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allen_Hi, does anyone know how to switch Dolphin to superuser mode to write to root folders?04:01
douglallen_, 'kdesudo dolphin'?04:02
allen_thanks, that works :)04:04
allen_is kdesudo the same thing as regular sudo?04:05
bjrohanI am having issues getting an external USB drive to automount, it seems to be set up properly in fstab04:36
bjrohanHere is the line is fstab:04:36
bjrohan UUID=ade13e80-16af-4941-8076-233821f05fcf       /media/BACKUP   ext4    defaults,errors=remount-ro,user_xattr   0       104:37
bjrohanno love for my issue?04:42
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sithlord48bjrohan:  maybe try adding auto options.04:54
bjrohanI did, no difference04:54
sithlord48bjrohan:  you can also set it thru the removeable devices widget04:55
bjrohanThis is on another machine I am working on via ssh (although I could walk into the next room to do it)04:55
sithlord48ah so then you can't use the widget..04:55
sithlord48stupid question but you have made the /media/Backup folder ?04:56
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bjrohanWhat does one use on Kubuntu to handle partitions akin to gparted?06:09
CorodiusKDE Partition Manager, under System :)06:09
bjrohanthank you06:10
bjrohanI don't see it on my 12.10 :-(06:10
bjrohanfound it in the launcher search tool06:11
Corodiusvery :S meh thats why I switched to classic menu lol06:11
CorodiusI did not like the new type one ^_^ haha06:11
bjrohanHow do you go back to classic menu?06:13
Corodiusoki, which layout are you using, desktop or netbook?06:13
bjrohandesktop I beleive06:14
Corodiuscool, just right click on the blue KDE start menu thingy, if there is no option, first click Unlock Widgets06:14
bjrohanGot it :-)06:15
bjrohanMo Betta06:15
bjrohanThank you 2x06:15
Corodiussweet :) it is hey lol06:15
Corodiusand no worries :)06:15
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GGonhow do i re-run a configuration using apt?07:32
GGoni thought it was something like --reconfigure but i can't quite seem to find it in the man page07:33
Corodiushttp://www.cyberciti.biz/ref/apt-dpkg-ref.html good little reference guide, I believe its dpkg-reconfigure you are looking for :)07:35
GGoni tried07:37
GGonthe configuation ncurses based stuff doesn't re-run07:37
GGoni'm trying to configure an ldap client07:37
GGonit's turning my hair gray07:37
Corodiusif all else fails, a purge (apt-get purge <pkgname>) and reinstall should do the trick07:38
GGonoh. i found it07:38
Corodiuscool cool07:44
* GGon bangs his head on a desk07:46
GGonwhy is this ldap client configuration so difficult? :)07:46
GGoni'm a bit at a loss as to how to set it up07:47
GGonldapsearch doesn't seem to want to find my ldap server07:47
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karifurawahello! by chance, do you know how can i desable the wired network with a shell command?08:59
karifurawa[10:59] [Error] hello!: Unknown command.08:59
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yofel_karifurawa: 'sudo ifconfig eth0 down' would be it usually, but that'll only work till reboot. For presistence google what you need to set in /etc/network/interfaces09:21
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pfookarifurawa: there's also nmcli if you are using networkmanager09:39
karifurawayofel_ , pfoo : Many thanks i try now !09:59
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faLUCEHi, I messed some /home/myuser file . Then, when I try to login with myuser, the os returns the login prompt. If I enter with anotheruser, I don't have this problem. How can I solve?10:32
BluesKajHowdy all10:35
Peace-faLUCE: try to rename ~/.kde10:37
Peace-BluesKaj: hey10:37
BluesKajhi Peace-10:37
Graf_WesterholtHi, Peace-!10:37
Peace-Graf_Westerholt: hi10:37
faLUCEPeace-: and then?10:38
Peace-faLUCE: then try to login10:38
faLUCEPeace-: unfortunately I use lubuntu, not kubuntu10:39
yofelfaLUCE: did you rename the home folder of a user?10:40
faLUCEyofel: no10:40
yofeldirectories in /home/ need to have the same name as the user and be owned by it10:40
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, what freezes , exactly ?10:40
faLUCEyofel: solved10:41
faLUCEchmod 777 -R /home/myuser10:41
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, the display freezes. I am not sure if it gets my keybord input, I am going to test that. But I can see in the logs that it is running.10:42
yofelfaLUCE: uh, that should rather be something like 75510:43
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, which kubuntu version?10:43
yofelor 77510:43
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, 12.10, but it is since 11.10 or 11.04.10:43
yofelhm, if it's still running, you could check the kernel or X log if something happened there10:45
yofelor does it freeze without any message there?10:45
faLUCEyofel: ok, I'll do that10:46
Graf_Westerholtyofel, are you talking to me?10:47
yofelGraf_Westerholt: about the freeze yes10:47
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, which graphics card and driver ?10:47
Graf_Westerholtyofel, I checked the logs but see nothing, but I am not very experienced with the logs.10:49
excognachow do i enable apparmor for Chrome?10:50
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, GeForce 9300 GE10:50
Graf_WesterholtDriver is nouveau10:50
Graf_Westerholtyofel BluesKaj: It freeze randomly.10:51
