
otubohello guys, I just added the Juju PPA, installed and updated the  ~/.juju/environments.yaml with my credentials, but I'm having this particular issue when I try to 'juju bootstrap' -01:59
otubootubo@yoda ~ $ juju bootstrap02:00
otubo2012-10-19 22:59:04,071 INFO Bootstrapping environment 'sample' (origin: distro type: ec2)...02:00
otubo2012-10-19 22:59:04,116 ERROR [('PEM routines', 'PEM_read_bio', 'no start line')]02:00
otuboDoes anyone know if this is a known issue?02:00
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
hazmatotubo, more suitable for #juju17:41
hazmatotubo, lots of juju people are currently traveling fwiw.. i'll try and address in the other channel17:41
hazmatexcept your not there..17:41
otubohazmat, sorry, I was away, I'll join #juju, thanks! :)17:56
otubohazmat, did you send my messages to #juju? Should I post there?17:57
hazmatotubo, already done17:57

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