
lubotu3Yup!  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2012-October/000164.html !party in #ubuntu-release-party04:38
Azelphurali1234: I did lots of digging in BS&T, based on the evidence I have, it all points towards BS&T being a frontend to zeekrewards05:42
Azelphurin summary, you was probably right xD05:42
Azelphursadface.jpg, *waves goodbye to 100 btc*05:43
MartijnVdS\o Azelphur05:45
MartijnVdSಠ_ಠ @ Google for releasing Chromebooks only in UK/US05:48
Azelphuryou could just buy one with bitcoins like ali said earlier05:48
MartijnVdSAzelphur: yeah, but I don't have any05:48
Azelphurthat's what I do when I need out of country kit05:48
MartijnVdSalso, PC-World doesn't accept BC ;)05:49
Azelphuryou could buy some bitcoins off of me to give back to me to buy yourself a chromebook?05:49
MartijnVdSAzelphur: you mean I send you some money? ;)05:49
diploMorning all07:13
MartijnVdS\o diplo07:13
* diplo needs sleep07:14
MartijnVdSSleep is for the weak07:15
MartijnVdSdiplo: had a good release party then? :)07:15
diploNot me, just a s*** nights sleep I guess07:16
MartijnVdS\o popeyman07:20
knightwiseyoyo è07:24
MartijnVdSknightwise: gangnam style?07:26
MartijnVdSoppan knightwise style!07:26
* knightwise does the funny horse dance ! 07:26
* knightwise swings ubuntu 12.10 usb installers around ! 07:27
hooverMorning all07:32
knightwisehey hoover07:37
popey\o/ Nexus 707:45
MartijnVdSpopey: got yours already?07:46
MartijnVdSyou have a fast postman07:46
popeypaid 1 pound extra for "before 1pm" delivery07:46
knightwisepopey: you are going to enjoy it !07:46
popeyi already am :)07:46
knightwiseI have my with me EVERYWHERE07:46
popeyit's way better than any other android device I've used07:46
popeymight have to get a cover from somewhere07:47
* knightwise needs to recharge his ipad that has been dead for 2 weeks now07:47
knightwisepopey: take a peek on eboay07:47
* popey now has way too many tablets07:47
knightwiseplenty of cheap versatile covers there07:47
MartijnVdSpopey: give some to your kids :)07:47
knightwisepopey: how many tablets do you have ?07:47
popey2xnexus 7, ipad, smarttq t20, transformer07:48
popeyso I have way more android devices than apple ones :)07:48
* knightwise agrees Too many tablets07:48
knightwiseDo you use the transformer keyboard/touchpad a lot ?07:48
MartijnVdSpopey: that's one for everyone + 1 spare? :)07:48
popeyor all for me and none for anyone else07:48
popeyI will leave ipad at home I think for this trip07:49
popeyso wife/kids can play with it07:49
bootljhfdsdsIs the new Chromebook considered an ultrabook ?07:54
czajkowskimorning folks08:00
czajkowskipopey: why 2 nexus 7's08:00
* SuperMatt looks bleary-eyed at the channel08:13
SuperMattMOAR BACON08:13
matttMOAR MOAR MOAR08:14
* mattt had bacon today08:14
popeyczajkowski, see marks blog post :)08:15
czajkowskisee Jans rant on G+08:15
SuperMattmy bacon desperation stems from last night's wonderous ubuntu release party08:15
SuperMattczajkowski: link?08:16
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popeythats not the blog post I meant08:18
popey"So bring along a Nexus 7 if you’re coming to Copenhagen, because it makes a rumpty reference for our rootin’ tootin’ radionic razoring."08:18
SuperMattyeah, I thought mark's post was more about getting more people involved, and creating new, exciting things that from time to time they want to announce with a bang, rather than have it slide in slowly08:19
gordwhen phone opporaters release new updates to their phone they should tell me secretly like 5 days before hand so i have chance to download it before the internet tries and kills the update servers08:21
* czajkowski tickles gord 08:22
SuperMattah yes, /. and it's tirade of "I don't want this, why is it in my OS?"08:29
SuperMattto which the answer is "because other people *do* want it and they're very appreciative of it, thank you very much"08:29
MartijnVdSgord: my Galaxy Nexus just pinged yesterday "New update, install?"08:31
MartijnVdSit had pre-downloaded it for me08:31
matttpeople take things far too seriously08:33
matttcan't we all just a bo...08:33
knightwisemattt:  you wanted to say "book" there .. didn't you :)08:42
MartijnVdS"bore each other"08:43
bigcalmGood(?) morning peeps :)08:46
MartijnVdS\o bigcalm08:46
bigcalmMy workstation was jealous of me upgrading(?) my laptop last night - my central monitor is no longer rotated 90deg. Nothings changed in xorg.conf. So what's made it change?08:47
bigcalmHi MartijnVdS08:47
shaunohm, that's new.  I now have a /boot/grub/i386-pc and a /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc with identical contents, but not linked08:47
shaunowonder which one I can nuke08:48
gordbigcalm, not considered the idea that the rest of the universe has rotated 90degr?08:48
bigcalmgord: in that case, maybe the left and right monitors have actually rotated08:48
matttknightwise: i don't even know where that came from, i think it was a friend's IRC quit message :)08:52
knightwiseanyone setup 12.10 with a dual monitor setup (side by side, non rotational)08:52
matttor maybe it was some default bitchx-type thing08:52
* knightwise remembers bitxhX fondly08:53
knightwisei'm now more of an irssi whore08:53
diploknightwise: yeah I do08:53