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, hmm, nouveau is actually very solid driver on 12.10 with most nvidias10:51
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj yofel I cannot switch to console with CTRL+ALT+F1 when it freezes.10:52
yofeldepends on the hardware, but back when I had nouveau crashes and the display froze I usually had some Eq overflowing message in the logs10:52
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, but you could try the nvidis-current , it might be somewhat better , it's hard to tell.10:53
yofelGraf_Westerholt: do you have a 2nd pc where you could try to ssh in to the frozen one?10:53
BluesKajnvidia-current that is10:53
Graf_Westerholtyofel, I have an old notebook, it is very slow. Why should I do it? I see in the logs that it is working inside, but the display is frozen.10:54
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj yofel But when nouveau freeze, shouldn't I be able to switch to the console?10:57
yofelas it uses kms, it might block those too by locking the kernel, but I'm not sure10:57
yofelneed to go now, sry10:58
Graf_Westerholtok  yofel thx10:58
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, we don't know for sure that it's nouveau , it could be an input device problem10:58
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, the display freeze, the clock on the desktop stops running.10:59
BluesKajthat means the Xserver is frozen11:00
Graf_WesterholtHow can I check the Xserver?11:01
BluesKajin /var/log Graf_Westerholt Xorg.0.log or .1.log etc11:03
BluesKajXorg.1.log etc11:04
Graf_WesterholtI have both 0.log and 1.log11:04
BluesKaj0 is your most recent11:04
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, I searched for "EE", but there in only one line: [ 26674.247] (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)11:08
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, unfortunately that doesn't tell me much11:12
BluesKajexcept that the driver module is unloadingfor some reson11:12
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, it loads "nouveau" because "nvidia" does not exist.11:13
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, I suggest you install the nvidia--current driver , then reboot11:14
BluesKajnouveau is the default nvidia driver11:14
Graf_Westerholtok. Should I save the Xorg.x.log when it freezes again?11:14
BluesKajit will be in the logs , but you can copy and save them if you wish11:16
Graf_WesterholtThe logs are not very big, so I suppose old entries are deleted after some time.11:17
BluesKajyeah , I'm not sure what the timeline is11:18
Graf_WesterholtI'll backup them.11:18
Graf_WesterholtI am installing the nvidia-current.11:18
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, I disabled the desktops effects, do you think they could be the reason?11:19
BluesKajI doubt it11:19
BluesKajit's usually the reverse11:20
Graf_WesterholtI'll turn them on again.11:21
BluesKajyou have to reboot in order for the new driver to finish installing and loading11:22
Graf_WesterholtYes, BluesKaj.11:22
Graf_WesterholtIt just finished installing.11:23
Graf_WesterholtI'll reboot in a second.11:23
natmanis anyone having problems with desktop effects? see a bug on known issues for 12.10? is it easy to fix?11:23
BluesKajnatman, none hare , depends on what issues you have with desktop effects11:26
Graf_Westerholtok, going reboot.11:27
MySystemhello i have wrong encoded filenames on my ext3 (windows ext2 manager doesn set the codepage right so i think  its windows1250 instead of utf8) sample "Device Central CS3 L�ame.html" is there a way to rename the file11:27
natmanBluesKaj:  still on 12.10, just wondering is it worth updating11:27
natmanBluesKaj: opps still on 12.04 i mean11:28
BluesKajI upgraded my elcheapo acer laptop yesterday from 12.04 to 12.10 without a hitch11:30
natmanBluesKaj:  upgraded a xubuntu yesteday perfect, but my hp pavilion is dear to my heart!! :P11:31
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, I am back.11:32
BluesKajnatman, and I've been running 12.10 for quite a while on thei 4 yr old HP desktop pc, and all is well11:32
MySystemthe dir cmd returns "Device\ Central\ CS3\ L\202ame.html" and ls "Device Central CS3 L?ame.html"11:35
BluesKajok Graf_Westerholt , enable desktop effects to see if we get any errors11:35
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, they are enabled.11:36
Graf_WesterholtAll works fine.11:36
BluesKajerr , cool11:36
natmanBluesKaj: urm that 'K' shaped devil on my shoulder is telling me to do it!!! :) but backup first :(11:36
Graf_WesterholtBut they worked with the nouveau, too.11:36
BluesKajnatman, :)11:37
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, well , maybe you won't have any freezes now .11:38
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, it means nothing that I have no problems now. Yes, we will see. I'll be right back here when it freezes again. ;)11:38
tedewenHi all, linux noob, just installed kubuntu 12.10 a couple days ago. Now trying to get clean URL's working in Drupal 7. Drupal reports (http://drupal.org/node/15365) that clean urls are unavailable because  I need mod_rewtie enabled. The docs are more than a little overshelming - might one of you be able to help me out?11:39
tedewenmod_rewrite* :D11:39
BluesKajtedewen, I suggest you join #drupal for support on that issue11:41
