
Kilosmorning all05:53
DigiGrammorning Kilos 05:54
Squirmhey DigiGram 05:56
DigiGramhey Squirm 05:56
DigiGramany one test driving Quantal yet?05:58
jrgnsbusy downloading server and the xubuntu desktop edition now06:00
DigiGramis the web apps feature in ubuntu itself or unity?06:00
* Kilos greets those not individually greeted06:38
Kilosand the lurkers06:38
Kiloshi sakhi DigiGram Squirm jrgns SmilyBorg_w Tonberry queery Vince-0 06:41
DigiGramlol hi Kilos06:41
Kilosfunny peeps here, if you dont pull their chains the dont flush06:42
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
sakhiMorning Kilos #ubuntu-za06:42
Vince-0Ya, my webchat client doesn't flash06:42
DigiGramI greeted earlier, but then we had some network issues06:42
SmilyBorghey folks06:42
Kilosah poor client06:42
Kilosi saw DigiGram you are not included06:43
Kiloswe should get a ruling, login-greet-lurk06:46
Kilosi never know who i can nag and who not06:46
DigiGramwell you can always try and wait for a respons06:47
Kilosi give up for now with the whatsapp thing06:47
DigiGramwe have a chat space on campus, similiar to IRC, currently with 346 users, only about 6 talking, 12 at the most hehe06:48
DigiGram(always the same 6)06:48
Kilosandroid-sdk doesnt remember what is installed and downloads everytime06:48
Kilosya lurking is a popular pastime06:49
DigiGramI had troubles with the SDK as well, so I decided not to learn android programming06:49
Kilosit could be nice if not for needing to reload everything everytime from the net06:50
DigiGramlol yeah06:50
Kiloswhole months data gone on one program06:50
Kiloseclipse killed me06:50
Kilosand dont even need it06:51
Kilosthe fly showed me how06:51
Kilosit installs updates then tells you to relogin and needs to start over again grrr06:52
Kilosit needs a sdk-cache06:53
Kilosor archives06:53
Kiloslo bmg505 06:55
Kiloshi Hodgestar long time no hear, all good there?06:55
charlvngood morning07:44
charlvnMaaz: coffee on07:44
* Maaz washes some mugs07:44
DigiGramMaaz, coffee please07:45
MaazDigiGram: Alrighty07:45
KilosMaaz, coffee please07:45
MaazKilos: Yessir07:45
charlvnhi Kilos, DigiGram 07:45
KilosMaaz, with cremora07:45
MaazAh! At last someone with taste07:45
KilosMaaz, and milk07:45
MaazNow you're talking07:45
Kiloshi charlvn 07:46
DigiGramMaaz, sugar please07:47
MaazDigiGram: Go get it yourself!07:47
Kilosyo inetpro 07:48
MaazCoffee's ready for charlvn, DigiGram and Kilos!07:48
DigiGramthanx maaz07:48
charlvnMaaz: thanks07:49
Maazcharlvn: No problem07:49
DigiGramno cookies for you07:49
KilosMaaz, thanks man07:49
MaazKilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)07:49
charlvnsame here, bbl07:59
=== DigiGram is now known as Digi||Gram
=== Digi||Gram is now known as DigiGram
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Symmetriaanyone awake?10:47
Symmetriacan I get some constructive criticism of my new website :)10:47
bakumanunfortunately i'm on my way out10:48
kodezsimple, clean and fresh10:50
Kiloshi guys11:00
Kilosand gals11:01
Kilosand in betweens11:01
Symmetriakilos, can you gimme comments on my new website?11:01
Symmetriabefore I publish the url11:01
Kilosok sec11:01
Kilosnetwork architecture an s missing 11:04
Kilosit is the design that ensure future scalability of t11:05
* Symmetria fixes11:06
KilosTechnical backstopping11:09
Kilosso that companies who's11:10
Kiloswhose is the right word i think11:10
Symmetriayou're right :) fixed 11:10
Kilosin my opinion it looks good Symmetria  short sweet and to the point11:12
Kilosprofessional 11:12
Kilosand no flashing pictures and adverts11:13
Kilosi like it, but ask for more comments from these IT guys11:13
SymmetriaThanks mate11:13
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosyo inetpro is jy al wakker???11:18
Kilosand where the fly today11:18
* Kilos gets the superdoom ready11:19
Symmetriaam gonna move the address identification code to a footer11:20
