
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== cortman is now known as thewildhaggis
=== thewildhaggis is now known as cortman
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
Iowanback - JIT17:50
s-foxcariboo907 and coffeecat are also here17:51
Iowan10... 9...17:51
s-fox8 now? ;)17:52
Celeneshould be at zero already :P17:52
s-foxhello howefield :)17:52
cariboo907good day howefield17:53
howefieldhi cariboo907 :)17:53
elfy4 what?17:57
s-foxby my reckon17:57
Iowannow 317:57
elfyis it not 18:00 then?17:57
s-foxcoffeecat you about yet?17:57
Iowanwe're all anxious17:57
elfyor obnoxious17:58
s-foxwe're all early, you know given we have been "elsewhere" for about 30 minutes or so17:58
s-foxhey coffeecat , just wanted to check you were "here"17:58
Celeneit says one minute here :D17:58
Iowan2 by mine17:58
Celenehey nothingspecial17:59
nothingspecialhi Celene17:59
s-foxare we already to start?17:59
s-foxcariboo907,  coffeecat , Iowan elfy  s-fox ?17:59
s-foxalright.... here we go :D18:00
meetingologyMeeting started Sat Oct 20 18:00:14 2012 UTC.  The chair is s-fox. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.18:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired18:00
s-fox#voters coffeecat cariboo907 elfy Iowan s-fox18:00
meetingologyCurrent voters: Iowan cariboo907 coffeecat elfy s-fox18:00
s-fox#topic Ubuntu Forums FC meeting18:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Forums FC meeting
s-fox#topic Tutorials and Tips Forum - followup18:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Tutorials and Tips Forum - followup
s-foxwe tried to get this sorted in the last meeting, but we needed more discussion.  we went and did that and now i think we are ready to go18:02
s-foxthis is coffeecat s item,  so you go :)18:02
coffeecatI think the thread says it all: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206170818:03
elfyfor the benefit of non staff members can I pecise what we talked about18:03
coffeecatWe can adjust permissions of the old T&T forum to allow posting to old threads but not new ones for a transition period.18:04
s-foxi personally am in support of changing the posting permissions18:04
cariboo907+1 from me too, I thought it was already done :)18:04
s-foxalright, anyone mind if we skip to the vote?18:04
IowanI have no real opinion, but will support18:05
s-foxi want to keep things moving and not stalled ;)18:05
IowanOK here18:05
elfy+1 to that18:05
s-fox#vote change permissions on T&T thread as outlined by coffeecat ?18:05
meetingologyPlease vote on: change permissions on T&T thread as outlined by coffeecat ?18:05
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)18:05
meetingology+1 received from s-fox18:05
meetingology+1 received from coffeecat18:05
meetingology+1 received from cariboo90718:05
meetingology+1 received from elfy18:05
meetingology+1 received from Iowan18:05
meetingologyVoting ended on: change permissions on T&T thread as outlined by coffeecat ?18:06
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:018:06
meetingologyMotion carried18:06
s-foxwoot :D18:06
s-foxnext item is the upgrade.18:06
s-foxAFAIK the plugin is done and some kind of launchpad permissions thing is the blocker18:06
s-foxanyone know anymore than i do about it?18:06
elfywell that's quite straight forward s-fox18:07
elfywaiting for IS to deal with 12.10 before they do more18:07
cariboo907IF it is working properly, I should be able to get the license number from kylebaker18:07
elfybut it'sa lot closer than it was18:07
s-foxhmm, okay.  maybe one of us should ping jorge?18:08
s-foxi don't want to seem pushy or anything but we were here first and we're nearly finally ready18:08
elfyI can talk to IS next week s-fox18:09
s-foxthanks elfy18:09
s-foxmove on ?18:09
coffeecatDo we need to pre-warn/involve TV for the theming?18:09
elfywould like to see lay of land afore I move to whining18:09
Celenecoffeecat: we can test that in the test forum18:09
