
dr_willisw3p5t3r:  i think you need to clarify to the channel what you are doing and why....00:00
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VustomWhen I try booting into a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.10 I get "error: unknown filesystem00:01
Vustomgrub rescue >"00:01
VustomAny ideas...? I'm using ext300:01
w3p5t3ri like communication of my doing....but i can every user not tell from the scratch every time....thx alot again00:01
wilee-nileeVustom, You have grub in the mbr of the HD it is installed in and is that HD first in the bios00:03
jaymartinezdotcoi guess i will just ignore it00:03
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Tex_Nickthekat : compiz is a fun toy, however it can render a system in a rather broken state ... you might want to jot down a couple commands ... to attempt to reset unity & compiz try ( dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ ... setsid unity)00:05
Vustomwilee-nilee: I was messing around with grub in the mbr then decided to reinstall 12.10 because i screwed it up00:06
Vustomwilee-nilee: this time i put the boot in the same partition as ubuntu  (/dev/sda2)00:07
readyman_Is this a support channel?00:07
Vustomreadyman_: yes00:07
wilee-nileeVustom, You need it in the mbr to boot.00:07
readyman_Hi there, I'm having issues with setting up VPN & SSH keys. I have a working MacOS setup that works, & I've copied the SSH keys across, but no cigar. Not sure where to start looking for logs, advice etc.00:08
wilee-nileeVustom, here is a link to a chroot from a live cd to put grub in the mbr. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot00:09
DratonHey guys - anyone get dual x screens working w/ 12.10 and an nvidia card? I keep getting a gray x screen with an x cursor everytime i set it up. Really want to get xrandr working for my 2nd monitor and twinview wont work00:10
nrdbI have a "Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU D2700   @ 2.13GHz" but with the image viewer & firefox it take minutes to load a picture, it is a 7.1MB jpg  4536x3024 pixels ... :-( ... any idea why? .... using dd I can read the file in mS ... when I copied it to another computer it opens it in image viewer in a second or so.00:12
TheLordOfTimenrdb, are you opening from a remote source?00:12
TheLordOfTimenrdb, or locally?00:12
blackshirtnrdb, thats big00:12
TheLordOfTimeand blackshirt's right, that's a HUGE image00:13
TheLordOfTimeit'd take time to render regardless00:13
TohuwSo now that the alternate image has been axed, how does one go about getting the files necessary to perform a PXE-based install?00:13
ActionParsnipnrdb: tried a different viewer?00:13
nrdbTheLordOfTime, I am using logged in remotely (qtNX), so the file is being opened locally.00:14
nrdbActionParsnip, I don't know of any other viewers for JPG that is installed.00:14
TheLordOfTimenrdb, i think the "remotely logged in" aspect has something to do with it00:15
Dratonnrdb, what are you using to remotely log in?00:15
wilee-nileeVustom, There is a boot repair app as well that can be run from the live cd with a recommended repair fix that will probably work as well, and if not will generate a bootscript we can look at if you post the URL.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair00:15
ActionParsnipnrdb: try opening with qiv00:15
ActionParsnipnrdb: or gqview00:16
nrdbTheLordOfTime, it would just add a couple of seconds, once the image was displayed for the updated display to be echoed to this computer.00:16
Dratonnrdb, are you using vnc?00:16
Dratonnrdb, I know that when i used to log in using vnc it was abysmal00:17
nrdbDraton, the computer is something like 250km away.00:17
TohuwHow can I obtain the files necessary to PXE boot Ubuntu 12.10?00:17
Dratonnrdb, distance isn't the limiting factor, it's the pipe between you00:17
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bekks!vnc | nrdb00:18
ubottunrdb: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX00:18
nrdbDraton, when I move the windows about the delay is about 1/2 second to update00:18
Dratonnrdb, also keep in mind if you're running vnc, there's some processor/gfx power going into doing the forwarding00:19
agresterHello all: running a simple script on cron.daily, it simply rsyncs from a /media/xxxxx folder to a folder on my ~/GDrive/ folder, but for some reason I think the rsync fails because the /media/xxx references a Windows partition...00:21
nrdbActionParsnip, nether qiv or gqview are installed... I suppose I could install one.00:21
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Dratonnrdb, def. worth a shot00:21
Dratonnrdb, sudo apt-get! :)00:21
bekksagrester: Or even most likely because you arent using full paths to the rsync binary.00:21
nrdbDraton, the load is about 0.1 atm00:22
agresterbekks: heres the pastebin00:22
agresterbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1289532/00:22
Dratonnrdb, hmm, yeah so if the cpu isn't the limiting factor, nor the ram, then you have to look @ network utilization and efficiency of the image viewer00:22
agresterbekks: after doing some debugging I found that the rsync from the media folder is failing after I reboot, I think it's not mounting the drive and I can't use upstart because /media/xxxx isn't listed in fstab00:23
true_techieIm using grub to boot ubuntu and windows. Im about to install another windows operating system over the ubuntu partition. will i lose access to the windows partition that is already on my hard drive?00:23
bekksagrester: That script does not contain any commands to mount or ensure that your drive is mounted.00:24
zykotick9true_techie: ask in ##windows00:24
Dratontrue_techie: you will likely have to reinstall grub or the windows boot loader00:24
agresterbekks: in the default setup how are Windows partitions mounted in dual boot setups?00:24
bekksagrester: They arent mounted by default :)00:24
agresterbekks: it seems that even upstart doesn't do this which is so annoying because that would be the most elegant solution00:25
bekksagrester: The most elegant solution would be to create a fstab entry.00:25
agresterbekks: if I do that will it screw up the normal mounting and management of the /dev/sda1 partition in other tools like file managers, disk managers, gparted?00:26
bekksagrester: No. It will just be mounted to a specific mountpoint - always.00:26
agresterbekks: so then I can just use the "mounted" event in /etc/init/whatever.conf to run the script?00:27
Dratonagrester: i do something very similar myself, i mount my ntfs via fstab - works like a charm.00:27
agresterDrafton, bekks, how do I do this?00:28
nrdbDraton, the qiv program program is also very slow!00:29
Dratonagrester: add an entry to you fstab, /dev/sdb* /media/sdb* ntfs nls=iso8859-1,umask=000 0 000:29
Dratonwhere * = your ntfs drive00:29
agresterDrafton: will the drive be named that by default in all programs and tools like Thunar file manager?  Is the name /media/6EA8E929A8E8F08F/ just randomly assigned or do I have to mount it there?00:30
bekksagrester: That "name" is the folder /media/ and the UUID of the filesystem 6EA8E929A8E8F08F00:31
bekksJust mount it to /mnt/myotherdrive/00:31
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agresterbekks: so that00:32
Dratonagrester: bekks is right, i just mount my sdb1/sdd1 to /media/sdb1 and /media/sdd1 respectively00:32
agresterDrafton: so from then on my drive will have a normal name?00:32
bekksAnd dont use /media/ for static mountpoints, that may interfere with the automounter00:32
bekksagrester: Your drive doesnt have a name at all, you just have a named mountpoint.00:33
Dratonheh, bekks, forgot i had run into that problem, but i had my way w/ the automounter00:33
systemshello i am trying to do this command "sudo cat misc/rc.local > /etc/rc.local" and i get the following error "-bash: /etc/rc.local:permission denied"00:33
agresterbekks: the automounter is the problem, how do I work around that?00:34
bekksagrester: I just told you.00:34
Dratonagrester: you just use /mnt/yourdrivenamehere instead of /media00:34
bekksagrester: Use /mnt/myotherdrive instead of a mountpoint in /media/00:34
Dratonsystems: is something using rc.local?00:35
systemshello i am trying to do this command "sudo cat misc/rc.local > /etc/rc.local" and i get the following error "-bash: /etc/rc.local:permission denied"00:35
agresterbekks: so /mnt/newname and /media/xxxxxxx will be mirror images?00:35
bekksagrester: No.00:35
systemshow do i find out draton00:35
systemssorry for repeat00:35
wilee-nileesystems, Why would you sudo cat?00:35
bekksagrester: /mnt/something will contain a static mountpoint and /media/ is designated for automounter mountpoints.00:35
systemsjust being the root00:35
foobArrrI have problems with distorted sound and echo with vlc. Often sound is only distorted for the first few seconds or a minute of a file, then sound is normal. when I skip to the next song/video, sound is distorted again. I tried recording it with Sound Recorder, but I can't get that to work.00:35
agresterok, when I edit the fstab, I have to reboot yes?00:36
wilee-nileesystems, cat does not need root I believe.00:36
bekksagrester: No.00:36
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bekkswilee-nilee: cat does need root priviledges, but the part after the > isnt run as root.00:36
systemsthanks buddy00:37
systems "sudo cat misc/rc.local > sudo /etc/rc.local" worked00:37
wilee-nileebekks, Hehe I knew something was wrong cat as I know it is just a text read in the terminal.00:37
Dratonwilee-nilee: it is but like any command it's subject to the underlying permissioning00:38
TheLordOfTimesystems: bekks:  wilee-nilee:  this'd have done it: sudo su -c 'cat misc/rc.local > /etc/rc.local'.  but that's just another way to do that is all00:38
systemsthanks guys00:38
bekksOUCH. :)00:38
bekksecho ... | sudo tee ...00:38
bekksTHATS the elegant way.00:38
bekksOr even run sudo -i and just issue your cat cmd.00:38
Dratoni assume you were trying to append to the end of /etc/rc.local? :)00:40
agresterbekks: do I need to create the folder /mnt/windows or will it just appear automatically?00:40
palabristahow do you configure unity in Quantal?00:42
wilee-nileepalabrista, What do you want to do with it?00:43
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Jisawesome2I am having trouble setting up my server00:43
palabristawile-nileee, I want to change the default font00:43
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ActionParsnipJisawesome2: in what way?00:45
Jisawesome2Well, for one I do not know how00:45
Jisawesome2After watching some videos, it seems I shuold be connected to a server00:45
Jisawesome2So it reads jisawesome@server~$00:45
ActionParsnipJisawesome2: what is the server offering as a service?00:45
Jisawesome2But instead it reads jisawesome@localhost00:45
Jisawesome2It will end up offering web hosting and file hosting00:46
trismwilee-nilee: myunity was dropped in quantal00:46
alazyworkaholic1I have a radeon HD 4670. Will the Proprietary ATI Catalyst Driver work with this card on 12.10?00:46
ActionParsnipJisawesome2: and what is the output of: hostname00:46
zykotick9Jisawesome2: fyi the @server part is the computer's hostname00:46
ActionParsnipalazyworkaholic1: should do00:46
wilee-nileetrism, I thought it had been thanks.00:46
palabristabut i can't install myunity since i upgraded00:46
ActionParsnipJisawesome2: then you have named the server localhost, which will cause issues00:47
Jisawesome2I never named it that00:47
ActionParsnip!info myunity | palabrista00:47
ubottupalabrista: Package myunity does not exist in quantal00:47
willdabeastSo I just installed Ubuntu 12.04, but had to run it in nomodeset since it would blackscreen at startup. But now I have essentially no graphics card? Is there a solution? Or maybe another way rather than using nomodeset?00:47
ActionParsnippalabrista: its been removed00:47
ActionParsnippalabrista: and tweak-ubuntu is dying too00:47
Jisawesome2At one point it asked me to name it and I named it ubuntu-x-xxxx00:47
wilee-nileepalabrista, Not sure on 12.10 I have it installed but I'm in precise at the moment, I use the gnome shell as well.00:47
trismpalabrista: gnome-tweak-tool is an option00:48
zykotick9Jisawesome2: if you want to change it see "/msg ubottu hostname"00:48
palabristaActionParsnip: I liked those features, i could customize several options00:48
VustomI need to do "sudo grub-mkdevicemap" for my Ubuntu partition from a Live CD, is this possible?00:48
wilee-nileenow called the tweak-tool after install00:48
palabristatrism: how well does that package work in Quantal?00:48
Jisawesome2actionparsnip do I need to rerun setup00:48
preyhello all. anyone got some time and knowledge on mounting a terastation on ubuntu 9.10?  I am having problems with permissions.  I am unable to drag and drop00:48
trismpalabrista: works fine00:49
willdabeastSo I just installed Ubuntu 12.04, but had to run it in nomodeset since it would blackscreen at startup. But now I have essentially no graphics card? Is there a solution? Or maybe another way rather than using nomodeset?00:49
alazyworkaholic1ActionParsnip: I read that ATI had dropped support for the HD4000 series in their latest driver. Is ubuntu 12.10 using an older version?00:49
Jisawesome2How do I reinstall ububtu server?00:50
Jisawesome2Or is there a way to rename it?00:50
ActionParsnipalazyworkaholic1: not sure, I don't buy ATi00:50
palabristaalazyworkaholic1: ATI proprietary drivers do not work very well00:50
ActionParsnipJisawesome2: run:  sudo -i00:50
palabristaalazyworkaholic1: have you tried xorg?00:50
Jisawesome2actionparsnip It brings up a password field that wont let me type naything00:51
ActionParsnipJisawesome2: then run:  nano /etc/hosts  and edit one of the localhosts so that the name can resolve to
palabristatrism: thanx, ill try it00:51
Jisawesome2How do I get out of the password field00:51
wilee-nileeVustom, This herman link suggests it it's for use by other programs or scripts. http://members.iinet.net/~herman546/p20/GRUB2%20Bash%20Commands.html#grub-mkdevicemap00:51
alazyworkaholic1palabrista: Sorry, not sure what you mean...00:51
ActionParsnipJisawesome2: also run:  nano /etc/hostname   and change the name to the same name as in /etc/hosts   this file sets the host name00:51
Jisawesome2Now it became root@lovalhost00:52
ActionParsnipJisawesome2: setting those 2 files with the same name etc is how you change host name00:52
ActionParsnipJisawesome2: yes, sudo -i    is an interactive sudo00:52
palabristaalazyworkaholic1: free drivers instead of proprietary drivers00:52
preywhat permissions do i set for fstab file for mounting smb nas00:52
Jisawesome2Do whta command now?00:52
systemshow do i test httpd?00:52
Jisawesome2nano /etc/hosts?00:53
TohuwHow can I obtain the files necessary to PXE boot Ubuntu 12.10?00:53
alazyworkaholic1palabrista: I wish, but the performance still doesn't cut it. I play a bunch of linux games.00:53
detaerthese sound like interview questions.00:53
user_I  want my xubuntu to menage workspaces lilke unity, is there any way?00:53
Jisawesome2actionparsnip it brought up a screen that said an ip and localhost after it00:53
palabristaalazyworkaholic1: if you dont require wine, those games should perform well00:53
Jisawesome2actionparsnip it brought up a screen that said an ip and localhost after it00:54
preycan anyone help me out?00:54
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alazyworkaholic1palabrista: I don't use wine, but I do have games like Oil Rush which barely run on my card even with Catalyst.00:55
ActionParsnipJisawesome2: yes, set the hostname there as well as in /etc/hostname00:55
systemshow do i test httpd?00:55
Jisawesome2actionparsnip jUst right over localhost?00:55
Tohuwsystems: Attempt to browse something hosted over it?00:55
ActionParsnipsystems: open a web browser and in the address bar type the server name00:56
palabristaalazyworkaholic1: i don't like catalyst, haha00:56
alazyworkaholic1Can anyone here confirm if ATI Catalyst driver works for the HD 4000 series GPUs on Ubuntu 12.10?00:56
ActionParsnipJisawesome2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1290833/   for example00:56
user_I  want my xubuntu to menage workspaces lilke unity, is there any way00:56
ActionParsnipJisawesome2: see how the name 'fileserver' also resolves to as well as localhosts00:57
harryrfsomeone said kubuntu plasma desktop is faster than unity on older systems, I see that as false.00:57
ActionParsnipuser_: you can use compiz as the WM instead of xfwm00:57
Jisawesome2So create a new line with the same ip and a new name?00:57
froylandoes someone know how to change the text on top right of kickoff in kubuntu, or at least where is the image, i can edit it with inkscape00:57
ActionParsnipJisawesome2: yes, you then edit /etc/hostname to the SAME name (case sensitive)00:57
Jisawesome2How do I get back to the terminal screen00:58
bjrohanI joined the Linux channel, but it forwards me to##linux, and I can not send to it :-(00:58
wilee-nileeharryrf, For faster you have to go lighter.00:58
Jisawesome2How do I get back to the terminal screen00:59
wilee-nileebjrohan, You have to be registerd00:59
bjrohanwell, hippy skippy, how does one do that?01:00
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode01:00
user_ActionParsnip: wouldnt it compromise my system resources?01:00
Jisawesome2Can someone tell me how to get back to the terminal screen01:00
bjrohanAhh, I am registered, just have to confirm my nick every time I log in, didn't figured it ever mattered01:00
wilee-nileebjrohan, You in PDX?01:00
alazyworkaholic1Can anyone here confirm if ATI Catalyst driver works for the HD 4000 series GPUs on Ubuntu 12.10?01:01
bjrohanVancouver, you?01:01
wilee-nileebjrohan, PDX01:01
Jisawesome2If people do not know, they will not answer oyu01:01
agresterfstab is working thanks #ubuntu01:01
Jisawesome2How do I get back to the terminal from a file01:01
bjrohanvery cool wilee-nilee01:01
Dratonfrom a file?01:02
Jisawesome2Yes draton01:02
preyi used //ip/file /mnt/sharefile cifs credentials=/path/credentials,rw    0    0 but i cant drag and drop into the directory. did i mess up the permissions someplace?01:02
wilee-nileebjrohan, With xchat you can set it to autologin01:02
Dratonwhat was your last command?01:02
Jisawesome2The command to get to the file01:02
willdabeastDoes anyone know much about Geany? and C?01:02
Jisawesome2nano draton01:02
Dratonahh  yeah ctrl+c01:02
bjrohanHow about Konversation?01:03
Dratonoh sorry nano is ctrl-x01:03
Jisawesome2all that came up as [ line .... char ... ]01:03
Dratonemacs is ctrl-x ctrl-c :)01:03
Dratonjisawesome2: yeah my bad it's ctrl+x01:03
Jisawesome2Save Thank you01:03
Dratoni hate nano with a passion :)01:03
wilee-nileebjrohan, I have not used kde but here is one link I found. http://docs.kde.org/development/en/extragear-network/konversation/serverlist.html01:04
Dratonwilldabeast: never used geany01:04
preyi used //ip/file /mnt/sharefile cifs credentials=/path/credentials,rw    0    0 but i cant drag and drop into the directory. did i mess up the permissions someplace?01:04
Jisawesome2actionparsnip It didnt help01:04
willdabeastDraton ok, it's kind of complicated anyway, not sure it's even possible01:04
Jisawesome2or maybe I did it wrong01:05
Dratonwilldabeast: what are you trying to do?01:05
Jisawesome2I am becoming very frustrated, can someone help me01:05
DratonJisawesome2: what did you just add using nano? and did you save?01:06
Jisawesome2draton, I added an ip and hostname to etc/hosts01:06
Jisawesome2As well as changed etc/hostname to the second hostname in hsots01:06
Smedleshi all - any init.d script gurus around?01:07
willdabeastDraton - I am trying to connect geany with my school's webserver so I can upload from geany to the server.01:07
Dratonwilldabeast: how are you trying to connect? you might just want to use a bash script to ssh?01:07
Dratonwilldabeast: although if it's c the best way would be git01:07
Jisawesome2draton, do you know how to get out of root@localhost01:07
Dratoni assume you su'd in?01:08
Jisawesome2sudo -i01:08
willdabeastDraton: Well how would I use git? It is for C01:08
palabristasomebody: how do you turn on pidgin notifications in Quantal? (i don't like empathy at all)01:08
DratonJisawesome2: yeah exit01:08
WeThePeoplehow do i add a repository?01:08
Jisawesome2Thank you01:09
Dratonwilldabeast: well your school would have a repo setup, but if it's code source control is ideal :)01:09
preyi used //ip/file /mnt/sharefile cifs credentials=/path/credentials,rw    0    0 but i cant drag and drop into the directory. did i mess up the permissions someplace?01:09
Jisawesome2draton how do I change it from saying localhost to an actualy server name01:09
Dratonthat's in /etc/hostname01:09
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.01:09
dr_willisor just set your promopt to not show the hostname ;P01:09
=== Harry is now known as Guest74332
DratonJisawesome2: edit your /etc/hosts file to have thehostnameyouwant01:10
Jisawesome2ubottu, it did not work01:10
ubottuJisawesome2: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:10
DratonJisawesome2: then in /etc/hostname make it thenameyouwant01:10
Jisawesome2I did that01:11
DratonJisawesome2: but like the bot said: make sure you have the entry in hosts before you put it in hostname01:11
Dratonhow many entries do you have in /hostname?01:11
Jisawesome2It should be just that one thing right?01:11
Dratonyou should only have the 101:11
willdabeastDraton: hmm well essentially the problem is the program/terminal they make you use at school is like a compiler that you can also submit your work in. Not sure why they do that, but if I can use my own compiler I'd much prefer it, not sure how to go about it at all lol01:11
palabristasomebody: how do you turn on pidgin notifications in Quantal? (i don't like empathy at all)01:11
Jisawesome2draton, in hosts should I only have one?01:11
DratonJisawesome2: no in hostname you should only have the 1 entry01:12
trismpalabrista: not ported to the new indicator-messages API yet, but if you add Pidgin to com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist and enable the systray icon, you should be able to get it mostly working01:12
rozmuqi need help,. my system occasionally freezes and logs out itself.. where or how do i check for errors?01:12
DratonJisawesome2: but make sure you have the in the hosts file for that name01:12
Dratonwilldabeast: if you're using ssh use scp01:12
bjrohanwillee-nilee yippee, I set up Knoversation to auto join and confirm my nick :-)01:12
Jisawesome2Error writing to hosts01:12
Jisawesome2Permission denied01:12
rickbolis there any hope for broadcom bcm4311 or intel iwl4965 wifi on Precise?01:13
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DratonJisawesome2: sudo -i01:13
wilee-nileebjrohan, Cool. ;)01:13
willdabeastwhat is scp haha sry, totally new to thi01:13
palabristatrism: thanx01:13
willdabeastdraton ^01:13
bjrohanthank yow wilee-nilee01:13
Dratonwilldabeast: np - scp is an ssh copy of a file from a local -> remote host01:13
wilee-nileebjrohan, no problem.01:13
Jisawesome2draton, thank you01:13
willdabeastDraton gotcha, so I guess what needs to happen is geany needs to open up terminal and access the server itself?01:14
rozmuqi need help,. my system occasionally freezes and logs out itself.. where or how do i check for errors?  (ubuntu kernel 3.2.6)01:14
bjrohanwilee-nilee now I have to figure out why my desktop will not automount my usb drive on boot-up now, when it was before :-(01:14
DratonJisawesome2: np, please verify the entry is in the hosts file before replacing it in the hostname file, type 'cat /etc/hosts' and make sure you see the entry there after editing01:14
Jisawesome2rozmuq, upgrade to a newer version!01:14
wilee-nileebjrohan, is it a ntfs?01:14
rozmuqu mean the kernel?01:14
Dratonwilldabeast: right, i assume the server has an sshd?01:14
AnonymousPersonHey, guys! How do I eat a cheezburger??01:14
Jisawesome2fit is in both draton01:15
willdabeastDraton I assume so haha01:15
Dratonwilldabeast: go to ~/.ssh/, do you have an id_rsa.pub in there?01:15
rozmuqJisawesome2, how do i do that?01:16
Tohuwrozmuq: start by checking the tail of /var/log/syslog01:16
DratonJisawesome2: i assume there's only one entry in /etc/hostname?01:16
AnonymousPersonHow do I eat a cheesburger??01:16
bjrohanwilee-nilee: Nope, Lubuntu01:16
Jisawesome2rozmuq, look it up01:16
Jisawesome2and draton, yes01:16
bjrohanUSB drive is 1TB ext401:16
Jisawesome2draton, it works now... I think01:16
DratonJisawesome2: great :)01:16
bjrohanwilee-nilee: USB is 1TB ext401:17
Jisawesome2draton, dont worry, I think I have another problem01:17
DratonJisawesome2: haha01:17
wilee-nileebjrohan, Did you add it to fstab originally?01:17
FloodBot1AnonymousPerson: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:17
rozmuqTohuw, right away.01:17
bjrohanGood question I may have. I just formatted it today and added it somewhere but I foget wilee-nilee01:17
bjrohanwilee-nilee: If I do a blkid, I don't see it :-(01:18
willdabeastDraton all there is is "known_hosts"01:18
willdabeastdraton I'm assuming you're just talking about from terminal? or from in the server?01:18
Dratonwilldabeast: from the terminal01:18
Dratonwilldabeast: type 'ssh-keygen'01:18
AnonymousPersonHow do I eat a cheeseburger, or can you give me directions to macdonalds.01:18
bjrohanwilee-nilee:  I have to go, will work on it when I get back Thank you though01:18
harryrfzykotick9: Still around?01:18
willdabeastdraton done01:18
wilee-nileebjrohan, NO problem'01:18
Jisawesome2Is tasksel supposed to work?01:18
TohuwJisawesome2: Yes, and it does.01:19
Dratonwilldabeast: it may ask you to enter a pass phrase, for this i don't think i would because you're only going to use it for that one remote server01:19
Jisawesome2tohuw, I cant get it to01:19
Jisawesome2all that comes up is another entry line01:19
TohuwJisawesome2: what doesn't work about it?01:19
willdabeastdraton it says enter file in which to save the key01:19
AnonymousPersonOld macdonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-oooo01:19
Dratonjust hit enter, id_rsa is default01:19
Jisawesome2all that comes up is another entry line tohow01:19
rozmuqTohuw, Oct 20 03:08:00 bt kernel: [ 4260.308748] [drm] Resetting GPU - can that refer to a video card problem? i'm not sure it's installed.01:19
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TohuwJisawesome2: what do you mean, another entry line comes up? When dooes this happen?01:20
AnonymousPersonGPU? Does that mean general public universe??01:20
zykotick9harryrf: ya, what's up?01:20
Jisawesome2after I type "sudo tasksel" all that happens is that on the next line down, "jisawesome@localhost:~$" comes up01:21
harryrfOkay I did lscpi | grep -i network and got this01:21
AnonymousPersonI can has cheezburger??01:21
Jisawesome2after I type "sudo tasksel" all that happens is that on the next line down, "jisawesome@localhost:~$" comes up tphuw01:21
harryrfNework controllers: Broadcom Corp BMC4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless Lan Controller (rev 02)01:22
harryrfwow I took to long to type out01:22
AnonymousPersonHow do I tie my shoes??01:22
harryrfAnonymousPerson: Let them untied01:22
Tohuwrozmuq: that line indicates the GPU was reset at the driver level. It is often a normal event. Can you provide a pastebin of sudo tail -n 50 /var/log/syslog?01:22
zykotick9harryrf: i don't have braodcom experience myself.  but be sure you have read "/msg ubotta broadcom" for that chipset.  best of luck.01:22
AnonymousPersonThank you so much for your help harryrf!01:23
harryrfah thanks alot01:23
Jisawesome2Draton: localhost only changes to the name I specified if I am in root mode01:23
AnonymousPersonharryrf: How do I eat a cheeseburger>01:23
harryrfAnonymousPerson: No problem at all, it's a new style anyway.01:23
leadlinehey guys, I just upgraded to 12.10 and grub broke.01:23
zykotick9harryrf: sorry typo, it's "/msg ubottu ..." not ubotta ;)01:23
harryrfAnonymousPerson: Is "rectally" a word?01:23
leadlineI'm getting dumped into the grub console on startup. Can anyone help?01:23
harryrfok thanks zyko01:24
AnonymousPersonMaybe? Maybe not??01:24
zykotick9harryrf: you might want to read "/msg ubottu tab" as well ;)01:24
rozmuqTohuw, sry again.. ://01:24
aatish910 Can anyone help me on: "chromium-browser : Depends: libnss3-1d (>= 3.12.3) but it is not going to be installed"01:24
rozmuqi'll pastebin in a sec.. what was the command again pls?01:24
Tohuwrozmuq: sudo tail -n 50 /var/log/syslog01:25
AnonymousPersonHow do I run, what-is-it-called, pukeix on my PS3?01:25
DratonJisawesome2: try logging back in01:25
rozmuqTohuw, btw - i noticed it mainly happens to me when i press with the mouse on some window in the panel01:25
OerHeks!oot | AnonymousPerson01:25
Jisawesome2how do I log out?01:25
Jisawesome2Thank you dragon01:26
DratonJisawesome2: type exit again01:26
DratonJisawesome2: then login as normal01:26
rozmuqTohuw, http://pastebin.com/HisTn60x01:26
wilee-nileeleadline, Got any history leading grub>01:26
Jisawesome2draton, do you know why tasksel is not working?01:26
Dratonnever used tasksel, usually roll my own configs01:27
leadlinewilee-nilee, grub-pc failed to update and was throwing errors. I purged it and tried to reinstall it, but that didn't work. While I was trying to figure it out my computer crashed.01:27
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Jisawesome2Can anyone help me figure our why tasksel is not working?01:27
harryrfzykotick9: why tab? because I called you zyko?01:27
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wilee-nileeleadline, Grub-pc is part of grub how were you updating it?01:28
OerHeksJisawesome2, maybe 'sudo tasksel' ?01:28
zykotick9harryrf: ya, i don't get highlighted with zyko (and only 1 more key would have done it) ;)01:28
Jisawesome2oerheks I did that01:28
AnonymousPersonCan you help me drink Dr. Pervert?01:28
leadlinewilee-nilee, the 12.10 installer was trying to update it.01:28
OerHeks!ot | AnonymousPerson01:28
ubottuAnonymousPerson: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:28
dr_willishttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel       -- Syntax is similer to --> sudo tasksel install lamp-server01:29
OerHeksJisawesome2, what error do you get?01:29
harryrfzykotick9: ah lol, laziness I guess, I am leaning over my desk and my linux boxes' keyboard, using my laptop. I'll be sure to autocomplete next time, would be smart in a channel with 1573 users, eh? ;)01:29
Jisawesome2oerheks, no error01:29
rozmuqTohuw, anything?01:29
Jisawesome2oerheks, just a new line01:29
wilee-nileeleadline, Use this app to run not the recommended repair but the boot info and paot the HTTP it generates.   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair01:29
aatish910Is anyone using Ubuntu 12.04.1?01:29
wilee-nileefrom the live cdd01:29
zykotick9!anyone | aatish91001:30
ubottuaatish910: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.01:30
WeThePeoplehow would i debug this, look at the zeros>>> http://imgh.us/dbug.png01:30
Tohuwrozmuq: There is a decent chance your problems are expressed in lines 35-39. What distribution version are you running? cat /etc/lsb-release can tell you if you aren't sure.01:30
zykotick9Tohuw: do you really have an /etc/lsb-release file?  (i don't... but i'm not on ubuntu)01:31
rozmuqTohuw, http://pastebin.com/g4gqeBnc01:31
dr_willis lsb_release -a01:31
dr_willis :) is normally used01:31
aatish910 "chromium-browser : Depends: libnss3-1d (>= 3.12.3) but it is not going to be installed" on  a clean Ubuntu 12.04.1 ??01:31
zykotick9dr_willis: or "lsb_release -sc" for only the codename ;)01:32
Tohuwzykotick9: Yes.01:32
zykotick9Tohuw: interesting.  thanks.01:32
dr_willis lsb_release --hounds-of-war01:32
dr_willisand yes. there is a /etc/lsb-release file on my 12.10 install01:32
zykotick9dr_willis: debian doesn't seem to have that? file... </ot>01:33
Tohuwrozmuq: You should consider upgrading to at least 12.04.1. 10.04 is end of life, and video issues grow more difficult to troubleshoot as the version grows more "stale"01:33
Tohuwzykotick9: AFAIK, there has always been an /etc/lsb-release file on Ubuntu. I can't recall about Debian; it's been too long01:33
wilee-nileeeww gnome 201:33
leadlinewilee-nilee, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12088501:33
Dragonster82What is going on guys!01:34
rozmuqTohuw, i'm using the bt r3 and i noticed people advised not to upgrade.01:34
Tohuw!hello | Dragonster8201:34
zykotick9Tohuw: it's OT really.  thanks for answering my question though.01:34
Dragonster82Hello there Tohuw!01:34
dr_willisrozmuq:  bt r3 ?01:34
Jisawesome2How do I get back to terminal?01:34
rozmuqdr_willis, backtrack 5 r301:34
wilee-nileeleadline, I know nothing about apache01:34
Dragonster82Hey does anyone know how to fix the brightness resetting in Ubuntu 12.04?01:34
Dragonster82Its getting annoying01:34
dr_willisrozmuq:  you dont upgrade to a newer ubuntu relase from non ubuntu variants normally... ;)  and BT has its own support channels. not here.01:35
leadlinewilee-nilee, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1290885 (missed a number)01:35
rozmuqdr_willis, i'll find the channels, ty. The other thing, about the non ubuntu, what do u mean?01:37
rmitageWhen I try to install something I get an error... dpkg: error: reading package info file '/var/lib/dpkg/available': Is a directory E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)01:37
doomlord1in both of my current installs of ubuntu, "desktop wall" appears to have become modal - e.g. pressing super-Left/Right/Up/Down seems to leave it in a state where the desktop wall is display as an overlay and you need to press escape to re-focus  the desktop - is this deliberate?01:37
zykotick9rmitage: it should be a file - not a directory?01:37
wilee-nileeleadline, I don't see a UEFI set up but I see this in the script, uefi-firmware I have see remnants of a UEFI mess with grub being installed, as well the sda6 is missing all of grub, just fstab is there, others might see whats up.01:38
rmitagezykotick9: so delete it? then how do I get the file back?01:39
Jisawesome2how do I get back to terminal01:39
zykotick9rmitage: "I" have no clue.  hopefully someone else knows.  good luck.01:39
leadlinewilee-nilee, do you think reinstalling Ubuntu would fix it?01:40
doomlord1is there a compiz plugin to auto-arrange all windows on the current desktop (traversing them in stacking order trying best to show them all) - I've seen something for this in 'fvwm' and some others01:40
mawuliDrangonster82: edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg and add this " acpi_backlight=vendor" to the line with linux "quiet splash "01:40
wilee-nileeleadline, The is a thread at the ubuntu forums run by the boot-repair maker I would post your script there,01:40
rmitagezykotick9: There was one called avaliable-new, I copied it to just "available" and its working. thanks01:40
Jisawesome2All you had to say was q01:40
zykotick9rmitage: nice work01:41
Tohuwrozmuq: Then backtrack needs to support your issues. You are too far from mainstream to consistently support01:41
Tex_Nickdoomlord1 : try keystroke "super+W"01:41
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wilee-nileeleadline, Here is the link, not sure a reinstall is the answer totally. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10871917#post1087191701:41
doomlord1i dont mean 'scale' (that IS extremely useful) - i've got that - i mean permanently re-arranging the windows on the desktop itself01:43
wilee-nileeleadline, You can reload the windows bootloader if needed if you have a windows install or recovery disc, or if not a bootloader from the precise cd will work.01:44
Tex_Nickdoomlord1 : sorry i misunderstood ... can't help ya on that one.01:45
leadlineTrying to reinstall grub from the livecd gives me an error. It's the same error I got when I tried to update it. http://paste.ubuntu.com/129090701:46
* f00dMonst4 who is here?01:47
harryrfAnyone else have trouble with Chrome on 12.04?01:48
harryrfand high CPU also01:48
vale_303if you use an "old" pc you will witness speed drop...all reviews mention it, harryrf01:50
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lakcajleadline, try dpkg -i <path to grub deb file> and see if it returns a more useful error message01:52
leadlinelakcaj, where can I find the grub deb file if I'm using apt-get?01:52
lakcajI'm not fully sure how your doing your update, but on a normal system the debs end up in /var/cache/apt/archives/01:53
wilee-nileeleadline, I'm not familiar with this command. sudo chroot "/mnt/boot-sav/sda6" apt-get install -fy  here is a chroot I use, and I install grub-pc and grub-common  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot01:54
wilee-nileeyou would want to load the mbr as well01:54
ActionParsnipharryrf_: runs well here01:55
wilee-nileeI think you have UEFI in there though and that is the problem.01:55
ActionParsnipharryrf_: waaaaaay better than firefox01:55
harryrf_ActionParsnip: Are you using a single core processor?01:58
harryrf_I only use Chrome, that's why I am disappointed01:58
leadlinelakcaj, so running dpkg with the .deb doesn't try to generate grub.cfg02:01
leadlinelakcaj, and therefore doesn't throw the error02:01
leadlinewilee-nilee, I've tried purging grub-common and reinstalling grub-pc and I'm still getting the same error02:02
kelvinellaIs the new ubuntu 12.10 coming out this month?02:03
xanguakelvinella: you should read the topic ;)02:04
MTecknologyWhen I try to use curl, it resolves with an IPv6-mapped IPv4 address and can't actually grab the page. If I use curl -4 then it uses an IPv4-mapped address and grabs the page just fine. Any ideas why it's resolving the address wrong?02:04
wilee-nileeleadline, You don't show them in the script, I think you have a UEFI remnant problem beyond that nothing else really, just a hypothesis, but most likely. Grub should have installed like normal in the install.02:04
BlackWebDoes anyone know if its possible to manage a router over WAN? Right now then  in my setup of my router then I have Remote Management Enabled, But does that just mean a wireless can manage it through LAN?02:06
john_rambowhen I click on my Home folder icon on Desktop it says Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken. And then it opens02:06
BlackWebIf you can then do you just enter your WAN IP into the browser followed by the port or how would that be done?02:06
icerootBlackWeb: it means wan and is offtopic here02:06
john_rambousing Xubuntu 12.0402:07
gp5st_hello. My laptop, a D630, boots, but fails to startx. the log file says it sigseg'ed.02:08
gp5st_i'm running xubuntu 12.04. apt-get update and apt-get upgrade does not update anything02:08
dr_willisgp5st_:  so you are up to date?02:08
gp5st_dr_willis: yes02:09
dr_willisand yoru video card/drivers are?02:09
gp5st_the card is a NVIDIA G86M Quadro. This laptop has previously booted into X flawlessly02:11
hardc0dedhi all :)02:11
gp5st_the log file is @ http://gp5st.com/Xorg.0.log02:13
xi3888does anybody know of a user interface for the terminal to configure wireless? i'm looking for something easy to use. not a command based solution.02:15
gp5st_xi3888: wicd and wicd-curses02:15
gp5st_xi3888: it supports wpa w/o any special effort on the end user's part and the curses interface is fairly nice to use02:16
wastrelhow to disable drag to maximize in unity02:17
zykotick9xi3888: i use wicd-curses on my netbook.  unfortunatly, you should basically consider it a deprecated solution :(..02:18
gp5st_zykotick9: how come! i love it :(02:19
DaemonicApathywastrel: compizconfig-settings-manager can toggle features like that in Unity, and many more outside Unity.02:19
zykotick9gp5st_: i like it as well.  i'm sad to see it go.02:19
Xtremeasurewastrel: the setting your looking for is grid in the compiz-setting-manager02:20
gp5st_anyone have a chance to look at that log file and help me figure out what's going on with my X install?02:20
willdabeastyeaaa I am gonna need some serious help with some nvidia card nonsense. Seems I can't enter 3d mode to save my life... Any thoughts?02:21
wastrelmaybe you need to install the nvidia drivers02:21
willdabeastwastrel so wise02:21
wilee-nileewastrel, many hits on the web here is one. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174330902:21
wilee-nileegrid is correct02:22
DaemonicApathywilldabeast: have you looked at your uptions under System Settings > Additional Drivers?02:22
willdabeastyea, it's where it needs to be daemonicapathy02:23
willdabeastDaemonicApathy, let me make sure though02:23
Xtremeasurewilldabeast: have you loaded the Nvidia xserver settings?02:23
willdabeastDaemonicApathy, yea right now its on the current version, recommended. Xtremeasure - I believe so?02:24
DaemonicApathywilldabeast: "sudo nvidia-xconfig" then reboot may or may not solve your issue02:25
willdabeastDaemonicApathy, mk it says backed up 2 files and wrote a new xorg.conf02:26
willdabeastDaemonicApathy, hahaha02:26
willdabeastDaemonicApathy, so where to from here? my brain is like drooling at this point.02:27
DaemonicApathyReboot, let us know if it works now.02:27
willdabeastk brb02:27
Xtremeasureout of curiosity has anyone found a fix for the flash settings menu bug yet besides disabling the composite manager and changing window managers?02:28
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WeThePeoplei accidentally moved somthng to the trash i didnt want to, is their a log i can look at to find out?02:30
DaemonicApathyWhy not just open the trash?02:30
XtremeasureWeThePeople: did you empty the trash ?02:30
wastrelyou could yes check the trash folder02:30
blackshirtif you move to trash,you can restore it02:30
WeThePeopletheir is like alot of trash in their.. i didnt see what dir went to the trash02:31
WeThePeoplei ahve butter fingers02:31
DaemonicApathySounds like you don't empty it often enough.02:31
XtremeasureWeThePeople: do you know the name of what you sent to the trash ?02:31
willdabeastdaemonicapathy, well it says I am still running in 2d mode02:32
willdabeastdaemonicapathy, you dont think I have to log out and check at the login do you02:32
Xtremeasurei seen a forum post on this problem earlier willdabeast lemme see if i can pull it up02:33
Jordan_UWeThePeople: Do you know the directory from which you deleted the file?02:33
willdabeastXtremeasure, thanks, all I know is most of what I've seen on the forums doesn't work, I've made posts with no replies, etc.02:33
dustinspringmanso... anyone running Google Earth PRO on 12.04?02:33
WeThePeoplejordan_u, yes02:33
XiaolinDraconisis there a way to make themes from ~/.themes appear in the appearance menu?02:34
Xtremeasurewilldabeast: lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 vga whats the output to that command02:34
trismXiaolinDraconis: use gnome-tweak-tool, the themes in Appearances are hard coded02:34
willdabeastVGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation G72M [GeForce Go 7400] [10de:01d8] (rev a1)02:35
willdabeastSubsystem: Sony Corporation Device [104d:81fd]02:35
willdabeastKernel driver in use: nvidia02:35
XiaolinDraconistrism, wow hard coded... preposterous02:35
Jordan_UWeThePeople: And that directory was?02:35
XiaolinDraconistrism, thanks02:35
DaemonicApathywilldabeast: http://paste.ubuntu.com for those02:35
WeThePeoplejordan_u, i call it Linux02:35
willdabeastDaemonicApathy, k sorry02:35
Xtremeasureyeah you paste a long one and itll kick you02:35
Xtremeasurewilldabeast: /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p02:35
Jordan_UWeThePeople: What is the full path?02:36
sabyI downloaded the Ubuntu 12.10 amd64 iso so that I can upgrade my 12.04 to 12.10, but the live cd hangs at boot "Stopping save kernel messages [Ok]"02:36
Xtremeasuretry that out anything shows up no you wont be able to support 3d02:36
DaemonicApathysaby: did you check the md5 of the DVD, to make sure it burned correctly?02:37
willdabeastXtremeasure, it says that Unity 3d is not supported...02:37
Xtremeasurewilldabeast: that would be why you cant run in 3d mode lol02:37
WeThePeoplejordan_u, /home/desktop/desktop/linux02:37
sabyDaemonicApathy how can I do that ?02:37
willdabeastXtremeasure, dear god, so does this mean I am sol?02:37
DaemonicApathy!md5 | saby02:38
ubottusaby: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:38
sabyThanks DaemonicApathy , will check it02:38
DaemonicApathyAny time.02:38
Xtremeasurewilldabeast: no lemme do some more reading here, im not the best with these nvidia cards but it seems someone was having a problem close to yours02:38
Jordan_UWeThePeople: I'll assume that you meant "/home/your_username/Desktop/linux/". Try running "grep '/home/.*/Desktop/linux/' ~/.local/share/Trash/info/*".02:39
willdabeastXtremeasure, awesome, as long as there is some form of hope02:39
Xtremeasurewilldabeast: how old is the card?02:39
willdabeastXtremeasure, actually quite new, not a new card in terms of price and quality but new02:40
sabyDaemonicApathy yup it matches :)02:40
DaemonicApathysaby: Then I'd suggest you start over, and hope it was a random bug.02:40
Xtremeasurewilldabeast: what did you fail in the unity support test02:41
sabyDaemonicApathy start over ?02:41
sabyDaemonicApathy I'm unable to boot even into the live cd02:41
willdabeastNot blacklisted: and Unity 3D supported:02:41
sabyso i'm basically at the start :P02:41
DaemonicApathyOh, sorry. I misunderstood.02:41
willdabeastXtremeasure ^02:41
DaemonicApathysaby: Are you able to boot off of a USB drive?02:41
sabyDaemonicApathy i'm using a usb drive02:42
matti_hi, my laptop does not detect my SD card anymore, what program is controlling the SD card slot on my laptop  or what is the lowest lavel to see if detected at all my SD card except for lspci that shows nothing ...02:42
sabyI already have 12.04 and wanted to upgrade the OS, but since that would require atleast 2gb of download, so i got the live cd and will upgrade using that02:42
DaemonicApathysaby: Again, sorry. you said "live cd", which usually means an actual disc. If you are actually using a USB drive for it, you may have better luck with the disc.02:43
wastrelsaby: you put it on usb drive with unetbootin?02:43
Xtremeasurewilldabeast: still looking i found a thread on getting it to run on blacklisted cards02:43
sabywastrel tried with unetbootin and the usb disc creator in ubuntu02:43
sabystartup disk creator *02:43
wastreland it doesn't boot?02:44
willdabeastXtremeasure gotcha02:44
xanguasaby: by upgrade you mean clean install¿02:44
Jordan_UWeThePeople: ~/.local/share/Trash/info contains files with information about every file in the trash, including what the original path of the file was. The command I gave you will search all these files for the pattern '/home/.*/Desktop/linux/' and print the name of any file that matches, along with the line from that file that matched, which should include the full path to where the file was before it was deleted. If you get no ...02:44
Jordan_U... output then you either haven't deleted any files from that directory or you gave me the wrong path (and I already know that at least two parts of the path you gave were wrong, and I fixed those problms in the command I gave you).02:44
sabywastrel yes it doesnt boot, hangs at "Stopping Save kernel messages [Ok]"02:45
Xtremeasurewilldabeast: im going to point you to a post, make sure you backup any files you are going to change02:45
Xtremeasureno promise it will work02:45
sabyxangua nopes, not a clean install02:45
sabywould want to upgrade02:45
willdabeastXtremeasure rgr that02:45
Xtremeasurewilldabeast: http://www.tuxgarage.com/2011/05/force-unity-compiz-to-run-natty-narwhal.html02:45
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sabyi've too much installed to do a clean install :P02:45
xanguasaby: then you just need the iso, there wasn't need to create a bootable usb02:45
willdabeastXtremeasure thank ya sir ;)02:45
Xtremeasurewilldabeast: np ;)02:45
sabyxangua how can I do that ?02:46
Xtremeasurebe right back02:46
willdabeastXtremeasure does it matter that I am running 12.04?02:46
WeThePeoplejordan_u, path as is>>> /home/ace/Desktop/Desktop/LINUX02:46
xanguasaby: and anyways you'll have to still upgrade all the programs that are not in the cd, those 2gb for upgrade didn't create on their own ;)02:46
sabyhahahah xangua indeed, but i was able to save atleast 800mb by getting the iso from office lol :P02:46
sabycos my net sucks big time02:47
Paul_Hello, I am having trouble with an old Dell Dimension 2350. Whenever I boot up Ubuntu my monitor says the signal is invalid. Anyone know if there is a fix?02:47
Jordan_UWeThePeople: Then run "grep /home/ace/Desktop/Desktop/LINUX ~/.local/share/Trash/info/*"02:47
sabyxangua then how can I upgrade ?02:48
xanguasaby: you will not save nothing at the end, plenty of documetation since official to a lot of unoficial(blog) guides https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Upgrades#Upgrades_via_alternate_CD02:49
sabycool thanks xangua ::)02:49
xanguammm now that i remember, there is no more alternate for ubuntu isn't it¿¿02:49
WeThePeoplejordan_u, like this>>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1291011/02:49
wastrelxangua: yeah it seems the alternate iso is no more02:50
Xtremeasurewilldabeast: apparently not a thread on 12.04 pointed to that tut02:50
xanguathen i believe what i said is not valid saby :/02:51
Xtremeasureit got some pretty good results02:51
willdabeastXtremeasure gotcha, well i did that anyway, should i restart for it to take effect?02:51
sabyah sad02:51
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Xtremeasurewilldabeast: yes02:51
sabywell looks like will have to use the standard upgrade option through the update manager02:51
matti_is there an update from 12.04 to 12.10 available ?, i am do not find that notification in update manager ...02:54
matti_or better to install from scratch ?02:55
Xtremeasurematti_: try upgrade-manager 0d02:55
willdabeastXtremeasure, oajerwjaeawr IT WORKED! *bow**kiss feet*02:55
Xtremeasurewilldabeast: sometimes it just takes some digging man02:56
torremis lubuntu 12.10 available now?02:56
matti_torrem, yes02:56
Xtremeasuretorre: looks like it02:56
torremmatti, thanks02:57
Xtremeasurematti_: yeah from a terminal or your search in the unity bar upgrade manager -d should give you the option to pull a dist upgrade02:57
matti_Xtremeasure,  thank you will try ,02:58
Xtremeasurematti_: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/06/upgrade-to-ubuntu-12-10-quantal-quetzal-from-ubuntu-12-04/02:58
Xtremeasurethats a complete guide there02:58
wastrellibrarian geek?02:58
Xtremeasurelol ?02:58
Xtremeasurewastrel: was that directed at me ?02:59
XtremeasureWeThePeople: hi03:03
Katronixhi all, if you use ufw for the firewall, does changes take place right away?03:04
WeThePeopleim rearanging xchat03:04
blackshirtkatronix, ufw, it was just frontend for iptables backend03:04
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kpullen@Katronix: I think so, if you've enabled ufw via `ufw enable`03:05
kpullenBut check on that - ufw is disabled by default.03:06
matti_see you upgrading ... to 12.10 ..03:06
kpullenmatti_: Let me know how it goes - I think I'm going to upgrade tomorrow.03:06
Xtremeasurekpullen: i gotta say it isnt bad, ive been using it since alfa im using the gnome remix as i am not to fond of unity03:07
kpullenThat's good to know. No upgrade regressions that you've noticed?03:07
Xtremeasurenot really03:08
Xtremeasurethe most annoying is the flash settings bug but that carried from 12.0403:08
kpullenWell, I almost never use flash, so I guess that's good.03:08
wastrelwhat is this flash bug03:09
Xtremeasurethe composite manager and window decorator cause the flash settings screen to lock up if the flash object isnt full screend03:09
ArekuHey there, noob here.03:09
wastrelwhat's flash settings screen03:10
kpullenAs a heads up to anyone living in Portland, Oregon: Puppetlabs is hosting an Ubuntu release party from 1:30 to 3:30PM.03:10
Xtremeasureyou can work around it by disabling the composite manager and using gtk to manage your decorations then switching back03:10
Xtremeasurego to youtube and right click on a video and click the settings button03:10
hans__kpullen: what day?03:10
wastreli thought youtube uses html5 player now03:11
wilee-nileekpullen, Saturday?03:11
Xtremeasurewastrel: apparently not still views it as a flash object in chromium and ff03:11
wastreli guess if you have flash it serves flash but if not it uses html503:12
Arekudoes that happen in Xubuntu too?03:12
wastrelok well i can't get rid of this settings screen03:12
hans__kpullen: thanks for the heads up btw03:12
Xtremeasureyou have to close the tab03:12
kpullenhans__: Saturday.03:12
Xtremeasureit locks up the flash player so user input doesnt work03:12
XtremeasureAreku: i dont believe so03:12
Dragonster82Mmm, its pretty boring in ubuntu, you can't really play much games.03:12
kpullenSorry about that: Saturday, October 20th03:13
hans__ty kpullen03:13
wastrelyou can meet the puppetlabs ppl03:13
hans__How do i make 'rm' delete all files with a certian prefix?03:13
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XtremeasureAreku: it seems to be the new versions of compiz fusion and the new window decorators conflicting somewhere03:13
Arekugot it03:14
Xtremeasurehans__: try rm exaple_1*.jpg03:15
Xtremeasureor are they all differently named and just share a common prefix?03:16
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hans__Xtremeasure: ty, it worked03:17
Xtremeasurehans__: np03:17
ArekuI'm looking to add the "ready sound" to lightdm-gtk greeter under Xubuntu and so far I have only found info for it but only for the unity greeter03:17
hans__Xtremeasure: they were a bunch of scrots with the same date prefix03:17
hans__wastrel: where can i get more details on the release party:where is it, is there an entrace fee, etc.03:19
hans__wastrel: answered my own question: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-or/1964/detail/03:20
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trismAreku: you'd have to add the code to lightdm-gtk-greeter to do that, which you could do the same way as unity-greeter, add an idle callback and play the sound with canberra03:23
dartosDoes anyone know if there is a way to overclock an intel N2600?03:23
dartosIt runs at 1.6GHz and i NEED it to run a bit faster. Does anyone know a tool i can use. I am pretty new to overclocking in Linux03:24
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ArekuHow do I do that, if it's not much to ask03:25
XtremeasureAreku: since your new i found a forum post that tells you exactly what you need to know03:25
XtremeasureAreku: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=201220403:26
Xtremeasureshould show you how to do what you want to do03:26
hans__dartos: i found a thread on tomshardware that might help: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/262960-29-over-clocking-ubuntu-derivative03:26
dartoshans__: thanks ill take a look03:26
ArekuThanks Xtremeasure, trism, aprecciated03:27
dartoshans__: there were only 2 posts :(03:27
hans__and dartos you can always do a BIOS overclock03:27
dartoshans__: not supported here i check the BIOS03:27
XtremeasureAreku: make sure to read the whole thread they address a problem that he tells you how to fix without need, they point to a missing mp3 library03:28
dartosi know :(03:28
Arekusure thing03:28
dartosThis thing can't even run Braid03:28
dartosit can barely run emacs XD03:28
zerowaitstatewell, many computers can barely run emacs03:29
wastrelwhat's braid pls03:29
hans__wastrel: it's a video game03:29
dartoswastrel: one of the best indie games ever03:29
dartoshans__: any other ideas?03:29
hans__if you're using unity as your DE you might be able to switch to something lighter for gaming03:30
dartosunity? the engine?03:30
ameen_ubuntu 12.10 is beutifully03:30
hans__dartos: the Desktop Environment03:30
Birkoffubuntu 12.10 very good03:30
dartosdartos: i am running mint with xfce03:30
zerowaitstate12.10 is very slow on vbox at the moment03:30
dartoshans__: mint with xfce03:30
Birkofflinux mint is slow03:31
hans__dartos: ah, maybe try installing something like scrotwm just for gaming03:31
dartoshans__: or openbox if i really need the extra speed03:31
atriusi'm not nuts... if i bond two gigE cards connected to a switch which supports LACP.. shouldn't i get a connection of greater than 1Gb between two hosts setup like that?03:31
dartosBirkoff: it is the only distro that supported my hardware... ubuntu just didnt...03:31
dartosBirkoff: nor did fedora suprisingly03:31
Xtremeasuredartos: ive had lbuntu running on a pentium 2 with 256mb of ram lol03:32
dartosdartos: not that my video card wasn't compatable03:32
tucemiuxanyone here uses keypass?  I'm wondering if I should install keypasx or keypass203:32
dartosXtremeasure: look above03:32
dartosi have to stop doing that03:32
Birkoffsomeone used ZOIN OS ?03:33
dartosare there drivers for the GMA 3600 now?03:33
