
matttpopey: yo dawg09:00
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
bb15Hi all!09:04
bb15hello siriusly!09:07
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:13
MartijnVdShowdy brobostigon09:13
brobostigonhey MartijnVdS09:13
bb15hey all!09:28
lubotu3another contentless ping... sigh...09:33
marxjohnsonMy main login session is borked :( Can anyone suggest how to fix/reset it? I dont mind losing some settings if that's what it takes http://askubuntu.com/questions/203441/x-crash-at-login-for-1-user10:17
dwatkinsmarxjohnson: can you login on the text console?10:19
dwatkinsanything in /var/log that might indicate a recent problem?10:23
popeymarxjohnson, did you start the second  "startx" under the same user as the first one?10:24
marxjohnsonI couldn't find anything, but I'm not really sure where to look.10:24
marxjohnsonpopey: no10:24
popeycheck ~/.xsession-errors10:25
marxjohnsonI was logged in as user1, ran startx as user2, now user2 is broken10:25
popeywb Daviey10:25
popeymarxjohnson, bought a nexus 7 :)10:25
popeyWhere'd you get your cover and pen thing?10:25
marxjohnsonpopey: xsession errors hasn't been modified since before the problem started10:26
popeycan you login as a guest?10:27
marxjohnsoncover is one of these: http://is.gd/xdPi8z stylus is one of these: http://is.gd/WIsPA610:28
marxjohnsonProbably, I can still log in as user110:28
popeymarxjohnson, its ubuntu not kubuntu or anything else silly is it?10:29
popeyalso pastebin the /var/log/Xorg.0.log after it crashes10:29
marxjohnsonI've got a few desktop environments installed, none of them work for user210:29
marxjohnsonI'll give that a shot now, hold on10:30
popeyif you install pastebinit, you can "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"10:30
popeywhat the hell is that? :)10:33
marxjohnsonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1291751 :)10:33
marxjohnsonsorry I'm in TTYs atm so no copy/paste10:34
popeywhat exactly happens ?10:34
popeyyou can't login as that user at all10:34
marxjohnsonI type my password, I press enter, X crashes and restarts10:35
popeyyou sure its a crash?10:35
popeynot just the session not starting?10:35
popeydoes "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^" want to install anything extra?10:35
popeynote the caret10:35
marxjohnsonI see the console messages that display before X starts, like if you do ctrl-alt-backspace10:36
popeysounds to me like some file in your home has wrong permissions10:37
Davieyhola popey10:37
marxjohnsonhmm, .Xauthority is owned by root for some reason, will that be it?10:38
popeyalan@deep-thought:~$ ls -l .Xauthority10:38
popey-rw------- 1 alan alan 57 Oct 19 22:36 .Xauthority10:38
marxjohnsonthat apt-get line complains about unmet dependencies for libgwibber10:38
marxjohnsonright, I'll change that10:38
marxjohnsonwoot, that worked :)10:39
popeywin, i can go bowling now10:39
marxjohnsonhaha enjoy10:39
Myrttigah I hate the messaging menu being crippled, I don't even know how to troubleshoot13:50
bashrc_still attempting to install ATI drivers.  Found this https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa14:12
* SuperEngineer thinks they're all down the pub / gone back to bed / installing 12.1014:19
bashrc_they're hung over from the release party14:20
SuperEngineerbashrc_: : :D14:26
jacobwwhat's new in quantal?14:26
SuperEngineerjacobw: the letter "q"14:27
SuperEngineerthe option to give money to Canonical instead of of peeps just using a free gift14:27
bashrc_and application previews14:28
SuperEngineeran way to enter all online a/c's in 1 place [twitter/g+]14:29
SuperEngineern.b - I said "the *option*14:29
SuperEngineerOi has a qwestyon...14:31
SuperEngineerto save me finding out the hard way...14:31
SuperEngineerif I installed mame from s/w cantre could I use my [old] collection of images from WinXP?  Shoulsd I also also install  mame tools?14:31
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
bashrc_The software centre still takes an age to open14:34
bashrc_I think they need to make that a bit more efficient, or pre-load some stuff14:34
* SuperEngineer ponders the good ol' days of starting software centre ... and seeing it ;)14:35
SuperEngineerbashrc: you should see it's performance on a netbook... it's a hog!14:36
