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hyperairhmmm ubuntu's switching to systemd?01:31
hyperairhttp://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1200#comment-397370 <-- is this for real?01:31
micahghyperair: not a reliable source of information01:34
micahg* i.e. no clear relation to the project01:34
RAOFhyperair: I don't know why you'd get that impression.01:35
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hyperairRAOF: i figured it would have been flamed to hell already if it wasn't true.01:35
hyperairRAOF: so the lack of flames were a cause of concern.01:35
ajmitchhyperair: I think the lack of flames are probably due to moderated comments01:39
RAOFPossibly also that it's basically just noise.01:40
ajmitchhyperair: might as well write that there's 'no question' that unity will be rewritten in C# :)01:59
hyperairajmitch: good idea!02:04
ajmitchhyperair: it's probably on news sites already after commenting on it in here02:05
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RAOFajmitch: I'd support that!02:25
ajmitchRAOF: think of how confusing it'd be to have unity & unity3d, both in C# :)02:25
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pittiGood morning03:37
ajmitchmorning pitti03:37
pittiScottK: I put it into the changelog; I haven't maintained a NEWS file for postgresql so far, perhaps I should for stuff like that03:38
ScottKpitti: I suppose that'll do, but I think NEWS is better.03:38
pittislangasek: GNOME SRUs> A good indication is the version number, it should be 3.6.x for quantal; but that is indeed a bit blurry03:39
pittihey ajmitch03:39
ScottKpitti: Done.03:41
pittiScottK: done what?03:41
ScottKpitti: Accepted the SRUs.03:42
pittioh, the ecpg one; thanks!03:42
ScottKpg on precise and quantal.03:42
slangasekpitti: ah, good point.  Well, stgraber provided pointers to the upstream module definitions, which is probably good for now.03:45
pittiskaet, cjwatson, stgraber, infinity, release team: congrats to the final release! that was a rather difficult birth03:47
ScottKI think it would have been a lot smoother with less last second featuritis.03:56
slangasekTheMuso: hey, is there really any reason for us to ship libasound2-python?  Debian doesn't ship the smixer plugins at all; I can't find any documentation for how this plugin is supposed to be used, and it's definitely not ported to python303:57
invalidopcodeThis is probably a simple answer but can one "clone" a package from a public launchpad project and then build the project easily?04:29
ScottKinvalidopcode: You probably want #launchpad.04:31
invalidopcodeScottK: okay, thanks.04:31
invalidopcodeI'm trying to work on the04:31
invalidopcodelp:ubuntu/quantal/pidgin-libnotify project, that's why I asked here04:31
slangasekinvalidopcode: 'bzr branch lp:ubuntu/quantal/pidgin-libnotify' is the bzr equivalent of a git clone04:34
slangasekas for building, you perhaps want 'dpkg-buildpackage'04:35
invalidopcodeokay, thanks! I'll try that04:35
invalidopcodeslangasek: it gives me "dpkg-source: error: can't build with source format '3.0 (quilt)': no upstream tarball found at ..."04:38
slangasekinvalidopcode: ah - so you should probably install the bzr-builddeb package, and run 'bzr bd' instead of 'dpkg-buildpackage'04:39
invalidopcodeah thanks! It seems to be going now :)04:40
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invalidopcodeit seems to complain about not being able to sign the package04:43
invalidopcodeit might be because I haven't logged into launchpad04:43
invalidopcodebut if I'm just doing dev, do I need to sign the package?04:43
slangasekinvalidopcode: that will be because you haven't set up your environment with a pgp key; and no, you don't need to sign the package04:44
slangasekinvalidopcode: there are some pages somewhere that talk about this initial env setup, let me see if I remember where they are04:44
invalidopcodeokay thanks!04:44
invalidopcodeyeah I don't want to keep bothering you if I don't have to04:44
invalidopcodeI'm new to the Ubuntu dev community... I'm more familiar with the Archlinux pkgbuild system :)04:47
invalidopcodeslangasek: after following all those steps it still fails with "gpg: /tmp/debsign.UclxAL3H/pidgin-libnotify_0.14-4ubuntu11.dsc: clearsign failed: secret key not available"05:18
slangasekinvalidopcode: so in order for debsign to know which key to use, either your PGP key's UID must exactly match the uploader field in debian/changelog, or you need to pass -k<keyid> to tell it which key to use.  (for instance, if you're signing a package that someone else prepared, you need to use this latter option)05:20
slangasekinvalidopcode: however, if you're not actually uploading this anywhere, you can use the -uc -us options instead: bzr bd -- -uc -us05:20
invalidopcodeah okay05:21
invalidopcodeyay! it worked :)05:22
invalidopcodethanks for all the help slangasek!05:26
invalidopcodeis the new libmessaging-menu library this http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/c/messaging-menu/ ?05:34
invalidopcodedisregard the stupid question :)05:36
invalidopcodeokay last question. slangasek. what does one to do fix "aborting due to unexpected upstream changes"?05:46
slangasekinvalidopcode: that depends on what those changes are... you might run dpkg-source --commit to keep them, or bzr revert to get rid of them05:46
