
DelphiWorldsalam elacheche_anis Tux-Tn18:29
os_DelphiWorld: welcome :)19:45
DelphiWorldsalam os_ :)19:45
os_salam !19:45
os_salam !20:00
mezenthx os_20:03
os_mezen: :)20:03
os_but whats happend >20:04
mezenfor who ?20:04
os_<mezen> thx os_20:04
mezenit was a reply for salam20:04
os_mezen: AH ..20:05
os_it is the first time i got thing like this20:05
mezenshall peace be upon you too :)20:05
os_anyway !20:05
=== Tayeb__ is now known as DelphiWorld

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