SuperEngineer...a very lazy, tired hog14:37
bashrc_yes.  I have 12.04 on a  netbook14:37
bashrc_I think I may install xubuntu on the netbook14:38
SuperEngineer...I did d that but went back14:38
bashrc_is unity too enticing?14:38
SuperEngineerperhaps lubuntu instead...?14:38
bashrc_gotta have those Amazon ads...sorry *search results*14:39
bashrc_does lxde have advantages?14:40
SuperEngineeroooo... Amazon.... yum14:40
SuperEngineerbashrc: lxde ias not something i've tried14:41
SuperEngineer[damn keyborard/damn fingers!]14:41
bashrc_If they could combine the text search of unity with the speed of xfce then that would be an ideal combination14:42
bashrc_the one thing that xfce lacks is the ability to hit a key and type what you're looking for14:42
SuperEngineerxfce perhaps... my first netbook had the dreaded Linpus Lite [werewolf] on it.... fast!14:43
SuperEngineerthen I went the Ubuntu way... used to be fast14:43
bashrc_10.x pretty much rocked14:43
* SuperEngineer remebers of the Ubuntu quest to provide an op sys even old pooters in Africa could use14:47
SuperEngineerah well...14:47
bashrc_I think the installer from 11.x onwards requires a minimum of 1GB RAM14:49
SuperEngineerwould be interesting to see the updated definition of the word "Ubuntu"...14:50
SuperEngineer"oh, well we gave it a try, now give your hardeware manufacturer some money" [perhaps]14:51
bashrc_At the bashrc residence we are old-skool14:52
* SuperEngineer congrats bashrc_ 14:53
bashrc_Yes, there are computers here with < 1GB memory.  Shock!14:53
SuperEngineerbashrc_: as a matter of curiosity only.. does it need to use the swap at all?14:56
SuperEngineer[I run 2GB here... no swap useage encountered]14:56
bashrc_on the older computers I just run Debian14:56
SuperEngineer...as long as you don't ask them to run a 4 minute mile!14:58
SuperEngineerhttp://tinyurl.com/8fo3kuh ... yuk, not fair, bad way to go [& my sympathies to any concerned]15:07
bashrc_fglrx still seems broken15:10
bashrc_"no supported adapters"15:11
* SuperEngineer curses the "borrowed" broadband... perhaps I should complain to the owner? ;)15:19
MartijnVdSor get your own? ;)15:19
bashrc_are you war driving?15:19
SuperEngineerMartijnVdS: tempting... hmmm... pkone line install cost + £15x12/yr... or borrow... hmmmm again ;(15:20
* SuperEngineer thinks... nah! borrow and curse & again... cheeps15:21
SuperEngineer*now and again15:21
SuperEngineerbashrc_: pehaps I should go mark the front door and do a bit of war chalking as well...15:23
MartijnVdSthat's so 200115:23
SuperEngineermy borrowing is sort of legit... I helped the owner make it a secure router...15:24
SuperEngineer...I forgot to forget the password, that's all ;)15:25
* SuperEngineer hums virtual Dr. Who theme to MartijnVdS 15:26
bashrc_zomg it worked!  The legacy ATI drivers installed!15:43
bashrc_3D graphics refresh at > 1Hz15:43
MartijnVdSWhy not the free ones?15:43
bashrc_the free ones are ok up to a point15:43
bashrc_but if I try running anything that really uses 3D graphics then it either wouldn't run or ran so slowly as to be unusable15:44
SuperEngineerStill pondering the install of MAME from s/w centre... would it be able to use the ROMs from my old WinXP ok?15:44
MartijnVdSMAME ROMs are MAME ROMs15:47
MartijnVdSalso.. you have an XP ROM for MAME?!15:47
MartijnVdSI don't think it'd be a fun game to play15:47
SuperEngineerMartijnVdS: nah! the roms are on the WinXP partition15:48
SuperEngineerthey are - as you say - just roms15:48
SuperEngineerif I had an XP rom .. i'd be a little bit richer right now15:49
* SuperEngineer installs MAME from s/w centre15:49
SuperEngineer...and prepares to to feel older#15:52
bashrc_with the proprietary drivers flightgear now runs!15:53
bashrc_chocks away15:53
SuperEngineerbashrc: watch out for that Hercules landing above you!15:55
SuperEngineerbashrc_: watch out for that Hercules landing above you!15:56
SuperEngineerMartijnVdS: definitely!15:57
SuperEngineer...sometimes the controls arn't gonna do what I meant them to!15:58
* SuperEngineer bets that "arn't" is not going to make it into the OED16:00
SuperEngineerwatching BBC news... SNP just described English parliamentarians as a "bunch of Lord Snooties"... obviously not knowing who current members are!!16:03