invalidopcodeso for every change I make I have to do that before building?05:47
invalidopcodeor is there a better way to do quick development?05:47
slangasekif you're testing the build, you can also pass -b to bzr bd05:48
slangasekand skip the source package generation, which is what's failing here05:48
dholbachgood morning06:01
hallynslangasek: so i'm playing with the debian experimental qemu git branch that's taking the place of qemu-kvm soon.  working well for me.  i looked at a diff to the qemu-linaro git tree, and it seems contained enough to arm stuff that it would seem fine to add as a patch, imo, to consolidate the trees.  (there are other barriers of course)06:14
hallynsomething to talk about at uds if nothing else06:14
* hallyn calls it a night06:16
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obounaimGood morning06:20
jibelmvo, good morning06:44
jibelmvo, I found bug 1068389 this morning06:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1068389 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "P->Q - do-release-upgrade crashed with UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xbb' in position 1: ordinal not in range(128) in DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeViewText.py", line 143, in showInPager" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106838906:45
mvojibel: thanks, let me have a look06:46
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tjaaltonis there a way to disable automounting certain media/mountpoints?07:18
pittitjaalton: put them into fstab (LABEL= or UUID=) and don't mark as "auto"07:18
tjaaltonpitti: ah, thanks07:18
sarnoldtjaalton: 'noauto' in fstab(5) :)07:18
tjaaltonyeah I thought there was a "newer" method :)07:19
tjaaltonbut this works too07:19
mvojibel: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-release-upgrader/trunk/revision/2581 - I will upload that now07:28
jibelmvo, thank you07:52
mvojibel: thank you for finding it!07:56
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jibelpitti, about https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/charms/quantal/jhbuild/jhbuild_from_git/+merge/13036508:11
pittijibel: oui?08:12
jibelpitti, I'd rather not delete the local copy on configuration change or upgrade and preserve any change the user could have made locally08:12
jibelpitti, what do you think ?08:12
pittijibel: you mean in the checked out jhbuild tree?08:12
jibelpitti, right08:13
pittijibel: I can change it accordingly, yes08:13
pittijibel: i. e. [ -d jhbuild ] || git clone jhbuild?08:13
pittijibel: d'accord, I'll change it accordingly08:13
jibelthis 2 lines +        rm -rf jhbuild08:14
jibel+        git clone git://git.gnome.org/jhbuild08:14
jibelas it can be an unpleasant surprise08:14
pittijibel: right, and the ones below that for autogen and make08:14
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pittijibel: did they approve your charm now?08:36
pittijibel: you said yesterday you wanted to wait with the merges until that happened08:36
jibelpitti, not yet but the fixes are safe, and xfvb something we want by default.08:39
pittijibel: ah, so we'll shelve the jhbuild-from-git one for now?08:40
pittijibel: good, then I'll continue with my pygobject stuff today, and get back to the charm on Monday08:40
mptev, so, what are the possible causes of a spike09:00
mpt(1) There's a big new bug: unlikely, since we were in Final Freeze, and the table doesn't show anything obviously new.09:00
mpt(2) People installing from scratch experience bugs disproportionately to pre-release testers, e.g. bugs in the installer or, yes, jockey.09:02
evA binary program crash that's suddenly appearing and not showing up on the front page because the retracers are down (thanks gnat-gps).09:02
mptBut the first ubiquity problem is #68, jockey #45.09:02
evSo there were 18187 reports for 12.10 yesterday, compared with 6320 the day before.09:02
mpt(3) There's something wrong with the denominator in the calculation. We're counting many fewer users than we should be.09:03
mpt(Or fewer machines, rather.)09:03
evhmmm, suspicious: there were 63630 unique systems for the 90 day period ending yesterday. There were 565335 for the 90 day period ending on the 17th.09:05
evThat's not as big an increase as I would suspect.09:05
mptUTC, right?09:06
mpt12.10 was out for only ~6 of those hours.09:07
evso we should definitely see how much the unique system in a 90 day period count grows after today09:08
evbut this still doesn't explain the big upward swing of reports09:09
jtayloris there a way we can modify the fontconfig deprecation warning? it is not clear at all what it wants you to do.09:22
jtaylor"Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf", line 9: reading configurations from ~/.fonts.conf is deprecated."09:23
Laneyit's software, so yes09:23
sladenjtaylor: apt-get source fontconfig && grep -r "is deprecated" fontconfig-*09:25
jtaylorI'm just looking at it09:25
jtaylorwould a patch be accepted for an sru?09:25
sladenconcentrate on fixing the next release, and think about SRU as a secondary wishlist09:26
sladenI believe the general tendancy is to ask/warn a user if they are able to do something about it (and tell them how), or not bother them with science if they can do nothing about them.  Thus, either fixing it to a proactive comment, or disabling both make sense09:27
