
akgranerok  - I'm just installing all the Qt 4 stuff in the software center and we can see if that works :-)00:00
Silverlionagain ... i am not taking ANY responsibilities for your system. just to make this clear :D00:00
Silverlionwb gonyere00:03
=== gonyere_ is now known as gonyere
akgranerSilverlion, hehe - I know how to reinstall machine if something happens.  I've had to do it more than once over the last few years as I venture ourside my comfort zone00:06
Silverlion*gg* i just wanted to have that on the logs - just in case i get a package from overseas :P00:07
akgranerbkerensa, so00:07
gonyereare ther packages for sigil for ubuntu?00:07
akgranerSilverlion, said I needed to install this - http://code.google.com/p/sigil/downloads/detail?name=Sigil-0.5.3-Code.zip&can=2&q=00:08
Silverliongonyere: nope00:08
gonyereor do you have to build?00:08
Silverliongonyere: yes00:08
Silverlioncompile from source :(00:08
akgranerand then do this - http://code.google.com/p/sigil/wiki/RunningFromSource00:08
akgranerbkerensa, ^^00:08
Silverlionbut once you have the software this is a blast00:08
akgranerbut I read on the page you shouldn't have to compile it - so I installed everything in the software center that had to do with Qt 400:09
bkerensaakgraner: apt-get build-dep qt4-qmake00:09
bkerensato get dependencies00:09
akgranerbkerensa, and so I am wondering what I need to do with that zip file now?00:09
bkerensaalso you need git so00:09
bkerensaapt-get install git-core00:09
akgranerI think I have git installed  - no it's on my laptop00:09
akgranerok one sec00:09
akgranerbkerensa, thank you!00:10
bkerensaso then you will want to00:10
bkerensagit clone git://gitorious.org/qt/qt.git00:10
bkerensawhich is the source tree for the latest qt00:10
bkerensacd into the directory00:10
akgranerbkerensa, do I need to uninstall the stuff from the software center?00:10
bkerensaso   "cd qt"00:10
bkerensaakgraner: uhh is it qt?00:10
akgranerbkerensa, let me catch up00:11
bkerensadid you install qt from usc?00:11
akgranerbkerensa, got to the software center and search Qt 4 - you'll see00:11
bkerensayeah so those are not qt4 they are qt4 packages for developing stuff00:13
bkerensabut I believe you need the qt4 libraries00:13
akgranerok - :-)00:13
bkerensathe actually source package00:13
bkerensayou can install this from USC btw00:13
bkerensait might save you trouble00:13
bkerensabut terminal is easy too00:13
akgranerfollowing your instructions now00:13
akgranerI like the terminal00:13
akgranershould I uninstall what I did earlier?00:13
bkerensayou can do it later00:14
bkerensaso once you got the source tree cloned with git and are in the directory let me know00:14
akgranerbkerensa, will do00:15
Silverlionakgraner: i have a little present for you ;)00:16
bkerensaakgraner: also before we compile please be sure to "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-dev-tools" so you have everything needed to compile00:17
akgranerakgraner@thor:~$ git clone git://gitorious/qt/qt.git00:17
akgranerCloning into 'qt'...00:17
akgranerfatal: unable to connect to gitorious:00:17
akgranergitorious: Name or service not known00:17
bkerensaone sec00:18
bkerensaakgraner: gitorious.org00:19
bkerensa<bkerensa> git clone git://gitorious.org/qt/qt.git00:19
Silverlionguess akgraner now is not open for presents :D00:21
akgraneronce sec00:22
bkerensaakgraner: once you add the .org to that command it will work but will take awhile since it has to pull the whole repo down :)00:22
bkerensabut after this the next steps are simple00:22
akgranerbkerensa, it's working now00:23
bkerensaakgraner: good :)00:23
akgraner(Hey nigelb  - isn't this funny that I am doing this :P)00:23
bkerensaakgraner: so this could take 10-15-20mins depending on your connection speed and the load on that server00:23
bkerensathe next steps are simple00:23
nigelbakgraner: I'm enjoying watching ^_^00:24
akgranerbkerensa, It's counting remote objects now00:24
akgranerif that means anything00:24