hans__dartos: probably, intel has excelent support03:33
goldilockshow can I configure upstart to boot without any networking?03:33
dartoshans__: that is why i was suprised when there wasn't support for it03:33
Xtremeasuredartos: there should be03:33
dartosThis scares me ... should i reinstall linux... again03:34
dartoswhat makes mint so slow compared to vinella ubuntu03:34
dartosor xubutnu... i am going to have to download that03:34
zerowaitstateatrius: I believe LACP tries to avoid sending out of order frames by sending all frames associated with a particular flow across a single link03:35
upsetdartos: ElementaryOS!03:35
dartosupset: ??wat03:35
Birkoffdid ?03:35
zerowaitstateartius: you get total bandwidth of 2 Gb, but 2 Gb is not guaranteed for a single flow03:35
atriuszerowaitstate: hmmm... i'll look into that03:35
upsetdartos: Elementary, like those themes, except that have a sick set of simple and efficient software.03:36
Birkoffand the shell scripting ?03:36
upsetdartos: Runs like a dream,03:36
atriuszerowaitstate: i thought that might be the case.. so using iperf i increased the thread number thinking that might push it higher... no dice... speed is no higher than a single link03:36
dartosupset: does it support my hardware. and is it based on debian?03:36
tucemiuxdartos, try ubuntu studio03:36
hans__upset: it's not released yet :D03:36
BirkoffUbuntu studio for music design ?03:36
Xtremeasureartos: it does seem that there is trouble with the integrated set you use03:36
upsetdartos: It's ubuntu basically.03:36
Xtremeasurebut people have found a way to work it out03:37
zerowaitstateatrius: there may be a way to tune LACP to use a different algorithm for load-balancing; I would guess that would depend on the particular implementation03:37
hans__dartos: if you're capable you might just want to consider an ubuntu minimal install and set it up with little overhead03:37
Birkofflike a Linux multimedia Studio ?03:37
dartostucemiux: why?03:37
upsetdartos: Their modifications are reaaaally minor, it's mostly the software suite which makes it so fast03:37
dartosXtremeasure: i spent a week with those workarounds... none worked03:37
tucemiuxubuntu studio is for multi media but nowadays ubuntu just plainly works but ubuntu studio is fast and I like the layout03:37
atriuszerowaitstate: i'll check into that.. thanks :)03:37
Xtremeasuredartos: alot of these sound pretty indepth man alot of these people had to compile the kernel with card support ill read and see if i find anything worth its salt03:38
dartosI just need something that supports my hardware03:38
Birkoffwhere you from mister "dartos" ?03:38
kpullendartos: What hardware do you have again?03:38
dartosCedar trail03:38
dartoskpullen: Atom N2600 with the GMA360003:38
dartosi just needed some help with overclocking... but if vinella ubuntu will work with this hardware thanks for the help03:39
wastrelwhen i first opened youtube in my firefox it asked if i want to install youtube, when i first opened gmail it asked if i want to install gmail.  is there a list of these types of thing somewhere?03:39
Birkoffthe that something you need ????03:39
hans__wastrel: slightly outdated list: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/07/list-of-that-websites-support-unitys-new-web-apps-feature03:40
dartosCan someone just tell me how i can overclock this card03:40
kpullendartos: From what I've found, 3.3.0 supports Cedar Trail. Why not try compiling a custom kernel? You can always fallback to a safe default, and you don't have to spend a bunch of time reinstalling your OS.03:40
dartoskpullen: i did no dice03:40
hans__i think it's at >30 now03:40
dartoskpullen: if it would have worked i would stick with fedora03:41
dartoskpullen: mint is like an off distro03:41
atriusnow if only i could get udev to stop renaming my network devices....03:41
dartoskpullen: and i use this thing for school03:41
kpullenWell then, you definitely don't want to have a bunch of downtime reinstalling.03:41
wastrelhans__: ty03:42
dartosnobody know how to overclock this thing....03:42
bazhang!webapps | wastrel03:42
ubottuwastrel: Ubuntu Web Apps enable developers to create web applications that run in web browsers. They provide close integration to the Unity shell for functions such as launch, notifications and controls. - more info at http://developer.ubuntu.com/community/ or #ubuntu-webapps03:42
bazhangdartos, ##hardware03:43
dartosbazhang: what?03:43
atriusit keeps trying to rename my network devices... and screwing them all up in the process03:43
wastrelhi bazhang thx03:43
bazhangdartos, thats not an ubuntu support issue, it's hardware; /join ##hardware03:43
Xtremeasuredartos: i believe i found something im gonna post a link let me know if you tried the things posted in here on your computer03:44
dartosXtremeasure: okay03:44
Xtremeasurethey use a hodge podge to get the driver to work03:44
Xtremeasurebut all of them say its effective03:45
Xtremeasurebe right back03:45
dartosI tried this same one from this same thread03:45
dartos+ i think the meego site is dead03:45
dartosbut those links are broken03:46
gharzhi, guys. in ubuntu, there's an option from the menu for restricted drivers and it automatically detects restricted hardware... what's the command to run or what is the app that detects restricted drivers? i've just install lubuntu but it doesn't have restricted drivers option from the menu.03:46
dartosis meego still alive??03:47
bazhanggharz, jockey-gtk you mean?03:47
nbfdartos: I believe it's been forked03:47
nbfJolla or something similar03:47
dartosnbf forked?03:47
gharzbazhang: i already install jockey-gtk but it doesn't run.03:47
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dartosnbf: they had an update on the 14th03:47
gharzbazhang: i'm not sure if that's jockey-gtk03:47
bazhanggharz, what about alt f203:47
bazhangdartos, how is any of this ubuntu support related03:48
gharzbazhang: let me re-install jockey-gtk again03:48
infectedorganismgharz, i think what you're looking for is in 'software sources'03:48
bazhanggharz, try from the run menu first03:48
atriuswell this is a new kind of special... i've got duplicate network interfaces now03:49
dartosbazhang: well first i needed an application to overclock. then people said i should get off of mint and on something else. idk if my harware will work with them yet so i asked. xtreme pointed me to this one link. now im waiting for him to get back...03:49
hans__gharz: the thing was moved to the 'software cources' application. there's a tab for restricted drivers03:49
dartosthat made so much sense XD03:49
Xtremeasureim back and i read so the kernel modules they posted arent downloadable on your end?03:49
gharzinfectedorganism and bazhang: i'll try that in a while. i can't install coz i'm currently updating03:49
dartosXtremeasure: no but those are old kernels03:49
infectedorganismyeah.. try software sources > additional drivers03:50
hans__gn all03:50
dartosXtremeasure: i still need at lease a 2ghz to do my stuff.. so i still need to overclock...03:50
bazhangdartos, number one: mint is not supported here, nor is hardware overclocking nor meego. go to mintsupport for their help, ##hardware for overclocking help and meego channel on irc for their support03:50
bazhang!mintsupport | dartos03:50
ubottudartos: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org03:50
bazhang!alis | dartos have a search for meego here03:51
ubottudartos have a search for meego here: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*03:51
dartosubottu: they don't talk on those channels tho03:51
ubottudartos: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:51
darkelfjuggaloI recently installed an ubuntu Flavor as a Virtual Machine on my Windows 7 Laptop... I am trying to install what I need on this VM to make use of it as my Primary OS[installing Ubuntu directly failed in too many attempts] I only have one user account, excluding root from that list... How do I add mu user to the sudoer group so that I may install software?03:51
dartosi c03:51
bazhangdartos, thats not our problem. its not supported here03:51
SabinHey I'm new to this Xchat and pretty much Linux in general03:51
nbfyou have the best irc nick ever dark elf03:51
Sabinis there any other channels?03:51
nbfI think you may have won the internet03:51
Sabinlike for Newbs to learn or something?03:51
bazhang!manual | Sabin start here03:51
ubottuSabin start here: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:51
Xtremeasuredarkelfjuggalo: just use sudo03:52
bazhang!rute | Sabin and here03:52
ubottuSabin and here: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com03:52
dartosbazhang: no need to be so mean. I am trying to install ubuntu 12.10 i need to know if cedar trail works with it. damn03:52
darkelfjuggalolol nbf I am just a huge R.A.Salvatore and Drizzt Do'Urdan fan, lol03:52
bazhangdartos, then stay on topic. this is not about meego/overclocking/MINT03:52
SabinSweet Thanks!03:52
dartosbazhang: actually i asked about overclocking first03:52
Xtremeasurebazhang: in his defense the article i pointed him to uses an older meego kernel to compile the version of x he needs in ubuntu03:53
bazhangdarkelfjuggalo, which ubuntu flavor03:53
dartoscan someone just tell me a program that i can use to overlclock. then i will leave03:54
Xtremeasuredartos: it isnt supported by your card and as bazhang said we dont support overclocking youd need to look elsewhere03:55
lotuspsychjedartos: join ##hardware for such issues03:55
bazhangdartos, ##hardware03:55
darkelfjuggaloXtremeasure, I did and it gives me an error after I put the password in saying that im not allowed to do it [usually on my Debian Desktop I Root Terminal to begin with or Su to do a Root Log-in for the same error]03:56
dartosXtremeasure: So I start by asking about overclocking. Get pointed to freeking meego to fix compatability issues with ubuntu. ask if 12.10 will work with my hardware and nobody knows. then i get told i should have been somewhere else the whole time.03:56
dartosjust like microsoft support03:56
dartosthx for nothing03:56
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kpullendartos: I think the issue is that there isn't some program that will just overclock your GPU. People don't want you to leave - they are trying to point you to places where someone might have more knowledge about your issue.03:56
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Xtremeasurehaha man thats the first time ive ever been compared to a microsoft consoltant03:57
bazhangdarkelfjuggalo, which flavor of ubuntu03:57
darkelfjuggaloBAzhang Kubuntu03:58
bazhangdarkelfjuggalo, and you currently have gnome?03:58
darkelfjuggaloKubuntu is default KDE isn't it? 80% of everything else pre-installed comes from K and I can't useit effeciently03:59
bazhangdarkelfjuggalo, so install some other -desktop, such as ubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop, lubuntu-desktop and get rid of kde04:00
bazhang!puregnome | darkelfjuggalo such as in this manner04:00
ubottudarkelfjuggalo such as in this manner: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome04:00
Xtremeasurebazhang: he may not be able to he said his sudo isnt working04:00
bazhangXtremeasure, he said his su is not working, which is a different matter04:01
kpullenbazhang: That sounds like bad news.04:01
bazhangdarkelfjuggalo, there is no need to root login. use sudo. or sudo -i for a root shell.04:01
Xtremeasurekpullen: it isnt its disabled by default to keep you from damaging your systen kpullen04:01
darkelfjuggalosudo isn't working so i normally su to bypass repeated sudo commands...but i don't know how to set-up su on kubuntu04:01
bazhangdarkelfjuggalo, you dont ever need to04:02
dartosnow ##hardware yells at me to ask here...04:02
bazhangdarkelfjuggalo, sudo, or sudo -i for a root shell04:02
kpullenXtremeasure: I think the issue is that root is disabled. If `su` isn't working at all then I think there are more serious issues.04:02
blackshirtsudo su04:03
ActionParsnipXtremeasure: use:  sudo -i04:03
darkelfjuggaloOn Debian I had to place username in the sudoer usergroup forsu to work...that was a 40 minute process to understand 8 or 9months ago04:03
Xtremeasurekpullen: like i said the root account is disabled by default you would have to set a password to root to enable it04:03
ActionParsnipkpullen: just use:  sudo -i04:03
kpullenXtremeasure: OK, I misunderstood you.04:03
Xtremeasurekpullen: no worries04:03
Don_Radhi all04:04
Xtremeasuredarkelfjugallo : id go with the advice and use sudo -i enabling your root can cause serious system damage if you dont know what your doing04:05
darkelfjuggaloI wouldn't have much issue if some of the basic packages had sensible commands... like an imaging program having a resize function [I'm trying to get GIMP becuase Libre Office: Draw lacks this and I have to resize a picture for my drawing class]04:05
bazhangdarkelfjuggalo, imagemagick for one04:06
Don_Radim using a dell inspiron 1545 with ubuntu 12.10 and cinnamon desktop, a question: why when i change to a different desktop style like gnome classic or gnome(shell) my titlebar and buttons (close, minimize and maximize) dissappear at all and only getting back to cinnamon is when i can have it back?? :S04:06
bjrohanCan someone please help me. I have an external USB drive I thought I had set up for automount, but after a reboot it did not mount. How do I a) mount the ext4 drive at /dev/sdb1 to /media/BACKUP, and set it to automount04:06
darkelfjuggaloif I can't sudo apt-get install gimp without problems, how am i supposed to get something else?04:06
Dataholicdoes ubuntu have mini iso for 12.10 ?04:07
XtremeasureDon_Rad: it sounds like the window decorator isnt starting04:07
bazhangdarkelfjuggalo, time to do some reading and learn about imagemagick04:07
[deXter]Dataholic, mini ISO?04:07
bazhang!mini | Dataholic04:07
zerowaitstatei think he means netinstall04:07
ubottuDataholic: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:07
Don_RadXtremeasure any idea to fix it?04:07
blackshirtbjrohan, have you placed it in /etc/fstab04:08
bjrohanMy guess is no blackshirt04:08
Don_RadXtremeasure only when i start on cinnamont everything is normal :S04:08
bjrohanI am trying to set this up over an ssh connection, so all command line if possible04:08
bazhang!fstab | bjrohan04:08
ubottubjrohan: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:08
blackshirtbjrohan, why you not sure ?04:09
[deXter]Hmm, I don't see an ARM version of that minimal cd..04:09
bazhangDon_Rad, cinnamon is a PPA; sounds like an unstable, unsupported PPA has done something to your system04:09
ubottuThe alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD04:09
bjrohanI did a lot when trying to set it all up this morning to use as my backup including setting up ssh, RSA keys, setting up rsync, formatting the drive etc. As a newbie I don't remember all that I did :-)04:10
bazhang[deXter], try asking in #ubuntu-arm04:10
[deXter]bazhang, thanks04:10
Don_Radbazhang dang :S so, reinstall whole system ? and then no cinnamon anymore?04:10
bazhangDon_Rad, why not just ppa-purge it04:10
bazhang!ppa-purge | Don_Rad04:10
ubottuDon_Rad: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html04:10
blackshirtbjrohan, that was bad... Make some notices on your step has been did04:11
XtremeasureDon_Rad: you could do the work and install compiz fusion, ccsm, and the fusion icon and manually switch the decorator everytime you switch to a default desktop04:12
bjrohanblackshirt, no problem. I apprecaite the ubotto link I will check it out :-)04:12
blackshirtbjrohan, good lucks guys04:12
XtremeasureDon_Rad: but you may run into the reverse of this problem when switching back04:12
bjrohanHow does one tell the way a drive is formatted? I used 83, and it shows 83, but is that ext2, ext4?04:13
bjrohan   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System04:13
bjrohan/dev/sdb1            2048  1953525167   976761560   83  Linux04:13
overcluckerbjrohan: df -T04:14
gtmanfredbjrohan: blkid04:15
XtremeasureDon_Rad: if you do decide to go the compiz route remember to install the plugins and to enable dragging of windows through the ccsm so you can move your windows04:15
bjrohanoverclucker, it doesn't show up in that list :-(04:15
bjrohangtmanfred it doesn't show up that way either :-(04:16
gtmanfreduse sudo04:16
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excalibrare you supposed to see grub menu during booting on single booted ubuntu?04:16
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Xtremeasureext 3 is 8304:16
gtmanfredbjrohan: sudo blkid........04:16
adrenohh yeah04:17
=== Fike_ is now known as Fike
Mr_Cool59hear is my problem i have a laptop with two ATI graphics cards in it one is a hd4200 series that will require me to insatll the legacy 12.6 version and the other card is a 6300 wich can use the newest driver my question is which do i install and how do i get them to both work if i use the newest drivers04:17
gtmanfred/dev/sda1: LABEL="space" UUID="6507463e-8c16-4f2e-9d57-79fff329a8fc" TYPE="ext4"04:17
excalibrbecause all i see is blank purple screen followed by ubuntu splash screen04:17
overcluckerbjrohan: parted -l04:17
gtmanfredXtremeasure: it can be any ext iirc /dev/sdb3   *   913319936   915417087     1048576   83  Linux04:17
gtmanfredthat is ext404:17
sdollinsSad to hear that Ubuntu Tweak is discontinued :(04:17
bjrohansudo blkid no go04:18
rfw2dIs anyone else having a problem with ibus getting stuck on Japanese input in the dash?04:18
Xtremeasureexcalibr: i believe you have to press esc before the splah to see the grub04:18
Don_RadXtremeasure ill try with compiz settings04:18
Don_Radill back04:18
bjrohanDisk /dev/sdb: 1000GB04:19
bjrohanSector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B04:19
bjrohanPartition Table: msdos04:19
bjrohanNumber  Start   End     Size    Type     File system  Flags04:19
FloodBot1bjrohan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:19
bjrohan 1      1049kB  1000GB  1000GB  primary04:19
OliviaFEverytime I sign into Ubuntu I get "Disconnected" and it won't let me find any wireless signals, I'm using a Belking N150 I think, is there anyway to fix this so I can actually use it?04:19
Xtremeasurebjrohan pastebin that stuff04:19
bjrohanI shall, sorry04:19
Xtremeasurefloodbot is unforgiving haha04:20
jason1980trouble installing Ubuntu on Nvidia system here.... "Bad EIP value" message04:20
zerowaitstateit is a harsh mistress04:20
jason1980anyone know anything about this.04:20
jason1980I'm having no luck in forums04:20
bjrohanwhy does it say partition table msdos when when fdisk says Linux04:21
wifioregonI've heard  people tell me its a bad idea to use gnome-shell (gnome classic) on Ubuntu.  Why is this?04:21
overcluckerbjrohan: partition table is not a filesystem, so don't worry about it04:21
bjrohanhow does one edit fstab over ssh?04:21
Xtremeasurewifioregon: ive heard no such thing and i use gnome classic under the 12.10 gnome remix04:22
zerowaitstatebjrohan: use vi04:22
zerowaitstateor nano04:23
Don_RadXtremeasure i got it!04:23
wifioregonXtremeasure:  oh okay good :-)04:23
XtremeasureDon_Rad: your welcome04:23
bjrohanzerowaitstate: Guess I should learn it sooner or later04:23
wifioregonXtremeasure:  Ive heard that gnome classic isnt supported anymore though. Is this true?04:23
bjrohanwhich is the most noob friendly editor?04:23
zerowaitstatebjrohan: it is a good idea to know vi since it is pretty much available on every UNIX since the stone age04:23
Xtremeasurewifioregon: i just went and got the gnome remix iso saved me the trouble of enabling the classic fall back04:24
Don_RadXtremeasure it was just settings disabled on compiz-settigs and work just fine, thanks dude!04:24
bjrohanok :-)04:24
XtremeasureDon_Rad: no problem04:24
overcluckerbjrohan: nano is probably the easiest to use.04:24
wifioregonXtremeasure:  ah ok04:24
zerowaitstateoverclucker: true, if you're used to Windows editing04:24
XtremeasureDon_Rad: if you run into any other problems along those lines remember to check ccsm04:24
bjrohanthe USB drive is in fstab already:04:25
overcluckerzerowaitstate: i prefer windows' edit.exe to nano...04:25
Xtremeasurewifioregon: i cant say its not supported it just isnt the default gui any more for the main release04:25
bjrohanUUID=ade13e80-16af-4941-8076-233821f05fcf       /media/BACKUP   ext4    defaults,errors=remount-ro,user_xattr   0       104:25
bjrohanoverclucker here is my USB drive entry in fstab:04:25
bjrohanUUID=ade13e80-16af-4941-8076-233821f05fcf       /media/BACKUP   ext4    defaults,errors=remount-ro,user_xattr   0       104:25
zerowaitstateoverclucker: lol04:25
Xtremeasurewifioregon: i do have a 12.04 box running gnome classic and gnome 3 with no issues04:26
Xtremeasureoff of a normal install04:26
Xtremeasurebe right back ( i gotta quit smoking haha )04:26
overcluckerbjrohan: does the partition mount alright as ext4?04:27
Don_RadXtremeasure i have another one: at this moment im running on gnome-shell but i've downloaded some extensions , when i reboot and log back into gnome-shell session, they just turn off, and i have to loaded them back from gnome-tweak-tool, is there an option to let it enable each boot time ?04:27
bjrohanyep. I had mounted it and then did an rsync over ssh that worked on spot04:27
RobbieCrashhow can I find what started a program?04:27
overcluckerRobbieCrash: parent pid?04:28
RobbieCrashI have something that calls find every so often and it's stressing me out, because I cannot find whatever script it is that I put it in.04:28
Mr_Cool59hear is my problem i have a laptop with two ATI graphics cards in it one is a hd4200 series that will require me to insatll the legacy 12.6 version and the other card is a 6300 wich can use the newest driver my question is which do i install and how do i get them to both work if i use the newest drivers on ubuntu 12.1004:28
RobbieCrashoverclucker That's what I couldn't think of! thanks04:28
overcluckerRobbieCrash: ps -ef | grep find04:28
overcluckerRobbieCrash: you're welcome04:30
bjrohanoverclucker, do I add auto after defaults like defaults,auto,errors=remount-ro,user_xattr?04:30
XtremeasureDon_Rad youd have to add them to your start up manager04:31
Don_RadXtremeasure i'll try04:32
overcluckerbjrohan: defaults automatically sets these options: rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, and async04:32
bjrohanHmm, then why may it not automount?04:32
MagentiumGood Morning, Afternoon, Evening , or Night to everyone! (Depending where you are from)04:33
cfhowlettMagentium: greetings04:36
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Mr_Cool59hear is my problem i have a laptop with two ATI graphics cards in it one is a hd4200 series that will require me to insatll the legacy 12.6 version and the other card is a 6300 wich can use the newest driver my question is which do i install and how do i get them to both work if i use the newest drivers on ubuntu 12.1004:38
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Danfannew screenshot http://bit.ly/RPjioO04:39
XtremeasureMr_Cool59: ive never used hybrid graphics but heres the community documentation on it i wouldnt even begin to know where to point you otherwise https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics04:40
bjrohanoverclucker: I tried to manually mount said drive with  sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /media/BACKUP04:40
xangua!ops | Danfan04:40
ubottuDanfan: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!04:40
bjrohanoverclucker: I get the error wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,04:40
Don_Radim back!04:41
XtremeasureDon_Rad: i work you through it again ?04:42
OliviaFEverytime I sign into Ubuntu I get "Disconnected" and it won't let me find any wireless signals, I'm using a Belking N150 I think, is there anyway to fix this so I can actually use it?04:42
Don_RadXtremeasure i decide to stay a while with cinnamon :P04:43
XtremeasureDon_Rad: its good to have a fall back, putting the things in the start up manager isnt hard or even drawn out04:43
XtremeasureDon_Rad: but if thats what you wanna do go for it brother glad to have fixed your first problem for you04:44
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bjrohanXtremeasure: Any clue why my USB drive won't automount if it is in fstab with defaults04:44
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* OliviaF sighs and goes back to trying to solve her problem through google.04:44
Don_RadXtremeasure the thing is that  i need to tune up as well i like and its a little tricky to me at this moment, but you're great man!04:44
Xtremeasurebjrohan: not gonna lie to you man that a bit above my level most i can do for you is do some digging like i do everyone else maybe point you to an article or two04:46
stylinmylennot sure how this works, it's my first time using xchat04:46
DaemonicApathyOliviaF: Might want to upgrade to a 300, if nothing else.04:46
OliviaFDaemonicApathy, that'd be nice.04:46
OliviaFIf I had money04:46
bjrohancould it be it is set up as ext4? although I am not so sure it was formatted that way04:46
OliviaFbut as I has no job. I have to make due with what I have04:47
bjrohanAt the time of formatting, is that when you determine what filesystem, or somewhere else?04:47
DaemonicApathyOliviaF: Fair enough. They only go for 40 or 50 dollars, but sometimes even that's outside the budget04:47
stylinmylenI just installed ubuntu studio and am trying to figure out how to dual monitor. When i got to settings it doesn't have an option to switch from mirrored to two seperate screens04:47
OliviaFIt's not even a year old04:47
OliviaFIt's why I had to reinstall windows, cause my old one died04:47
Xtremeasurebjrohan: yes you have to chose the format for it to format haha04:47
* DaemonicApathy doesn't go with anything Belkin anymore.04:47
bjrohanI thought when I did it I chose just 8304:48
bjrohanwhatever that is04:48
OliviaFI just want to FINALLY use Ubuntu. Instead of having it just sit unused04:48
Xtremeasurebjrohan : check this out maybe itll help seems someone had success with this method http://askubuntu.com/questions/150813/problem-mounting-external-usb-drive-in-ubuntu-12-0404:48
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Xtremeasurebelkin and ralink cards always give me trouble04:49
Xtremeasurei have a nice alfa upstairs love it04:49
stylinmylenanyone have a clue about the dual monitor issue?04:49
OliviaFXtremeasure, my old belkin card never gave me trouble.04:50
Xtremeasureolivia what was your problem im sorry i didnt get to read it and am to lazy to scroll04:50
Xtremeasureim on a roll tonight04:50
Xtremeasureso lets see04:50
OliviaF"Everytime I sign into Ubuntu I get "Disconnected" and it won't let me find any wireless signals, I'm using a Belking N150 I think, is there anyway to fix this so I can actually use it?"04:51
Xtremeasureok gimme a few here04:51
DaemonicApathyStray thought, OliviaF: is your wireless adapter enabled?04:51
bjrohanXtremeasure: thanks will give it a go04:52
OliviaFDaemonicApathy, it should be04:52
OliviaFIt still blinks in ubuntu04:52
Xtremeasuremaam did you turn the device on04:52
stylinmylenAnyone know how to un mirror my dual monitors? When I go to display settings, there's no way to change it.04:52
Xtremeasurelol olivia i think i found a thread with a fix for your problem04:53
DaemonicApathyOliviaF: Last time I had that issue, my adapter was enabled when the indicator suggested it was disabled. A quick function key combo fixed me right u.04:53
Xtremeasureolivia do me a favor and pastebin me the out put to lsusb04:53
OliviaFSure, I'l be back after I do that04:54
DaemonicApathystylinmylen: Is it recognizing both displays, in the settings > Displays section?04:54
Don_Radis anywhere here on freenode where i can get help whit cinnamon desktop ?04:54
stylinmylenthank you for responding! yes it is.04:54
xanguaDon_Rad: the mint channel04:55
DaemonicApathystylinmylen: and the dropdown menu only has the mirror option when you click on it?04:55
xangua!mint | Don_Rad04:55
ubottuDon_Rad: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org04:55
XtremeasureDon_Rad: see man it has its drawbacks =P04:56
stylinmylenall it has is the two displays, when i click on one, the choices are either use this display or don't, the refresh rate, resolution, reflection, and rotation04:57
Don_Radok Xtremeasure thanks :)04:57
stylinmylenthere's no mirror box to check/uncheck or anything besides that04:57
DaemonicApathyGive me a few, stylinmylen. I'll brb, but I haven't forgotten about you. ;-)04:58
emdubare there any #ubuntu-* channels that specialize in knowledge of update-manager?04:58
stylinmylenok. thanks. ps. how do i reply with your name? just type your name?04:58
Xtremeasurewhat do you need to know emdub04:58
Xtremeasurethats what i do style04:59
emdubXtremeasure: just need some in-depth knowledge about using a local mirror for a release-upgrade... i have it working but i'm trying to figure out how to make the "failed to read mirror" error go away04:59
stylinmylenok. thanks xtremeasure04:59
emdubit's a lot of python and i'm not sure how the mirror files interact04:59
vulcanmumugg, I'm back to windows, something happened to ubuntu, I'm not a programmer so I can't fix it05:00
Xtremeasureemdub: check this article out if you cant resolve your problem with this let me know and we will do some digging http://askubuntu.com/questions/13911/upgrading-10-04lts-10-10-using-custom-sources05:01
DaemonicApathystylinmylen: To the right of the On/Off switch, you have no checkbox? And are you on 12.04 or 12.10?05:01
vulcanmumoh oops I was reading that article before I realized it wasn't for me doh05:03
stylinmylenDaemonicApathy: No check box to the right, not sure how i can check version. I'm still quite novice in ubuntu.05:03
Xtremeasurestylinmylen: what graphics chipset are you using05:04
Xtremeasureati, nvidia, intel >?05:04
emdubXtremeasure: thanks for the link, i'm way deeper than any links on google at this point though :) i've modified /etc/update-manager/meta-release+release-upgrades properly, set the RELEASE_UPRADER_ALLOW_THIRD_PARTY variable, etc but there is still something i am missing in how distinfo.py does its thing05:04
DaemonicApathystylinmylen: In a Terminal, you can enter "lsb_release -a"05:05
emdubXtremeasure: it works (the upgrade completes from a local mirror) but there is still an error in the process and i don't know enough about python to know how to debug it (also the fact that the release upgrader uses the compiled python makes it difficult because i don't know how to compile python :)05:05
stylinmylenDaemonic: 12.0405:06
emdubanyway, i can keep banging at it, i just figured i would see if there was anyone who had messed with this around05:06
Xtremeasurewell compiling python isnt hard as far as reading it or writting it thats wayyy above my level i can do simple scripts and thats it lol05:07
stylinmylenxtremeasure: um. i'm actually not positive. I'm guessing ati05:07
emdublspci should tell you what kind of video card you have, fyi05:07
Xtremeasurei believe thats where your problem lies to be sure run lspci05:07
Xtremeasureand post the out put in a paste bin and give us the link05:08
stylinmylenxtremeasure: ati for sure05:08
Xtremeasurestylinmylen: http://askubuntu.com/questions/137251/dual-monitor-in-12-04-sort-of-works05:09
Xtremeasuretry the steps listed there and get back to us05:09
YohhDid anyone get my pastebin link?05:09
Xtremeasurefor what yohh05:10
=== Yohh is now known as OliviaF
DaemonicApathystylinmylen: I don't know why the checkbox would be missing, but following Xtremeasure's link will probably help with the issues ATI can have.05:10
OliviaFhttp://pastebin.com/XvfrT9KD 'bout the Wireless issues05:11
Xtremeasuredaemonic i think i got it05:11
akishi all. i made i new fresh install of xubuntu 12.04 after i was dissapointed of unity/gnome3 and as i am running succesfully xubuntu on my notebook i decided to jump to the same on my desktop, but i realised that cannot hundle my nvidia cardas ubuntu could. i read many complains in ubuntu forums about the "cooperation" of xubuntu 12.04 and nvidia but practically i saw no serious solution. does anyone have any advise or help or idea?05:11
stylinmylenhow can i get to amd catalyst control center from ubuntu? apologies if this sounds stupid.05:13
Xtremeasureok olivia are you on a 64bit system ?05:13
OliviaFIndeed I am.05:13
rublindif I have a zfs question, but am running ubuntu, is this the [ ] right [ ] wrong place?05:13
emdubif it's a simple question i know a thing or two about zfs05:14
Xtremeasureok olivia have you used ndiswrapper with that card?05:14
rublindwell, 1) what does a zpool scrub really do? and 2) this is the second time after a reboot that my zfs data is all gone (even though it says the right capacity/used/blah/bah)05:15
Xtremeasureand your saying it sees wireless networks >/?05:15
OliviaFXtremeasure, it doesn't05:16
emdubscrub is for iterating through a pool a correcting any errors it finds05:16
OliviaFIf it showed wireless networks, I wouldn't be here lol05:16
Xtremeasureoh man olivia i believe i have your fix05:16
emdubwhat do you mean your zfs data is gone.. your pool is gone?05:16
Xtremeasurebut your gonna need some help lol05:16
XtremeasureDamonicApathy you around?05:16
rublindemdub: it's hard to describe. if I look in the pool folder, it's empty. however, doing a 'sudo zfs list' shows the right usage statistics... just no files?05:17
Xtremeasureok we are going to have to use ndiswrapper to wrap the driver then go through a few steps05:17
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Xtremeasuresuccess rates are low on this05:17
rublindemdub: http://my.di.af/0f5b84.png05:17
OliviaFReally? that's...reassuring05:18
Xtremeasurebut im going to warn you olivia as far as i can tell its only worked for one other person on a 64bit system05:18
OliviaFWell, if it's only worked one other time I'd rather not risk it05:18
xanguaor you could just buy a wifi dongle that support linux, they are pretty cheap OliviaF05:18
emdubrublind: so you have a pool of a single disk?05:18
OliviaFPossibly, but I don't have really any money.05:18
rublindemdub: yeah, was going to start with one and then build up.05:18
WeThePeoplefor educational purposes only>>> http://www.linuxmanpages.com/man1/05:19
rublindemdub: http://my.di.af/b5a8f5.png05:19
emdubsec reading05:19
Xtremeasureok well gimme a sec olivia ill try for yah05:19
Xtremeasurebut no promises on this one im gonna link you the article05:19
Xtremeasurebe right back olivia05:21
emdubrublind: ok i am looking at the second screenshot.. what should i be seeing?  i see your Video pool mounted05:21
rublindemdub: yeah, but there's no data, even though it says there is.05:21
emduboh, i didnt catch the USED thing in zfs list05:22
rublindit shows 940GB used, but an ls shows diddly squat.05:22
rublindlast time (this happened when I just started migrating), I did a mkdir and recreated the directories and the data was there. I'm afraid of doing that now though.05:22
WeThePeoplefirst time ive seen diddly squat used in a channel05:23
wols_OliviaF: iwconfig says what?05:24
ActionParsnipemdub: have you tried an fsck in liveCD?05:24
emdubrublind: yeah that seems strange... im not sure what would cause that :(05:24
OliviaFNo clue. As I can't get internet, It'll take awhile.05:24
rublindemdub: yeah, me neither. I think my comptuer just hates me. you think the folks in #zfs would know/be helpful? (I'd hope so... but...)05:24
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OliviaFTo sign on, do that, sign onto windows and get a paste05:24
emdubrublind: definitely05:24
kpullenakis: If so, why not just install the XFCE desktop? run `sudo apt-get install xfce4` and you'll get XFCE installed. Then you can set it as your default window manager.05:25
wols_OliviaF: no way to use a LAN cable temporarily. the question is: are you already using any driver or are you using ndiswrapper?05:25
emdubrublind: maybe also the folks in #illumos, who do a lot of the non-linux zfs stuff these days, might have an idea, but im not sure if they would know much about zfs-on-linux specifically05:25
OliviaFI should be using a driving05:25
wols_OliviaF: and you know how?05:25
Xtremeasureshes gping to have to wrap it05:25
rublindemdub: thank you :]05:26
emdubno prob good luck!05:26
OliviaFIsn't using the  ndiswrapper very low sucess rate for 64 bit?05:26
wols_better low success than no success05:26
Xtremeasureyes olivia im going to try to point you to a mirror for the inf05:27
Xtremeasurebut i need to do some reading i havent had to use ndis in a lonnng time05:27
Xtremeasureif it works shell be the second person according to chili555 from the forums lol05:27
rublindin case anyone didn't know, emdub is deserving of all your monies. just sayin'.05:28
akiskpullen: you mean to install ubuntu 12.04 and instead to run one of the option given (gnome classic/unity/gnome 3) to install above xfce desktop? i know that solution but i am considering about because i read that it has some issues (eg fonts) and also i dont how can i change my login screen from ubuntu's to a xubuntu like. do you know anything about?05:28
sasukehi gud mrng )05:29
blackshirtgood sasuke05:29
sasukeblackshirt, can i install spotlight (which is in mac) in ubuntu05:30
wols_akis: you would use a differetn displaymanager: the one from xubuntu: lightdm instead of gdm from ubuntu05:30
wols_sasuke: no05:31
akiswols: yea ok. but how? could you please provide me the procedure (eg a link to explain the procedure)?05:32
wols_akis: a procedure to install a package and uninstall another?05:32
toonziesis there any hope on the near horizon for a working ati radeon 4670 ++ ubuntu 12.10/xserver configuration?05:33
wols_toonzies: it works05:33
=== Jimster480-Lapto is now known as Jimster480-L
wols_toonzies: you must not use fglrx however05:33
akiswols: is that simple? and how can i choose it as default?05:33
toonziesfor my case unity was completely gone.  no side bar or main bar... defaulted to low graphics mode.  This was after an upgrade from 12.0405:34
wols_yes. cause you used fglrx05:34
toonziesso i should remove fglrx?05:35
Jimster480-Lso the new Ubuntu doesnt work with fglrx?05:35
Jimster480-Lis that what you are saying there wols_05:35
wols_toonzies: only if you want unity to work and have a decent resolution05:35
wols_Jimster480-L: no I don't.05:35
toonziesheh that is what i want... plus I'd like to use my other monitor05:35
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Jimster480-Lwols_: that doesnt really answer my question? "no i dont"??05:36
wols_Jimster480-L: it does05:36
toonzieswols_: ill give that a go and report back =)05:36
wols_Jimster480-L: maybe you should learn to ask proper questions, ie ask what you actually want to know05:37
Jimster480-Lwols_: I asked you a direct question since you were advising this person to uninstall fglrx. But you instead gave me a incomplete and answer and are now trying to turn this on me.05:38
wols_Jimster480-L: ok. The new Ubuntu works with fglrx just fine. better? I clearly aswerered the question you asked05:39
Jimster480-Lwols_: So then if it does, why were you telling that person to uninstall it?05:40
Xtremeasurelol she quit on meh05:40
toonziesi have a video card that is poorly supported by the manufacturer05:40
wols_cause in his case it won't work anymore05:40
Xtremeasureoh nvm shes back05:40
wols_toonzies: well, if you have a agp card doesn't help of course05:40
WeThePeoplewhat is desktop.ini used for05:40
wols_Jimster480-L: amd stopped radeon hd 4xxx support in fglrx05:41
Jimster480-Lwols_: oh i see. Well there is a fglrx legacy driver. I came across it the other day when i was messing around with my fglrx for this new kernel05:41
Jimster480-LWhat are you serious? Thats what I have in this laptop T.T05:41
wols_just use radeon05:42
djapo Adobe Flash Player 11.2 will be the last version to target Linux as a supported platform. what will replace it ?05:42
Jimster480-Lnothing djapo05:42
thetodd__in a perfect world there would be no more flash05:42
toonziesthetodd_ : amen to that05:42
Jimster480-Leveryone is SOL until HTML5 really takes off.05:42
wols_what will chrome for linux do?05:42
Jimster480-Lwhich is incrediblly stupid. As HTML5 is a ways off from becoming mainstream.05:43
wols_some things can't be done with html5. at least not yet05:43
xanguawols_: like anoying webmages made 100% with flash ;)05:43
djapowhat will play video streams tho, from places like youtube?05:43
thetodd__youtube already does a lot of HTML505:44
wols_youtube does html5 video for years now. youtube will be fine without flash05:44
xanguawols_: if you mean Google Chrome, it comes with a bundled flash and it's also the only way to get flash above of 11.205:44
Programmer_what's the difference in rlogin and ssh05:45
Programmer_b/c im pentesting metasploitable 2 and by using rlogin i get a terminal w/o having to authenticate05:45
Xtremeasurewols_ : depends it will tell you to update your flash through chromium and firefox05:45
wols_Xtremeasure: firefox has no inbuilt flash so it fully depends on the adobe plugin that won't exist anymore05:46
Jimster480-Las far as I heard chrome wont be getting flash updates anymore either.05:47
Xtremeasurewols_: if you read, yes html5 is the slim lined players but anything that runs an add on the video will not work05:47
Xtremeasureit needs flash to run videos with adds05:48
xanguaJimster480-L: yes, it is05:48
xanguawols_: no one said flash will no longer exist, just that is stoped development for linux05:48
Xtremeasureand it isnt supported by default you have to opt for it05:48
xanguawols_: it still has some secutiry updates, i recieve one last week05:48
Xtremeasureif you guys would like to try out the html5 youtube heres the link05:49
ActionParsnipXtremeasure: or try minitube :), doesn't even need a web browser05:51
riqdiizwhat will happen if i change my dynamic ip?05:51
ActionParsnipXtremeasure: or use chrome, with its own flash built in, works well05:52
Xtremeasurenah im good with chromium but everyone pointing people to html5 player for flash lock ups isnt a solution especially since the settings pose a security risk for users that know to little to work around it05:53
* riqdiiz waves hello 05:53
ActionParsnipXtremeasure: maybe, but html5 doesn't work if you want flash games online05:53
ActionParsnipriqdiiz: on what device is the IP set?05:53
toonzieswols_:  ok just so I'm clear so I don't reproduce this on other boxes that currently have 12.04, fglrx... what is the proper way to upgrade to 12.10 when using <radeon hd 5 series?  Did I miss an option ditch fglrx?05:54
[deXter]Flash games? do people still play those?05:54
ActionParsnip[deXter]: loads here05:54
riqdiizUbuntu 9.04 pc05:54
ActionParsnip[deXter]: and all the farmville etc folks play on facebook05:54
Xtremeasurenot so much flash games but anything that you need to allow with the new window decorator causing a lock up keeps you from setting data stored or turing off hw acceleration05:54
ActionParsnipriqdiiz: Jaunty isn't supported anymore05:54
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riqdiizit's the only linux os around though05:56
ActionParsnipriqdiiz: how do you mean?05:56
Xtremeasure12.10 was just released lol05:56
bjrohanwhen formating a USB drive in gparted, is it wise to use the default msdos table (vs amiga, bsd, loop etc)05:57
riqdiizwhere i come from very remote :)05:57
ActionParsnipriqdiiz: its still EOL05:57
ActionParsnipriqdiiz: its like calling Microsoft tech support for WIndows 98 support. It's dead05:57
Xtremeasurebjrohan i use the default msdos tables05:57
bjrohanok, then since ext4 seems to have not worked, use ext2 filesystem?05:58
Xtremeasurebut then again im not trying to mount for the same reasons you are05:58
Xtremeasurewhat are you trying to do with the hardrive05:58
bjrohansimply use the 1TB drive as a backup / storage, nothing more05:58
Xtremeasureand it doesnt auto mount them on plug in ?05:59
Xtremeasureim assuming they are external05:59
riqdiizok do me a favour to send me a copy of the latest release?05:59
bjrohanXtremeasure: after testing it on the Linux channel, foud that it didn't hold any info, yes it is external. After formatting adding the UUID to fstab05:59
ActionParsnipriqdiiz: do you not have a neighbour who can sort you out?06:00
Don_Radhi all06:00
DaemonicApathyriqdiiz: Can you not download it?06:00
Xtremeasuresee my usb externals auto mount by themselves no changes needed bjrohan06:00
Xtremeasureive never had to add them to my fstab06:00
ktilhello, I am trying to install a smartcard ,I get this message  ,ln: failed to create symbolic link «/usr/lib/libpcsclite.so»: File exists06:00
Xtremeasureand i run a 1tb internal and a 1tb back end external06:01
Xtremeasureboth formated and setup with gparted06:01
bjrohanBut they could automount to the wrong place if you don't use UUID. for instance you plug in a different USB drive, it will automount to the same place as the original. could suck06:01
Xtremeasureah i see what your trying to do06:01
Xtremeasureyou want one logical location for the drives06:02
riqdiizit's impossible you ll have to sell your family to download it here :)06:02
Don_Radim sorry, can you give me one more time the irc network of linuxmint support ?06:02
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org06:02
ActionParsnipriqdiiz: you can buy the disks on ebay for not much06:02
bjrohanXtremeasure: will partitioning the drive automatically format it?06:02
wols_ktil: install the smartcard how?06:02
Xtremeasurebjrohan depends06:02
Xtremeasuredid you rebuild the partition table on the hd?06:03
bjrohanWHen I went into gparted, it basically had an error with nothing recognized, no partitions, so in making a partition, a primary msdos partition ext2, will it format it?06:04
Xtremeasurego ext 4 and yes06:04
Xtremeasureit will partition06:04
Xtremeasurebut only after you apply the changes06:04
bjrohanext4 seemed to not work last time06:04
Xtremeasurewell if it doesnt work again we can go ext 206:05
Xtremeasurewhat do you have entered into fstab06:05
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sywisyTrying to make my nvidia card work -- glxgears doesn't run, what should i do?06:06
bjrohanXtremeasure: ext4,  but fstab is easy to adjust06:06
bjrohanXtremeasure: why ext4 over ext2?06:06
ActionParsnipsywisy: did you install the nvidia-current package?06:06
Xtremeasureok bj im going to send you a link06:06
ActionParsnipbjrohan: journals are handy06:06
wols_sywisy: you should tell us what you actually did to make it work06:06
Xtremeasurebecause ext4 has better file transfer support06:06
ktilin ubuntu 12.04, I follow the instrucktion from producer, sudo apt-get install pcsc-tools libpcsclite-dev pcscd libccid, then sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpcsclite.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib/libpcsclite.so06:07
Xtremeasurecheck that out bjrohan06:07
sywisywols_: I just installed the latest propetary drivers from ubuntu06:07
sywisyActionParsnip: no, i guess i should do that then?06:07
Xtremeasurethats a complete guide06:07
ActionParsnipsywisy: it will install the proprietary video driver for you06:07
bjrohanXtremeasure: the nfs-config :-)06:07
ActionParsnipktil: does /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpcsclite.so.1.0.0 file exist?06:08
bjrohanntfs config06:08
wols_ktil: the don't create the symlink06:08
Xtremeasuredoesnt matter you have the entry into fstab for the file correct? all you have to do is change the values to fit your need if im not mistakin06:08
ktilwols_  yes the file exist06:09
Xtremeasureyour doing the same thing but instead of ntfs your mounting an ext4 drive06:09
sywisyActionParsnip: how do I configure which video driver i am using?06:10
sywisyActionParsnip: i installed nvidia-current, how do i make it be used?06:10
wols_sywisy: installing it should have created a xorg.conf which specifies the driver06:11
Xtremeasuredjrohan your entry into fstab should look something like this UUID=482ACC132ACBFC46 /dev/sda1 ext4 defaults,locale=en_IN 0 006:11
Xtremeasurejust follow the first half of that guide and build the entry then manually enter it without using the ntfs tool06:12
ActionParsnipsywisy: reboot06:12
sywisywols_: where is this? When I run 'dpkg -L nvidia-current | grep xorg', I don't see any xorg.conf06:14
wols_sywisy: it's a created file which means it can't show up there06:14
wols_sywisy: /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:14
sywisywols_, my org.conf just says the driver is 'nvidia', how is this to help me determine which driver is being used?06:20
fsckfstabhello everbody, when I upgraded to 12.10 my windows partion no longer automounts as it used to. When I boot Ubuntu complains that it can't mount the partion, yet when I investigate it's allready mounted! running "mount -a" manually from the error-recovery root shell also works. I use the UUID of the drive in my fstab, and didn't change it at all anywhere near the time I upgraded.06:21
danman1453Can anybody here help me with a small problem installing 12.10?06:22
fsckfstabI think the issue is that my partition is being mounted to a directory with spaces in the name. I use the "\040" exacape sequence, but I think when upstart trys to mount, is over resolveds those excape sequences06:22
Xtremeasurewhats the problem danman145306:23
wols_sywisy: it tells you it uses the nvidia driver, cause that's its name06:23
danman1453The bottom portion of my screen is cut off.06:23
sywisywols_, i have lots of nvidia drivers, so it doesn't tell me anything :/06:23
Xtremeasurehow so ?06:23
fsckfstabi used ps to investigate the process that was trying to mount, and it didn't have any sort of quotiing or "\ "-ing in the arguments to it06:23
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sywisywols_, how do i see what the name maps to?06:24
wols_sywisy: no you don't06:24
wols_sywisy: there is only one nvidia driver06:24
danman1453I have been stumblinghrough the install using tab and enter06:24
Random832fsckfstab: ps wouldn't... there's no easy way to tell using ps whether an argument has a space in it or is split into two arguments06:24
Random832you'd need to hex dump /proc/.../cmdline to be sure06:24
sywisywols_, there's nvidia driver by nvidia but also by 3rd parties, and different versions06:24
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danman1453I cant see any of the buttons on the bottom of the dialogs06:24
fsckfstabRandom832: thanks, i will try that06:25
wols_sywisy: you can have only one. not several. and if you did install many, you broke it06:25
danman1453I cant adjust the resolution.06:25
fsckfstabthough since i need to reboot to do that, any other ideas what might be the problem?06:25
Xtremeasureif your doing it during setup youd have to add a boot tage06:26
Random832anyway, the first time i booted into 12.10 it complained it couldn't mount /tmp06:26
Random832went away the next boot06:26
Xtremeasurebefore you boot to the install cd06:26
sywisywols_, yeah, so how does it work? how do i tell which of installed drivers is being used06:26
wols_sywisy: the single one you installed. how often do I have to tell you: you cannot have several installed. CAN NOT06:26
danman1453How would i halt the setup booting to add the tag?06:26
sywisywols_, ok, well i had a driver before, and i just installed a new one06:27
Random832and no idea and i have to go to bed, sorry06:27
sywisywols_, are you saying this auto-uninstalled the other driver?06:27
wols_sywisy: which means you overwrote the old one06:27
wols_depends how you installed it. did you install it via ubuntu packages from ubuntu repos or did you use nvidia.com drivers?06:27
Xtremeasureduring the splash screen when your booting to the dvd / usb it gives you options to tag the boot with06:27
sywisywols_, what is the default location for nvidia driver?06:27
Xtremeasureyou can cycle through them with f keys06:27
sywisywols_, /usr/lib32/nvidia-current?06:28
wols_sywisy: answer my question06:28
danman1453I will restart and try and grab it at the splash screen.06:28
sywisywols_, my bad, from apt-get06:28
wols_sywisy: and your actual problem is what?06:29
danman1453What might the tag(s) be?06:29
sywisywols_, glxgears doesn't run06:29
abisenhow do in install a service to the init subsystem in Ubuntu 12.04 i have the script that works how do i ensure it get's executed on reboots06:29
sywisywols_, i.e. my 3d video performance is bad06:29
wols_sywisy: check your Xorg.0.log which driver is used exactly06:29
Xtremeasurewols_  couldnt her just run lshw -C Display06:30
Xtremeasureit should list his used devices and the driver assigned06:30
wols_the log has the advantage of showing all errors that might have occured too :)06:31
danman1453Ok... got to the splash menu06:31
fsckfstabRandom832: thanks06:31
Xtremeasureah i see06:31
fsckfstabyeah i think i originally had this issue when i first set it up on like 11.10 or something06:31
Xtremeasurenvm then dont mean to step in was just asking to learn more myself ;)06:31
wols_and I don't know: does lshw show the version of the driver too?06:31
fsckfstaband then it went away06:31
sywisywols_, how do i find Xorg.0.log? it's not in /etc/X1106:31
wols_Xtremeasure: and does it show what X uses or what the kernel has for drivers?06:31
wols_sywisy: it's a log and is therefore in /var/log06:32
vulcanmumhi room06:32
danman1453Xtreme.... what tag were you referring to?06:32
Xtremeasurewols_: no itll just list the driver listed for the displays attached06:32
Xtremeasurecapabilities: msi pm vga_controller bus_master cap_list rom06:32
Xtremeasure       configuration: driver=i915 latency=006:32
Xtremeasurethats mine06:32
itsrachelfishHey #ubuntu I've got an easy one06:33
Xtremeasurei mean it gives more info but nothing more relevant to the situation06:33
itsrachelfishFor some reason my screen locked but the screen is totally black06:33
Xtremeasuregimme a sec danman06:33
itsrachelfishI see a cursor but typing doesn't do anything06:33
itsrachelfishand I can't enter my password to log back in06:33
itsrachelfishis there any way to log back in without killing gnome-session?06:33
DaemonicApathyitsrachelfish, did this happen when you opened a laptop lid?06:34
itsrachelfishRight now I went to tty1 and I'm using irssi06:34
wols_Xtremeasure: it tells me (at least for some devices) the kernel driver version: configuration: broadcast=yes driver=ath5k driverversion=3.2.0-1-686-pae firmware=N/A ip= latency=168 link=yes    for my WLAN06:34
sywisywols_, it says 'NVIDIA Unified Driver for all Supported NVIDIA GPUs', is this the driver?06:34
itsrachelfishIf I go back to tty7 it's a black screen06:34
danman1453Side note.... irc on a 7in android sux06:34
itsrachelfishwith a mouse06:34
itsrachelfishI also tried to kill gnome-screensaver06:34
wols_sywisy: it's the driver name yes06:35
DaemonicApathyitsrachelfish: I believe I solved it with "sudo restart lightdm", but that results in everything closing. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/96674406:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 966744 in Linux "[i965] Resume from suspend leaves me with black screen or a screen of the desktop before it suspended. Compiz hung in intel_update_renderbuffers() from intel_prepare_render() from brw_draw_prims()" [High,Incomplete]06:35
itsrachelfishUsually I just kill gnome-session and log back in but it's annoying to have to open everything back up06:35
itsrachelfishYeah that's what I'm trying to avoid06:36
DaemonicApathyPersonally, I have a simple keyboard shortcut to open everything I always have running.06:36
Xtremeasurecan anyone help danman out with resolution boot tags06:36
itsrachelfishkk #useless I'll go ask another channel06:37
Xtremeasure12.10 is booting to a bad resolution and making it impossible to install i however cant remember for the life of me the tags06:37
danman1453Sheesh... freebsd was easier to install so far.06:38
danman1453Nomodeset is an option...06:38
Xtremeasurerun that through06:38
Xtremeasuresee if it fixes your issue06:38
Xtremeasurethank you wols_06:39
Xtremeasurebeen a long day and im starting to run on empty hahah06:39
danman1453Trying it now06:39
danman1453I appreciate the help so far.06:39
Xtremeasurenp that what the irc is here for06:39
danman1453Its 240am here.06:40
Xtremeasuresame here06:40
Xtremeasurewhich is why im running on empty haha06:40
CrypticByte1:40am here06:40
danman1453Mtn dew and e cigarette.06:40
SuperEngineerXtremeasure: re danman1453 - wouldn't it poss to right click & hold to move the dialogues up to expose buttons?06:41
danman1453Doesnt work. Tried that. The dialogs extend past the bottom of thescreen.06:41
Xtremeasurethat sounds good dan06:41
Xtremeasureyeah from what he said super he was missing a good portion of his screen06:42
danman1453I got the the username screen without ever seeing the buttons. Stalled there though.06:43
Xtremeasuredamn dude you made it through the whole install without the bottom half of your screen ?06:44