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cjwatsonev: oh, sorry, I promised to deal with the gnat-gps SRU didn't I09:51
dupondjeSomebody else is noticing shutdown issues sometimes?09:53
evcjwatson: thanks! And no worries at all - I wasn't expecting anything to happen yesterday, given the release09:56
evmpt: responding to your PM here: yes, sorry, that should be 56335 systems in the 90 day period ending yesterday09:57
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mptev, another example of (2) might be the RecoverableErrors, if people install and then try to install a bunch of apps11:15
evmpt: yes, but we separate out the effect of RecoverableErrors into its own line11:16
mptev, not yet :-)11:16
mptoh, I see on poppy-dev11:16
mptit goes up just as high11:16
dokobarry, ping11:17
mptev, just throwing ideas out there, but do you have something like an off-by-one error in the period you're counting users in? E.g. dividing the number of errors for yesterday by the period up to the day before?11:18
mpt(...by the number of computers in the period up to the day before, I mean)11:18
evI'll do a review of the code now11:20
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mitya57barry, doko: please don't add python3.3 to supported versions until python-docutils is fixed12:52
mvostgraber: could you have a look at #1068614 please? probably something relatively easy to fix on the server12:52
mitya57I would prefer to upload docutils 0.9.1 with some cherry-picked patches, but that would require uploading python-roman12:53
mitya57and MIRing it12:53
mitya57is that possible before the archive opens?12:53
mitya57otherwise I can try to backport those patches to 0.812:54
dokomitya57, where is the MIR?12:55
mitya57doko: I haven't filed it because the package is not yet uploaded12:55
mitya57should I do that?12:55
ScottKmitya57: Given that the python3-defaults patch for 3.3/multi-version support is incomplete, I don't think we'll have it at the open in any case.12:55
dokoyes please, and upload the package12:56
dokoScottK, ?12:56
mitya57I think he means issues with pyqt12:56
ScottKdoko: See my last mail to -devel.  I tried barry's patch and it didn't work out so well.12:56
ScottKmitya57: Yes, but I don't think it was an issue specific to that package.12:56
dokohmm, it did work for me for a simple extension. if just qt4 fails, then let it fail ...12:57
ScottKI'll try another one.12:57
mitya57MIR done (bug 1068630), so are we uploading new python3-defaults before the archive opening?13:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1068630 in Ubuntu "[MIR] python-roman" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106863013:32
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stokachucjwatson: i was in the process of converting gnome-keyring to multiarch and noticed in the rules file it does this install -m0755 -D debian/gnome-keyring.ubiquity debian/gnome-keyring/usr/lib/ubiquity/target-config/50gkd-caps, i didnt see ubiquity as an rdepends so was wondering what implications this has13:42
stokachuor if ubiquity will never be multi-arched i guess it wouldn't mattter13:43
cjwatsonThe lack of a dependency doesn't matter - it just provides a hook for ubiquity to run in case it is installed13:43
cjwatsonThere's no reason for ubiquity ever to be multi-arched as far as I know, so if this is in a multi-arch: same package then you just need to make sure it's identical across architectures as usual13:44
stokachulibgnome-keyring is MA: same13:44
stokachuso should be ok then13:45
mitya57doko: ^13:52
mitya57and I'm thinking of going with an svn snapshot of docutils because it includes my patch for debian bug 677929.13:59
ubottuDebian bug 677929 in python-docutils "python-docutils: remote copy of MathJax needed to render maths" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/67792913:59
stgrabermvo: hmm, yeah, that's fixable on the server. I'll assign that one to me14:02
mvostgraber: thanks14:03
dokomitya57, and the docutils upload?14:05
mitya57doko: so I should do it now?14:06
dokomitya57, yes, both please14:07
mitya57doko: OK, doing14:08
dokomitya57, did you upload?14:25
mitya57I've prepared it, will now file a bug report and upload tarballs there14:27
mitya57I'm not a core developer :)14:27
mitya57doko: bug 106866714:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1068667 in python-docutils (Ubuntu) "Please upload docutils 0.9.1+svn7532-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106866714:32
mitya57I'm not able to test it now thoroughly because I have to go14:32
mitya57But I can do that tomorrow14:33
mitya57doko: ^^14:34
mitya57and the branch with python-roman packaging is at 104825914:35
mitya57*bug 104825914:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1048259 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] python-roman" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104825914:35
* mitya57 has to go offline now, sorry :(14:39
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mitya57I'm back :)14:46
stokachustgraber: bzr: ERROR: Revision {stgraber@ubuntu.com-20110804202131-kd0ddqcwxmznqjw9} not present in "Graph(StackedParentsProvider(bzrlib.repository._LazyListJoin(([CachingParentsProvider(None)], []))))"., know anything about this? happens when doinga bzr branch lp:ubuntu/quantal/ssd14:57
Laneystokachu: I suggest you file a bug on launchpad.net/udd15:00
stokachuLaney: ok will do thanks15:00
