
=== xrs1 is now known as nv
=== nv is now known as XRS1
bartjehi all07:32
bartjehow's 12.10 doing? should I upgrade?07:34
scarecrowno problems mounting USB to this laptop using the same install medium.   just need to wipe my main laptop and reinstall i guess07:43
ailo-wbartje: Only if you feel you need to, IMO.07:43
ailo-wscarecrow: Weird07:43
ailo-wWonder what's so special about your first install07:43
scarecrowsometimes stuff happens. no updates out yet to replace screwy files07:44
scarecrowlearned in windows, if you see something screwy during the install, dont proceed. start over07:45
bartjeailo-w: well, with the 'real-time' issues in the past, I was wondering if the lowlatency kernel still is available in 12.10...07:46
ailo-wbartje: -lowlatency is now, and will be a standard Ubuntu Studio kernel07:47
ailo-wIt's not realtime. It's a reconfigured -generic, with more agressive Preempt setting07:47
ailo-wbartje: The issue with -realtime was that there wouldn't be a patch for every kernel release07:48
bartjeailo-w: I know07:48
bartjeI've had really bad issues getting some good jackd results, just want to be sure07:49
ailo-wbartje: For -lowlatency, there is a small patch on the LTS release, but it's only to enable the use of the rtirq script by default. Now, the patch is not needed anymore, so -lowlatency has no extra code at all07:49
bartjeailo-w: and for firewire audio, do I still need to change some config files to get it working?07:50
ailo-wbartje: Other than giving realtime prio for the user (which is enabled by default on US), you don't need any configs for firewire, since at least 10.1007:51
ailo-wAs for firewire, specifically, you need to at least be member of audio group, to start jack07:51
bartjeand about cpu-frequency- caling... ?07:54
ailo-wbartje: There are not gui tools made by Ubuntu Studio to handle that atm. So, you'll need to use whatever you like to use normally08:02
ailo-wWe wouldn't set CPU scaling to performance by default, since it would cause issues for people on laptops, with overheating and such, especially if you can't even tell that your CPU is set to max.08:03
bartjejust found ricardo Lameiro's python script for that, seems to work, might be interesting to work that one out to an item in the configuration menu of ubuntustudio08:03
ailo-wThere are some ideas about creating a control application for things like that.08:03
ailo-wbartje: You are free to make suggestions on the ubuntustudio-devel mail list08:04
ailo-wor the -user list, for that matter08:04
bartjeindeed, looking at the code now, would be fun to fiddle with it to get it a really usable item :-D08:04
ailo-wbartje: Have a look https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/audio-settings08:07
ailo-wIt's very sketchy, and not very well maintained. We have added one config, that is supposed to help midi performance on 12.1008:08
ailo-wHopefully towards 13.04, we will see a bunch of new additions08:08
ailo-wIn the system control gui department08:09
ailo-wbartje: I have this project in the freezer atm. As soon as I have time, I will make it happen https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioControls08:10
ailo-wThere's also the applications that falktx is developing, the guy behind kxstudio. He will be pushing them into Debian soonish, so they will appear in Ubuntu Studio as well'08:11
bartjethat's great news :-)08:17
livingdaylightthis is very dynamic channel10:27
ailo-wlivingdaylight: I sense some irony there11:05
* XRS1 sighs *11:09
ailo-wXRS1: Is that a sigh of relief (one could always hope)11:10
XRS1fresh install, same media, main laptop. Once again I cant mount any USB devices on Gateway NV5378u laptop.11:10
XRS1my 11 year old compaq evo n610c runs ubuntu studio like a dream. no USB problems (only problem is some known issues that are already being worked on)11:12
XRS1never seen anything like this. i get a different error message no matter how i approach it. didnt have this problem in xubuntu 12.04.1 or kubuntu 12.04 (or ever)11:14
XRS1only thing i can think of is i need to take the laptop apart and unplug the webcam (it doesnt work, its somehow broken.)11:15
livingdaylightailo, no, never! :p11:15
ailo-wXRS1: I'd just try googling on the different error messages. But, also, if you don't need to upgrade to 12.10, you could just stick with 12.04.111:16
XRS1what WM did 12.04.1 use?11:16