Xtremeasureyou are a better man than myself06:45
danman1453Im relatively proficient wit computers.... i just dont know enough about ubuntu. And im tired.06:45
DaemonicApathyIf anyone else has the issue where closing/opening a laptop lid(or suspending and resuming) causes a machine with Intel chipset to freeze, make sure the <distro>-updates repo is activated, and update the graphics drivers if possible. There have been several fixes included recently.06:47
Don_RadXtremeasure ubuntu at all have touchscreen support? i mean from 11.10 versions and up?06:47
Xtremeasure12.10 does i believe06:47
Xtremeasurenot 100 sure though06:47
DaemonicApathyCompiz has supported touchscreens for awhile now.06:48
DaemonicApathyAnd Unity is practically begging users to have them.06:48
Jordan_UXtremeasure: Ubuntu has had touchscreen support for years, that doesn't neccessarily mean that your particular hardware will be supported though.06:48
learnerhi how to hide your ip from showing up in xchat in ubuntu 12.04?06:48
Jordan_U!cloak | learner06:49
ubottulearner: To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.06:49
Jordan_Ulearner: If you get a cloak, and configure your client to login properly, that cloak will replace your hostmask (which is what shows your ip address).06:50
DaemonicApathyOr use a proxy.06:50
crimsonmanepick a proxy at spys.ru06:50
learnerwhat is a cloak?06:50
crimsonmanea cloak is how you hide your IP, which is what you asked06:51
Don_RadXtremeasure im planning to make an project for a restaurant with ubuntu cpu and a touchscreen with a software called quickorder06:51
crimsonmaneso just follow the steps and say thank you06:51
learnercrimsonmane, jordan ubottu  thanks06:51
Don_Radbut we are just on talkings about costs and usability06:51
RayzrShrpanybody know why my /var/log/syslog is showing a bunch of dns errors about RFC 1918 response from the internet?06:52
brainiarc7Hello, how do I install the AMD Proprietary Driver on Ubuntu 12.10?06:52
XtremeasureDon_rad i wouldnt say its impossible just have to make sure you hardware is supported as was said earlier06:52
DaemonicApathyIs quickorder compatible with ubuntu?06:52
Don_RadDaemonicApathy is compatible with ubuntu/win/macos06:52
danman1453Xtreme... no change.06:53
RayzrShrpare my bind settings wrong? i just installed it out of the box with apt-get install bind06:53
DaemonicApathyDon_Rad: Excellent. Just be sure to give it a thorough test run, and you'll probably be fine.06:53
Xtremeasurecheck that article danman06:54
cowsquadHow do I set up remote login in ubuntu? I already installed openssh, but I dont know what to do after that. any help?06:54
bjrohanAre there any issues backing up a computer with ext2 to a usb hard drive that is ext4?06:55
Xtremeasurestill didnt work bjrohan ?06:55
bjrohanI am running badblocks on it now, should take 70 hours+ I understand06:56
RayzrShrpis there a way to remove bind and reinstall it easly?06:56
crimsonmanesudo apt-get purge bind && sudo apt-get install bind06:56
crimsonmaneall one line06:56
Xtremeasurebeat me to it06:56
Jordan_Ubjrohan: What problem do you have and what is your end goal? If you're trying to recover data from a failing drive, badblocks is *not* a good thing to do.06:56
RayzrShrpim hoping that does it06:57
RayzrShrpi think my bind configs are wrong06:57
bjrohanNope, fresh drive06:57
Xtremeasurenah jordan hes trying to automount it through his fstab for back up purposes06:57
crimsonmanenote: sudo apt-get [remove][bind] - the difference is [remove] leaves your settings intact for future installs, while [purge] leaves no trace of the program's existence.06:57
bjrohanJordan_U earlier today I formatted the USB drive on my destkop server machine to use as a backup for my laptop client via ssh. I did an rsync backup, a bit later my internet was down, so I rebooted the modem, and computers. When the server came up, it couldn't mount the USB drive06:58
bjrohanafter checking it was all kaput, no partition etc, even though before shutdown, I was navigating the rsync files on it06:59
crimsonmanewow i must be tired. i did not mean [remove][bind] i meant [remove][purge]06:59
bjrohanJordan_U I have since repartitioned te drive ext4 again and it was suggested I run badblocks as a precaution06:59
TJ-bjrohan: One issue you should be aware of. Sometimes, a USB device transferring large amounts of data over the bus can get confused and end up dropping off the bus. Often it appears to be caused by insufficient power on the bus. Ensure the device is self-powered with an adequate supply, and is connected directly to a USB2 or 3 port on the PC's primary controller (a rear connection on many desktop PCs - can be any on a laptop)06:59
Jordan_Ubjrohan: Have you checked the SMART data from the drive?07:00
danman1453No luck xtreme07:00
Xtremeasurenothing in there helped you lol damn07:00
bjrohanTJ, the USB drive is plugged into the back, and is powered by a separate supply07:00
Xtremeasurei must be slipping dan07:00
bjrohanJordan_U, what is the SMART data>07:00
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bretoliussoooo, ubuntu 12.04 sees both of my DVD drives, but 12.10 only sees one07:00
bretoliusanyone have an idea on how to trouble shoot that?07:01
TJ-bretolius: Check "/var/log/kern.log" and/or "/var/log/dmesg" for clues during device discovery.07:01
TJ-!smart | bjrohan07:02
Jordan_Ubjrohan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.M.A.R.T.07:02
TJ-bjrohan: Seems our tame bot knows nothing about SMART07:02
Jordan_Ubjrohan: You can check a drive's SMART status via "Disk Utility" (palimpsest).07:02
DaemonicApathyUbottu is still a genius.07:03
ubottuDaemonicApathy: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:03
DaemonicApathyI stand corrected.07:03
Xtremeasuredamn he told you07:03
bjrohansweet bot07:03
danman1453I think i got it.07:03
RayzrShrphow still no luck07:04
Xtremeasureman i just got this laptop today an upgrade from an old dell 32bit now im 64 and wanna up dont feel like backing everything up lol07:04
TJ-On a related note, what tiodi comes up with those unintelligible names for the disk tools? First there was baobo for the GUI du, now we have palimpsest for the disk tool. So obvious!07:04
RayzrShrpit looks like the reverse dns is hosed or something07:04
RayzrShrpshouldnt ubuntu bind9 install from apt-get as a caching dns server?07:04
TJ-RayzrShrp: If the forwarders are configured correctly07:07
Jordan_Ubjrohan: Do you understand how to check your drive's SMART status and why it's important?07:07
RayzrShrpTJ-: those aren't configured out of the box?07:08
TJ-RayzrShrp: How can they be? They are different per-connection! They come from the ISP.07:08
bjrohanI am looking into it.07:09
TJ-RayzrShrp: If you haven't seen it already... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto07:09
bjrohanThe drive is not on a lubuntu machine07:09
RayzrShrpTJ-: so is there a file in /etc/bind i need to add my isps dns servers into07:09
bjrohanlooking at how to check it on lubuntu07:09
TJ-RayzrShrp: If you want caching, why are you using bind? By default dnsmasq is installed to handle that.07:10
RayzrShrpTJ-: im not even sure lol maybe i dont even need bind on my ubuntu box07:10
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RayzrShrpTJ-: i thought i could point all my computers and stuff at my house at the ubuntu as a local dns server07:11
TJ-RayzrShrp: If it is a recent Ubuntu release and it's purely a client workstation configuration, dnsmasq is configured with resolvconf to do the right thing as network connections come up07:11
RayzrShrpTJ-: so i guess it would just be a forwarder then?07:11
TJ-RayzrShrp: Yes. You can also reconfigure dnsmasq to act as a local server with entries in its configuration file, as well as being a caching forwarder07:12
RayzrShrpTJ-: well poop, so if i remove bind9 is dnsmasq going to be broken?07:13
bjrohanJordan_U my laptop is running Kubuntu, do you know how to check the Smart info in Kubuntu or Lubuntu?07:13
wols_RayzrShrp: no07:13
wols_bjrohan: smartctl -a /dev/sda07:13
RayzrShrpTJ-: one thing is im cli into ubuntu, not using gnome07:13
TJ-RayzrShrp: I think that'll be something you'll find out :p  ... You can always reinstall it using "sudo apt-get --reinstall install dnsmasq" though07:13
TJ-RayzrShrp: I use dnsmasq on my gateway server. It's highly customised, here's the config file just to give you a flavour of what you can do, and what options to investigate. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1291375/07:15
danman1453Xtreme... nvm got past the last screen.07:15
saurabh_L3top: Both amd 12.4 and 12.9 beta drivers didn't work with ubuntu 12.10 for my dell studio 15555, so I switched back to ubuntu 12.0407:15
danman1453I will ix it once it up and running.07:15
Jordan_Ubjrohan: There is probably a QT application for doing it, or you can install Palimpsest, or you can use the "smartctrl" command from a terminal, for example "sudo smartctlr -H /dev/sdb".07:16
bjrohanwols_ command not found :-( on Kubuntu07:16
RayzrShrpTJ-: alright i removed bind9 but now i cant ping hostnames07:16
saurabh_L3top: just thought that I should let you know, so that other people don't waste their time installing them07:16
Jordan_Ubjrohan: sudo apt-get install smartmontools07:16
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TJ-RayzrShrp: You may need to do an ifdown/ifup to have it take over. If that doesn't do it try "sudo apt-get --reinstall install dnsmasq"07:17
cheshairHi! Yesterday I upgraded to 12.10. I installed nvidia proprietary drivers manually. It was working. Today my compiz crashes and the system is not usable. Any hints?07:18
RayzrShrpsudo apt-get --reinstall install dnsmasq07:18
bazhangcheshair, manually from the nvidia site?07:18
cheshairbazhang: I used a script, which yes, eventually download the file directly from nvidia site07:19
bazhangcheshair, what script where from07:19
saurabh_cheshair: have you applied all the latest ubuntu updates?07:20
cheshairbazhang: i found the script here: http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/10/install-nvidia-driver-30460-in-ubuntu.html07:20
bjrohanJordan_U I installed the smartmontools, ran the smartctlr command (copy and paste what you wrote, changed to correct device) and still command not found07:20
SuperEngineerdanman1453: what was the fix suggested [I ended up on a netbook install doing right click & drag to show me the buttons a while back]07:20
wols_bjrohan: smartctl07:20
wols_bjrohan: and don't forget sudo07:20
Jordan_Ubjrohan: I accidentily typed an extra 'r' at the end of the command name :)07:21
cheshairsaurabh_: i didn't perform any update this morning, nice tip! I'll try immediately!07:21
Jordan_Ubjrohan: sudo smartctl -H /dev/sdb07:21
bjrohanit says OK07:21
toonzieshrmm this open source ati radeon driver for my 4670 is less than to be desired07:21
bjrohanJordan_U SMART Health Status: OK07:21
wols_toonzies: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTExMzU07:22
cheshairsaurabh_ bazhang : weird thing this morning was that my old legacy nouveau driver was loaded at startup so I had to blacklist it in order for the nvidia proprietary one to be loaded07:22
bazhangcheshair, getting a driver via script, and dropbox no less is not the correct way to install the driver07:23
saurabh_cheshair: which graphics card do you have? maybe the driver you installed is not compatible with your chipset07:23
bazhangcheshair, install it from the ubuntu package manager. or contact the PPA maintainer of that script07:23
Don_Radcan somebody help me with cinnamon extensions? i downloaded and placed in the rigth place but they don't load/execute <--- (on the #linuxmint-help channel they're such a dick .....)07:24
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org07:24
cheshairbazhang: i absolutely agree... indeed i am very concerned about installing things from untrusted sources. anyway, at the end of the day i thought i had no other chances to have 12.10 working smoothly on my system07:24
dhyankdkanak baru07:24
toonzieswols_  gonna rollback i think07:25
blackshirtdhyankdk !in07:25
wols_toonzies: rollback to what?07:25
cheshairsaurabh_: i have a asus GT520 silent, yesterday everythng worked fine all the day long...07:25
wols_toonzies: and what is that you don't like about radeon?07:25
bjrohanJordan_U when Smart says it is ok, no issues then?07:25
blackshirt!indonesia |dhyankdk07:25
ubottudhyankdk: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia07:25
saurabh_cheshair: did you reboot yesterday after installing the driver?07:25
toonziespersonally... at this point... lol id prefer an nvidia07:26
wols_cheshair: use the default ubuntu provided nvidia proprietary driver. with a card as old as yours, there is no reason not to07:26
charleyfoxtrotGuys I'm going to throw this out there, disclaimer I'm pretty new to Linux07:26
cheshairwols_: yesterday i had problems, but i'll try again now07:26
charleyfoxtrotbut earlier I was having trouble after upgrade to 12.10 with my video card drivers07:27
cheshairsaurabh_: nope, i didn't07:27
cheshairsaurabh_: i just restarted x07:27
charleyfoxtrotI found a bug report and a workaround that helped me07:27
bazhangDon_Rad, mint is not supported here. please dont ask for support with it here any longer07:27
charleyfoxtrotI had to uninstall the video card proprietary drivers (my case fglxr / ati)07:27
bjrohanHELP. I plugged my notorious usb drive into the server computer, I think it is mounted, and now the activity light is on, and I am not doing anything :-(07:27
saurabh_cheshair: then probably your system didn't use the nvidia driver yesterday07:27
toonzieswols_   at this point i just don't have confidence in letting my customers upgrade to 12.10 when they have ati radeon less than 5.x... most likely from my lack of knowlege07:28
charleyfoxtrotthen do "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic"07:28
bjrohanWhy would it be running?07:28
charleyfoxtrotreboot, then reinstall video card drivers07:28
Onixsim using the built-in gfx of my board which is GMA 3150. Do i need to install additional drivers for it, or the driver that were installed is Ok?07:28
wols_toonzies: you should never upgrade ubuntu in the first month of release (imho)07:28
cheshairsaurabh_: hm... i think it did, indeed, anyway i could be wrong07:28
wols_toonzies: unless you want to be a beta tester07:28
Dragonster82hello everybody!07:28
aeon-ltdOnixs: afaik there is only one intel driver07:28
Dragonster82I have a question, is linux a good OS for programming C# and C++?07:29
wols_bjrohan: cause it automounts?07:29
cheshairsaurabh_: could you give me just some tiny hints on how to get rid of those legacy drivers (nouveau and proprietary one) and install the ubuntu one?07:29
toonziesyah but you know peeps.... bleeding edge madness is what they want07:29
wols_Dragonster82: yes07:29
bjrohanwols_ how long does it take to automount?07:29
TJ-saurabh_: restarting X is usually sufficient to load the 'nvidia' kernel driver, unless there's an unusual frame-buffer configuration07:29
OnixsAlright aeon-ltd07:29
wols_bjrohan: a second or two07:29
=== amit is now known as Guest89123
bjrohanthis was for minutes07:29
wols_bjrohan: yes cause it's accessed07:29
saurabh_cheshair: sorry don't know07:30
bjrohanwols_ I don't understand? I have seen it sit there with no activity light, then when I write something it flashes, then shuts off, this things just seems to keep running right now07:30
cheshairsaurabh_: ok, thanks for your tips anyway07:30
toonzieswols_   well going to rollback this particular test box.  thanks for your help, greatly appreciated.07:31
somethinginteresHaving trouble booting the 12.10 amd64 iso on my laptop from USB. Simply says "boot error" then boots my OS. Any ideas? I tried using the latest usb-creator package. No change.07:31
Guest89123jimcroft (AMIT)07:31
wols_bjrohan: then use lsof or fuser to check what accesses it07:31
saurabh_cheshair: u r welcoem07:31
cheshairbazhang: i read the dropbox script before using it and understood it just downloaded things from the real nvidia website... so at the end of the day using it is just as bad as relying on the proprietary driver... afaiu07:32
bjrohanhow do I use lsof wols_07:32
wols_cheshair: no. what you did is a lot worse07:32
wols_!pm | Dragonster8207:32
ubottuDragonster82: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.07:32
wols_Guest89123: do you have a ubuntu related support problem?07:33
cheshairwols_: you mean because i taint the package structure?07:33
wols_cheshair: no. you break it07:33
cheshairwols_: i understand07:33
Guest89123can any one tell me i can use msi,.exe and other like mention file install on ubuntu os ???????07:34
cheshairwols_: do you have any tips on how to get rid of this annoying situation?07:34
bazhang!wine | Guest8912307:34
ubottuGuest89123: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu07:34
blackshirtguest89123, natively07:34
bazhang!appdb | Guest89123 check here07:34
ubottuGuest89123 check here: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help07:34
wols_cheshair: hard to say. depends on what's wrong. check your kernel and your Xorg logs07:35
bjrohanwols_:  It looks like the drive is mounted, but I can not do anything with it, such as put a file on the drive to see if it can be written to (I just partitioned it)07:35
wols_bjrohan: run "mount". where is it mounted and how?07:35
SuperEngineerbjrohan: you need chown I suspect07:36
bjrohanwols_:  /dev/sdb1 on /media/BACKUP type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro,user_xattr)07:36
* SuperEngineer looks up format07:36
cheshairwols_: my logs say my compiz respawn too quickly07:37
wols_bjrohan: ls -ld /media/BACKUP07:37
Guest89123(ubotto) i am using ms visual studio 2010 and sql server 2008 both run on ubuntu?????????07:37
bjrohanAHHAA drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Oct 19 23:12 /media/BACKUP07:37
wols_cheshair: probably cause compiz crashes when started and is trying to restart immediately07:37
bjrohanwhat do you recommend I do to give the correct permissions?07:38
wols_bjrohan: change the perms and ownership of the mount point07:38
Guest89123(ubotto) i am using ms visual studio 2010 and sql server 2008 both run on ubuntu?????????07:38
wols_bjrohan: unmount it first07:38
wols_Guest89123: they won't. see the appdb link you got07:38
cheshairwols_: i tried using x-swat repos, but i am told to use that dirty manual install here http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/10/install-nvidia-driver-30460-in-ubuntu.html (i am on 12.10)07:38
wols_cheshair: told by which moron?07:39
bjrohanI unmounted, and am in the /media dir07:39
wols_bjrohan: your card is so old, the normal nvidia drivers are fine07:39
of1I installed snort from source on Ubuntu 12.4. for testing snort i run nmap -v -sS -O -sV -sC but there is no any alert . snort only generating empty alert file . Here is my syslog: http://pastebin.com/SzyyspLy Anyone can help me please?07:39
bekkscheshair: Who told you to manually install the driver?07:40
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
cheshairwols_: :-) ok, sorry, i do really understand i did something wrong, i am trying hard to get my system back, and i would like to have some video acceleration07:40
bekkscheshair: And when using x-swat, why dont you stick with that then?07:40
bjrohanwols_:  message about card to wrong person :-)07:40
wols_cheshair: for starters, don't use compiz when using X07:40
wols_that way you don't get that problem and you can troubleshoot the problem why compize is not working07:41
cheshairwols_ bekks: i'll try to get rid of the manually installed driver07:41
Guest89123 i am using ms visual studio 2010 and sql server 2008 both run on ubuntu?????????  any one give me advise or answer07:41
wols_Guest89123: you were given both already07:41
bekksGuest89123: No. Both do NOT run on anything but Windows.07:41
Guest89123(bekks)so i can say that ubuntu not support windows msi,exe ...etc07:43
bjrohanwols_:  Grr, what do I enter at the command line to change permissions? what i tried failed07:43
Guest89123 (bekks)so i can say that ubuntu not support windows msi,exe ...etc07:43
bekksGuest89123: Which is not true. You can use wine to get certain things running, but these do NOT include MSVC2K10 and MSSQL2K8.07:44
gordonjcpGuest89123: if you want to run MS Visual Studio and MS SQL Server, you need some version of Windows07:44
gordonjcpGuest89123: if you want to do something similar on Linux (or any other OS, for that matter) then there are different ways to go about it07:45
wols_bjrohan: what did you try?07:45
gordonjcpGuest89123: What exactly are you trying to do?07:45
cheshairwols_: isn't compiz necessary to run unity smoothly?07:45
wols_cheshair: you need to troubleshoot. no unity for you :)07:45
bjrohanI tried it via the nautlius GUI, it didn't take07:45
wifioregonALT+TAB isnt working now that I have 12.04. I use gnome classic. Any idea on how to fix it?ALT TAB is such an important command for me. I cant live without it!07:46
wifioregonoops I mean 12.1007:46
gordonjcpwifioregon: define "isn't working"07:46
cheshairwols_: i see :-)07:46
wifioregongordonjcp:  when I use ALT+TAB to switch windows, it doesnt do anything at all. As if I had only typed ALT07:46
wifioregongordonjcp: OMG i'm an idiot! Its the keyboard! I thought it was because I upgraded. The key must have broke.07:47
Guest89123gordonjck)---i want to install ubuntu and run my normal application ms office visual studio and other exe and executable files07:47
bjrohanwols_: I used nautilus which failed, I tried sudo chmod 755 /media/BACKUP which failed07:47
SuperEngineerbjrohan: have you tried using chown?07:48
bekksGuest89123: Which is impossible. You have to have some windows to do so. A virtual machine would be enough.07:48
mhart_Hi all, i'm having issues with dnsmasq on quantal, apparently something isn't responding on DBus as it should. "dnsmasq not available on the bus, can't update servers." and "Could not get owner of name 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.dnsmasq': no such name" found in syslog.07:48
wifioregongordonjcp:  Ugh wait...wrong computer.  Its not working. sorry tired07:48
bjrohanSuperEngineer:  What is the syntax?07:48
SuperEngineerbjrohan: this.... sudo su -c 'chown -R name:name /media/disk-2'  [change swarp to required user/group name, change disk-2 to disk or partition name]07:48
wols_!errors | bjrohan07:48
ubottubjrohan: If you have problems or errors, you will need to describe/paste them. Please use the !pastebin for errors that cannot be quoted in a single IRC message07:48
wifioregonIs there anyway to configure commands in gnome classic? I need to fix the ALT+TAB07:48
Guest89123gordonjcp:i want to install ubuntu in my pc and run my normal application ms office visual studio and other exe and executable files07:49
bekksGuest89123: Which is impossible. You have to have some windows to do so. A virtual machine would be enough.07:49
blackshirtguest89123, run it on windows , lol,07:49
SuperEngineerbjrohan: have a check in terminal using "man chown" for full list options/useage07:50
blackshirtguest89123, if it possible run directly, that would bring windows stupidity to your box07:50
mhart_Guest89123: Wine under ubuntu can allow you to run several windows applications. But I wonder why you want to run ubuntu if you're just wanting to use windows apps?07:50
bekksblackshirt: Please stop it.07:50
robertzaccourAfter installing proprietary drivers my screened is off scale zoomed out with a black border around the edges. I've read about xrandr but its a bit confusing and not sure what to do. Any suggestions?07:51
blackshirtguest89123,  run it on windows or run through some emulator ... It just the way you should choose07:51
robertzaccourI just want to scale my screen in from zoomed out to filling the display like it was before installing the proprietary driver07:51
robertzaccouranyone familiar with xrandr?07:52
Guest89123tell me all what is super advantage of ubuntu bcoz i am not working my normal world class software?????????????????????????????????ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL07:52
mhart_robertzaccour: what happens if you use the display control panel to simply adjust the resolution? Or is it literally scaled and believes it's at the right res?07:52
wols_robertzaccour: which driver? and start running xrandr without any arguments, what res are availabe?07:52
bekksGuest89123: It is another operating system, and there is no "normal world class software" out there. Do you have another specific Ubuntu problem?07:52
robertzaccourwols_, I changed back to the open source driver. I'm gonna install proprietary again then try the display control panel brb07:53
wols_Guest89123: stop that. if you want to run linux software, run ubuntu. if you want to run windows software, run windows07:53
blackshirtGuest89123, nothing ....07:53
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.07:53
toonziesare all video card makers less than supportive for linux?07:53
gsqhello everybody07:54
islandmonkeytoonzies: What card do you have?07:54
lanlantopubuntu 12.10 download size and ubuntu 12.10 torrent dowmload size are different......which one is correct07:54
wols_toonzies: no. intel is very supportive for example. out of intel, only two others actually exist07:54
Guest89123any one give me advantage of ubuntu?????????????07:54
islandmonkeyHi gsq07:54
wols_toonzies: and they are supportive too, up to a point07:54
mhart_toonzies: it's changing for the better thankfully, but the ati/amd and nvidia cards these days are pretty well supported, and intel stuff feels quite well supported for example07:54
robertzaccourmhart_, I'm installing the proprietary driver, rebooting, then gonna check display properties brb07:54
bekksGuest89123: Would you PLEASE STOP using more than ONE punctuation sign?07:54
wols_Guest89123: this is not the channel for this. use #ubuntu-ot for this. this is a support channel only07:55
blackshirtGuest89123, no... Please stop your useless question07:55
IdleOneGuest89123: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/why-use-ubuntu07:55
IdleOne!behelpful | blackshirt07:55
ubottublackshirt: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.07:55
islandmonkey#ubuntu-offtopic wols_07:55
Guest89123idleOne: tx07:55
cheshairwols_: btw, do you know of any graphic card i can install with no proprietary drivers and no hassle? i just need a fast unity/compiz desktop (no games)07:56
lanlantopanyone ?07:56
mhart_I believe I'm experiencing Bug 1048430 but there's no real solution at present, does anyone know a solution for this on Quantal? "dnsmasq not available on the bus"07:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1048430 in network-manager (Ubuntu) ""dnsmasq not available on the bus"" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104843007:56
gordonjcpGuest89123: if you want to run Windows apps, you need to run Windows07:56
gordonjcpcheshair: NVidia works pretty well with Nouveau07:56
islandmonkey!patience | lanlaptop07:56
ubottulanlaptop: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:56
wols_cheshair: your gt520 should already be supported by nouveau. so is a radeon 5450 or 6450 via the radeon driver07:56
toonziesislandmonkey   wols_  mhart_   in all reality... which is easiest for my customers to use Unity... I need a good recommendation for them07:57
Guest89123gordonjcp: tx for advice07:57
Guest89123i dont know windows07:57
bjrohanSuperEngineer: who am I changing the ownership of the drive directory too? I made it worse:drwx------07:57
toonziesati less than 5.x apparently is rough07:57
islandmonkey!repeat | lanlaptop07:57
ubottulanlaptop: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:57
robertzaccourI'm back07:57
mhart_Guest89123: http://appdb.winehq.org/ shows how well wine supports several windows applications on Linux.07:57
lanlantopislandmonkey: just wanna know, what is the difference between browser download image and torrent download image of 12.10 - there sizes are different07:58
toonziesi cannot ... in good confidence recommend a .... windows system07:58
bjrohanwhois SuperEngineer07:58
bjrohanwhois: SuperEngineer07:58
robertzaccourmhart_, the display properties says 1920x108007:58
IdleOnebjrohan: /whois07:58
cheshairgordonjcp wols_ : i see, thanks for your tips. indeed i didn't manage to have my gt520 working with nouveau in 12.10 :-(07:58
bjrohanwho is this masked man07:58
gordonjcplanlantop: sounds like one of the downloads is broken; md5sum them07:58
islandmonkeytoonzies: NVIDIA or Intel are best07:58
robertzaccourmhart_, but the screen is zoomed out with a black border around the screen. I wonder if scaling in is possible07:58
lanlantopgordonjcp: i don't know.....browser download size is 763MB something and torrent download size is 800MB07:59
mhart_lanlantop: torrent download requires that you take the .torrent file they provide and use a bittorrent client to perform the download, browser download downloads the file directly07:59
gordonjcp!md5sum | lanlantop07:59
ubottulanlantop: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:59
robertzaccourIs it possible to adjust scaling by zooming in so that the display fills the monitor and makes the black border around it go away?07:59
toonziesislandmonkey   NVIDIA is what im HIGHLY leaning towards for nux boxes now07:59
mhart_robertzaccour: what's the driver you installed?07:59
SuperEngineerwols_: thanks for the whois... give me two secs... I'm jhalf covered in shaving gel atm07:59
wols_SuperEngineer: huh?07:59
robertzaccourmhart_, the fglrx one but the system info says VESA: Juniper08:00
islandmonkeytoonzies: Then go ahead with that then.08:00
aeplusis there an "alternate" iso for 12.10?08:00
bekksaeplus: No.08:00
=== _007 is now known as _007_
SuperEngineerbjrohan: : thanks for the whois...  wols_ :give me two secs... I'm jhalf covered in shaving gel atm08:00
mhart_robertzaccour: do you know what the gfx hardware in your machine is?08:00
lanlantopmhart_: i am using linux 12.04.1 and it has transmission built in so i am only saying the size of downloaded sizes.....btw whats the actual size of ubuntu 12.1008:00
toonziesislandmonkey    best choice in your opinion for the easy to transition to Ununtu?08:00
wols_toonzies: you use a videocard which isn't even supported by the manufacturer of the chip and then complain it doesn't work very well? also: what is the problem with "radeon" driver?08:00
=== Fike_ is now known as Fike
bjrohanSuperEngineer: didn't know how to see if you were still on or not08:01
toonzieswols_   well the default upgrade situ is bad for those with 12.04 and ati radeon less than 5.x08:02
toonziesotherwise i love it all08:02
robertzaccourmhart_, Its Radeon 5700 0r 5770?08:02
robertzaccourone of those 208:02
toonziesits certainly not ubuntu's fault08:02
of1I installed snort from source on Ubuntu 12.4. for testing snort i run nmap -v -sS -O -sV -sC but there is no any alert . snort only generating empty alert file . Here is my syslog: http://pastebin.com/SzyyspLy Anyone can help me please?08:02
charleyfoxtrottoonzies i had trouble upgrading with radeon HD 630008:03
charleyfoxtrotjust had to ditch the ATI drivers and use the open / default08:03
mhart_robertzaccour: and which version of Ubuntu?08:03
islandmonkeytoonzies: Well, an Intel card requires no proprietary drivers to run fully. A NVIDIA card, if you want gaming, requires a proprietary card to run. It's not that much hassle however to set up.08:03
blackshirthi elixirvitae08:03
SuperEngineerok, I'm back [shave done & now not dripping gel onto kbd!]... what was the question?08:03
robertzaccourmhart_, 12.1008:03
ElixirVitaeWhen I start an application from terminal and want to close the terminal, application also closes, any workaround to that?08:03
robertzaccourmhart_, tbh this caling issue happens by default in windows, but with the ati software control center there's a tab where I can adjust scaling. I'm hoping I can do the same in Ubuntu.08:04
wols_toonzies: that didn't answer my question: why don't you like the "radeon" driver as you said earlier?08:04
islandmonkeyElixirVitae: No don't think so08:04
blackshirtelixirvitae, place it in background with &08:04
mhart_robertzaccour: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1341891 - does this sound like your issue?08:04
Pitel_IPEXhow do I enable and configure my machines for remote logins in quantal?08:04
islandmonkeyOh OK^^08:04
islandmonkey^^^ even08:05
ElixirVitaeAmpersand makes it run independently, hmm.08:05
alienauthello, i updated my ubuntu 12.10 now i have problems08:05
wifioregonalienaut:  LOL same here08:05
islandmonkey!vague | alienaut08:05
wifioregonalienaut:  Im going back to 12.04. 12.10 is way too buggy08:06
bjrohanI have successfull given my mount directory no permissions except for ROOT by chown. How do I do just about the opposite?08:06
alienautsometimes when i open my computer i see black screen08:06
SuperEngineerbjrohan: an easy method is open nautilus - right click on any of your own files... look at permissions tab08:06
toonzieswols_    well initially i had a 12.04 setup with ... i believe the catalyst drivers (not sure to be truthful) ... that worked... meh... enough.   Im pretty sure it wasnt using the full extent of it.    After an upgrade.... omg.   It reminded me of the upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10.   Im positive its an AMD thing tho08:06
mhart_Pitel_IPEX: install openssh-server perhaps?08:06
bjrohanI changed the ownership in nautilus the first time but it didn't even take as root08:06
blackshirtsuperengineer, nautilus doesn't support acl,if you play with it08:06
alienautand i cant see some videos on my browser08:07
robertzaccourmhart_, according to the later posts they downloaded the driver from the ati website it looks08:07
alienautlike http://screencasts.org/episodes/how-to-use-rvm08:07
SuperEngineerbjrohan: eg mine would shown xxx-yyy, I use xxx as the name:name08:07
toonzieswols_    i just think i can no longer refer my customers to ati/amd08:07
robertzaccourmhart_, but I don't know what the link to get to it is or how to do it if I get there.08:08
alienautwhen 12.10 go stable?08:08
lanlantopany hotmail channel ??08:08
mhart_robertzaccour: something like http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx maybe?08:08
wols_toonzies: if you think that then you need to say the same about nvidia or any proprietary drivers08:08
toonzieswols_    what is my  best recommendation for ubuntu/nux then?08:09
bjrohanSuperEngineer: in Nautlius it shows me as the owner, group is root Owner, group and othrs can all create and delete files08:09
toonziesi need constant support outside of... winblows08:09
wols_toonzies: libre videodrivers08:09
islandmonkeyalienaut: It is stable already. However, there may be bugs unfixed of course08:10
islandmonkeyalienaut: Did you not clean install?08:10
mhart_anyone having issues with dns on wireless (with dnsmasq) on Quantal?08:10
SuperEngineerbjrohan: use [for name:name] whatever is shown as "me"]08:11
toonzieswols_    looks like an nVidia solution?08:11
Pitel_IPEXmhart_: http://ubuntuportal.com/2012/10/ubuntu-quantal-quetzal-adds-support-for-remote-desktop-login-screen.html i mean this feature, it has nothing to do with ssh afaik.08:11
alienauti formated it and installed via usb stick08:11
wols_mhart_: state your actual problem08:11
bjrohanSuperEngineer: what is name:name08:11
wols_toonzies: how do you come to this conclusion?08:11
mhart_Pitel_IPEX: ah, sorry, then I misunderstood your question08:11
bjrohanSuperEngineer: like user@host?08:11
wols_bjrohan: your username08:11
bjrohanso I am owner and group08:11
robertzaccourmhart_, ok thanks, now just gotta get it to install. hope it goes well08:12
toonzieswols_    from the link you have given  "Nouveau: Accelerated Open Source driver for nVidia cards"08:12
mhart_wols_: I'm getting "dnsmasq not available on the bus, can't update servers." and "Could not get owner of name 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.dnsmasq': no such name" found in syslog and no name resolution.08:12
SuperEngineerbjrohan: in the example sudo su -c 'chown -R name:name /media/disk-2'08:13
bjrohanPlease someone tell me what to log into that computer as, and what ti type in the command line to get the ownership and permissions of the directory correct so I can mount the drive, and have access to everything on it08:13
SuperEngineerbjrohan: that is the name:name bit08:13
bjrohanIn nautlius I can change owner group and all settings till the cows come home08:13
Name141Is there anything 12.10 brings to the table that's super-duper got to have (and not in the LTS?)08:13
mhart_bjrohan: is it a windows/FAT volume?08:13
wols_toonzies: so is radeon08:14
bjrohanSuperEngineer: I do NOT understand where to put my brohan:brohan stuff, brohan is my username on that machine08:14
bjrohanmhart_ ext408:14
wols_toonzies: and which link did I give you?08:14
robertzaccourmhart_, I clicked to install, now loading very slowly. I think I might go to sleep and check on it later.08:14
wols_bjrohan: instead of name:name08:14
mhart_robertzaccour: good luck08:14
toonzieswols_   "http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/"08:14
bjrohanWHERE DOES NAME:NAME go??08:14
robertzaccourmhart_, Its stuck in the loading thing in text editor08:14
bjrohanplease stop using name:name it means nothing to me at this point as a noob08:15
mhart_robertzaccour: are you behind a proxy?08:15
wols_toonzies: where did I give you this link. my log can't find it08:15
toonzieswols_    your help is unimagineably appreciated08:15
robertzaccourmhart_, I dunno, don't think so. Its slowly loading08:15
bjrohanso I change it to brohan:brohan, now what?08:15
mhart_robertzaccour: ah, ok.08:15
SuperEngineerbjrohan: in the example sudo su -c 'chown -R brohan:brohan /media/themountnameofdiskorpartition'08:15
toonzieswols_   its all good... there is a flood of questions08:15
wols_bjrohan: then you press enter so the command gets executed08:15
robertzaccourmhart_, I didn't know it loads in text editor08:15
SuperEngineerbjrohan: the ' marks are part of the command08:16
mhart_robertzaccour: I'm not familiar with the install process, sorry.08:16
wols_toonzies: no. you make no sense and I detect sarcasm. which means my temper rises. quickly. and I can hold more than one conversation at a time usually08:16
robertzaccourmhart_, oh its ok. worst case scenerio I'm stuck with the slower open source drivers but not a big deal08:16
toonzieswols_   im serious... you are the only one im filtering out from all this.   I NEED your help08:17
bjrohanSuperEngineer: thank you. what does su -c do?08:17
toonzieswols_   no "sarcasm"   intended08:17
wols_mhart_: are you actually using dnsmasq? is it installed? dpkg -l dnsmasq08:17
mhart_wols_: yes, dnsmasq-base is installed just as it was pre-upgrade from precise to quantal08:18
xukungrub install fails after upgrading from 12.04 to 12.10. now I,m trying to chroot but I get this error: chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory08:18
blackshirtdnsmasq was installed by default08:18
SuperEngineerbjrohan: that escaltes [for the one command only] the user [you] to the correct level to perform the command08:18
wols_toonzies: nouveau and radeon are the names of the free, libre drivers for nvidia and amd cards. they all work fairly well. nouveau is still a bit more immature cause it started later than radeon08:18
bjrohanSuperEngineer: okay. In nautilus as ROOT I can access the drive, as a mere user NOGO. it didn't work :-(08:18
wols_bjrohan: is the drive still mounted?08:19
mhart_wols_: dnsmasq itself is not, but that wasn't needed for precise and I would have thought if it were a requirement for quantal that it would have been installed during the upgrade process (of course, I understand it's possible someone missed a requires line)08:19
SuperEngineerbjrohan: *please* do not use things like su without direct knowledge of it & it's consequences though08:19
wols_mhart_: what I don't get is why DBUS would care about dnsmasq08:19
bjrohanI unmouted it, did the CHOWN, then remounted it via sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/BACKUP08:19
toonzieswols_   so what is the proper method if i just did a default upgrade (whilst using an ati radeon 4670 catalyst) setup?08:20
bjrohanwols_: I unmouted it, did the CHOWN, then remounted it via sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/BACKUP08:20
wols_bjrohan: and the permissions of the mount point are what now?08:20
xukunany body please: grub install fails after upgrading from 12.04 to 12.10. now I,m trying to chroot but I get this error: chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory08:20
bjrohanwols_:  the same as befoe: drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Oct 19 23:12 /media/BACKUP08:20
wols_toonzies: as I told you, you were bitten by the drop of support for HD2000-4000 cards from ati with fglrx. if you had used the "radeon" driver in 12.04, no problem08:20
mhart_wols_: it's network manager, it uses dnsmasq to handle a separation of concerns for dns lookups, so I get dnslookups on one name server for my vpn traffic (specific name bases for internal machines) and on another for everything else.08:21
wols_bjrohan: chown it while it's mounted. unmount, make sure it still has brohan:brohan as owner, then remount08:21
bjrohanwols_: In nautlius I show owner and group as owenr08:21
mhart_wols_: because of this I guess it needs to tell dnsmasq what to do when a new connection appears08:21
bjrohanwols_: I need to be owner and group correct?08:22
mhart_SuperEngineer: why sudo su -c rather than just sudo -c ?08:22
wols_mhart_: but dnsmasq doesn't know about DBUS. that's desktop mumbo jumbo while dnsmasq is a simply, easy to use console only server *shrug*08:22
wols_bjrohan: pretty much,yes08:22
toonzieswols_   so how do I "fix" this after the fact of selecting defaults in the upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10?08:22
wols_toonzies: as I told you before. by uninstalling fglrx08:22
mhart_wols_: I understand that, that's kinda why I'm asking my question I guess... what's changed? :)08:22
mhart_wols_: besides, dbus isn't quite just "desktop mumbo-jumbo", it's just a simple messaging bus I thought?08:23
wols_mhart_: yes, for desktop mumbo jumbo :P08:23
wols_toonzies: if you need fglrx (radeon and nouveau are slower than proprietary drivers) you could hunt for that fglrx legacy thing somewhere08:24
mhart_wols_: fine, fine :) We use it for other stuff in various projects as a message bus rather than more heavyweight things like rabbit and activemq etc.08:24
wols_mhart_: my guess some interface thing which actually is the dbus component for dnsmasq is not there or faulty. but I have no clue which one would that be08:25
mhart_wols_: thanks for your attention though, guess I'm gonna have to dig some more :(08:25
SuperEngineermhart_: because a long time ago when I first needed to know this answer myself every piece of search came back with that soloution08:25
mhart_SuperEngineer: I guess a long time ago, sudo didn't support the option maybe?08:26
bjrohanwols_: Now it shows this, I can write files as the user, but why does it now show a w in rwx? drwxr-xr-x 3 brohan brohan 4096 Oct 20 01:24 /media/BACKUP08:26
bjrohannow - not08:26
SuperEngineermhart_: maybe08:26
^Lem^hi all, is anyone else having problems with LibreOffice in 12.10 not having a global menu at all? and, if managing to get it to appear (by opening LO itself, then dragging a document onto it), does it actually do anything?08:27
robertzaccourmhart_, Its almost 1/4 of the way on the progress bar haha. going to sleep, gonna check it out later.08:28
Calinou^Lem^: there should be global menu integration in 12.10... prior to 12.10 you had to use a plugin08:28
^Lem^Calinou: There does appear to be integration by default, but I think it's actually broken. opening a spreadsheet via nautilus results in Calc not having any global menu (and thus no menu at all)08:29
toonzieswols_  i think i understand the situation.   I thank you for getting me there.  It was just a shock for me ...considering i bought the v card only 4 years ago.08:29
Calinoutoonzies: that's what you get for AMD08:30
toonziesCalinou   lol right!?08:30
toonziesCalinou   so disappointed08:30
Calinounvidia 36-0 amd08:31
Calinoucounting since december 2011 when looking on IRC...08:31
Calinouwhen there's GPU fights08:31
toonzieswell now my customers will not have a choice08:31
[_-S1L3NC3-_]how can i  extract a tcl.gz file ?08:32
[_-S1L3NC3-_]on buntu08:32
Calinougunzip tcl.gz08:32
Calinouright click > extract08:32
[_-S1L3NC3-_]im on a virtual machine ill try it08:32
wols_toonzies: erm, 4 years means "ancient" for PC hardware. at least for manufacturers08:32
SuperEngineerwols_: just saw your "then you press enter so the command gets executed"... you forgot "and then you let go of the enter button" ;)08:32
Calinou.gz and .bz2 compresses files only, not folders, unlike .zip, .rar or .7z08:33
Calinoua .tar file is a folder made into a file. it is not compression08:33
Calinou.tar.gz or .tgz or .tar.bz2 or .tb2/.tbz are compressed folders08:33
[_-S1L3NC3-_]oh ok08:33
wols_[_-S1L3NC3-_]: tar -zxvf tcl.gz08:33
wols_oops. sorry, discard my last line08:33
toonzieswols_   you are SO right.  thank you for helping08:33
[_-S1L3NC3-_]how do extract this ~ tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download&id=24708:34
wols_[_-S1L3NC3-_]: run "file tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download&id=247"08:34
wols_[_-S1L3NC3-_]: that will tell you what kind of file it is and that decides what to use to extract it08:35
[_-S1L3NC3-_]-bash: run: command not found08:35
erfanyone can help me08:35
erfim unable to install skype on cents08:35
erfcan anyone help me08:35
wols_erf: this is #ubuntu and ubuntu support ONLY. check ##linux or #centos08:36
[_-S1L3NC3-_]it says cmd not found08:36
toonziesso ... if we had to vote:   which is the easiest/most supported video card hardware for ubuntu/xserver?08:36
[_-S1L3NC3-_]i know it's i know it's a gz file08:37
[_-S1L3NC3-_]but it wont extract it08:37
aeplustoonzies, i'd determine that by looking at the drivers in the linux source08:37
jatoocan anyone recommend a good ubuntu introduction/tutorial video?  I've just installed 12.04 on my mum's laptop, and think she might benefit from a video showing her the basics of the dash/launcher etc.08:37
toonziesaeplus   i08:38
mhart_toonzies: likely something non-performant like intel.08:39
toonziesaeplus   i'd just consider it the most flexible/supported08:39
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crizisjatoo, https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/index.html08:39
crizisjatoo, no video though. it's included with ubuntu itself too..08:39
xangua!manual | jatoo08:39
ubottujatoo: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/08:39
crizisjatoo, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LQ2oiyRZdw this might be what you're looking for08:40
kotikidoes ubuntu have badblocks command?08:41
mhart_is there a way to display the changed files in ubuntu compared to the package originals with dpkg or similar?08:44
toonzieswe shall talk to more owe... (lol)  .... must sleep noa.   thank y'all08:45
toonziesgn y'all08:45
wols_mhart_: debsums I guess08:45
kotikiis badblocks command able to fix bad sectors or is it just for detecting bad sectors?08:46
wols_kotiki: of course it does08:46
mhart_wols_: thanks08:46
wols_just detecting. I wouldn't use badblocks but smartctl08:46
kotikiwols_: could you tell me what flags would I need to fix bad sectors?08:47
wols_kotiki: smartctl long test. it reallocates those sectors then08:47
wols_if the disk has more bad sectors than it can reallocate, I strongly suggest a new disk08:47
AscavasaionAnyone know why Nautilus 3.4.2 shows all filenames highlighted in grey and the other columns in the more acceptable white background?08:49
wols_probably to show that it sorts by filename08:49
Ascavasaionwols_: It is disconcerting though... as the selected file looks very different to the normal files.08:50
openboxmanWow hat goes of ubuntu and 12.04 and 12.10. What are the bugs with Unity at this point?08:51
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bradyis it possible to roll back from 12.10, back to 12.0408:51
openboxmanbrady: betas are not a good idea. :(08:52
bradyi hadn't realized it was a beta, an upgrade just popped up on my computer and i was like.. ok..08:52
xanguaopenboxman: 12.10 is already released08:52
xanguabrady: other than clean install, no08:53
wols_brady: no. downgrades are not supported with apt08:53
bradythat sucks.. the expereince has been , not so good.08:53
openboxmanxangua: ops srry haven't kept up with ubuntu in a long while. Use Arch Linux primarily08:53
bradyive had alot of random errors ever since upgrading , and i just had a restart i was seriously concerned by08:54
bradyit jumped into some kind of prompt08:54
bradyafter having failed to boot a few times08:55
openboxmanMust say Unity and Dash have come a long way.  Not a real fan of commericial products or apps being so frequently added to linux08:55
openboxmanAnyone run benchmarks and is graphics use intense.. Running a live version of 12.04 now?????08:56
bradyi wonder when they will do upgrades to the upgrade08:56
klys4Hello Could anyone tell me how many packages are available in ubuntu software repository ? Is there any site where is that  written ?08:57
openboxmanklys4: search the software repository using apt-get08:58
KsMklys4: apt-cache stats08:59
KsMshows you how many packages are listed for whatever repos you have in your sources.list08:59
KsM(and other information too)08:59
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klys4But is there any statistics in any website ?09:00
openboxmanklys4: use this link for apt-get commands.  https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman_Rosetta09:00
openboxmanklys4: usually most great software for linux is through word of mouth and expermenting09:01
openboxmanklys4: in Arch LInux I have Conky setup for RSS Feeds to new release software.09:03
klys4ok thank you all09:04
openboxmanklys4: I have lots of RSS Feeds. You can also use google for RSS Feeds if you prefer to link with cell phone useage09:05
layke__Given a particular process, how can I find memory usage?09:08
wols_layke__: top for example09:08
layke__It doesn't pop up by default in top. I guess there is an option to filter by pid.09:08
layke__I'll check anyway09:08
wols_ps works toome09:09
jatoocrizis, xangua: thanks!09:09
layke__Okay thanks. I was only trying ef and axms as the man said. Didn't see -me09:09
bekkslayke__: "-me" was a grammatical correction, not a ps option.09:10
obtrusivemouseanyone here use openbox?09:10
bekksobtrusivemouse: Why?09:10
layke__bekks, lol yeah. I just realised after I tried it :)09:10
obtrusivemouseactually screw it, what command do you say to open up the network manager09:10
obtrusivemousebekks, openbox tweaking, need someone who is experienced09:11
sasukehi , i downloaded vmware-workstation,  the file is like vmware-work...*.txt. can anyone tell me how can i install it on ubuntu09:11
BlueWolfHi, I have recently bought a Sony Bravia 32" LCD TV, it has a flash port which allows me to play movies however it's not reading my flash and I'm not sure what format to use in Ubuntu to get it working any help?09:12
arun__Maya/Cinnamon - My Wireless connection is appearing as eth2 instead of wlan0. Any idea.09:12
bekksBlueWolf: Thats mentioned in the manual of the TV.09:13
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kostkonBlueWolf, fat1609:13
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BlueWolfbekks: Thing is I was use about 5 times by someone else and they sold it to me for a Bergen. I did not get the box or the manual.09:14
Jimster480-LBlueWolf: you might need to put them in AVI/MPEG format09:15
bekksBlueWolf: And you are unable to get the manual for your TV from the website of Sony? :)09:15
Jimster480-Lyea lol u could dl it09:15
BlueWolfJimster480-L: I tried movies with .mkv  .mp4  .m4u .avi and they are not working, more a less the tv is not reading my flash?09:16
bekksBlueWolf: More or less your TV might just not be able to decode those files.09:16
obtrusivemousecan anyone recommend the powr of getwifi?09:16
bekksBlueWolf: .mkv would be a bigger wonder, to be honest.09:17
BlueWolfbekks: exactly09:17
bekksBlueWolf: Then why are you suspecting your flash card when your TV isnt even able to recognize those formats?09:18
Jimster480-Lk well i mean09:18
Jimster480-Lalmost nothing plays mkv09:18
Jimster480-Lthat isnt a computer atleast.09:18
Jimster480-LSo if you want to play mkv files i suggest you get a android TV or build a HTPC.09:18
Jimster480-LAlso Avi is just a container (much like mkv although mkv is more powerful) and can contain a encode that your TV cannot decode.09:19
Jimster480-Lyou would need to amke sure its in like Mpeg 2 or something like that i bet.09:19
Jimster480-LBetter yet what is the model of your TV?09:19
BlueWolfbekks: Well I just concerned that it's got something to do with the format I use in Ubuntu. I tryed fat32 and ntfs? The flash itself is not reading and I have tryed another flash and it's not working as well09:19
Jimster480-Lare you sure that its not reading the flash memory at all? have you tried putting something simple like a picutre on there and then testing it to see if it can find the picture?09:20
bekksBlueWolf: Then did you read the manual of your TV now to get to know which SD formats are expected?09:20
bekksJimster480-L: Dont use .jpg2k ;)09:21
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Ripper003Any ideas on how to install Ubuntu on my Mac mini 2011? I've tested before but wifi/bluetooth don't work?09:22
sasuke hello , i downloaded vmware-workstation,  the file is like vmware-work...*.txt. can anyone tell me how can i install it on ubuntu09:22
bekkssasuke: Why dont you just use virtualbox?09:22
Jimster480-Llol he could use jpg bekks09:22
bekksAnd a text-file cannot be installed.09:22
Jimster480-Land sasuke: Virtualbox is probably better on linux. I wasnt even aware that there was a vmware workstation for linux. I've only ever used it on Windows.09:23
BlueWolfbekks: No as I said I assumed it was an Ubuntu problem with the format I used as it was not reading, strangely neither was the windows format. I will check the manual next09:23
scarrsJimster480-L: I use vmware on ubuntu.... it has far better opengl support ;)09:25
cheshairHi! I have a gt520 nvidia card and can't get it working with my ubuntu 12.10, any help? Nouveau drivers tell me "error initializing acceleration" so that my compiz/unity won't start. Nvidia proprietary drivers are useless too (can't get them from x-swat repo)09:25
sasukebekks, Jimster480-L , I am learning through some CBT videos. Everything they are doing on vmware, so probably i want to use it . Once i done i'll try out on virtual box. anyway "sh vmware...*.txt" cmd is working. I am installing that. thanks :)09:25
bekkssasuke: Well, You CANNOT execute a TEXT file.09:26
Jimster480-Ltrue bekks09:26
Ripper003Any ideas on how to install Ubuntu on my Mac mini 2011? I've tested before but wifi/bluetooth don't work?09:28
LafiirWell, updating to 12.10 broke my sound. All I have is constant crackling even on Mute and the device-list in Sound Settings going crazy like it was resetting several times per second or something.09:28
Ergo^hey guys, im on xubuntu 12.10 - when i enable catalyst drivers xorg segfaults on boot - if i boot in recovery mode and tell it to boot normally - x kick in after a while - any idea how to move forward with this ?09:28
sasukebekks, i am not sure. i downloaded "https://my.vmware.com/group/vmware/details?downloadGroup=WKST-900-LX&productId=293&download=true&fileId=50028826&secureParam=4648a503eaac71f71cc4f2b69fa11269&downloadType=". as a txt file. i thought sh only executes *sh files, but "sh vmwar....*.txt" is working09:28
Jimster480-LWhat hardware does your mac mini have? do you know what kind of wireless it has? maybe it just needs an external wireless driver.09:28
sasukebekks, its working .... installation done09:29
bekkssasuke: sh executes executable files. a text file isnt executable. :)09:29
bekkssasuke: And personally, I'd really not use vmware on linux.09:29
Jimster480-LErgo^: are you on fglrx?09:29
sasukebekks, :)09:29
Jimster480-Lwell sh executes anything actually. It just looks for the code inside.09:30
Jimster480-L.txt is just an extension, if you saved a executable as a .txt you could still run it with the right command.09:30
Ergo^jimerickson, yeah currently i am - i need to go to recovery and ask it to boot normally then it kicks in09:30
Ergo^Jimster480-L, ^09:31
Jimster480-Lwell i think that there is a major issue with fglrx on the new ubuntu.09:31
Ergo^also http://paste2.org/p/235794009:31
Jimster480-LPeople have been coming into these channels since release with fglrx issues.09:31
Ergo^Jimster480-L, it seems so - when i boot from revoery catalyst DOES work09:31