tumbleweedthere's a source package called ssd?15:01
tumbleweedI see 'ssd' in the pasted URL15:02
* Laney shrugs15:02
Laneylaney@quantal> bzr branch lp:ubuntu/quantal/sssd                                                                                      ~/temp15:02
Laneybzr: ERROR: Revision {stgraber@ubuntu.com-20110804202131-kd0ddqcwxmznqjw9} not present in "Graph(StackedParentsProvider(bzrlib.repository._LazyListJoin(([CachingParentsProvider(None)], []))))".15:02
tumbleweedright :)15:02
stokachucjwatson: if you got a few seconds could i get appmenu-gtk and libgnomecanvas approved in the upload queue for precise?15:12
mitya57doko: attached tested and updated tarballs to bug 1068667, will you sponsor it?15:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1068667 in python-docutils (Ubuntu) "Please upload docutils 0.9.1+svn7532-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106866715:19
cjwatsonstokachu: Won't running dpkg-query in an Xsession.d script slow down desktop startup performance?15:27
cjwatsonstokachu: And shouldn't this get into a development release first?15:28
stokachucjwatson: is raring open for that now?15:28
stokachucjwatson: startup performance maybe affected by a small amount15:29
cjwatsonIt could be quite significant - opening the dpkg database can be expensive15:30
cjwatsonI think this needs to take a file-based approach instead15:30
cjwatsonPerhaps use a wildcard?15:30
stokachucjwatson: hmmm i could do that15:31
stokachuall arch are basically similar in where its put right? /usr/lib/<arch>/..15:31
stokachui wasn't sure for arm etc15:31
cjwatsonIt's always one subdirectory down, yes15:31
cjwatsonThe name of the subdirectory isn't necessarily what you expect of course15:31
stokachuyea i can try that approach and see15:32
cjwatsonstokachu: huh, I see slangasek suggested the dpkg-query approach15:37
stokachucjwatson: lol i didnt want to say anything :X15:38
cjwatsonslangasek: ^- did you consider the desktop startup performance implications of calling dpkg-query in Xsession?15:38
stokachuthe plot thickens :D15:38
cjwatsonThe question of what happens if it's missing is a bit murky anyway, because surely it depends on which architecture of libgtk is running that might try to load it15:39
cjwatsonOr something15:39
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stokachucjwatson: from my tests it works either way15:40
cjwatsonstokachu: so, unclear about appmenu-gtk, but libgnomecanvas is nice and simple - there were two roughly-identical copies of it in the queue, so I accepted the first and rejected the second15:41
infinitystokachu: conffiles can be arch-specific, I'd just generate it at build-time with the full path.15:41
cjwatsoninfinity: not in a multi-arch: same package15:41
cjwatsonsee the bug :)15:41
infinitycjwatson: Oh, it's in the library.  Ick.15:41
slangasekcjwatson: hrm, there was a vague tickle in the back of my head, is this actually having a noticeable startup impact?15:42
infinityBut if it's MA:same, the dpkg-query defeats the entire purpose.15:42
infinitySince it's going to tell you if you have your primary-arch version installed.15:42
infinityWhich may or may not be what you wanted to know.15:43
slangasekit is15:43
slangasekthis config file is used to set a single environment variable that affects all versions of gtk15:43
infinityYes, but.  How does that relate to what I just said?15:43
slangasekeither you have some version of appmenu and you want to set it, or you don't have any and you don't set it15:43
slangasekoh, sorry, misparsed15:44
slangasekno, that query doesn't just return for the primary arch15:44
slangasektry it and see15:44
cjwatsonslangasek: I haven't profiled it, but it would definitely seem to me to be a concern15:44
cjwatsonIf we're cracking down on forks during boot, forking something that loads a substantial text database just seems unwise :)15:45
stokachucjwatson: i think i attempted the file based check first and slangasek mentioned that wouldnt work15:46
stokachui'd have to go back into the notes and see why that was15:46
infinityslangasek: I bed to differ.  I just installed sl:i386 (so, not having the amd64 one installed at all) and, as I expect, I get "unknown ok not-installed" for sl, and "install ok installed" for sl:i38615:47
infinityslangasek: So, I maintain that if your appmenu-gtk doesn't match your dpkg arch, this fails.15:47
mitya57doko: so will you sponsor that or no?15:47
infinityslangasek: Which kinda seems to defeat half the point of multiarching.15:47
slangasekinfinity: that's not a multi-arch: same package15:47
cjwatsonThe dpkg-query call takes ~0.2s here after dropping caches15:47
stokachucjwatson: barely enough time to sneeze! :D15:48
cjwatsonstokachu: tight budgets15:48
ScottKIt all adds up.15:48
slangasekcjwatson: fwiw the tickle in the back of my head also said "what is this crazy design, why are we exporting variables instead of just letting gtk probe it on the filesystem"15:48
cjwatsonslangasek: So for "some version of appmenu is installed", why not just glob over @moduledir@/*/libappmenu.so and test if any of the results exist?15:48
slangasekinfinity: that's not how the dpkg-query output for libc6 looks, to take an example M-A: same package15:49
cjwatsonEquivalent and faster15:49
slangasekcjwatson: yeah, that should be fine too15:49
infinityslangasek: That would be hard for me to test, given that it's impossible to remove the native libc6...15:49