diploWorks soooooooooooo much better in 12.10, just works08:53
SuperMattknightwise: I have dual monitor....08:53
knightwiseah Good08:54
SuperMattwere you worried it might not work?08:54
knightwiseplanning to hook up my i5 machine to the dual monitor setup at home08:54
knightwise2*24 inch dells08:54
Laneywait what08:55
Laneypretty popular post there popey08:55
popeyyeah :S08:56
Laney"460 comments, that's weird"08:56
Laneythen I saw the +1s08:56
JamesTaitHappy Day-after-release Day, everyone! :-D08:56
gordyaaay my phone has jelly babies08:56
popeyyeah, kinda surprised08:56
popeyripples are fun08:56
knightwisepopey : had a chance to listen to the interview yet ?08:56
knightwisegetting good feedback from the episode so far08:57
popeyknightwise, some of it, not all yet08:57
popeyoh cool!08:57
knightwisebigcalm: did you manage to find an OLDER keyboard or do all the older models feature cavepaintings on the keys08:58
bigcalmknightwise: I paid good money for this noisy beauty08:58
matttdas keyboard ?08:59
bigcalmUnicomp (Model M)08:59
knightwisepopey : considering the number of tablets you have .. this is for the Misses : http://knightwise.com/sarah-louise-young-is-an-ipad-widow/08:59
knightwisebigcalm: old ibm bank-style rattle rattle board ?08:59
knightwiseso people 2 offices away know when you are typing ?08:59
bigcalmknightwise: if you want to call it that :) I like the feedback. I work at home, so it's not a problem until Hayley comes home :)09:00
diploCan't stand noisey keyboards09:00
AlanBellmorning all09:01
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:01
knightwisehey brobostigon09:01
bigcalmThey also do a 'silent' version of the same keyboard. Maybe I should have bought one of those09:01
brobostigonhey knightwise09:01
BigRedSI work with someone whose keyboard is frequently louder than he is on the phone...09:03
knightwisebigcalm: do you have those three screens hooked up to one single system (triple screen setup ?)09:03
bigcalmDoes X get settings from somewhere other than /etc/X/xorg.cof ?09:03
bigcalmknightwise: I do. 2 graphics cards09:03
knightwisebigcalm: One Pci Express + one pci ?09:04
bigcalmknightwise: again correct09:04
bigcalmknightwise: took a lot of searching to find an PCI nvidia card with the same model number as the PCI-e one09:04
knightwisebigcalm: interesting :) might rummage around my dad in laws office to find one of those (i have a spare third monitor)09:05
knightwisebigcalm: but thats a fairly "recent" card then09:05
bigcalmroot@snafu:/etc/X11# lspci | grep NVIDIA09:05
bigcalm01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation G84 [GeForce 8600 GT] (rev a1)09:05
bigcalm05:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GT218 [GeForce 8400 GS] (rev a2)09:05
gordnot really ;)09:05
CaMasonarchive.ubuntu.com not working for me if anyone wants to know about it09:06
BigRedSbigcalm: which settings? It does have a per-user rc file which I've not had to remember the existence of since about 200209:06
popeyCaMason, its a busy day :)09:06
CaMasonoh it's out?09:06
popeyCaMason, try again, there's a lot of machines behind that hostname09:06
CaMasonforgot about that09:06
bigcalmBigRedS: the central monitor is incorrect even during lightdm session selection. So I don't think this is a per user thing :|09:07
BigRedSahh, right09:10
bigcalmIs it possible that an updated nvidia driver no longer rotates?09:11
BigRedSIt's crertainly possible that it's simply broken09:13
bigcalmIs it possible to downgrade it?09:13
BigRedSapt-cache showpkg <package name> | less    will show you the available versions in the repos09:16
knightwiseYou know what torvalds said to Nvidia09:19
* BigRedS is pretty pleased has has no real need for posh graphics09:19
popeybigcalm, apt-cache policy nvidia-settings09:20
popeypastebin that pls09:20
bigcalmpopey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1288860/09:21
popeydo same with apt-cache policy nvidia-current*09:21
popeyok, so you have 304.4309:22
popeybigcalm, what does "xrandr" output say?09:24
bigcalmIn Additional Drivers, 304 seems to be mentioned as an experimental beta release.09:24
andylockranbigcalm: ah, I used them to try and get vdpau working on my ion last night; it wasn't playing ball09:25
popey1680x1050 is that the one you want to rotate?09:25
bigcalmpopey: all 3 monitors are the same res09:26
bigcalmOf 1680x105009:26
popeyso which one is that?09:26
popeyits only showing one09:26
bigcalmYeah, odd09:26
popeyare they all on, and displaying stuff? just you want one to rotate?09:27
bigcalmpopey: that's correct09:27
popeycan you pastebin your xorg.conf?09:27
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
popeybigcalm, and your /var/log/Xorg.0.log?09:31
bigcalmFound some info that seems to state that Roate Left doesn't work in 304.43: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=14817809:31
popey[     6.616] (WW) NVIDIA(1): Option "Rotate" is not used09:32
bigcalmYeah, just saw that as well09:32
popey"Removed the "Rotate" X configuration option. This was used to statically rotate the X screen. Its functionality is replaced by the "Rotation" MetaMode attribute and RandR 1.2 rotation support. See the README for details.09:32
popeyso its a metamode now09:33