sasukeJimster480-L, oh ok.09:31
Ergo^as im using it now - it just X dies using normal boot09:31
Jimster480-Lbut on a recovery version what is it using? the same exact fglrx?09:32
wols_Ergo^: I kinda doubt it uses fglrx then. how did you check?09:33
Jimster480-Ltbh it might be an issue with the version of fglrx that they are shipping with the new release.09:33
wols_Ergo^: which amd videochip?09:33
Ergo^wols_, i dont doubt since glxinfo says im on opengl 4.2 :-)09:34
obtrusivemouseanyone know if someone is going ot work on something similar to ubuntu tweak?09:34
Ergo^OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.09:34
Ergo^OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series09:34
Ergo^OpenGL version string: 1.4 (2.1 (4.2.11903 Compatibility Profile Context))09:34
Jimster480-Lhe has a 570009:34
Ergo^wols_, it seems that when the start of X is deferred a bit it works fine09:34
Jimster480-Lyea okay he pasted it lol.09:34
Ergo^to be precise09:34
wols_Ergo^: when exactly does it crash? kernel time or X loading time?09:35
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Jimster480-Lobtrusivemouse: im not familiar with ubuntutweak so idk09:35
Jimster480-Lwell he pasted a dump in here that lets you see when it crashes.09:35
Jimster480-Lits just loading then segfault09:35
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=== Breadflour is now known as Dreadtower
phaxHi guys I am on 12.0.4 LTS and it takes a long time to resolve host names...my isp seems to be ok and working on earlier versions is fine09:35
wols_Ergo^: hybrid graphics?09:35
phaxany ideas?09:36
Ergo^wols_, http://paste2.org/p/2357940 - this is the dump - the system loads, since if i do ctrl+f1 and then ctrl+alt+del - the system reboots - its just X that crashes09:36
ZAKhanI have issues with wifi on mackbook pro .. the live cd works fine and picks up the broadcom bcm4322 but when i install the os on the harddisk it does not work , can someone help09:36
aeplusstrange, burning the 12.10 iso to usb using pendrive usb installer, booted the usb, and a centos 64-bit  menu appears09:36
Ergo^wols_, no a standard discreete graphics on desktop - i also have HD4000 since i have ivy bridge cpu - but i never used it09:36
wols_Ergo^: I saw it. X itself segfaults. laptop with hybrid graphics? or intel cpu with IGP?09:36
aeplus... i am on ia3209:36
RagnaRok__I have a question will the features from 12.10 be backported to 12.04 you know features like integrated web apps, updated unity, updated unity greeter etc?09:36
Ergo^intel cpu09:37
Jimster480-LRagnaRok__: usually no there is no issue.09:37
bekksRagnaRok__: Nope.09:37
Jimster480-LRagnaRok__: usually no, the features are not ported*09:37
RagnaRok__oh well thanks guys09:37
Jimster480-LZAKhan: are you doing the install from the live CD? And can it just not find the drivers or what? you might just need to turn the wireless itself on09:37
Jimster480-Laeplus: did the drive have centos on it before? because ubuntu isnt even based on centos so im not sure how you would get that lol.09:38
bekksaeplus: ia32?? Dont you mix it up with i686?09:39
wols_Ergo^: remove your displaymanager from upstart so X shouldn't start09:39
Jimster480-Lits almost 6AM. I need to go to sleep09:39
Jimster480-Lgnite all09:39
bekksaeplus: ia32 hw is about 15y old nowadays.09:39
wols_Ergo^: then, boot to a console and run "startx" there09:39
ZAKhanJimster480-L:  I installed from the cd and then did the same went to systems settings / additional drivers and activated the breoadcom driver .. but it doesnto activete it and nothing appears inthe networking drop down meny ..the wifi is not apprearing at all09:39
LafiirWhat's the program called responsible for showing the Ubuntu logo during boot process?09:39
aeplusoh, i686, sorry... basically mini909:39
Jimster480-LZAKhan: after you enable it you have to reboot for it to take affect. Does it still show the next time you boot?09:39
wols_aeplus: has the usb stick used for centos before?09:39
aeplusatom n27009:40
Ergo^wols_, whats that supposed to solve ?09:40
ZAKhanJimster480-L: rebooted several times .. that same result ..09:40
Jimster480-LZAKhan:  so it keeps telling you its available but its not installing it?09:40
wols_Ergo^: you said it works when one waits a bit. debugging for that09:41
ZAKhanJimster480-L: it gives no error .. when i activate it it does the process . shows that its activated but when i reboot and check it shows only wired connection and no wifi09:41
Jimster480-LWell anyway i need to go to sleep i cannot think anymore. I can help anyone when I get back. But i srsly have to sleep.09:41
aeplusjimster, the disk label in windows is "install ubuntu", but syslinux/splash.jpg contains centos6 properties09:41
Jimster480-LCya wols_ and ZAKhan09:41
sasukeJimster480-L, gn8t :)09:41
ZAKhanJimster480-L: thanks09:41
riqdiizi tried to do a fragal install but the sys  says no available partion  how do i go about it?09:41
ZAKhananyone using 12.10 on a mackbook pro?09:42
bekksriqdiiz: Whats "fragal"?09:42
riqdiizi m trying to install a Damn Small Linux09:43
bekksriqdiiz: Which has nothing to do with Ubuntu.09:43
IdleOneDSL is not supported in this channel, try ##linux09:43
riqdiizok I thought they use the same kind of Kernel09:44
bekksriqdiiz: They do. But that doesnt make it supported in here.09:44
mhart_riqdiiz: it's kinda like asking for support for Windows NT in a channel called ##vista09:45
riqdiizok bekks let me try the ##linux09:45
aepluswols_, i will check the partitions and reformat the USB, but if it helps /.disk/info contains "ubuntu 12.10 ... (20121017.2)"09:45
mhart_good luck riqdiiz09:45
riqdiizok let me see what it says09:45
wols_aeplus: it's the bootloader that would be important, not the directories it contains. a single usb stick can comtain many installers09:45
wols_e.g. YUMI09:46
* riqdiiz waves bye09:46
Ergo^wols_, you are responsible for driver packages ?09:47
BlueWolfWhat video converter can I use in Ubuntu to convert video files MPEG1 format and audio files to mp3/mp2 format? I need these formats to get movies working on my ( http://www.sony-asia.com/product/kdl-32cx520 ) ???09:48
Kroachin Ubuntu 12.10 Pidgin doesn't appear in the messaging menu anymore, how can I get the integration back?09:49
=== BlackJack is now known as Dreaman
ubuntufanJimster480-L, is a cool buy:)09:50
aepluswols_, sounds good, i will use dd to zero out the dev entry for the usb drive, and reattempt to create the install usb with universal usb installer09:52
bourke_has anyone by any chance experienced vim changing it's popup dialog colors since updating to ubuntu 12.10? http://i.imgur.com/Q4Jcd.png09:52
wols_Ergo^: no09:52
BlueWolfWhat video converter can I use in Ubuntu to convert video files MPEG1 format and audio files to mp3/mp2 format? I need these formats to get movies working on my ( http://www.sony-asia.com/product/kdl-32cx520 ) ???09:53
wols_BlueWolf: probably none. mp3 is patented. you need a non-free converter. avconv/ffmpeg with the necessary build options can do it however09:53
Ergo^wols_, i actually have a better idea... screw fglrx09:54
Ergo^is there a way to get a prerelease version of ubuntu kernel ?09:54
Ergo^vs mainline kernels from ppa ?09:54
Ergo^3.6 will have opengl 3.0 full support09:55
BlueWolfwols_: Seriously! Arrrrr Ok well would you happen to have to know how to play movies on a Sony Bravia TV? What formats does my flash have to be and the movies?09:55
wols_BlueWolf: I have no clue and I don't care. this isn't the place for Brava TVs09:56
bekksBlueWolf: Take a look at their manual, as being told three times already.09:57
BlueWolfwols_: Yes I understand that, no need to be snide. Thank you for your help. :D09:57
bazhangBlueWolf, try handbrake09:57
bazhang!handbrake > BlueWolf09:57
ubottuBlueWolf, please see my private message09:57
BlueWolfbekks: I did and they want me to buy it. I better get off here before I get kicked off . :D09:58
wols_BlueWolf: handbrake is free software09:58
BlueWolfbazhang: Thanks ;-)09:58
bekksBlueWolf: The manuals are for free, I just checked it. So start reading now, please.09:59
BlueWolfwols_: I see that.09:59
BlueWolfbekks: I'm on it ;-)09:59
bazhangBlueWolf, jstebbins PPA is the best source for it, as far as I am aware09:59
BlueWolfbazhang: Ok thanks.10:00
=== amit is now known as Guest83405
Dreamanos[Linux 3.5.0-17-generic x86_64] distro[Ubuntu "quantal" 12.10] cpu[2 x AMD Athlon(tm) 7750 Dual-Core Processor (AuthenticAMD) @ 2.90GHz] mem[Physical: 3.9GB, 71.9% free] disk[Total: 925.6GB, 41.1% free] video[Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV730XT [Radeon HD 4670]] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia1: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI HDMI]10:02
CommaCrazyhi all, question, I'm setting up a ubuntu 10.04 machine and I need to have vnc access to it. I setup the remote desktop and I managed to access the desktop with krdc, remmina, and other vnc clients, but I cannot see any changes10:02
CommaCrazyon the server side the mouse is moving everything I do is being done10:02
Guest83405hi there, is Ubuntu going backwards in time. I installed 12.10 today and nothing is working like wifi, mobile broadband.etc. not even showing notifications about aditional drivers.. later  installed additional drivers.. still wifi and mobile broadband not working10:03
CommaCrazybut on the client side I only see the empty desktop and nothing is changing10:03
Guest83405It used to work good in previous editions10:03
CommaCrazyany one10:06
CommaCrazy... the deamn thing is not repainting10:06
CommaCrazyat all10:06
=== thelionroars_ is now known as thelionroars
ubuntu_ogreis this an active support place? which is more efficient, irc or the ubuntuforums?10:07
abdelghaniany way to download a video from internet on ubuntu10:08
LafiirHow can I kill my entire sound system (12.10 broke it and the constant crackling is getting on my nerves)?10:08
CommaCrazywhich vid??10:08
wols_ubottu: yes it's active10:08
ubottuwols_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:08
CommaCrazyabdelghani, which vid10:09
wols_Lafiir: muting doesn't work?10:09
aepluslafiir, turn down the volume on the pc?10:09
CommaCrazycommand line alsamixer10:09
CommaCrazyand do your thing wols_10:09
Lafiirwols_: of course not10:09
wols_Lafiir: you can unload the sound modules for your kernel10:10
wols_lsmod |grep snd10:10
krababbelabdelghani: there are websites that do this10:11
kostkonLafiir, delete your .pulse folder, logout and login back again10:11
abdelghaniany software to do so10:11
kostkonLafiir, go into your home folder, press CTRL+H, find the .pulse folder and delete it, then logout, etc.10:11
Lafiirkostkon: tried that already. I think wols_ option is probably the only way until I find out what exactly broke10:12
krababbelLafiir: I'd enter in terminal 'pulseaudio -k' first10:12
krababbelLafiir: you can find out using 'pacmd' if pulse finds your card correctly, maybe you need a special module option, maybe ask in #pulse10:13
kostkonLafiir, ok10:14
MrokiiWhy is it that the upgrade-window (showing the progress for upgrading to 12.10) doesn't let me see the actual files it downloads or installs? The arrow that is supposed to show the detailed output doesn't work.10:15
Lafiirwols_: uhm, how do I remove the module?10:16
jan271Good morning everyone! After spending two days and triing out all possible solutions on the forum I have come here fore more suggestions. My issue: nvidia propletary driver causes black screen when I boot ubuntu. No matter what I do. I have tried installing linux headers, linux source, rinstalling drivers, nothing bloody works. What else can i try?10:16
wols_with rmmod, but do what kostkon advised you first. removing the snd modules is a bit radical10:16
wols_jan271: what nvidia chip and how did you install it? from ubuntu repos?10:17
Lafiirwols_: killing pulse did not have any effect (first thing I tried). and unloading didn't work because it's in use. I am not very good at Linux :(10:18
jan271wols_: I have tried installing nvidia-current, nvidia-experimental and nvidia-current-updates from ubuntu repo10:18
wols_Lafiir: he told you more things. like removing your user's pulseaudio config10:19
wols_jan271: check your Xorg.0.log then10:19
kostkonLafiir, open your sound prefs and try lowering your volume levels and see if that makes any difference10:19
cardielwhere is gnome 3 logfile located?10:20
jan271wols_: just a second, need to chroot from liveCD since the recovery mode hangs due to a bug10:20
islandmonkeyShouldn't someone remove the release party link in the notice? It's been 2 days since release now10:20
islandmonkeycardie1: Most logs are found in /var/log10:20
wols_islandmonkey: long party :P10:20
cardielislandmonkey, yes but i cant find any logfile for gnome 3 there....10:20
wols_gnome usually does not have a logfile10:21
islandmonkeyNo, I don't think so10:21
Lafiirkostkon: using soundprefs is not an option the device-list is bugging out (or something). I tried softer measures already before asking about killing the entire soundsystem. At this point I suspect something broke on kernel level10:23
arun__I downloaded a new Gnome Window Theme. How to install it ? Maya / Cinnamon10:23
islandmonkeyarun__: Mint not supported here, sorry10:24
kostkonLafiir, what do you mean buggin out. please, be more specific, give more details10:24
nokiais  anyone here a security expert.10:24
kostkonLafiir, what do you see when you open your sound prefs?10:24
noobAndynokia: just ask??10:24
islandmonkeyarun__: /join linuxmint-help10:24
islandmonkey!ask | nokia10:24
ubottunokia: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:24
jan271wols_: paste.ubuntu.com/129173510:25
jan271this is the full log10:25
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:26
Lafiirkostkon: sorry. What I meant was, the list is constantly refreshing, alternating it's entry Speakers with Headphone and LineIn with Microphone. Also MasterVolume is also resetting a lot.10:26
wols_jan271: do you have a xorg.conf file?10:26
CommaCrazy!eradicating ubuntu10:26
IdleOne!language | noobAndy10:26
ubottunoobAndy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.10:26
nokianoobAndy: WI-FI Protected Setup BROKEN.  Is it safe to continue using a router that has this feature even if it is disabled.10:27
wols_jan271: that log shows a pretty bad Xorg installation10:27
noobAndyubottu: SORRY10:27
ubottuIt's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/10:27
kostkonLafiir, hmm. what's the output of:  aplay -l10:27
jan271wols_: not at the moment. I have tried making it with nvidia-xconfig at some point but later removed it due to some problems with noveau. Should I re-create one?10:27
noobAndyubottu: LO;10:28
noobAndyubottu: LOL10:28
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.10:28
islandmonkeyIdleOne: Do you think it's time that the release party link in the notice should be removed? I mean, it's been 2 days since release now (I'm asking you because you're an op).10:28
wols_jan271: no you should not. but without one, nvidia drivers can't work. and they create one on their own10:28
islandmonkeynoobAndy: Stop that10:28
noobAndyislandmonkey: OK NO MORE10:28
IdleOneislandmonkey: in which notice?10:28
Lafiircard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC880 Analog [ALC880 Analog]10:28
Lafiir  Subdevices: 1/110:28
Lafiir  Subdevice #0: subdevice #010:28
Lafiircard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 1: ALC880 Digital [ALC880 Digital]10:28
Lafiir  Subdevices: 1/110:28
FloodBot1Lafiir: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:28
Lafiir  Subdevice #0: subdevice #010:28
faLUCEHi, I messed some /home/myuser file . Then, when I try to login with myuser, the os returns the login prompt. If I enter with anotheruser, I don't have this problem. How can I solve?10:29
noobAndyLafiir: paste bean10:29
kostkonLafiir, next time use a pastebin please10:29
aepluswols_: thanks, i had to clear the mbr and reformat the usb before using universal usb installer... (now, i have an issue about the 5GB HD check)...10:29
islandmonkeyIdleOne: You know, the one at the top of this channel10:29
jan271wols_: how do I make nvidia drivers make an xorg.conf file?10:30
Lafiirkostkon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1291745/10:30
kostkonLafiir, what's the output of fuser -v /dev/snd/* /dev/dsp*10:30
wols_jan271: when you install, it does on its own. but yes, nvidia-xconfig should do so too10:30
=== IdleOne changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | IRC info: http://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Release Notes: http://ubottu.com/y/rn | Download: http://ubottu.com/y/dl | Currently supported versions 8.04 LTS (server only), 10.04 LTS, 11.04, 11.10, 12.04 LTS and 12.10
wols_jan271: and since you have no xorg.conf, your X correctly tries to use nouveau. which nvidia chip do you have?10:30
kostkonLafiir, let's try resetting pulse once more, then we'll check your hardware volume levels with alsamixer10:30
IdleOnethanks islandmonkey10:31
islandmonkeyIdleOne: No problem10:31
Lafiirkostkon: /dev/dsp* does not exist.  and  /dev/snd/controlC0:  lafiir     8447 F.... pulseaudio10:31
kostkonLafiir, ok, try this: delete your .pulse folder, then in the terminal give:  pkill pulseaudio, and then:  pulseaudio -D10:32
jan271wols_: I tried nvidia 9400M but I am not shure, since lspci or lshw does not give me any info about the chip10:32
wols_jan271: lspci |grep VGA10:32
jan271Also, the interesting part is, noveau sort of works.. only if the nvidia driver is not installed10:32
jan271VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA corporation Device 08a0 (rev a2)10:33
Lafiirkostkon: daemon startup failed10:33
kostkonLafiir, does:  ps -A | grep pulse gives you anything?10:33
Lafiirkostkon: otherwise the problem went away for about five seconds and is now returning10:34
Lafiiryes,  8617 ?        00:00:00 pulseaudio10:34
kostkonLafiir, ok, what problem exactly and how did you know so quickly?10:35
BluesKajHowdy all10:35
Lafiirkostkon: the crackling, the flickering of the device list, the resetting of the master volume. It's not happening that fast as before, but I think it's speeding up slowly over time10:37
enqhello, just installed ubuntu 12.10, and i have a question about this new webapps, should they appear only on launchbar or near clock too?10:37
kostkonLafiir, did you close all your audio related apps, including your sound prefs, before doing the above?10:37
merifHi, i cant boot with ubuntu 12.10 grub hangs with a purple screen what can i do now?10:38
kostkonLafiir, try restarting your audio app and check again10:38
ubottumerif:: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter10:38
merifubottu, how can i set this?10:39
ubottumerif: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:39
kostkonLafiir, you mean the crackling?10:39
Lafiirkostkon: no change. I don't think pulse is the problem10:39
kostkonLafiir, right ok. we are talking about crackling, right?10:40
wols_!pm > jan27110:40
ubottujan271, please see my private message10:40
kostkonLafiir, then, do you have alsamixer already? try running it and check your volume levels. Try lowering the main one and the PCM a bit, also mute anything that you don't need and try all the switches, if there are any10:41
researcherhow to uupdate Ubuntu when behind an office firewall?10:41
enqso, any tips on how to get my gmail into letter icon near clock? i have read some articles on omgubuntu, still no luck10:41
Lafiirkostkon: will do10:42
kostkonLafiir, press F5 to see all the available volumes and then use the left and right cursors keys to scroll through them10:42
jan271wols_: sorry about the private message, I was triing to reduce flood on channel10:43
wols_jan271: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/81064710:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 810221 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu Oneiric) "duplicate for #810647 Video output stops on real root after July 12 udev changes" [High,Fix released]10:43
kostkonLafiir, some won't be visible, so keep pressing the right key to show them10:44
merifnomodeset change nothing i think it is something with the efi. How can i boot my ubuntu now?10:44
wols_jan271: I think you have a very funky nvidia chip.has this happened with previous ubuntu versions?10:44
dummyhi, does anyone know a shortcut for opening a selected link with firefox in a new tab? Thanks.10:45
dummyi googled but i found nothing10:45
jan271wols_: I have never had any problems on 12.04, or may previous gentoo installation with the propletary drivers10:45
islandmonkeydummy: Hmm, don't think so. Somebody else know10:46
islandmonkeyelse may know*10:46
jan271wols_: I will try to run nvidia-xconfig and try some of the "way-arounds" from the bug report, such as blacklisting noveau and linking libs. Is that a good idea?10:48
wols_jan271: imho yes it is, or I wouldn't have pasted the link. tho as you can see from the dates, it's for old versions of ubuntu. but can't hurt10:49
MATRIX1i have problem with install file in ubuntu 810:50
MATRIX1i try install something and i get error10:50
MATRIX1tar: Joomla_2.5.0-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory10:51
MATRIX1tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now10:51
MATRIX1tar: Child returned status 210:51
MATRIX1tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors10:51
MATRIX1someone can help please?10:51
wols_MATRIX1: there was an error before that10:51
nitro-xtar xzf Joomla_2.5.0-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz; cd Joomla_2.5.0-Stable-Full_Package10:51
wols_MATRIX1: pastebin the command you wrote and its full output into a pastebin10:51
islandmonkeyMATRIX1: Ubuntu 8.what?10:52
=== scouts is now known as dolphin
MATRIX1i try install something in folder www10:52
islandmonkeyMATRIX1: No, Ubuntu 8.04 or Ubuntu 8.10?10:52
MATRIX1Welcome to Ubuntu 8.04 LTS!10:52
MATRIX1i have this10:53
islandmonkeyAh that's fine10:53
kostkon8.04 server is still supported10:53
MATRIX1how i can fix this?10:53
islandmonkeyYes I was just checking kostkon ;)10:53
kostkonislandmonkey, yes i know :P10:53
=== qos is now known as qos|away
enqcan anyone tell me how this integration is called? http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-7WEg8N9zzQM/UGZe1OeEifI/AAAAAAAAKaM/f559WMA4k-c/s1600/webapps-messaging-menu.png10:54
kostkonenq, ubuntu web apps.10:55
nitro-xMATRIX1: cd /var/www; tar xzf /PATH/Joomla_2.5.0-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz; cd Joomla_2.5.0-Stable-Full_Package10:56
enqhmm, then why its not appiering after installing webapp?10:56
kostkonenq, the one for facebook?10:57
MATRIX1i have10:57
MATRIX1again error10:57
MATRIX1tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now10:57
nitro-xdelete that file and download it again10:58
enqdoes tar works at all?10:58
kostkonenq, logout and login back again. have you tried it?10:58
enqyes, i have restarted my pc couple times, after install webapp10:59
enqi have gmail, and g+ so far10:59
enqwill try again, bbl10:59
MATRIX1no work11:03
jan271wols_: when I link another libglx.so: should I create a hard or symbolic link11:03
MATRIX1i want ask something11:03
MATRIX1if i download11:03
MATRIX1and i want to move file to folder www11:03
MATRIX1how i did this from terminal?11:04
enqok, g+ is know on my letter icon near clock, but still no gmail11:04
MATRIX1because i try take folder and move to www and i cant11:04
enqMATRIX1, use mv11:04
enqmv what_to_move where_to_move11:05
enqif its folders use -r11:05
enqmv -r /home/Downloads/some_stuffs /var/www/awesome_page11:05
MATRIX1if i have Joomla_2.5.0-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz and i want to move what i write for this?11:05
wols_jan271: symbolic11:06
wols_jan271: and whatever you do, make notes so you can reverse it11:06
enqmv -r /home/Downloads/Joomla_2.5.0-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz /var/www/jooma_2.511:06
enqohh, -r isnt needed, sorry11:06
noobAndyMATRIX1: man mv11:07
noobAndyMATRIX1: one more reason may be u do'nt have permissions to write in /var/www11:08
vivid!info nvidia-current11:08
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.43-0ubuntu4 (quantal), package size 37202 kB, installed size 105660 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)11:08
MATRIX1i try11:08
MATRIX1this no work11:08
MATRIX1from terminal11:08
vivid!info nvidia-experimental-31011:08
ubottuPackage nvidia-experimental-310 does not exist in quantal11:08
MATRIX1please you can give to me to code11:08
MATRIX1i dont know why this no move to folder www11:08
noobAndyMATRIX1: any specific error messages ??11:09
mhart_Hi all, dnsmasq as run by NetworkManager in Quantal appears to be listening on instead of but resolv.conf as generated by resolvconf (also tied in with nm) sets the server to, is this a known issue?11:09
vivideta on 304.60 or 310.14 to quantal-proposed?11:09
MATRIX1sudo mv /home/Downloads/Joomla_2.5.0-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz /var/www/Joomla_2.5.0-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz11:09
MATRIX1mv: cannot stat `/home/Downloads/Joomla_2.5.0-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz': No such file or directory11:09
enqMATRIX1, do you even know where is that file?11:09
auronandaceMATRIX1: /home/username/Do...11:10
jan271ok. wols_ i have tried every possible solution from the bug report. Is there anithyng else I can try? I need this computer to finish two c++ projects for school, so I am willing to try anithyng.. would reinstalling Ubuntu or installing some alternative drivers from orther repo help?11:10
enqthen i don't get it, what's wrong11:10
noobAndyMATRIX1: in home/Downloads do ls | grep joomla11:10
auronandaceenq: his path is wrong, he forgot username before downloads11:11
enqi have some issues with graphic drivers too, i use xorg now, but screen brightness arent working11:11
wols_mhart_: grep -r /* "" :)11:11
MATRIX1no work11:11
enqyah, my bad, dono where his files is11:11
MATRIX1root@asher-desktop:/var/www# mv /home/asher-desktop/Joomla_2.5.0-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz /var/www/Joomla_2.5.0-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz11:11
MATRIX1mv: cannot stat `/home/asher-desktop/Joomla_2.5.0-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz': No such file or directory11:11
MATRIX1if i copy the file and i want to past in folder www i cant11:12
MATRIX1this give to me error11:12
wols_jan271: I don't know, sorry11:12
wols_jan271: does nouveau alone work?11:12
noobAndyMATRIX1:mv src trgt that's it11:12
researcherhow to convert pdf to excel?11:12
Danny6167MATRIX1, ls /home/asher-desktop/ and see if the Joomla_2.5.0-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz is listed in there11:12
mhart_wols_: I know the use of is intentional (to avoid binding a name server to an address that other services listen on) but I wonder why this isn't a problem for other people? Is in your /etc/hosts for example?11:12
cfhowlettresearcher: can't convert.  You MIGHT be able to copy the contents and paste to a spreadsheet.11:13
wols_mhart_: it has to be when it's used. mine doesn't use it so it's not11:13
jan271wols_: it boots, but it freezes at random to the point i have to reboot computer, i cant watch video, it flickers ...11:14
noobAndyMATRIX1: use Gui then just copy and paste11:14
researchercfhowlett: ok11:14
MATRIX1now is ok11:14
mhart_wols_: you explicitly disabled dnsmasq?11:14
jan271also:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_36yNWw_07g11:14
MATRIX1but i dont understand why i cant copy file and past in www11:14
wols_mhart_: I run debian :P and my dnsmasq actually does what it's supposed to do: giving DNS to my network11:14
mhart_wols_: hah, fair enough. Mine used to until I upgraded to quantal.11:15
wols_MATRIX1: ls /home/asher-desktop/Joo*11:15
noobAndyMATRIX1: sudo chown /var/www11:15
auronandaceMATRIX1: if you don't have permissions to write there then it won't let you11:15
noobAndyMATRIX1:  coz like i said before u don't have the write permissions11:15
wols_mhart_: btw, actually exists and is pingable. not real need to put it into /etc/hosts11:15
wols_noobAndy: then he would get another error message. like "permission denied"11:16
mhart_wols_: yes, I get that, I'm just surprised that resolv.conf doesn't get updated to use instead of and now trying to work out why.11:17
MATRIX1no work11:17
MATRIX1asher@asher-desktop:~$ sudo chown /var/www11:17
MATRIX1[sudo] password for asher:11:17
MATRIX1chown: missing operand after `/var/www'11:17
MATRIX1Try `chown --help' for more information.11:17
FloodBot1MATRIX1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:17
MATRIX1this my problem11:18
wols_MATRIX1: no. that's your next problem. current problem is, your mv command doesn't find the source file11:18
mhart_wols_: if I use nslookup and set server explicitly to then I can resolve things, so dnsmasq works, but libc isn't being informed to use it :/11:19
MATRIX1ok but how i can make if i copy file and i past11:19
obtrusivemouseanyone use pytyle?11:19
wols_MATRIX1: I told you to run a command. do it. or alternatively: find the exact place of your Joomla archive11:20
noobAndyMATRIX1: sudo chown -u ur_user_name /var/www11:21
Lewis_Hello, could someone give me a hand with an issue I'm having in 12.04 with an SD card ? The card only shows up under /dev/sdb and frontends like gParted and Disk Util/fdisk seem to just load indefinitely when I try to do anything with /dev/sdb11:22
Lewis_(The card failed to write an image)11:22
Lewis_Also tried using dd to zero the drive, which seemed to do nothing11:22
jan271nomodest kernel mode does not work. I will try to install some orther or alternative drivers. there must be a reason why this doesn't work11:23
noobAndyLewis_: so it's in /dev/ and gparted but not shown in the ui??11:23
Lewis_it doesn't show up in gParted (it won't load any disks)11:24
HRH_H_Crabhi, ive done an upgrade (do-release-upgrade) to quetzal and im stuck on 5 red dots. i can hear the lightdm greeter chimes but it looks like there is some horrible problem with xorg or flgrx. Xorg.0.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1291873/11:24
noobAndyLewis_: ls /dev/ | grep sdb  is there any thing ??11:24
wols_jan271: is this a laptop?11:24
jan271wols_: a white unibody macbook11:25
philinuxEvolution does not show Birthdays after upgrade to 12.10 - anyone seeing this.11:28
User14585654Hello. How do I run game if doubleclick on executable file doesn't works?11:28
HRH_H_Crabphilinux: i would be happy if i could see any gui app at all.11:28
User14585654Ok, let me try.11:29
blackshirthrh_h_crab, use windows instead11:29
Lewis_noobAndy: Any ideas on what to try? I'm thinking it's corrupted11:29
User14585654bash: ./mist: cannot execute binary file11:29
noobAndyUser14585654: Wine is the onw you can use to run windows games  try  palyonlinux11:29
User14585654noob, andy ist's roguelike for linux11:30
noobAndyLewis_: is there any entry for that sd card in /dev directory11:30
HRH_H_Crabblackshirt: thats usually not particularly tempting but today it kind of is.11:30
Lewis_noobAndy: the only entry seems to be /dev/sdb11:30
lixwhat is the OT-channel?11:31
User14585654Any more help? :)11:31
k1l_!ot | lix11:31
ubottulix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:31
Lewis_noobAndy: fdisk -l /dev/sdb gives me 'Cannot open /dev/sdb'11:31
noobAndyLewis_: try zeroing out it11:31
Lewis_noobAndy: using /dev/zero ? Already tried it :(11:32
noobAndyLewis_: then it's time for happy upgardes ...11:33
Lewis_noobAndy: It's a new sd card! only a few hours old11:33
noobAndyLewis_: *upgrade11:33
philinuxHRH_H_Crab: was this a clean install or upgrade11:35
HRH_H_Crabphilinux: upgrade11:36
philinuxsame here.11:36
HRH_H_Crabwell yours is obviously a lot less hosed than mine.11:36
philinuxHRH_H_Crab: what do u get at login11:37
dalton2345hello everyone, dont know if i should ask here, but how can i make terminal go back in text11:37
HRH_H_Crabthe word ubuntu and five red dots.11:37
HRH_H_Crabi dont actually have any way to log in except ssh / virtual consoles11:37
dalton2345I can't scroll up11:37
HRH_H_Crabno X whatsoever.11:37
philinuxHRH_H_Crab: so it never gets to the login screen11:37
HRH_H_Crabhilariously lightdm thinks it has11:38
kostkonHRH_H_Crab, i don't see any errors in your xorg.0.log11:38
philinuxHRH_H_Crab: what about recovery mode11:38
HRH_H_Crabkostkon: i know.11:38
jribdalton2345: try page_up or just shift-page_up11:38
HRH_H_Crabphilinux: i have to be honest, im not entirely sure how to enable that.11:38
* HRH_H_Crab googles11:38
erkan^have google drive a apps for ubuntu?11:38
erkan^or linux?11:38
philinuxHRH_H_Crab: at grub choose the option under ubuntu - advnaced options11:39
HRH_H_Crabphilinux: i dont see grub.11:39
philinuxHRH_H_Crab: is this nvidia or other11:39
dalton2345jrib: Thank you, page up, big thx i couldn't find a way on the net11:39
Ripper003Install 12.10 onto a Mac mini 2011?11:39
ThothCastelwhy can't I see my other computer over the network on my ubuntu?11:39
philinuxHRH_H_Crab: press the shift key at boot up11:39
HRH_H_Crabradeon 7500HD11:39
dalton2345this is awesome11:39
HRH_H_Crabwhich could be the problem11:39
auronandace!mac | Ripper00311:39
ubottuRipper003: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages11:39
ThothCastelmy win7 has network discovery on and file sharing too11:39
HRH_H_Crabas there seems to be some sort of issue with X and flgrx in quetzal for more recent cards.11:40
HRH_H_Crabbut its hard to tell from the scattered posts ive read if that is my issue.11:40
philinuxHRH_H_Crab: if you have a driver installed it would be best to unistall it from recovery I'm guessing11:40
ThothCastelwhen I go to 'Browse Network' on the ubuntu, I don't see the win7 machine11:40
ThothCastelwhy not?11:40
philinuxGo with the default driver11:41
Ripper003auronandace: Only problem I can see is that I want to replace OS X with Ubuntu and won't have internet to install the wifi drivers11:42
gimpettehaving issues with dkms-zfs package. when i apt-get install it, i get error message 'error! bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.5.0-17 generic (i686)'... im running Ubuntu 12.10 Desktop 32b..... can someone else try and apt-get install this package and tell me if you get the same error please. thank you11:42
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magic_alhi, i try to install sublime text editor. i want to create a .desktop file in usr/shared/applications. but when i try to save the file there is a meassage, that that wouln't be possible.11:42
bekksgimpette: Thats no official package, isnt it?11:43
gimpettebekks its not official thats right11:43
kostkonmagic_al, webupd8 offers a nice ppa (actually, i think 2) only for sublime. Are you interested?11:43
User14585654So... can someone help me with that "bash: ./mist: cannot execute binary file" when I'm trying to run linux game?11:43
bekksgimpette: Then its not supported in here :) zfs support in linux is highly experimental, so I guess you have to ask the author of that package.11:43
gimpettebekks np. cheers man11:44
bekksUser14585654: The file you are trying to run is not an executable, but a binary.11:44
magic_alkostkon: whar means ppa?11:44
User14585654ok, how do I run it?11:44
kostkon!ppa | magic_al11:44
ubottumagic_al: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge11:44
bekksUser14585654: How do we know? We dont even know which game, which Ubuntu, how you installed it, what you are doing?11:45
lakshGuys, I have an issue with my new 12.10..11:45
magic_alkostkon: so that would acutally work like the intallation from the ubuntu software-center?11:45
magic_alkostkon: in that case: yes i am interested11:45
kostkonmagic_al, yes, and you'll get updates for it11:45
bekks!ask | laksh11:45
ubottulaksh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:45
magic_alkostkon: where can i cat it?11:46
kostkonmagic_al, give me a minute11:46
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magic_alkostkon: of course sorry11:46
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lakshmy mouse pointer seems to become unresponsive to clicks certain times.. i can move it, but can't click or drag anything. a workaround which works for me is to switch to tty1 and then back again to get the mouse working back11:46
User14585654Ok, ubuntu 12.10, game is Halls of Mist 1.3.1 (http://angband.oook.cz/forum/showthread.php?p=73920#post73920), no installation required.11:47
kostkonmagic_al, here are the instructions: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/03/sublime-text-2-ppa-separate-development.html11:47
Ripper003auronandace: If I remove the OS X partition and replace with Ubuntu it will boot won't it?11:47
lakshfor some reason i had to reinstall 12.10.. but then again the problem persists11:47
User1458565464-bit Linux executable (runs fine on Debian and Ubuntu)11:48
magic_alkostkon: thanks a lot11:49
bekksUser14585654: So whats the exact command you are running?11:49
kostkonmagic_al, if you need any help, just ask11:49
auronandaceRipper003: i've never used a mac11:49
bekksUser14585654: Then provide the output of ls -lha . and file ./mist please - in a pastebin.11:49
bekks!pastebin | User1458565411:49
ubottuUser14585654: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:49
rikietjeHi, I have an issue i updated to Ubuntu 12.10 and after loggin in i get a desktop without the menu bar. I'm equipped with a intel HD graphics onboard and a Nvidia graphics card. Is this a common problem?11:50
Ripper003auronandace: Oh well, I'll see what Google gives me11:50
lakshany clues anyone?11:50
dalton2345Ripper003: why not keep them both11:50
Ripper003dalton2345: Because I don't like using rEFIt all the time and Ubuntu is free and fast11:50
ThothCastelis samba necessary in order to view files from a wind7 machine using a ubuntu machine?11:51
bekksThothCastel: Yes.11:51
wols_ThothCastel: smbfs is11:51
rikietjeHi, I have an issue i updated to Ubuntu 12.10 and after loggin in i get a desktop without the menu bar. I'm equipped with a intel HD graphics onboard and a Nvidia graphics card. Is this a common problem?11:51
bekks!patience | rikietje11:51
ubotturikietje: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:51
wols_samba is if you want to use files from a windows machine which are residing on ubuntu11:51
rikietjePardon me11:52
rikietjeHow do i reboot in classic gnome?11:52
ThothCastelbekks: wols_ : ok.... interesting because I don't know how but yesterday, I browsed through the network fdrom a ubuntu machine and accessed my files located in a win7 machine...   I never installed samba for that...   and today, after a fresh install of ubuntu, I couldn't browse anymore11:53
magic_alkostkon: workd out like a charm, thanks a lot. do you know anything about how to install plugins for sublime?11:53
kostkonmagic_al, unfortunately, no :(11:54
bekks!samba | ThothCastel11:54
ubottuThothCastel: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.11:54
User14585654bekks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1291929/11:54
magic_alkostkon: i ll figure that out. thanks anyway :O11:54
wols_ThothCastel: the package you need for this is smbfs, not samba11:54
ThothCastelbekks: thank you :)11:54
kostkonmagic_al, no prob11:54
noobAndy!info magic_al11:55
ubottuPackage magic_al does not exist in quantal11:55
ThothCastelwols_: I see...  thank you...   I probably had it before then   :)11:55
bekksUser14585654: And whats the output of: lsb_release -sc; uname -a; file ./mist11:55
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.11:55
noobAndy!info lsb_release11:56
ubottuPackage lsb_release does not exist in quantal11:56
noobAndy!info ipvs11:56
ubottuPackage ipvs does not exist in quantal11:56
noobAndy!info ipvsadm11:56
ubottuipvsadm (source: ipvsadm): Linux Virtual Server support programs. In component main, is extra. Version 1:1.26-1ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 38 kB, installed size 125 kB11:56
auronandace!msgthebot | noobAndy11:56
ubottunoobAndy: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".11:56
moteHI. -How do i find the Package name that contains the usb card reader driver rts513911:56
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
inop2603Ubuntu 12.04 SMART: unedintified sectors +44000 OO11:58
lakshI need to make sure it's a bug before i can report it on launchpad11:59
rikietjeHi, I have an issue i updated to Ubuntu 12.10 and after loggin in i get a desktop without the menu bar. I'm equipped with a intel HD graphics onboard and a Nvidia graphics card. Is this a common problem?11:59
=== themhz_away is now known as themhz
moteHI. -How do i find the Package name that contains the usb card reader driver rts513912:00
User14585654bekks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1291931/12:01
bekksUser14585654: You have a 32bit Operating System and trying to run a 64bit binary. Thats not possible.12:01
lakshguys, i have a problem with my 12.10. My pointer becomes unresponsive to clicks at times.Although I can move it, I can't click anything. A workaround I tried which worked was to switch to a tty window and come back to my graphical window. For some reason I had to reinstall 12.10; but the problem persists12:02
User14585654bekks, thanks...12:03
inop2603In ubuntu 12.10 you can turn off the lens purchases? Sorry, i using google translate = )12:04
IdleOneinop2603: sudo apt-get remove unity-lens-shopping12:05
k1l_ inop2603 there is an option in the systemsettings to turn the lenses off, too12:05
rikietjeHi, I have an issue i updated to Ubuntu 12.10 and after loggin in i get a desktop without the menu bar. I'm equipped with a intel HD graphics onboard and a Nvidia graphics card. Is this a common problem?12:05
inop2603In real life I have not even installed ubuntu 12.10, as the Internet 500mbit / s))))))12:06
inop2603precisely 51212:07
awaadHow can I install KDE terminal on Ubuntu 12.04 (gnome)12:07
orzenawaad: you mean konsole ?12:08
psypher246hello all! is there anyone here who has gotten the new lightdm "remote desktops" feature to actually work and remote into a rdp server? I am very confused as it keeps setting the remote URL to http://, this isn;t http is rdp and I constantly get invalid password once I have added the server12:08
inop2603IdleOne: SMART Unedintified sectors +44000 OO12:08
IdleOneinop2603: I don't know what that is12:09
awaadorzen: I mean the application which replaces gnome-terminal in KDE12:09
yeatsawaad: it's konsole12:10
blackshirtkde terminal12:10
=== RJvcc_ is now known as RJvcc
Ripper003dalton2345: do you think using the specific Mac image to install will help? http://mirror.iawnet.sandia.gov/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/ubuntu/12.04/release/12:12
dalton2345Ripper003: Never had a mac, sorry :(12:13
Ripper003dalton2345: No worries :) I really regret getting it now though12:13
=== honey is now known as Guest85282
LSD-25does anyone in here have any idea as to why i can not broadcast on tinychat through firefox on ubuntu12:14
LSD-25i can go into a tinychat room and type, when i need to cam up; doesnt even get passed the 'allow/deny' stage of configuration with adobe12:14
dalton2345Ripper003: you should go to the mac forum and find a way to keep them both happily :)12:15
Ripper003dalton2345: I don't want to keep them both though I wanna get rid of OS X12:15
krofnaI got horrible boot times on my intel i5 2500k @3.3GHz. dmesg: http://pastebin.com/cWZJ2ajs Help?12:15
dalton2345Ripper003: what kind of mac is it?12:16
Ripper003dalton2345: Mac mini 5,1 or 2011 model12:16
honey32 i have imageRUNNER 2318 photocopy and printer i am using ubuntu 10.10 i could not find its driver is any one who can help me?12:16
dalton2345Ripper003: fairly new, i see12:17
SnapSnapRipper003, You want to install Ubuntu over OSX?12:17
Ripper003SnapSnap: Eeyup12:17
ENQguys, idk why but i installed eset nod32 4 on ubuntu, and now cant boot into it, it drops error about graphic mode, and hangs12:17
ENQhow to remove some program?12:17
Ripper003ENQ: Why did you install ESET NOD32?12:17
criziswtf is it12:18
SnapSnapRipper003, What OS do you have now?12:18
Ripper003SnapSnap: OS X 10.8.212:18
ENQwas curious if it works on linux i gues :D12:18
dalton2345Ripper003: wont you lose the warranty?12:18
=== Kartrohm_afk is now known as Kartrohm
honey32i have imageRUNNER 2318 photocopy and printer i am using ubuntu 10.10 i could not find its driver is any one who can help me? p12:18
Ripper003dalton2345: I've restored once already, as far as Crapple is concerned my warranty expired months ago ;)12:19
dalton2345Ripper003: hahaha crapple... sorry to hear that12:20
bhueyunty isn't starting after a 12.10 upgrade. Known problem ?12:20
SnapSnapRipper003, You could download the ISO, use UNetbootin (http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/) to create a Live USB and boot from USB. The installer will give you the option to install Ubuntu alongside OSX or overwrite it.12:20
yeatshoney32: there are other imagerunner drivers for similar model numbers... have you tried those?12:20
bhuey05:20 < bhuey> unty isn't starting after a 12.10 upgrade. Known problem ?12:20
Ripper003dalton2345: Not a problem, if Apple weren't always thinking different it wouldn't be an issue lol12:20
dalton2345SnapSnap: its what i told him...to keep them both12:20
Ripper003SnapSnap: I could but the question is if I overwrote OS X would the partition boot?12:20
psypher246hello all! is there anyone here who has gotten the new lightdm "remote desktops" feature to actually work and remote into a rdp server? I am very confused as it keeps setting the remote URL to http://, this isn;t http is rdp and I constantly get invalid password once I have added the server12:21
honey32yeats: can you tell me12:21
bhueyTry this again, *Unity* isn't starting after a 12.10 upgrade. Known problem ?12:21
alekmmdoes new ubuntu have systemd?12:21
yeatshoney32: sorry, tell you what?12:21
=== serhio234 is now known as sdx32
crizisbhuey, a lot of ppl seem to get that after upgrade.. yes12:21
yeatsbhuey: try creating a new user and see if the problem persists - there may be some config in your home directory that's conflicting with the 12.10 config12:22
SnapSnapRipper003, As I understand it, the installer would ignore the OSX partition already installed and write a new partition over it. Then it would install Ubuntu to this partition. If you keep both operating systems, you will have access to the OSX partition through Ubuntu. I did the same thing with Windows to transfer my old files to Ubuntu.12:22
honey32yeats: can you tell me those similar to imageRUNNER 2318? but i was trying  imageRUNNER 2018 but it couldn't work?12:22
alekmmhello? does new ubuntu have systemd?12:22
bhueycrizis: ok thanks12:23
bhueyyeats: tried the guest account same thing12:23
mrojas6996Hello! Do any place where speak spanish?12:23
yeatshoney32: I don't know specifically - it's just trial and error12:23
DJones!es | mrojas699612:23
ubottumrojas6996: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:23
alekmmmrojas6996: spain and most of  latin america12:23
rikietjeHi, I have an issue i updated to Ubuntu 12.10 and after loggin in i get a desktop without the menu bar. I'm equipped with a intel HD graphics onboard and a Nvidia graphics card. Is this a common problem?12:23
lakshguys, i have a problem with my 12.10. My pointer becomes unresponsive to clicks at times.Although I can move it, I can't click anything. A workaround I tried which worked was to switch to a tty window and come back to my graphical  window. For some reason I had to reinstall 12.10; but the problem persists12:24
=== jakub_ is now known as jakub_r
=== whoever is now known as Guest73572
dalton2345Ripper003: i'm curious about why you dont like it anymore12:27
Ripper003SnapSnap: Accessing the OS X partition isn't a problem I just want rid of it12:27
mrojas6996Sorry, nobody in ubuntu-es12:27
auronandaceRipper003: why do you have a mac if you didn't want mac osx12:28
Ripper003Dalton2345: I don't like it because I'm fed up with Apple being anti-everyone so I'm attempting to take a stand12:28
Ripper003auronandace: I did for a while but now things have changed12:29
dalton2345i searched on google about mac/ubuntu dual boot, its like windows/ubuntu...create a partition and install it on it12:29
Ripper003Dalton2345: I don't want to dual-boot12:29
crizisRipper003, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages12:30
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dalton2345Ripper003: just give me the mini mac :p hahaha12:30
Ripper003crizis: I've looked there but it doesn't say anything about overwriting OS X completely nor if I did overwrite whether it'd boot OK12:31
crizisRipper003, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation#Single-Boot:_Ubuntu_Only12:31
crizisRipper003, you should still keep it, as it's the only way to install firmware updates and such12:31
crizisi used to run ubuntu on couple macbook pro models but.. kinda just gave up with it and bought thinkpad to replace those hipster machines :P12:32
Ripper003crizis: Stable enough as it is atm so I haven't got a lot of need for OS X and yeah I know to buy System76 in the future12:32
mrojas6996my problem is: I use Lubuntu with LXDE, and to test, I installed KDE, and now, I want to uninstall KDE, but the GTK theme that KDE has placed, is HORRIBLE, with LXApperance is impossible to change, any idea how to fix it?12:33
crizisRipper003, just get certified thinkpad model ;) most importantly, they can handle this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCwwDacNk1U :P12:33
Ripper003crizis: I can't afford a new computer atm and the Mac I just got really, I tend not to replace within 3 years12:34
mah454ubuntu 12.10 have not alternative installer ?12:34
crizismah454, nope12:34
auronandace!alternative | mah45412:34
ubottumah454: The alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD12:34
mah454crizis: I want to download this ISO : "http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-active/releases/12.10/release/kubuntu-active-12.10-desktop-i386.iso"12:34
dalton2345crizis: i have a thinkpad ;)12:34
mah454this image support LVM ?12:34
UllenI cannot install g++ on 12.1012:35
auronandacemah454: yes it should do12:35
Ullenhelp needed12:35
mah454thank you :)12:35
Ripper003crizis: I'm guessing tha the Ubuntu-only install you relate to will most definitely boot?12:35
crizisUllen, install 'build-essential' package12:35
Ulleni did12:35
Ullendin't work12:35
crizisRipper003, i don't know, haven't had macs since first-gen unibody mbp12:35
crizisthat one was royal pain to setup, oldschool mbp without unibody worked out of box, though12:35
Ripper003I've found a newer one https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntupreciseon2011imac#INTRODUCTION12:36
UllenReading package lists... Done12:36
UllenBuilding dependency tree12:36
UllenReading state information... Done12:36
UllenSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have12:36
Ullenrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable12:36
FloodBot1Ullen: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:36
Ullendistribution that some required packages have not yet been created12:36
Ripper003crizis: I think if I install rEFInd I may be able to wipe OS X and still boot to OS X?12:39
Ullenany one help me to install g++ on 12.1012:39
Stanley00Ullen: try running "sudo apt-get update" first12:41
crizisRipper003, uhm, you can't boot something you wipe :D12:43
aravind_hi, just now updated to 12.1012:44
Ripper003crizis: Sorry, meant boot to Ubuntu12:44
aravind_but the dash does not slide when i move the mouse to the left side of the screen12:44
Stanley00aravind_: how about the Top Corner?12:46
aravind_Stanley00, no, top corner also not working12:46
crizisRipper003, not quite sure, refit does reside on os x / root partition..12:46
Ripper003crizis: that it does...oh well...screw it I give up12:46
Stanley00aravind_: hmm, you mean the launcher, right? does the top panel show up?12:47
Stanley00aravind_: and does super work?12:47
Stanley00*super key*12:47
aravind_Stanley00, super?12:48
zak_how to change the mount point of a hard disk from /media to /Videos  ?12:48
aravind_Stanley00, yes12:48
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dysocoAnyone having problems to install the Grooveshark Web App in 12.10 ? I can install the Reddit, OMGUbuntu and Youtube one, but I don't see anything when I go to Grooveshark: However I can install "unity-webapps-grooveshark" via apt-get but nothing changes12:48
Stanley00aravind_: try move your mouse fast and hard to the left. May be it needs some pushing12:49
aravind_Stanley00, no its not working12:49
gabkdllyzak_, this used to be done by editing your fstab file, and I think that should still work12:50
=== Fike_ is now known as Fike
gabkdllyzak_, alternately, you could let Ubuntu mount it where it already does, and make ~/Videos into a symbolic link12:51
Stanley00aravind_: that's strange, you're using the default unity, right? I mean you don't use a customized unity?12:52
aravind_Stanley00, yes12:52
Stanley00aravind_: may be you should try reset unity via dconf, don't use the "unity --reset"12:53
aravind_Stanley00, ok, i'm in dconf now, plz guide to reset unity12:54
Stanley00aravind_: run this in Terminal, and then restart, hope this works "dconf reset -f /org/compiz/"12:55
aravind_Stanley00, the edge-responsiveness value is 8.0. should i lower it12:56
PasqualePi was trying to install ubuntu on my laptop but the wireless won't work, i followed the instructions of the troubleshooter but without success12:57
Stanley00aravind_: I don't know, I adjust that via Appearance12:57
AleksanderHello! Why is Ubunty 12.10 Desktop i386 iso 100 kb too big for CD? o.O12:58
crizisAleksander, you'll need either USB stick or DVD for it12:58
aravind_Stanley00, i tried the command which you have suggested but it doesnt work12:58
Stanley00aravind_: did you reboot Ubuntu?12:59
Aleksandercrizis, I see, but why under 800 mb then?12:59
aravind_Stanley00, no12:59
Aleksanderwhy not add some media exaples, Big Buck Bunny movie or something?12:59
crizisAleksander, political limits12:59
Stanley00aravind_: I think it need restart to take effect12:59
crizis(c) mark shuttleworth12:59
Aleksandercrizis, can I ask you for links to discussion, where it's explained?13:00
icerootAleksander: because we dont support cd isos anymore13:00
MATRIX1i have question13:00
MATRIX1how i remove if i write this sudo chown root /var/www in terminal?13:01
icerootAleksander: in the past we had to remove some programs from the cd so that it still fit on 700mb (gimp for example got removed, also libreoffice full)13:01
icerootAleksander: we dont want to remove something in the future so we decided to not use 700mb limit anymore13:02
icerootMATRIX1: remove what?13:02
icerootMATRIX1: you mean undo the change you did with chown?13:02
Aleksandericeroot, thank you13:02
icerootMATRIX1: /var/www belongs by default to root, so you did not change anything13:02
MATRIX1how i undo?13:03
MATRIX1this sudo chown root /var/www in terminal?13:03
PasqualePi was trying to install ubuntu on my laptop but the wireless won't work, i followed the instructions of the troubleshooter but without success.. could anyone help me? :-S13:04
brian__What kind of wireless card?13:04
icerootMATRIX1: as i said, root is already the default so you did not change anything13:04
MATRIX1if i want close options to copy and past in folder how i remove this commands?13:05
ubottucolonia25: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:05
bharathirajahi All13:05
icerootMATRIX1: your real question is "how can i put stuff as a normal user into a directory which belongs to root"13:05
bharathirajaI have a bluetooth mouse and it was working before upgrading to 12.04.. now it stopped working13:06
bharathirajacan somebody help me pls?13:06
icerootMATRIX1: gksudo nautilus13:06
icerootMATRIX1: with that file manager you can copy files in that directory13:07
bharathirajasyslog has this error when I try to setup my mouse "bluetoothd[21278]: 00:1F:20:03:4E:21: error updating services: Protocol error (71)"13:07
perowhen I start typing in the unity desktop, the characters appear in a bottom right small window, but they seem to do nothing... what is this for?13:08
dArKd3ViLnot able to install awn on 12.10, any ideas?13:08
blacksheep__hi guys, I heard a lot about webapps support for ubuntu ... but how does that work? I cannot for the life of me discover how to, for instance, add the gmail icon ...13:08
dArKd3ViLthe software center throws an error: ""There isn’t a software package called avant-window-navigator in your current software sources.""13:08
blacksheep__(I have 12.10 of course :))13:08
MATRIX1i have ubuntu 8.0.4 and i want close otions if someone try copy file and past in folder www13:10
dArKd3ViLit shows avant-window-navigator in the search result, but no install button, only 'show info' and when i click on it, i get the mentioned error13:10