Symmetriaon the page11:20
Kiloshave you moved it yet11:26
Kilosstill looks same11:26
inetproKilos: is the rain coming?11:27
Kilosyip inetpro but bits bits11:27
Kilosstill clear too the south11:27
inetprolooks like I be wet laters11:28
Symmetrianah, waiting for my template designer to give me code :p11:29
Kilosmethinks it will be done by hometime inetpro 11:34
Kilossun out here again11:34
KilosSymmetria, and contact gives a 404 error11:35
SymmetriaI think :) 11:35
Symmetriarefresh and recheck?11:35
Kilosstill 40411:36
Kilosthats better11:36
Symmetriaaahh I see, its still broken on some pages though11:37
Kilosfixed now11:37
SymmetriaI know why11:37
Symmetriafixed :)11:39
Kilosgood now to advertise it all over11:40
Kiloshiya superfly 11:41
Kiloswelcome to #ubuntu-za11:41
KerberoSymmetria, why no https?11:44
Kerberoif i can https i can ipv6 to your site11:44
SymmetriaKerbero lol, I need to add a cert etc to it, will get there11:45
Kerberoi guess i can temporarily disable my transproxy for port 8011:45
KerberoSymmetria, btw, without the www. in front i get a file listing11:47
Kerberonot good11:47
Symmetriaok that I can have fixed11:47
Kerbero"You are using IPv6, your address is 2001:470:1f09:385:d472:88a8:6ba3:ff4b"11:47
Symmetriagonna have the machine owner fix the virtual hosting in a second11:48
Kerberosoem times your site picks up my ipv4 addy11:49
Kerberoand other times the ipv611:49
Symmetriaoperating system?11:49
Symmetrialatest version?11:49
* Symmetria wonders if linux has implemented happy eyeballs rfc11:50
Kerberowhat is that?11:50
Symmetriait basically runs a check to see which has better latency11:50
Symmetriaand uses that11:50
Kerberowell both should be roughly the same11:50
Kerberoipv4 should be a little better11:50
Kerberoone less tunnel11:51
Symmetriawhat do you think of the overall design? I tried ot keep it relatively simple11:52
Symmetriabut professional11:52
Kerberoit is indeed11:52
Symmetriasome of those services we provide are pretty niche as well11:53
Kerbero"we" as in you?11:53
SymmetriaKerbero yes, but *grin* you never SAY that :)11:53
Symmetria*shrug* I had to put up a website because I needed something to link off another page11:53
Symmetriahttp://www.ubuntunet.net/uc_2012 <=== the link isnt up back to my page yet, but you'll see my represented there11:54
* bakuman likes that the site is simple11:54
Symmetria:P was a very proud moment for me when I got to the point where I was making enough to afford a marketting budget that let me sponsor something like that11:54
Symmetria(because gold sponsorship of any conference = holy hell expensive)11:54
bakumanloads easily even on my slow home internet11:54
Symmetria:P I put in the same amount of cash into that conference that seacom did11:54
Symmetriaits strange when running your own business, its those moments that you remeber, its not the deals you did or the clients you made, those come and go11:56
Kerberoso how many cellphone numbers do you ahve?11:56
Symmetriaits when you get to milestones like "I finally got to the point where I can afford a marketting budget of a few thousand dollars"11:56
Symmetriahahaha just the one at the moment :) if you have another number for me other than whats listed on there, you have an old one11:56
bakumanSymmetria, is alstonnetworks.net going to point to tha same page as www.alstonnetworks.net?11:57
Kerberook gtg, chat again soon11:57
Symmetriayeah it will :)12:03
bakumanSymmetria seems to be working now12:17
bakumanhmm... there is a comma missing in that sentence12:18
Vince-0SmilyBorg: Trying to get Ubuntu chroot to boot off phone hdmi out like Webtop - 12:55
Vince-0Don't think its feasible (alpha) for a demo tomorrow12:55
SmilyBorgI remember there being a number of packages in the play store that would do it, but they probably had things tweaked to output currectly12:56