popeyjust need to tweak your xorg.conf, not roll back09:33
bigcalmGood :)09:33
popeyyou can test with xrandr09:34
popeyxrandr --output DVI-I-2 --rotate left09:34
popeydoes that work?09:34
bigcalmYes, but it was the wrong screen :D09:35
bigcalmTurning my head sideways to read this09:35
popeyor (:09:36
bigcalmI've tweaked my xorg.conf, lets see if it works09:36
bigcalm:) looks sensible from this angle09:36
bigcalmThank you :)09:38
bigcalmAww, side-ways smilies again09:38
bigcalmNow I can get one with work again :(09:38
bigcalmI upgraded my laptop to 12.10 last night. The fan runs at 100% all the time and the screen res is wrong. It looks as though it's no longer using the ATI driver despite is being installed09:39
czajkowskiI'm having deja vu09:43
czajkowskibigcalm: you asked in xubuntu :)09:44
czajkowskior in the kernel channel re fans at 100% cPU09:44
bigcalmczajkowski: I did and didn't get a response09:44
czajkowskibigcalm: was late :)09:44
czajkowskino definately not an oops ID09:44
czajkowskiI know them09:44
czajkowskithey give me grief ;)09:45
popey2fa :)09:45
czajkowskithat just drives me batty09:45
andycQuick Q: Is there any sensible way to mount /home over NFS?  I currently use autofs, but occasionally have problems where home doesn't mount and I have to touch the directory before it will mount and let me log in.09:46
davmor2Morning all happy hangover day10:09
gordhey davmor2 you have an SIII right?10:16
davmor2gord I do10:16
gordi got jellybean this morning10:16
davmor2gord: you on 3?10:17
bigcalmgord: OTA or via Kies?10:17
gordvia kies because the ota servers were deader than a really dead thing10:17
davmor2yeap 3 are the first to roll out in the UK the others will get it shortly10:17
bigcalmI've seen Kies work with my phone just once10:17
gordsortly between now and some random time in the future?10:18
gordshortly is rarely a thing with android updates ;)10:18
davmor2gord: you got kies installed is there a linux option for that or did you use games os :)10:18
gordwindows 710:18
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Guest99006I gotta li'l problem, with Dvd +R recognization!10:40
AlanBellhmm, ok, normally DVDs just work like CDs but bigger10:40
bigcalmczajkowski: laptop display is fixed. Wasn't xubuntu related though. the ATI binary driver isn't compatible with 12.10 on my laptop10:41
Guest99006Ya, i duped a DVD, avi file working, i burnt it, but Ubuntu does not recognize it.10:41
Guest99006'The dvd10:41
bigcalmDid you finalise the session?10:42
Guest99006Yes, it did it automaticlly.10:42
bigcalmDoes it work on any other machine?10:42
Guest99006On Windows, it shows up as empty10:43
Guest99006On other pc10:43
Guest99006got any idea?10:45
Guest99006tried with other dvd+r, the same model, it worked10:45
Guest990066I use XfBurn10:48
popeythe downside of having 5 tablets is they all light up and go plinkety plonk when someone comments or shares something11:00
davmor2popey: Muhahahahhhahahah11:01
popeynot irc :)11:01
Laneyany of them running ubuntu?11:02
davmor2I know but there is twitter, FB and g+ :)11:02
knightwiseat home we call it " The wave of ping "11:04
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=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
knightwiseHa ! :) Nice 007 Skyfall add ni the antwerp trainstation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDiZOnzajNU11:14
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* AlanBell wonders about lunch11:27
* knightwise things NimChimpsky has a realy dodgy connection11:27
knightwisehey christel11:34
christelheya knightwise :)11:34
knightwisedid the valium trick work on the little one ?11:34
knightwiseor did childcare make a fuss ? :)11:34
MartijnVdSRubber mallet > valium11:35
knightwiseDucktape :) ..; turns Whaaahhwhaaawhaaaa into MMM mmmmMMMMm11:35
MartijnVdSknightwise: Marc D.?11:36
knightwiseMartijnVdS: hahaha ! well played11:36
MartijnVdSknightwise: it's what Belgium is known for abroad, you know 8-)11:37
knightwiseSadly yes :( ... we seem to have more killers, child molesters and priests than any other country in europe11:38
hooverI thought that was chips drowing in mayonnaise?11:44
christelknightwise: hahaha -- the GP sent us off to the children's ward where they gave him adrenaline + steroids, he's much better now though :)11:44
knightwiseand beer hover !11:44
hooverdrowning even (btw, I love mayonnaise ;-)11:44
MartijnVdSchristel: he could be a pro cyclist then!11:44
knightwisechristel: so they turned the kid into captain america ?11:44
MartijnVdSknightwise: they' not America though11:48
* MartijnVdS hates his kb11:48
knightwisethats ok :) I hated captain america .. what a terrible flick11:49
MartijnVdSknightwise: what would be the British equivalent of Captain America?11:49
bootljhfdsdsMr  Bean..11:49
knightwisehmm... lets see ..11:49
knightwiseMy Hero ! (Bbc sitcom)11:50
knightwise= british captain america11:50
bootljhfdsdsthere was a "Green Man"  .. but he ended up being Lord Vader... fitting.11:51
MartijnVdSbootljhfdsds: that sounds like a "Cards Against Humanity" answer :)11:51
bootljhfdsdsCards Against Humanity ?? scanning 4 Cards Against Humanity  ...11:52
MartijnVdSbootljhfdsds: http://cardsagainsthumanity.com/ http://cardsagainsthumanity.com/lab/ (not suitable for sensitive people and their children)11:53