brian__Open firefix13:10
brian__and go to omg.ubuntu.co.uk13:10
brian__you will see a popup in firefox to ask you to add it to the launcher.13:10
dArKd3ViLchecked all the source, tried adding ppa and installing; didn't help13:10
brian__Twitter, Gmail, Facebook13:10
brian__and others work13:10
MATRIX1i i try write13:11
MATRIX1sudo chown -K /var/www13:11
auronandace!permissions | MATRIX113:11
ubottuMATRIX1: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions13:11
dArKd3ViLsince we are talking of web apps, i'd like to ask how do i remove omgubuntu webapp?13:12
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dArKd3ViLi dragged it to trash, but when i open omgubuntu site, the app icon re-appears back on the launcher13:12
blacksheep__brian__: no, it doesn't work. I think the problem could be that I didn't have firefox installed during the upgrade13:15
blacksheep__brian__: should a window show up, or what exactly?13:15
dArKd3ViLsigh :(13:19
blacksheep__dArKd3ViL: tell me, how did you install the icon in the 1st place .. I can't seem to be able to install webapps13:19
dArKd3ViLblacksheep__ you need firefox installed13:20
wastrelguise unity crashed on me13:20
dArKd3ViLblacksheep__:after that, go to preferences>general tab13:21
dArKd3ViLblacksheep__: make sure the "Prompt integration option for any website" is checked13:22
aharoniHallo. I just upgraded from 12.04 to 12.10. After I login, I see the background, and I can move the mouse and right-click, but there's no panel and no menus.13:22
dArKd3ViLblacksheep__: then just visit gmail/facebook.. and a lil notification popup will appear asking whether you want to install the particular web app for the site, hit install if you want to13:23
aharoniAnd while I was upgrading, I experienced this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/106855513:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1068555 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Quantal upgrade says "no package named `libjbig0' is installed, cannot configure"" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:23
blacksheep__dArKd3ViL: there is no such option in the preferences window ... I think the fact I didn't have firefox installed during the upgrade was the issue ... should I maybe try re-installing some packages ?13:24
Halexander9000Greetings gentlehumans! Could someone please help me with a problem? The thing is, I just installed ubuntu on a mobile hard-drive off of a month and a half old DVD of Ubuntu. It updated it's software and then asked me to reboot in order to complete the task. After, I was met with a new icon on my dash called Install RELEASE. After going through the wizard ( which looked, strangely enough, just like the wizard I used to install13:26
dArKd3ViLblacksheep__: if you have firefox installed and not getting the option; then do 2 things:13:26
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blacksheep__dArKd3ViL: I think I will try removing and installing this "ubofox" integration package ... it doesn't say anything about webapps integration, but it might just work13:27
dArKd3ViLblacksheep__:1. check whether your firefox is the latest version.. 16.0.113:27
Halexander9000Can someone here please help me? Pretty please?13:27
blacksheep__dArKd3ViL: the odd thing is that I did have Chromium installed, and it says Chromium supports ubuntu webapps, so it should have worked there ...13:27
dArKd3ViLblacksheep__:2.  sudo apt-get install unity-webapps-service13:28
blacksheep__dArKd3ViL: yes, it is 16.0.113:28
blacksheep__dArKd3ViL: from help->about13:28
dArKd3ViLblacksheep__: yes, chromium works too; just step 213:28
Halexander9000Hello? Does anyone see me?13:28
MonkeyDustHalexander9000  it works, you're in13:29
cfhowlettHalexander9000: yes13:29
Halexander9000Oh good. So, what do?13:29
gp5st_hello. i'm having an issue with X starting. The rest of the laptop, a d630, seems to work fine. http://gp5st.com/Xorg.0.log is the log. Any help will be much appriciated13:29
blacksheep__dArKd3ViL: it says the package is already installed ... Argh, I really wanted to try the webapps thing :X13:29
Halexander9000It's stuck while displaying this on the final step of the install process "Unable to load pageProblem occurred while loading the URL file:///usr/share/ubiquity-slideshow/slides/index.htmlError opening file: No such file or directory"13:30
blacksheep__should i remove & install again?13:30
Halexander9000Should I force kill the process?13:30
Halexander9000Will it have any serious consequences if I do?13:31
zykotick9gp5st_: to get a bigger audience, i'd suggest using a pastebin vs your xorg.log download.  see "/msg ubottu paste" in your irc client for details.13:31
Halexander9000Should I wait instead?13:31
gp5st_X has previously worked. I'm not sure that I've done or changed anything beyond standard updates (I am up-to-date according to apt). The video card is is a NVIDIA G86M Quadro13:31
gp5st_zykotick9: i'm on irssi. i don't have a webbrowser13:31
Halexander9000Because this is taking way much more than installing ubuntu in the first place.13:31
Halexander9000I mean, come on, it's just an upgrade.13:31
dArKd3ViLblacksheep__: then, a workaround is, if you want it really bad, goto software-center and search with a query, "unity-webapps" and you shall get all the webapps list you can download13:31
zykotick9gp5st_: since when is irssi a web browser?  I thought that was an irc client (it's the one i use).13:31
MonkeyDustgp5st_  in irssi, right click on a link, open13:31
Halexander9000And someone else needs the computer right now. As in, I have to reboot in windows.13:31
Halexander9000Help please?13:32
gp5st_zykotick9: it's not. I'm at the command line. I'm not sure how I would put the file in pastebin or into irssi13:32
zykotick9!pastebinit | gp5st_13:32
ubottugp5st_: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com13:32
Halexander9000It's stuck while "Detecting file systems..."13:33
gp5st_well then give me a second13:33
Halexander9000And the Sistem Manager says the process is sleeping right now. Should I kill it? Anyone? Please?13:34
Halexander9000System Monitor*13:34
gp5st_the X log is now at http://paste.ubuntu.com/1292166/13:34
Halexander9000MonkeyDust and cfhowlett , can you guys please help me?13:35
gp5st_zykotick9: sorry. I wasn't aware of the command. thank you. I'll find it useful in the future, as i'd always thought it would be useful to have:)13:35
zykotick9gp5st_: it appears nvidia-propritary is failing, then nouveau is failing as well...13:36
MonkeyDustHalexander9000  what was your issue?13:36
Halexander9000(03:26:23 PM) Halexander9000: Greetings gentlehumans! Could someone please help me with a problem? The thing is, I just installed ubuntu on a mobile hard-drive off of a month and a half old DVD of Ubuntu. It updated it's software and then asked me to reboot in order to complete the task. After, I was met with a new icon on my dash called Install RELEASE. After going through the wizard ( which looked, strangely enough, just lik13:36
zykotick9gp5st_: did you install a drive you downloaded from nvidia.com?13:36
gp5st_zykotick9: but why would it fail all of a sudden? this worked on Thursday.13:36
Halexander9000I'm being pressed to reboot into windows. Should I?13:36
FlynsarmyI'm on 12.04 and doing a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade returns 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.. how do I update?13:37
gp5st_zykotick9: no, I used what ubuntu provided in propritary drivers iirc13:37
Halexander9000There's an actual person here who needs the computer to do something else.13:37
zykotick9gp5st_: that's good!  BUT "Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)" suggests nvidia driver is NOT installed.13:37
MonkeyDustHalexander9000  can't help, never seen what you describe and i don't like/use unity anyhow13:37
mdpaiHi guys. I got this error when booting 12.10 the first time after installing. Error: file '/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found13:37
mdpaiI installed AMD64 version13:38
gp5st_zykotick9: I literally had X on here up until Thursday:(13:38
ubunturosFlynsarmy: you probably do not have any updates available13:38
Halexander9000MonkeyDust:  Well whoop-dee-doo. Force reboot it is. Wish me luck.13:38
gp5st_so, I should try to install them again from apt?13:38
zykotick9gp5st_: well, it doesn't appear to be correctly installed now?13:38
zykotick9gp5st_: i'd think that would be a good first step for sure13:39
theadminIs there any tool like pkgdu in Ubuntu, i.e. to find out files from what packages use most disk space?13:40
mdpaiHow to repair this kind of grub error? Doing grub-install from a live CD, throws another error13:42
theadminmdpai: According to the error, you're on a EFI system. Install the grub-efi package on the livecd and then do grub-install again.13:43
mdpaitheadmin: Will try this13:43
mdpaitheadmin: Btw, what is this UEFI thing?13:45
theadminmdpai: "replacement for BIOS" as everybody defines it. I honestly don't know. Never had to deal with it.13:45
mdpaiIs it related with the signed bootloader?13:45
gp5st_zykotick9: zykotick9 i'm installing nvidia-current? i wonder why it stopped working/got uninstalled. thank you for your help and patience13:46
zykotick9gp5st_: best of luck - i hope it works out!13:47
mdpaitheadmin: Even with grub-efi installed. Grub-install gives error: Something about /boot/grub is not readable by GRUB on boot13:50
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gp5st_zykotick9: yup. that worked. thanks!13:50
theadminmdpai: Oh. You sure you specified --boot-directory?13:50
aharoniHallo. I upgraded from 12.04 to 12.10. After logging in I only see the desktop background, and no menus.13:51
aharoniAnd I get Compiz crash messages.13:51
aharoniAny idea how to resolve it?..13:51
mdpaitheadmin: Oh I specify nothing. I just do sudo grub-install /dev/sdb. I remember doing this before. We need to specify something else now?13:51
mdpai--boot-directory is /boot?13:52
theadminmdpai: Well you can do grub-install from a chroot and that will work this way, but generally you need to specify --boot-directory=/path/to/your/boot/directory/on/the/installed/system13:52
lotus2015Hi, I just updated to ubuntu12.10 and unfortunately I found I can't set my window theme from ubuntu tweak now. Any idea?13:52
BluesKajhow to remove a swapfile , not partition , but swapfile ...denied access to remove it as root , I need the room to upgrade to 12.10 in /13:53
ThothCastelpackage that allows file sharing between windows 7 and ubuntu sbmfs13:53
ThothCastelis it sbmfs?13:53
theadminThothCastel: "cifs" is the name of the filesystem.13:53
ThinkT510!samba | ThothCastel13:53
ubottuThothCastel: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:53
ThothCasteltheadmin: thanks ;)13:54
theadminThothCastel: Used to be smbfs13:54
theadminThothCastel: Might want that with older Ubuntus13:54
mdpaitheadmin: Ok. grub-install is good13:55
mdpaiWill try to reboot13:55
=== qos is now known as qos|away
Dougie187I'm having trouble getting the nvidia drivers to work on 12.10. When I install them through the "additional drivers" menu and then reboot everything looks like garbage and I don't have a unity interface. Then if I open nvidia-settings by ctrl+alt+t (to get a terminal) it says I don't have an nvidia driver installed.13:55
honey32i coudn't update my ubuntu it says13:57
til4kfresh install it13:58
til4kupdates are a nightmare13:58
mdpaitheadmin: Thanks! Now I have another problem :) Grub didn't proposed to boot to Ubuntu or Windows. I assume I have to add Windows entry to my grub?13:58
Rikosheima li ovdje ko iz bosne13:58
theadminmdpai: Just run "sudo update-grub", it will autodetect it. Should at least.13:58
mdpaitheadmin: Ok cool13:58
Ancooranyone else had mysql problem upgrade to ubuntu 12.10 ?13:59
til4kAncoor, gotta be more specific14:00
BluesKajhow to remove a swapfile from / , not a partition , but swapfile ...denied access to remove it as root , I need the room to upgrade to 12.10 in /  ....any ideas?14:01
jribBluesKaj: did you disable it first?14:01
Ancooralright... i did an upgrade from ubuntu 12.04 to 12.10 tonight... The "do-relese-upgrade" got stuck during mysql upgrade... However, when i stopped mysql the upgrade continued....14:01
BluesKajdisable it ...how ? jrib14:01
jribBluesKaj: how did you enable it?14:02
Dougie187Can someone help me get Nvidia drivers installed on 12.10?14:02
dustinspringmanDougie187: What's you issue?14:02
AncoorNow, i cannot connect with mysql commmand "ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)"14:02
bekksAncoor: Did you start the mysql server again?14:02
Dougie187dustinspringman: When I install them through the additional drivers menu, and then reboot nvidia-settings says I don't have any drivers installed, and the resolution is garbage and my unity interface is gone.14:03
til4kAncoor, you gotta figure out what it skipped when you stopped it and just upgrade the old packages using apt-get14:03
Ancoor"service mysql start" gives "mysqld:unrecognized service"14:03
til4kcheck your update log and http://packages.ubuntu.com/14:03
fomg-optimizeJust tried to make use of the Automation Script on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDNetboot with 12.10. Does not seem to work. 12.04 worked fine. I will try to get my head around as to why later. But dear god i really know NOTHING about scripts so it will probably take me hours to even get how it works, not to mention fixing it. Would be VERY happy if anyone skilled could fix a new up to date version.14:03
dustinspringmanDougie187: have you tried the official Nvidia drivers from the website? depending on the card, I've had some luck with them14:03
Dougie187From the nvidia website?14:04
til4ki conceded defeat on the amd radeon driver thing a long time ago with ubuntu =P14:04
til4kthe open source ones arent half bad no though14:04
fomg-optimizeI agree14:04
dustinspringmanDougie187: yes, there are some linux drivers on there that actually work..14:04
jribBluesKaj: still with me?14:04
fomg-optimizeJust slightly higher CPU usage14:04
Dougie187dustinspringman: ok cool. I'll try that out. thanks14:04
mrojas6996Hola otra vez14:05
fomg-optimizeWEll,,, lets just not talk about gaming performance on Ati/amd FOSS drivers. but desktop works fine .)14:05
til4kthe tragedy is how many new users break their os trying to just install a video driver, i think the "official" ones just made it worse14:05
jribBluesKaj: see the swapoff command and ubottu's message14:05
jrib!swap | ubottu14:05
ubottujrib: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info14:05
Ancoorwhere is the update log?14:05
ThinkT510fomg-optimize: why not use the mini.iso?14:05
til4kcommandline is the game i play14:06
ole__hello from demark14:06
ceborhi is there a way to get back the message indicator ? ubuntu 12.1014:06
theadminIs there any tool like pkgdu in Ubuntu, i.e. to find out files from what packages use most disk space?14:06
dustinspringmanDougie187: Not all of them will work, if you have an OEM system (like dell or Acer or something) the mobile drivers won't work as the cards have been "customized" for the manufacturer..14:06
fomg-optimizeLong story, closed source firmware PXE on laptop that is really... irritating. That somehow magically managed to work out of box. Locked to ownly allow boot from HDD or PXE.14:06
bekkstheadmin: Synaptic shows you.14:07
Dougie187dustinspringman: I do have a dell. :( So maybe I won't try that.14:07
dustinspringmanDougie187: Also, do you have a "optimus" card or is it just a single video card system?14:07
Dougie187dustinspringman: no. It's a NVS 4200M14:07
til4kAncoor, is reinstalling mysql out of the question14:07
til4kdont listen to me though im just intermediate at this14:07
theadminbekks: Hm... Guess that might have to do. Thanks14:07
Dougie187dustinspringman: I had it working in 12.04 perfectly using their hardware drivers thing14:08
blzHow do I connect to a samba share on the network that requires a login through nautilus?   All I see is the "mount" option14:08
dustinspringmanDougie187: I am running a dell as well, XPS L702x .. Mine works with the Nvidia-drivers installed from the synaptic manager14:08
til4kblz, you configured samba?14:08
Dougie187dustinspringman: weird. I have a 6250E.14:08
BluesKajjrib, it's not a swap partition , it's swapfile created in / because i have no more room for primary partitions14:08
blztil4k, yes14:08
blztil4k, I configured the server if that's what you're asking14:08
blzand it expects login credentials14:09
Dougie187dustinspringman: through synaptic. You mean thorough the software sources thing? Or through installing synaptic first and then installing nvidia-current and nvidia-settings?14:09
dustinspringmanDougie187: yea, mine is an optimus system so I had to use the stock driver then run bumblebee on top of it to get 3D rendering on the NVidia card instead of the intel14:09
til4kblz, have you consulted https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba14:09
til4ki dont use samba myself14:09
Dougie187dustinspringman: ah, that's interesting.14:09
blztil4k, yes I have14:10
blztil4k, yeah I'd use NFS, but there are windows clients =/14:10
Dougie187dustinspringman: I'm trying to install nvidia-current from apt-get right now. We'll see if this one works.14:10
dustinspringmanDougie187: software sources thing is just the front end of synaptic.. I use command line b/c I am used to it.. but yes, in the software manager try "nvidia-settings" run the "nvidia-config" and see what happens14:10
Dougie187dustinspringman: Yeah. Software sources was what I was using last night. But I'm trying it in apt-get now (since that's what I'm use to also. :P)14:10
dustinspringmanDougie187: Thats a good place to start... it sounds like you are getting the driver loaded but its not being saved either in the xorg.conf file or something like that and defaulting when you reboot14:11
Dougie187dustinspringman: this is the first version that I've had a hard time with the video drivers. I had been running fine since 06.0614:11
Dougie187dustinspringman: maybe. just nvidia-settings gets pissed and says it doesn't have any driver that it can use.14:11
Dougie187Another question to anyone who knows. Is there a way to get pidgin to be in the messaging menu?14:12
dustinspringmanDougie187: I had similar issues in 11.. 12.04 has been real smooth.. 12.10 had a couple missing dependencies but then all was well14:12
Dougie187dustinspringman: good to know. Do you know if 12.10 cleaned up the multi-arch some more?14:13
bekksDougie187: Then finally check wether you really use the nvidia driver. Just instaling them isnt sufficient to be sure.14:13
til4kwhy do ppl insist on upgrading, i like a nice fresh start14:13
Dougie187bekks: how do you do that?14:13
til4kits only twice a year14:13
bekksDougie187: By taking a look into the /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:14
til4kif your tweaks and GUI setup is so precious dont upgrade14:14
til4kk im about to get ubottu'ed for chatting ill shut up14:14
Dougie187bekks: Ok. I'll check that after this is done.14:14
ThothCastelI am trying to create a folder to develop a website under /var/www/14:14
ThothCastelbut it is not allowing14:14
ThothCastelwhy is that>?14:14
dustinspringmanDougie187: I use only x64 and everything seems legit.. didn't have any issues on that ffront.. though I've only loaded it to play.. i am on LTS for my production system14:14
ThothCastel'permission denied'14:14
bekksThothCastel: Because you donz have the permission to do so.14:14
young001guys,I encounter a mysql error:https://gist.github.com/392339314:15
bekksThothCastel: Do you know what permissions are in Linux?14:15
ThothCastelI tried the following to give the permission: sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www/14:15
ceborI have big problems with the Additional Drivers for my ATI/AMD, after Activation my Compiz dont work!!14:15
young001I have done on it for days14:15
young001nothing help14:15
young001pls help me.14:15
ThothCastelbekks: yes, thank you14:15
bekksThothCastel: OUCH. Now you messed it up.14:15
bekksThothCastel: Obvious you have no clue about permissions. :)14:15
ThothCastelI am trying to assign the right permissions14:15
ThothCasteltheoretically I undersntand it...  just haven't put it into practice yet14:16
til4k!ubottu chown ThothCastel14:16
ubottutil4k: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:16
bekksThothCastel: And now, you allowed _everyone_ to have FULL access to your webserver, including changing files, etc. - EVERYONE, not just you.14:16
til4k!chown ThothCastel14:16
til4khow the hell does that thing work14:16
til4k!ubottu chown14:16
ThothCastelbekks: I KNOW THAT...  I DID THAT ON PURPOSE...   It's  as development environment...  simply to learn14:17
ThothCastelhowever it just seems that it does not work14:17
fomg-optimizeIts called an extreme sport14:17
til4kThothCastel, bekks is being a lil bit of a dbag but relax yo14:17
dustinspringmanDougie187: you might also have some better luck getting support for 12.10 in ubuntu+1 channel14:17
ThothCastelI still can't create the directory14:17
LafiirIs Empathy still the default chat program in Ubuntu 12.10?14:17
fomg-optimizeYou guys just dont understand14:17
ThothCasteltil4k: thanks ;)14:17
young001guys,I encounter a mysql error:https://gist.github.com/392339314:17
ThothCastelthanks bekks :)14:18
til4k!ubottu filepermissions14:18
bazhangtil4k, stop that14:18
til4ki forget how to use that thing14:18
bazhangtil4k, and stop the name calling14:18
bazhang!msgthebot | til4k14:18
ubottutil4k: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".14:18
blzThothCastel, bekks for what it's worth, I've experienced the same thing in the past, namely with external harddrives14:18
bekksThothCastel: Then learn on how to NOT use 777 :)14:19
bekksThothCastel: Which user does not have sufficient permissions?14:19
bekksAnd why dont you just put that user into the group /var/www/ belongs to?14:19
ThothCastelblz: ok... lol..   I just want to paste a directory that contains the files of my website inside the /var/www directory...14:19
blzThothCastel, and your permissions aren't taking?14:20
blzThothCastel, that's the issue, right?14:20
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blzOr did I assume too much =)14:20
ThothCastelblz: yes14:20
furrypantswhat the heck is the keyring thing? I havent figured it out14:20
blzThothCastel, yeah I don't actually have a solution.   But I've encountered that before and it's very frustrating.  I just wanted to let you know you're not crazy14:21
cygnuskkhey all, software sources in ubuntu 12.10 crashed and won't start, how can i fix it?14:21
ThothCastelI simply want to give x user full permissions to that folder14:21
ThothCastelblz:  thanks yo! ;)14:21
ThothCastelin a ubuntu machine, doesn't the default user, when first installed, have administrator permissions?14:22
freijonhey. I'm trying to watch a DVD with my new laptop. Totem keeps telling me "The movie could not be read". I installed libdvdcss2, that used to do the job. is it possible that it doesn't work cause I have a blueray drive now?14:23
michealPWLOL omg it's so adorable, my kids are linux gamers (rofl)14:23
bazhang!ot | michaelni14:23
ubottumichaelni: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:23
bazhangwhoop sorryt michaelni14:24
bazhangmichealPW, see above14:24
SuperEngineerq/ to save me finding out the hard way...14:24
SuperEngineerif I installed mame from s/w cantre could I use my [old] collection of images from WinXP?  Shoulsd I also also install  mame tools?14:24
Dougie187Time to try out this nvidia driver. brb wish me luck. :P14:25
bernard__Hello, I am not sure if this is the right place but still I'll ask. So I started to use ubuntu (Pinguy) week ago and I love it!! I am a trader and I always wanted a stable system to work with however I am using TradeInterceptor (http://tradeinterceptor.com) so it is available on ubuntu however it is based on java and Java is NOT working. I spent like 10h already googling and trying to find a way but it just won't work14:26
bernard__ for me.14:26
ThothCastelhow to assign full control to a user in ubuntu?14:26
bazhangbernard__, pinguy is not supported here14:26
bazhangbernard__, search for their channel14:26
bernard__its the same ubuntu, cmon..14:26
bazhang!alis | bernard__14:26
ubottubernard__: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*14:26
MonkeyDustbernard__  some 10 people in #pinguyOS14:27
freijonany ideas about that DVD issue?14:28
bekksThothCastel: You user HAS full control, you can use sudo.14:28
bekks!sudo | ThothCastel14:28
ubottuThothCastel: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo14:28
sanonecould someone point me to an irc channel for crosscompilation on Ubuntu (for ARM)14:29
bazhang#ubuntu-arm sanone14:29
sanonebazhang,  thanks14:29
ThothCastelbekks: thanks but it's simply not working!...  I applied sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/Procopio.co.uk14:30
ceboris there a chrome channel ? or does somebody know when google chrome does work on quantal ???14:30
freijongoogle chrome works on quantal14:30
bekksThothCastel: WHAT is not working?14:30
freijonI'm using it right now :D14:30
ThothCastelthe command went through but in the file 'explorer' I am trying to right click and create a folder....  but the option is faded out14:30
cebori get an error thats not save to install the .deb from google14:30
bekksThothCastel: And when being a member of the group /var/www belongs to, you have to set 775 instead of 755.14:30
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freijoncebor, Google has a repository which has chrome-stable, chrome-beta and chrome-unstable14:31
ThothCastelbekks: it belongs to 'rrot'14:31
ceborfreijon:  ah ok, have you a link for me ??14:31
OerHeksThothCastel, if you have started "explorer" ( nautilus)  without gksudo, you won't have acces to create a folder14:31
bekksThothCastel: Then add your user to the group /var/www belongs to, log out completely, log back in, and set this: find /var/www -type d -exech chmod 775 {} \; find /var/www -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;14:32
Dougie187dustinspringman: so I just rebooted after installing nvidia-current, and it doesn't work again14:32
bekksThothCastel: Then add your user to the group /var/www belongs to, log out completely, log back in, and set this: find /var/www -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \; find /var/www -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;14:32
Dougie187I get a window that says none of the modes work14:32
ThothCastelOerHeks: how can I start the explorer with the gksude?@14:32
Dougie187and then I run sudo nvidia-xconfig14:32
freijoncebor: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135154114:32
bekksThothCastel: Read what I wrote to you.14:32
Dougie187and reboot again, and nothing works.14:32
OerHeksThothCastel, in terminal:  gksudo nautilus14:32
billkdHaving issues with the virtualbox-dkms package14:32
billkdDeleting module version: 4.1.1814:32
billkdcompletely from the DKMS tree.14:32
FloodBot1billkd: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:32
billkdLoading new virtualbox-4.1.18 DKMS files...14:32
billkdBuilding only for 3.5.0-17-generic14:32
Kroachhow can I add Pidgin and Liferea to the Messaging menu in 12.10, so it would work like in 12.04?14:33
billkderror can be found at http://paste.ubuntu.com/1292331/14:35
bernard__So guys ( Before you ignore this message - I have Ubuntu 12.04, pinguy and mint ) java is fully working on my browser but when I need to launch .jar files it just does not open (marked executable/unmarked) I tried to use JavaJDK 7/6 + Addon for firefox. However when I double click on .jar file NOTHING happens. I opened system monitor and there's a lot of tasks java/javaws (everytime i click it comes up) However no win14:35
bernard__dows pops up. I could not find any solution in 3 days and googled everything that has something to do with java. Its my last chance - if some1 has any idea PLEASE help me out because I really do not want to go back to windows but I'll have no choice if this stupid java will not work... Reinstalled ubuntu like 4-5 times, all kind of different versions all of them has the same problem - Browser works flawless and .jar/.14:35
bernard__jnpl opens processes but no windows popping out.14:35
FloodBot1bernard__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:35
bernard__I am not flooding - I'm explaining situation ..14:35
freijonbernard__: you know how to execute .jar files, right? its not double clicking it14:35
bazhangbernard__, neither mint nor pinguy are supported here14:35
bernard__Ok so forget about those, I have ubuntu 12.0414:36
Kroachbernard__: is the terminal way working?14:36
bernard__It starts running but never finishes14:36
bernard__gets stuck in the middle of execution14:36
jsubl2looking for a doc to help me integrate the thunderbird calendar to display events in the clock applet on the panel14:37
bernard__I waited like 1h and then when I click exit it says something like you have open process are you sure you want to quit it14:37
Kroachbernard__: what command did you use to launch the file?14:37
TeduardoIs there a .deb in 12.10 for facebook's flashcache?14:37
freijonbernard__: try using the terminal: java -jar <path/to/jar/file>14:37
billkdvirtualbox-dkms isn't installing the modules, and not sure how to install the kernel headers in ubuntu quantal. error at http://paste.ubuntu.com/1292331/14:38
bernard__java -jar /home/user/TradeInterceptorCharting.jnlp14:38
bekksbillkd: sudo apt-get get install linux-headers-`uname -r`14:38
bekksbillkd: If you still have problems, you can join #vbox too14:38
LafiirDoes 12.10 consume significantly more ram than 12.04?  There's at least 200MB used too much.14:39
bernard__java -jar /home/user/TradeInterceptorCharting.jar and also this one as well none of them are functioning, however when I open system monitor i can see java/javaws running though no windows are opened.14:39
bekksLafiir: ALL your RAM should be used. If not, it is just wasted.14:39
bekksLafiir: Take a look at www.linuxatemyram.com14:39
bazhangLafiir, thats wholly dependent on one's setup, there is no single answer to that14:39
LafiirI see.14:40
ThothCastelbekks: dude! It is working! Thank you! :)14:40
bekksThothCastel: :P14:40
bekksThothCastel: Do you understand why it is working?14:40
ThothCastelbekks: could you please provide me with some resources for me to understand the commands you sent me ?14:40
ThothCastelfind /var/www -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \; find /var/www -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;14:41
ThothCastelI understand 40% of it14:41
ThothCastelwhat is -type d14:41
bekksThothCastel: Which parts dont you understand?14:41
kostkonThothCastel, any good bash tutorial will do14:41
veryapethothcastel: man find& man chmod should be a good start14:41
tacomasteri bought a laptop from system76 and the wireless is really the only issue when i am at work my wireless connection will be fine for a bit then all of a sudden it will still show that im connected but when you try to ping an ip it fails to even reach the router. i have no other wireless ap's that show up so i dont think it is wireless interference. i did some research on the card and the only think i found on it was to try "sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off"14:42
iFlipQuestion about Ubuntu LAMP installation14:42
Corey1hello, i'm looking for the Nautilus Script "Mass Rename"....i cant find it in "Software-Center" neither in synaptic14:42
ThothCastelbekks: you first change the permission to 775 and then change it to 664?14:42
ThothCasteland what is the type -d and -type -f ?14:43
bekksThothCastel: No.14:43
iFlipI just did a 2 pass wipe on my HDD and now re-installing Ubunutu LAMP - how in th world does it still know my old hostname14:43
ThothCastelkostkon: veryape: thank you :)14:43
Kroachbernard_: are you sure you tried both versions of java? when you have 2 or more installed you need to select the one you want to use14:43
m4they, does 12.10 need both python and python3? can i remove 2.7?14:43
iFlipI'm sorry I mean a 3 pass wipe14:43
m4tiFlip , dhcp?14:44
kostkonm4t, it needs both14:44
bekksThothCastel: find /var/www -- Look in /var/www and all its subfolders, -type d -- find directories, -exec chmod 775 {} \; -- execute chmod 775 on the entries you've found14:44
m4tkostkon thx14:44
kostkonm4t, don't even attempt to remove either of them :P14:44
freijontacomaster: I have the same problem at school. I think its the wireless security they use there which causes problems with linux. it works everywhere else14:45
iFlipm4t - good thought forgot about that - I guess it held that name in ARP14:45
freijonI'll try it again. I'm trying to watch DVDs with my new laptop. I installed libdvdcss2 (using the instructions from http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/10/how-to-enable-dvd-playback-in-ubuntu?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+d0od+%28OMG%21+Ubuntu%21%29 ). I still cant play DVDs. I can open the DVD with my file browser but cannot play the files. Help is appreciated14:45
tucemiuxwhen did the new version come out? I missed the release!14:46
bazhang18th tucemiux14:46
tacomasterfreijon: that would make since because the router i have at home is using wep atm and there is no issues at all but the work is wpa214:46
bekkstucemiux: Thats no drama.14:46
WhereIsMySpoonHow do i change mouse scroll wheel sensitivity?14:46
tacomasterfreijon: and i have 0 issues with it at home14:46
bekkstucemiux: Did you install wpa_supplicant?14:46
tucemiuxbazhang, the 18th of this month?14:46
bazhangfreijon, using what players14:46
kostkonCorey1, did you search on gnome-look.org or gtk-apps.org?14:46
bazhangtucemiux, yes14:46
Lafiirbekks: that site was a bit useless, since the used/free value of system monitor shows them excluding disk cache.14:46
freijonbazhang: I tried totem and VLC and audience14:47
Ancoormysql problem solved... apparmor stopped the process, since i kept the apparmor configs from 12.0414:47
bazhangfreijon, and mplayer?14:47
bekksLafiir: Well, RAM has nothing to do with DISK space...14:47
Corey1kostkon: no, i will lookup, thx14:47
bekksLafiir: Absolutely nothing.14:47
freijonI don't like mplayer :/14:47
tucemiuxbazhang, i missed it!  Time to update now!  And for the first time ever it looks like ubuntu studio is synchronized with ubuntu - I wont have to wait a few more weeks for 12.1014:47
bazhangfreijon, try it nonetheless14:47
freijonand I doubt it will work if it doesn't work with VLC14:47
freijonbut okay, I'll try14:47
Lafiirbekks: of course not14:47
bekksLafiir: Then where's the problem in used RAM, unless your computer starts swapping?14:48
Azzle-DazzleOk, so yesterday there was a system update for ubuntu and i accepted it, Im not sure if it completed but now I cant log in to gnome desktop, only the default one.... I also cannot finish updating because it wont accept my password for authentication..... any ideas ??14:48
bazhangfreijon, you do have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed, correct? and got the libdvdcss2 deb from medibuntu.org14:48
freijonbazhang: dunno and yes. I'll reinstall ubuntu-restriced-extras. mplayer didn't work btw14:49
tucemiuxbekks, my wireless is working fine with windows o.O  I'm about to install ubuntu studio on my ultrabook, we'll see if the wireless still works14:49
bekkstucemiux: Why shouldnt it?14:49
tucemiuxbekks, ive always had some type of problems with newer hardware on ubuntu, wireless being one of them - it's never worked just right14:50
WhereIsMySpoonAnyone know how to change mousewheel sensitivty in ubuntu?14:50
bekkstucemiux: For me, only RealTek chipsets did cause problems, everything else worked for me - since years now-14:50
til4kWhereIsMySpoon, might have to edit X.org sec14:51
WhereIsMySpoontil4k: ok, you mean Xorg.conf?14:51
phenriquein ubuntu 12.04, in eclipse juno, in this screen one option is hidden: http://imageshack.us/a/img204/322/eclipsen.png what i can to do to visualize it?14:52
tucemiuxWhereIsMySpoon,  is ubuntu recognizing your "Device"  in "Mouse and Touchpad" applet?14:53
WhereIsMySpoontucemiux: yes14:53
WhereIsMySpoontucemiux: theres no mousewheel config there tho14:53
freijonbazhang: ubuntu-restriced-extras was not installed. but now that I installed it it still doesn't work14:53
WhereIsMySpoonto be clear, my mouse works fine normally, i just want to tweak the mousewheel sensitivity14:53
kostkontucemiux, for a start, try using the tab to select it14:53
kostkoni meant, phenrique, for a start, try using the tab to select it14:54
tucemiuxWhereIsMySpoon,  never tried changing those settings, sounds like a job for the forums, why would you want to scroll faster though? o.O14:54
WhereIsMySpoontucemiux: its a personal setting14:54
AdamantusI can't download ubuntu14:55
WhereIsMySpoontucemiux: i think its too slow14:55
WhereIsMySpoontucemiux: therefore i want to change it14:55
ThothCastelI got my lamp platform up and running and am trying to login to my phpmyadmin however I have no login details yet...   how can I set up a db user ?14:55
bazhangfreijon, did you just download the deb from medibuntu, or what14:55
AdamantusThe download screen fails. Or the download grinds to a halt. Tried it with a dl manager but it can't understand the link.14:55
freijonno, I installed it using the link I showed you above14:55
phenriquekostkon, i try but the text dont show, i only check but not know the matter14:55
til4kWhereIsMySpoon, check out http://askubuntu.com/questions/42867/modifying-mouse-touchpad-sensitivity14:55
til4ktheres a link to a program14:55
WhereIsMySpoontil4k: will check it14:56
bazhangfreijon, you enabled the medibuntu repos, or what.14:56
WhereIsMySpoontil4k: thats useless14:56
WhereIsMySpoonany other ideas? ^^14:57
phenriquekostkon, i already try increase the screen but dont can....14:57
til4ka lot of people say you plug it out and in again14:57
til4klots of threads with that solution14:57
WhereIsMySpoontil4k: i dont have a MS mouse14:57
WhereIsMySpoonthats only a problem with MS mouses14:57
til4kis it a preference thing or is it unusable14:58
kostkonphenrique, try pressing ALT+F8, it's the shortcut for resizing windows. It might work.14:58
freijonno. first I downloaded and installed libdvdcss2 from medibuntu repository. that didn't work, so I used libdvdread and ran the script, as described in that link. but that just downloads libdvdcss2 from medibuntu, so its basically the same thing14:58
til4klike i know firefox has add-ons for scrolling14:58
WhereIsMySpoonthat would only work in ff tho14:58
marjinal1sthi, i'm using kubuntu 12.04 amd64. do you think that i should upgrade it to 12.10? you know, lts versions are usually more stable.14:58
WhereIsMySpoonthen that isnt useful14:58
til4ki know14:58
WhereIsMySpoon12.04 is LTS14:58
WhereIsMySpoon12.10 isnt14:58
bekksmarjinal1st: You have to decide which version you want.14:58
DarkSimI was wondering, if it possible to change the GRUB interface on startup to be a lot more graphical?14:59
til4kit might be a bug then14:59
kostkonphenrique, oh you don't any space left, yeah sorry.14:59
DarkSimSo it doesn't look like so much DOS14:59
WhereIsMySpoon*eh sorry marjinal1st i misunderstood what you said14:59
WhereIsMySpoontil4k: =/14:59
WhereIsMySpoontil4k: i am using a vbox14:59
WhereIsMySpoonso that could be it14:59
marjinal1stmeaning what?14:59
WhereIsMySpoonbut still would be nice to have some option for it14:59
zybeWhat't the best raw editior i linux?14:59
bazhang!enter | WhereIsMySpoon14:59
ubottuWhereIsMySpoon: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:59
bekks!best | zybe15:00
ubottuzybe: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:00
WhereIsMySpoonmarjinal1st: if you dont particularly need something in 12.10, stick to 12.04 as it's lts15:00
tucemiuxmarjinal1st, meaning that if 12.04 serves your needs then don't upgrade unless you're curious to see what 12.10 has in newer features15:00
phenriquekostkon, it already is in max height... :/15:00
kostkonphenrique, is this the window? https://developers.google.com/eclipse/images/newWebAppWizard.png15:00
til4kWhereIsMySpoon, is linux the host OS or is Windows15:00
marjinal1stthat was what i think too.thanks anyway for your replies :)15:00
WhereIsMySpoontil4k: windows15:01
til4kWhereIsMySpoon, try #vbox15:01
til4kdid you install the guest drivers15:01
WhereIsMySpoontil4k: yes15:01
WhereIsMySpoonill try #vbox15:02
til4kWhereIsMySpoon, or just forums in general IRC is the worst lol15:02
kostkonphenrique, you can use the tab key to go through all the items in the window, and blindly maybe enable/disable/set the ones that are not visible15:02
freijonbazhang: could the problem be caused from the blueray drive? I used to have only a DVD drive15:03
bazhangfreijon, I'd doubt it15:03
kostkonphenrique, actually, i found a better screenshot: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Abfbz9OKVoM/Tljt-CmQDfI/AAAAAAAACGQ/WBQDzlCM3nk/s1600/New+Web+Application+Project+_003.png15:03
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bazhang!webapps | phenrique kostkon15:04
ubottuphenrique kostkon: Ubuntu Web Apps enable developers to create web applications that run in web browsers. They provide close integration to the Unity shell for functions such as launch, notifications and controls. - more info at http://developer.ubuntu.com/community/ or #ubuntu-webapps15:04
kostkonbazhang, it's a dialog window of eclipse, not a ubuntu web app15:05
Dougie187ugh, so frustrated with nvidia drivers.15:06
tyrogHello. Which is the most stable DE in ubuntu? unity or KDE? Thanks.15:06
DarkSimIf I have a partitioned harddrive where do I know which partition holds the MBR?15:06
Azzle-Dazzlewhats usually the default password for ubuntu ?15:06
DarkSimThe absolute first partition or the whole harddrive?15:06
bekksDarkSim: The MBR always hold the primary partition table and, if necessary, a link to extended partition tables.15:07
DarkSimbecause I'm installing BURG and the guide I'm following says I should enter sudo burg-install "(hd0)" , bekks. But he said replace hd0 with the drive with MBR or something like that15:08
bekksDarkSim: I never dealt with BURG, and "something like that" is just too vague.15:09
DarkSimbekks, http://www.unixmen.com/how-to-install-burg-in-ubuntu/15:09
kbentley57Hey guys, I just upgraded a desktop from lts to quantal, and I get a black screen with blinking cursor on reboot.  I can boot into recover and get to the text login.  Any ideas how to reset x?15:09
bekksDarkSim: I am not going to deal with BURG, I am happy with grub2.15:09
bekkskbentley57: First, check the logs whats happening to X, or wether X is causing problems at all.15:10
WhereIsMySpoondoesnt sound like an X issue15:10
Dougie187I need some more help with nvidia drivers. if anyone has some time.15:10
WhereIsMySpoonblack screen with blinking cursor sounds like boot issue15:10
bekksWhereIsMySpoon: Actually, it does.15:10
MATRIX1Hi n, You Are In My Friends List (ArthasScript)15:11
MATRIX1Info Line For n, NOTSET (ArthasScript)15:11
kbentley57Well, I can boot to the tty1 login, so it must be something related to graphics?15:11
Azzle-DazzleIm the same ! I too have upgraded to the quantal thingy but i cannot authenticate anything, Its not accepting my password15:11
tyrogHello. Which is the most stable DE in ubuntu? unity or KDE? thank you15:11
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DarkSimfor Ubuntu I'd say KDE since it's native15:11
WhereIsMySpoonkbentley57: do you have some free space on your hdd?15:11
DarkSimderp, Unity15:11
bekksDarkSim: Thats - nonsense.15:11
Dougie187I see this after I install the nvidia-current package. "(EE) NVIDIA: Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module. Please check your"15:11
kbentley57Darksim, yes15:11
bekksDarkSim: For Ubuntu, every linux DE is "native".15:12
DarkSimWell if you don't change stuff then it doesn't really have to get unstable15:12
Dougie187(that's from /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:12
bekksDarkSim: In particular, in Ubuntu Unity is shipped, in kubuntu KDE, etc.15:12
bekksDarkSim: That has nothing to do with "native".15:12
DarkSimWell that's a different story, he said ubuntu15:12
DarkSimubuntu comes with unity15:12
kermit666Does anyone know why my Ubuntu upgrade from USB hangs at the "restoring previously installed packages" part?15:12
bekksDarkSim: Then please read what I wrote :)15:12
ThothCastelhow to hide the icons on the left on the desktop?  I mean the icon launchers15:12
kbentley57Whereismyspoon, yes15:12
TeapotWhen I try to connect to a wireless network, I get the error: Failed to add/activate connection. (32) None of the registered plugins support add.15:13
TeapotDoes anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?15:13
ThothCastelmy monitor is small and I would like to change the positioning of it to be horizontal at the bottom of the screen and hide/show15:13
ThothCastelis it possible?15:13
tyrogbekks: DarkSim i wanted to mean the whole *buntu ecosystem, not only ubuntu15:13
kostkonThothCastel, right click on desktop, change wallpaper, then in the appearance app, select the second tab and you'll find the option there15:13
DarkSimThen I have no idea15:13
WhereIsMySpoonThothCastel: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/04/automatically-hide-unity-launcher-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/15:13
tyrogi really meant the DE environment itself, across whole ubuntu15:14
tyrogwhich would be more stable then bekks ?15:14
WhereIsMySpoontry to google first :)15:14
bekkstyrog: Both are equal.15:14
TeapotWhen I try to connect to a wireless network, I get the error: Failed to add/activate connection. (32) None of the registered plugins support add.15:14
TeapotDoes anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?15:14
kostkontyrog, try both ubuntu kai kubuntu and decide for yourself me thinks15:14
MonkeyDust!wifi | Teapot start here15:15
ubottuTeapot start here: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:15
tyrogbekks: any of them is superior for playing games with more FPS?15:15
ThothCastelkostkon: thank you :)15:15
kostkonThothCastel, np15:15
DarkSimHow can I find where the MBR is installed?15:15
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MonkeyDustDarkSim  sudo fdisk -l    mind the asterisk15:16
tyrogkostkon: by the way, which one do you use?15:17
WhereIsMySpoonxubuntu here :)15:17
DarkSimsda1 apparently isn't a disk15:17
wols_DarkSim: it is never installed and it's always at the same place: first sector on disk15:17
kostkontyrog, about game performance, you can find some benchmarks on phoronix, e.g. http://www.phoronix.com/vr.php?view=1803015:18
DarkSimI'm just reading the guide, sorry if I say wrong things15:18
WhereIsMySpoonDarkSim: could be your cd drive15:18
WhereIsMySpoonDarkSim: depends the order they're plugged in15:18
kostkontyrog, ubuntu 10.04, i.e gnome2 and 12.04, i.e. unity15:18
wols_DarkSim: sda1 never can be a disk. it is a partition15:18
DarkSimso how can I find the the true name?15:18
tyrogWhereIsMySpoon: not really a fan of xfce, never liked it, but admit that it is very customizable15:18
bekksDarkSim: A partition never has a name.15:18
WhereIsMySpoontyrog: its very simple and a lot faster than standard ubuntu15:19
bekksDarkSim: The filesystem in a partition might have a name.15:19
DarkSimthat makes this setup pretty impossible to complete if I can't write a name15:19
bekksDarkSim: ...15:19
wols_DarkSim: what is your actual problem you try to solve and how are you trying to solve it right now?15:19
DarkSimI am going to type the command sudo burg-install "(hd0)"15:19
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DarkSimbut the guide says, replace hd0 with your harddrive which contains mbr15:20
wols_that will be hd0 aka sda15:20
DarkSimso I should not change the command?15:20
DarkSimsince I have only 1 harddrive15:20
bekkshd0 - in burg/grub - means "first harddisk".15:21
bekksIn Linux, that is sda.15:21
angela-hi all ware in ubuntu can i fint the update menager ?15:23
angela-ubuntu 12.1015:24
crizisit's 'software updater' nowadays i think15:24
angela-crizis,  i dont no ware to fint it15:25
crizissearch for 'updater' in dash15:25
crizisor 'updates'15:25
theadminangela-: Just open the dash and search for "update" and it'll come up15:25
Chasedawg1I upgraded to ubuntu 12.10, my sound isn't working, how can I fix that?15:26
FloodBot1vampire: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:27
Prasad1337hi guys15:28
Prasad1337need some help15:28
Chasedawg1 I upgraded to ubuntu 12.10, my sound isn't working, how can I fix that?15:28
Hotkeys1Is it possible to have a cronjob run a command within a screen?15:28
indierossChasedawg1, every once and a while my audio goes out on my ubuntu system. to fix it i just have to boot into windows15:28
bekksHotkeys1: nope15:28
indierossthen reboot into ubuntu and it working again15:29
Chasedawg1indieross, I do boot into windows, but for some reason it's still not working, I've had it on my computer for a couple of weeks.15:29
Prasad1337I'm currently running a fresh install of 12.10 alongside Windows 8. The setup is ongoing as we speak. I'm speaking from Firefox... still not installed. Stuck on Running post-installation trigger update-notifier-common... Help ??15:29
kgeeLooking to install opencv from unofficial repo from precise, but the repo hasnt been updated since natty. Any way I can get apt-get to use the old repo without my OS falling apart?15:30
indierossChasedawg1, maybe try a clean install, but first boot a live usb/cd of 12.10 and see if the problem persists15:30
Sahtimois there a faster link to download ubuntu? speed is at 70kt/s atm15:30
bekkskgee: There is no way.15:30
indierossSahtimo, bittorrent15:30
Prasad1337is it okay to skip trigger update-notifier-common ??15:30
bazhangtorrents Sahtimo15:30
Chasedawg1indieross, last night I did do a clean install, but the problem is still there. Do you think its a driver problem with ubuntu?15:30
kgeebekks: I hate the hassel of compiling from source... Is it my only option at this point?15:31
indierossSahtimo, http://releases.ubuntu.com/quantal/15:31
bekkskgee: Correct.15:31
kgeedarn. Thanks anyway15:31
indierossChasedawg1, just to be sure audio is working just fine in windows?15:31
TeapotWhen I try to connect to a wireless network, I get the error: Failed to add/activate connection. (32) None of the registered plugins support add.15:31
TeapotDoes anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?15:31
Prasad1337someone help me pls !? Im stuck on an incomplete install currently!!! It wont proceed!..15:32
Chasedawg1indieross, ya that sound works perfect in windows, actually the login drum sound for ubuntu works, but when I log in to the session, it doesn't work anymore15:32
bekks!details | Prasad133715:32
ubottuPrasad1337: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:32
indierossChasedawg1, click the audio icon at the top and hit sound settings15:32
indierossChasedawg1, select hardware and select the proper output15:33
indierossthe hardware tab15:33
Chasedawg1indieross, ok15:33
Prasad1337ubottu: I already did. I'm currently on the live DVD 12.10. Ubuntu is setting up but stuck on "Running post-installation trigger update-notifier-common" for an hour now!! What should I do? Is it okay to press skip ?15:33
ubottuPrasad1337: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:33
TeapotWhen I try to connect to a wireless network, I get the error: Failed to add/activate connection. (32) None of the registered plugins support add.15:33
TeapotDoes anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?15:33
Prasad1337!details | Prasad133715:33
ubottuPrasad1337, please see my private message15:33
bazhang!repeat | Teapot15:34
ubottuTeapot: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:34
indierossTeapot, try and install wicd15:34
mrojas6996Hello!, I need to re-install totally GTK 2.0 and GTK 3 in Lubuntu with LXDE15:34
indierosslook up a guide on how to do that15:34
mrojas6996anybody helps me?15:34
Prasad1337I already did. I'm currently on the live DVD 12.10. Ubuntu is setting up but stuck on "Running post-installation trigger update-notifier-common" for an hour now!! What should I do? Is it okay to press skip ?15:34
Prasad1337I'm currently on the live DVD 12.10. Ubuntu is setting up but stuck on "Running post-installation trigger update-notifier-common" for an hour now!! What should I do? Is it okay to press skip ?15:34
freijonbazhang: I found out that libdvdcss2 can't crack the key. I get the following message: libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.VOB (0x0000bdb0)15:35
bazhangfreijon, so some new kind of DRM15:35
freijonI tried several DVDs15:35
indierossi thought there was a new libscc for 12.1015:35
freijonthere is?15:36
freijonindieross: I used this tutorial: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/10/how-to-enable-dvd-playback-in-ubuntu?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+d0od+%28OMG%21+Ubuntu%21%2915:36
indierosssudo apt-get install libdvdread415:36
indierossfreijon, ^15:36
Prasad1337I'm currently on the live DVD 12.10. Ubuntu is setting up but stuck on "Running post-installation trigger update-notifier-common" for an hour now!! What should I do? Can't even SKIP!!15:36
indierossfreijon, the do sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh15:37
bekks!repeat | Prasad133715:37
ubottuPrasad1337: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:37
kbentley57Does quantal require a certain level of graphics capability?  I still can't get to standard desktop, only blinking cursor.  Running on an Intel atom, i915 driver15:37
bekkskbentley57: Nope.15:37
Prasad1337could someone please respond ??15:38
Prasad1337I'm currently on the live DVD 12.10. Ubuntu is setting up but stuck on "Running post-installation trigger update-notifier-common" for an hour now!! What should I do? Can't even SKIP!!15:38
indierossPrasad1337, try the installation again15:38
kbentley57I can get into tty mode, should I try something like X diagnose?15:38
Prasad1337this is already my third trial, indieross ... 12.04 was working just fine.15:38
indierossthen go back to 12.0415:39
Prasad1337if only that were a 'solution'15:39
Prasad1337but it's not15:39
bazhangPrasad1337, better to let it time out. skipping now may be a system breaker15:39
sauravhi how i download downloder for ubuntu 12.0415:39
Prasad1337Skip is grayed out bazhang15:39
indierossChasedawg1, hows it going?15:39
Prasad1337If it hasn't timed out in over an hour, when will it ?15:40
bazhangPrasad1337, then why ask if you should skip15:40
Prasad1337I hadn't clicked it up to the point .15:40
bazhangsaurav, what is that15:40
Chasedawg1indieross, I'm in the synaptic package manager trying to download ffmpeg package to see if that works.15:40
Prasad1337I have another question: If Windows was installed Legacy is it okay to install Ubuntu fresh with UEFI ?15:41
Prasad1337for a dual boot config...15:41
indierossChasedawg1, did you mess with the hardware and outputs like a recommended?15:41
skaI can't get XDM to replace lightdm or gdm.. ANyone know how?15:41
Chasedawg1indieross, ya but nothing happened15:43
DarkSimI hope future Ubuntu releases will have grub's like burg, with a bit of mouse support it would be awesome15:43
indierossChasedawg1, how many hardware devices were there15:43
Chasedawg1indieross, 215:44
indierossChasedawg1, hit the output tab and select the other device15:44
Prasad1337cmon guys help15:45
indierossChasedawg1, and make sure the device under the hjardware tab is set to analog stereo output15:45
Chasedawg1indieross, your a incredible, thanks for your help, it worked!!!!15:45
ThothCastelanyone knows a channel for APACHE15:45
bazhangPrasad1337, stop with the demands15:45
bazhang!helpme | Prasad133715:46
ubottuPrasad1337: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude15:46
skaI got gdm to run, but the spinning wheel keeps spinning15:46
bazhangThothCastel, #httpd15:46
TeapotWhen I try to connect to a wireless network, I get the error: Failed to add/activate connection. (32) None of the registered plugins support add.15:46
TeapotDoes anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?15:46
SuperEngineerPondering the install of MAME from s/w centre... would it be able to use the ROMs from my old WinXP ok?15:47
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines15:47
bazhangSuperEngineer, should do15:47
SuperEngineerbazhang: thanks15:47
ThothCastelbazhang: thanks...     why I keep on getting this message?15:47
ThothCastel#httpd Cannot send to channel15:47
bazhangThothCastel, need to register15:47
bazhang!register | ThothCastel15:48
ubottuThothCastel: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:48
ThothCastelbazhang: my nickname is already registered15:48
themhzif I delete all the files under var/log on my ubuntu 12.04 will it cause the system to malfunction ?15:48