s-foxcoffeecat,  pass.  wouldn't be a bad idea to keep in the loop18:09
coffeecatYes, it might happen all very quickly and the theme break! :)18:09
s-foxjust realised something...18:10
IowanI'll save questions/comments about "beans" for later18:10
s-fox#topic Upgrade update ;)18:10
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Upgrade update ;)
s-foxi am going to move on anyway...18:10
s-fox#topic layout change followup18:10
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: layout change followup
s-foxcoffeecat and elfy have done a great job moving things around. thank you!18:11
s-foxit seems a lot more logical now18:11
cariboo907+1 from me18:11
s-foxanything to add?18:11
coffeecatSpring clean time! Great fun. :)18:11
cariboo907it also seems to be easier to add sub-forums18:11
IowanIs that gonna mess up my GM scripts?18:11
elfyhope not Iowan18:11
s-foxit has.. i am working on a fix for the move script Iowan18:11
elfyit's mess mine too - not done so yet18:12
s-foxi hit a little issue and then was rather unwell so hopefully will get on top of it soon18:12
s-foxmoving on...18:12
s-fox#topic New User Restriction18:12
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: New User Restriction
elfywould like to talk to you about the scripts at some point s-fox18:13
s-foxalright elfy  can do :)18:13
elfyusers restrictions is an easy one too18:13
s-foxnow that we have made us a little more spam proof there has been talk of lowering some of the post counts needed to unlock the cp18:13
elfypropose dropping level - gioven we can change when we need to18:14
elfywithout coming to a meeting to do it18:14
s-foxi think it has been discussed by the team at length and generally we agree so time to vote...18:14
IowanThreads/ welcome message will need to be changed18:14
s-foxnaturally, but that is easy18:14
elfyIowan: I had foreseen that18:14
Iowaneasily fixed18:15
s-fox#vote adjust restrictions as outlined in the discussion thread?18:15
meetingologyPlease vote on: adjust restrictions as outlined in the discussion thread?18:15
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)18:15
meetingology+1 received from s-fox18:15
meetingology+1 received from cariboo90718:15
meetingology+1 received from Iowan18:15
coffeecatThere's the error message to - you don't ahve 50 beans - easily changed.18:15
meetingology+1 received from elfy18:15
meetingology+1 received from coffeecat18:15
meetingologyVoting ended on: adjust restrictions as outlined in the discussion thread?18:15
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:018:15
meetingologyMotion carried18:15
s-foxexcellent :)18:15
IowanWhew - that was tough18:15
s-foxreally close18:15
elfyand a nice one to pass too18:15
s-foxwho wants to volunteer to make the changes?18:15
s-foxokay :)18:16
coffeecatI'll do that _ i need to edit my sticky.18:16
s-foxlol, you guys can sort it out between you?18:16
coffeecatOr Iowan instead18:16
elfywe could do that and the restr at the same time perhaps18:16
s-fox#action coffeecat and Iowan to make the restrictions changes happen and update bits and pieces18:17
meetingologyACTION: coffeecat and Iowan to make the restrictions changes happen and update bits and pieces18:17
s-foxmoving on....18:17
s-fox#topic create stickies for agenda items18:17
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: create stickies for agenda items
elfythoughts on somewhere for users to at leat talk about agenda items - maybe a forum/thread and some stickies in the support forums (closed) - suggest a sub forum in FFH - stickies in suppport and cafe - no trolling - more or less instaban - lets look for actually productive discourse from people if they want to join in - productive can be negative - if it is in fact looking to move things on18:17
elfythat ^^18:17
elfyyep those ...18:18
cariboo907I'm all for it, as it makes things a little more open for the membership18:18
s-foxi think it is also good to have somewhere publicly accessible and not hidden away in areas not generally viewable18:19