SuperEngineer[sorry - that meant for twitter]16:03
bashrc_sounds pretty accurate16:03
SuperEngineerbashrc:  ;)16:03
jacobwoh hai thar17:06
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
penguin42is anyone else seeing a rise in physical junk mail sent to their home address with a bogus name on?17:48
ali1234penguin42: do you live at 123 fake street?18:37
penguin42ali1234: Damn! How did you know!18:38
* SuperEngineer hums Bjork doing So Quiet... 19:00
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: Ssshh!19:19
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: Ssshh!19:19
MartijnVdSI'll be in Dublin next week.. anything I shouldn't miss?19:44
MartijnVdSczajkowski: ^ ? :)19:44
christeldont miss czajkowski!19:44
MartijnVdSczajkowski: last time I saw czajkowski was in London last year19:44
MartijnVdSchristel: ^19:45
MartijnVdSDuring this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/treenaks/5987897531/in/photostream/lightbox/19:45
MartijnVdSWe went to a science fiction expo in the BL19:47
matttMartijnVdS: only thing you won't want to miss is your flight out of dublin19:48
* mattt jokes -- never been19:48
shaunoMartijnVdS: the rest of the country ;)19:49
MartijnVdSshauno: I have 3 days19:49
SuperEngineerMartijnVdS: when going to dublin... be sure not to miss the airpoet [pass msd onto pilot as well]19:50
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: I think AerLingus pilots know how to get there19:52
MartijnVdSOoh, Google Maps has birds-eye (45-degree) pics instead of top-down19:53
SuperEngineerhttp://preview.tinyurl.com/u-tweak  [news re Ubuntu Tweak] might interest some19:57
MartijnVdSUbuntu Tweak? Is that the new Automatix?20:04
ali1234how many links in that chain?20:05
ali1234can someone find the OP?20:05
MartijnVdSali1234: ?20:06
SuperEngineerali1234: 220:06
SuperEngineerone for safety, one to view20:07
ali1234the tinyurl points to a blog, which points to another blog20:07
ali1234which doesn't actually link to the original announcement20:07
ali1234so what apps did they have in the apps section?20:08
SuperEngineerthe tinyurl point to the linux today page... that gives the guts of the story... the 2read whole story" points to where it tells you in the adress bar of your browser20:09
ali1234the linuxtoday page is just a rehash of thepowerbase.com article20:09
SuperEngineer[ooo I know... I'll post a " just a rehash of thepowerbase.com article" - that'll help everybody20:10
SuperEngineer[i know... sarcasm... cheap]20:11
SuperEngineerjust thought it might be useful info for *some*20:12
ali1234it's always better to link to the primary source20:13
SuperEngineerperhaps I assumed too much common sense20:17
SuperEngineermy apologies20:17
MartijnVdSmaybe common sense isn't as common as you hoped? :)20:18
ali1234common sense is neither common nor sensical20:44
bashrcUbuntu tweak dead? Nooooooooo!20:57
=== GentileBen is now known as RaycisCharles
cliftontshi everyone21:38
cliftontsanyone here fancy a challenge?21:39
cliftontsanybody here???21:40
bigcalmGood evening peeps21:41
cliftontsAah! there's one!21:42
ali1234what kind of challenge?21:42
ali1234you know i need something to do when i'm ranting on g+21:43
cliftontsdid we meet at the launch party?21:44
ali1234me? no21:48
ali1234i was not there21:48
cliftontswell I need to create a unity lens which shows the results from a zen cart website21:48
ali1234i don't use unity, sorry21:49
cliftontsbut the whole process seems very badly documented21:49
ali1234try quickly, it has a lens template in extras21:49
cliftontsI need to either find someone who knows about this or someone who can point me in the right direction21:49
ali1234also try #ubuntu-unity i think21:49
cliftontsI've used it and now I have a unity lens that does nothing and no info about how to make it do stuff21:49
ali1234well good luck finding documentation that isn't out of date21:50
cliftontsI've found a tutorial about how to make a wikipedia lens but I have no idea how much of that to disregard because it's wikipedia or what to replace it with21:50
ali1234well it boils down to this:21:50
ali12341. fetch html21:50
ali12342. parse it21:50
ali12343. enumerate parse tree as lens items21:51