Vince-0noo, those are all instructions to get a chroot working12:56
Vince-0the hard part is getting it to work as Webtop -12:57
Vince-0actually got webtop 2.0 working without a dock - its debian based and very neat but I doubt I'd use it regularly12:57
SmilyBorgoh. oki12:58
Vince-0Webtop 3 comes with ICS and is just ICS12:58
Vince-0webtop 2 is a debian based thing Moto came up with -12:58
Vince-0not that practical unless you have the Lapdock device (R4.5k) 12:59
Vince-0so im doing ICS upgrade now and just use it as is12:59
Vince-0nice concept though - bit early still. ubuntu on android will still be a while12:59
SmilyBorgUbuntu on Android sounds nice but getting the phone vendors to bite seems like an uphill battle to me. They should partner with the 3rd part mod guys like CyanogenMod so that it can get into the hands of real people. Once people see what it can do, then the vendors might be more likely to bite13:01
Vince-0yeah, cyano and openkang are pushing OTA mechanisms13:02
Vince-0this moto still has a locked boot-loader13:02
Vince-0so I can't do much with the kernel13:03
magespawnafternoon all13:08
SmilyBorgI hope I have enough flash drives to get all these ISOs home13:18
magespawnhow many you taking SmilyBorg ?13:20
SmilyBorgISOs? all of them. I've got the repos downloading at home and busy downloading all the ISOs from ubuntu.mirror.ac.za at work. I think that should cover any eventuality for our release party tomorrow13:21
SmilyBorgseems they are all under a gig so they should all fit on my 16GB flash drive13:23
magespawncool, if they can't, then it probable can't be covered13:24
SmilyBorgI doubt someone is going to pitch with a power PC machine13:25
magespawnwhich one are going to?13:25
SmilyBorgi386, amd64, amd64+mac and maybe  armhf+omap413:26
SmilyBorgdesktop and server13:26
SmilyBorgbusy on the mac ones at the moment13:26
SmilyBorgI've seen all of those platforms at our previous get togethers13:26
SmilyBorgI really wish they would go back and do ARM6 again. would like ubuntu on my raspberry pi13:28
magespawnwhich one are going to, SmilyBorg ?13:32
SmilyBorgI organized the Durban get together13:32
Kilosso magespawn did you win13:37
magespawnnot yet Kilos, this one is a real cow13:38
magespawncool SmilyBorg  would have liked to come, but alas.13:38
SmilyBorgMaybe next time?13:38
SmilyBorgyou are on the DBN-LUG list now I think?13:39
magespawni think so yes13:40
SmilyBorgya. I saw your join request and approved it13:40
magespawncool ty13:41
SmilyBorgno prob13:41
Kilosinetpro, maybe you should go home early13:50
Kilosvery dark sky there in the north13:51
Kilosmagespawn, the grub> or the winsucks one13:52
magespawnthe grub one is sorted, busy with the qq update now13:58
inetproKilos: to late14:00
inetproI can see it coming down in buckets on that side14:01
Kilosoh my14:01
=== DigiGram is now known as Digi||Gram
HodgestarSo, how are they 12.10 ISOs holding up? Any big screws I should be aware of before I do a fresh install?14:06
Hodgestars/screws/screw ups/14:06
SmilyBorgI used the beta 1 iso to install my laptop and it was fine, though that was a while back14:07
Symmetriaanyone here have any example code for a nice php contact form?14:07
SymmetriaI need one for my website14:07
Symmetriaand my coding / webdev sucks ass :)14:07
Symmetriawww.alstonnetworks.net <=== wanna put a php contact form on the contacts page :)14:08
SmilyBorgdunno about the contact form Symmetria. Though I'm curious about your IPv6 Deployment services. You mention assisting with dealing with providers. Does that mean that you have found an ISP in ZA willing to provide IPv6?14:11
Kiloshey Hodgestar 14:15
Kilosinetpro, dit gooi klippe hier nou14:15
SymmetriaSmilyBorg yes14:16
SmilyBorgcool. who?14:16
Symmetriawe have ways to getting v6 deployed to corporate clients14:16
SymmetriaSmilyBorg I.S, but only if you know how to talk to them and organize it, home user connectivity is virtually no-go14:17
