
SkippersBossCan we get jockey back as software sources has clearly problems identifying hardware00:08
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
xubuntu727i know it's VERY VERY early in the cycle, but i was wondering if there are any plans to use another office suite in the future?12:00
xubuntu727One that supports presentations and fully supports docx, xlsx and pptx... Thanks12:00
astraljavaxubuntu727: You can file a wishlist bug about it. But also installing LibreOffice will solve that problem easily. If the devs switch to enlarge .iso size to 800MB (USB), then it's a possibility, albeit quite possibly a very small one.12:25
xubuntu727humm... thank you astraljava!12:58
xubuntu727that is what i currently do in all my installs12:58
xubuntu727install libreoffice and gparted as there is no app with a gui to format usb drives12:59
xubuntu727i know ubuntu got a lot bigger with 12.10 but i always thought that as ubuntu 12.04 was able to fit in a cd and had libreoffice13:00
xubuntu727that MAYBE... xubuntu could also do it13:00
xubuntu727oh well.... i'll just keep installing libreoffice13:00
xubuntu727thank you!13:01
astraljavaxubuntu727: No probs. I'd still suggest filing the bug, that should get the official response at some point anyway. But also keep following the development, cause who knows if that decision gets countered at some point. :)13:06
mr_pouitmicahg: nothing comes to my mind, so I trust you ;-)20:54
micahgmr_pouit: will you be at UDS?20:54
mr_pouitno, maybe next time21:06
micahgmr_pouit: are you up for mixing 4.12 and 4.10 in R?21:10
micahg(to try to get a gtk3 panel)21:10
mr_pouitmicahg: as soon as the core libs can build a gtk3 version in parallel, yeah21:23
mr_pouitbut for the moment there's no pre-release available, and no work has been done on the panel21:24
micahgI saw a few updates in experimental after final freeze, so I figured those could be pulled in when Raring opens21:26
mr_pouitexperimental still only contains 4.10 partially21:27
mr_pouit(only exo and thunar have 4.12 pre-releases so far (gtk2 only), and I didn't upload them anywhere)21:28
ochosiat least the display-dialog should be pulled for R ;)21:40
ochosimr_pouit: ^ :)21:41
ochositook a quick (feverish) look at the iconview btw21:45
ochosiseems that mostly the _populate function would have to be adapted21:46
ochosi(and the glade-file obviously)21:46
mr_pouitmicahg: ah, there's Bug #1010409 to remember for xfce4-session (ubuntu changes to drop on merge)22:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1010409 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "[quantal] Drop delta wrt gnome-keyring" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101040922:04
micahgmr_pouit: ok, BTW, I can push though official backports now if there are certain pieces that we'd like that for (I would think apps rather than libs)22:08
mr_pouitI didn't check the delta between experimental and quantal (except the obvious -1 vs -Oubuntu1), so if you see more recent releases in experimental, backports should be ok22:13

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