Iowanas long as we don't over-sticky18:19
elfyme too - unsurprisingly lol18:19
elfyIowan: do you think that piskie would over sticky lol18:19
s-foxanyone mind going to a vote?18:19
elfyI'll be looking for ones to remove :)18:19
cariboo907me too18:19
s-fox#vote create stickes for agenda items in public18:20
meetingologyPlease vote on: create stickes for agenda items in public18:20
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)18:20
meetingology+1 received from s-fox18:20
meetingology+1 received from cariboo90718:20
meetingology+1 received from coffeecat18:20
meetingology+1 received from elfy18:20
meetingology+1 received from Iowan18:20
meetingologyVoting ended on: create stickes for agenda items in public18:20
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:018:20
meetingologyMotion carried18:20
s-foxNice one :)18:20
Iowanain't we all agreeable today...18:20
elfymy lord - things being done :)18:20
cariboo907another yay from me :)18:20
s-foxright...next topic...18:20
s-fox#topic new presumed spammer usergroup18:21
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: new presumed spammer usergroup
s-foxthats about right coffeecat ?18:21
s-foxwe're making a good guess at a spammer18:21
coffeecatI suggest "Banned Presumptive Spammers". Near the top of the drop-down for usergroup change then.18:21
elfyadmins only18:21
s-foxthats true18:21
elfydealing with promotions at a later date18:22
Iowansnce only staff can see group, you can call it whatever18:22
* s-fox nods18:22
coffeecatyes - hence "presumtpive"18:22
elfyIowan: do my suggestion is ok then :P18:22
s-foxi think it is worth trying, the pros and cons seem fairly well documented18:22
s-foxthanks for that btw coffeecat18:22
Iowanelfy:  ???18:22
s-foxright, anyone mind going to a vote  ?18:23
Iowan+1 - early?18:24
s-fox#vote introduce the new presumed spammer usergroup18:24
meetingologyPlease vote on: introduce the new presumed spammer usergroup18:24
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)18:24
meetingology+1 received from s-fox18:24
meetingology+1 received from cariboo90718:24
meetingology+1 received from coffeecat18:24
meetingology+1 received from Iowan18:24
elfyIowan: early?18:24
meetingology+1 received from elfy18:24
meetingologyVoting ended on: introduce the new presumed spammer usergroup18:24
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:018:25
meetingologyMotion carried18:25
s-foxwho wants to create the new usergroup  ?18:25
* Iowan +1'd the vote idea18:25
s-foxcoffeecat ?18:25
coffeecatelfy, and I can do that.18:25
s-foxalright :)18:25
s-fox#action coffeecat and elfy to add the new group18:25
meetingologyACTION: coffeecat and elfy to add the new group18:25
elfys-fox: coffeecat and I can do that and any of the other stuff18:25
elfyoh good glad I was there to agree :p18:25
s-foxi have an item that is not on the agenda18:26
elfyas do I18:26
Iowannpe ;)18:26
s-foxi see someone wants a loco creating... i'll sort it out18:26
s-foxyes, really18:26
s-foxgo look and  you'll see it18:26
elfyyeap - seen it18:26
s-fox#action s-fox to sort the loco out18:27
meetingologyACTION: s-fox to sort the loco out18:27
s-foxwhat is your item elfy  ?18:27
elfyjust new forum Ubuntu members18:27
s-foxwhy do we need one?18:28
s-foxwhat is it for? :)18:28
elfyto make up the numbers lol18:28
elfyserious head - guy has done an enormous amount of work18:28
elfyfor the forum and the community wiki18:29
elfywell worth the badge in my opinion18:29
coffeecato/ forum members is fixed agenda item anyway18:29
elfydidn't know that coffeecat18:29
s-foxoh i misread what you posted elfy . lol18:30
s-foxi thought you were suggesting a dedicated subforum18:30
s-foxalright, can we move on ?18:30
s-foxcortman,  are you here ?18:30
cortmanIndeed I am.18:31
elfys-fox: we'll talk about the sub forum18:31
s-foxelfy,  k18:31
Iowanone last chance to back out...18:31