bootljhfdsdsThe Onion AV Club interview calls the game "a sort of Apples To Apples for the crass and jaded." wikipedia .. mmm .. good for the boat I guess.11:54
bootljhfdsdscrass = gross these days  So I think I'll give it a miss . thanx thou.11:55
MartijnVdSbootljhfdsds: you can try it on the "lab" page11:56
bootljhfdsdsCan you find that 4 me, plz.11:56
MartijnVdSbootljhfdsds: http://cardsagainsthumanity.com/lab/ ?11:56
knightwisewhat the crud is THAT :)11:59
MartijnVdSknightwise: card game :)12:00
MartijnVdSknightwise: works best with groups of friends12:00
knightwiseyou assume I have friends12:04
MartijnVdSknightwise: acquaintances?12:05
* knightwise has Devoted fans groupies and willing virgings 12:06
bootljhfdsdsWell, I'm up to round 105 and it just keeps going .. so I dont know if there is any result atall.   ..It is gross after-all.12:08
MartijnVdSbootljhfdsds: the /lab/ page is just their way of measuring funny combinations12:08
MartijnVdSbootljhfdsds: you can buy it as a pack of cards to play with friends over a beer or somethging12:08
MartijnVdSbootljhfdsds: one person plays a black card, the others play white cards, person who played the black card determines which white card is the funniest, person who played it wins the round12:09
bootljhfdsds... pretty basic option .. I think if was done in a language ur trying to learn or something .. then I'd give it a go.12:09
MartijnVdSbootljhfdsds: they have German and French sets I think12:10
knightwisebootljhfdsds is a nickname  ?  I thought MartijnVdS was just hammering on his keyboard12:10
bootljhfdsdsi wear different clothes for different friends . END12:11
hoovercheers all, have a nice weekend12:27
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MyrttiI wonder what bit I'm missing when all my messaging menu contains is empathy stuff13:26
czajkowskiMyrtti: aye mine just contains that plus G+13:26
MyrttiI just installed the gmail webapp and it's not shwing13:27
MartijnVdSI removed all the messaging menu bits13:31
MyrttiI just want my email thing13:31
SuperMattinteresting, my torrent of 12.10-server-amd64 was the quickest to download, but 12.10-desktop-amd63 is the first to reach a ratio of 1.013:33
BigRedSamd63 isn't a very popular architecture13:35
SuperMattI know13:36
SuperMattwho would have thought it'd be the first to reach a ration of 1?13:36
gordamd62 was my favourite, after then its been downhill13:36
Myrttiright so apparently there is something crashing13:38
Myrttiand apport just vanished somewhere when I was trying to send the report13:38
Myrttiand now on this reboot it didn't crash.13:44
WobboHow can I vind out if a computer (Ubuntu 8.04 and a 10.10) using hardware ethernet 1000bit13:55
MartijnVdSWobbo: GUI, or command-line?13:56
MartijnVdSWobbo: in the GUI, right-click the network icon (arrow up + arrow down) -> "Connection info" (Verbindingsinformatie)13:56
MartijnVdSWobbo: command-line: ethtool eth013:56
Myrttiit was libindicator something :-(13:56
AlanBell!info pymssql13:58
lubotu3Package pymssql does not exist in quantal13:58
MartijnVdSpython-pymssql - Python database access for MS SQL server and Sybase13:58
MartijnVdSAlanBell: ^13:58
AlanBell!info python-pymssql13:58
lubotu3python-pymssql (source: pymssql): Python database access for MS SQL server and Sybase. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2+dfsg-1build1 (quantal), package size 41 kB, installed size 212 kB13:58
AlanBell!info python-pymssql unstable13:59
lubotu3python-pymssql (source: pymssql (1.0.2+dfsg-1)): Python database access for MS SQL server and Sybase. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.2+dfsg-1+b2 (unstable), package size 49 kB, installed size 220 kB13:59
AlanBellBug #918896 sits unloved13:59
lubotu3Launchpad bug 918896 in pymssql (Ubuntu) "returns no data from SQL server" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91889613:59
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AlanBellso there we have a package in Ubuntu that is completely and utterly broken14:02
MartijnVdSAlanBell: it is?14:02
AlanBellupstream has a new version14:02
AlanBelldebian doesn't have the new version14:02
AlanBellso we just stay broken14:02
AlanBellMartijnVdS: yes, it is a doorstop14:03
bashrcHave been noticing very slow behavior on 12.10.  Workspace transitions are comically jerky14:03
bashrcis there a way of installing proprietary ATI drivers?14:04
bashrcproprietary graphics driver installation used to "just work", at least on this laptop14:05
AlanBellshould still work the same way14:05
SuperMattAlanBell: do you suppose there'll ever be a reason to move away from debian? Cutting out the middle man might help canonical14:06
bashrcI don't notice any hardware icon, and searching for hardware comes up with nothing14:06
AlanBellSuperMatt: there was some talk of cutting out Debian for the Gnome core packages (i.e. get them from Gnome instead)14:07
AlanBelldebian bug 64823014:08
lubotu3Debian bug 648230 in python-pymssql "python-pymssql: New upstream version available" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/64823014:08
AlanBellso that debian bug has been sat there for nearly a year14:08
AlanBellnot unusual really14:09