SymmetriaTENET does v6 for its academic clients as well14:17
Symmetriaand SAIX can do v6 for their big corporate clients as well if you really push14:17
SmilyBorgI've had to run tunnles to europe for ages for training and testing purposes14:17
SmilyBorgk. I knew about TENET14:17
Symmetria*hrm* who is your provider?14:17
SmilyBorgbut when I asked last year, the major providers either didnt respond or would only offer a tunnel for test purposes14:18
SmilyBorgthat was when I was doing a presentation on IPv614:18
inetproKilos: ai14:19
inetproKilos: hael?14:19
Kilosyip grotes inetpro 14:19
SmilyBorgI work for a small ISP called Xtranet. We have connections to MWEB, VOX and Neotel14:19
Kilosverby nou14:19
Symmetria*hrm* Neotel you're gonna struggle with14:20
SymmetriaMWEB you peer with or you buy transit from?14:20
SmilyBorgthink just peer for now14:20
SymmetriaIf I talk v6 to people, most of the time, I have to admit its with I.S and in the academic space where its easy14:21
SmilyBorgI think there was talk of us getting some transit from frogfoot too, but I'm so out of the loop that I could be way off14:21
* SmilyBorg nods14:21
SymmetriaI was behind the TENET ipv6 rollout in the first place14:21
Symmetriaalso just did the UFS Ipv6 rollout uplinked to TENET 14:21
Symmetria(Actually, I was behind the TENET network design as it currently stands, Im ex TENET CTO)14:22
SmilyBorgI've been playing with it in my home network and in test environments since the afrinic conference that was in Durban. 2007 I think14:22
Symmetriait works if deployed properly, works just fine, UFS does 60% of their internet traffic on it14:22
SmilyBorghave had my VPS in .de dual stack for ages14:23
inetproSmilyBorg: maybe you should talk to froztbyte in #glug.za14:24
SymmetriaSmilyBorg oh thats also true14:25
Symmetrianeology can do v6 for you as well14:25
Symmetriaeither Froztbyte or Ambo can assist there14:25
SmilyBorgI think I remember hearing about neology14:26
SmilyBorgand I heard about glug getting v614:26
SmilyBorgno, wait that was the wug14:26
SmilyBorgI'm too tired to keep things straight14:27
SmilyBorghonestly, I'm getting tired of telling people that they need to start thinking about v614:27
inetproSmilyBorg: GLUG = Gauteng Linux User Group 14:28
inetprojust join #glug.za14:28
SmilyBorgthough I have had some guys here in Durban asking me to do some basic training14:28
* SmilyBorg nods14:28
SmilyBorgthanks inetpro, like I said. rather tired14:28
inetprohe's in there most of the time anyway14:29
HodgestarSmilyBorg: Thanks!14:29
SmilyBorgmaybe I'll give the guys a shout next week when I'm more awake14:29
SmilyBorgark, and I still need to finish setting up the mirror server for the party tomorrow14:29
KilosSmilyBorg, dont forget pics for the report hey?14:30
SmilyBorgya. I'll be sure to take some and ask everyone else to take pics too14:30
SmilyBorghopefully we will have the same little nook in the coffee shop as before14:31
SmilyBorgit was nice and cozy14:33
SmilyBorgand having a cute geeky boy sitting next to me didn't hurt ;-)14:34
Kilosgood girl14:37
SymmetriaSmilyBorg :) sent ya a message14:41
HodgestarThe iso is too big for my blank CD. Bleh.14:54
SmilyBorgthey are DVD/flash drive images as of 12.1014:55
SmilyBorgmight work on those fancy "overburn" disks though, but I haven't seen those in ages14:55
SmilyBorgcome to think of it, I haven't used a CD in ages14:55
HodgestarI don't have any DVDs. Hmm.14:56
HodgestarAlso, they're kind of tiny for DVDs.14:57
SmilyBorgI've just been using flash drives for ages14:58
* Hodgestar tries flash disk.14:58
SmilyBorgI've used MultiSystem to load multiple ISOs on one flash drive in the past. Really handy for carrying around multiple distros or multiple versions of the installer http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/15:00