s-fox#topic ubuntu forums ubuntu membership application18:31
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ubuntu forums ubuntu membership application
s-foxi see cortman  is applying for membership18:32
s-foxcan you tell us a little more about yourself please? :)18:32
cortmanI've been on the forums pretty regularly for a year now18:32
cortmanActually a year today if I recall correctly. :)18:32
cortmanI've tried to help out (it's been a learning process) on the forums and also on the Forum Wiki Team18:33
cortmanNot much else to me, I suppose, lol.18:33
s-foxthanks :)18:33
cortmanThe Forum Wiki Team work has been enjoyable- I've been glad to be part of that process.18:33
s-foxit has been super busy moving things around18:34
elfycortman: so can you say how well you've done in transcribing threads to wiki's18:34
cortmanOh, nothingspecial thinks I should add that I'm also active in IRC as well, mainly in #ubuntuforums.18:34
s-foxso any help with that always goes down well18:34
cortmanWell, I've tried to do my part elfy lol18:34
elfycortman: or rather - how you've managed to deal with the team18:34
elfywhile others have been off doing other things18:35
cortmanWell, yes, in Wild Man's absence I've been trying to take up the slack- he's a real workhorse on that.18:35
s-foxalright, i think i am ready to vote. not sure on the others?  coffeecat  cariboo907  Iowan  elfy  ?18:35
cortmanI'm hoping to get more involved in maintaining the community wiki as well18:35
coffeecatOk for vote here.18:36
elfyI am18:36
cariboo907+1 for a vote18:36
s-fox#vote cortman  for ubuntu forums membership18:36
meetingologyPlease vote on: cortman  for ubuntu forums membership18:36
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)18:36
meetingology+1 received from cariboo90718:36
meetingology+1 received from coffeecat18:36
meetingology+1 received from s-fox18:36
meetingology+1 received from elfy18:36
meetingology+1 received from Iowan18:36
meetingologyVoting ended on: cortman  for ubuntu forums membership18:36
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:018:36
meetingologyMotion carried18:36
s-foxcongrats cortman :)18:36
cortmanthanks s-fox :)18:37
s-foxCelene,  lol. i restricted voting at the start ;)18:37
cortmanIt's an honor- thanks to you all! :)18:37
Celenes-fox: :D18:37
coffeecatCOngrats cortman :)18:37
elfywelcome cortman18:37
Celenethought elfy said I could vote in the membership.18:37
cariboo907Congrats cortman18:37
cortmanThank you coffeecat18:37
cortmanAnd cariboo907 :)18:37
cortmanand elfy :)18:37
elfyyou do us the honour cortman18:37
s-foxCelene,  can we pick that up later? :)18:38
cortmanWow, I wouldn't say that, but thanks much elfy :)18:38
s-foxlike tomorrow or something?18:38
coffeecatThere'll be a lot of work once we close the T&T forum! ;-)18:38
s-foxalright, last item is division of labour or "who wants to do what"18:38
elfycoffeecat: cortman is well aware ;)18:38
IowanWhat can I mess up this month?18:38
s-foxany volunteers for the  ml ?18:38
cortmanlol yeah./18:38
elfyI'll take that s-fox18:39
s-foxthanks elfy18:39
s-fox#action elfy  = ml18:39
cariboo907I can keep on doing what I was if no one else wants to do it18:39
meetingologyACTION: elfy  = ml18:39
s-foxwho wants the report, i did it last time and fixed a few bugs...18:39
s-foxi can show someone how to do it if it'd help18:39
cariboo907I'll do the report18:39
elfycariboo907: s'ok I will take the caolface this month18:39
s-foxor i could do it all again ?18:40
s-foxokay cariboo907, thanks!18:40
s-foxdo you know the setup  ?18:40
elfyhi popey18:40
popeyhello elfy18:40
s-fox#action cariboo907  = fc report18:40
meetingologyACTION: cariboo907  = fc report18:40
cariboo907s-fox, I've done it once already18:40
IowanI'll try to get cortman  added to membership18:41
s-foxokay cariboo907 , if you need any help or whatever ping me :)18:41
cortmanah thanks Iowan18:41
s-fox#iowan = ubuntu membership launchpad stuff18:41
cariboo907will do s-fox18:41