bekksThothCastel: possibly.15:48
bazhangThothCastel, you're not signed in, if so15:48
nibbler_ThothCastel: than either auth with it, or don't call it yours, if someone else has it ;-) at least not on freenode15:48
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Prasad1337ok guys15:50
indierossTeapot, try wicd!15:50
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Razzeeyy1Hi all15:50
indierossits a different network manager15:50
amews_aj-studyWhat terminal command should I use for safely formatting an HDD ?15:51
TeapotI did and it's working. It's not a fix; it's a workaround.15:51
bekksamews_aj-study: fdisk and mkfs.15:51
amews_aj-studybekks, a few months ago I used a different command I think. Could you mention other options ?15:52
ezoeweird, After upgrading to 12.10, my USB mouse occasionally stop working. reconnecting fix it.15:52
indierossTeapot, wtf its a fix, wicd is just another network manager.15:52
indierossa better one in my opinion15:53
ezoeI think my USB mouse is not broken.15:53
TeapotIn what way does using a different network manager fix the original network manager?15:53
freijonindieross: thats what I did15:53
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freijonindieross: I also tried installing from medibuntu repository, but no luck15:54
indierossfreijon, hmm, can handbrake read the dvd15:54
amews_aj-studybekks, I believe it was shred - is that plausible?15:54
Razzeeyy1guys I'm just curious about one dumb thing, is it possible to use a non-bash (for example lua scripts or so)  scripts as initscripts?15:54
Razzeeyy1also would that give a performance benefit or not?15:55
dustinspringmanhas anyone here been able to get Google Earth PRO working in ubuntu 12.04 ?15:55
bekksamews_aj-study: Shred doesnt format. Shred shreds.15:55
freijonindieross: the file browser can read the file list15:55
dustinspringmanThe download from earth.google.com/pro comes in as a .bin file and I can't figure out how to run it..15:55
amews_aj-studyGuess that was also what I was looking for. It shreds data safely ? So that it cannot be recovered, right ?15:56
indierossfreijon, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-snapshots && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install handbrake15:57
amews_aj-studybekks, What about "dd" ?15:57
indierossfreijon, install handbrake-gtk *15:57
tux9thHow is this envelope thing in the top taskbar called? in 12.04 it also included pidgin quassel etc. now it just includes thunderbird for me...15:58
nibbler_shred /devices/sda would randomly format sda ;-)15:58
tux9thHow can I change htat?15:58
amews_aj-studynibbler_, what about "dd" ?15:59
Razzeeyy1tux9th: I think it's something like "message-indicator-applet"15:59
Razzeeyy1tux9th: at least it was named that way before, dunno how that named in unity16:00
tux9thRazzeeyy1: thanks. I'll look it up =)16:00
DulcinHi guys, I'm running a fully up-to-date 12.04 version of ubuntu, but when I try to do-release-upgrade it tells me there is no new version found. Am I doing something wrong or is the update not available yet?16:01
DJonesDulcin: 12.04 is LTS & is probably set to just upgrade to the next LTS version16:02
Dulcinahh i see16:02
DJonesDulcin: If you go to system settings, sotware sources abd rge Updates tab, there's an option to select any new version, rather than just LTS upgrades16:03
Dulcinit's updating now :)16:04
Dulcinthanks for the tip16:04
Jimster480-Lwhats everyone upto?16:04
DJonesDulcin: You're welcome16:04
F1skrI'm trying to setup 12.10 in a virtualbox, I have installed virtualbox-guest-additions and enabled the virtualbox driver in the "Additional drivers" tab, but for some reason no vbox modules are started when I boot the machine.. any ideas?16:04
alienaut12.10 seems bugy it will ok soon?16:05
The_BROSHow to make USB port to charge iPad. http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-charge-ipad-on-ubuntu-linux-via-usb-ports this manual is not working16:06
amews_aj-studyIs shred overkill before reselling computer?16:07
amews_aj-studyCurrently running shred -n 1 -z16:07
wastrelseems like a sensible precaution16:07
alienautbtw how can i understand if my graphic card properly installed?16:07
amews_aj-studywastrel, but would a simple zero-pass be considered enough ?16:07
WeThePeopledoes anybody know where i can get 3proxy16:07
wastreliono from data security16:08
wastreli'd think not many people would be doing advanced forensics on it16:08
amews_aj-studywastrel, so conclusion? 0-pass enough ?16:08
wastrelunless you get really unlucky :]16:09
wastrelhow sensitive is the data16:09
wastrelthere's really no one answer16:09
amews_aj-studyNot that sensitive really - only "remembered" passwords that I'm a bit worried about - I don't want to go all over the place changing passwords16:10
nibbler_wastrel: you can never securely delete data from standard harddisks etc, so best is to drop them into some mountain in mordor or such16:10
freijonintellilogic: handbrake doesn't seem to be able to read it either16:10
amews_aj-studynibbler_, Do you have a map to go there ? :D16:10
nibbler_amews_aj-study: once you get to middleearth its well documented :p16:11
amews_aj-studynibbler_, yea, but how do I get there ? :D16:11
amews_aj-studyIf the OS was installed on a 2 TB partition and less than 100 GB was used - is it safe to assume that overwriting the first 100 GB of the disk is enough? Or could the data be scattered all over ?16:12
alexfpmsalienaut, do you have some problems with ?16:13
bekksamews_aj-study: No.16:13
Optichipamews_aj-study, depends on how long you had it installed for.16:13
themhzif I delete all the files under var/log on my ubuntu 12.04 will it cause the system to malfunction ?16:13
amews_aj-studyOptichip, months16:13
=== t0rben_ is now known as t0rben
Optichipamews_aj-study: then it'll be all over the partition, not just the first 100gig.16:13
kapzso anyone knows how to make password protected excel 2010 files with libreoffice? Thanks16:13
gbear14275Hello, anyone here used the openvpn plugin for network manager?16:14
nibbler_themhz: maybe logging would malfunction for missing directories, nothing else would suffer usually16:14
alienautalexfpms, i dont know what graphic driver should i use16:14
nibbler_gbear14275: I recommend gopenvpn, sadly not in the repositories.16:14
themhzthank you nibbler_16:14
amews_aj-studyI suppose that "normal people" will not be able to recover data if I simply zero-pass the partition ?16:14
kapz*work with likbreoffice16:14
nibbler_themhz: reboot or restart your syslog server after deleting...16:14
Optichipkapz: just password protect the file and save as Office?16:15
nibbler_amews_aj-study: right.16:15
gbear14275nibbler, I've run into an issue.  Using the network manager plugin, my network is restricted to only the VPN, where previously I could access both my vpn lan and the internet... not sure how to fix this16:15
themhzthank you again nibbler_16:15
kapzOptichip, it's the other way around...16:15
alexfpmsalienaut, what graphic card do you have ?16:15
Optichipamews_aj-study: correct you should be fine16:15
themhznibbler_, is syslog server also responsible for php logs?16:15
alienautalexfpms, Radeon hd 632916:15
nibbler_gbear14275: thats due to the setup of the corresponding vpn server. check out your routing tables and routing settings in the vpn config16:15
wallythemooseQuestion installing Ubuntu with SSD and bigger hard drive. Because of space limitations I want to put /home and /usr on a different hard drive. Is there a way to get them both on one partition like they would usually be, or do they each have to have their own partition?16:16
amews_aj-studynibbler_, So if it's all about a few passwords, and this is just a system that is going to be returned to manufactor for refund, I shouldn't bother doing more than a simple zero-pass?16:16
nibbler_themhz: i'd guss so16:16
gbear14275I'm guessing I need to learn about setting up routes... but was wondering if there is a setting I'm missing, because previously regular openvpn let me access both16:16
nibbler_amews_aj-study: yes16:16
themhznibbler_, ok thanx16:16
alexfpmsalienaut, what it says: lspci -nn | grep VGA16:16
buddha_can someone help me i cant to coonect zith zen live cd to internt16:16
gbear14275aka without the plugin16:16
generaiono? whos that?16:16
Optichipwallythemoose, you can easily move them to a different drive16:16
nibbler_gbear14275: nopaste "ip r s" while on the vpn16:16
amews_aj-studynibbler_, ok. Now what is the proper command for doing such a zero-pass ?16:16
Optichipwallythemoose, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving16:16
gbear14275nibbler, k one sec16:16
sfan5is updating to ubuntu 12.10 safe?16:16
nibbler_amews_aj-study: cat /dev/zero > /dev/device-to-shred16:17
bekkssfan5: Safe in which manner?16:17
bekksnibbler_: OUCH.16:17
alienautalexfpms, ""00:01.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Wrestler [Radeon HD 6320] [1002:9806]16:17
wallythemooseOptichip: Thanks!16:17
nibbler_bekks: did i step on your foot?16:17
bekksamews_aj-study: dd bs=16M if=/dev/zero of=/dev/yourharddisk16:17
sfan5bekks: like the unity search bar not working for ~ 4 weeks, that happened to me last upgrade16:17
designbybeckmy newly installed 12.10 doen't see my ATI card?16:17
bekksnibbler_: you just hot my eyes ;)16:18
designbybeckI go to the additional drivers and it isn't there16:18
amews_aj-studybekks, So whats the difference between cat as nibbler_ suggested, and dd ?16:18
designbybeckhow do I install the drivers?16:18
nibbler_bekks: are you a dogs person? hate cat?16:18
nibbler_amews_aj-study: there is like 1000 ways to do it.... one as good as the other16:18
bekksnibbler_: It was a joke :)16:18
alienautdesignbybeck, check settings, software sources, additional drivers16:19
alienauti am trying to install my ati driver too :)16:19
alexfpmsalienaut, what version of ubuntu do you use ?16:19
designbybeckyes I did that alienaut and i don't see it16:19
gbear14275nibbler, thanks... looks like the default route is changing.  This information helps! /msg NickServ identify16:20
gbear14275oops http://pastebin.com/q5zSUYUW16:20
alienautalexfpms, 12.1016:20
designbybecki see my wireless card and that is installed and working fine... but in the past I have seen the ATI info there as well16:20
tucemiuxanyone knows if you can back up an entire hard drive using partimage?  I want to clone the entire hard drive with the partitions16:20
designbybeckalienaut: do you see yours listed?16:20
buddha_soory now is work strqnge16:20
nibbler_gbear14275: then just "ip r d default" and set your routes to your liking16:20
designbybeckwell dang16:20
designbybeckwonder if i should restart.....16:20
amews_aj-studybekks, nibbler_, using cat command I get permission denied, even with sudo ?16:20
gbear14275nibbler, where would I go to affect those routes?  (you replied before I could ask... I think you're a mind reader)16:21
nibbler_tucemiux: partimage is only taking a single partition at a time, so make sure you backup part table seperately (simple using dd or sfdisk) but i hear partimage is outdated anyway16:21
bekksamews_aj-study: cat is the slowest solution. And sudo doesnt pass that ">" pipe.16:21
alienautalexfpms, there are 3 driver should i use proprietary ones?16:21
amews_aj-studybekks, I should use dd ?16:21
alexfpmsalienaut, i never had ATI cards but you can always try to install "Additional Drivers" in Ubuntu Software Center to see what it suggests16:21
bekksamews_aj-study: Yes.16:21
amews_aj-studydoes blocksize matter?16:21
bekksamews_aj-study: Yes.16:22
bekksamews_aj-study: Thats why i wrote bs=16M16:22
User123Hello, I'm noob in linux. I want to compile file from source but there's no configure file, but there is some "Makefile." files; how do I do it?16:22
alexfpmsalienaut, i use proprietary driver16:22
bekksUser123: By running "make".16:22
root____1hi all16:22
alexfpmsalienaut, depends on what you want to do with16:22
sfan5i stopped "do-release-upgrade" and now it seems to be broken16:22
User123bekks, make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.16:22
nibbler_gbear14275: either in the setup of the vpn in your network manager, but i don't know what you can configure there. else just make yourself a bash script thats sets your routes accordingly - if-up scripts might be usable for that, too16:22
bekksroot____1: Dont IRC as root please :)16:23
bekksUser123: Then consult the manual/readme of whatever you are trying to compile.16:23
OerHekssfan5, aborting an upgrade is always a bad idea16:23
amews_aj-studyHow can I get some progress output ?16:23
black_puppydogquestion: can anybody explain the last comment o this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+source/linux/+bug/99208716:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 992087 in linux (Ubuntu Quantal) "[Vostro 3450] No sound from internal speakers" [Medium,Confirmed]16:23
alienautalexfpms, thansk!16:23
gbear14275nibbler_, the pointer on using ip should be enough to help me troubleshoot... I really appreciate it.  Would like to PM you real quick... that ok?16:23
black_puppydogbecause I have the exact same issue and so do some other people: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12307092#post1230709216:23
User123bekks, no readme files... no other ideas?16:23
sfan5OerHeks: it magically repaired itself16:24
alienautdesignbybeck you still not find them?16:24
sfan5my problem is solved :)16:24
nibbler_gbear14275: no PMing please, just ask here16:24
designbybeckno alienaut16:24
bekksUser123: Then you have to analyze the Makefile.16:24
designbybeckim' waiting for a download to finish then I'll restart16:24
bekksamews_aj-study: kill -1 on the PID of the dd process.16:24
gbear14275nibbler_, public wouldn't be interested...16:25
amews_aj-studykill ? huh?16:25
bekksamews_aj-study: kill -116:25
User123bakks, there's 12 of them.16:25
amews_aj-studywhat does kill -1 mean ?16:25
bekksamews_aj-study: Thats HUP, and it will continue.16:25
bekksamews_aj-study: Hang up - and continue.16:25
alienautdesingbybeck are you sure your graphic card supported?16:25
wastrelblack_puppydog: i guess he's saying if you have the same problem on different hardware to file a new bug16:25
User123bekks, there's 12 of them. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1292661/16:26
black_puppydogwastrel: but why? wouldn't it actually help to see what all these models have in common to get a better understanding of why this happens?16:26
amews_aj-studybekks, it wrote hangup, and killed it16:27
wastrelblack_puppydog: iono.16:27
amews_aj-studyWhy not just do shred -n 0 -z  ? Won't that do the same thing ?16:27
amews_aj-studyshred supports verbose16:27
alienautdesignbybeck, try "lspci -nn | grep VGA" on your terminal to see what is your graphic card and see if it is supported on ubuntu website. alexfpms :)16:29
bekksamews_aj-study: I was wrong - it should have been kill -USR116:30
designbybeckalienaut: it shows the "AMD" card16:30
amews_aj-studybekks, anyway, shred -n 0 -z -v should also be a single zero-pass right ?16:30
designbybeck02:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI M96 [Mobility Radeon HD 4650] [1002:9480]16:30
amews_aj-studyseems to be working16:30
bekksamews_aj-study: I never used shred, since dd was faster :)16:30
alexfpmsalienaut, designbybeck, if you use 12.10 don't forget to install sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic first16:31
alienautdesignbybeck, your graphic cards is radeon hd 465016:31
alienautalexfpms, oh ok16:31
designbybeckyes alienaut16:32
alexfpmsalienaut, designbybeck, headers are not installed by default in 12.1016:32
designbybeckwhy do you have to do that alienaut?16:32
designbybeckwouldn't updates do that for you?16:32
designbybeckwhat are headers anyway? alexfpms ?16:32
spartan29is anybody here16:33
spartan29i need some serious help16:33
spartan29with my ubuntu installation16:33
alexfpmsdesignbybeck, linux headers files16:33
Jisawesome2Dont ask to ask16:33
gordonjcp!help | spartan2916:33
ubottuspartan29: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:33
amews_aj-studydoesn't look faster to me16:33
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:33
tucemiuxanyone knows how to clone and entire drive with all its partitions?16:34
alexfpmsdesignbybeck, if not the driver won't compile for your kernel16:34
gordonjcptucemiux: dd16:34
ms_daisyHas anyone scripted something to automatically update virtual machines on an Ubuntu host?16:34
spartan29oh thanks..16:34
Jisawesome2How do I install a network driver from ubuntu server16:34
spartan29you see I have a kubuntu 12.04.1 installation on my laptop16:34
dfreyIs there a known issue with libc6-dev and libc6-i386?  I seem to have broken packages16:35
Optichiptucemiux, there are software packages that do that, like fogserver16:35
alexfpmsalienaut, so if you installed driver without headers it might not work, so re-install drivers16:35
spartan29so I was taking an update...but then my laptop's battery charge got over and the system got restarted16:35
alienautalexfpms, ok!16:35
spartan29so after that my update manager can't take any update...says the libc6 package is broken16:36
alonglosthi. I'm on my HP touchpad right now running ubuntu chroot16:36
alienauti think i need to restart my computer16:36
spartan29I have done extensive search on this matter...but all of the efforts have failed..16:36
tucemiuxgordonjcp, is there another utility that will allow me clone the drive like ghost?  I don't want to make an exactly of one drive to another - i want to create a back of an entire drive.16:37
Optichipspartan29, were you in the middle of an upgrade?16:37
tacomasterim having a issue with it seems to be wpa2 on ubuntu 12.04, i can connect fine but after i connect and start using the connection it just stop working.  the connection stops from my laptop to the router. i posted my dmesg on the pate.ubuntu at http://paste.ubuntu.com/1292688/ im just trying to see if there is anyway to get this to stop16:37
alonglost having trouble with root permissions. I'm trying to get it prepped and ready for the upcoming Cryptoparty. Could anyone help16:38
tucemiuxOptichip, yes but i'm only going to do this once - i just want to clone a drive for backup purposes16:38
freijonbazhang & intellilogic, I got the issue solved. somehow my DVD region was wrong. sudo apt-get install regionset --> set it to 1 and back to 2 did the job (you can set regions only about 5 times)16:38
Optichiptucemiux, ahh well clonezilla will work as well.16:38
Optichipspartan29, sudo apt-get -f dist-upgrade16:38
ceboris there a way to hide "more sugestions" ?? quantal16:39
spartan29yes optichip...16:39
spartan29i was in a middle of a update...not upgrade16:39
Jisawesome2Same thing16:39
Optichipspartan29, sudo apt-get -f update16:39
alienautalexfpms, i did it. now how to understand if it properly  installed?16:40
spartan29says could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open16:40
spartan29though i don't have any update/package manager open.16:40
aklshow can I write to the file a list of packages that could be upgraded?16:40
tucemiuxOptichip, but what youre describing sounds like a full blown distribution solution, I just want to clone drive a to  USB drive, partimage does the trick but only for one partition - not the entire drive.16:41
alexfpmsalienaut, i never had ATI card but i think you should have some ati graphic card control panel16:41
alienautin settings?16:42
Optichiptucemiux, well the clonezilla is a mini distro, boot from USB to clone a drive.16:42
phr3d13spartan29, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198628816:42
alexfpmsalienaut, with nvidia we have nvidia-settings16:42
Optichiptucemiux, this will ultimately be what you want, you never want to be on the drive you're clonign.16:42
Optichiptucemiux, s/clonign/cloning16:42
designbybeckwell i restarted and still don't see my ATI drivers in addiontal drivers :(16:43
alienautalexfpms, thanks i saw it, and my performance better i think16:43
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alexfpmsalienaut, when your card is working properly all graphics managed by your card so your CPU is not busy when you move windows for example16:45
Optichipakls you can do a sudo apt-get -s install package >> package.txt16:45
alienautdesignbybeck, you can also install it from ATI site16:46
alexfpmsalienaut, and offcourse unity panels must be transparent16:46
alienautalexfpms, yes it is now :)16:46
Jisawesome2Does anyone know how to install something with ubuntu server16:47
sfan5Jisawesome2: do you mean packages?16:47
OptichipJisawesome2, what do you mean?16:47
User123So, no more help for me?16:48
alexfpmsdesignbybeck, what is your card ?16:48
phr3d13tucemiux, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/19141/clone-a-hard-drive-using-an-ubuntu-live-cd/16:48
tucemiuxOptichip, yes - im downloading the drive and going to install the ISO to my usb thumb drive16:48
alienauti am ready happy with it :) i think i am ready back to work. thanks alexfpms :)16:48
Jisawesome2optichip, I need to install a network driver from a jump drive or cd16:48
alexfpmsalienaut, you're welcom16:48
Griffin40Excuse me I have a question, I recently installed some updates through the update manager on 12.04 but now my pc boots into tty1 instead of a gui. What should I do?16:49
Jisawesome2sfan, I mean network drivers16:49
OptichipJisawesome2, in order to make your network card work on your Ubuntu server?16:49
til4kGriffin40, did you enable a ppa16:49
daniel__ok so I just upgraded to Ubuntu 12.10, and my Intel ALC260 Analog onboard jacks aren't being read by Ubuntu sound, but Terminal can read it is there16:49
Griffin40til4k what is that?16:49
Jisawesome2optichip yes16:49
aklsOptichip, yep. is there any way to get more clear output?16:49
OptichipGriffin40, were you using proprietary video drivers?16:49
nathaneltitanehello everyone!16:49
Griffin40Optichip, I was using a driver I downloaded from AMD16:50
tucemiuxphr3d13, i might be mistaken but that guide takes hard drives A --> and "copies" its structures to hard drive B, that's not what I want - I want to back up the contents on hard drive A on another drive for later retrieval16:50
Jimster480-LGriffin40: did your machine remove any packagess?16:50
OptichipGriffin40, you'll need to rerun your amd configuration then16:50
User123ok, then another question : is it possible that compiled program will be 64bit and wont work on my 32bit OS?16:50
ajacomI'm trying to install ubuntu alongside windows 8. it installs fine but then grub doesn't show up... i've tried several times... any tips ? thanks :)16:50
Optichipakls, you'd have to use sed to clean it up with what you want.16:51
nathaneltitanei just popped the 12.10 gnome remix edit on live usb and I must admit i am so tempted to come back to ubuntu :) - one thing though, I am experiencing weirdness with wine1.4: it refuses to install claiming failed deps and broken packages... anyone have the same experience on default ubuntu?16:51
Jisawesome2ajacom, on a vitrual machine?16:51
Griffin40Optichip, How could I do that from tty116:51
Jimster480-LGriffin40: oh you musth ave ended up with a incompatible fglrx, they recently removed support for some cards in the new fglrx and you have to get the legacy driver or your machine wont boot. its stupid.16:51
generaUser123 hm16:51
ajacomJisawesome2: no on the free hdd space16:51
Jisawesome2Im not sure taht is possible...16:51
Jimster480-Lajacom: what is your default Bootmanager?16:51
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ajacomJimster480-L: no idea. the one that came with Win816:51
wallythemooseajacom: make sure when you run ubuntu installer, select the hard drive like sda, not sda2 partition16:51
wallythemooseto install grub16:51
tucemiuxajacom, where did you install grub?16:51
ajacomwallythemoose: I'm using "install Ubuntu alongside windows 8"16:52
ajacomtucemiux: ^16:52
OerHeksUser123, ofcourse 64 bit apps do not work on 32 bit. ubuntu 64 bit is multi arch, so you can run 32 bit apps on that16:52
Jimster480-Lajacom: I dont know if Grub will boot windows 8 so you might have a conflict there, I would Google if I were you to se if its possible at this point in time.16:52
Jisawesome2oprtichip, do I just use apt-gert16:52
Jimster480-Lajacom: if you install grub on the MBR then you shouldnt have an issue as far as it showing up, but if your windows 8 will work, well thats a whole other question/problem.16:52
ajacomJimster480-L: I've heard people that lose GRUB after installing windows 8. Same case backwards. People suggest reinstalling grub from the console.16:52
OptichipGriffin40, just login as yourself, find the driver file you downloaded from AMD and rerun it16:52
phr3d13tucemiux, you want to make an exact copy of drive a on drive usb right?16:53
OptichipJisawesome2, is the server a phyical machine or is this in a VM on your machine?16:53
nathaneltitanei just popped the 12.10 gnome remix edit on live usb and I must admit i am so tempted to come back to ubuntu :) - one thing though, I am experiencing weirdness with wine1.4: it refuses to install claiming failed deps and broken packages... anyone have the same experience on default ubuntu?16:53
Jisawesome2physical machien16:53
ajacomJimster480-L: I'm using 'install alongside windows 8'. i'm not really seeing all the sda, sda2 partitioning bits16:53
Griffin40Optichip, The problem is I can not get into a gui I can only boot into tty116:53
ajacomJimster480-L: it should work fine though, right ?16:53
gordonjcptucemiux: oooh16:53
tucemiuxphr3d13, for backup purposes, yes - sort of like ghost16:53
wallythemooseJust installed ubuntu, now it boots to being stuck at "verifying DMI pool data"... :'(16:53
gordonjcptucemiux: I don't know what ghost is16:53
phr3d13then dd is exactly what you want16:53
OptichipGriffin40, you don't need to get to the GUI to cd to the Downloads directory and run the file ./AMDblahblah.bin16:54
gordonjcptucemiux: you could use rsync to copy the files across from one to the other16:54
opcode0I got a random bug in 12.04 where mplayer's display got all scrambled. and now I got this: Maximum number of clients reachedMaximum number of clients reachedxterm Xt error: Can't open display: :0. Can I fix this without restarting X?16:54
tucemiuxajacom, i would go to the grub channel and ask there, windows8 is fairly new - dont even know if it's supported yet but someone in the grub channel would know16:54
User123OerHeks, ok. I just thought that you can choose to compile program to be 32bit or 64 bit :) noob here. Thank you.16:54
alexfpmsGriffin40, what happens when you start X ?16:54
phr3d13tucemiux, dd will make an exact copy of a drive (partitioning scheme and all) on another drive16:54
tucemiuxgordonjcp, i dont want use the files - i want the entire hard drive but let me explain myself a bit more16:54
ajacomtucemiux:  thanks16:55
ArmageddonOptichip, how do I change my background ?16:55
Griffin40Optichip, I do not know the file name16:55
aklsOptichip, apt-show-versions -u -b16:56
tucemiuxHalp!  My ultrabook has windows 7 and the manufacturer preloaded it with 4 primary partitions!  I want to back up the entire drive to a USB external hard drive just for backup purposes and then play with win7, I don't have a CD restore media16:56
OptichipArmageddon, !!!!16:57
OptichipGriffin40, if you downloaded it, then it should be in your Downloads folder, will start with amd or AMD.16:57
nibbler_tucemiux: easy, just copy the full disks, if you don't mind the excessive waste of space, should be quiet well compressable, null out empty space before if you want.16:57
Griffin40alexfpms, It comes up with a lot of text and says Ok next to most of them but then just freezes16:57
wallythemoosenevermind, somehow the boot order in the bios changed without me telling it to. what's the grub utility to re-install grub? It didn't detect my windows 7 install16:57
dfreywhy is it that when I do lsb_release -a, it says I am using 12.04, but when I open update-manager, it says that no updates are avaialble?16:57
Griffin40Optichip, I think it is something really long and funny16:58
cellofellowI just installed Quantal 64bit and It's looking pretty good. I have two funny problems: one GRUB (I think) when it starts shows an error "sparse file not allowed" or something, I hit Enter it it continues to boot perfectly fine. Also when I booted it just now lightdm did not start, I had to start it manually from the console.16:58
ArmageddonGriffin40, did you download it with firefox ?16:58
OptichipGriffin40, you can type the first few letters of the filename then hit [TAB] key to complete.16:58
Griffin40Optichip, I don't think it is the graphics card though because all the graphics are working fine it is just booting up normally then going into tty116:58
Griffin40Armageddon, IOk16:59
ArmageddonGriffin40, if you did the name should be in the Download window in Firefox16:59
OptichipGriffin40, then you can check /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see if there's any error message16:59
alexfpmsdfrey, what do you want ?16:59
Jimster480-LGriffin40: what desktop are you running on here?16:59
dfreyalexfpms: I'm wondering why it isn't suggesting for me to update to 12.1016:59
Optichipless /var/log/Xorg.0.log from the command line.16:59
Jimster480-Land you can do update-grub17:00
Jimster480-Lto make it rescan17:00
ArmageddonGriffin40, if it's dropping down to tty then your Display Manager isn't getting called on boot to run17:00
Dratondfrey: are you on 12.04?17:00
alexfpmsdfrey, change settings17:00
alexfpmsdfrey, you want upgrade ?17:00
ArmageddonGriffin40, try to run it manually17:00
Griffin40Armageddon, run what manually?17:00
Jimster480-Lwhat is the service for the unity desktop?17:01
dfreyDraton, alexfpms: Yes, I am on 12.04 and want to upgrade.  Which settings do I need to change?17:01
ArmageddonGriffin40, Display Manager17:01
Jimster480-Lused to be you type gdm to get your desktop17:01
alexfpmsdfrey, update-manager -d17:01
wilee-nileedfrey, ubuntu software center edit software sources updates all updates17:01
Griffin40Armageddon, How would I do that17:01
alexfpmsdfrey, sudo do-release-upgrade17:01
ajacomNothing yet. I'm using a 1TB HDD with 1NTFS - 2FAT32 - FREE SPACE FOR LINUX. I've heard a disk can have only a limited amount of partitions, could that be the case ?17:02
ArmageddonGriffin40, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM17:02
Griffin40Armageddon, I typed sudo lightdm17:02
ArmageddonArmageddon, won't start it17:02
ArmageddonGriffin40, won't start it17:02
ArmageddonGriffin40, read the link17:02
dfreySeems to be upgrading now. Thanks17:02
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wilee-nileeajacom, You have 3 primaries if that description is correct you need a extended now to comtain any more logical type partitions17:03
mysticalzeroajacom: yes.. if you are using a partition scheme called mbr, you are only limited to create 4 primary partitions.17:03
Jimster480-Lajacom: you can only have 4 logical partitions total. So if you have any recovery or anything like that then that is why it wont install. Also at the moment the way you have it there is no space for a swap partition at all.17:04
ajacommysticalzero, wilee-nilee, Jimster480-L: in that case i should be fine. again it didn't boot. I'm going to try http://askubuntu.com/questions/178184/updating-to-windows-8-on-dual-boot-with-ubuntu from the live cd17:05
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Griffin40Armageddon, When I type sudo start lightdm17:05
Jimster480-Lyea you do that, I have no exp with Windows 8 at the moment so i cant really help u there.17:05
wilee-nileeajacom, Would you run sudo fdisk -l   first and pastebin that info so we know we are all on the same page.17:06
ajacomwilee-nilee: sure. how do i run the console from the live cd? i'm a little lost with the new desktop17:07
Jimster480-Li have no idea how to use that desktop but you can do like ctrl + f2 and it should give ua terminal17:08
wilee-nileeajacom, Just open a terminal ctrl-alt-t should open it and copy and paste sudo fdisk -l   in and pastebin the info.17:08
wilee-nilee!pastebin > ajacom17:08
ubottuajacom, please see my private message17:08
Jimster480-Lctrl + alt + f117:08
wilee-nileethat is a TTY17:09
cellofellowlightdm didn't start when at boot. I can't find it in any of the /etc/rcN.d/ directories. Should I add it in there?17:09
ajacomthanks for the help guys. here it goes: pastebin.com/Gg2TUSNG17:09
tucemiuxOptichip, i wonder if it's possible to install clonezilla iso to a usb drive? o.O17:09
wilee-nileewe want a terminal if a pastebin is useed17:09
WeThePeoplecan someone teach me how to use 3proxy?17:09
Optichiptucemiux, yup17:09
Jimster480-Ltucemiux: you could with a YUMI or a similar linux utility17:09
Optichiptucemiux, well you can use DD or unetbootin17:09
Jimster480-Lwe were talking about it here last night.17:10
Jimster480-Lyea but DD gonna erase his drive17:10
Griffin40when i type dmesg it says gdm normal process killed by term signal17:11
ajacomwilee-nilee, did you get the url ?17:11
wilee-nileeajacom, Yeah you have in the sda HD a extended already with a linux setup, I missed what you final goal is here is it a upgrade on the windows side?17:11
optikxi need a blank dvd so i can install freebsd17:12
ajacomwilee-nilee: i have windows 8 installed. i want to dual boot with ubuntu, that's all.17:12
ajacomthat's my final goal17:12
ajacomi prepared a fat32 partition to share my work between installs17:12
trismcellofellow: lightdm uses upstart, check out /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log to see if there were errors17:12
wallythemooseoy vey. Issues with a jmicron_graid controller and ubuntu. Not detecting windows is the least of my problems17:13
OptichipGriffin40, did you try to do a    sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm17:13
alexfpmsajacom, i think grub doesn't support yet windows 817:13
ajacomalexfpms: i've seen some tutorials online on how to dual boot win8 with ubuntu. they don't have this issue, though :/17:13
Griffin40Optichip, Yes I think i did17:14
wilee-nileeajacom, You have a extended sda4 that is good you want the linux inside that I see a sda5 and sda6 in there already.17:14
DaemonicApathyIsn't wubi able to install Ubuntu using the Windows boot manager?17:14
wilee-nileeDaemonicApathy, It boots with the windows boot,17:14
wilee-nileeyou install from windows is all17:14
ajacomwilee-nilee: that was what the installer did just now after selecting "install alongside windows 8"17:14
Griffin40Optichip, If I type that nothing happens17:15
OptichipGriffin40,  http://askubuntu.com/questions/161736/ubuntu-box-just-redisplaying-login-screen-after-update  check that link17:15
faLUCEHi, is there a media center for ubuntu that DOES NOT USE GPU for decoding?17:16
wilee-nileeajacom, Cool I always do a manual install, so I'm not up on how the unstaller will react after seeing some bad results others have had but this is on the UF or here where people come for help.17:16
wilee-nileeIf it ain't broke they don't come here or the forums usually17:17
arunkumar413abode flash player plugin want to use my camera and mike but when i click allow nothing happens17:17
mordonezHi guys I have tried to upgrade to 12.1017:17
mordonezfor some reason I had a lot of problems17:17
mordoneznow I dealing with this17:18
mordonez trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libgexiv2.so.1.0.0', which is also in package libgexiv2-0 0.4.1-1oneiric517:18
mordonezany ideas how to solve this?17:18
alexfpmsajacom, option to "Install along side Windows" does not work. Users need to create a boot partition, and install the GRUB bootloader to that partition.17:18
arunkumar413i'm using ubuntu 12.1017:18
wilee-nileealexfpms, Since when do you need a boot partition17:19
mordonezthis is the complete error17:19
wols_mordonez: libgexiv2-0 0.4.1-1oneiric5 is not part of oneiric17:19
aminosamigosi am trying to install 12.10 from a usb stick17:19
aminosamigosi got an error17:19
mordonezhow can I solve it wols_17:20
wols_mordonez: you got it from PPA or some other place. and things like this happen when you use PPAs17:20
mordonezplease give me a hand17:20
arunkumar413dash is  not revealing when i move the mouse to the left side of the screen17:20
wols_mordonez: you uninstall the crap17:20
alexfpmswilee-nilee, is it a question ?17:20
DaemonicApathyarunkumar413: what happens when you move it to the upper left corner?17:21
wilee-nileealexfpms, The statement is a bit strange is all that install alongside does not work that makes no sense it does work, a boot partition is rarely needed as well.17:21
mordonezIs there a way what program uses it?17:21
faLUCEhi, is there a good media center that DOESN'T USE GPU?17:21
Jimster480-Ldid that Winodws 8 guy get his stuff fixed?17:21
Jimster480-Lwhy faLUCE are you on intel? lol17:21
Jimster480-Lyou can always disable GPU accel17:22
wols_mordonez: you will see when you try to uninstall it17:22
Jimster480-Lfor those of you using Intel17:22
wilee-nileealexfpms, I think I have missed part of his problem though so I tried asking what was up.17:22
arunkumar413DaemonicApathy, nothing happens17:22
alexfpmswilee-nilee, problem comes with UEFI enabled OS like windows 8, grub might not work in that case17:22
ajacomJimster480-L: I didn't :D17:22
faLUCEJimster480-L: exactly :-)17:22
DaemonicApathyarunkumar413: And when you hit the Super key?17:23
Jimster480-Lwell disable the GPU accel in the media player like you can with VLC17:23
mordonezwhere? I don't know what uninstall17:23
arunkumar413DaemonicApathy, when i press the super key, it opens the dash17:23
faLUCEJimster480-L: it's not enough for xbmc17:23
faLUCEsince the gui still uses gpu17:23
wilee-nileealexfpms, I see I believe you need to have a UEFI setup on the computer but grub does work in a UEFI just needs some different work.17:23
ajacomalexfpms: so should i remove the partitions the installer did, and reinstall, but this time, create a boot partition manually ??17:23
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DaemonicApathyarunkumar413: If the panel is revealed when you open the Dash, you may just want to disable auto-hide.17:24
Jimster480-Llol how can ur gui lag17:24
opcode0I got a problem in 12.04 since yesterday, when I want to install new packages/updates, it warns that this action would require installing packages from unauthenticated repositories. Anyone elese got that?17:24
arunkumar413DaemonicApathy, i want to auto-hide.My problem is when i move the mouse it doesn't reveal17:24
DaemonicApathyarunkumar413: Alternatively, you could adjust the sensitivity of the revel under System Settings > Appearance.17:25
alexfpmsajacom, i have never tested grub with windows 8, but in that case is preferable to have a boot partition. so yes you can try17:25
ajacomalexfpms: should the boot partition be in the free hdd space? (after sda3 in this case)17:25
arunkumar413daemon, i tried adjusting, but nothing happens17:25
ajacomor that doens't matter?17:25
t4bhey, how would I temporarily disable an user account?17:25
fazzaanopcode0: have you changed the repositories? I had mine set to download from the UK servers, and I got the unauthenticated issue today as well. Maybe there's something up with them at the moment?17:26
opcode0I didnt change any17:26
DaemonicApathyarunkumar413: Are you using NVidia drivers?17:27
arunkumar413DaemonicApathy, yes17:27
alexfpmsajacom, the boot partition should be primary but you already have 3 primaries17:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1057000 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "[Ubuntu 12.04.1/12.10] nVidia drivers 304.51 prevent autohidden Unity launcher from revealing" [High,Triaged]17:27
mordonezwols_: please tell me how can I know, to be honest I didn't understand what you said17:27
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arunkumar413DaemonicApathy, i have a nvidia graphic card on my system, but sure if it is being used effectively by ubuntu17:28
tucemiuxOptichip, i went to the clonezilla site and after doing a 360, i installed tuxboot - now im burning clonezilla to my usb drive o.O17:28
wilee-nileeajacom, You have to have everything inside that sda4 a extended, you could set all this up with gparted then use a manual something else install.17:28
Optichiptucemiux, *cheer*17:28
DaemonicApathyarunkumar413: I won't be much help with that, but it does look like they're working on your problem.17:29
opcode0other thing, 12.04 doesn't say anything about 12.10 being available :/17:29
alexfpmsajacom, i'm wrong boot might be logical too17:29
wols_mordonez: simply answer you can't without temporarily breaking your package system17:29
arunkumar413DaemonicApathy, working on which one: dash or adobe flash17:29
fazzaanopcode0: I'm not sure then, sorry =/ I guess just retry it. As long as you haven't added any other sources manually, you should be fine doing updates as they come straight from Canonical's servers17:30
wilee-nileealexfpms, Sorry I missed your post I wont interfere. ;)17:30
mordonezis there any page where I can see how can I do what you suggest or can you give me simple instructions so I can follow them on internet?17:30
DaemonicApathyThe Unity Panel, arun.17:30
DaemonicApathyFlash is just horrible17:31
arunkumar413DaemonicApathy, can i downgrade to 12.0417:31
HelloWorld321how do I take a screenshot?17:31
alexfpmswilee-nilee, no problem you can interfere ;)17:31
wilee-nileeHelloWorld321 prtsc key17:31
HelloWorld321How obvious is that.  Thanks.\17:31
ajacomwilee-nilee, alexfpms: So. 1) I remove everything and get the free space back. 2) Load installer 3) "Something else" 4) Create extended partition 5) Create /boot, primary, inside, 250mb 6) Create swap, 2gb, 7) Create ex2 for linux. 8) Install17:31
DaemonicApathyarunkumar413: If you backup your data and install it clean.17:31
gigiaHi ! How can I install GNOME 3 on Ubuntu 12.04 ?17:32
alexfpmsajacom, there is no 417:32
wilee-nileegigia, sudo apt-get install gnome-shell17:32
alexfpmsajacom, you choose create /boot, type logical that's all17:32
ajacomalexfpms: ok17:33
ajacomthanks =)17:33
alexfpmsajacom, it will create extended if needed17:33
wilee-nileegigia, You actually have gnome 3 already but thta will install the shell to use it.17:33
arunkumar413DaemonicApathy, no backup,  it takes times, can i downgrade without installing. since i upgraded yesterday, can i restore my system so that i get 12.0417:33
gigiaThanks, how can I remove Unity ?17:33
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:33
alexfpmsajacom, ex2 ? you mean ext2 ?17:34
MonkeyDustgigia  no need to remove, install something different and use that17:34
ajacomalexfpms: yes, or ext417:34
wilee-nileegigia, unity is a plugin in compiz which is the window manager runiing on top of gnome 3 I would leave unity alone myself.17:34
ajacomi mean the "linux one"17:34
alexfpmsajacom, why not ext417:34
ajacomalexfpms: yes, yes. i'm just confused on the names. i'll use ext417:34
gigiaThanks !17:35
alexfpmsajacom, your BIOS is UEFI enabled?17:36
Jisawesome2Can someone help me install a network driver on my ubuntu server17:37
ajacomalexfpms: i'm not sure. yes the box says "Dual UEFI"17:37
borax12Hello people ,got some 12.10 queries17:38
ajacomOh no. not again.17:38
ajacomthe usb stick died.17:38
ajacomit's the second USB stick that is killed trying to install ubuntu =(17:38
ajacomi don't know why. maybe it's that "persistence" stuff.17:39
kpullenajacom: The USB stick doesn't function at all anymore?17:39
borax12first of all ,are the ati cards giving a problem in 12.10 ?17:39
ajacomkpullen: no. it's the second one17:39
ajacomkpullen: it shows up in My Computer, though17:39
ajacomand on disk administrator as well17:39
alexfpmsajacom, it's that "persistence" stuff? what do you mean ?17:39
kpullenajacom: Oh good, so theoretically it still functions17:39
ajacomi just can't format it17:40
loki_ irc.rizon.net17:41
kpullenajacom: Do you know the USB stick's device path? It should be something like /dev/sdb17:41
ajacomwindows was unable to complete the format17:41
Ycareneos prober isn't seeing my windows install, it's saying "no volume groups found"17:41
ajacomkpullen: i'm on windows. i couldn't boot into linux17:41
kpullenajacom: Ohhhh17:42
Jisawesome2Can someone help me install a network driver?17:42
ajacomi had the live cd there =17:42
ajacomi must really want to install linux....17:42
kpullenajacom: Any chance you live in Portland, Oregon? There's an Ubuntu 12.10 release party, and if you come to that we might be able to get your USB stick working again.17:42
ajacomkpullen: i'd love to, but i'm at the other side of the world right now17:43
salishi all, i'm having some trouble boot my ubuntu server after an update to grub.  my root partition is on an lvm and im getting an error stating that "physical volume pv0 not found."17:43
ajacomwhat if i just use Wubi... ?17:44
kpullenajacom: That makes it difficult. Wubi is a good option. I think it will allow you to install right from Windows, so you won't even need to use your thumb drive. I've never used it though.17:44
arunkumar413the adobe flash player plugin  is freezing in chromium. the plugin want to access my cam and mic but i'm not able to allow. it's not responding17:44
kpullenarunkumar413: Are you running 12.10? A couple of other people mentioned an issue with flash in 12.10 last night.17:45
Jimster480-LThe thing with Wubi though is that that is no real hibernate support17:46
arunkumar413kpullen, yes i'm running 12.1017:46
ajacomJimster480-L: i really don't mind about that...17:47
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Guest51997do I login again?17:47
Jisawesome2Can someone help me install a network driver?17:47
kpullenarunkumar413: Well, this might not fix your issue, but others are having problems with flash due to compositing. Disabling it seems to resolve the issue: http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg3868614.html.17:48
Jimster480-Lajacom: well then try it. I uesd it for like a year on a machine i coudlnt mess aroudn with the partition tables on17:48
yshidoes anyone know much about using s/pdif with ubuntu? i've had a problem getting more than stereo output since i got it under 12.0417:49
ajacomJimster480-L: is there a way to migrate to real linux installation after you're done with wubi ?17:49
ajacomwithout losing everything ?17:49
yshichoosing the output on my mobo my only digital output options are stereo and stereo with input17:50
yshiusing my nvidia card i can choose from 4 stereo and 3 5.1 options. one of the stereo gets sound, the 5.1 that WOULD is missing17:50
wilee-nileeajacom, Yes https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MigrateWubi17:51
yshii have tried looking at the file that populates the list you choose from, but it has everything right, the 5.1 just doesnt show up17:51
fred_FI cant install programs17:51
wilee-nileefred_F, Can you give some more detail.17:52
fred_FYes, I dowload a file17:53
fred_Fthen I had to click on a install script17:53
ronromwhere can i ask to package polkit-kde-kcmodules-1 ?17:54
wilee-nilee!details > fred_F17:54
ubottufred_F, please see my private message17:54
teddyp1ckerhi all17:54
wilee-nileefred_F, First what is the package and is it in the repos?17:54
CiniuHello, could you tell me how can I install nvidia drivers on  kununtu without ruining the system?17:55
teddyp1ckercan anyone help me to enable graphic acceleration under vb 4.2.217:55
teddyp1ckeri have installed guest additions17:55
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teddyp1ckerbut it still utiliez cpu for rendering effects17:55
wilee-nileefred_F, It is a rare instance you would be downloading from the web outside the repos it helps to know whats up here is all.17:55
Xtremeasureajacom: you ever figure out the wubi migration?17:56
me-1hi I just upgraded to 12.10 but it is slow and buggy what should I do..?17:56
alexfpmsCiniu, what do you mean ?17:56
Ciniutell me please the way to install correctly nvidia graphic drivers17:56
alexfpmsme-1, be more specific17:56
Jimster480-Lwubi migration you can install wubi17:57
Jimster480-Land then you can dd it over17:57
Jimster480-Lanyway im out for a while take it easy peoples.17:57
alexfpmsCiniu, ubuntu version ?17:57
wilee-nilee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MigrateWubi I would follow this wiki for any wubi migration17:57
Ciniukubuntu 12.117:57
fred_FI downloaded a file special ment for use in Linux17:58
ronromCan anyone please tell where can i ask to package polkit-kde-kcmodules-1 ?17:58
wilee-nileefred_F, What is it?17:59
alexfpmsCiniu, in console type: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic && sudo apt-get install nvidia-current-updates17:59
Ciniuthank You, i'll try17:59
allohakI have a device that used to show up as /dev/ttyACM0. I unplugged it and for some reason linux didn't register that event so /dev/ttyACM0 still showed up even though the device was unplugged. I plugged the device back in and it registed as /dev/ttyACM1. I tried doing 'sudo rm /dev/ttyACM0' and restarting udev. /dev/ttyACM0 no long shows up, but the device still registers as /dev/ttyACM1 when I plug it in. Is there a way to get it back to registering as /dev17:59
allohak/ttyACM0 without restarting the machine?17:59
fred_Fits a viewer. Imprudence17:59
fred_FYou can use it in Secondlive17:59
Jisawesome2Can someone help me install a network driver?18:00
fred_FI tried also other viewers18:00
alexfpmsJisawesome2, try googling18:00
Jisawesome2It didnt help18:00
Sahtimohi, i installed nvidia-current and now i get just plain wallpaper when i login18:01
fred_FNon of them could install18:01
Sahtimohow do i fix it18:01
alexfpmsJisawesome2, depends on the network card18:01
Jisawesome2If I told you the card id could you tell me what to do?18:01
Xtremeasurealexfpms : ikr alot of the answers to the questions here should be first or second on google i get tired of linking people to the articles after a while18:01
lion42fred_F, second life's own viewer should work fine in ubuntu. What problem are you having?18:01
XtremeasureJisawesome2 : it could go more indepth depending on the card18:02
alexfpmsSahtimo, do you see the icons ?18:02
Sahtimoonly wallpaper18:02
Jisawesome2xtrmemeasure, if I told you the card number, could you help me18:02
fred_FU can use a lot viewers in Second Live18:02
Xtremeasurewhat type of card is it?18:03
alexfpmsSahtimo, which version of ubuntu ?18:03
teddyp1ckerany ideas?18:03
Jisawesome2realtek 813918:03
lion42fred_F, right, I mean the linden labs default viewer should work fine.18:03
lion42fred_F, this should have everything you need to get set up. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linux_Viewer18:03
alexfpmsXtremeasure, you're right18:03
Xtremeasureyou have to turn on the icons in the tweak tool at least i had to im running 12.10 gnome remix18:04
Jisawesome2I am using server, not desktop18:04
YizakHey ppl, I was wondering if someone can help me here, I just installed Ubuntu but it micro-freezes completely in graphics and sound for a while like 2 secs and then it runs normally again, those micro-freezes are frequently and I haven't found anything related to my problem on google :(18:04
fred_FI want to use the Imprudence or the Singularity viewer18:04
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alexfpmsSahtimo, sudo apt-get purge nvidia* && sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic nvidia-current-updates18:04
fred_FI downloaded the files for Linux18:04
Sahtimook i try18:05
XtremeasureJisaawesome2 are you looking for normal network connectivity or actually using the card to serve other computers in the network18:05
alexfpmsSahtimo, then reboot18:05
fred_FDid unpack an executed a script18:05
Jisawesome2Xtrememeasure, For the moment, I just want to connect to the interenet, but the ultimate goal is to serve files to other computers18:05
fred_FAfter that there was no viewer18:05
Xtremeasurejisawesome ok is it a pci network card?18:06
alexfpmsXtremeasure, people are lazy18:06
Xtremeasurealexfpms: well the network card thing can be daunting wont lie especially if ndis is involved i cring at ahe bcm ndis drivers18:06
lion42fred_F, unfortunately I don't know those clients and don't know their linux support. Have you tried running the LL viewer to at least see if that works for you/18:06
Jisawesome2xtrememeasure How can I find out18:07
arunkumar413how to downgrade from 12.10 to 12.0418:07
lion42I can't download those clients right now either to try and see how they run, sorry. :(18:07
YizakHey ppl, I was wondering if someone can help me here, I just installed Ubuntu but it micro-freezes completely in graphics and sound for a while like 2 secs and then it runs normally again, those micro-freezes are frequently and I haven't found anything related to my problem on google :(18:07
Xtremeasurejisawesome pastebin the output of lspci for me18:07
fred_FI use them in Windows18:07
g105bHow can I revert the home directory to its correct permissions? I tried `chmod 0700 .` but the `ll` record shows `drws--S---`, I don't know what the capital S is for... it shouldn't be there18:07
allohakI have a device that used to show up as /dev/ttyACM0. I unplugged it and for some reason linux didn't register that event so /dev/ttyACM0 still showed up even though the device was unplugged. I plugged the device back in and it registed as /dev/ttyACM1. I tried doing 'sudo rm /dev/ttyACM0' and restarting udev. /dev/ttyACM0 no long shows up, but the device still registers as /dev/ttyACM1 when I plug it in. Restarting fixes the problem, but I need to be able18:07
allohakto fix it without restarting. Is there a way to get it back to registering as /dev/ttyACM0 without restarting the machine ?18:08
Jisawesome2xtrememeasure, I am using ubuntu server, so I cant copy18:08
Ciniualexfpms, please tell me what's the problem? when i launch nvidia settings, it says it does not appera,thath i use nvidia x driver18:08
cowsquadcan anyone be kind enough to tell me How to set up remote login?18:08
cowsquadwhat do I need18:08
alexfpmsCiniu, you did what i told?18:08
Ciniui wrote these commands in terminal18:09
Ciniuinstalled it18:09
Xtremeasureok well run lspci | grep Ethernet and tell me what shows up18:09
alexfpmsCiniu, and you rebooted the system ?18:09
Ciniureboot and launched nvidia settings18:09
fred_FI use the viewers most time in OSGRID18:09
alexfpmsCiniu, i suppose it worked well in 12.04 ?18:10
Sahtimoalexfpms: it works now ty18:10
Jisawesome2Xtrememeasure, ALl taht comes up is a new line18:10
Ciniuit's my firts time with (k)ubuntu18:10
fred_FThere are a lot other who use Linux in combination with those viewers18:10
alexfpmsCiniu, so i dont get it, what's the problem ?18:10
Jisawesome2But on just lspci, there is a line taht said 00.01.0 PCI BRidge: ...18:11
fred_FThey think it can be becouse of the Ubuntu version18:11
wastrelkubuntu you say18:11
arunkumar413adobe flash player plugin want to use my notebook cam and mic. but the flash player is freezed i'm ubale to allow it. please help. I'm using 12.1018:11
Dougie187So, my launcher isn't revealing when I move my mouse to the left side hard.18:12
sfan5arunkumar413: do you use chrome?18:12
arunkumar413sfan5, yes18:12
sfan5i have this problem too18:12
Xtremeasurejisawesome2 run ifconfig and let me know if you have a device assigned as eth018:12
arunkumar413sfan5, chromium18:12
nicola98fook bitches18:12
sfan5use firefox18:12
sfan5it works there18:12
Xtremeasureor eth118:12
Jisawesome2I dont see one18:12
wilee-nileeDougie187, You can right click the desktop then the backgrounds second tab I believe has a a pressure adjustment.18:13
wilee-nileedid in 12.0418:13
hyliani installed java via wine, and now ubuntu tries to use that to run jar files even though I uninstalled java in wine18:13
Dougie187I tried that, and it doesn't change anything. :( but I just found a bug report claiming it's due to the nvidia driver. https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/105700018:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1057000 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "[Ubuntu 12.04.1/12.10] nVidia drivers 304.51 prevent autohidden Unity launcher from revealing" [High,Triaged]18:13
Jisawesome2xtrememeasure, when I run lshw I do see one though18:13
alexfpmsJisawesome2, so what is your card ?18:13
cowsquadwhere do i find help in how to set up remote login/?18:13
fred_FI did Right click on the script18:14
Jisawesome2Realtek 813918:14
wilee-nileeDougie187, You can do it as well in ccsm, how this works with a bug I do not know.18:14
arunkumar413sfan5, no, in firefox also it doesn't work18:14
Dougie187I did it in ccsm actually18:14
alexfpmscowsquad, over ssh ?18:14
Dougie187and it didn't work in that.18:14
Dougie187Thanks though18:14
HelloWorld321Hi cowsquad.  There's lots of different types of remote login.  What computer are you trying to connect to which computer?18:14
FloodBot1Dougie187: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:14