ali1234but further than that i cannot say21:51
ali1234try looking at the source of another lens that is similar to what you want21:51
cliftontswell, 1 and 2 sound great, 3 is just words thrown into a sentence to make gibberish21:51
cliftontsand I have no idea how to put all that into practice21:52
ali1234you find the api call to add items to the lens21:52
ali1234then you call it once with each item you want to add21:52
cliftontsAgain, no idea where to find the source for a lens, it would help if o2 3g was actually working but getting on here is about all I can do right now!21:52
ali1234what you do, is you open synaptic first21:52
cliftontsfind the what to do the who now?21:52
ali1234then you find a lens package that you have installed, or install one21:53
ali1234then you right click and click properties21:53
ali1234then go to the installed files tab21:53
cliftontsdon't have synaptic and can't install it21:53
ali1234then look through that list and find the source code21:53
ali1234unfortunately software center does not have this feature, because it's dumbed down to the point of being useless21:53
cliftontsseriously the o2 network is very poorly, installing anything is not an option until I can get near wifi21:53
ali1234you can do dpkg -L <package>21:54
AlanBellhi cliftonts21:54
ali1234try apt-cache search lens | grep lens21:54
ali1234to get the package names21:54
cliftontsHi Alan, the lens project does not fare well21:54
cliftontsit's like trying to speak fluent french without taking lessons21:55
AlanBellI did a lens, that bit works OK, I don't know zencart well21:55
AlanBelldoes it have a search api thing?21:55
cliftontsand ali1234 has been trying to help me by speaking star trek at me21:55
cliftontsI've created a lens with quickly but I have no idea what to add for zen cart21:56
cliftontsI have no idea how the searching works#21:56
cliftontsyou know it strikes me once I've built this thing it will be really useful, surely it could be a one size fits all lens, just download, change the URLs and bang! Instant zen cart lens21:58
AlanBellI am just having a poke about the zencart documentation21:59
cliftontsI'm having a search too21:59
cliftontsbut I think O2 has a terminal illness, it didn't work at all until some time after 3pm today and now only every 7th refresh will load the page22:00
cliftontsDNS issue I think22:01
cliftontsali1234 I'm not sure your suggestion for looking at other lenses will work. I've got things like wikipedia, gwibber, askubuntu, files. I doubt any of these will interact with their targets in the appropriate way22:03
AlanBellother lenses are good to look at, certainly22:03
ali1234well, what is the appropriate way?22:03
ali1234as i said, it's about abstraction22:04
AlanBellthe main thing is finding out what url to request from zencart to get results without all the HTML formatting stuff22:04
ali1234the interaction with the web service is abstracted from the lens api by the lens code22:04
ali1234all you need to find in the existing lenses is the api calls you need to fill22:04
cliftontsAlanBell I've found documentation on the search api22:04
cliftontsthough it doesn't say much22:05
AlanBellgot a link?22:05
cliftontsyes, it's at the bottom in a section called notifiers. I'm not sure this info is what we need22:06
AlanBellhmm, that doesn't seem very informative22:07
cliftontsno but it's all I've found. Is there no way this info can be taken from the result of a search? Or from studying any of the files in the install?22:09
AlanBellwell it could be taken from the results of a search, but that is a bit messy and slower22:09
AlanBellmight be possible to create a small zen cart plugin to provide the right data, I am just surprised it doesn't exist already22:10
cliftontsmaybe it does22:10
cliftontsso how do we determine it from the search results then?22:12
cliftontswhat about post 5 on here22:13
ali1234you can always scrape it, but it's probably a bad idea, if the theme changes for example22:14
ali1234better to make a dedicated plugin, if you can22:14
AlanBellyeah, parsing stuff out of the formatted results is probably not a good idea22:15
ali1234this is all step 1 stuff anyway22:15
cliftontswhat about that last link I sent. It's a search box to be placed somewhere other than the site22:15