bkerensaakgraner: yeah so its counting how many files it has to download00:24
bkerensathen it will actually clone them00:24
bkerensathats what takes time00:24
akgranerakgraner@thor:~$ git clone git://gitorious.org/qt/qt.git00:25
akgranerCloning into 'qt'...00:25
akgranerremote: Counting objects: 682273, done.00:25
akgranerfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly00:25
akgranerfatal: early EOF00:25
akgranerfatal: index-pack failed00:25
bkerensaso thats something on their end00:25
akgranerno kidding even I understood that00:25
bkerensayou can retry00:25
bkerensauntil you get win00:25
Silverlionakgraner: but you should continue your important work too ^^00:26
Unit193akgraner: Hah, do you fully do norse gods?00:26
bkerensaSilverlion: compiling source is always important work00:26
Unit193And I always go for git, maybe I should get git-core00:26
Silverliongood morning Unit19300:26
bkerensaUnit193: Git is just the meta package git-core is inside it00:26
bkerensaI think its just linked to git-core so either works00:27
akgranerbkerensa, I am receiving objects now this is a good sign00:27
bkerensahopefully their server doesnt failwhale again00:27
Unit193bkerensa: Yes, one installs less.00:27
bkerensadarn Nokia people :P00:27
bkerensaUnit193: ahh I will have to look at Git and see what all it installs00:27
Unit193bkerensa: http://pastebin.com/n0xECyuU  :P00:29
bkerensaI fixed a bug in that package upstream00:30
akgranerthere is a gui for everything now00:30
bkerensaeven Juju00:30
bkerensaits a shame00:30
Unit193gitweb breaks, replaces, and suggests...00:30
Unit193akgraner: That is, do you use norse gods for all computer names is what I meant. :P00:30
akgranermy other machine is Spartacus :-)00:31
akgranerpgraner cringes every time I add a new machine00:31
* Silverlion smiles happily 00:32
Silverliongosh its 2.30 AM and i am still able to code valid CSS 3 :D00:32
akgranernot because of the machines but my choice of names and how I choose them :-/00:32
akgranerbkerensa, I am at 20%  - I see what you mean with "it takes a while" - Silverlion what was your present :-)00:33
bkerensaakgraner: you will have to get a flu shot before UDS this year :P00:33
akgranerI already have00:33
bkerensaUDS-Q you got pretty sick :)00:34
Silverlionakgraner: i have coded a css file for your uwn ebook00:34
bkerensame and phill were your neighbor00:34
akgranerIf pgraner had not been there I would have been in the hospital00:34
akgranerbkerensa, I'm sorry - that was a rough UDS for me00:35
bkerensaakgraner: oh no worries I didnt hear you guys :) we just saw a lot of room service and know you were not feeling well00:35
akgranerthen 2 weeks later it was time for Connect - I was wiped our when I got back00:35
bkerensaI think I was more concerned with the lack of working room door and AC00:35
bkerensathe hotel locked us out three times00:35
bkerensaakgraner: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1290791/00:36
bkerensaremaining steps ^00:36
akgraneronce of the Southeast Linux Fest guys during SCaLE 9x actually got locked in his room the had to come take the door off to get him out00:36
bkerensaI have to walk away to marinate some chicken00:36
akgranercool thank you00:36
akgranerthis will be a while I am at 30% now00:37
Silverlionakgraner: please do also install this: http://www.epubread.com/en/00:38
akgranerwoo hoo - 45%00:41
silverlionmy project is done 75 %00:43
akgraneryou did an ebook version of the last issue of UWN :-)00:43
silverlionwell not completely ^^00:45
silverlionbut i did the preparations for it00:45
akgraner:-) sweet00:45
silverlionhope you like it ^^00:47
silverlionat least the design is validated with w3c which means its correct *happy*00:47
silverlionakgraner: wanna have a sneak preview of what we are going to do?00:51
akgranersilverlion, sure00:52
silverlionakgraner: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1668987/UWN_Ebook-Draft__V1.png00:52
silverlionthis will be part of the final result :D00:52