miahow do you install vlc with all the bells and whistles.  I want to watch dvds etc...unless there is a better way ;)18:14
Xtremeasurejisawesome2 gimme a sec doing some preliminary reading18:15
|Anthony|Anyone here have experience with / pointers for setting up a chroot jail for users?18:15
cowsquada windows computer with my ubuntu 12.10. Do i just input ssh and the Ip address of the windows pc18:15
wilee-nileemia, vlc should have all the bells and windows, but you want the restricted-extras as well18:15
Jisawesome2Xtrememeasure, also when I do ifconfig -a | grep eth I do get an eth018:15
cowsquadI already downloaded openssh18:15
tech2anyone managed to get an office-communicator connection working in Quantal using empathy with pidgin-sipe and telepathy-haze?18:16
miawilee-nilee, how do you get those?18:16
|Anthony|cowsquad, does the windows box have ssh server running?18:16
HelloWorld321You're trying to view a windows computer from your ubuntu computer?  Okay, usually people use Remote Desktop to view a windows computer, I recently downloaded a pretty good Ubuntu client called ...18:16
arunkumar413adobe flash player plugin want to use my notebook cam and mic. but the flash player is freezed i'm ubale to allow it. please help. I'm using 12.1018:16
alexfpmscowsquad, do you want to login remotely in your windows machine?18:16
HelloWorld321You're trying to view a windows computer from your ubuntu computer?  Okay, usually people use Remote Desktop to view a windows computer, I recently downloaded a pretty good Ubuntu client called ... RemMina Remote Desktop Client18:16
Dougie187All better. :D So, if anyone asks, point them to that bug report.18:17
YizakI installed the last version of Ubuntu yesterday, but it keeps micro-freezing frequently and completely for like 2 secs and then it runs normally again, it happens both as in graphics and sound.18:17
Xtremeasurejisawesome try rebooting and adding the no apic tag to your boot see if that gets the card to work from what i see alot of people with the card have problems with an apic conflift18:17
wilee-nileemia, they are in the software center ubuntu-restricted-extras or whatever desktop you are running. here is a link for other codes as well. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-mplayer-and-multimedia-codecs-libdvdcss2w32codecsw64codecs-on-ubuntu-12-10-quantal-quetzal.html18:17
HelloWorld321I'd say set up Remote Desktop server on the windows machine, and then set up Remmina Remote Desktop client on the Ubuntu client.18:17
cowsquadalexfpms, No i want to login remotely from my windows one or any computer to my ubuntu 12.1018:17
HelloWorld321Okay Cowsquad, then what I said won't help18:17
tech2Yizak: does it mention anything about cpu stuck for x seconds in /var/log/kern.log?18:17
hyliani figured it out, sorry to bother you guys...18:17
sfan5cowsquad: openssh-server ?18:17
Xtremeasurecowsquad: try teamviewer lol18:17
wilee-nileemia, YOu don't have to instal the mplayer in the link but the codec info is helpful.18:18
rhizmoeugh, why the f does it take 10min to spool up a print job to a laser printer?18:18
cowsquadalexfpms, but I dont know how to do that18:18
Yizaklemme see18:18
cowsquadsfan5 yes, that what was. openshh-server18:18
Jisawesome2Xtrememeasure what did you say about rebooting?18:18
cowsquadsfan5, but i dont know how to go from there. I am lost18:19
geekosopherMy system has frozen while installing 1218:19
alexfpmscowsquad, from windows, you can use teamviewer18:19
wilee-nileerhizmoe, Please don't seem to swear this is a world wide channel.18:19
mudhoundI am trying to use some software which is playing midi from within. Is there anything in particular I need to focus on when trying to make the midi playback with the realistic sound rather than a challenged flute ?18:19
sfan5cowsquad: just "sudo apt-get install openssh-server"18:19
matanyaNot Found18:19
matanyaThe requested URL /ubuntu/dists/quantal-updates/main/dist-upgrader-all/current/ReleaseAnnouncement.html was not found on this server.18:19
matanyaApache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server at archive.ubuntu.com Port 8018:19
Xtremeasurejisawesome2 reboot and add the noapic tag to your boot and tell me if it works from what i see alot of people have problems with an apic conflict18:19
melow01I was moving my home directory to a separate partition, editing fstab, after reboot, I can't login.18:19
matanyaon update page18:19
matanyawhen trying to upgrade to 12.1018:20
virusuyhowdy all18:20
sfan5melow01: maybe you need to edit /etc/passwd18:20
melow01I type my password at the login prompt, and get looped back to the same prompt18:20
Xtremeasurejisawesome2 your card is supported and has been for a while so we just have to narrow down as to why it isnt seen or configureable18:20
HelloWorld321Is Teamview freindlier than VNC?  I've used VNC, and it works, but I pretty much hated it.18:20
sfan5matanya: try to use "do-release-upgrade" in console18:20
cowsquadsfan5, i did that. but how to I set up my ubuntu 12.10. Do i just download putty in windows or any other computer, and type ssh + ip address of my ubuntu 12.1018:20
Jisawesome2How do we do that xtrememeasure18:20
matanyasfan5: it is missing on the server18:20
sfan5cowsquad: yes18:20
thechitowncubscan someone help me get my HDMI out working?18:21
sfan5matanya: hmm18:21
donald_tuskwhats up guys?18:21
cowsquadsfan5, really that easy?18:21
cowsquadokay let me try that18:21
thechitowncubsfglrx mobility radeon hd 340018:21
melow01I logged into recovery as root. How do i edit passwd?18:21
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords18:22
sfan5melow01: nano /etc/passwd18:22
tech2sfan5: no.18:22
melow01Ok but I didn't forget my password18:22
Xtremeasurejisawesome2 i believe on boot youd press esc then tab and type no apic to the end of the line18:22
donald_tusksą tu polacy?18:22
HelloWorld321If your username is different on the two machines, you can prepend "username@"18:22
wilee-nileemelow01, Do you know the password as of now?18:22
melow01Here was an error after I made my changes18:22
tech2melow01: passwd <username>   as root18:23
RocklawLeo, recall she dumped her record contract for a concert promotion company instead18:23
Xtremeasurejisawesome2 you have to hit esc before the splash to enter your grub18:23
arunkumar413adobe flash player plugin want to use my notebook cam and mic. but the flash player is freezed i'm ubale to allow it. please help. I'm using 12.1018:23
Jisawesome2I will do that xtrememeasure18:23
melow01Yes, I know my password18:23
arunkumar413ubuntu 12.10 sucks18:23
XtremeasureJisaawesome2 ill be here awhile so do it and lemme know what happens18:23
alexfpmsmelow01, you moved your home partition ?18:24
melow01I dont understand why it would change18:24
Yizaktech2 no, it doesn't mention anything about CPU stuck :(18:24
Jisawesome2can you pm me18:24
Xtremeasurewhy do you say 12.10 sucks?18:24
sfan5Xtremeasure: he has a problem with flash player18:24
tech2Yizak: this is a good thing, means it's one less thing to worry about :)18:24
melow01Yes, I moved my home partition18:24
alexfpmsmelow01, so where do you want to login ?18:25
Xtremeasurearunkumaru you have to disable the composite manager and the window decorator through compiz fusion icon to use the settings without going full screen18:25
arunkumar413Xtremeasure, it sucks bcoz the flash player plugin freezes and it doesn't reveal the dash when i move the mouse to the edge of the screen18:25
Yizaktech2 oh I see, but what could it be then? :S18:25
wilee-nileearunkumar413, I suspect that would go over better in #ubuntu-offtopic this is support18:25
alexfpmsmelow01, did you modified your fstab ?18:25
Jisawesome2xtrememeasure, I am in the GRUB18:25
alexfpmsmelow01, did you modify your fstab ?18:25
Xtremeasureok press tab jisa18:25
tech2Yizak: could be a number of things. COuld be networking, drivers, X, etc. etc.18:26
Jisawesome2It didnt do anything18:26
Xtremeasureat the bottom do you see a line of text18:26
=== scouts is now known as SazSpaz
geekosopherSorry to repeat the question... my computer has frozen while installing 12.04 from live usb... machine is thinkpad e43018:26
Jisawesome2At the bottom I see some instructions18:26
Xtremeasureread them18:26
Jisawesome2I did18:27
geekosopher3rd gen i518:27
Yizakdamn :( then I'm kinda screwed18:27
crazydipis it possible to do a do-release-upgrade equivalent of apt-get --download-only so only deb files are downloaded but system is not upgraded?18:28
alexfpmsmelow01, your home partition is probably not mounted anymore, it is normal fail to login18:28
Xtremeasuregive me a min jisawesome2 im doing some reading it seems that im telling you the incorrect way to add the boot tag18:28
Jisawesome2Xtreme, what am I supposed to do in the grub18:28
alexfpmscrazydip, i don't think so. but why ?18:28
melow01Yes I modified fstab18:28
fred_FI dowloaded the secondlive viewer for Linux18:29
Yizaktech 2 thank you anyway, I'll see what I can do18:29
fred_FI tried to install it but nothing happen18:30
Yizaktech2 thank you anyway, I'll see what I can do18:30
tech2Yizak: good luck18:30
mudhoundAnyone: Is it possible to 'connect' arbitrary software to the synthesizer already on my system ?18:30
crazydipalexfpms: i want to make the actual upgrade go as quickly as possible18:30
crazydipalexfpms: plenty of reasons why people would want to do it this way.... that's why apt-get has the -d option18:31
alexfpmscrazydip, for that reason you can download an ISO18:31
cowsquadis anybody experiencing issues with the power button on their laptop not going into suspend mode?18:32
cowsquadbecause I am18:32
alexfpmscrazydip, do-release-upgrade do a lot of things18:32
wilee-nileecowsquad, That can be a per computer model issue.18:32
alexfpmscrazydip, not just downloading .deb18:32
cowsquadi am on a toshiba a305-627818:32
melow01I had to move machines...irc client wasn't working18:33
melow01I followed all the instructions on this page:18:34
crazydipalexfpms: yeah, i know - i think i'll just extract the deb files from iso image and place them in apt/archives - that should minimize the amount of packages do-release-upgrade downloads -- hopefully it does not ignore or clean the archives dir18:34
=== [ESphynx] is now known as ESphynx
cowsquadSo the remote login in ubuntu 12.10 only works with computer running ubuntu 12.10 right?18:35
alexfpmsmelow01, what does it say ? df -h 2>/dev/null | grep home18:36
wilee-nileecowsquad, Concerning the suspend topic I see somestuff on the web, may be a bug. I'm on a a205 right now I use the dropdown top right to suspend myself.18:36
melow01I'm logged in as recovery root18:37
alexfpmscowsquad, no18:37
cowsquadthats what I do too. thank for your help18:37
melow01The only device mounted is /dev/sda318:38
cowsquadalexfpms, ahh okay18:38
alexfpmscowsquad, shh is working between all the machines running it18:38
alexfpmscowsquad, windows is not running ssh18:38
cowsquadwhat do i run in windows then18:39
alexfpmscowsquad, do you want use just console ?18:39
cowsquadi Was able to connect to my linux box using putty with windows. No, like i want to be able to acces my linux box from school18:40
Jisawesome2xtrememeasure, do you have anything18:40
bulletrulzwhy is http://gnomebuntu.com/ not up yet?18:40
alexfpmscowsquad, do you use no-ip ?18:40
sfan5cowsquad: forward ports18:40
melow01Sorry, I gotta jam. I'll back in a bit from a new location18:41
melow01Thanks alexfpms18:41
bulletrulzjordan4ibanes is T_A_N_K now18:41
Jisawesome2HOW DO I GEt IT TO STOP PINING18:41
theadminJisawesome2: Ctrl-C18:41
Jisawesome2Is there a way to test internet connection?18:42
Jisawesome2is pinging a test18:42
cowsquadalexfpms. I use putty and windows using Ip and it work great in terminal.18:42
cowsquadsfa5, I have no idea about forwad ports18:43
alexfpmscowsquad, do you have a static ip ?18:43
theadminJisawesome2: Yes, if you can ping, say, google.com your connection works well enough18:43
Jisawesome2I guess I fixed it then18:43
Jisawesome2Onto the next question.... Can someone help me get by tasksel to work?18:43
Ampersandhello. i have a question - concerning the messaging menu icon in the panel. I have just upgraded from ubuntu 12.04 to 12.10. I use Thunderbird as my e-mail client. The problem is that when I receive a new message, the icon doesn't turn blue anymore. A notification is however displayed, but I might miss it. I was wondering if there's anything that could be done about this? (in 12.04 I didn't have this problem, it worked well)18:44
excalibrwhat's the shortcut key to switch between the same app windows?18:44
erdoHow can I install xfce on Ubuntu 12.04 ?18:44
stodgeSilly question but how do I get to this drivers window in Ubuntu 12.10 (i.e. with Unity)? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia18:44
WeThePeoplecan someone teach me how to use 3proxy?18:45
theadminerdo: sudo apt-get install xfce4, or if you'd prefer to turn your whole Ubuntu install in Xubuntu, follow the message Ubottu will send you in a second.18:45
theadmin!purexfce | erdo18:45
ubottuerdo: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »18:45
KvaksAre there any good software in the repos to analyse bandwidth usage? (Newbie-friendly)18:45
Jisawesome2Can someone help me get by tasksel to work?18:45
FinnishHow do I run a .run file in terminal?18:45
theadminFinnish: chmod +x something.run && ./something.run if that's an ELF file.18:46
KvaksFinnish: chmod +x file.run ; ./file.run18:46
theadminFinnish: If it isn't but is just some random thing, I dunno.18:46
FinnishKvaks, Thanks18:46
sfan5i'm updating to 12.10 and my fonts broke18:46
theadminsfan5: Um... Fonts?18:47
theadminsfan5: Please give details on what exactly happened, a screenshot maybe?18:47
sfan5theadmin: anything in xchat looks weirs18:47
cowsquadalexfmp I think is dynamic. How do i know if it is static or dynamic18:47
fred_FI cant install Programs I downloaded18:48
stodgeSeems ubuntu isnt offering me any additional drivers, it doesn't think I have an nvidia card, which i do - 1000m18:48
theadminfred_F: You're doing something wrong.18:48
alexfpmscowsquad, depends on your ISP, but you probably use a dynamic ip18:48
theadminstodge: The Linux drivers for nvidia don't support all nvidia cards, unfortunately.18:48
fred_Fyes, maybe18:48
fred_Fbut what??18:48
theadminfred_F: What do you want to install? Mostly, you install programs from the Ubuntu Software Center or using apt-get on the terminal.18:49
cowsquadalexfmps, i use my phone internet. I have a galaxy nexus rooted so I use verizon mobile 4g on my laptop18:49
alexfpmscowsquad, what do you want to do? login from school ?18:49
OerHeksfred_F, what programm ?18:49
fred_FNo, I downloaded the files18:49
sfan5theadmin: it looks like this http://i.imgur.com/8MHaj.png18:49
cowsquadyes, login from school18:49
fred_FIts the viewer for secondlive18:49
theadminfred_F: Oh. What kinda files are they?18:50
sfan5cowsquad: be aware that your school may block ports18:50
theadminsfan5: Looks fine to me, dunno18:50
fred_FI had to unpack18:50
stodgetheadmin: ok - I see there is a txt.gz file of supported cards, but how do I view this?18:50
alexfpmscowsquad, the problem, if you ip is dynamic it changes over time. How could you know it from school ?18:50
ardchoillesfan5: most schools do18:50
stodgein /usr/share/doc/nvidia-current/README.txt.gz18:50
fred_Fwhen unpacked there is a script I had to run18:50
sfan5theadmin: the font suddenly changed18:51
theadminsfan5: zcat /usr/share/doc/nvidia-current/README.txt.gz18:51
z_sdusthelp: ircII is broken; whenever i write something nobody rereplies18:51
stodgeah less will do it18:51
theadminErr. stodge, that zcat command was for you18:51
theadminstodge: No, you can't "less" a gzipped file18:51
cowsquadokay, I check that before doing something. thank you alexfmps18:51
alexfpmscowsquad, you have to pass over something similar to no-ip, but than again are you sure your ISP allows connections to the port 23?18:51
AdamantusI can't seem to update from 12.04 to 12.1018:51
stodgetheadmin: I did and it worked :)18:51
AdamantusIt just says that there are not updates.18:52
theadminstodge: hm okay, lol18:52
sfan5theadmin: zless18:52
theadminsfan5: Oh.18:52
cowsquadalexfpms. when I set up openshh-server i change the port to some number I created like 434418:52
antivirtelhi, is there any solution to burn an universal boot cd, then eg. select the ISO from somewhere, then try/install that ubuntu, not to write out CD for every release (for the non USB boot supported MB-s)18:52
OerHeksfred_F, there is a readme.txt in that archiv18:52
fred_FNo not any18:52
AdamantusHow do I upgrade to Ubuntu 12.10 please?18:53
cowsquadso when I connect from my windows laptop I used that number and it worked just fine18:53
alexfpmscowsquad, are you sure your ISP alows to connect to 4344 from outside ?18:53
sfan5Adamantus: "do-release-upgrade" in console OR use update manager gui18:53
faLUCEhi, is there a good media center that DOESN'T USE GPU and has a youtube plugin?18:53
=== zhurai is now known as zhurai-tsuki
cowsquadlet me get back to you in like 10 min alexfpms18:53
fred_Fsorry, there is one, I read first18:53
antivirtel!upgrade | Adamantus18:53
ubottuAdamantus: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:53
sfan5alexfpms: the most isp's don't block any ports, you just need to port-forward18:54
=== zhurai-tsuki is now known as zhurai
Adamantussfan5, "No new release found"18:54
bdrewerysame here18:54
sfan5try "sudo apt-get update"18:54
alexfpmssfan5, it depends mine blocks almost everything18:54
sfan5mine blocks nothing :)18:54
trismAdamantus: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_12.04_LTS18:54
trismAdamantus: you must enable normal release upgrades18:54
stodgeweird the nvidia driver from software centre didn't seem to install anything18:55
Adamantustrism, Will have a look in a minute thanks.18:55
=== 16SAAE71I is now known as CookieM_
antivirtelhi, is there any solution to burn an universal boot cd, then eg. select the ISO from somewhere, then try/install that ubuntu, not to write out CD for every release (for the non USB boot supported MB-s)?18:56
alexfpmssfan5, and have to activate it from the isp web site and i sign an agreement that they are not responsible for in case of intrusion into my system18:56
NecroHi guys, the bar that runs along the top and side of ubuntu 12.04 is missing for me. How can I get it back? (this problem is persistent through restarting, logging back in, etc)18:56
tech2antivirtel: is burning a new cd really that much of an issue?18:56
fred_FThe only clue is: Run ./secondlife from the installation directory to start Second Life.18:56
NecroThe top and side of the desktop*18:57
fred_FSo it should work18:57
antivirteltech2 it is unnecesarry & not very environment friendly18:57
tech2antivirtel: use a CDRW instead of a CDR?18:57
sfan5fred_F: you could write a script: "cd $secondlife_install_dir && ./secondlife"18:57
antivirteltech2 there is some disadvantage of RW tech, the speed, etc... If I can, I want to use the USB solution, but if I can't I have to do something...18:58
fred_FThe readme says also: The Second Life Linux client can entirely run from the directory you have18:58
fred_Funpacked it into - no installation step is required.18:58
bulletrulzim keep getting crash report detected and it wont STOP!18:59
WalexNecro: that's used to be the "panel" in old versions of GNOME, just add a new one.18:59
overcluckerantivirtel: you can debootstrap a new version from an older livecd. it won't be nearly as fast as the live installer though.18:59
tech2antivirtel: right, if you're using a machine incapable of booting from USB, you use the CDRW, if you can use USB, use that, problem solved.18:59
tech2antivirtel: if a machine is incapable of booting from USB, chances are the speed issue of CDRW isn't going to be too much of an issue is it?19:00
antivirteloverclucker can you explain that debootstrap?19:00
antivirteltech2 you may right, otherwise the problem is, that I have no (working) RW at home... I have to buy one :)19:01
NecroWalex: how do I add a new one?19:01
AmpersandI have just upgraded from ubuntu 12.04 to 12.10. I use Thunderbird as my e-mail client. The problem is that when I receive a new message, the icon doesn't turn blue anymore. A notification is however displayed, but I might miss it. I was wondering if there's anything that could be done about this? (in 12.04 I didn't have this problem, it worked well)19:01
WeThePeoplewhy is it on my iso (cd) of backtrack the internet is much faster than on my ubuntu hdd ??19:01
ubottudebootstrap is used to create a !Debian or Ubuntu base system from scratch, without requiring the availability of !dpkg or !APT. It does this by downloading !.deb files from a mirror site, and carefully unpacking them into a directory you can eventually !chroot into.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot for more information19:01
WalexNecro: can't remember, probably right click on the desktop19:01
Adamantustrism, It's detecting the upgrade now,thanks.19:01
fred_Fit gives an error: libGL error: failed to load driver: i91519:02
fred_FlibGL error: Try again with LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose for more details.19:02
fred_FlibGL error: failed to load driver: swrast19:02
fred_FlibGL error: Try again with LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose for more details.19:02
fred_FThe program 'do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin' received an X Window System error.19:02
FloodBot1fred_F: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:02
fred_FThis probably reflects a bug in the program.19:02
tech2anyone know how to get telepathy-haze and pidgin-sipe working in Quantal?19:04
=== scouts is now known as bfg
matt____hello, which of nvidia driver shoud I choose in additional drivers?19:05
matt____i have got 3, and two of them are nearly the same19:05
alexfpmsmatt____, you can choose updates19:05
alexfpmsmatt____, they are more recent19:06
matt____You mean nvidia-current-updates?19:06
themhzsudo chmod -R 644 var/www/*.php to give recursively permissions only to php files?19:06
alexfpmsmatt____, yes19:06
matt____thank you19:06
matt____and how can I change nickname in this ?19:07
sfan5matt____: do you mean irc?19:07
ardchoillethemhz: you don't need the -R if you ar eonly working with files in the same dir19:07
sfan5/nick the_name_you_want19:07
tech2themhz: no  probably something more like   find var/www -name '*.php' | sudo xargs chmod 64419:07
matt____don't work Sfan519:08
themhzoh thank you guys ardchoille and tech219:08
ardchoillethemhz: also, you need to be careful when chmod'ing recursively because removing the execute bit from directories will lock users out19:09
tech2themhz: if there's a chance you have a directory named <something>.php then you'll probably also need to add -type f to the find command19:09
ardchoilletech2: good advice19:10
Myrttifred_F: FloodBots are bots, programmes that protect the channel19:10
tech2themhz: best generally to run the find by itself to see what it will affect19:10
themhztech2, sorry directory with  name <something>.php?19:11
themhzor file19:12
Myrttifred_F: they can't answer or help you. Please post the information into a pastebin and post your question in the channel.19:12
ardchoillethemhz: something like /var/www/mydir.php/anotherdir19:12
ardchoillethemhz: a dir with a dot in the name19:12
fred_Foh ok19:12
tech2themhz: the find command I gave you will list all directory entries (including directories) with a name like *.php, so if you have a directory that matches that pattern, it will also list that directory.19:12
themhza ok19:12
themhzI was not familiar with these types of folders. Thanx19:13
pythonirc101is there a tool in linux to watch what processes/threads a process creates? what files it touches ? etc?19:14
fred_Fwhat is a pastbin?19:14
ardchoillethemhz: as tech2 mentioned, you should run the find command by itself first to see what it will affect, you can tweak the find command by adding "-type -f" for a file or "-type -d" for a directory19:14
yeats!paste | GNUbuntu19:14
alexfpmsthemhz, lol there is no different folder types19:14
ardchoillesorry, typo, that's -type f or -type d19:14
yeats!paste | fred_F19:14
yeatsGNUbuntu: sorry - meant that for someone else19:14
dplordis anyone here?19:14
tech2no :)19:15
n0sqi don't know what the deal is but i'm having a lot of issues with 12.04 - mouse pointer moves off the link when i try to click on it, sometimes i have to click on a link more than once, pdf files wouldn't print so i installed acrobat reader and now the pdf files won't display, etc19:15
ubottuGNUbuntu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:15
ubottufred_F: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:15
ardchoillewowsers, botlag19:15
arashi25612.10 is slow, but I'm only running on a netbook :)19:15
n0sqnot to mention that contacts won't show as online with emesene..........19:16
* n0sq is still waiting for an amsn package to be released for 12.0419:17
Myrttiarashi256: sorry, my fault.19:17
OerHeksn0sq, won't happen, AFAIK19:17
n0sqmy wife has a problem with retrieving hotmail when using pidgin also19:17
* tech2 is still waiting for empathy to support sipe, dreams may be free, but that doesn't help matters :)19:18
n0sqthe list goes on.......19:18
Myrttiardchoille: even,sorry arashi25619:18
javierf_Hi! one question, which is the packet that makes messages-indicator switch colour depending on your status? can't find it, neither figure out how to install it (http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/08/ubuntu-add-new-message-indicator-icons). Thanks!!!19:18
arashi256Myrtti - how so?19:18
OerHeksn0sq, see ubuntuupdate ppa, it contains aMSN > http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/quantal/universe/base/amsn19:18
matt____can i paste a link to picture with my problem(connected to ubuntu of course)19:18
ardchoilleMyrtti: What's up? I didn't quite understand what happened there19:19
theadminmatt____: Sure.19:19
arashi256Can I run a DNS server for my home network? Can I configure BIND to do this?19:19
matt____http://s18.postimage.org/occoi1k4p/scr.png this is my problem19:19
Myrttiardchoille: I made a query and it tired ubottu a bit.19:19
yeats!dns | arashi25619:19
ubottuarashi256: To set up a Domain Name Service see the !serverguide - https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/dns.html19:19
themhzalexfpms,  lol I know in the windows world that I was used to for so many years I never actually used a folder. some extension :P19:19
ardchoilleMyrtti: ah, ok. Was hoping everything was ok with the poor overworked bot :)19:19
matt____can Somebody help me with that http://s18.postimage.org/occoi1k4p/scr.png ?19:20
arashi256so is that a yes? :)19:20
trismjavierf_: libmessaging-menu is the API used19:20
trismjavierf_: in 12.1019:20
jonas-khow  install intel 4500 hd drivers19:20
alexfpmsmatt____, sudo apt-get purge nvidia*19:21
matt____and then what?19:21
alexfpmsmatt____, 12.10 ?19:21
lukecarrierHate Unity so god damn much19:22
alexfpmsmatt____, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic nvidia-current-updates19:22
matt____installed few minutes ago;19:22
yeatslukecarrier: have a support question?19:22
user82hi. did anybody find the "compact view" in empathy (ubuntu 12.10)19:22
lukecarrierwho on earth decided that monstrosity was worthy of being included in an Ubuntu release?19:22
alexfpmsmatt____, and then reboot19:22
themhzalexfpms,  even though I just tested it and it works on windows to lol19:22
lukecarriersuch a great OS, pretty much ruined :(19:22
user82i do not want the profile pictures just the list of people in empathy..19:22
alexfpmsthemhz, it is just the name19:23
matt____Alex, these 2 commands are separated? You mean install linux.. and then nvidia?19:23
lukecarrieryeats, nope, just hoping for more investment in Gnome Shell19:23
javierf_trism, and how could I activate the changing colour function? just the having the icons with the right name in the right folder?19:23
yeats!ot | lukecarrier19:23
ubottulukecarrier: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:23
themhzalexfpms, ye, I think I got psycho conditioned by the .* matching it only to files :P19:23
theadminmatt____: You can pass multiple packages to apt-get install so just use the exact command19:23
alexfpmsmatt____, i mean: sudo apt-get purge nvidia* && sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic nvidia-current-updates19:23
matt____i get it19:24
alexfpmsmatt____, and then reboot19:24
lukecarrierI'll go cry myself to sleep then </319:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:24
matt____and all should work after that?19:24
alexfpmsthemhz, understand19:24
theadminalexfpms: Don't you need a \ before the asterisk in "nvidia*", that is, "nvidia\*"? I'm not too familiar with bash but this will fail with zsh19:24
mangozyjonas-k: HD ati cards not supported in 12.1019:24
alexfpmstheadmin, no19:25
tex200ciao a tt19:25
trismjavierf_: bug 1040259 has examples on how to use it, basically you need a .desktop file, add a source and set attention on the source, and the icon will change color until you click the source or remove the attention19:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1040259 in skype-wrapper "FFE: libmessaging-menu transitions for quantal" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104025919:26
ubottutex200: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:26
yeats!it | tex20019:26
ubottutex200: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:26
Alexx__Hello room.19:26
alexfpmstheadmin, try echo /etc/a*19:26
alexfpmstheadmin, for example19:27
theadminalexfpms: Uses the shell matching in zsh, I get: /etc/acpi /etc/adduser.conf /etc/adjtime /etc/akonadi /etc/alternatives /etc/anacrontab /etc/apm /etc/apparmor /etc/apparmor.d /etc/apport /etc/apt /etc/at.deny /etc/avahi /etc/avserver.conf19:27
theadminHm... Is it safe to remove bash? Nobody on my system uses it anyway so I figure...19:28
Alexx__theadmin:  i have no idea what that means.19:28
theadminAlexx__: I wasn't talking to you, sorry19:28
jribtheadmin: no19:28
cellofellowI'm running Ubuntu 12.10 x64. I need to install Adobe Reader. I have the Partner repo enabled, but apt-get install acroread doesn't work.19:28
Alexx__Oh. Nvm then. :)19:28
theadminjrib: Okay, thanks19:28
javierf_trism, I think it's going to be a bit complicated for my skills. Thanks anyway!19:29
matt____Alex, after reboot i launched irc,and all bars disappeared19:29
cellofellowIs there no acroread for 64bit?19:29
alexfpmstheadmin, so it works too19:29
jribtheadmin: you probably have many scripts that start with #!/bin/bash :)19:29
dengpanubuntu is not good19:29
matt____like turning off the system process in windows19:29
theadminjrib: Me? Well I didn't write any myself if that's what you mean19:29
jribdengpan: this channel is for support.  Do you have an ubuntu support question19:29
jribtheadmin: yep, system-provided scripts19:29
theadminjrib: Ah, okay19:29
dengpanI do not know the rule19:30
matt____hey, i have a problem - installed nvidia drivers, after reboot i launched irc and all bars disappeared, like turning off system process in windows19:30
alexfpmsmatt____, you mean Unity ?19:31
theadminjrib: Yeah apt-cache rdepends bash kinda answers it19:32
matt____everything disappeared after rebooting, except irc, which i was able to launch before it happened19:32
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alexfpmsmatt____, it seems kinda bug19:33
xanScalehi, i need help for edit grub CFG, anyone can help?19:33
matt____i'm like in fullsreen mode, but it's not fullscreen19:33
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user82did anybody find the "compact view" in empathy (ubuntu 12.10)(sorry needed to ask again)19:33
matt____do You know some helpful shortcuts?19:33
alexfpmsmatt____, fullscreen ?19:33
matt____i said,it looks like, but it's not19:34
alexfpmsmatt____, ctrl+alt+t terminal19:34
xanScalei need to add voice to grub on my hdd to boot image on USB pen drive, HELP !!!19:34
matt____doesn't work, but i can switch to "total" terminal by ctrl+alt+f119:34
matt____w8, i will reboot19:35
yeatsmatt____: you might have better support in #kubuntu, fwiw19:35
fred_FI put something in the pastbin, did you read?19:35
sushemsuwhat is the equiv of "yum whatprovides " for apt-get?19:36
yeatssushemsu: 'apt-file' which is not installed by default19:36
yeatsfred_F: did you share a link?19:37
sushemsuyeats, thank you19:37
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fred_FHow do I do?19:37
Guest31655interesting, this problem exist only when i launch irc client19:37
xanScalei need to add voice to grub on my hdd to boot image on USB pen drive, HELP !!!19:37
yeatssushemsu: this is good link for equivalent commands between ubuntu/fedora(or redhat): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromLinux/RedHatEnterpriseLinuxAndFedora19:38
alexfpmsxanScale, add voice to grub ???19:38
yeatsfred_F: you said you pasted something into a pastebin, yes?  If so, share the URL19:38
matt____okay, this problem is related to Quassel i think19:39
anhdayhi people19:39
anhdayanyone uses vmware?19:39
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matt____but Alex, i still have this error in nvidia settings19:39
anhdayanyone knows how to fix lot of gtkwarning Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "equinox",19:39
anhdayi have equinox installed19:40
yeatsanhday: best to ask in #vmware19:40
sushemsuyeats, ty, just sqitched workstation @ home to ubuntu and am enjoying everything but the pkg manager so far : p19:40
Thales0796hello :) is it a english chan ?19:40
theadminThales0796: Yep19:40
ardchoilleanhday: how did you install equinox?19:40
Thales0796theadadmin: ok, enjoy :)19:40
alexfpmsmatt____, lspci -nn | grep VGA19:41
theadmin!tab | Thales079619:41
ubottuThales0796: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:41
trismjavierf_: simple example in python http://paste.ubuntu.com/1293150/ (requires a test-app.desktop in either ~/.local/share/applications/ or /usr/share/applications, mine just looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/1293155/ )19:41
anhdayardchoille, yes, i did19:41
Thales0796thanks, i try ;)19:41
ardchoilleanhday: did you read my question clearly?19:41
Guest47723hi, does someone here have knowledge about fakeRAID on Ubuntu ? The array in BIOS is the right size but dmraid give me array of half the size.19:42
anhdayyes ardchoille19:42
anhdayi did installed theme engine19:42
xanScalealexfpms i need to add a item to grub in my hdd to start image in usb stick19:43
Thales0796when i boot my comuter, ubuntu is very slow for start, and in verbose mode i see 'HDIO_GEt_IDENTITY failed for 'etc/sdc'. what is it ?19:43
alexfpmsxanScale, i don't think you need it19:43
alexfpmsxanScale, why ?19:43
xanScalemy bad motherboard doesent boot from usb19:44
matt____alex, i cannot execute and enter anything into terminal19:44
matt____it freezes19:44
xanScaleso to install ubuntu 12.10 i cant use pen drive19:44
matt____maybe i reinstall system19:44
alexfpmsmatt____, clearly a bug19:44
alexfpmsmatt____, remove nvidia drivers19:44
xanScalecan you help me?19:44
matt____but tell me, how should i install drivers to nvdidia to avoid this?19:45
wallythemooseWhen installing ubuntu to SSD and HDD, is it advisible to put /usr on the HDD for space usage, or is just putting /home on HDD sufficient?19:45
alexfpmsmatt____, sudo apt-get purge nvidia*19:45
matt____do You recommend to download form nvidia www?19:45
alexfpmsmatt____, no, it is not a good idea19:45
alexfpmsxanScale, insert your usb pen, then try sudo update-grub19:47
alexfpmsxanScale, but i'm not sure it will detect it on usb pen19:47
xanScalei found a guide that tell to add  "if [ "${LROOT}" = "/dev/sdb1" ]; then continuefi" in grub file19:48
matt____i have to say that, this didn't work19:49
jformanhi all. i'm trying to install 12.10 on my dual monitor nvidia powered system. after i enable the nvidia drivers and reboot, i'm greeted with only one monitor that works, and after logging in, i get a blank screen. no dock, nothing. any ideas?19:49
alexfpmsmatt____, what ?19:49
matt____purging nvidia drivers and rebooting19:50
alexfpmsmatt____, lspci -nn | grep VGA19:50
matt____what is that for?19:50
alexfpmsmatt____, you mean it continues to crash even without drivers19:50
alexfpmsmatt____, ?19:50
matt____but on fresh install everything worked19:51
alexfpmsmatt____, kinda wierd19:51
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alexfpmsmatt____, it crashes when you do something ?19:51
javierf_trism, a bit more of help, please. I need to generate two files, one that looks like the first paste bin and one (test-app.desktop) like the second in one of those folders. But, where to place and how to name the first one?19:51
k1l_am i right, that 12.10 dropped the non-pae cpu support in the kernel?19:52
alexfpmsmatt____, lspci -nn | grep VGA - gives your card model19:52
alexfpmsk1l_, yes19:52
matt____one is form CPU - intel, and second GeFroce GT520M19:53
matt____and they're compatible19:53
trismjavierf_: you can put the first one anywhere, doesn't really matter, I called mine messaging-app.py, and you can just run it with: python messaging-app.py; (you also need gir1.2-messagingmenu-1.0 installed)19:53
k1l_alexfpms: is there a solution like a PPA? some users want to install the lubuntu onto that old devices without a pae-cpu19:53
trismjavierf_: if I didn't call m_menu.unregister() at the end though, if you change the Exec= path in the .desktop file to point to the python script, you could click the app name in the indicator and it would launch19:54
k1l_matt____: you will need a bumblebee driver to work with the hybrid intel-nvidia cards19:54
alexfpmsmatt____, anyway if kde interface crashes even without driver, the driver installation wont help19:54
xanScalealexfpms http://pastebin.com/hWZV2cFv doesent works? right?19:54
k1l_matt____: you need to read yourself into that topic: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee19:55
alexfpmsxanScale, i think no19:56
alexfpmsk1l_, GT520M is Optimus card ?19:57
alexfpmsxanScale, i don't know how to insert it manually19:57
k1l_alexfpms: gt5xxM is mentioned in that wiki page. and since the user said he has 2 cards that will cause alot of problems if he doesnt use bumblebee or reduce it to one of the cards in the bios19:58
javierf_trism, I think I understood everything except for the last sentence about "clicking the app".19:59
User123Hello. What do I write to login in tty? It asks for username/password, where do I get them?20:00
ardchoilleUser123: your username and password20:00
k1l_User123: the username and the password you choose at the install20:01
alexfpmsUser123, use the same as you use normally20:01
User123Normally I use Alexander/123456 but it doesn't works there :/20:01
alexfpmsUser123, i don't think so as username is lowercased20:02
SuperEngineerhttp://preview.tinyurl.com/u-tweak  [news re Ubuntu Tweak] might interest some people20:02
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trismjavierf_: you know how Empathy and Gwibber etc are listed in indicator-messages, and if you click their name, they are started? that's what I meant20:02
k1l_User123: the password doesnt produce ******. so you have to type it blind20:03
crizisSuperEngineer, original post is so bad english that i have no clue what the author is trying to say20:03
alienauthey i installed lamp and phpmyadmin but phpmyadmin does not work20:03
User123tried alexander/123456 (yeah, typing it blind)20:03
User123Failed to login20:03
spundunhi all ... Any idea why libboost-dbg (version would depend on libboost1.46-dbg? Doesn't that sound wrong? A sw dependent on an earlier version of the same sw?20:04
alienautwhile php and mysql dows20:04
javierf_trism, ok, understood. I'll play a bit with it, although, I think it's too advanced for me and I'm not sure what will happen. Anyway, appreciate very much your help and dedication. Thanks!20:04
crizisspundun, sure you don't have any extra PPA's added that could hold old package..?20:04
alexfpmsUser123, can you log in graphical mode?20:04
ardchoilleUser123: are those the same credentials you use to log into the desktop?20:05
EaglemanHow do i install openvpn without having internet?20:05
User123When I log to desktop it only asks for password20:05
alexfpmsUser123, so you can ?20:05
RichardRaseleyI have installed and am successfully using QEMU on 12.04 (using VMM for management). I have NAT networking working, but I’d like to set up a bridged adapter so that my VMs have direct access to my physical network. A lot of the documentation seems to be quite old so I was wondering if anyone could provide guidance on this topic specific to 12.04?20:05
User123Yes, I'm logged right now20:05
alexfpmsUser123, ctrl+alt+t20:05
trismspundun: see the first changelog https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/boost-defaults/ and http://lists.debian.org/debian-release/2011/12/msg00263.html20:06
alexfpmsUser123, what do you see ?20:06
ardchoillealexfpms: have him log into the desktop, open a terminal and run this command: whoami  and see what his user name is20:06
ardchoilleoh, ok20:06
scala_hi, i need some help with fakeRAID / dmraid plz. I have 3x 3TB drives on RAID0 array. The size in BIOS is correct (7'764,4 TB) but dmraid -s give me a RAID size of 3817653504.20:06
alexfpmsardchoille, it is already on the screen20:07
BoozeWoozi want to make ram disk for programs, but if i just copy from /usr/bin to tmpfs it will complain about missing deps? and if i move deps it still complains...??20:07
ardchoillealexfpms: yeah, mine isn't so I forgot about that20:07
alexfpmsUser123, so your login is alexander20:07
pinnerupCan I use a -de20:08
alexfpmsUser123, lowercased!!! you have to use the same password you use ussaully20:08
markovhwoo go 12.10 https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/30943_475397212483460_2001637027_n.jpg20:08
User123yes I write alexander then my password.20:08
pinnerupCan I use a .deb file made for precise when I've update to quantal?20:08
spunduntrism: got it.. thanks20:08
ThinkT510pinnerup: no, never mix releases20:08
alexfpmsUser123, when you go to tty NUM LOCK ON20:09
spunduncrizis: thanks ... trizm pointed me to the explanation.20:09
User123NUM LOCK is ON20:09
ardchoillepinnerup: I'll second what ThinkT510 said, don't mix release packages20:09
pinnerupThinkT510: Is there any other way to get my program, or do I just have to wait till the developers put out a quantal version?20:09
alexfpmsUser123, you dont type the digits20:09
alexfpmsUser123, so On and Off20:09
ThinkT510pinnerup: what package?20:09
pinnerupThinkT510: Double Commander, the package is doublecmd, but it's not in the default repositories. I usually use this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~alexx2000/+archive/doublecmd20:10
RichardRaseleyI have installed and am successfully using QEMU on 12.04 (using VMM for management). I have NAT networking working, but I’d like to set up a bridged adapter so that my VMs have direct access to my physical network. A lot of the documentation seems to be quite old so I was wondering if anyone could provide guidance on this topic specific to 12.04?20:11
ardchoillepinnerup: what is double comander? Is it a two-paned file manager?20:11
tyrogHello everyone. Which is the best RTS for Ubuntu? Thank you20:11
pinnerupardchoille: Yes.20:11
ThinkT510pinnerup: oh, i never use ppas, yeah you'd need to wait till they release a quantal package20:11
alexfpmsUser123, try typing digits in the login where you can eventually see if it types it20:11
tyrogHello everyone. Which is the best RTS GAME for Ubuntu? Thank you20:12
ardchoillepinnerup: gnome-commander is in the repos and it's a two-paned file manager, it's very nice20:12
pinnerupardchoille: It's my replacement for Total Commander which I was addicted to on Windows.20:12
EaglemanI am unable to install ubuntu-server from an usb stick on my acer machine, it stops at verifying dmi pool data. what to do?20:12
Jisawesome2Install it from a cd20:12
pinnerupardchoille: Yeah, I guess that'll do as a substitute for the time. Double Commander is nicer, tho :)20:12
Eaglemanand what if thats no option?20:12
pinnerupThinkT510, ardchoille: Thanks for the help.20:12
ardchoillepinnerup: try gnome-commander, I was surprised at how nice it is20:12
Jisawesome2Why is it not an option?20:12
ardchoillepinnerup: you're welcome20:12
Eaglemanbecuase the machine does not have a cd drive20:13
Griffin40Anyone know whether it is worth updating to 12.1020:13
Jisawesome2well, i dont know20:13
User123Oh, I got that, when you go to tty num lock is automatically off but diode on keyboard is still on. Everything works now :D Thanks a lot!20:13
pinnerupardchoille: I've tried ten or so orthodox file managers (including Gnome Commander) before I settled down with Double Commander as the one best suiting my tastes (and most alike to Total Commander).20:13
ardchoillepinnerup: ah, I'll have to check out DC, hopefully their devs will release a package for 12.10 soon20:14
Griffin40Is 12.10 worth getting20:14
n0sqthey want us to pay for ubuntu 12.10?20:14
Jisawesome2TheyThey best not be20:14
alexfpmsUser123, 12.10?20:14
ardchoillen0sq: what gives you that idea?20:14
n0sqi went to d/l 12.10 and got a page asking for money20:15
User123alexfpms, yes.20:15
ThinkT510n0sq: its not compulsary20:15
alexfpmsUser123, you can eventually enable it20:15
ajacomYes!! I could fix the boot problem. I used boot-repair according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair. It fixed it, and generating a report: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1293234/ <- could someone tell me if everything looks alright ?20:16
User123Sorry, enable what20:16
alexfpmsUser123, num lock on start up20:16
alexfpmsUser123, if you want off course20:17
ardchoillen0sq: there's a link on the left to continue with the download20:17
Jisawesome2How do you update your packages?20:17
pinnerupardchoille: I think they will :)20:17
User123It would be pretty useful.20:17
alexfpmsUser123, install first: sudo apt-get install numlockx20:17
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alexfpmsUser123, done?20:17
EaglemanI am unable to install ubuntu-server from an usb stick on my acer machine, it stops at verifying dmi pool data. what to do?20:17
alexfpmsUser123, then: gksu gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf20:18
alexfpmsUser123, Add the following line at the end: greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/numlockx on20:18
alexfpmsUser123, save and close gedit, that's all20:19
johnjacobjingerhi'm a bit confused about something....  is UbuntuTV available for download and use? or is it something that is coming soon?20:19
WeThePeoplehow do i turn this off>>> root       806     1  0 14:29 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -D20:20
Alexx__Hello. Can someone help me? I burned the ubuntu ios file onto a dvd but i cant get it to boot on another computer. Any ideas?20:20
User123When I switch to different tty num lock is still automatically off. Do I have to reboot?20:20
Jisawesome2Alexx, try to burn it onto a cd20:20
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johnjacobjingerhAlexx_ did u burn it correctly20:21
Jisawesome2Rather than dvd20:21
alexfpmsUser123, normally yes20:21
johnjacobjingerhu didnt just drag the ISO to the disc did you?20:21
FlannelWeThePeople: permanently? or temporarily?20:21
alexfpmsUser123, next time it mast work20:21
User123Ok, let me try.20:21
Alexx__I used insta whatever its called20:21
Alexx__Infra recorder20:21
phaxHi guys, I am on Ubuntu 12.0.4 and DNS resolving is extremely slow. It works fine on all other distros, OS I have on this network...Any suggestions?20:21
WeThePeopleflannel i assume its a ssh server of somesort, would like to know what its doing to decide that20:22
WeThePeopleflannel, if i dont need it 'perm'20:22
FlannelWeThePeople: It's sshd, yeah.  It's running.20:22
WeThePeopleflannel, how do i turn it off20:22
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Alexx__johnjacobjingerh:  any ideas?20:23
Jisawesome2How do you update your packages in ubuntu server?20:23
FlannelWeThePeople: The easiest way is to simply remove the openssh-server package20:23
Eaglemanapt-get upgrade all20:23
User123Nope. Still automatically off.20:23
johnjacobjingerhAlexx__, what OS are u burning it with?20:24
alexfpmsJisawesome2, the same way20:24
FlannelJisawesome2: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:24
Alexx__Windows vista20:24
Jisawesome2Thanks flannel20:24
johnjacobjingerhtry imgburn20:24
alexfpmsUser123, hmm strange20:24
kravionhi, i'm running ubuntu 12.10 but following the instructions on the ubuntuhelp wiki to get xen running and somehow xen wasnt leaded when i run update-grub20:24
johnjacobjingerhAlexx__, http://www.imgburn.com/20:24
Alexx__johnjacobjingerh: thanks ill try it20:25
johnjacobjingerhthen burn the iso20:25
johnjacobjingerhthats what i use20:25
=== Kartagis is now known as K[a]rtagis
ajacomcan you use a real installation of linux through VirtualBox ?20:25
johnjacobjingerhubuntuTV looks soooo cool :-(20:25
johnjacobjingerhwish it was available for my PC20:25
alexfpmsUser123, if have some time to experiment: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock20:26
Alexx__johnjacobjingerh: I cant find the right download button. -_-20:27
johnjacobjingerhlook on the top click the tab that says download20:27
johnjacobjingerhthats just the home page20:27
johnjacobjingerhthen click one of the mirrors that shows up20:28
fred_FWhat happen now after I put something on Pastebin?20:28
ardchoillejohnjacobjingerh: looks to me like ubuntu tv will only be available for embedded systems, not typical user download20:28
johnjacobjingerhah thats dumb20:28
johnjacobjingerhi want something to replace tversity20:29
Alexx__Ooh. Thanks. :)20:29
johnjacobjingerhi'm having trouble getting that to stream mp4 to webbrowsers20:29
User123alexfpms, it's said "Place command with init scripts" how to edit/open them?20:32
alexfpmsUser123, the commande sudo sed.. do that at your place20:34
=== scouts is now known as hello_world
WeThePeoplehow to change dir. into root FS20:36
WeThePeoplein terminal20:37
L3topWeThePeople:  cd /20:37
Griffin40anyone got 12.1020:37
User123btw, num lock worked from the very beginning, it's just goes back from on to off automatically when I go to tty (but diode on keyboard doesn't, it confuses me). Do we understood each other correctly?20:37
L3top!anyone | Griffin4020:37
ubottuGriffin40: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:37
alexfpmsUser123, yes20:38
alexfpmsUser123, it worked from the beginning when you inserted: greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/numlockx on20:38
User123Yes, from the very beginning, before i've installed numlockx.20:39
alexfpmsUser123, but sometimes it still does't work when you switch to ttys20:39
alexfpmsUser123, normally it is off by default20:40
User123and numlockx makes it on by default, yes?20:40
alexfpmsUser123, no but it makes it if you add: greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/numlockx on        in   /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf20:41
Alexx__johnjacobjingerh: it finished burning and said operation successfull. But when i put it in to boot it windows booted instead -_- any ideas?20:41
DulcinHi, just after installing ubuntu 12.10 my GUI wouldn't load anymore, except for the background. I fixed it by untinstalling fglrx - (which I read online) but does that mean I currently have no graphic drivers installed?20:42
Black_DaemonI have a question about sound inputs20:42
alexfpmsUser123, numlockx is just an app that swiches thes numlock states when you call it20:42
Black_Daemonwhen I boot up, ubuntu is automatically configured to mute sound input. How can I change this?20:42
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alexfpmsUser123, type int your terminal: numlockx off   and you will see it goes off20:43
neveralexfpms for turning numlock off by terminal?20:44
alexfpmsnever, yeah20:44
alexfpmsnever, in the command line20:44
User123But it still doesn't works even after insertion. Now other methods. "Place command with init scripts". Yep, turning numlock off/on in terminal works, magic!20:44
neveralexfpms nice too know20:44
Sebastian719Who wants the thankless task of helping me? ;)20:45
neverwhat are the differences between ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10?20:45
neverSebastian719 with wath20:45
alexfpmsUser123, yeah it depends of the keyboard, PC/2 or USB20:45
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com20:46
neveroops :DD20:46
tyrognever: updated kernel, packages, new unity, new features, as usual20:46
Sebastian719I have a linux software raid. Lost a drive. RMA'd. Got a drive back. Set everything up... but ran into trouble.20:46
nevertyrog thanks :D u think an update would be good?20:46
Sebastian719There is somehow, very slightly less space for a partition.  And if I shrink it in mdadm, it won't mount - I get a bad geometry error.20:47
tyrognever: depends if you want stability or more recent packages. Although 12.10 is stable for me20:47
alexfpmsUser123, i have an usb keyboard and it works without modifying init scripts20:47
User123"the command sudo sed.. do that at your place" sudo sed.. doesn't works; and what does "do that at your place means"?20:47
ActionParsnipnever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbrOrR3wctc20:47
tyrognever: do you like unity? If so, there are new features in 12.10. The rest is more or less the same with new versions20:47
User123Mine is usb too!20:47
nevertyrog i just need ubuntu for webdesigning on my netbook20:48
neverits just hopeless for support i think :DD20:48
nevernot hopeless20:48
tyrognever: you don't use Ubuntu as your main OS? You should :)20:49
geek4evernever doesn't really need ubuntu...do you?20:49
nevertyrog i do - i dont use others than linux.. but i use elemantary os too20:49
alexfpmsUser123, ok i thought it modifies the script20:50
nevergeek4ever i need.. but 12.04 is only on my netbook20:50
alexfpmsUser123, i was wrong, i've no read it, just saw sed ... witch is stream editor20:51
nevertyrog what ubuntu is the best, u think?20:51
alexfpmsUser123, so with sed you can modify text files20:51
tyrognever: i only tested ubuntu 12.10, will test kubuntu 12.10 soon20:51
tyrogthere is no better ubuntu i think, the best is the one that you like more20:51
ActionParsnipnever: Lubuntu is super slick, no messing. Down to business20:51
nevertyrog i tested 10.04 , 11.04 and 12.04...20:51
Black_DaemonI have a question about sound inputs20:52
neverActionParsnip tell me more about Lubuntu please :DD20:52
Black_Daemonwhen I boot up, ubuntu is automatically configured to mute sound input. How can I change this?20:52
ActionParsnipnever: 11.04 is dead real soon20:52
i7cis there a daemon to stream videos over tcp? like some mpd equivalent??20:52
neverActionParsnip i know thats why i use 12.04 now20:52
tyrognever: so you are used to them, if you like GTK go with ubuntu (or xubuntu), if you are more on the Qt side choose Kubuntu20:52
ActionParsnipnever: its (ubuntu - Gnome - Unity - compiz) + lxde + openbox20:52
nevertyrog i use Elemantary OS and ubuntu right now ;)20:53
aepluswols_: thanks for your help last night, universal usb installer does not clear the mbr nor remove the contents of any partitions, i got 12.10 up with the mini.iso on my stock mini920:53
neverActionParsnip sounds good20:53
User123alexfpms, so where do I find init scripts and how do I modify them?20:53
alexfpmsUser123, did you try "Enabling NumLock for Virtual Consoles (TTYs)"20:54
User123trying now.20:55
alexfpmsUser123, you can modify rc.local using gedit: gksu gedit /etc/rc.local20:55
neversome persons here that do webdesign with ubuntu?20:56
ardchoillenever: I use bluefish for web design20:56
tyrognever: if you want to upgrade boot the live cd first on your netbook to see if it runs flawlessly20:56
MonkeyDustnever  i use kompozer20:56
tyrognever: live usb, of course :)20:56
neverardchoille i use gedit ^^20:56
tyrognever: Amazing xD20:57
nevertyrog yeah.. no way for live cd :DD20:57
User123I paste that code before "exit 0" right?20:57
alexfpmsUser123, yes, before20:57
nevertyrog gedit is not that bad...20:57
javierf_trism, once I created the .desktop and the .py files, I gave execution permissions to .py, but don't know how to start it...20:57
tyrognever: precisely the opposite, it's very good xd20:57
neverin the times i was windows user i worked with notepad++ ... but i like gedit better20:58
ActionParsnipnever: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/4/48/Lubuntu_12.10.png/800px-Lubuntu_12.10.png20:58
ardchoillenever: I feel your conversation is entering the off-topic area20:58
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tyrogbut if it is for a netbook, like ActionParsnip said, maybe you should go with xubuntu or lubuntu, never20:58
nevertyrog ubuntu is wonderful for the netbook.. its an Asus Eee PC 1000HG with upgraded RAM :DD20:59