ali1234probably not suitable22:15
AlanBellcliftonts: yes, it is, but it will take the user to the full formatted results22:15
ali1234since it will just take you to the (formatted) site, i guess22:16
cliftontsWell then I'm not even sure what to search for, let alone what it should look like when I find it22:16
cliftontsReading Zen cart docs is like reading a Haynes manual, you've got no hope22:16
ali1234i could probably implement this for you, but you'd have to pay me :)22:17
cliftontsFor that ali1234 I would require money22:18
ali1234i accept bitcoin too22:18
AlanBellwell I am interested in having a look at the inside of zen anyway22:18
AlanBellI think it might need a really small plugin that returns minimalist search results22:19
cliftontsSo what we're looking for, the string that needs producing, if you had to give it a name what would it be?22:19
cliftontsI don't think searching search command thingie will work22:20
AlanBelljson search API22:20
cliftontsso we need zen cart to use that api?22:21
AlanBellwell we need some way of throwing a string at zen cart and getting a bunch of results back that we can plug into the lens22:22
AlanBellI am just installing zen so I can have a poke about22:22
cliftontscan we look at the code of this plugin perhaps?22:23
cliftontsit has json support22:23
ali1234that's going the wrong way really22:23
ali1234you need something even simpler than that22:23
cliftontsfor creating twitter posts every time you add a producty22:23
ali1234something like this https://github.com/honestwalker/Zencart-API-service-by-Kancart.com-Mobile22:24
cliftontsI'm just thinking surely that plugin is doing everything we need, just one product at a time. So the answers must be in there22:24
cliftontsThat sounds interesting22:24
ali1234you don't need the full set of that plugin, just a tiny bit of it22:26
ali1234just hack that to return products, instead stats :)22:26
cliftontsOk, I'm not sure where to start on that, quite a few files22:26
cliftontsSomething to bare in mind is that we're using version 1.3.9 but will be upgrading to 1.5 next week. I'm not sure what effect that will have on any of these plugins22:29
ali1234probably not much. the plugin should not be more than 50 lines.22:30
ali1234even if you have to totally rewrite it it won't be much work.22:30
cliftontsWon't be much work for someone like you. I'm not used to working in situations where I can't picture what I'm trying to do in my head22:31
cliftontsIt's not fun22:32
ali1234well developing an intuitive mental model of the system is the first step22:32
ali1234for that you need to read the API docs, twice22:32
cliftontsI'm guessing with that stats program we'd just be looking at adjusting the sql calls to query the right tables22:32
ali1234yeah, exactly22:32
ali1234so you need to look at the database schema too22:32
cliftontsI can't even find the damn api docs lol22:33
ali1234this is low level stuff you won't find in high level docs22:33
ali1234you need to find the developer docs, or just look at the source22:33
cliftontsI'm very familiar with my database, thankfully22:33
AlanBellhttp://ubingo.libertus.co.uk/zen I have a store \o/22:33
cliftontsgreat, is it as ugly as every stock zen install?22:34
ali1234it's a bit 2001 isn't it...22:34
AlanBellyup, pretty grim :)22:34
AlanBellso, a standard search URL looks like this http://ubingo.libertus.co.uk/zen/index.php?main_page=advanced_search_result&search_in_description=1&keyword=unreal22:34
cliftontsyup that looks about right22:35
AlanBelland you can see the keyword being passed in on the URL22:35
cliftontsactually no, mine don't look quite like that22:35
AlanBellwe just need an unthemed results page that strips out all the cosmetic gubbins and just returns the data (product name and image)22:35
cliftontswhy do I have a nonsensical string of numbers?22:35
AlanBellsee there was a reason I wasn't using your store to test this :)22:36
ali1234cart id22:36
ali1234(session id)22:36
cliftontsAah got it22:36
cliftontsAlan dispite what has been suggested at the launch I doubt anyone here is even slightly interested in the contents of my store22:37
ali1234what do you sell?22:39