tedewenno, it's not a drupal thing BluesKag - its an apache thing11:41
tedewenbut I will try there also, thanks11:42
BluesKajtedewen, also try #httpd , it's apache support11:43
wmphello, anyone know how to install kernel 3.6.2 to have wifi and good resolution?11:44
tedewenbrilliant, thanks BluesKaj11:44
BluesKajwmp, what's your present kubuntu version ?11:45
BluesKajwmp , what does uname -a output ?11:46
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almoxarifewmp: i doubt your issues with wifi and resolution will get corrected by bumping to the kernel 3.6.211:47
BluesKajwmp, and how so you know the 3.6.2 kernael will solve your issues?11:47
wmpBluesKaj: if you want know: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/106834011:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1068340 in linux (Ubuntu) "I havent second thread" [Medium,Incomplete]11:48
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, I have the feeling that the nvidia-driver is slower with the desktop-effects.11:49
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BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, you can set the effects speeds in Nvidia Server Settings GUI in Kmenu>apps>settings11:53
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, ok (I prefer krunner ;) )11:54
BluesKajI always give a path of sorts , it's become habit :)11:55
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, I need the path to the settings in NVIDIA X Server Settings. ;)11:56
wmpBluesKaj: so how to run 3.6.2?11:57
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, try it in krunner :)11:57
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, I have the "NVIDIA X Server Settings" open, but cannot finde effect setting.11:58
BluesKajwmp, I can't help you there , I've never tried to install kernel separately11:58
[Relic]anyway of finding the previous FF version to roll back previous version isn't listed in muon11:59
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, first try the OpenGL settings slider11:59
BluesKaj!kernel | wmp12:00
ubottuwmp: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)12:00
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, changes nothing.12:01
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, I the speed depends on how many desktop effects you have enabled , the more effects the slower the effects are in oreder to keep everything in sync12:04
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, I had the same setting with nouveau before the reboot and it was smoother.12:05
Graf_WesterholtIt is not as smooth as with the nouveau, but still ok.12:06
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, what is smoother ?12:06
BluesKajor not as smooth12:08
[Relic]can I just uninstall and install the .deb from the previous version?12:09
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, the "slide back" effect is not as smooth as with the nouveau. But it is ok. I prefer it this way instead of having my screen frozen. :)12:10
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, ok12:10
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BluesKaj[Relic], why are you regressing your FF version , you can install kde support for FF in the package manager12:13
BluesKaj!firefox-kde-support | [Relic]12:15
[Relic]certain javascript things simply stopped functioning12:15
BluesKaj!info | firefox-kde-support | [Relic]12:15
ubottu[Relic]: 'firefox-kde-support' is not a valid distribution: extras, hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, stable12:15
BluesKaj[Relic], ok whicjh kubuntu ?12:16
[Relic]only stopped after latest FF version, similar to the nvidia system lock ups in the latest which was fixed by roll back to a previous version12:17
BluesKaj[Relic], are you getting javascript errors or are pages just not loading properly?12:24
[Relic]certain scripts just simply stopped working12:26
mah454I want to download "http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/quantal/release/kubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso"12:32
mah454this image support LVM ?12:32
mah454I can not found kubuntu alternative installer .12:33
BluesKaj!alternate | mah45412:34
ubottumah454: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal12:34
oneadventupgrade to 12.10 went smoothly, just reporting13:07
OerHeksoneadvent, nice13:48
mariezhello, how can i rip cd's to MP3 using k3b? it only proposes ogg and wave even though libk3b6-extracodecs is installed13:51
mariezif i want to create a CD audio that everyone can read, is it ok to burn from ogg files?13:52
BluesKajmariez, enable the mp3 plugin in k3b13:54
mariezBluesKaj: i didn't have "lame" installed13:55
BluesKajreally ? ..strange13:55
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Roeyhello, when I do sudo do-release-upgrade, I get "Checking for a new Ubuntu release \n No new release found"14:29
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bazhangRoey, make sure check for LTS only is disabled14:30
Roeywell I meant to ask, do I have to modify the sources in /etc/apt/sources.list first?14:31
Roeythat's what I thought14:32
Roeywhere should I check that LTS-only is disabled?14:32
RoeyI normally just do this all through the command line14:32
bazhangah right14:33
Roeymr-rich:  o/14:33
bazhangthe package manager for gui, for kubuntu command line, I'd need to check14:33