elfyIowan: I can do that and would want to18:41
s-fox#action Iowan = ubuntu membership launchpad stuff18:41
meetingologyACTION: Iowan = ubuntu membership launchpad stuff18:41
s-fox >:)18:41
Iowanelfy: OK!18:41
cariboo907who's doing the welcome pm?18:42
coffeecato/ for welcome message - I miss the spam pm's.!18:42
Iowani'll concede this month18:42
s-foxum,  last month someone (not me ;)) forgot to put a version on ubuntu planet so i'll do that18:42
elfyI'd like to do that Iowan if that's ok18:42
s-fox#action s-fox  = ubuntu planet forums update report thing18:42
meetingologyACTION: s-fox  = ubuntu planet forums update report thing18:42
s-fox#action elfy  = welcome pm18:43
meetingologyACTION: elfy  = welcome pm18:43
s-foxanything else?18:43
elfys-fox: version on forum is 7.0418:43
elfyis thjat right lol18:43
elfywe all have faves lol18:43
cariboo907Who wants to be the mean person in the RC?18:43
s-foxfyi, i am going to put something about halloween into the planet post, get some of the community involved with avatars18:44
* s-fox can be mean18:44
* cariboo907 too18:44
coffeecatDo we need a first responder in the RC. Whoever is around?18:44
s-foxoh yeah, that is a good point18:44
IowanI usually try to watch18:44
s-foxi know kiwi is pretty good at that too with his tz18:44
elfyI can be early UK responder18:44
cariboo907I thought elfy  took the lead on that last month18:44
elfyyea - but I need to get some to deal with18:45
s-foxi personally thought it was "first to arrive, or who has the time"18:45
elfyone more thing18:45
cariboo907s-fox, that works for me18:45
elfys-fox: that sounds good - as long as there is no self modding18:45
s-fox+1 to no self modding18:46
cariboo907that's a given isn't it?18:46
s-foxbut we all know that anyway18:46
s-foxwhat is the other thing elfy ?18:46
cariboo907hurry up elfy , it's almost lunch time :)18:47
s-foxi want to go down the pub... ;)18:47
elfywandered off18:47
elfyforget it - next month18:48
elfyooh - got it18:48
elfymeetings - sat seems good atm - any reason why we don't carry on = 3rd sat of the monthg18:49
s-foxoh, works for me18:49
cariboo907Works for me too18:49
Iowanneed a vote?18:50
elfyno worrying about other teams - no hassle - we havce the FC agenda FC forum and now the new op[en foum?18:50
coffeecatgood for me.18:50
s-foxIowan,  we'll post reminders on the ml. might also be good to post in cafe too, get some of the community here18:50
s-foxopen doors and all that18:50
* Iowan getting forgetful18:50
s-fox#vote hold fc meeting on 3rd sat of every month.  18:00 UTC18:51
meetingologyPlease vote on: hold fc meeting on 3rd sat of every month.  18:00 UTC18:51
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)18:51
meetingology+1 received from s-fox18:51
meetingology+1 received from coffeecat18:51
meetingology+1 received from cariboo90718:51
elfydoes that sound good - next meet - 17th Nov - 3rd sat of the month - we can fiddle with dec18:51
meetingology+1 received from Iowan18:51
meetingology+1 received from elfy18:51
meetingologyVoting ended on: hold fc meeting on 3rd sat of every month.  18:00 UTC18:51
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:018:51
meetingologyMotion carried18:51
s-foxsuperb :)18:51
s-foxi think we're all done. anyone mind me ending the meeting18:51
IowanRoom is booked for another 9 minutes18:52
Iowanbut early=good18:52
cortmanI'm out- thanks again, all! :)18:52
s-foxi have a booking with the bar Iowan , haha18:52
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Sat Oct 20 18:52:36 2012 UTC.18:52
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-10-20-18.00.moin.txt18:52
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-10-20-18.00.html18:52
Iowandobb't be late - close it18:52
s-foxthanks for coming everyone :)18:52
cariboo907Lunch time :)18:52
coffeecatI've already had supper! :)18:53
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha

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