
=== chronossc is now known as chronos
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ulysseshello, I just installed Kubuntu Quantal in Vmware Player, but when I try to login, it returns to the login screen either with my user or the quest user10:23
ulyssesIs it a known issue or shall I report a bug against lightdm-kde (it is the same with kdm)10:24
BluesKajHowdy all10:35
mparilloulysses: I am running Kubuntu 12.10 as a VMware Player guest. I took all the defaults, and it seems to work just fine for me. Are you doing anything special?10:42
ulyssesmparillo: no? I didn't10:47
mparilloulysses: Well, the only thing I can possibly think of are unlikely things: Did you checksum your ISO?10:50
mparilloCould you posibly have fat-fingered your password?10:50
mparilloYou could try the virtualization forum here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=308 but they focus on virtualization within Ubuntu, not running Ubuntu as a guest in VMWare or Virtual Box.10:51
ulyssesmd5sum is OK, my password is OK too, I can login on console, but not on Lightdm11:12
afiestasQuintasan: 11:50
apacheloggerScottK, yofel: any news on that?12:37
apacheloggerFWIW, I think we should simply set different plasmoids altogether12:38
apacheloggerthe ones added by upstream seem utterly pointless12:38
apacheloggerScottK: precise power profile patch uploaded12:54
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1066892] initial power profiles do not use suspend support @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1066892 (by Harald Sitter)12:57
shadeslayerhttps://plus.google.com/115138410189586016392/posts/Yi8cdNnKYsW < comments section, how odd is that bug?13:04
apacheloggershadeslayer: not particularly :P13:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: well ... no one reported it during ISO testing13:28
shadeslayeratleast not that I know of13:28
apacheloggerinstall with other os present is different from our ISO tests though13:28
shadeslayercheck last comment?13:28
apacheloggerperhaps he is doing funny stuff we don't QA13:30
* apachelogger thinks we should merge settings packages into one source15:41
apacheloggerappears to be more managable(tm)15:42
apacheloggerme@novalis:~/src/kdeplasma-addons/applets/community$ ls |wc -l15:45
apacheloggeryofel: that is not a widget but a flipping spacestation15:46
apacheloggereveryone away when I need peeps to test stuff -.-15:49
Riddellwhat what?15:52
Mamarokshadeslayer: Happy Birthday!16:01
yofelapachelogger: yeah, the settings are utterly confusing - also the netbook bzr branch somewhere in the bitbasement and I can't find it anymore16:24
yofelshadeslayer: Happy Birthday! 16:25
apacheloggerkubotu: order birthday package for shadeslayer16:27
* kubotu is running to the corner shop to get a birthday present.16:27
* kubotu slides a birthday cake and a present down the bar to shadeslayer and gives everyone a nice frosty mug of beer.16:27
kubotuHappy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday shadeslayer, happy birthday to you!!!! - Wooooho!16:27
kubotuHappy Birthday shadeslayer :D16:27
kubotuTo your health!16:27
apacheloggerah yes16:27
apacheloggernow I rembmer16:27
alleeshadeslayer: best wishes for you birthday!!16:27
apacheloggeryofel: please be activating everything in kdebugdialog, restart plasma-netbook from terminal with the opendesktop crap on page one, then switch to page one and send me the debug output16:28
* apachelogger meanwhile tries to netboot over pxe as he has no usb hardware it appears16:28
yofelapachelogger: I'll get to it in ~2h probably16:29
apacheloggerby that time I will totally have installed from pxe boot :P16:30
yofelwell, true ^^16:30
yofellemme check if I still have the SD card around that I used...16:30
apacheloggervga mode broken16:32
apacheloggernow this is getting more insane by the minute16:32
* apachelogger is now installing over pxe boot with manually specified vga mode ^^16:33
apacheloggerit works \o/16:33
* yofel has never used PXE so far..16:34
apacheloggerpretty easy to set up, install tftp server, extract image, configure dhcp16:36
yofelhm, I seem to have done something weird to my sd card - doesn't boot16:38
yofelapachelogger: I fear you'll be on your own for now16:42
apacheloggerafk while netbook downloads packages :P16:42
Quintasanchrist, afiestas we seem to be missing each other17:10
apacheloggeroh, I install ubuntu17:15
apacheloggerwhy that was unintentional17:16
* yofel gives usb-creator another attempt18:03
ScottKapachelogger: I agree about merging the settings.  It's a legacy of when we had a different ISO for netbook.18:06
ScottKapachelogger: Accepted kde-workspace for precise.18:13
* yofel gives up on usb-creator again18:18
ScottKyofel: Current *buntu images you can just DD over.18:21
yofelyeah, but I wanted the persistence option18:23
yofelit works on my other notebook btw. This one just shows device errors18:23
yofel(while erasing)18:24
shadeslayerwhee, thanks for the wishes Mamarok , apachelogger & yofel :)18:24
ScottKWhat are they wishing you?18:26
MamarokScottK: it's his birthda18:27
shadeslayerbirthday greetings :)18:27
ScottKAh.  Happy birthday shadeslayer.18:27
ScottKMamarok: Thanks.18:28
shadeslayerthanks ScottK 18:28
ScottKDoes this mean you're old enough to shave now?18:28
shadeslayerwas already doing that for the past 3 years or so :P18:29
shadeslayerStill not old enough to legally drink in my own country18:29
ScottKWhat's the age for that?18:29
shadeslayeryeah :P18:30
apacheloggerwow is a computer game18:54
apacheloggeralso it is not enough18:54
apacheloggeryofel: yeah I also cannot reproduce it on a notebook18:54
ScottKI wonder if it only happens on single CPU processors like the older Intel Atom processors.19:10
yofelmy eeePC has a N270, that has 2 virtual cores at least19:11
yofelapachelogger: xsession-errors tells pretty much nothing: http://paste.kde.org/575402/ - search for "BadWindow" - that's when plasma was killed19:49
Tm_Thmmm, installer formatting partitions when chosen not to? https://plus.google.com/u/0/112173334899185256140/posts/7whR7bcekgH20:10
Tm_T(I wonder if this bug is reported and if not, why not)20:10
* ScottK installed a bunch of time during ISO testing and never saw such a thing.20:20
* ScottK also never saw upgrades die in the middle such that it couldn't be saved either, FWIW.20:21
Tm_TScottK: my default on those goes to user error20:38
Tm_Tbut yeah, if someone suspects a bug, it should be reported20:38
apacheloggerTm_T: no bug reports = no issue22:19
afiestasQuintasan: ?22:49
afiestasI do miss you though :p22:49
afiestascan't wait for uds :)22:49
apacheloggerhow sweet22:57
* apachelogger should have gone to bed 3 hours ago -.-22:57
apacheloggeryofel: I am beginning to think the plasmoid has a problem with the screen size or something23:02
apacheloggerOTOH it maybe something in libplasma that brings forth the issue23:02
apacheloggeralso it appears to exhaust heap or stack23:13
apacheloggerends with exception on bad_alloc23:14
apacheloggeronly slightly funny23:14
apacheloggerheap it is23:18
apacheloggeroh that makes even sense seeing as it keeps doing polygon splits and adding them to a vector ^^23:24
apacheloggerif I had infinite amount of time I'd be able to spend all of it trying to find ways to break plasma from inside a plasmoid23:57

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