AlanBellthere are whole swathes of stuff that nobody cares about14:09
SuperMattof course, surely there's nothing wrong with canonical packaging up the patch and then sending it upstream, right?14:10
AlanBellwell canonical doesn't care about it14:10
bashrcIf nobody cares then patches don't get made or applied14:10
AlanBellthis situation is where the distribution concept falls down14:10
AlanBellnobody cares who can do anything about it14:11
bashrcis there a patch?14:11
AlanBellthere is a new upstream version that works14:11
bashrcbut it's not coming downstream?14:11
SuperMattblocked by apathy14:11
AlanBellso we have a broken old version in the repositories, the new version is out there, it would be better if we didn't have that package at all14:12
AlanBelland people could install it via pip or whatever and it would work14:12
bashrcif it's important - like a security fix - then someone needs to spring into action14:12
AlanBellit is a python driver for MS SQL14:12
bashrcah, MS14:13
AlanBellso you can write stuff to read MSSQL databases and squirt the data into postgres or other real database14:13
bashrcsounds useful probably only in a business context14:13
AlanBellyeah :(14:13
AlanBellthe "only in a business" context doesn't get much love14:14
bashrcHere at home I don't have any microsoft servers14:14
AlanBellneither do I, but one of my clients was migrating some legacy data from an old MS SQL thing over to OpenERP so I was writing scripts to do that early this year and discovered the problem14:15
bashrcI see14:15
daubersAlanBell: I'd have thrown it together in C# tbh14:16
bashrcwhich reminds me to update my speechbot14:16
AlanBelldaubers: well I threw it together in python because that is what openERP is written in, there are any number of languages that could have been used14:17
AlanBellc# probably needs some kind of ODBC driver or something too14:18
bashrcProbably I need the proprietary ATI drivers.  If I play a YouTube video, and then try to do anything else it's like the sky has fallen in.  It didn't used to be this bad.14:18
AlanBellbashrc: you might be using llvmpipe which is software rendering14:18
daubersAlanBell: True, :) I just assume it has better MSSQL support14:19
bashrcone improvement in 12.10...an Emacs 24 package14:20
* daubers downgrades immediatley 14:20
popeyi had to stop listening about half way through, it got annoying14:51
bashrcit's quite funny14:54
bashrclike 1950s hipsters + ubuntu14:55
einonmpopey: Well, at least it doesn't have ten gazillion radio jingles like linux outlaws...I've never got through an entire LO podcast as yet14:57
popeybashrc, it is funny in places, yes14:57
popeyand I like the message, but the style of delivery isnt to my taste14:57
popeyits good there's people making them, shame it's not a traditional downloadable show14:58
bashrc"not just software..."14:58
einonmthat begs the question - which do you think is the best podcast?15:00
einonmor, guessing what the answer may be - the second best? :)15:01
bashrcthe best ubuntu podcast?15:01
einonmlinux / tech in general, I suppose15:01
MartijnVdSI liked the Wing Commander's show15:01
MartijnVdStoo bad some people talked for an hour around it15:01
bashrcmaybe LO, but LAS is also quite good15:03
Myrttiis that the episode with the misogynistic Gagnam style?15:03
MartijnVdSI listen to this sometimes: http://www.tested.com/podcasts/15:03
bashrcalso like the command line podcast and GNU World Order15:04
einonmMartijnVdS: those guys look familiar from the telly. looks a bit Windows-y, but will check it out :)15:06
bashrc"It seemed as if there was no hope, no love, no freedom...just fruit"15:07
MartijnVdSeinonm: Almost no Linux content (unless you count Android), but they do use Android, Windows and MacOs15:07
MartijnVdSeinonm: they're not too biased15:07
MartijnVdSeinonm: and sometimes they get Adam Savage (you know, the mythbuster) to explain cool stuff15:07
einonmMartijnVdS:  ok cool15:08
einonmbashrc: Never heard of either of those, but command line looks great (3D printing!)15:08
MartijnVdSeinonm: they do that a lot too.. 3d printing :)15:08
einonmI'm moving house next month, going to get a garage...I've earmarked some time to try and put together a mendel15:09
mattti tend to avoid any podcasts w/ the word "zany" in them15:10
MartijnVdSmattt: how.. specific15:10
bashrchttp://gnuworldorder.info/  - Klaatu seems to be mostly a Slackware user15:11
matttMartijnVdS: whut15:12
MartijnVdSmattt: How many podcasts have "zany" in them?15:13
einonmThe Linux Format podcast is always pretty interesting too, has been my fave so far15:15
einonmyep, that one15:18
bashrc"If you stay true to the roots of the project you're never using Ubuntu...You're making Ubuntu"15:19
popeyi listen to pcpro and tuxradar mostly15:23
popeyi listen to LO live (like tonight) mainly to correct them when they're wrong via irc15:24
davmor2popey: are you trying to make out that fabsh is wrong my gob has never been so smacked15:26
bashrcLO is probably the best in terms of general content and rants.  LAS is probably the best in terms of production (particularly the video version), but has irritating adverts.15:28
AlanBellthink I might try listening to Linux Outlaws tonight15:29
AlanBellwhat is LAS?15:29