AlanBellanyhow, this is a generic thing, just making a lens for zen carts in general22:39
ali1234do you accept bitcoin?22:39
dogmatic69What is with all the shopping carts lately?22:39
cliftontsali1234 products your not old enough to buy22:39
cliftontsand no, not at this stage (make it go first)22:40
ali1234what, like stana stairlifts?22:40
cliftontsNot quite22:40
ali1234jeans with elasticated waist bands?22:41
ali1234<insert old people stereotype here>22:41
cliftontsdoes anyone actually use bitcoin anyway?22:42
cliftontsI'd love to get away from paypal but I'm not sure the masses will accept anything else22:42
ali1234at least get google checkout22:42
ali1234i won't use paypal, too much trouble22:43
cliftontswe have an account for google checkout but I've got many things to do to the site before I start adding features22:43
cliftontsI'm hoping all will be well by the end of next week22:43
cliftontsAlans gone quiet. Think he's got his head buried deep in a php file somewhere?22:44
AlanBell/includes/modules/pages/advanced_search_result/header_php.php to be precise22:45
ali1234it's the best way22:45
ali1234just start reading the code22:45
ali1234doesn't matter if you don't understand it22:45
ali1234eventually you'll find a way in, a piece you do understand22:46
cliftontsI can follow a fair amount of it, but again I don't know quite what I'm looking for22:46
ali1234and from that you can work outwards, looking at the code that uses/is used by the subset you do understand22:46
ali1234you're looking specifically for the code that generates the list of products when you do a search22:46
ali1234that will call a template function that generates the html (assuming that zencart uses MVC, which it almost certainly will do, in some form)22:47
ali1234call/be called by22:47
cliftontsLet me call up my install and see where my nose takes me22:47
ali1234just start reading it22:47
ali1234eventually it will fall into place22:47
ali1234first look at the database abstraction, if there is one22:48
ali1234and then search for where it's called from22:48
ali1234find the query that does a string search on products, or the function that builds it22:48
cliftontsthere's a search plugin somewhere22:48
ali1234grep -R is incredibly useful for this22:48
ali1234find a function that looks like it does what you want, then search for the functions it calls, and drill down that way22:49
ali1234you'll need to hop between files a lot22:49
ali1234you can't just try to understand it as whole files22:49
ali1234ok that sounds like a good way in22:49
AlanBellso that header_php.php does the searching (there is SQL code in it) and there is stuff around it to display it with all the theming22:49
ali1234so no MVC abstraction... ok22:50
cliftontswell that was useless22:50
AlanBellnot that the search usese22:50
cliftontsdon't bother looking in search.php22:50
ali1234what's in it?22:50
cliftontsabout 3 lines of code22:51
ali1234also http://www.zen-cart.com/wiki/index.php/Developers_API22:51
cliftontsnone of which look useful, I'm guessing it passes the search phrase onto the search function22:51
ali1234that's good22:52
ali1234so look at where it passes it to, then search for that22:52
cliftontsand now my internet has frozen again22:53
cliftontshang on, there's a whole directory dedicated to search22:53
cliftontswhat do you suppose this is?22:54
cliftonts/Pretty Urls Compatibility22:54
cliftontsI literally can't follow these files at all. I've never seen anything quite like it. But this filename looks like a bullseye22:56
ali1234sounds likely22:56
ali1234what you need is a paid addon22:59
cliftontsOk, I'm following a few scraps querying the database but it'll give me a headach for sure!22:59
cliftontsRight, I live on £52 a week, it doesn't cut it already without spending more!22:59
ali1234you have to wonder if it is worth it23:02
cliftontsmeaning what?23:02
ali1234who do you expect to install a lens for a shop they've never heard of? do you have reason to believe anybody would?23:02
ali1234honest question, not being funny23:02
ali1234your time is not free23:02
cliftontsnot particularly but there are other reasons to do this23:03
ali1234do you expect to earn enough additional revenue from doing this, to make it worthwhile?23:03