cjwatsonfor x in @moduledir@/*/libappmenu.so; do if [ -e "$x" ]; then ...; break; fi; done15:49
cjwatsonstokachu: ^-15:49
cjwatsonmaybe -f rather than -e to match the original15:49
slangasekcjwatson: I think I didn't recommend that because of an aversion to dealing with globs in shell scripts15:49
slangasekclearly that did not serve me well here :)15:50
cjwatsonThe above is my standard form, and avoids the usual no-nullglob-related bug15:50
slangasekstokachu: cjwatson's approach is definitely better15:50
stokachuso no immediate issues with globs then?15:50
cjwatsonIf the design is to test whether *any* libappmenu.so is available, then the glob approach should work15:50
stokachuok, cool! ill work on getting that implemented and retested15:51
cjwatsonI don't know whether gtk breaks if $UBUNTU_MENUPROXY is unavailable15:51
stokachuthe original menus are used15:51
cjwatsonOK, good15:51
stokachuyea i tested that when i broke the build :D15:51
micahga fs grep is faster than dpkg-query?15:52
infinitymicahg: In that case, sure.  It's not a find /15:53
infinityslangasek: I'm curious what you mean by libc6 output looking different.15:53
stokachuslangasek: and do you ever hear a giggle in the back of your head?15:54
infinityslangasek: (Purely academic now, since he's not using this approach)15:54
Will123456hey guys. when you view windows scaled back in the overview/spread mode in either unity or gnome shell, it seems like there's no point in drawing all the UI chrome, buttons and scrollbars and so on. it's an ambitious idea in terms of requiring toolkit/application support, but is the idea of being able to request applications draw only their "content", rather than UI chrome a realistic idea?15:54
Will123456(and/or a useful idea)15:54
Will123456an example would be libre office drawing only the text and hiding toolbars, gimp only drawing the image being worked on and none of the toolboxes, calculator only displaying the current result15:56
infinityslangasek: Just to show I'm not insane, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1289641/16:04
cjwatsonWill123456: #ubuntu-unity might be better for that kind of thing16:05
ScottKinfinity: That only shows this isn't evidence of insanity.  It's not proof otherwise.16:05
infinityScottK: ...?16:05
infinityScottK: Oh, right.16:06
infinityScottK: Yes, I'm clearly insane, we all know that, just not in regards to this. :P16:06
cjwatsoninsane on at least one side16:06
Will123456cjwatson: good call, i'll ask there16:15
stokachucjwatson: hmm, i think im going to have to use /usr/lib/*/ rather than moduledir16:19
stokachumoduledir expands to /usr/lib/<arch>/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/menuproxies/*/libappmenu.so16:20
stokachuand that won't even work fully16:20
stokachui could glob 3 spots perhaps16:20
slangasekinfinity: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1289689/ fwiw :)16:20
infinityslangasek: izzat quantal or precise?16:21
slangasekinfinity: quantal16:21
infinityslangasek: Ed zachary.  His upload is to precise.16:21
cjwatsonstokachu: Ah, right, I wasn't clear on the exact directory layout16:22
cjwatsonstokachu: Maybe there's some other piece you can extract from the build system; or *cough* run sed over @moduledir@16:22
stokachuso i guess my question is that acceptable to do /usr/lib/*/*/*/menuproxies/libappmenu.so16:22
cjwatsonThat doesn't feel right16:22
cjwatsonmaybe you can get hold of the gtk-2.0/2.10.0/menuproxies part separately16:23
stokachucjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1289701/16:23
stokachuline 36 starts where it handles the appmenu.in portion16:23
cjwatsonbut you could always use shell's text processing facilities16:24
cjwatsonthen you can look at /usr/lib/*/$moduledir_suffix/libappmenu.so, or something like that16:24
stokachuok ill dig into it some more to see what i can come up with16:25
infinitystokachu: What's the full path?16:25
stokachuinfinity: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1289706/16:26
stokachuthat was with the splat in there16:26
infinitystokachu: No, the full path.  What's that extra * expand to?16:27
stokachuinfinity: well thats all that is put into 80appmenu from the configure16:27
stokachuonly @moduledir@ is expanded to what you see there16:27
cjwatsonYeah, that certainly won't work, try my moduledir_suffix stuff instead16:27
stokachuthe splat was what i put in there16:27
infinitystokachu: What I mean is, where is the actual file?16:28
stokachuinfinity: oh just remove the splat16:28
cjwatsoninfinity: /usr/lib/*/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/menuproxies/libappmenu.so16:28
stokachuand that would be the full path16:28
infinitystokachu: I'm going to assume a splat is an asterisk? ;)16:28
stokachuyea sorry16:28
infinitycjwatson: Right, and globbing works fine, if that is used, then.16:28
cjwatsonJust a matter of picking the expansion of @moduledir@ apart in shell.16:29
drizti opened bug with nfs-utils on launchpad two weeks ago but still didn't get any answer.16:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1062022 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu) "exportfs crash with long path" [Undecided,New]16:35