bashrcLinux Action Show15:29
MartijnVdSSome American accents I can cope with15:29
MartijnVdSthe ones the LAS guys have.. not so much15:29
einonmjust had another quick listen to an LO show - have they turned down the jingling, or am I confusing them with someone else?15:32
lazarus_how do i add video call support to empathy in 12.1015:34
popeyi watch a bit now and then15:38
popeyof LAS15:38
Myrttifunky, somehow I've managed to uninstall Spotify during the upgrade.15:52
MyrttiI wonder what the app I listen to music with right now is then15:53
Myrttia ghost of an app past?15:53
popeyspotify-client ?15:54
popeythe package name changed iirc15:55
Myrttiapparently the qt one wasn't installed either15:56
Myrttithis is getting a bit confusing15:56
ali1234LO never had jingles did it?15:59
bashrcthey have a theme tune16:00
ali1234last time i listened to it they hadn't even figured out stuff like "make everyone the same volume"16:01
ali1234speaking of broken proprietary app packages16:03
ali1234every time skype crashes i get a whoopsie wwindow, then an error "the app is part of a package that is not installed"16:03
ali1234it clearly is installed16:03
Myrttiso what kind of magic do people suggest that I'd get stuff in the messaging menu?16:08
popeyali1234, where did skype come from on your system?16:08
ali1234the partner repository16:08
ali1234but, i had to download it manually and install wth dpkg -i16:08
ali1234because it never showed up in the software center16:08
ali1234it shows in pidgin, because it is installed16:09
lazarus_ali1234: run sudo apt-get install -f to fix broken/misssing packages16:11
ali1234there are no broken/missing packages16:12
ali1234there is nothing wrong with my system16:12
ali1234apport/whoopsie is just broken16:12
lazarus_oh ok16:12
lazarus_i mis read16:12
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
Laneymrevell: too fast!16:35
* Laney feels decadent having some AA batteries delivered by next day tracked mail16:39
Laneygood old prime16:39
Azelphurali1234 / popey figured you might be interested, I got some inside info on the whole BS&T debatacle :p16:39
popeyLaney, i ordered AA and AAA from prime, CR2032 and LR44 from fleabay :)16:40
AzelphurAll the evidence lines up and seems to point to BS&T being a front for http://www.forbes.com/sites/halahtouryalai/2012/08/17/sec-shuts-down-600-million-internet-ponzi-scheme/16:40
ali1234did anyone else listen to the US presidential debates?16:40
AzelphurI can confirm the SEC is also involved, and is actively trying to communicate with passthrough operators.16:40
ali1234Azelphur: zeek? that rumour has been going around for wweeks16:40
Azelphurali1234: it all lines up, I'd say it's not a rumor so much as the most likely outcome16:41
ali1234most likely, pirate was just selling the BTC and putting it in zeek16:41
Azelphuryes, that is the most likely scenario :)16:41
bashrcrebuilding ATI drivers...16:46
ali1234Azelphur: that's likely why GLBSE is down too. weren't people operating passthroughs on there?16:48
Azelphurali1234: GLBSE is down because Nefario decided to try and go legal with it, and that's very difficult atm, so he's taking the measures to ensure he doesn't go to jail. Nefario is pretty legit he's already refunded me and a bunch of other people16:49
Azelphurword is he's going to try and set up a new, fully regulated, bitcoin exchange sometime16:49
bashrcmore bitcoin scandals?16:49
Azelphurbashrc: scandals, scandals everywhere.16:50
ali1234more like the SEC told him "we don't care about jurisdiction. shut this down and force everyonet o do AML so we can get the names of the pass hrough operators"16:50
Azelphurali1234: he didn't force everyone to do AML16:50
ali1234"otherwise we extradite you and put you in jail for 3 years before you even get a trial"16:50
AzelphurI didn't do AML, I don't even have the required documents, money is sitting in my wallet right now16:50
ali1234money or bitcoins?16:52
Azelphurali1234: bitcoins16:52
bigcalmWhere can I convince my fiancee that I should take us for a meal tonight?16:53
MartijnVdSbigcalm: try cooking something, but fail to find ingredients in cupboard16:54
MartijnVdSbigcalm: or, if you do, burn the mea16:54
bigcalmMartijnVdS: where, not how ;)16:54
MartijnVdSAh.. Golden Arches?16:54
MartijnVdSbigcalm: ask Google for a random restaurant in the area?16:54
MartijnVdSwith >25 rating16:54
bigcalmLets have a look16:55
AlanBellbigcalm: there is a brilliant website for that problem17:00
bigcalmAlanBell: pray tell17:00
AlanBellsomewhat rude, but actually works well17:01
bigcalmSee, I'm not a non-swearing person, but going to that site makes me want to not use it because of the swearing17:01
bigcalmIs there a non-sweary version that's as good?17:01
AlanBellI don't know17:01
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
christelit proposes i go to the gurkha durbar17:04
* christel nods17:05
MartijnVdSthe what?17:05
christelno idea17:05
christelit suggest i go to the stepping stones cookie bar for drinks tho17:06
* DJones kicks AlanBell for !language :)17:16
popeyAlanBell, just used that site and am going to use the recommendation17:17
popeyi will blame you if it's rubbish17:17
MartijnVdSpopey: their website looks nice17:18