silverlionusing the fonts Liberation Serif and Century Schoolbook :D00:52
silverlionPLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE tell me you like the style :D00:53
akgranerwe can't use the Ubuntu Font?00:53
silverlionwe can use every font you wish ma'am ;)00:53
bkerensaCan I get a RT? https://twitter.com/bkerensa/status/25945712470538240100:53
akgranerwell yes, but can we work on branding it with the Ubuntu Orange and stuff at some point? :-)00:53
akgranerbkerensa, /me looks00:54
akgraneroh I love the olpc project00:54
cprofittolpc is awesome -- I did some work with them a while back00:54
silverlionakgraner: tell me what you need and i'll get it done for you ;)00:55
bkerensacprofitt: if you get a chance a RT would go a long way :) especially since we are not at the summit :) and Fedora and other distros are :P we need to let them know we love their work00:56
akgranernigelb, do you know where the branding guidelines/themes are  - so we get the colors right (you know like what's on the Fridge or wiki pages)00:56
silverlionakgraner: when will you be available?00:56
silverlioni mean for recording 2morrow?00:56
nigelbNo clue. I've been out of Ubuntu things for a while.00:57
akgranerI'm at 91% now00:57
silverlionI might be able to make it around 7PM UTC00:57
akgranerohh - hmmm probably around 20:00 UTC00:57
akgranermy kids have a band competition tomorrow and it's the only one I will get to see00:57
silverlionthat comes first off course00:58
bkerensaso looks like bbq is out... rain downpour :) fish tacos are in :)00:58
akgranerbkerensa, you mean it rains there - wow00:58
akgranerwho would have thunk it00:58
silverlionbut i have to earn money on sunday so i might not be available this long tomorrow night00:58
silverlionbkerensa: retweetet you via akgraner00:59
akgranersilverlion, ok  - I am trying to hurry but I can only go as fast as this git clone will allow :-)00:59
akgranerIf I get back earlier tomorrow  - I'll ping you01:00
silverlionakgraner: no worries :(01:00
silverlionfamily comes first... it just passed 3AM on my clock and if I want to have some sleep at all i need to turn the machine down now01:00
akgranerok :-)  I appreciate you staying as long as you have - I might see if bkerensa wants to jump on a hangout we can explain the first few steps :-)01:01
bkerensaakgraner: tonight or tomorrow? I am about to be deep in halibut taco making in about five minutes then listening to violin music :P01:01
akgranerand what needed to happen before we get started with the actually making of the ebook01:01
bkerensamy fiancee just got a new violin so I'm cooking dinner :)01:01
akgranerok no worries01:01
akgraneroh nice - sounds very relaxing  - unless she is learning to play the violin01:02
akgranerviolins, bagpipes and banjos  - eeek when people are learning01:02
silverlionam i still needed ?01:03
akgranersilverlion, one sec01:03
bkerensaakgraner: she has played since youth :) she actually went to Wash DC and played for a few members of congress a few years back01:03
bkerensashe is pretty good01:03
akgraner1 - Install Kompozer 2 download http://code.google.com/p/sigil/downloads/detail?name=Sigil-0.5.3-Code.zip&can=2&q=    Step 3 install qt4 and all the dependencies step (see bkerensa steps) step 4 - install http://www.epubread.com/en/  what do I do with what I downloaded?01:05
akgranerbkerensa, awesome!01:06
akgranerok git clone is done - now to follow the rest of the steps01:06
silverlionakgraner: i dont get your question... *sorry*01:06
nhandlerakgraner: I only skimmed the scrollback. If you want to do UWN in a different format, I would be more than glad to tweak the scripts to handle converting the wiki to the new format. Just give me some sample output.01:06
akgranersilverlion,  - <akgraner> 1 - Install Kompozer 2 download http://code.google.com/p/sigil/downloads/detail?name=Sigil-0.5.3-Code.zip&can=2&q=    Step 3 install qt4 and all the dependencies step (see bkerensa steps) step 4 - install http://www.epubread.com/en/  what do I do with what I downloaded?01:06