AlanBellvery true for one store, but in the abstract, this seems interesting to me23:03
cliftontsnot the least of which being the fact that one Alan Bell was cruel enough to put the idea in my head in the first place23:03
ali1234yes, but in the abstract, you can just wait for someone who knows what they are doing to do it for you :)23:03
cliftontswhich means I can no longer rest until I know how to do it!23:03
AlanBellgetting zen and lenses to work together seems useful23:03
ali1234zencart *is* popular23:04
cliftontsali1234 if we all thought like that we'll all be dull and dim23:04
ali1234if everyone thought like me we wouldn't be in a recession right now23:04
ali1234swings and roundabouts23:04
cliftontsand I don't like having to admit that I don't know how to do this23:04
cliftontsdon't you think the learning experience here might be of benefit in the future?23:05
ali1234you should probably pick an easier project to learn23:05
ali1234zencart code looks like a mess from what you've both said23:05
cliftontswell you can see for yourself from the pastebin above23:05
cliftontsah, here's a man who knows everything23:06
cliftontsevening popey23:06
ali1234no comments, no classes, no abstraction... yeah, looks like a nightmare23:06
ali1234oh wait that whole thing is a class23:06
popeypip pip!23:06
ali1234grep the source for SearchItemCollection and see how it's supposed to be used23:07
cliftontserm...I think I've got a local copy somewhere23:07
ali1234my guess, it gets returned from a factory function somewhere23:07
cliftontsyou know what we really need in ubuntu?23:07
ali1234better leadership?23:08
cliftontsa right click 'open terminal here' in nautilus23:08
ali1234we used to have that23:08
ali1234it got removed23:08
ali1234like everything good23:08
cliftontsI don't remember ever seeing that, what version last had it?23:09
ali1234tip: you can do the reverse. open terminal, cd to directory, xdg-open .23:09
ali1234this opens a nautilus on the current directory of the temrinal23:09
cliftontsgreat! so I can do all the easy stuff the hard way round23:09
ali1234i don't remember when it was removed... it was quite some time ago23:09
cliftontsI've been using since feisty23:10
cliftontsright, rather than have to refresh my senile memory can you tell an ex dos user how to grep a whole directory?23:10
penguin42grep -r23:11
AlanBellgrep -rn "foo" *23:11
cliftontsit doesn't matter how often I look these things up it never sticks23:11
penguin42cliftonts: r for recursive23:11
AlanBelln for showing the line number and file name23:11
ali1234cliftonts: apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal23:11
cliftontsgot it23:12
cliftontsnot got it23:12
AlanBellso the popup pages (like popup_search_help) have no theme and stuff around them23:12
cliftontssearchitemcollection returns nothing23:12
cliftontsI'm not even sure what that is23:13
cliftontsI'm not aware of having any popups on my page!23:13
AlanBellthis is because their templates are defined in /includes/templates/template_default/popup_search_help23:13
AlanBelloh sure, it was just an unformatted page23:13
cliftontsgot it, no themes23:13
AlanBellthat displays in a popup from the advanced search page23:14
cliftontsyeah that's the one23:14
AlanBellthe point is it gets rendered raw23:14
ali1234maybe nautilus never had that by default, i might be thinking of KDE23:14
AlanBellso I think the thing to do is copy the advanced_search_results directory and call it something else, then create a very plain template for it23:15
AlanBellbut I am done for the night o/23:15
cliftontsbut the advanced search page itself is themed23:15
cliftontsI need proper broadband, a bigger screen and someone to clear my diary I think23:16
cliftontsperhaps we're looking at this the wrong way23:16
cliftontsa forum post on zen cart's page requesting the info perhaps?23:16
ali1234they''ll just tell you to buy the feed plugin :)23:17
ali1234you could just ignore zencart ad hit the database direct23:17
ali1234though that may be risky23:17
cliftontswhy would that be risky? If you're reading and not writing?23:18
ali1234because the database schema may change, even if the API stays the same23:18
ali1234since that's te purpose of an API23:18
cliftontsoh, and night Alan23:18