driztalso I opened the same bug on Red Hat bugzilla. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=863054. And the result: http://git.linux-nfs.org/?p=steved/nfs-utils.git;a=commitdiff;h=a16f4a13677d13b0aae9327a3b9e8414470b7927;hp=b010d126bbb8265e5717e596711d754baec11e6c16:36
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 863054 in nfs-utils "exportfs crash with long path" [Unspecified,New]16:36
nodhi.  i noticed some errors during an "apt-get update" and was told I should drop this here. http://33ad.org/pb/vp16:45
nodthis was about 15 mins ago.  I tried again just now and it seemed to sync ok, so not sure what the transient issue was related to16:45
hallyn^ more W: Failed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/it.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-updates_main_source_Sources  Hash Sum mismatch16:47
sarnoldnod: it looks like there's three it.archive... mirrors; try it a few times and see if it comes back?16:47
nodit's completed already now, i just thought you guys might want to know16:48
nodi'm more concerned from an infrastructure standpoint and not this silly vm I'm hacking on :)16:48
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infinitynod: It's not a mirror we directly control, so not a whole bunch we can do about it sometimes being skewed.16:49
infinity(Except to take away their CC DNS entry, but that's probably not necessary here)16:50
nodinteresting. could clock skew introduce issueslike that?16:50
nodi'd figure it's just a simple rsync of some flat file structure16:51
infinitynod: It's a flat file structure, but if the Release and Packages files need to match.16:52
infinitynod: Most mirror admins run scripts to try to mitigate the windows between those two being transferred to seconds (or less), some don't care and it can be minutes.16:53
infinitynod: Err, that first sentence took a turn when I lost context elsewhere.  "if the Release and Packages files don't match, you get that error" is what I meant to say. :P16:53
nodheh i grok'd.16:54
infinitynod: Which is, of course, a feature.  The bug is that they can not match while a mirror is updating.16:54
infinity(Which is a bug in how we publish the archive and/or in how people mirror it, depending on where one likes to place blame on days that end in 'y')16:54
cjwatsonAlso web caches occasionally get unlucky and then get stuck on the mismatching versions until they expire.16:54
infinitycjwatson: Yeah, that can be unfortunate.16:55
nodquirky. so it's not an atomic operation by moving to an alternate location, then flipping over to the new repro?16:55
cjwatsonFiguring out the relevant URLs and running wget --no-cache on them can sometimes clear this for an entire office-worth of people at once.16:55
cjwatsonnod: Unix doesn't have atomic directory replacement16:55
infinitynod: It is on our end, we don't dictate what mirrors do.16:55
cjwatsonIt's not even on our end16:55
nodcjwatson: symlinks :)16:55
cjwatsonIt's just close16:55
cjwatsonWell, OK, I guess16:55
infinitycjwatson: It is on our end on the publishing side is what I meant, as in, we don't push mirrors until ftpmaster is consistent.16:56
cjwatsonnod: But even then, a client's update could straddle the symlink change16:56
cjwatsonSo that doesn't really solve the problem ...16:56
nodother option is to rewrite httpd config to new loc then send HUP16:56
cjwatsonSame problem16:56
nodyeah.. good point16:56
infinityThe problem is only solvable by subtle mangling the archive format, and we've talked about it a lot.16:57
infinitySome day, someone might write the code to actually make it happen.16:57
cjwatsonRight, we had a plan to put everything in SHA-512-named files or similar16:57
infinitycjwatson: Yeah, I vaguely liked that one.  Ugly to humans, simple for computers.16:57
nodalright... this conversation is getting too interesting.  i can't continue or i'll get distracted from paying the bills with cool stuff.16:58
cjwatsonMitigatable for humans with symlinks.16:58
cjwatsonMore or less.16:58
nodthx all for your help. bbl when i can spare cycles16:58
infinityThe ugly to humans bit being solvable by linking Packages to the "current" SHA.16:58
infinityAnd the above is necesarry to provide backward compat anyway.16:58
hallyn@pilot in16:58
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) released! | Archive: Frozen | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: hallyn
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stokachuneat gnome-keyring places gnome-keyring-prompt in /usr/lib/gnome-keyring17:04
stokachuon precise17:04
stokachui think ill mess with that and appmenu on monday17:05
ahasenackwith the release over, I wonder if someone has time17:18
ahasenackto look over this SRU of mine: https://bugs.launchpad.net/landscape-client/+bug/105305717:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1053057 in landscape-client (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Client queues up lshw calls if talking to old server" [Undecided,New]17:18
ahasenackjust precise was uploaded so far17:18
ahasenack(to proposed)17:18
hallynahasenack: the SRU team is a few weeks behind.  thanks for your confirmation of that bug(fix) though.17:37
ahasenackhallyn: ok, thanks17:38
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slangasekahasenack: are you looking for upload sponsorship or SRU processing, though?17:46
slangasekSRU processing we're getting caught up on (I'm on deck today)17:46
ahasenackslangasek: sru review/processing17:46
slangasekah, ok17:46
