:25
didrockschrisccoulson: "sweet", this will make our life easier of course…09:25
didrockschrisccoulson: not sure of the effectivness of the power plugin in g-s-d TBH09:25
Laneyyeah, just saw that09:25
Laneyit's not entirely surprising though really09:25
chrisccoulsonbut then, we choose to use obsolete technology such as consolekit :/09:25
xnoxchrisccoulson: I'm not sure "choose" is the correct word here.09:39
pittiah, just read that mail as well09:40
pittiwell, we'll need to package systemd anyway09:41
chrisccoulsonxnox, what would be the correct word?09:41
pittiit was the plan for quantal already, but didn't happen09:41
chrisccoulsondidrocks, are you using https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-next btw? :)09:41
chrisccoulsonhey pitti, how are you?09:41
didrockschrisccoulson: I don't really use firefox, why? ;)09:41
pittiwe'll still need a patch to use CK, of course, but we should be able to use the suspend etc. bits09:41
pittichrisccoulson: quite fine, thanks!09:41
chrisccoulsondidrocks, oh, i forgot you're a chrome traitor :-P09:42
chrisccoulsonfreedom hater ;)09:42
didrockschrisccoulson: quick quick blog it! ;-)09:42
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chrisccoulsonpitti, you'll still be at UDS, won't you? :)09:44
pittichrisccoulson: yes, of course; I'm in the platform team09:44
chrisccoulsonoh, i wasn't too sure. that's good then09:44
didrockspitti: take care, soon chrisccoulson will call you "desktop team traitor" :)09:44
* pitti remembers to bring the asbestos pants09:45
didrocksheh :)09:45
ronocnero for linux has been broken since 11.10 on 64bit10:26
ronocdon't know who to spoke to about this ...10:26
didrocksronoc: is it in the partner repo?10:27
ronocdidrocks, from apt I can find nerolinux10:28
ronoci don't have any extra repos added to my source.list10:29
ronocdidrocks, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1864876&page=210:29
ronocthe fix worked for me10:29
ronoci needed to create an nrg for something10:29
didrocksronoc: apt-cache policy nerolinux10:29
didrockswhat does it says?10:29
ronocdidrocks, no mention of where the repo is10:30
ronoci can't remember is i installed from a deb from the nero site10:30
ronoc  Installed:
ronoc  Candidate:
ronoc  Version table:10:31
ronoc *** 010:31
ronoc        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status10:31
ronocdidrocks, ^10:31
didrocksronoc: so you downloaded and installed the deb directly10:31
didrocksor added a ppa, installing it, and removing it (during a dist-upgrade?)10:31
ronocnah i must have installed the deb directly10:31
didrocksbut I really doubt we would ever have nerolinux in the distro10:31
ronocwe should support it though10:31
didrocksronoc: maybe they have a support forum?10:31
didrocksI think it needs a rebuild and fixes for multiarch10:32
ronoci'll see if i can relay that message10:33
didrocksronoc: http://www.nero.com/enu/downloads-linux4-update.php10:33
didrocksronoc: seems they didn't release a deb for 2 years though10:33
ronocaye, people still use this though for producing disc images, plants only accept nrgs or dpps10:34
ronocyep it looks like nero have stop supporting linux ...10:37
didrocksurgh :(10:37
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bizhanMonaHi where is ubuntu as far as supporting systemd? thx12:09
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jbichathanks Bastien for stirring up drama on a Friday https://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2012-October/msg00056.html13:17
kenvandinejbicha, yeah... i guess we'll be talking about systemd at UDS13:27
jbichaI mean, Ubuntu 13.04 probably should start migrating to systemd in 13.04 but he's being a jerk about "encouraging" us to do that13:29
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kenvandinehey seb12813:31
seb128kenvandine, hey13:31
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chrisccoulsonhey seb12813:48
chrisccoulsonjust saw your response on d-d-l ;)13:49
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, happy friday trolling day ;-)13:49
chrisccoulsonheh :)13:50
chrisccoulsonhow are you?13:50
seb128I'm good13:50
seb128having a day off work today (still some  10 vac days to take before end of year), I was just saying hello and reading emails (and trolling a bit ;-)13:50
chrisccoulsonheh, vacation, i really need to take some as well13:52
chrisccoulsoni'd totally forgotten about it13:53
chrisccoulsonhah, i've got 18 days left!13:53
chrisccoulsoni really need to take some time off soon13:53
didrockschrisccoulson: we'll tell you happy christmas and happy new year at the end of UDS :)13:55
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: you had a kid, and _still_ have 18 days left? :P13:55
didrocksmdeslaur: you know that this can be taken as "you are being a bad father", right? :p13:56