HodgestarCool. I have a spare 2G flash disk so I'm just using usb-creator for now.15:01
SmilyBorgbut unetbootin and the ubuntu startup disk creator are fairly decent too15:01
* Hodgestar wonders whether to try Unity again. I've sort of gotten used to Awesome again now.15:09
Kiloswow SmilyBorg that multisystem looks good15:13
SmilyBorgya. its really handy15:14
Kiloshi Cantide 15:14
Cantidehello :)15:14
Cantide12.10 doesn't seem much different from 12.0415:17
Cantideand web apps seem a bit buggy .-.15:17
Kiloshaha just read in one mail the guy says its awesome15:21
Cantideit is awesome, don't get me wrong :p15:21
Kilosbetter than 12.04?15:22
Kiloswhats improved15:22
Kiloscan you have many desktops now15:22
Cantidelooks like 4 is still the max15:23
Cantidebut i seldom use more than 1 anyway15:23
Cantideso for me that's not a big deal15:23
Kiloslol i use 9 or ten otherwise cant find what im looking for15:35
Cantidehi '<15:39
kbmonkey'< ?15:41
magespawnhey kbmonkey15:43
kbmonkeywell hello magespawn !15:43
magespawnlong time, you been busy?15:44
kbmonkeyyes, but now i have a table to work at and bought a new sim databundle :D15:45
kbmonkeyturns out 8ta covers my area good15:45
Cantide'<   <- pacman15:46
Cantideor biting... either way15:47
kbmonkeywaka waka waka15:47
kbmonkeyha ha15:54
kbmonkeyI'm checking out a python based blog engine, blogofile15:55
kbmonkeyfor some reason my site is not online anymore :/ a new site is warranted15:56
SymmetriaI just replaced every mouse on every pc in this house16:16
Symmetriawith a wired mouse16:16
Symmetria:P my puppy decided that all my cordless mice were belong to her 16:17
Symmetriaand made great things to steal and run off with16:17
kbmonkeyhah! animals do the darndest things (tm)16:18
Symmetria:P I've lost 3 cordless mice to her16:20
Symmetriathe last one I only knew was gone when I found bits of it in the garden and the other half of it in her mouth16:20
Symmetriawith her looking very pleased with herself16:20
Hodgestar43 minutes to my first compiz crash. :/16:33
KilosKyay superfly both pcs sharing on kubuntu as well now16:39
* KilosK happy16:39
KilosKhi Squirm 16:40
KilosKnow just sound in xchat then kde be kiff16:44
KilosKinetpro, het jy darem droog by die huis aan gekom16:45
magespawni am off home good night all.16:45
KilosKgo well magespawn 16:45
superflyanyone else here using Eclipse?17:00
superflyspecifically CDT?17:00
superflymeh, if anyone is interested, if you have any problems running Eclipse CDT, try running "sudo apt-get --reinstall install tzdata-java"17:11
charlvnthis is quite a nice html5 speed test app: http://speedof.me/17:20
KilosKhi smileE17 Ludo 17:46
KilosKinetpro, you here17:46
smileE17KilosK: :D17:47
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
charlvnhi smileE17 18:16
charlvnhi KilosK 18:16
KilosKhi charlvn 18:17
charlvnfor people who have the bandwidth, here is an incredibly interesting video on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9yfrVdtu6I18:17
smileE17hi charlvn :p18:17
smileE17charlvn: I'm listening18:18
smileE17Well that's very weird to see such a man on television18:25
charlvnscary but insightful18:40
kbmonkeyhello KilosK !18:41
kbmonkeyand superfly 18:41
KilosKhi kbmonkey wb18:41
kbmonkeynuvolari, o/18:41
superflyohi kbmonkey!18:42
kbmonkeyi got me some internets18:42
KilosKabout time too18:42
kbmonkeyi was on a loong bus ride monday18:44
kbmonkey13 hours. plus the day before and after, a full 36 hour day18:45
KilosKwow where you went or where you came from?18:50
charlvnhi kbmonkey 18:50
kbmonkeyhi charlvn 18:51
kbmonkeygrahamstown for a long weekend18:51
kbmonkeyheavy rains slowed the trip 18:51
kbmonkeyits still raining now19:11
KilosKsend some here19:14
KilosKwe just get threats19:14
KilosKnight guys. sleep tight20:02
KilosKdont stay away so long kbmonkey 20:02
charlvnhi Symmetria 22:10
Symmetrialo charlvn22:42

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