ailo-wXRS1: It's been XFCE since 11.10 I think. The 12.04.1 release is not much different from 12.10 I think. Not much benefit in upgrading, unless you want more up to date applications (but you could always just add some PPA's for them too)11:21
XRS1that'll do i'll give that a try. in the meantime it works great on the other laptop11:22
XRS1first ill try the webcam. that really needs to come out anyway11:24
ailo-wXRS1: Still, it would probably be interesting for someone to know about your problem.11:25
ailo-wXRS1: If you like, make a bug report on it, before you uninstall11:25
ailo-wXRS1: Make the bug report to Ubuntu in that case11:25
ailo-wXRS1: Maybe it's kernel related (would seem likely, since the diff is only in HW)11:26
ailo-wXRS1: Here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs11:26
ailo-wXRS1: Do you have a launchpad account? If not, begin by going here https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/NewAccount11:27
ailo-wXRS1: Since we don't know what is causing the bug, I would just do: ubuntu-bug nautilus11:29
ailo-wAnd follow instructions11:29
ailo-wThe problem is getting someone to confirm it, since it seems to be HW related11:29
Plaidanyone in the #ubuntustudio forum using MediaTomb with 12.04?13:28
PlaidLooking for some solid suggestions for a how-to walkthrough13:29
Plaidwell, I may have to belay that request...it seems Ubuntu has added it to the repositories...13:33
=== holstein changed the topic of #ubuntustudio to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Studio support channel - http://ubuntustudio.org | Ubuntu Studio 12.10 Now Released | Please be patient, not everyone is watchin'. |
=== holstein changed the topic of #ubuntustudio to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Studio support channel - http://ubuntustudio.org | Ubuntu Studio 12.10 Now Released | Please be patient, not everyone is watchin' | This Channel is logged! | Support forum is provided by http://ubuntuforums.org | For general xubuntu help, try #xubuntu | General music making and studio chatter is allowed
smartboyhwYay holstein thanks14:37
=== gartral|Away is now known as gartral
WinkoDoing the upgrade to 12.10 any suggestions, tips and or tricks?15:39
holsteinWinko: backup and do a fresh install15:46
holsteinWinko: or, just use the LTS unless there is something you really need15:46
holstein12.10 looks great thgouh15:46
WinkoOK I have LTS now... Just w ant to be on the cutting edge.15:52
WinkoWhy do fresh install? So much garbage left behind?15:52
holsteinWinko: its just a suggestion15:52
WinkoTHNX fot the tip!15:52
holsteini prefer it15:52
WinkoAh ok THNX! Experienced?15:52
holsteinyou mean, do i have experience? sure15:53
WinkoEperience with 12.10?15:53
holsteini just did the QA tests and played with the 64bit one15:53
holsteinits nice...15:53
holsteinim still running 10.04 on my audio production machine15:54
holsteinwould i install 12.10? sure..15:54
WinkoOK I understand15:54
holsteinits nice.. check it out live an se for yourself15:54
holsteinand see*15:54
WinkoBusy now with the upgrade15:54
WinkoI can't wait15:55
holsteinyeah, but you will15:55
WinkoLoved the 12.04 version!15:55
holsteini find, best case, and upgrade takes a few hours15:55
holsteini can do an install in a few minutes15:55
holsteinbut ,thats just preference15:55
holsteinyou'll be fine15:55
WinkoPfeww thnx!15:55
holsteinwe tested the upgrade path... there was something funny, but you can sort it out15:56
WinkoI don't mind waiting (holidays)15:56
WinkoAs long as I can get a terminal, I'm fine ;-)15:56
Winko90% of the download...15:57
WinkoDo you know what the funny part was, if so can you tell me please?15:58
holsteinsoemthing about the meta packages15:58
holsteinyou might end up with no audio packages.. i forget how that went down15:59
holsteinno big deal, just apt-cache search ubuntustudio15:59
WinkoThats the most important thing for me...15:59
holsteinim not saying you cant have them15:59
WinkoPfeww :-)15:59
WinkoAPT-GET wil get us ther ;-)16:00
holsteinim just saying the names changed, and we either had to push the whole thing out, or not have them, and i dont remember which way it went16:00
holsteinyou still have a full system16:00
holsteini *always* fresh install16:00
Winkothank goodness16:00
holsteinbest case, after a few hours of messing about, and some post install trickery, you'll get what you could have in 10 minutes16:00