Roeybazhang:  normally it's a simple matter of issuing "do-release-upgrade"14:34
bazhangRoey, you are currently on 12.04 though, correct?14:34
bazhangthats LTS, and a kind  of special case14:35
tyrogHello. Which is the most stable DE in ubuntu? unity or KDE? Thanks.15:06
apacheloggertyrog: both15:07
tyrogapachelogger: is there one that is superior for playing games?15:08
apacheloggeryour desktop has little to do with games really15:08
apacheloggerdoesn't have much to do with anything 3rd party to be precise15:08
tyrogapachelogger: but unity uses compiz, i read it is bad for that purpose15:08
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apacheloggertyrog: the desktop effects are what would make it less optimal for 3D gaming, those can be turned off though (or actually some of the smarter games turn them off automatically)15:10
tyrogapachelogger: as far as i know compiz cannot be disabled because unity runs ON it15:11
apacheloggerthat being said there is a general performance penalty for playing a 3D game while desktop effects are on15:11
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apacheloggertyrog: I am pretty sure one can15:11
apacheloggereitherway that is a pointless thing to worry about because we are talking about like 5 frames less per second15:12
apacheloggerand if you get so few FPS that 5 less would still matter I'd argue that the hardware is simply not able to meet the requirements of the game :)15:12
tyrogapachelogger: thanks :)15:17
tyrogapachelogger: what kind of features does KDE have that unity doesn't?15:29
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apacheloggertyrog: Plasma supports widgets, has more theme options, does not send data to amazon without asking...15:31
tyrogapachelogger: and as for disadvantages?15:32
Wizardtyrog: I would say KDE is configurable. You can adjust many things.15:32
WizardBy default it's simmilar to MS Windows.15:32
apacheloggerWizard: you sure about that? http://www.digitaltrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/windows-8-metro.jpg15:33
apacheloggertyrog: don't know, I am not using unity apparently15:34
Tech-1cant get compiz to work15:35
douglwell I have installe 12.10 several times and have yet to boot a copy of it... after a successful install machine boots to blank screed saying error : file not found and leaves me with a grub rescue> prompt - any suggestions?16:20
douglI have not seen a good install of kubuntu since 10.1016:21
Tech-1i had a good load, but compiz wont start16:27
douglwhat kind of video card?16:28
douglwhat drivers?16:28
Tech-1kwin is for the birds16:29
Tech-1i dont know why they waste their time with it16:29
douglI think kubuntu is for the birds... not too much good if it wont install - I don't even remember what I had to do to install 12.04, but it was an event.16:30
Tech-1i installed mine through a usb stick using unetbootin16:30
Tech-1worked great16:30
Tech-1Graphics:  Card nVidia C77 [GeForce 8200M G] X.Org 1.10.1 Res: 1366x768@50.0hz16:31
Tech-1           GLX Renderer GeForce 8200M G/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW! GLX Version 3.3.0 NVIDIA 270.41.0616:31
Tech-1if you had 12.04 why did you install 12.10, isnt 12.04 LTS ?16:32
Tech-1last time i used kde was mandrake, so, im kinda in the dark yet16:32
dougl12.04 on this machine and 12.04 pooched on other machine so I installed 12.10 using unetbootin usb16:33
Tech-1other than compiz not booting, everything else seems to work nice16:33
douglmandrake - that dates you :)16:33
Tech-1what kind of machine you have16:34
douglp5w dh deluxe (asus) nvidia gt430 (evga)16:35
douglit does not run any operating system tho... and this one is some asrock no name piece of work with intel inside16:36
Tech-1since its nvidia gt430, thats prolly the problem'16:36
Tech-1i almost bought a asrock16:37
dougldo tell16:37
Tech-1bought gygabyte16:37
Tech-1nice ocer16:37
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:37
compiunavarroalguien que habes español16:37
douglI try to stick with asus16:38
Tech-1i have a couple asus boards16:38
Tech-1they work good 216:38
douglthey have always been good to me16:38
Tech-1same here16:38
douglso do you think there is a work around for the 430 issues?16:39
Tech-1but this gigabyte, best ocer ive ever had16:39
Tech-1not sure16:39
Tech-1i know nvidia common only works for nvidia 6 or higher16:40
douglI am not even booting... I get a grub error16:40
Tech-1i did see a new grub sequence this time around with 12.1016:41
douglsda = windows... sdb = / and swap  and sdc = /home16:41
Tech-1did you try to run it again ?16:41
Tech-1re install16:41
douglrun what? reinstalled 3 times ...16:41
Tech-1maybe the usb didnt get a good copy16:42
Tech-1id say there is somthing wrong with the dl16:42
dougl2 with pendrive made usb and 1 with unetbootin usb16:42
Tech-1just a guess16:42
douglthat was the suspision with the 12.04 (unetbootin) that performed similarly but when I used it on the notebook worked like a charm16:43
Tech-1i have a eee asus pc also it took it nicely also16:44
Tech-1but its also 945 graphics16:45
dougllike I said... kubuntu never installs without a hitch... last flawless install I had was ubuntu 10.10 since then I have changed to kubuntu cuz unity sux16:45
Tech-1mine was 7.1016:45
douglif it works - don't fix it... lol16:45
Tech-1whoever created unity needs to be taken to the wood shed16:46
douglI dunno... maybe back to gentoo16:46