MartijnVdSWhat's their score on Google's rating thing?17:18
popeygood prices too17:18
popeyoh wow, good17:19
MartijnVdSpopey: bring your own vinegar, according to that :)17:19
AlanBellvinegar is not something I would ever think of adding to anything I would order in an Indian17:31
AzelphurAlanBell: I'm using that site, and I told it the first two places it offered me were shitty17:41
Azelphurthe third offering, "Jet Ski World"17:42
Azelphursounds tasty.17:42
Azelphurhave you ever been so hungry that you ate a Jet Ski? XD17:42
ali1234i should pester my mate to post his song about jet skis on youtube. it's well funny17:46
* AlanBell is on a youth club night hike18:15
popey\o/ curry ordered18:17
ubuntufanMuchos Gracias!18:17
bashrcafter much shenanigans with ATI drivers the verdict is a unanimous...FAIL18:18
popeyhello ubuntufan18:19
bigcalmI put it to Hayley that I should take us to a local pub for expensive dindins. She relented \o/18:22
ubuntufanDid anyone go to last nights party in London?18:22
christelyour local does expensive food? how very upmarket...18:29
bashrcconspicuous oppulence18:30
davmor2christel: that what living out in the wilds does for you18:31
awilkinsLet me guess ; Quantal was out today, the repositories are rammed?19:07
lazarus_awilkins: i'd assume so19:08
awilkins20 glorious kilobytes a second :-)19:09
awilkinsI may torrent the alternate disk and upgrade from it19:10
popeyuse a different mirror?19:18
popeythere's loads19:18
popeyMartijnVdS, the curry was great!19:29
daubersWhy does Quantel think I have two batteries???20:01
daftykinswent to a restaurant myself tonight, for Guernsey's 'Tennerfest' event, although the meals haven't really been a tenner for years XD20:26
MartijnVdSWoo, new Demoscene Time Machine track! http://soundcloud.com/demoscenetimemachine/demoscene-time-machine-sunken20:41
ali1234has anyone played the new xcom game yet? is it good? does it work in wine?20:50
MartijnVdSI heard it captures the spirit of the old xcom games20:51
MartijnVdSdon't know about wine20:51
daftykinsreminds me, i was told to try that xcom demo on the xbox20:52
gordit has no inventory, has unlimited ammo and no randomized levels so i decided to wait until its super cheep20:52
ali1234unlimited ammo -_-20:53
MartijnVdScool.. I got a personal video message from the Sugru people20:53
ali1234this review says there's no action points20:54
daftykinshave any of you guys ever been involved with laying a network cable between houses?21:07
daftykinsi wonder if it's as simple as to have a core you connect to an earth at both ends21:07
ali1234you use armoured cable21:13
ali1234i wonder if power line networking would work between two houses?21:15
daftykinsin my client's place, it doesn't even work between basement and kitchen :)21:16
ali1234works good for me21:16
ali1234googles says it doesn't work between houses in the UK21:16
daubersali1234: RCD's are in the way21:16
daubersHow it works in your house depends on the ring layout of the sockets21:17
daftykinsi'll be wanting gigabit between the places too21:17
ali1234my house is so old, it does not have rings21:17
ali1234everything is on spurs21:17
daftykinsindeed, quality of mains wiring and placement of appliances too21:17
daubersThat's why it works all around :)21:18
ali1234rings cause echos?21:19
ali1234makes a kind of twisted sense i suppose21:19
ali1234i have some of those remote control sockets. they don't work at all...21:21
daftykinswe lost a lot of gear to a lightning strike a bit ago too21:21
ali1234i lost a modem and the computer's serial port once from lightning21:21
daftykinsthat's a point, on another unrelated topic, got this UPS i had to dial the sensitivity down on to even stay 'online' - what gives :S21:21
ali1234very unclean power21:22
daftykinsnah, power source hasn't changed21:22
daftykinsmaybe it's the UPS getting old21:22
ali1234we used to get that. the voltage on our mains would drift between 220 and 250v21:22
daubersali1234: They don't work between rings as there is something in (modern) fuse boxes that stops the signal moving between the rings21:22
ali1234but it got fixed at some point21:22
daftykinsgot the same model around the same house y'see, hasn't changed for them21:22
ali1234daubers: that doesn't seem to be the case here. each room in my house is on a different port on the fuse box. it's just that each room has a spur rather than a ring21:23
daubersali1234: How old is the fuse box? Is it fuses or all RCD's?21:23
ali1234the fuse box is like 10 years old21:24
ali1234it has those resettable fuses21:24
daftykinsmy place in Portsmouth used to have the original porcelain and fuse wire :D21:24
ali1234where it trips if a lightbulb blows21:24
daftykinsthat was so ghetto21:24
ali1234and you have to go and flip it back up21:24
daftykinsi had to get mine upgraded when the electric shower died and i wanted a newer one21:24
daubersRCD's. That's interesting. Box mustn't have the no return bit in21:24
ali1234yeah we used to have to wrap a new bit of fuse wire around the terminals21:24
ali1234got a new proper fuse box but obviously could not rewire the whole house21:25
ali1234house is pre-war21:25
* MartijnVdS is considering re-wiring21:25
daftykinsmm Ports one i had was built 1890s21:25