jbichaseb128: lol, have a good day off :)13:56
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, with 2 small children, sometimes it's a relief to be at work rather than taking vacation ;)13:56
mdeslaurdidrocks: lol, whoops :)13:56
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: hehe :)13:56
chrisccoulsonbut, i really suck at taking vacation13:57
chrisccoulsoni need to pick a period between 2 firefox releases to have some time off :)13:57
seb128jbicha, thanks ;-)13:57
seb128I'm off again13:57
didrockschrisccoulson: how fast between 2 firefox releases already?13:59
chrisccoulsondidrocks, well, there were 2 last week13:59
chrisccoulsonbut 6 weeks between scheduled releases ;)13:59
didrocksok, 7 for chromium IIRC14:00
chrisccoulsonthe release process for chromium seems a bit more chaotic though14:00
chrisccoulsoni can tell you the exact date firefox 17 will be released :)14:01
didrockstime-based :)14:10
didrockschrisccoulson: do they really release chromium and chrome the same day?14:10
didrockskenvandine: maybe you would know? ^14:10
kenvandinenot sure about the same day14:10
kenvandinebut it is roughly every 6 weeks14:10
kenvandinenot as specific as firefox though14:11
kenvandinesometimes it is 3 or 4 weeks between stable releases14:11
Laneyah, working webkit on arm again14:36
Laneyogra_: ^ :-)14:36
* Laney is looking at the slideshow14:36
* ogra_ hugs Laney 14:36
ogra_Laney, thats awesome, while we could easily drop the slideshow, yelp is completely broken :)14:37
Laneyi'll SRU it with the upstream micro release14:37
Laneystill a workaround, there's a bug with upstream to fix it for real14:37
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ellorenzHi to all!14:48
ellorenzi'd need help about wifi on ubuntu 12.10 can anyone help me?14:48
jbichaellorenz: please ask in #ubuntu14:49
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TheLordOfTimewas 2d unity removed in Q?15:49
TheLordOfTimeand if so, why?15:49
didrocksTheLordOfTime: yeah, it was, you can read http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/08/unity-2d-removed-from-ubuntu-12-10 (or google around) for more explanation15:51
didrocksthe decision was announced at last UDS15:51
TheLordOfTimeah, i missed it, i focus on server stuff more :p15:51
TheLordOfTimein any case, what's the method to reset stuff to less-graphical stuff?15:52
didrocksTheLordOfTime: if your machine can't support 3D, it will use llvmpipe15:52
didrocks(with unity itself)15:52
TheLordOfTimethat may have been prudent to include in the release notes15:53
TheLordOfTimeunless i didnt read them enough15:53
* TheLordOfTime is adamant to stick with 12.04, but has seen 'bugs' that 2d unity isnt an option now15:53
didrocksTheLordOfTime: people having machine not able to run unity 3D have a warning before upgrading15:54
didrocks(it may run fine with llvmpipe, but we prefer to warn them while they are on precise still :))15:55
TheLordOfTimedoesn't seem that way according to the QQing i saw in #ubuntu earlier15:55
didrockswell, it's only if the machine doesn't support 2D15:55
didrockssorry, 3D15:55
didrocksnot if you selected 2D and your machine supported 3D15:55
didrocksknowing that 3D is more power efficient as running on the GPU and some speed improvments have made their way on 12.10 for compiz + unity15:56
TheLordOfTimedid the release notes include that 2d unity was replaced with what you've stated?16:00
TheLordOfTimeif so, then i can just start saying "learn to read the release notes!"16:00
TheLordOfTime(or something more friendly that way)16:00
TheLordOfTimeas i said, i prefer currentRelease -1, or LTS16:00
TheLordOfTime(which is why i'll be on 12.04 for a while ;P)16:00
didrocksTheLordOfTime: it was in beta1, seems it didn't make it into the finale release note though :/16:01
didrocksTheLordOfTime: but the user shouldn't land in a desktop-less world, the new version unity version on supported hw should be more efficient than unity-2d they had in precise16:02
TheLordOfTimeits the QQing i dont like :P16:03
didrocksand if their hardware will require llvmpipe support (so no acceleration), there is a warning showing it16:03
TheLordOfTimebrb, I apparently futzed a debdiff for an SRU16:03
fredpdidrocks and friends, congrats for the release.16:53
didrocksfredp: merci! :-)16:53
jbichaTheLordOfTime: yeah, basically no one has stepped up to maintain unity-2d17:20
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mterryLaney, I wanted to push an SRU patch for gtk+3.0.  I see you have one uploaded?  Has it been approved into -proposed yet or shall I add my patch to yours and re-upload with same version?20:01
* mterry realizes he can look himelf20:02
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mbiebltkamppeter: heya, around?22:24
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