Tech-1or sabayon16:46
Tech-1that worked forme16:46
douglyah - unity... someone needs to give their head a shake.16:47
Tech-1stupidest thing ever16:47
Tech-1it ruined linux16:47
crow_Tech-1, what ruined linux?16:48
douglyah - sabayon make gentoo a bit less painless.... kde too still?16:48
crow_it ruined ubuntu16:48
douglcrow_, I believe it did16:49
Tech-1the last build is kde only16:49
crow_it has no effect on kubuntu though16:49
Tech-1its a cell phone wanna be on a desk top16:49
crow_^perfect description16:50
Tech-1to me, ubuntu is using the public to get into the portable market with unity16:50
Tech-1thats wrong16:50
douglok - gotta repeat....16:51
Tech-1ok, have fun16:51
douglwell I have installe 12.10 several times and have yet to boot a copy of it... after a successful install machine boots to blank screed saying error : file not found and leaves me with a grub rescue> prompt - any suggestions?16:51
dougldl 2 copies of 12.1016:52
Tech-1youd think with kernel 3.5 it would have the right drivers16:52
douglone on mac = bad and on on 12.04 used to make install usbs and 1 cd that never worked16:52
OerHeksdougl, did kubuntu 12.04 work before your latest attempt to install 12.10?16:53
OerHeksor is this the first try ?16:53
douglOerHeks, I did have 12.04 running on it and I pooched it stress testing and am now trying to reinstall kubuntu16:54
douglupdating system and system crashed.16:54
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douglquiet in here today...17:22
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ronromcan anyone okease package polkit-kde-kcmodules-1 the mains distros have this package that allows to manage polkit users access17:42
ptomblinYou know, one of the things that kind of annoys me about ubuntu and kubuntu is that my desktop computer, which never has and never will have bluetooth, has to install and run bluetoothd, bluez and a bunch of other similar stuff.17:44
douglptomblin, you ever try linux from scratch?17:45
ptomblinNot since the early days when there wasn't any real distros.17:45
douglptomblin, a little less bloatware there but what a way to install linux - never tried myself tho... I started with redhat 5.2 -> and I consider myself lucky.17:48
CiniuHello, could you tell me how can I install nvidia drivers without ruining the system?17:50
ptomblinYeah, I remember installing SLS 1.03 with kernel 0.99.14 on a lab full of computers by putting the first floppy in the first machine, and when it asked for the second, moving the first floppy to the second machine, putting the second floppy in the first, and marching all the floppies all around the lap like that.17:50
ptomblinWhen RedHat came out, it had an option to install from an NFS mounted partition and that was a god-send.17:51
ptomblinOh well, I'm upgrading to 12.10 now.  Wish me luck.17:51
douglptomblin, good luck - let me know how you make out... just curious17:59
douglprolly the most annoying features about 12.04 is when I open the dvd tray I get the disk half out and the fekkin tray closes jamming the disk in the half opened drawer - another contribution from the unity developers just implemented in kubuntu?18:05
* dougl has a serious hate on for linux this weekend.18:06
ronromCan anyone please tell where can i ask to package polkit-kde-kcmodules-1 ?18:06
douglronrom, not me - I don't even understand your question.18:07
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sofco3Hello, please assist with a login issue - I have encrypted my home directory, and now I receive lnusertemp failed when try I to do graphical login. If I drop to console and manually enter "ecryptfs-mount-private", I can see my homedir.18:10
douglsofco3, why would you encrypt you home dir - just curious.18:10
douglie do you live in a dorm and share your computer?18:11
sofco3dougl: corporate enviroment18:14
ronromdougl: i encrypt the all system, not just home, in my opinion thats a false security, since temp dirs and not secured18:16
douglthanks :)18:17
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KvaksAre there any good software in the repos to analyse bandwidth usage? (Newbie-friendly)18:48
FlyingElvisu mean like a monitor?18:48
FlyingElvissystem monitor can do that for you18:48
Tech-1is there some new special way to make compiz work ?18:53
sofco3how can I start startx without sudo18:59
sofco3i want to use my regualar account19:00
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dplord is anyone here?19:14
Walexdplord: sometimes19:15
Walexdplord: usually there is no need to use 'sudo' for 'startx'. I actually use 'xinit' and do not use 'sudo' for that.19:16
dplordwhere are you from?19:16
Walexdplord: '/usr/bin/X' which is the wrapper for invoking 'Xorg' should be setuid 'root'.19:16
artaohai there. good day to you all .. the problem I'm having today is that my system keeps defaulting to the digital sound on my GeForce graphics card instead of the onboard integrated audio ... i've set it numberous times in weveral places, but the settings just won't seem to stick .. what' goin on with this?19:18
artaoi'd prefer to completely disable the digital video-card audio19:18
artaoi can find nowhere to do so however19:18
TurkutHi :) I need a bit help :) after updating to 12.10 from 12.04.1 suddenly I can;t use the shrew soft VPN. The problem is with the qt version. currently the system has the qt4, and this program was able to use qt3 only. is there a way of using this program anyway?19:23