daubersdaftykins: They could have just done what the people who owned my house before me did! 8mm cable from the shower, but under the floor it went to 3mm wire into the fuse box \o/21:25
daftykinshow very failtastic21:25
MartijnVdSI have "60s" wires everywhere..21:26
daftykinswhat rating shower did you have on it?21:26
daubersnice blackish brown marks all along the plasterboard under the floorboards21:26
daftykinsthat's deffo a fair chunk over spec21:26
daubersglad we got rid of it!21:26
MartijnVdS3mm wire for 8kW? That's.. scary21:26
daftykinsi'm viewing a house here in Guernsey tomorrow21:26
daftykins3 bed townhouse, £315k21:27
daftykinslocation isn't too great though, right on the road :S21:27
daftykinsyeah Guernsey prices are nuts21:27
MartijnVdSThey told me not to use my kettle on 2.5mm cable21:27
MartijnVdSwell 2.5mm²21:28
daubersMartijnVdS: You probably shouldn't. 2.5mm^2 isn't even used these days, it's generally 3mm or more21:28
MartijnVdSso 1.8mm diameter21:28
daftykinsmakes sense21:28
MartijnVdSdaubers: the rest of the house is 3mm21:28
daftykinsunless you enter the kitchen and don safety gear immediately :>21:28
MartijnVdSthe cable is rated for 20A21:29
ali1234what's the deal with halogen lightbulbs?21:30
ali1234seems like they aren't any more power efficient than the old incandescent ones21:30
MartijnVdSno bu the incandescent ones are banned now21:31
ali1234they're much brighter than CFLs though21:31
ali1234so yeah, are they jus making them to get around the law or what?21:31
* daubers has started rotating LED bulbs into most places21:31
ali1234i want to get LEDs but they are expensive21:31
MartijnVdSI've had CFLs for ages.. as long as they work, no LEDs for me :)21:32
ali1234CFLs are still bad :(21:32
MartijnVdSOnce the CFLs start going bad, I'll get LEDs21:32
MartijnVdSI want low-voltage DC throughout the house, so I can put in LEDs without extra transformers :)21:32
daubersIt's mostly the low voltage bulbs that are popping frequently, so they're getting replaced faster21:33
ali1234i want ATX power connectors instead of regular wall sockets21:33
MartijnVdSali1234: ooooh! so you can use "UPS cords" to connect your PC?21:33
ali1234so my PC doesn't need a big noisy power supply in it21:34
ali1234that will be in the basement or something21:34
MartijnVdSso, a house-wide 12V, 5V and 3.3V rail21:34
ali1234yeah. and -12V too?21:34
MartijnVdSwhy not21:34
ali1234whatever ATX needs, i dunno off hand21:34
ali1234probably would be impractical21:35
ali1234unless i had 10 PCs in every room21:35
daftykinschap i work for has very extensive lighting systems. should see the size of the control boards and what not that run them, they have a really nasty idle noise level though21:37
daftykinsali1234: looks quite nice that armoured cable you linked to, thanks21:44
daftykinseven suggests some inter-connection contraptions to attach to what we have internally \o/21:45
daftykinstime to see if CPC have the same thing21:45
daftykinsconfound you raspberry pi's and your tempting nature...21:45
ali1234you could use fibre if you're worried about the electrical stuff21:50
daftykinsnah they should be pretty safe from noise21:51
mgdmgoogle 'ronja' of you want something somewhat silly but extremely cool21:51
daftykinsbut, at present it's going to go through plastic tubing along a garden wall for about... 50m21:51
daftykinsthere's already 4 really basic phone level cat5 going along21:51
mgdm'phone level cat5'?21:52
mgdmphone cable is cat3, IIRC?21:52
daftykinsthat then :)21:52
daftykinsreally thin sketchy stuff21:52
daftykinsbut i'm wanting to put a backup device/storage system in at the other end as well as provision a second building with wired+wireless LAN21:52
mgdm50m of decent cat5 inside a tube would probably be fine21:52
mgdmwouldn't even need armoured, necessarily21:53
mgdmI'd run two, just in case :)21:53
daftykinsyeah, could be good to do well though21:53
ali1234armoured cat6 is only £3/m21:53
daftykinsyeah i was thinking that21:53
daftykinshe's a pretty wealthy guy. the house is worth about 3.5 million21:53
daftykinsso i'll give him the options at least21:53
mgdmbuggrit then, fibre all the way ;-)21:53
ali1234garden hose, 50p/m21:53
daftykinsthing is, what does fibre cost to lay and terminate =E21:54
daftykinsi did get a 24 port netgear managed switch with fibre ports21:54
ali1234regular CAT6 £1/m21:54
daftykinsfor the main house21:54
mgdmdepends on the type of fibre21:54
ali1234so you're only doubling the price really, to do it propelrly :)21:54
mgdmthere's various options21:54
daftykinswater based intertubes!21:54
daftykinsi'll see what his electrician can provide21:55
daftykinsor just go to one myself, trade accounts are handy21:55
daftykinshas anyone ever dealt with... http://www.simplymailsolutions.com/ ?21:56
daftykinsgonna try their hosted Exchange 2010 product out for a small biz21:58
mgdmnot I22:04
daftykinsgot a guy with Fasthosts' one at the moment, but he and another person want to share calendars between domains ;/22:06
daftykinsso you have to be with the same company sadly22:06
daftykinsand one user is a mac user, so i can't go google apps :(22:06
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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