holsteinbut, again.. thats just my opinion16:01
WinkoMost of the time I do too but this time I've got no disk to backup to16:01
WinkoYou are so right!16:01
holsteinyou willl get a backup disk when that disk dies16:01
holsteinthats usually my argument.. you should have it backed up anyways16:02
holsteinand you shouldnt do something so potentially breakable without having stuff backd up16:02
WinkoI have a backup disk but not with me on my holidays in France :-)16:02
holsteinall drives fail16:02
WinkoI know what you mean, we've all been there. But the backup disk are in a safe @ home...16:03
holsteinas long as you're ok if you reboot and nothing is there16:04
holsteini could postulate quite a few plausible failure scenarios that might make you wish you had waited16:04
WinkoI still have my bootable USB pendrive with 12.0416:04
WinkoPlease no scenarios ;-)16:05
holsteini always just plan for the real world options that do occur16:06
holsteinhard drives fail16:06
holsteinif you're ok with the risk, go for it, and enjoy being on the edge16:06
WinkoI will thank you :-) you're too kind! :-)16:07
WinkoDon't leave home without a bootable pendrive!16:08
holsteinyup.. you can boot in and see that your files are stil on the hard drive if bad things happen16:08
WinkoYep... And you can make music on any piece of old hardware you run into :-)16:09
WinkoPreparing for upgrade now...16:10
WinkoTHNX holstein, I'll check in later, Regards W.16:15
UberMusikhey all .. how do I go about disabling frequency scaling in UbuntuStudio 64-bit?  Or is this not something I do in the OS? Is this application specific?  My goal is to avoid latency issues in real-time audio production workflows … tnx in advance …17:18
UberMusik… i'm finding many articles .. but most are several years old .. i read that there are some GUI solutions which can monitor and modify frequency scaling .. but further reading indicated they don't work in 12.04  ….   is there a current solution that is recommended?17:40
UberMusikso, i found this: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Precise#Disable_CPU_Frequency_scaling18:50
UberMusik… and then read this disclaimer at the bottom:  "Note: These instructions may not work with newer Linux kernels."18:51
UberMusiki'm finding this to be a very, very, very, frustrating component of trying to migrate to a linux environment … i'm no guru linux guy .. but i can find my way around .. however, i'm not wiling to try every variation out there and risk putting my system in a state i can't easily revert …  is there really no straight-forward way to disable frequency scaling?   why all the hoops? and disclaimers? and "might work"  or "this might not be the right way to18:53
ailoUberMusik: The file where you set the governor is at /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor20:20
ailoOne for each processor (notice the *)20:21
ailoHaven't yet checked how Ubuntu sets it, but I believe it might be set automatically to ondemand at each login20:21
ailoyou could add a line to /etc/rc.local to set the governor20:22
ailoIf Ubuntu sets it after login, you might need to use sleep so you can override it20:22
ailoSomething like: sleep 30 && echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor20:24
ailoUberMusik: It won't give you any performance boost, but it might make the chance of you getting random xruns smaller20:25
ailoUberMusik: Another, perhaps more clever method would be to have two scripts. One to enable ondemand, and the other to enable performance20:29
ailoThen you just shift, when you need to20:30
ailoUberMusik: btw, there have been different applications that let you adjust frequency scaling20:42
ailoLike a XFCE panel applet20:42
ailoSince I don't adjust freq scaling myself (never felt the need to), I haven't investigated all the possible ways to adjust it20:43
ailoThere might be a Ubuntu Studio gui tool for doing this for the 13.04 release20:43
ailoOh, and I do set my system to really low latencies for audio production20:44
UberMusikailo: thanks for that info .. i've copied it into my linux notebook so i can refer back to it when i need it … i need low latency for live recording/performance of midi keyboards ..20:44
UberMusikailo: did you say 13.04 ? is that available? in beta? coming soon?20:44