ptomblinWell, that kind of sucked.  I did the upgrade, and ended up at a "grub rescue" prompt.  I had to boot from a rescue disk, and reinstall grub.19:27
douglptomblin, that is what was happening to me... your 12.10 works then?19:33
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FlyingElvis<just upgraded from ubuntu 12.04 to kubuntu 12.10...and i love this compared to unity19:38
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dan_lHi.  I just screwd up my install.19:38
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danlozOk.  So I had to purge x because I dramatically screwed up things when I installed the nvidia drivers.  Now I've got it kind of unscrewed up, but I need to reenable desktop effects.  The gui doesn't work.19:39
matt____do You have problem with Quassel client?19:40
matt____i mean when i use it after installation of nvidia driver it is like in fullscreen mode19:40
matt____but it is not; besides the window of it is badly cut19:41
FlyingElvisim using Quassel with no issues19:42
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dougl<ptomblin> Well, that kind of sucked.  I did the upgrade, and ended up at a "grub rescue" prompt.  I had to boot from a rescue disk, and reinstall grub. <- need to know if this worked for you = do you have a working install of 12.10?19:43
ptomblinYeah, it seemed to boot this time.19:43
ptomblinI think what the problem is is that I'm using a RAID1 with LVM on top of it, so I think the two disks got re-arranged and grub ended up on the boot sector of the second one.19:44
douglptomblin, how did you reinstall grub? and from what reskue disk?19:44
ptomblinJust to be sure, I thnk I'll do a grub-install /dev/sdb as well.19:44
ptomblinI used the one I used to install Kubuntu 12.04 (the "alternative" one, because the graphical one doesn't support lvm and raid installs)19:45
douglptomblin, there is an option to reinstall grub on the 12.04 install disk?19:46
ptomblinNo, but there is an option to open a shell on a given partition.  I told it to open a shell on /dev/lvm2/root, and then mounted /dev/lvm2/boot, /dev/lvm2/usr etc and then did a grub-install19:47
douglptomblin, ah - rocket science 101... don't like linux that much anymore, if I cannot insert disk and hit anykey I surely won't be able to do that...19:48
ptomblinWell, like I said, part of it is because I was doing something fancy - using RAID1 and LVM.  If you're not using RAID1, you're probably not going to have grub installed on the wrong disk's boot sector.19:49
douglam I having these issues because I have a mix of ide and sata drives - what the fek is the problem... sabayon 10 does not boot or install either19:49
douglI'll try to install grub to sdb and see if that helps19:50
OerHeksI have found a constant bug, window title or http adres or tabs in Chrome gives stripes instead of readable names > http://picpaste.com/pics/Kubuntu1210chromeBUG-WohSopAW.1350762610.png19:51
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oneadventwait OerHeks so that is not blurred on purpose19:52
OerHeksIn this picture only the http adress is not readable, it solves itself after hoovering over it, but returns after switching from desktop back to this desktop19:53
OerHeksindeed, oneadvent19:53
oneadventwhat happens to make it happen? is there particular sites? I noticed some jap characters there.19:54
OerHeksIt happened to all sites, it random blurrs http adres, or the TAB, or even the window title.19:55
OerHeksUsing Nvidia gt430 with standard driver, not the nvidia one19:55
oneadventVersion 22.0.1229.94?19:56
oneadvent(that is what i have and never have had this problem)19:56
OerHeksYes, correct chrome version19:56
oneadventNVRM version: NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module  304.43  Sun Aug 19 20:14:03 PDT 201219:57
oneadventthat is my nvidia driver19:57
OerHeksI upgraded today, still feel no need for the nvidia driver.19:57
OerHeksIs it worth a bug-report, oneadvent ?19:59
OerHeksimean, it is just chrome only19:59
oneadventdang i was trying to figure out which card i have exactly20:00
OerHekslspci | grep VGA20:00
oneadventGeForce GTX 47020:00
oneadventyea just remembered :/20:01
OerHeksmine >> 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF108 [GeForce GT 430] (rev a1)20:01
oneadventthat is what i'm using and no problems, maybe it is a bug with chrome though20:01
OerHeksi think so, yes.20:01
oneadventyea i'd report it probably with nvidia and chrome20:01
oneadventbut i dont think it is kubuntus fault20:01
oneadventweird issue20:01
oneadventhey what manager are you using? XRender or OpenGl?20:02
OerHeksehm, how do i tell ?20:02
oneadventit is in system sources and desktop effects20:02
oneadventsystem settings*20:03
oneadvent(advanced tab)20:03
oneadventi'm using opengl and raster20:03
OerHeks+ raster20:04
oneadventis your effects on?20:05
oneadvent(like a blue glow behind windows etc)20:05
OerHeksYes, they work like a charm, so that is my thought i don't need the nvidia binairy blob20:05
OerHeksGaming is working flawlesly too.20:06
oneadventidk man, idk i guess i'm not using it either? i honestly dont know so long as things work20:07
FlyingElvisi dont get it   why is kde so much better than unity?20:07
oneadventhave you used both FlyingElvis20:07
FlyingElviskde is killing any thought of me wanting to go back to unity20:07