slangasekyeah, I tend to process SRU queues newest release to oldest so I'm not sure if I'll make it to oneiric & earlier today17:47
ahasenackslangasek: ok, thanks anyway17:47
slangasekbut hopefully we'll get the queue down far enough to solve the starvation problem this coming week17:47
alex-foowhat does ubuntu use for file indexing these days?17:59
sarnoldalex-foo: I've got the mlocate package providing my /etc/alternatives/locate ...18:02
alex-foofor desktop search, i mean.18:02
alex-fooi think it used to be beagle, then used to be tracker18:04
dobeywell, zeitgeist isn't an indexer18:12
dobeyand the unity lenses do various different things; they don't integrate into a single search solution like tracker or beagle.18:13
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fishorcyphermox, hi. i need your help.18:26
fishorin gnome-bluetooth, each device has proxy, but not each proxy has device. is it correct?18:27
fishorcyphermox, bluetooth-client.c:get_proxy_for_iface returns only proxy (no device), but disconnect_callback use it as device.18:28
fishorso, the problemm is in get_proxy_for_iface or in disconnect_callback18:29
fishorcyphermox,  so, should get_proxy_for_iface return proxy with device? or just proxy?18:32
cyphermoxno, looks correct to me18:35
cyphermoxjust a second18:35
Sexy-Girl-Buntu_serious bug in python3 that makes ubuntu 12.10 upgrade unusable -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1290050/18:51
Sexy-Girl-Buntu_caused by faulty ubuntu-provided python3 packages18:52
Sexy-Girl-Buntu_"UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xeb in position 114: invalid continuation byte"18:52
Sexy-Girl-Buntu_python3 requires encoding to be explicitly specified according to PEP18:53
ScottKThat's a bug in the driver detection package, not python3.18:53
ScottKpitti: ^^^18:53
Sexy-Girl-Buntu_ScottK, any ideas for workaround?18:53
ScottKNo.  I'm not familiar with the code.18:54
slangasekwhile it's a bug in the ubuntu-drivers package, it also looks like the trigger may be some database / cache corruption18:54
Sexy-Girl-Buntu_slangasek, is there a way to purge the cache / db?18:55
slangasekSexy-Girl-Buntu_: probably; but I'm also not familiar with this code so I'm trying to work through where the bad data likely is18:56
slangasekSexy-Girl-Buntu_: have you filed a bug report in launchpad about this?  it really should be tracked there18:56
Sexy-Girl-Buntu_slangasek, yes but even the bug reporting is broken and crashing with SIGSEGV so i manually reported18:57
Sexy-Girl-Buntu_just looking for a temp workaround18:57
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slangasekbug reporting is broken?18:58
slangasekthis code wouldn't have any effect on bug reporting18:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1053749 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "software-properties-gtk cannot launch" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:59
slangasekSexy-Girl-Buntu_: so if there's corruption, it's most likely in the apt cache.  Could you please save aside /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin, run 'sudo apt-get update', and see if the problem goes away?19:01
slangasekand if it does, please attach pkgcache.bin to that bug report19:01
hallyninfinity: https://code.launchpad.net/~dannf/ubuntu/precise/open-iscsi/lp1053306/+merge/127359  IIUC that should be marked 'merged' right?  (to take it off sponsor queue)19:02
hallyn(i'm not allowed :)19:03
Sexy-Girl-Buntu_slangasek, did not work. also, the md5sum after moving and rebuilding is identical19:05
slangasekSexy-Girl-Buntu_: do you happen to have the dctrl-tools package installed on this system?19:06
Sexy-Girl-Buntu_slangasek, not installed -- shall i install it?19:07
slangasekif so, I'd be interested in the output of this command: grep-available . | iconv -f utf-8 -t ucs-2le > /dev/null; echo $?19:08
slangaseksorry, make that: grep-available -r . | iconv -f utf-8 -t ucs-2le > /dev/null; echo $?19:08
slangasekif you can, yes please19:08
Sexy-Girl-Buntu_slangasek, iconv: illegal input sequence at position 22626919:09
Sexy-Girl-Buntu_status output 119:09
hallyn@pilot out19:10
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) released! | Archive: Frozen | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
slangasekSexy-Girl-Buntu_: perfect, that's what I was hoping to see - so it means somewhere in your apt sources there's bad input data, since these files are all supposed to be utf819:13
slangasekSexy-Girl-Buntu_: to narrow it down to a file, please run: for F in /var/lib/apt/lists/*Packages; do iconv -f utf-8 -t ucs-2le > /dev/null || echo $F; done19:14
slangasekSexy-Girl-Buntu_: that will tell us which package source has the bad data, you can then comment it out of your apt config, run 'apt-get update' again, and bypass the problem for now19:14
slangasekSexy-Girl-Buntu_: er, except I got the command wrong again19:15
slangasekfor F in /var/lib/apt/lists/*Packages; do iconv -f utf-8 -t ucs-2le $F > /dev/null || echo $F; done19:16
=== Sexy-Girl-Buntu_ is now known as Girl-Buntu
Girl-Buntuslangasek, no output19:16
slangasekhmm, really19:18
slangasekGirl-Buntu: ok, how about: grep-available -r . | head -c 226300 | tail -n 20 ?19:19
slangasekperhaps this is due to a locally-installed (i.e., not from apt) package that has bad metadata19:19
Girl-Buntuslangasek, yeah that seems to be it19:20
