
bazhang<Xtremeasure> bazhang: in his defense the article i pointed him to uses an older meego kernel to compile the version of x he needs in ubuntu03:54
bazhanga meego kernel to make a PC work?03:54
bazhang<dartos> just like microsoft support03:57
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (Danfan)04:40
bazhang<cheshair> bazhang: I used a script, which yes, eventually download the file directly from nvidia site07:20
bazhangautomatix et al were scripts iirc07:20
bazhangoh . a driver from dropbox07:21
Tm_Tbazhang: please watch your language07:23
bazhangTm_T, excuse me?07:24
IdleOneyou said automatix07:25
* IdleOne sets +q bazhang 07:25
bazhanguh...yeah right07:25
Tm_TIdleOne: so did you07:26
IdleOneI did :/07:26
* IdleOne sets +q IdleOne 07:26
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
ubottuIn ubottu, DJones said: !shopping is To disable online search results within the Dash, Select 'System Settings' -> 'Privacy' -> 'Search Results' and turn off 'Include online search results'12:11
DJonesHave we got anything like that as a factoid?12:11
DJonesI don't really like using !shopping as the trigger, but search, dash and online all have current factoids refering to other aspects12:12
ubottuIf you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ12:17
DJonesThanks, that answers that12:18
IdleOneDJones: want to edit !adlens and also alias shopping to it?12:18
DJonesI don't have bot access12:18
IdleOneWe can work around that :)12:19
DJonesI think the current adlens factoid is better, its got links to a how to with images, may be better to leave it as it stands with it having screenshots12:20
mneptoksorta OT, but is anyone here into Imperial stormtrooper cosplay? someone is *finally* making a laser sight for your cosplay weapponry.14:13
mneptokweaponry, too.14:13
fedvhji have cannot send to channel error in #ubuntu19:13
Myrttithat doesn't actually surprise me at all19:16
Myrttibecause you're quieted.19:16
fedvhji'm what?19:17
Myrttiyou're quieted. Channelmode +q19:18
fedvhjcan yoyu fix it?19:19
Myrttisure I could.19:20
Myrttiit's a different question will I19:21
fedvhjI don't understand19:22
MyrttiI'm sure you do, Lint01.19:22
fedvhjwhat is going on on that channel?19:24
Myrttithe usual support.19:32
Myrttidid you want something else?19:33
wertyhji have no idea what is going on neither what do you want from me but please fix it19:37
wertyhjplease fix my challen priviliges19:46
Myrttiyou don't have any.19:50
wertyhji don't have send to channel privilige. what kind of circus you are trying to make here?19:52
Myrttinone really.19:53
MyrttiI could, but won't remove the quiet that's on you.19:53
Myrttibecause I don't believe it would amount to anything good.19:53
wertyhjexcuse me?19:54
Myrttihere's a counterquestion: why do you need to send to channel?19:54
wertyhjbecause it is a support channel and I expect support here and not pranks19:55
Myrttiand what do you need support for?19:55
wertyhjfor ubuntu 12.1019:55
Myrttiwhat specifically?19:58
wertyhji have sound card and video issues after installing it19:58
wertyhjand why have you asked that for?20:09
Myrttito see if you've got a legitimate reason to want to say something in the channel instead of the usual troll-ish behaviour. The jury is still out on that20:10
wertyhjdo you want to say i installed ubuntu once per year or 2 just to troll in its support channel? it doesn't make sense20:13
bazhangwertyhj, LINT hi20:22
bazhangwertyhj, are you there? please respond if so20:27
wertyhjwertyhj, of  course i'm there20:27
bazhangwertyhj, the +q will not be removed at this time20:28
wertyhjbazhang, why?20:29
bazhangwertyhj, you have been using #ubuntu for a long period of time20:30
wertyhjsince 2008 maybe, so what?20:31
bazhangwertyhj, so you know the channel guidelines very well. yet consistently fail to follow them20:32
wertyhjwhat exactly I fail to follow?20:33
bazhangwertyhj, the channel is support only, not for offtopic commentary/rants and complaints, which you have a long history of doing20:34
wertyhjthis is a support channel. I have a support issues. I'm not here for complains of any kind.20:35
bazhangwertyhj, this channel is for resolving issues related to the #ubuntu channels and the users there.20:36
wertyhjyou know my issue from the discussion above20:37
bazhangwertyhj, I know your issues as I am the one who gave the +q, and from your long history of not following the guidelines. I have no faith that you will follow them, so the +q will remain in place at this time20:38
bazhangwertyhj, the +q remains.20:40
Tm_Twertyhj: if there's no other issues to be discussed here, I may ask you to leave for now20:42
wertyhjthere is an issue of bazhang racism which explains his behaviour20:44
wertyhjI need someone without irrational russophoby to deal with it20:44
bazhangwertyhj, please exit the channel. our discussion is at an end.20:57
mneptokwertyhj: you are unable to send to the channel because of your previous behavior. that behavior is not going to be discussed today, whether you are Russian, Kenyan or Martian.20:58
mneptokwertyhj: if you feel like explaining yourself sometime after the weekend, re-join the channel then20:58
* mneptok re-sheaths20:59
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))22:55
=== Fuchs is now known as staffpony
ubottuIn ubottu, ActionParsnip said: !fglrx-legacy is To install the lagacy video drivers for AMD Radeon HD2xxx to HD4xxx please see: http://tips-linux.net/blog/how-to-install-amd-catalyst-legacy-drivers-in-ubuntu-12-1023:18
IdleOne@mark #ubuntu rolling2k (~lol@ spamming credit card info, been removed/banned/klined multiple times.23:31
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:31
IdleOnejrib: he probably needs ppa-purge23:35
ubottuIn #ubuntu, itatitat said: ubottu: thanks!, is very useful, thanks23:55
ubottuardchoille called the ops in #ubuntu (rolling2k is back)23:58

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