FlyingElvisyes i have20:07
FlyingElvisand kde just rocks IMO20:08
OerHeksI have not found any simular bug.20:08
FlyingElvisive been comparing unity and kde 12.10 to decide which one im going to use, im a recent ubuntu/linux convert20:08
FlyingElvisand im sticking with kubuntu20:09
douglya think?20:09
douglunity blows20:10
oneadventhmmm hard to tell FlyingElvis, i like the options in kde instead of unity20:10
FlyingElvisim starting to think so now also20:10
Roeyhey all20:10
FlyingElvisyes  many many more options with kde20:10
OerHeksYou do not need a Kubuntu tweak ( not sure it even exists) , all options are available.20:11
FlyingElvisim starting to think that kubuntu is the shining jewel they dont want you to know about20:11
Roeyhow do I upgrade from the command-line?  I did do-dist-upgrade, but I get back "Checking for a new Ubuntu release \n No new release found"20:11
FlyingElvisRoey: are you using 12.0420:12
Roeyyes I am20:12
FlyingElvisi just finished a upgrade from 12.04 myself, i found it easier to use muon20:12
Roeyhmm ok.20:12
FlyingElvishold on  i have a link for you20:12
Roeyfor me every release upgrade is painful.20:13
Roeynever without issues.20:13
Roeyand it's not like I have anything special here20:13
OerHeksI used " sudo do-release-upgrade -d " i know it is not a development update, but works fine20:13
Roeyok that took20:13
FlyingElvishttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/QuantalUpgrades/Kubuntu    go there20:13
OerHeksbecause 12.04 is a LTS20:13
RoeyOerHeks:  what are the limitations there20:14
Roeythat you can't do-release-upgrade from it without the -d option?20:14
oneadventi didn't have a lot of trouble, just had to reinstall muon, been using ubuntu center (cause of humble bundle)20:15
OerHeksnot sure it can be done without -d, maybe the upgrade url is safer to use20:15
oneadventi just used muon, bit of pushing it but it worked20:17
FlyingElvisone thing i have noticed about doing the upgrade...it takes FORVEVER compared to a clean 12.10 install20:19
FlyingElvismy timer on it said over 2 hours and it meant 2 hours  lol20:19
Belial`FlyingElvis, it's been like the last few times i tried it too.20:22
Belial`i guess it would take just as long if you figure in time to back your system up and then do a clean install.20:22
ptomblinDammit, I can't print to the printer on my Kubuntu box from my other computers any more!20:24
ptomblinWhy did I upgrade?20:24
OerHeksoneadvent, another pic, now with bookmarks that blurr > http://picpaste.com/pics/Kubuntu1210bookmarksCHROME-BUG-FkqAsDKb.1350764847.png  but not all, odd20:28
oneadventvery odd20:29
oneadventidk whats up wit that20:29
OerHeksNo option to change fonts too, in chrome.20:31
douglptomblin, cups?20:35
ptomblinI can still print locally20:35
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, my Kubuntu is running stable today.20:36
FlyingElvisOerHeks: go to system settings>application appearance>fonts>and bump up the fonts 1 size each20:36
ptomblinThe queue I have on my MacBook says that it can't contact the printer.20:36
[dlp]Why hasn't the update manager offered to upgrade me to 12.10?20:37
FlyingElvisas in "ubuntu 9" to "ubuntu 10"20:37
douglI have dedicated XP box for printers and sound from my 12.04 and OSX... ptomblin not sure what to suggest.20:37
OerHeksFlyingElvis, oke i try that20:37
douglwhere's BluesKaj ?20:38
FlyingElvis[dlp]: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/QuantalUpgrades/Kubuntu20:38
ptomblinThis has worked for years.  I upgrade to 12.10, and suddenly it's not.20:38
OerHeksFlyingElvis, oke thank you, i tried to reproduce the blurr, it stopped.20:39
OerHeks.8 is too small i guess20:40
FlyingElvisgood :)20:40
ronromwhat the kubuntu mailing list?20:40
douglptomblin, is it just a sharing issue - what does it say @ localhost:631?20:40
ptomblinOn the Kubuntu box?  It shows the printer as expected.  "Share printers connected to this system" is checked.20:41
douglthat is not just a little thing... 12.10 ccannot be a print server?20:42
genii-aroundronrom: https://lists.ubuntu.com/ ...under Community Support ... kubuntu-users20:43
ronromgenii-around: where can i ask to package polkit-kde-kcmodules-1 ?20:44
ronromthis package does not exist in ubuntu mirrors, and it exist in other main distros and its a very helpfull tool to manage polkit users access20:44
genii-aroundronrom: If you file a launchpad bug against the policy kit package and put in the title: WISHLIST   it may get looked at20:45
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ronromgenii-around: i dont, but you can see it in the kde apps from git20:47
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ronromgenii-around: or you can see it already packaged from Mageia -> http://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pub/linux/Mageia/distrib/cauldron/SRPMS/core/release/polkit-kde-kcmodules-1-0.98.1-2.mga2.src.rpm20:51
matt531how can I check if bumblebee works?20:51
ronrommatt531: optirun glxspheres20:51
matt531I mean thank You20:52
ronromgenii-around: im very surprised to see that one is not packaged in ubuntu, and see thats package in main distros20:54
ronromgenii-around: so currently theres no GUI to allow to manage polikit users access20:55
ptomblinWoo hoo, I figured out what the problem is - I had to switch from ipp: to ipps: in my printer configuration.  Unfortunately Mac doesn't give you any easy way to edit this stuff, so I ended up making a new printer.20:55