ailo12.10 just came out. If there will be a gui tool for 13.04 (to be released 2013.04), most probably I will be the author of it. Haven't yet begun developing it20:45
ailoIf I have time20:45
ailoUberMusik: One issue is the kernel. In my experience, kernels 2.6.37 and perhaps up to 2.6.39 were a bit better performing20:49
UberMusikailo: how do i verify my kernel version? i recently installed 12.04.1 UbuntuSutdio 64-bit ...20:50
ailoUberMusik: Here's a guide I made on how to build the 2.6.38 kernel on any current distro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BuildOldLowlatency20:50
ailoUberMusik: One way is: apt-cache show linux20:51
ailo3.2, I believe20:51
UberMusik3.   … are you suggesting i might need to downgrade my kernel?20:52
ailoWell, actually, it's made for the 12.04 release20:52
UberMusiknever mind .. i'm RTFM as we speak20:53
ailoUberMusik: I'm not recommending anything, mind you. But, from my experience, the kernels 2.6.37 and 2.6.38 were a bit more responsive20:53
ailoUberMusik: Another thing you'd want to do is disable the PA bridge20:53
UberMusikailo: not familiar with the PA bridge20:53
ailoOr, rather, the first thing you should do20:53
ailoIf you start jack with qjackctl, it's on by default. You see pulseaudio sink and source in connections20:53
UberMusikmy plan is to run Ardour (the latest version) linuxsampler (with fantasia front-end) and maybe one or two other modules ..20:54
UberMusiki have been running qjackctl from the terminal .. so it sounds like i'm doing the right thing ..20:55
ailoIf you're using qjackct, go to Setup -> Misc, and untoggle "Enable D-bus interface"20:55
UberMusikah … i never did anything with that ..20:55
ailoHow do you start jack?20:56
UberMusikoriginally, i was using qjackctl from the terminal .. but then when i upgraded to 12.04, i noticed a qjackctl item in the audio drop-down menu20:57
ailoWell, qjackctl is only to control jack. You can use other programs too, like patchage, or the session manager ladish20:58
ailoqjackctl is set to start jackdbus by default20:58
ailoIf you unset the dbus option, you start jackd instead, without having the PA bridge autoload20:58
UberMusiki do use patchage as well ..20:59
ailoIMO, what generally will help performance the most is the kernel version20:59
ailoAnd, not using the PA bridge21:00
ailoMost other things either do nothing, or help making consistent xrun free performance21:00
UberMusikailo: great info .. i'm making note of that … i built a new PC recently, and i'll monitor things as i start building out my workflow … if i start to see xrun issues, i'll know where to start ..21:01
ailoBut, the effect of many configs are so small, in general, that I don't usually waste time on it21:01
ailoIf you have a HW issue, with IRQ conflicts, the rtirq script (rtirq-init) might help, but it could also need to be tuned21:02
ailoUsually only on laptops21:02
ailoUberMusik: Oh, here's a good page for sys configs, for audio http://wiki.linuxmusicians.com/doku.php?id=system_configuration21:03
ailoNow, a realtime kernel might not be nessecary at all, but it doesn't hurt to try one21:03
ailoAgain, I think the biggest benefit comes from choosing the right version21:03
ailoI don't need one, since -lowlatency21:04
UberMusikailo: i was under the impression that 12.04 UbuntuStudio has a real-time kernel natively?21:04
ailolinux-lowlatency has the exact same source as linux-generic (except for one irrelevant patch).21:04
ailoIt's just configured more aggressively for low latency performance21:04
UberMusikat any rate, your info has been most helpful … i have to run .. but this is tons of information to help me tune my system ..21:05
ailolinux-realtime (not in the repo) has a patch of code to it21:05
ailoUberMusik: See ya21:05
holsteinUberMusik: btw, the hoops are usually due to hardware specific cases23:02
holsteinthere is no "linux" making sure a small subset of well supported hardware works with it23:03
holsteinit just tried to support what is current, relevant, and able to be supported (legally or technically)23:03
holsteini find it more about what one is used to using23:04
holsteini feel a similar level of discomfort when i sit down at a windows machine, and cant do some of the things im usd to doing... doesnt make it right or wrong... just different23:04
studio-user295decided to upgrade from cd. will see how it goes23:32

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