akgranernhandler, not a different format - an additional format :-)01:07
nhandlerakgraner: That's what I meant to say ;)01:07
akgranernhandler, just playing with an ebook01:07
silverlionakgraner: you mean the picture i put in dropbox?01:07
akgranernot step 2 what do I do with that zip file01:08
akgranersilverlion, ^^01:08
akgranernhandler, :-)01:08
akgranernhandler, I've been meaning to learn how to do this for a while - silverlion does the ebook format for Full Circle01:09
silverlionnhandler: what are your plans for october 20th around 20.00 UTC01:09
akgranersilverlion, nhandler created the awesome script magic we use now on UWN (thank goodness)01:09
nhandlersilverlion: I'll probably be driving around then. Should be back by 01:00 UTC on the 21st01:10
silverlionnhandler: bummer would have invited you to the G+ Hangout to join akgraner01:10
akgranerbkerensa, ok silly question when you say run - I don't actually type 'run' I just type everything after run  - correct?01:11
silverlionakgraner: with the zip file you need to follow the instructions page i gave you01:11
nhandlersilverlion: Don't worry about it ;) After the first ebook is made, I'll figure out some way to try and automate it01:11
akgranernhandler, I'll document all the step like I did with UWN :-)  you know how I like to write down *all* the steps :-)01:12
nhandlerakgraner: That would be perfect. Thanks!01:12
silverlionakgraner: maybe this will help : http://www.jonathanmoeller.com/screed/?p=363101:12
silverlionif nothing works http://sigil.googlecode.com/files/Sigil-0.5.3-Linux-x86-Setup.bin this is what i just found :(01:14
silverlionakgraner: you are officially approved to kill me :/01:14
silverliona setup bin ... I feel ashamed01:14
silverlionit had not been listed on the download page01:15
silverlionakgraner: ... are you mad at me?01:16
akgranerno why01:16
akgranersilverlion, no why - I am just typing commands01:16
bkerensaakgraner: no run01:16
bkerensaakgraner: just the command with the full tail of modules01:16
silverlionakgraner: because i made you go all the way to compile and not directing you to the *.bin file01:17
bkerensasilverlion: but does the bin also have qt4 binaries?01:17
akgranersilverlion, no - this is great01:17
akgranerI love learning all this01:17
silverlionbkerensa: no idea01:18
bkerensaakgraner: pgraner doesn't teach you? :)01:18
akgranersilverlion, I would never get made at anyone who helps me expand my knowledge01:18
akgranerbkerensa, hahahahahahahahaha.....01:18
akgranerbkerensa, um you've meet him and been around us when we are both together right?01:19
bkerensaakgraner: uhh no I don't think I have seen you guys interact together01:19
bkerensaI have met him though01:19
bkerensaI made the mistake of suggesting a pizza place was open late night01:20
bkerensaand yeah idk :) he was not amused01:20
akgranerhehe   - there is a reason people don't see us interact01:20
bkerensathats not very open source like01:20
* bkerensa is now official gone to taco land01:21
akgranerbkerensa, thanks for your help01:21
akgranersilverlion, thank you  - and we'll work on this some more tomorrow01:21
silverlionbkerensa: have a good one ;)01:22
silverlionakgraner: looking forward to put you to the test ^^01:22
akgranerme too - thanks01:23
silverlionreporting off duty now01:24
silverlioncu 2morrow (my TZ01:24
akgraneryeppers - night01:25
akgranerok  -  I am stuck - nigelb thoughts looks like everything I was trying to compile didn't :-(01:44
akgranernigelb, this might help you  - http://paste.ubuntu.com/1290895/01:44
nigelbNot sure why you were trying to compile qt in the first place. You can just apt-get install. Gimme a sec to figure out the right packages.01:45
akgranerI'll write up what I've done so far so I (well you) can see if I need to undo anything01:45
nigelblibqt4-xml libqt4-svg01:46
nigelb(that's not all, acceidental enter press)01:46
nigelbakgraner: "apt-get install libqt4-xml libqt4-svg libqt4-webkit libqt4-dev"01:48