ali1234but... judging from the cludgey code, tat probably won't happen...23:18
ali1234i found a plugint hat might do what you need23:18
cliftontseven if it did wouldn't that just cause the lens to fail?23:18
cliftontswhat's that then?23:19
ali1234yes, it would just make the lens fail. presuably you don't want that23:20
ali1234hmm looks too complex23:21
cliftontsI just love the way that they document these things so well, usually by not bothering at all!23:21
cliftontsWell when you said it's risky the first thought that springs to mind is damage to the database. The lens failing is annoying, not catastrophic23:22
ali1234what is this?23:22
ali1234it can generate xml feeds natively?23:22
cliftontsthat looks like an unfinished document if you ask me23:22
cliftontsI don't know about generating feeds. I've never seen anything to suggest that23:23
cliftontsOh and the google plugin you sent me is for 1.3.9 and below, so will probably break next week when we upgrade23:24
cliftontsand ironically requires the version of PHP we're waiting for before we upgrade23:25
ali1234yes, clearly it is23:27
ali1234and yes, it will23:27
cliftontsand it gets better23:27
cliftontsConvert your Zen Cart files and database to accept UTF-8 characters by following our UTF-8 conversion tutorial.23:27
cliftontsI don't like the idea of poking my database with a big stick23:27
cliftontsMaybe Alan was onto something with creating a non-themed duplicate of the search pages23:28
ali1234have you considered not using zencart?23:28
ali1234because this looks very bad23:28
cliftontsnot really, I've put a lot of work into making this damn thing go23:28
ali1234i dunno what else you would use anyway23:28
cliftontsbut then the end result looks poor by comparison23:29
ali1234hmm... friend of mine uses zencart actually23:30
ali1234let me ask him if he knows anything about this23:30
cliftontsok, I never thought this would be easy. Essentially we've got 2 systems here I know nothing about. But I hope to be a bit more informed when I'm done23:31
ali1234you could start on the lens end first23:31
ali1234assume you'll have a reasonable API to get results23:31
ali1234look at the amazon shopping lens23:32
cliftontsI've got a lens prepared. Can't do any more with it until I've got results.23:32
cliftontsI suppose the amazon lens must be very similar23:32
cliftontsI don't see it23:35
cliftontsI'm getting no results back at all for amazon23:35
ali1234are you o 12.10?23:36
cliftontshey, the U1 music store lens must be the same thing23:36
ali1234very similar, yes23:36
ali1234amazon is new in 12.1023:36
cliftontsok, what's the command to download source?23:36
cliftontsI've got 12.10 but I'd have to reboot and don't have an irc client in there23:36
ali1234er, source for 12.10 when you;re on 12.04?23:40
ali1234you'll have to go to launchpad and find it, and download manually23:40
cliftontswhat about downloading the 12.04 u1 scope?23:41
cliftontslens even]23:41
cliftontsgot it I thinl23:41
ali1234the key difference being that amazon has a proper json api for this23:45
cliftontsI just downloaded it23:45
ali1234that's what you need to reimplement for zencart, then you can just tweak the shopping lens a bit23:45
cliftontsbut we're most of the way there on several plugins by the looks of it23:46
cliftontsI would hope some might be tweaked23:46
cliftontsintriguingly there are no domain names including the word amazon within the code23:50
cliftontshow do you suppose it's linking back to their database?23:51
penguin42cliftonts: It indirects via a canonical server23:51
penguin42cliftonts: Partially as a privacy ism apparently - but I've not seen any details of how it's done23:51
cliftontsOf course. I knew that23:51
cliftontsand there it is, loads of entries23:52
cliftontsWell I'd say it's too late to start digging around in that tonight. It'll have to wait until it starts raining on Monday23:53
cliftontsoh and penguin42 from what I heard it routes the requests through canonical but fetches the images direct.23:57
cliftontsThe end result being it wouldn't take amazon long to figure out who is who23:58
penguin42cliftonts: Well, at least it doesn't feed the search text to them23:58

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