Girl-BuntuMaintainer: Micka�l Guessant <mguessan@free.fr>19:20
Girl-BuntuPackage: davmail19:20
slangasekif you don't mind sharing the details of that package in the bug report, that would be helpful19:20
slangasekGirl-Buntu: easiest workaround is probably to edit /var/lib/dpkg/available and remove the offending character19:21
slangasek(that way you can leave the package installed)19:21
bdmurrayslangasek: there are some similar tracebacks with different KeyError numbers - they are duplicates correct?19:31
Girl-Buntuslangasek, not the root cuase...still not working19:33
Girl-Buntuslangasek, edited to no avail19:33
slangasekbdmurray: if the trace signature is otherwise the same, yes19:33
slangasekGirl-Buntu: does running 'apt-get update' after the edit make a difference?19:34
Girl-Buntuslangasek, no19:34
Girl-Buntuslangasek, the iconv error is removed but not the ability to run the app19:35
slangasekGirl-Buntu: if you re-run the grep-available -r . | iconv command now, it gives no errors?19:35
Girl-Buntuslangasek, correct. no errors. still cant run the app though19:35
slangasekGirl-Buntu: how about if you run the same command with grep-status instead of grep-available?19:35
slangaseki.e., this may require fixing up /var/lib/dpkg/status in addition to /var/lib/dpkg/available19:36
Girl-Buntuiconv: illegal input sequence at position 22382919:36
slangaseksorry, I wasn't sure exactly what dpkg information apt was pulling into its cache19:37
Girl-Buntuslangasek, u rock -- i will update the bug19:37
slangasekGirl-Buntu: perfect, thanks for sticking with it19:37
cyphermoxfishor: I'm still debugging it, it's not obvious. I think there's some piece of the recursion that is wrong when cleaning up the device, services behind it and all, but it's complicated19:46
fishorcyphermox, i see.. i think some extra comments it this source will help in future :)19:48
fishorcyphermox, meh? what is it?19:50
cyphermoxfishor: I'm not convinced it's a matter of comments19:57
fishorcyphermox, ah... i just tried to justify my incompetence ;)19:59
cyphermoxdon't have to, I'm just as lost ;)20:02
cyphermoxfishor: there's a bug open in launchpad or gnome right?20:02
fishorcyphermox, in gnome and only for this crash20:03
cyphermoxBastien can take a look, he's going to have a much easier time figuring it out. I suspect it's a matter of a change in bluez API20:03
fishorcyphermox, will you contact him, or i should open a bug some where?20:04
fishorcyphermox, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=68617220:06
ubottuGnome bug 686172 in properties "[patch] fix crasher on error == NULL" [Normal,Unconfirmed]20:06
cyphermoxyeah, that's fine20:07
cyphermoxthat one looks good but it brings very little, since the device then doesn't get disconnected either20:08
fishorcyphermox, yep. it was initial fix of symptom, not real fix.20:09
fishorcyphermox, can you please assign Bastien to this bug, i do not have his email20:21
* fishor go to sleep20:21
cyphermoxit should be done already20:22
cyphermoxor anyway, he has received the bug mail20:22
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xrdodrxHow do I clear the notifyOSD queue?21:26
xrdodrxI have 4000 notifications in queue due to an application bug.21:26
stgraberxrdodrx: not really the right place to ask, but I guess killing notify-osd and restart it manually should do the trick21:27
xrdodrxfailed to run command `notify-osd': No such file or directory21:28
trismxrdodrx: don't have to restart it, it will be restarted when a notification is sent21:30
stgraberxrdodrx: /usr/lib/notify-osd/notify-osd though indeed it's dbus activated so should get auto respawned on the next notification21:31
xrdodrxoh, good. thanks :)21:31
xrdodrxyes, it was my application that filled up the queue21:31
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* xnox realised why I can't pronounce raring correctly, because to me it's the act of archiving with RAR, RARing22:15
ScottKYou've finally noticed this name is part of Canonical's secret plan to promote non-free software.22:21
xnoxScottK: it's Russian, so it's ok.22:22
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infinityhallyn: Only the tech board can mark that merged (or, rather the members of ~ubuntu-branches)22:29
infinityhallyn: Though, I'm not entirely sure what the point is of merging into a branch no on can write to. :P22:30
slangasekxnox: it's ok anyway, just as long as you know how to pronounce YOU bun toe22:30
infinitystgraber: Want to mark https://code.launchpad.net/~dannf/ubuntu/precise/open-iscsi/lp1053306/+merge/127359 merged? :P22:31
xnoxslangasek:  Убунту ? =) correct ?!22:31
stgraberinfinity: done22:31
* xnox is confused which pyflakes is the real pyflakes22:31
ScottKWill the real pyflakes please stand up.22:32
slangasekScottK: you're the real flaky?22:35
ScottKProbably, but nothing to do with the current conversation.22:38
marruslinfinity, http://pad.lv/1068889 ... i'd assign it but i can't.  :)23:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1068889 in eglibc (Ubuntu) "nscd should not cache netgroups by default" [Undecided,New]23:20
infinitymarrusl: Fixed.23:22
slangasekmarrusl: so in Soviet Russia, Different Strokes watch you?23:32
marruslslangasek, +123:32
marruslreminds me... it's probably time to change that one.  :)23:33

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