nigelbAfter that, unzip that file you downloaded.01:48
akgranersudo right?01:48
akgranerI knew that :-P just asking01:49
akgranerok unzipping it now01:49
nigelbtell me where it's getting unzipped01:50
akgranerok I can see all the files - do I extract it or what (ok maybe it's not unzipped I just clicked on it and now I can see the file names)01:51
nigelbextract it01:52
akgranerif the file is zipped - why not say unzip grrrr01:52
akgranerso I extract all files and let it re-create folders and overwrite existing files?01:53
nigelbhad you extracted this before?01:54
akgranernigelb, sorry to ask so many questions I just want to get it right (those were the boxes that were checked by default)01:54
akgranernope  - not that I know of01:54
nigelbakgraner: if we were to get on a google hangout, can you share your desktop with me?01:55
nigelbprobably easier that way :)01:55
nigelbgive me 2 mins01:55
akgranerI think dholbach and dpm are crazy about all this being "easy" this is soooo perspective driven :-P01:56
nigelblets go01:56
akgraneryou want me to invite you01:57
akgraneryou should have the invite01:58
akgranernigelb, did you get the invite?  ^^^01:59
JoseeAntonioRakgraner: nope, haven't seem them06:03
JoseeAntonioRI know doctormo has them06:03
MrChrisDruifakgraner; you did NOT name your systems thor and spartacus?! Why? =)08:11
Silverliongood day everyone!10:05
Silverlionbkerensa: ping10:07
Silverlionhi daviey10:29
akgranerMrChrisDruif, :-P12:24
akgranerJoseeAntonioR, oops sorry - haven't seem who/what?  sorry late night - remind me of the context12:24
Silverliongood morning akgraner ;) how is your system ;)13:08
akgranerfine   - we got it compiled and working but I am about to head out the the competition13:09
Silverlionakgraner: have fun there13:11
Silverlioni need to do some gardening :(13:11
JoseeAntonioRakgraner: about the branding, doctormo is the one who has the branding for it16:31
JoseeAntonioRhe created and updated the branding a couple months ago16:33
JoseeAntonioRor was it the classroom team?16:33
Silverlionhey JoseeAntonioR ;)16:42
JoseeAntonioRhi, Silverlion!16:42
* Silverlion is preparing the speech for tonight16:42
JoseeAntonioRcool, I'd like to have some photos posted so we can link it in the UWN, maybe, if they're from your LoCo blog16:46
SilverlionJoseeAntonioR: what kind of photos?18:06
JoseeAntonioRof the speech18:06
SilverlionJoseeAntonioR: I wont post any pictures but you are free to do so if you want ;)18:07
JoseeAntonioRoh, well18:07
Silverliononly need to ask akgraner for permission18:07
Silverlionhey bizhanMona19:28
bizhanMonaSilverlion: hi19:29
SilverlionJoseeAntonioR: the speech is going to be delayed19:32
MrChrisDruifJoseeAntonioR; I know where you can spot doctormo if you're interested.21:24
JoseeAntonioRMrChrisDruif: he's online on #u-community-team atm21:24
MrChrisDruifHe's always online in #novacut , I don't scroll-down that much on #u-c-t21:25
Silverlionhoi MrChrisDruif21:42
MrChrisDruifHoi Silverlion21:42
Silverlionseems like the vid will not be recorded tonight21:43
SilverlionMrChrisDruif: ping22:28
MrChrisDruifSilverlion; pong22:28
SilverlionMrChrisDruif: why dont you react on G+?22:28
MrChrisDruifBecause there is nothing to react to?22:29
MrChrisDruifI heard one ping, ONE PING!!22:29
MrChrisDruifNothing to be found where it came from.22:30
SilverlionMrChrisDruif: i asked you a question there ^^22:30
Silverlionwhether you are willing to look into the ebook thing we talked about yesterday22:30
MrChrisDruifI did not see something like that.22:30
Silverlionweird ^^22:33
MrChrisDruifI would be, but I must say I'm a midst a move from one place to another. Hopefully I go over next weekend.22:33
SilverlionMrChrisDruif: all the best for the move ^^ i have read it on FB - that is why i was asking22:36
MrChrisDruifI'd put it on my to-do list. Been awhile since I last did something note worthy for Ubuntu.22:38
Silverlionkk I will turn the Computer off now22:44

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