
jackyboy633anyone there?14:16
kendfingerI have been busy and I want to claim my Ubuntu DVD peter was going to reserve for me18:23
JoseeAntonioRkendfinger: you need to talk to your LoCo. We're no help.18:24
kendfingerAww OK. South Carolina's loco is inactive18:25
kendfingerMaybe North Carolina?18:25
JoseeAntonioRIf they're not active, you can buy CDs from the Canonical store, at shop.canonical.com18:25
kendfingerWhat is peters username?18:28
JoseeAntonioRI don't know what Peter are you talking about. There are lots of Peters in the community.18:30
kendfingerOK. He is like one of the ops or admins for this channel18:31
kendfingerAnd the group18:31

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