ActionParsnipor if you just like a no nonsesne desktop20:59
tyrogActionParsnip: what do you mean? xD20:59
User123alexfpms, now in tty numlock is still off but at least diode on keyboard is off too :)20:59
nuno_nunesi need help to install ubuntu in disk parted at GPT system20:59
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alexfpmsUser123, it seems you have to add something to set it on21:00
sean_Can someone PM me if theyre good with Ubuntu21:00
markovhsean_: just ask your question here21:00
rwlyonsjrgood afternoon.... I need some help with disable_ani21:01
Brustofski-FanWas fixing a windows pc that had a virus.. Copyed a photo album to a thumb drive. Put that thumb drive on my windows computer and it started screwing up. How can i scan that thumb driver under linux for a virus??21:01
JoshuaPsean_, pm21:02
Jisawesome2Just do it with windows brust21:02
sean_Ok, I'm a windows genius, but a Linux retard. I've just installed Ubuntu 12.04 on my Packard Bell laptop, it uses SIS3 Graphics, But I cannot get the resolution abouve 1024x768, its native is 1220x80021:02
Jisawesome2There he goes21:02
bytes"windows genis"21:02
bytesbecuase it takes so much to be one21:02
JoshuaPLol bytes xD21:02
neverwindows.. im off xD21:03
sean_I know21:03
JoshuaPsean_, try the system display settings21:03
Jisawesome2oh, this is a windows IRC chat?21:03
Jisawesome2I am in the wrong place21:03
williammandaI loaded 12.10 and noticed nvidia driver doesn't support overscan with its new driver21:03
OerHeksSiS is a bad videocard for Ubuntu.21:03
obtrusivemouseok, so i'm running pytyle and i can't get it to work because for some reason the keys are already taken, can anyone suggest a method where I can find out which keys are already used / associated with another?21:03
sean_I just need help, I wanna ditch Windows and use Linux, but I cannot get the native resolution on linux to display.21:03
Jisawesome2Why ditch windows?21:03
User123Alexfpms, yey, after reboot everything's ok, auto numlock on is working! Thanks!21:03
bytessean_: your problem is that your video drivers aren't working21:03
rwlyonsjrcan anyone help me echo 1 to disable_ani? I am getting a permission denied21:04
bytessean_: i've tried fixing an issue with a friends SiS driver, it could not be resolved21:04
obtrusivemousesean, install proprietary video drivers21:04
sean_It was using SIS 3 Graphics.21:04
alexfpmsUser123, you're welcome21:04
sean_Ill give that a go.21:04
bytessean_: what is your reason for ditching windows, if i may ask21:04
guntbertJisawesome2: please drop those off topic comments21:05
sean_Im only ditching windows on this Laptop, my main ServerPC has Windows 721:05
Jisawesome2Sorry gunt, I get it21:05
bytesokay, but why21:05
guntbertbytes: keep the questions to ubuntu support please21:05
overcluckerBrustofski-Fan: you could try clamav21:05
sean_Because Linux has always interested me.21:05
sean_and Its an old laptop, so i just want to learn Linux on it :)21:06
User123Last question before sleep, do you write "User123, " by yourself or is there easier way? :)21:06
bytesfair enough21:06
ardchoille!tab | User12321:06
ubottuUser123: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:06
bytesUser123: type in a few characters then tab21:06
bytesyour irc will complete it for you21:06
Slashhello, im trying to compile an example of message queue (c language) under ubuntu 12.04 and i get the fallowing error: undefined reference to `mq_open'... and im compiling with -lrt option21:06
Brustofski-Fanoverclucker, thanks21:06
alexfpmsUser123, no21:06
alexfpmsUser123, us + tab21:07
User123bytes, ardchoille, bytes, alexfpms. Works! :D Thanks everyone !21:07
Brustofski-Fanoverclucker, how do i use clamav21:07
ActionParsnipUser123: you'll probably use TAB in Linux more than any other key :)21:07
User123ActionParsnip, already using it in terminal, saves lot of time:)21:08
alexfpmsUser123, tab works in command line too21:09
bytesso many time outs21:09
trismSlash: make sure -lrt comes at the end, such as: gcc test.c -lrt;21:09
alexfpmsUser123, type num   in terminal21:09
User123alexfpms, numlockx21:10
User123alexfpms, no more commands starting from num? Strange.21:10
Slashtrism: it worked, thanks!21:10
alexfpmsUser123, type n21:11
alexfpmsUser123, type n + tab + tab21:11
Brustofski-Fanhow do i scan a thumb drive with clamav21:11
sean_ok, so I rebooted, Im tyring to download the Silicon Int System graphics driver for linux, but clearly I am too retarded to figure this out.21:11
User123nnnot bad :)21:12
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User123press tab+tab, "show all the 2900 possibilities?". o_021:13
alexfpmsUser123, all the commands + cmd programms installed21:14
User123How much do you have? :)21:14
sean_So, how do i get the right proprietary drivers for my graphics?21:15
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User123sean_, have you tried "additional drivers"?21:15
alexfpmsUser123, +- the same as you, i've just installed 12.1021:15
User123sean_, nothing there?21:16
sean_User123, I've gone to that, but it doesn't find any, But i know the native resolution of this monitor is 1220x80021:16
sean_and the graphics is Silicone Int. Systems.21:16
alexfpmssean_, lspci -nn | grep VGA21:16
t|askHI, a frind of min wants to burn an Ubuntu ISO but gets this... http://gyazo.com/955440d11880bed7d274fafb6bafc89e can he overburn?21:17
sean_alexfpms:  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter [1039:6351] (rev 10)21:17
User123sean_, http://w3.sis.com/support/support_faqs_4.htm21:19
t|askor lets say is overburning a 700MB CD normal?21:19
terafl0psGuys, I have a tough one...  I have a Asus G73JW laptop running Ubuntu.  It is my development machine, and I run most things in VirtualBox VMs there.  One VM is running a *very* long-running process.  I found my machine with the monitor off and nothing on the screen.  I tried to wake it up, but I couldn't.  alt+ctrl+F1 through F8 do nothing.  It does run SSHD, so I tried logging in that way.  It accepts my password and21:20
Evolveam I in the right place to discuss the ads in 12.10?21:20
User123t|ask, I think it wont work. You need bigger disk(almost made error)21:21
guntbertterafl0ps: your question got cut off at "It accepts my password and "21:21
Evolveare ppl happy or upset?21:21
t|askUser123: ... ok, thanks :(21:21
guntbert!ot | Evolve21:21
ubottuEvolve: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:21
User123t|ask DVD or usb.21:21
terafl0psIt accepts my password and then hangs.  It runs a ftp server which works, and I can remote desktop into my VM and it works too.  How can I get back into my machine without rebooting?21:21
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:21
Evolvegot it!21:22
t|askUser123: I try to explain hin the USB solution...21:22
User123It was pretty easy for me with win7.21:23
haxxpopis minix a OS or a kernel ?21:23
Brustofski-Fanmy ntfs partition clamav.. clanscan /dev/sda4 says file system not suported.. anything eles/21:23
grupo29my name is abdiel of group 29 of asociation national of boys scouts of panama city21:24
User123t|ask, what OS does he has?21:24
alexfpmshaxxpop, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MINIX21:24
grupo29welcome to thew chat scout world21:24
alexfpmshaxxpop, and it has nothing to do with ubuntu!21:25
terafl0psguntbert, did you catch the second half of my very long question?21:26
User123t|ask, he can also try network installer http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads21:26
guntbertterafl0ps: no better idea than to wait on the ssh login ...21:26
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terafl0psguntbert, I am still trying that too.  It's been over 30 minutes so I don't have much hope.21:27
blahblahpoopxD okay so Im having a flash problem right now since I just installed my updates21:27
blahblahpoopyoutube is telling me to get the latest version of flash21:28
blahblahpoopI just installed flash21:28
User123alexfpms, now when I think my questions started from my try to compile game in tty :D Better leave that to tomorrow. Bye.21:28
alexfpmsUser123, bye21:28
guntbertterafl0ps: did you try ctrl+alt+F1 on the host?21:29
terafl0psYes.  Nothing.21:29
OerHeksblahblahpoop, did you restart your browser after install ?21:29
terafl0psIt seems bizarre that I would lose SSHD and Xorg/lightdm at the same time.  That can't be a coincidence.21:29
blahblahpoopoh i looked at the reviews21:30
blahblahpoopwhat is gnash?21:30
blahblahpoopdo I need gnash?21:30
alexfpmsblahblahpoop, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnash21:32
guntbertterafl0ps: thats probably not the issue - sshd obviously works - the system has trouble giving you a shell - best bet might be to ditch that process in the guest - or is there some remote control for your virtualization?21:32
blahblahpoopokay i think i may have gotten it21:32
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ubottuGnash is an open-source Flash replacement. It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/21:32
danman1453hello again everyone.21:32
obtrusivemousepytyle pytytle help need pytyle help help pytyle D:::::::::::::::::21:33
matt____i have a lame question. If i make bumblebee daemon(you knnow what i mean), does it mean every app will be launched using optirun?21:33
terafl0psguntbert, if I could get to a shell, I could save the state of the VM and resume where I left off.  I have a database engine tuning advisor session I've been running for over a week in the VM.21:34
terafl0psWhen I login to the VM, it is healthy and responsive.21:34
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents21:35
danman1453anybody here know how to set the resolution of the ubuntu 12.10 installer?21:36
ActionParsnipdanman1453: try the boot option: nomodeset21:36
danman1453tried that.21:36
danman1453it distorts the screen.21:36
guntbertterafl0ps: awful :-(21:36
danman1453how would I go about setting a manual tag for the installer when installing from the disc menu?21:37
terafl0psguntbert, The physical machine is a quad core i7 1.73 GHz chip.  Since the cores are all hyperthreaded, I gave Virtualbox 4 virtual CPUs for the VM.  The process in the VM is only using 100% of one virtual CPU so it has plenty of headroom.  It's only using half the memory I allocated it too.21:37
rtgkidI have a question for anyone who can answer. How do you install the extra Compiz animations in Quantal? I have tried installing compiz-fusion-plugins-extra in the terminal, but the package no longer exists, apparently.21:38
ardchoillertgkid: apt-cache search -n compiz | grep plugin21:39
terafl0psSo in the meantime, I'm using the FTP server to try and pull off log files to figure out what the heck happened.21:39
sean_ok, This is really frustrating me now. Can someone please PM me with instruction on how to get my Native Resolution of 1220x800 for this PB laptop, It uses SiS Graphic drivers, I've gone to additional drivers and nothing displays :) can someone please help me.21:39
rtgkidardchoille: Should I type that in the terminal?21:39
alexfpmsrtgkid, it exists but it is not recommended: compiz-plugins-extra compiz-plugins-main21:39
ActionParsniprtgkid: ask in #compiz too21:40
guntbertterafl0ps: and of course you didn't install the php interface for vbox (neither did I)21:40
ardchoillertgkid: yes, that will help you find all compiz plugins packages21:40
rtgkidardchoille: And thanks for the reply.21:40
ardchoillertgkid: from that output you can choose what to install21:40
terafl0psguntbert, lol no.  That would be useful about now.21:40
alexfpmsalexfpms, but keep in mind compiz-plugins-extra compiz-plugins-main are transitional pakages21:41
Jimster480-Lwhast up21:41
rtgkidardchoille: I installed compiz-plugins-extra... But I cannot find the extra animations in Compiz. Is a log-out/in or reboot needed?21:41
ardchoillealexfpms: thank you for that info. rtgkid take note of that21:41
guntbertterafl0ps: last crazy idea: can you get the guest to "hibernate"?21:41
terafl0psHmm.  Maybe.21:41
cgtdkWhat are the differences between (x/k)ubuntu-restricted-extras packages?21:42
ardchoillertgkid: reboot is rarely needed in Linux, log out/in may be needed21:42
ardchoillertgkid: got the compiz-plugins-extra installed?21:42
rtgkidardchoille: That must have been Windows I was thinking of :)21:42
rtgkidardchoille: Yes, I do.21:42
alexfpmsardchoille, i mean they can cause some bugs, they are not recommended. But if it is not important so, no problem21:42
StmeterHey guys, I'm trying to increase the size of a lvm partition with gparted. Although when I right click the "resize/move" option is disabled.21:43
ardchoillertgkid: I'm not on a 12.10 machine ATM so I was hoping things weren't too diff from 12.04 and 12.1021:43
rtgkidardchoille: Thanks for your help! I'll log out and back in...21:43
Ubunturificlook and feel changes in 12.10?21:44
ardchoilleUbunturific: I didn't see much in the way of look changes21:44
k1l_Ubunturific: no21:45
k1l_just some little twitches21:45
fizk_hey guys, I just upgraded to 12.10 and want to remove the music suggestions under "More suggestions". How do I do this?21:45
alexfpmsUbunturific, yes if you come from say 6.0421:45
k1l_like grouping the me-menue with the shutdown menue21:45
ardchoillealexfpms: That was Dapper Drake, the first LTS release.. super rock-solid :)21:45
cgtdkWhat are the differences between (x/k)ubuntu-restricted-extras packages?21:46
trismfizk_: either remove unity-lens-shopping or disable the online results in System Settings/Privacy21:46
Jimster480-Lwhat are you talking about21:46
Jimster480-LI had 5.0421:46
Jimster480-Li have it in my closet21:46
Jimster480-Lan official CD21:46
Jimster480-Lfrom 5.0421:46
FloodBot1Jimster480-L: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:46
terafl0psguntbert, Good idea, but it won't work for me.21:46
terafl0psThe following items are preventing hibernation on this system.21:46
terafl0ps        The system firmware does not support hibernation.21:46
alexfpmsardchoille, lol yes but look& feel changed from that :D21:46
ardchoillealexfpms: indeed21:46
k1l_fizk_: remove the unity-scope-musicstores package21:46
StmeterHere's a link to what I'm looking at, again I'm trying to resize /dev/sda5 to the unallocated space I have.21:47
guntbertterafl0ps: I feared as much - and as I said that was probably the last crazy idea - sorry21:47
fizk_k1l_, thanks, found another way: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/ubuntu-help/shopping.html21:47
k1l_fizk_: that will remove all the online searches. you didnt specify that :)21:48
alexfpmsStmeter, so ?21:50
Stmeteralexfpms: The move/resize button is disabled.21:50
qenghoHi all.  My "md" setup just complained that one of the disks is going bad. I look at the IDs on the Seagate stickers, and I expect them to match the names in /dev/disks/by-id/..., as they have in the past, but they don't now.  Any idea what the problem is?  Do I have to just unplug things until the bad one disappears?21:51
alienautguys i have a question. what is the diffrence bash_profile and bashrc21:53
kandinskihi, I am trying to enable focus follows pointer under 12.04/Unity, any tips?21:54
alexfpmsStmeter, ah ok21:54
Stmeteralexfpms: Any idea?21:54
qenghoalienaut: the bash man page describes it well.  One gets run first, and not if the other exists, and if it's a log-in shell.  Or something.21:55
cgtdkalienaut: http://askubuntu.com/questions/1528/bashrc-or-bash-profile21:55
alexfpmsStmeter, in fact i've already done it before. just don't remember the commands21:55
ardchoillethank you, cgtdk21:55
ardchoilleI was trying to remember the link for that21:56
ActionParsnipcgtdk: just found that link too21:56
hazardouscan anyone point me to the 'best practice' way of adding static IPs (i have a /27) to /etc/network/interfaces or something, i haven't used ubuntu in a few years21:56
hazardousi assume it's not still eth0:0 :1 :2 etc21:56
Stmeteralexfpms: Could you point me to a tutorial?21:56
danman1453i am having a big problem with the ubuntu 12.10 installer. I have tried nomode already. the bottom portion of the screen is cut off. Just enough to block the buttons.21:57
ActionParsniphazardous: if you want sub interfaces, yes use that21:57
qenghohazardous: it may be, still.  I don't know if you can claim a range.  /etc/network/interfaces is the place to do it.21:57
alexfpmsStmeter, if i find it21:57
danman1453I have tried just simply moving the dialogs up.21:57
hazardousActionParsnip: i mean, should i be using something like if-up ip route alias whatever21:57
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cgtdkdanman1453: You should try using the network installer. It doesn't have a fancy GUI, but it's quite easy to use.21:57
hazardousbecause i see that a lot more now21:57
hazardousor however it's done21:57
hazardousas opposed to just defining a lot of auto eth0:1 etc21:58
danman1453network installer?21:58
cgtdkdanman1453: and it doesn't screw up because of terrible graphics drivers21:58
marouaneplease i have some problems with my dash board which can't find applications21:58
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zykotick9cgtdk: fyi N-I is called "mini" see "/msg ubottu mini" for details.  danman145321:58
hazardousadditionally, what is the way to reload networking? i used to just use /etc/init.d/networking restart but apparently that is not a thing anymore21:58
cgtdkdanman1453: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:58
cgtdkzykotick9: that bot has an answer to everything, doesn't it? :)21:59
zykotick9cgtdk: almost :)21:59
danman1453thanks. checking it out now.21:59
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alienautqengho, cgtdk thanks!21:59
Radikal08hello, im going mad!22:00
Jisawesome2Why Hello22:00
Radikal08Is there a very easy way for me to copy folders to /usr/22:00
Radikal08it says i dont have permission22:00
Radikal08i know it has to do with Sudo and root22:00
Radikal08i just dont know how to come around it22:00
StmeterRadikal08: You need to put sudo before your command22:01
Radikal08but i am not doing it from the terminal22:01
Jisawesome2Your new to ubuntu arent you22:01
alexfpmsStmeter, i think you can't resize it because it is mounted22:01
Radikal08No and yes, i used to have it years ago22:01
Stmeteralexfpms: already checked and it's unmounted22:01
crazynswhat is a good way to implement RADIUS on Ubuntu 12.04 and what type of encryption can I use?22:02
Stmeteras well as the fact that the unmount button is disabled too.22:02
marouaneopen nautilus with sudo permissions22:02
alexfpmsStmeter, but in your image there is mount point22:02
marouanesudo nautilus on your terminal22:02
Stmeteralexfpms: I see, how would unmount it?22:02
ActionParsnipmarouane: gksudo for nautilus22:02
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)22:02
ActionParsnipmarouane: don't use sudp for GUI apps22:03
alexfpmsStmeter, i suppose your system is in it, isn't it ?22:03
Stmeteralexfpms: I'm booting from a live cd on my server.22:03
Radikal08Marouane: THANK you22:03
Radikal08it worked!22:03
alexfpmsStmeter, sudo umount /dev/sda522:04
zykotick9marouane: i hope you noticed the !gksudo factoid above!  DO NOT use sudo with GUI apps.22:04
Stmeteralexfpms: umount: /dev/sda5: not mounted22:05
alexfpmsStmeter, did you refreshed gparted ?22:05
alexfpmsStmeter, ctrl + r22:05
StmeterI haven't, hold on.22:05
crazynsDoes anyone know a good way to implement radius for ubuntu?22:06
Stmeteralexfpms: same problem22:06
alexfpmsStmeter, it still has the mount point ?22:06
Stmeteralexfpms: it does22:07
qenghocrazyns: "implement RADIUS"?22:07
alexfpmsStmeter, try sudo umount umount /dev/mapper/par_name22:07
manjakanyone knows how to start minimized pidgin on startup -- i think commad...22:07
zykotick9Stmeter: are you trying to resize for a livecd?  if so, turn swap off first - "sudo swapoff -a" should work.22:07
altinanyone had this problem with cheese before http://pastebin.com/aEVZYmx022:08
alexfpmsStmeter, /dev/mapper/name_you_see_as_mount_point22:08
Stmeteralexfpms: two unmounts, or one?22:08
qenghocrazyns: since RADIUS is a protocol and you use the word "implement", it sounds like you want to create a new program that uses RADIUS protocol in some way.22:08
crazynsradius is a way to authenticate users for wireless Internet using wpa2 Enterprise22:09
alexfpmsStmeter, just try sudo umount /dev/ma...22:09
Stmetergot it22:09
Stmeteralexfpms: not found22:09
zykotick9Stmeter: to see what is currently mounted, from terminal type "mount"22:10
manjakanyone know command for start minimized pidgin on startup?22:10
dev__does anyone know when steam is coming to linux22:10
alexfpmsStmeter, not found ?? strange22:11
dev__does anyone know when steam is coming to linux22:11
zykotick9dev__: that's not an ubuntu support question - and thus is offtopic here.  see "/msg ubottu ot" for details.22:11
Stmeteralexfpms, zykotick9: what is currently mounted: http://i.imgur.com/QAyOn.png22:11
dev__who cares it has to do with linux and affects millions22:11
zykotick9Stmeter: /cow overlayfs -- what are you using?  oh, this is from live cd i take it.  did you disable swap yet?22:12
Stmeternot yet. I'll try.22:12
bobweaverdev__,  watch steams page and also Ubuntu software center. I know that they will be at UDS but this is a little off topic22:12
Balthazardev_ http://steamforlinux.com/22:12
IzinucsI just installed kde-config-tablet, found the config utility in Settings and it shows "D-Bus connection to the kded daemon not available. Please start the Wacom tablet daemon adn try again".  What is the daemon for the wacom tablet?  It should be the same on Unity and KDE.  And how do I restart it?22:13
cgtdkWhat are the differences between (x/k)ubuntu-restricted-extras packages?22:13
kostkon!ot | dev__22:13
ubottudev__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:13
Stmeterzykotick9: Didn't make a difference.22:13
dev__ok thanks balthazar22:13
alexfpmsStmeter, live cd version? 12.10 ?22:13
Stmeteralexfpms: yes22:13
bobweaverIs there something speical that I need to do to enable llvm ? for unity to work on older computer 12.10   ?22:14
alexfpmsStmeter, ok just tried myself, when you unmount a lvm partition it continues to show mount point22:15
bobweaverI thought that it was wrote into unity ?22:15
Stmeteralexfpms: Ah I see.22:15
ominaei'm using vmware on a ubuntu host i keep getting errors on my guest os - The virtual machines operating system has attempted to enable promiscuous mode on adapter Ethernet0. This is not allowed for security reasons22:15
alexfpmsStmeter, but in fact resize is still disabled22:15
Stmeteralexfpms: Yep22:16
ominaeit tried http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=28722:16
ominaebut to no avail22:16
MfinabHi guys, I've been working all day on Ubuntu... I'm trying to get a display issue. I have 3 video cards, one is ATI HD 7850 wich is my main video card and 2 others that are nvidia 8400GS , weird thing is .. when I install Ubuntu I can see on those 2 nvidia cards but when I'm in X mode, I dont see them anymore... how can I make them to work? here is a screenshot of when I installing Ubuntu http://s14.postimage.org/gmfmyyki9/12_10_20_1.22:17
=== lizzin is now known as Guest66618
Hazemhi Guys, accidently i've remove the deployed kernels on my ubuntu 12.1122:17
ronromi have run fdisk and it prompted this message:   "The device presents a logical sector size that is smaller than22:18
ronromthe physical sector size. Aligning to a physical sector (or optimal22:18
ronromI/O) size boundary is recommended, or performance may be impacted.22:18
ronrom"     CAN anyon help me fix this problem"?22:18
Hazemhow i can use the livecd to redeploy the kernel ?22:18
FloodBot1ronrom: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:18
alexfpmsStmeter, i think gparted does not support resizing when partition uses lvm22:18
zykotick9Mfinab: fyi, (i don't think) you can use nvidia-propritary at the same time as ati-propritary.  because you use ati, i won't see your posts further - so don't reply to me.22:18
Stmeteralexfpms: Well how about that. What is the alternative?22:18
|Anthony|who knew becoming root in ubuntu was as easy as sudo su -22:19
cgtdk|Anthony|: I did22:19
ActionParsnip|Anthony|: sudo -i   is advised22:19
alexfpmsStmeter, try sudo cfdisk /dev/sda522:19
Hazemany idea how i can reinstall kernel using LiveCD?22:20
k1l_|Anthony|: that is not the ubuntu-way and may result in problems22:20
ActionParsnip|Anthony|: it uses your users environment rather than root's22:20
|Anthony|lol wasn't really a question so much as i just found out and was dumbfounded22:20
alexfpmsStmeter, what do you see ?22:20
ActionParsnipHazem: chroot to the installed OS22:20
=== Dad_ is now known as Guest48807
Stmeteralexfpms: looks like the cfdisk util22:20
IzinucsMfinab: You may be entering the realm of developing your own xorg.conf file to accomidate the different cards and output22:20
StmeterLemme screenshot22:20
obtrusivemousei have ubuntu tweaks running and i undinstalled it, but for some reason it's still in my processes, any idea how to remove this?22:20
alexfpmsStmeter, yeah i mean it shows free space ?22:21
MfinabHi guys, I've been working all day on Ubuntu... I'm trying to get a display issue. I have 3 video cards, one is ATI HD 7850 wich is my main video card and 2 others that are nvidia 8400GS , weird thing is .. when I install Ubuntu I can see on those 2 nvidia cards but when I'm in X mode, I dont see them anymore... how can I make them to work? here is a screenshot of when I installing Ubuntu http://s14.postimage.org/gmfmyyki9/12_10_20_1.22:21
Mfinabjpg         another screenshot after doing gdm start http://s14.postimage.org/thx9wkvgx/12_10_20_1_1.jpg22:21
Stmeteralexfpms: it does22:21
HazemActionParsnip, i couldn't understand how to use chroot the installed OS , may i ask you to support me just to understand how to get into chroot mode. i've the /boot under /dev/sda6 and and / under /dev/sda7 ...could you advise how i can make it work :) ?22:21
Mfinablzinucs outch.. I dont t think it will be easy22:22
alexfpmsStmeter, screenshot ?22:22
* zykotick9 wishes, once again, that ubuntu hadn't removed the chroot instructions from the grub2 wiki page...22:22
IzinucsMfinab: this might get you started unless someone else has a better idea.  It's not for the faint of heart http://www.terrencemiao.com/Webmail/msg00928.html22:22
alexfpmsStmeter, i don't remember the options22:22
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot22:23
Stmeteralexfpms: http://i.imgur.com/QpvRH.png22:23
Mfinablzinucs, thank you,22:23
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IzinucsMfinab: there's also http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/xorg-conf-multiple-graphics-cards-893532/22:23
Mfinablzinucs it doesnt seems to have any xorg.conf in /etc/X11 directory :/22:24
alexfpmsStmeter, exit sudo cfdisk /dev/sda22:24
alexfpmsStmeter, i mean quit, then sudo cfdisk /dev/sda22:25
IzinucsMfinab: that's another issue with ubuntu.. if you're not running the nvidia drivers you probably won't.  Ubuntu has done some stuff with the underlying system that is a bit different. Unfortunately you're going to have to do a lot of googling to figure it out.. I'm no expert at it.22:25
obtrusivemouseguys... realy need help here, how does a process run that i've used apt-get remove with? and then how do i kill it so that it doesnt run anymore22:26
HazemActionParsnip, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot is talking about budling new enviroment :) , however i'm just trying to open get into current installed os22:26
Mfinablzinucs, oh well22:26
zykotick9Hazem: i agree with you...22:26
Stmeteralexfpms: http://i.imgur.com/HrkZM.png22:26
IzinucsMfinab: when using a nick in here type the first couple characters of the nick and hit TAB.. It should autocomplete if you've started it correctly.  my nick is I (eye)zunics.. not Lzinucs.. :)22:27
Hazemok , seems i've fight with google until i find the proper answer22:27
Hazemthanks all for your support :) , wish u a good day/night22:27
Mfinabhahah, I know the trick lzinucs but tab doesn't work with Quassel IRC ... weird22:27
ActionParsnipHazem: www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video22:27
HazemActionParsnip brilliant :) thx alot22:27
Mfinablzinucs, sorry22:27
obtrusivemouseso does one need to spam to get attention around here?22:28
obtrusivemouseso does one need to spam to get attention around here?22:28
obtrusivemouseso does one need to spam to get attention around here?22:28
FloodBot1obtrusivemouse: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:28
ActionParsnipHazem: once you chroot the commands you run will act on the installed OS, not the live CD22:28
MfinabIzinucs: ok i got it22:28
IzinucsMfinab: lol :)22:28
MfinabIzinucs: sorry about that :D22:28
HazemActionParsnip yea i understand , my issue was how to get into chroot... i'll reboot now to check if this time will work or not22:29
Hazemonce again thx ActionParsnip22:29
MfinabIzinucs: this is the only thing that i cant go to ubuntu all the time22:29
IzinucsMfinab: what do you mean?22:30
MfinabIzinucs: If I could get my 6 monitors to work I would be very happy22:30
obtrusivemouseirc chat fucking joke sometimes, such1 sided commentary22:30
dev__mfinab, you dont need 6 monitors22:30
IzinucsMfinab: there are those that have.. check youtube for people that have.. impressive.22:30
alexfpmsStmeter, when you chose sda5 in cfdisk it gives oter options ?22:31
Mfinabdev__: it depends on what you do :)22:31
Izinucsdev__: maybe he does.. it's up to him an his application22:31
dev__mfinqb, so what do you do that you require 6 monitors?22:31
Stmeteralexfpms: it does, [Bootable], [Delete], [Help], [Maximize], [Print], [Quit], [Type], [Units], [Write].22:31
Mfinabdev__: I am a trader22:31
Mfinabdev__: it needs a lot of info during trading sessions22:32
dev__mfinab wow,22:32
dev__well use windows then22:32
Mfinabdev__: I'm currently using w7 but would really like to switch to ubuntu22:32
dev__mfinab for what? you are only a trader22:32
Mfinabdev__: I like ubuntu22:33
eryhp222whats a good programming language to learn22:33
eryhp222starting out22:33
=== scouts is now known as Xenopus
dev__eryhhp222 i started with python and perl22:34
crazynseryhp222, im trying python22:34
dev__but the most common program lang to learn i would say is c++22:34
eryhp222whats the major diff22:34
oldos2ersay i wanted to permanently disable bluetooth via upstart, how would i do that in terminal?22:34
crazynsis it a waste of time to learn python if you plant to try c++ someday?22:35
zykotick9oldos2er: do you see a clear "bluetooth" entry in /etc/init/ ?  if so, just rename it foo.disabled22:35
Stmetercrazyns: If you want to learn c++ oneday then you should try something similar such as Java.22:35
dev__crazyns no22:35
IzinucsMfinab: you'll get a better idea with this link http://howto.wired.com/wiki/Set_Up_Multiple_Monitors22:35
dev__the more you know the more you can do22:35
=== Harry is now known as Guest40704
Npccrazyns: even if you are going to learn c++ python has lots of uses where c++ is overkill22:36
oldos2erzykotick9: there is a bluetooth.conf22:36
IzinucsMfinab: I think one of the keys is to get 2 working (like me) with the propriatory drivers, then add the next video card and continue.22:36
terafl0pseryhp222, I would pick a language that is good at doing the sorts of things you are interested in.22:36
=== Guest40704 is now known as harryrf
crazynsNpc, good point thanks22:36
zykotick9oldos2er: so rename that to bluetooth.conf.disabled22:36
dev__yea go the java / c++ route22:36
oldos2erzykotick9: sweet, thank you22:37
terafl0psFor example, if you like the web, JavaScript is probably a good place to start.22:37
alexfpmsStmeter, there is valuable data on sda5 ?22:37
Stmeteralexfpms: yup22:37
alexfpmsStmeter, so it is important to not destroy it ?22:37
qenghocrazyns: tying together two ideas:  I once wrote (90% of) a RADIUS server in Scheme (Guile) so I would know the language better.22:37
MfinabIzinucs: well I currently have 2 monitors that is working with the major video card22:37
IzinucsMfinab: here's the youtube video of a 6 monitor setup on 9.04, an earlier release. http://youtu.be/c1TOAXAbOAI22:38
Stmeteralexfpms: yeah, it would be pretty bad if it's gone22:38
Mfinabwill check this Izinucs thanks22:38
IzinucsMfinab: email the guy22:38
alexfpmsStmeter, ok so the best solution is to create a new partition from the free space and add it to lvm22:38
eryhp222what kind of things is python and perl good for22:38
Stmeteralexfpms: alright, how would I do that?22:39
MultbrelchQ: I have the Nvidea 295.40 driver for 12.04 64 Bit (my system: DELL M1330, GeForce 8400M GS). On the nvidea homepage they propose the 304.60 driver. Do you think that it is a good idea to change?22:39
crazynsgengho, thanks22:39
qenghocrazyns: If you're going to be a great programmer, the language will not matter.   There are about 4 kinds of languages.  Once you know one, picking up the others is easy.22:39
eryhp222thats what i was thinking22:39
alexfpmsStmeter, choose free space in cfdisk22:39
MfinabIzinucs: he must have the exact same video cards 3 times22:39
zykotick9Multbrelch: (personal opinion) but using nvidia.com's driver on ubuntu is a bad idea22:39
alexfpmsStmeter, then new22:39
IzinucsMfinab: that certainly helps.22:39
qenghocrazyns: so, if you learn C++, learning Python is minor.  It's like going from Spanish to Italian.22:39
Stmeteralexfpms: primary or logical?22:40
Multbrelchzykotick9, why?22:40
alexfpmsStmeter, sda5 is already logical22:40
alexfpmsStmeter, so logical22:40
zykotick9Multbrelch: well, for one, nvidia.com's driver is NOT supported here... or in ubuntu OS22:40
MfinabIzinucs: I'll have to buy 2 other same video cards.. :/22:40
Stmeteralexfpms: alright, sda6 is created22:40
Multbrelchzykotick9, really22:40
alexfpmsStmeter, set type of the partition to 8E22:40
trismMultbrelch: 304.48 is in 12.04 if you want to try it, nvidia-experimental-304, x-updates ppa has 304.60 https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates22:41
IzinucsMfinab: or at least the same manufacturer22:41
Stmeteralexfpms: where is that?22:41
ActionParsnipcrazyns: it will use a similar mentality, flow / functional thinking etc though22:41
IzinucsMfinab: it's tough mixing ati and nvidia together.22:41
alexfpmsStmeter, you were too fast22:41
MfinabIzinucs: agree that it would help,22:41
Stmeteralexfpms: There wasn't an option to do that.22:41
crazynsNpc, yes but would it be easier to learn c++ starting off or python22:41
Multbrelchtrism, I see ... hmmm anybody has some experiences.22:41
alexfpmsStmeter, there is choose type22:41
StmeterOnly options there were: primary or logicial and disk size.22:41
trismMultbrelch: oh seems 304.41 is also there, nvidia-current-updates22:41
IzinucsHow do I restart the wacom tablet daemon?22:41
MfinabIzinucs: for having 3x HD7850 ati video card would cost me another 450 bucks22:42
trismMultbrelch: sorry 304.4322:42
Npccrazyns: if you learn to program using python you know the basics of programming and then you learn the more complicated c++ syntax22:42
IzinucsMultbrelch: there's also the ppa by xswat that has the latest drivers.22:42
Stmeteralexfpms: I found the type screen but there isn't one for "8E"22:42
IzinucsMfinab: ouch.. do you need that much horsepower?22:42
Npccrazyns: if you start with c++ the syntax may be hard to cope with at the beginning22:42
zykotick9Multbrelch: fyi, PPAs are also, NOT supported in #ubuntu22:42
qenghocrazyns: python will get you further sooner, and trick you into thinking you're a better programmer than you are.22:42
alexfpmsStmeter, look for LVM Linux22:42
Multbrelchzykotick9, sorry for asking ;-)22:43
qenghocrazyns:  a + b is the same as b + a.  Just pick one.22:43
Stmeteralexfpms: http://i.imgur.com/t8wVV.png22:43
MfinabIzinucs: I currently running this video card HD7850 ... if 2 other video cards from ATI but really cheap could work, I would buy this instead .. I dont need so much horsepower22:43
IzinucsMfinab: do the research before loosing cash out of your wallet22:43
alexfpmsStmeter, and when you press continue ?22:44
Stmeteralexfpms: it asks what type I want22:44
alexfpmsStmeter, strange it must like that: http://www.markus-gattol.name/misc/mm/si/content/cfdisk_1.png22:44
Stmeterhold on22:45
=== scouts is now known as Xenopus
MfinabIzinucs: thanks for your help! very appreciate it! Now i'll try to find 2 small ATI video cards with 2 outputs on them and make sure they work good with my HD7850.. wondering if there is already someone on the planet with that setup :/22:45
IzinucsMfinab: also make sure that the cards will be compatible with the same driver you currently have installed.22:45
Karlylewhat's the point of life?22:46
Stmeteralexfpms: okay I got it22:46
StmeterI made it 8E22:46
Mfinabhow can i check that Izinucs? If I go to ati amd drivers site and select the cheap video card drivers.. I have to check if it is the same version of HD7850 right?22:46
alexfpmsStmeter, then "write" it22:46
eryhp222anyone think i should run LOIC on this ip "
IzinucsMfinab: are you currently running the ATI driver or what every was default in ubuntu?  If it's the ATI driver then use their site to find out :)22:47
Nyko[Fr]Hi !22:47
IzinucsMfinab: using a nick as the first word in a line will highlight your message to the person you're sending it too..22:47
Karlylelife has no meaning22:47
MfinabIzinucs: yes, it is the ATI driver that is running right now22:47
OerHekseryhp222, hacking an DDOS is offtopic22:47
johnjacobjingerhw007 take that speedtest22:47
crazynsI want to choose the best language to be able to write applications to communicate with my companies active directory server22:47
johnjacobjingerh89mbps down 49mbps up and 2ms ping response22:48
alexfpmsStmeter, so ?22:48
Stmeteralexfpms: It says I have to toggle bootable flag, and I do and it says I still have to toggle it.22:48
johnjacobjingerhcrazyns, umm that's relative...22:48
zykotick9Stmeter: fyi, boot flag on a grub system?  grub doesn't care about the boot flag?22:49
Stmeterzykotick9: to update table toggle bootable flag of the current partition, kpartx(8) or reboot22:49
alexfpmsStmeter, so it writed it ?22:50
RouninHello! I'm trying to upgrade to the newest version, but it keeps aborting because this-and-that is trying to overwrite such-and-such, which is in package something-or-other22:50
alexfpmsStmeter, the changes ?22:50
zykotick9Stmeter: i have no clue, haven't used a boot flag in years.22:50
crazynsjohnjacobjingerh, how so? I'm new to programming so I want to figure the best route is all22:50
RouninFirst it was Georgian fonts; now it's cpp-4.722:50
alexfpmsStmeter, ok quit22:50
alexfpmsStmeter, refresh gparted22:50
MfinabIzinucs: Ok i found it ... I need to get 12.8 proprietary linux x86 for my HD7850 now I need to find a video card that will work with this driver version22:50
RouninIf I run update-manager -d, it says I'm trying to upgrade from quantal to precise, which I'm not22:50
alexfpmsStmeter, what it shows now ?22:51
ActionParsnipRounin: the -d is for (d)evelopment22:51
RouninIs there some sensible way of just telling it to upgrade what it can upgrade and forget the rest?22:51
johnjacobjingerhcrazyns, best language is relative to what you want your program to run on22:51
zykotick9Rounin: -d is development22:51
RouninAha... Thanks!22:51
IzinucsMfinab: there you go :)  and how to set it up22:51
ActionParsnipRounin: there is no development release at the moment22:51
johnjacobjingerhi mean java can be good and so can c++22:51
ActionParsnipRounin: reading the man page would show you that22:51
Stmeteralexfpms: May I pm?22:51
RouninWithout the -d, it still says I'm trying to upgrade from "quantal" to "precise", though22:51
johnjacobjingerhalso if you are looking for mobile use of your program you'd need the SDK for whatever device you are writing for22:51
alexfpmsStmeter, pm ???22:52
StmeterTo send you the picture.22:52
Random832Rounin: wait, it says what?22:52
RouninAnd apt-get fails because of the aforementioned "trying to overwrite" errors22:52
TJ-Rounin: Congratulations, you discovered a bug! A neat one for sure!22:52
crazynsjohnjacobjingerh, ok I see, so there is not a best practice to communicate between linux and windows22:52
alexfpmsStmeter, yes22:52
johnjacobjingerhdoesnt matter22:52
TJ-Rounin: Are you able to pastebin those error reports?22:52
johnjacobjingerhboth C++ and Java work on Windows obviously22:52
ActionParsnipRounin: did you edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set Prompt=normal22:52
crazynsjohnjacobjingerh, I was thinking on using open ldap to query and write to AD22:52
johnjacobjingerheither way irrelvant if you dont know a programming language22:52
johnjacobjingerhwell that's not programming22:53
johnjacobjingerhthat's scripting22:53
sun_devilwhat is windows22:53
TJ-!prefix | johnjacobjingerh22:53
ubottujohnjacobjingerh: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:53
RouninSure... Here's the one from running apt-get dist-upgrade http://pastebin.com/jHE8czpr22:53
johnjacobjingerhcrazyns, u could script that, but why? you can just use AD replication to keep them in sync22:53
MfinabIzinucs: I found it, 29$ each, HD 5450 from ATI, will buy 2 of the Monday. Let see what's gonna happend22:53
Rouninapt-get -f dist-upgrade, even22:53
MfinabIzinucs: they use the same driver22:54
zykotick9johnjacobjingerh: AD = active directory?22:54
IzinucsMfinab: good luck to you.. make sure you post a solution to ubuntuforums.org as a how-to when you're done.22:54
MfinabIzinucs: ok,22:55
johnjacobjingerhzykotick9, yes i assume that is what crazyns is talking about22:55
crazynsjohnjacobjingerh, I am22:55
RouninIf I try to remove gccgo to resolve the dependency issues, it fails because of the dependency issues with gccgo22:55
FloodBot1tdlguik1ckugga: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:55
johnjacobjingerhso why do u need to query LDAP and write to AD22:55
* zykotick9 believes his /ignore of tdlguik1ckugga is probably useless :(22:56
hazardouswhat the hell is +q $~a22:56
ActionParsnipRounin: after editting the file run: sudo do-release-upgrade22:56
hazardouslike, what mode is that i'm not sure22:56
Dratonwow, so I noticed some jumpiness in my window rendering - seems PowerMizer on my graphics card was underclocking the card to 324Mhz22:56
RouninThanks, ActionParsnip22:57
yaro014could anyone tell me if I'll create VPN server and assign range of IP's which exist in my network, will I be able to connect between host which is not connected via vpn but is in the same subnet or vpn is totaly isolated from real network?22:57
TJ-Rounin: You've got something interested there. At first glance it seems theres something amiss with the packages. Here's the packages that *should* contain that file.  http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=cc1&mode=exactfilename&suite=quantal&arch=any22:57
ActionParsnipRounin: its a simple LTS to non-LTS upgrade so the guide for upgrading from Lucid to Maverick is the same: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades22:57
D4rthB4n3need help with bind9 i cant start the server with the command "sudo service bind9 start" it gives me the error * starting the Domanin name service... bind9 and then usage: named (then some options) and then named: extra command line arguments and a red fail at the end22:57
marouanesomeone know why ubuntu couldn't find deb command please ?22:59
RouninMm... I wound up removing gccgo with dpkg, TJ-, and that allowed it to be removed with apt-get for whatever reason22:59
zykotick9marouane: there is no "deb" command22:59
TJ-Rounin: I'm guessing now - I only have a small clue to go on - but I suspect this is because in the Precise package of gccgo wasn't fully converted to multilib support and contained that file (based on the package versions). Let me check some more22:59
KiLuMnaTiwill this work for ubuntu 12.10 http://lightrush.ndoytchev.com/random-1/herculesdjconsoleonkernel2635orubuntumaverick23:00
zykotick9marouane: are you coming from redhat/fedora world?  apt uses "apt-get" and "dpkg"23:00
TJ-Rounin: OK, well you're safe to reinstall "gccgo" later - it no longer contains the overlapping files.. What's next?23:01
RouninI'm afraid to say it, but it's currently running smoothly, TJ- :D23:02
RouninThere was a similar problem with some georgian fonts earlier, but it hasn't gotten to that23:02
RouninTwo versions of the same font package were providing the same file23:03
RouninThat might have been with plain apt-get upgrade, though23:03
marouanezykotick9: i found this command in  french ubuntu documentation !23:03
zykotick9marouane: don't believe everything you read ;)23:03
TJ-Rounin: Stop tempting fate :p23:04
marouanezykotick9 : i dont know if you understand french but look at http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/spotify in the 2.1 section !23:04
zykotick9marouane: that's a line for a config file, not a command23:05
D4rthB4n3please need help with bind923:05
zykotick9marouane: i'm sorry in can't/won't help you further - as spotify is non-free software... best of luck.23:05
reufwhere can i download nautilus source code23:06
zykotick9reuf: "apt-get source nautilus" i believe23:06
=== Fuchs is now known as staffpony
dante123hi all, setting up linux pc for my daughter....I have a dlink DWL G510 and a DWL 520+ I cant remember which one gave me some issues under ubuntu before....just wondering which one I should try first (hoping that all works well)?23:07
zykotick9dante123: start with your wireless card (or are they both cards?).  are they usb or pci?23:08
dante123they are both pci cards23:08
zykotick9dante123: use "lspci | grep -i network" and see if the chipset is mentioned for wireless (note - this doesn't always show the wireless!)23:09
dante123I have read that there are like three different 520+ and that I may need to do something with blacklist prism54 or something23:09
ActionParsnipmarouane: do you want to install spotify?23:09
zykotick9dante123: that's why finding the chipset is important for directions ;)23:09
crimsonmanedante123: check the compatibility charts?23:10
marouaneActionParsnip: i did it , i just didn't understand why "deb" command doesn't work ^^23:10
ActionParsnipmarouane: echo "deb http://repository.spotify.com stable non-free" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list; sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 94558F59; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install spotify-client23:10
rolling2k4718355030023140 0713 004 APPROVED! BANK: | VISA | U.S. BANK N.A. | DEBIT | CLASSIC | UNITED STATES | USA | 840 | | | | |23:11
ActionParsnipmarouane: its not a command, its a line to add to sources.list, or in a separate .list fil ein /etc/apt/sources.list.d   (neater imho)23:11
ardchoille!ops rolling2k23:11
benccwhen installing postgresql it gets default ascii encoding instead of utf8. It suppose to get the encoding from the system locale23:12
benccis there a way to fix that?23:12
ActionParsnipbencc: are there any bugs reported?23:12
marouaneActionParsnip : yes zykotick9 told me that ... Thank you ;)23:12
benccActionParsnip: I've found this http://jacobian.org/writing/pg-encoding-ubuntu/23:13
uberTacoSo, it's been a while since I had a support question. But here's one!23:14
uberTacoSince the upgrade to 12.10, I've been forced to use the "radeon" driver for my Radeon HD4200M rather than fglrx23:15
uberTaco(since fglrx-legacy isn't in the repos, but fglrx 12.8 is)23:15
KiLuMnaTianyone here help me out23:16
uberTacoNow I'm back to the same problem that caused me to switch away from the radeon driver -- on resume, I just have a black non-backlit screen.23:16
uberTacoAny suggestions?23:16
ActionParsnipuberTaco: literally JUST found this: http://tips-linux.net/blog/how-to-install-amd-catalyst-legacy-drivers-in-ubuntu-12-10/23:16
ActionParsnipuberTaco: may help23:16
ActionParsnipuberTaco: you lucky boy23:16
KiLuMnaTiwill this work for ubuntu 12.10 http://lightrush.ndoytchev.com/random-1/herculesdjconsoleonkernel2635orubuntumaverick   ????23:17
uberTacoActionParsnip: awesome, though I feel like I really should start transitioning away from fglrx23:17
dante123according to compatibility chart looks like 520+ just works......will try that card first23:18
KiLuMnaTianyone here suggest how i can get my hercules dj controller to work in ubuntu 12.1023:18
ActionParsnipKiLuMnaTi: how does it connect to the system?23:19
ActionParsnipKiLuMnaTi: run:  lsusb   use the 8 character hex ID to find guides.23:19
KiLuMnaTii found this guide for older version http://lightrush.ndoytchev.com/random-1/herculesdjconsoleonkernel2635orubuntumaverick23:20
reufok guys23:21
reufthank you all23:21
KiLuMnaTiActionParsnip 06f8:b105 Guillemot Corp23:23
IdleOneKiLuMnaTi: have you tried doing what that link says?23:24
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KiLuMnaTiwanted to know if it will work under 12.1023:25
IdleOneyou can find out by trying23:25
KiLuMnaTiwhich one ..  both?23:25
KiLuMnaTiFor Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid and 11.04 Natty with Linux 2.6.38  or   Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid and 10.10 Maverick with Linux 2.6.3523:26
captinehi.  dumb question, but my xchat window has somehow been moved so that I can only see part of it.  I cannot see the top bar (it is not maximized) so how do i move it?23:27
zykotick9captine: try hold ALT on keyboard and mouse dragging the window.23:28
ardchoillecaptine: try ALT+mouse move23:28
IdleOnecaptine: hold down the ALT key and left click to grab23:28
ActionParsnipcaptine: hold windows key and drag it from any point on the app window23:28
captineso easy23:28
captinethnx all23:28
captineALT worked23:28
* zykotick9 will laugh if only ActionParsnip is correct above23:28
ActionParsnipzykotick9: i headr someone say it was windows key for them a few days back23:29
reufi made some changes to nautilus in source - i want to compile these changes and reload nautilius - i downloaded source - "apt-get source nautilus" and i already made changes to the source (nautilus 3.4.2) - in src/nautilus-desktop-icon-view.c - view  > g_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_DESKTOP_ICON_VIEW, "window-slot", slot, "supports-zooming", FALSE, "supports-auto-layout", FALSE,  "supports-scaling", TRUE,"supports-keep-aligned", TRUE, "supports-labels-beside-23:29
reuficons", FALSE, NULL);  < lines 785-79223:29
ActionParsnipcaptine: dead handy23:29
captineActionParsnip, agree.23:29
reufso - how do i now compile this and make it a reality23:29
zykotick9ActionParsnip: it is, on my awesome windows manager ;)  but "I" didn't say it.23:29
ActionParsnipzykotick9: gah23:30
ardchoilleIs there a way to have middle click on the desktop bring up a window list?23:31
themhzif I have a folder with permission 777 from apache server a and transfer it via ftp to apache server b, the permission will change accordingly or they will remain the same?23:32
Wasphi all has anyone discovered any workarounds to get openvpn to work?23:32
jrib!vpn | Wasp23:32
ubottuWasp: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN23:32
Waspthank you23:33
KiLuMnaTihow do i uninstall some after installing23:33
jribKiLuMnaTi: how did you install it?23:33
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blackshirtthemhz, with webhosting tool provided, they would change permission accordingly23:33
KiLuMnaTijrib in terminal23:34
KiLuMnaTisudo commands23:34
jribKiLuMnaTi: be more specific.23:34
KiLuMnaTithis tutorial http://lightrush.ndoytchev.com/random-1/herculesdjconsoleonkernel2635orubuntumaverick23:34
themhzI mean the permissions are folders property or the system grands them with ?23:34
jribKiLuMnaTi: are you on maverick?23:34
KiLuMnaTinope ubuntu23:35
KiLuMnaTii think i screwed it up23:35
KiLuMnaTinow i just want to uninstall it23:35
jribKiLuMnaTi: what version of ubuntu?23:35
FloodBot1KiLuMnaTi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:35
jribKiLuMnaTi: just use « sudo apt-get remove PACKAGE » for whatever package you installed23:35
blackshirtthemhz, every object file/dir associated with some basic permission like you told .... With some user and group owner23:36
themhzthank you blackshirt23:36
blackshirtthemhz, they given by system, to user ... The user owned the object then can change the permission or give the others access23:37
ActionParsnipKiLuMnaTi: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rojtberg/hdjmod; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install hdjmod-dkms23:38
themhzthanx again blackshirt23:39
blackshirtthemhz, glads can help you23:39
ActionParsnipKiLuMnaTi: if you scroll down the link you gave, it has a PPA. I checked the PPA and it does support quantal23:41
itatitatguys I have this error message when I try to start apache 2, http://askubuntu.com/questions/203844/apache-doesnt-start-after-upgrade-to-12-10, is the first time I see it, can you help me please?=23:41
blackshirtthemhz, until you are using MAC/RBAC and configure them correctly, the owner of object can give some access to other user/groups23:41
captineso has anyone on 12.10 had the software center crash after every application install?23:42
jribitatitat: did you read what you posted?23:42
blackshirtcaptine, use some more powerfull tool, apt-get/aptitude was best for packages management23:43
somethinginteresHaving real trouble booting 12.10 from USB. I've tried unetbootin, LinuxLive, no dice. I've checked the bios and made sure to select the USB to boot. It simply says "boot error" and loads the OS.23:44
itatitatI tried writing start cron, but apache continue without running23:44
captinethanks blackshirt .  I am just trying to use the stock software where possible, to show my wife that Ubuntu is as good as Mac (she has a mac and i am running ubuntu only laptop)23:45
jribitatitat: why are you involving cron if your issue is with apache?23:45
captineso software center is more non-technical with pretty pictures etc. :)23:45
wilee-nileesomethinginteres, Have you checked the md5sum of the ISO?23:45
themhzblackshirt,  so basically the system (sudo? the super user?) grants another user/group with permissions  to manage objects files/directories but those objects files folders dont know anything about the user that is managing them, right?23:46
itatitatou sorry, I read the wrong command.......so sorry23:46
ActionParsnipsomethinginteres: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?23:48
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:48
somethinginteresActionParsnip:I believe the second method I used did a verfication of the image prior to making the USB but I will check it now.23:49
itatitatbut now making "sudo start apache2" I have this messgae: Unknown job: apache223:51
Jimster480-Lwth is that lol. Its service is called httpd23:52
somethinginteresActionParsnip: it's perhaps worth pointing out that if I do a hard disk install via unetbootin it boots. check md5 now23:52
jribitatitat: sudo service apache2 start23:53
jrib!who | itatitat23:53
ubottuitatitat: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:53
rustyrazorbladei'm setting up a VM with multiple lxc containers.  any advice on how to handle the network settings so the containers can SSH to each other?  ideally this would be self contained in the VM23:53
ActionParsnipJimster480-L: use tab and you will see the service names23:54
itatitatubottu: thanks!, is very useful, thanks23:55
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Jimster480-LActionParsnip: well idk what crap is called apache2 ive never seen that in years of using and administrating linux servers..23:56
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jribJimster480-L: do you not use debian or ubuntu?23:56
ActionParsnipJimster480-L: its just how it's named I guess23:56
ActionParsnipJimster480-L: tab is your friend :)23:56
zourielHello all23:57
zourielanyone ever play with flussonic?23:57
ubuntu-studiowell that didnt work. x.org crashed i'm on live cd now23:57
Jimster480-Ljrib: hell no not for servers. Only CentOS really. But i used FC originally.23:57
jribJimster480-L: ok, note you are in #ubuntu :)23:58
rolling2k5109820565091071 09/13 943 Karl Schultz 9203 Silver Line Drive Fairfax Staion Virginia 22039 United States 7036464935 VALID !23:58
ardchoille!ops | rolling2k is back23:58
ubotturolling2k is back: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!23:58
Jimster480-Ljrib: yea but what service is called apache2 on ubuntu its the same OS.... I just helped my friend last week setup his Ubuntu VPS and itw as called httpd....23:58
jribrolling2k: welcome back?23:58
jribrolling2k: what do you actually get out of this?23:58
rolling2kits funny23:59
jribrolling2k: ok :/23:59
staffponyrolling2k: no, no it's not and you were asked to stop several times.23:59
IdleOnestaffpony: rolling2k spamming CC info again23:59
ardchoilleNOW, it's funny :)23:59
staffponyIdleOne: noticed already, thanks23:59
IdleOnethank you23:59

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