genii-aroundronrom: As I stated, to make a WISHLIST bug report is the most likely way any action will be taken :-)20:56
douglptomblin, right on!!!!20:57
matt____how to check  the version of bumblebee?21:02
matt____should I use the following command: sudo usermod -a -G bumblebee $USER?21:02
matt____i installed bumblebee21:04
matt____and want to check its version in terminal21:04
douglbumblebee --version21:04
dougljust guessing...21:05
matt____tried that21:05
matt____it says, that product was not found21:06
dougland just a word to the wise... be careful and try not to sudo anything21:06
* dougl wonders what bumblebee is...21:07
douglI want my kubuntu to be my media server... what is best to use for TV as media player?/21:10
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto21:17
matt____i have a lame question. If i make bumblebee daemon(you knnow what i mean), does it mean every app will be launched using optirun?21:30
matt____which default kubuntu soft should i replace(which is simply better in most aspects)?21:32
DarthFrogmatt____: Just use what's installed unless you're dissatisfied with it.21:35
matt____but do You have any advice on changig. I mean some app is very, very "bad" comparing to alternatives and no one knows how it's happened, that it's default in dist21:36
DarthFrogI've not found any.  Though I do use Thunderbird and Firefox in preference to Kmail and Rekonq.21:38
DarthFrogOther than that, I use the KDE SC apps.21:38
matt____thank You21:38
DarthFrogThere's nothing wrong with Kmail or Rekonq, BTW.  I just prefer Tbird and Firefox.21:39
OerHeksFlyingElvis, happened again > http://picpaste.com/pics/Kubuntu1210blurr-2LVnVztA.1350769704.png ...21:48
ptomblinWhat does Kubuntu use instead of ntpd to synchronize time with the ntp servers?21:49
douglgot 12.04 installed finally21:49
OerHeksThere must be something wrong with chrome and fonts ..21:49
DarthFrogdougl: But 12.10 is the current version. :-)21:49
douglhow do I make a user a system admin21:50
DarthFrogdougl: Yourself?21:50
douglDarthFrog, tried to install 12.10 4 times - not impressed21:50
douglyes - myself21:51
DarthFrogdougl: If you are the primary user of the system, you already are a sysadmin.  When root privileges are needed, you'll be asked for your password.  There is no root account.21:51
DarthFrogdougl: If you are not the primary user, have him/her use the "visudo" command to give you access to sudo.21:52
DarthFrogdougl: Or, more easily, be added to the "admin" group.21:53
DarthFrogdougl: There is a "vigr" command to do that.21:54
DarthFrogActually, it's the "adm" group, not "admin".21:55
douglDarthFrog, thanks for all the info... is not primary user but want to change so it is or atleast has all the primary user options21:55
douglman vigr21:56
OerHeksNow i even get partial blurr in the url > http://picpaste.com/pics/Kubuntu1211evenPartialBlurr-RDYSB5ZD.1350771679.png22:21
DarthFrogdougl: For a media server, I'd suggest (and use myself) Mythbuntu.22:24
DarthFrog!mythbuntu | dougl22:25
ubottudougl: Mythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information22:25
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apacheloggerOerHeks: intel graphics?22:33
OerHeksapachelogger, no, Nvidia GT430 with the standard driver, not the Nvidia one22:34
apacheloggerprobably all the same22:34
apacheloggerrelease notes are your friend :P22:34
apacheloggerparticularly bug 106107322:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1061073 in mesa (Ubuntu) "Desktop effects are slow and desktop corruption using mesa 9" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106107322:34
OerHeksMaking my fonts 1 pix bigger doesn't solve it.22:35
apacheloggerat least on one occasion I have seen that corrupt rendering of chrome22:35
OerHeksIt happens only with chrome.22:35
OerHekshoovering over it makes it disappear.22:35
apacheloggerbecause that is triggering a repaint22:36
apacheloggerbut if you think that it is not the issue I mentioned it may well be an issue with chrome22:36
apacheloggerin which case you may want to contact chrome support22:36
OerHeksHow would i do that? ubuntu-bug chrome doesn't work22:38
OerHeksIt is a minor cosmetic glitch, nothing serious wrong.22:38
Brustofski-Faninstall 12.04.. ran dist-upgrade.. now trying to upgrade to 12.10 but do-release-upgrade is saying No new release found22:39
OerHeksI used " sudo do-release-upgrade -d " but you might want to do it the proper way > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/QuantalUpgrades/Kubuntu22:40
nicolindalciucioany italian?23:00
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:00
Brustofski-FanOerHeks: Thanks for the upgrade link23:11
OerHekshave fun23:12
Brustofski-Fanit's 70% done with downloading!!23:13
marcin_one question - what are the default fonts in Kubuntu? because something got f**ked up in my instalation and can't set them right... ;/23:32
OerHeksmarcin_, see  system settings > application appearance > fonts23:34
marcin_OerHeks: currently all are set to Ubuntu. but it somehow looks strange...23:35
OerHeksI have glitches too, only in chrome, some titles and urls blurr23:36
itatitatguys I have this erros message when I try to start apache 223:40
itatitatsomeone can tell me what's happenning?, is the first time I see it23:40

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