
=== Martyn is now known as Guest1315
ailomjhouska: Hey21:53
studio-user176Hey all21:53
mjhouskaneed help wit installing ATI drivers21:53
mjhouskajust upgraded to ubuntustudio 12.10 from 12.04  chipset is HD3000 in a Biostar A780L3G mobo. nee proceedure to reinstall ATI drivers as Additiona drivers has been rendered usless appearently. It looks cool in it's new tab location, but it offers no options to install a driver. it seems it's just set up for switching between drivers already installed.21:53
studio-user176Does anyone know of a good DVR IP camera web stream server?21:54
ailomjhouska: It does install drivers. You need to reboot of course for the changes to happen. I was trying to install ATI drivers on a friends computer, but was unable to get the proprietary ones working21:55
ailoThe default open source drivers were awesome in performance. Was playing Halflife on Steam, but there was a problem with overheating21:55
ailomjhouska: The problem with the drivers is not at all specific to Ubuntu Studio though, and from what I know, none of the devs have ATI21:56
ailoSo, you might have better luck asking on #ubuntu, or some other related channel21:56
studio-user176try     sudo apt-get install build-essential cdbs fakeroot dh-make debhelper debconf libstdc++5 dkms ia32-libs <== ia32-libs only for 64 bit install     cp to directory containing the driver     sh ati-driver-installer-9-6-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/jaunty     sudo dpkg -i xorg-driver-fglrx_*.deb fglrx-kernel-source_*.deb fglrx-amdcccle_*.deb     sudo apt-get install displayconfig-gtk <== This may not be necessary, 21:57
ailostudio-user176: You're looking to stream video?21:57
ailostudio-user176: Except, it's not a Ubuntu/jaunty package :)21:57
studio-user176the process is the same21:58
studio-user176well up to 2 releases ago21:58
studio-user176i know it work just changing the vresioning info21:58
ailoWasn't working for me though21:58
ailomjhouska: The method studio-user176 is proposing is used when downloading the official AMD driver from their website, and not using the one in the repos21:59
studio-user176and yes Ailo ipcam to stream rtmp to dvr and to web21:59
ailoholstein: Did you know something about video streaming?22:00
ailoI have never done that22:00
studio-user176i was looking at flussonic but wanted to know if anyone took on this endeavor around here vs the typical forum search :D22:01
studio-user176mjhouska I looked for a sec and found people having issues with drivers installs and 12.10 upgrade22:03
studio-user176hope that helps22:04
ailoIt is amazing how good the open source drivers are at this point. If it weren't for the issue with overheating, I would have seen no sense in installing the proprietary ATI drivers22:07
ailoBecause of that, there's no way my friend is able to use 12.10 on his computer.22:08
mjhouskaafk a sec22:10
ailoer, Halflife 2, btw. Not HL the original22:11
mjhouskawell it looks like one of the soutions is haveng me install unity LoL at least i'll have have the option to switch to xfce after the drivers are installed23:24
holsteinmjhouska: the graphics drivers arent tied to any desktop23:24
holsteinmjhouska: where are you getting the kernel modules?23:25
mjhouskanot sure23:25
holsteini dont typically install software that im not sure where it comes from.. that could be why you have unity depends23:26
holsteinmjhouska: did this used to work?23:26
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto23:26
mjhouskai'm going by this http://askubuntu.com/questions/202857/cant-install-ati-proprietary-drivers-in-12-1023:26
mjhouskaand it is installing unity23:27
holsteinsudo apt-get install lightdm ubuntu-desktop23:27
holstein^^ that is in that copy/pasted list of commands23:27
holsteinwell, as long as you realize you asked for unity to be installed23:28
mjhouskai upgraded 12.04  to 12.10 from cd [ubuntu sudio]23:29
holsteinits not a bug, or something broken.. you asked for unity... ubuntu-desktop23:29
holsteindid you just manually install fglrx ?23:29
mjhouskaI guess i  can un installit23:29
holsteinmjhouska: you can reinstall ubuntustduio-desktop23:29
holsteinubuntu-desktop will likely remove it23:30
holsteinmjhouska: its not "possibly".. you can if you want. if you want the ubuntu-studio xfce desktop instead of unity23:30
holsteinmjhouska: did you just manually install the drivers?23:31
mjhouskayep tried that and it hosed. got low resolutions23:32
holsteinmjhouska: did you try different xorg.conf?23:32
holsteinmjhouska: that will likely be the issue23:32
holsteinin that link i gave a second ago, that is referenced23:32
holsteini usually get an xorg.conf from something like knoppix.. somethig i know works well with that actual hardware23:33
mjhouskai'll try that next if this doesnt work23:33
holsteinthen i specify the driver i want23:33
holsteinmjhouska: you'll likely try that now with that driver too23:33
mjhouskait's asking  to restart now. brb hopefully.23:36
mjhouskawill check your link out next. at least i'll lear nsomething23:38
holsteinmjhouska: you can ask in #ubuntu or #xubuntu too if its dead in here.. since its more of a general ubuntu thing and not studio specific23:39
mjhouskafrom all this23:39
holsteinim about to play the 2nd show today, and im not sure if i'll be back on23:39
holsteinmjhouska: i *always* try the live CD's...23:39
holsteini never cold install or upgrade and expect things to "just work"23:40
mjhouskait is studio specific as far as theu pgrade goes  thats what caused the problem23:40
holsteinmjhouska: i dont think so23:41
holsteinthe upgrade upgraded the packages.. the driver is probably there.. and you might need to look at the xorg.conf that the ati driver makes23:41
holsteinyou might have had a pop-up that said "would you like to keep the current xorg.conf" or whatever23:42
holsteinif not, thats still the first place to check..23:42
mjhouskanope or i don't remember23:42
holsteinmjhouska: i said "might".. you probaby just got everything upgraded.. even the ati driver i assume you had installed before23:42
holsteinsupport for your device could have been dropped.. doesnt mean you can support it wiht 12.10.. but, i *always8 try the live CD's.. i would stay with 12.04 for hardware support reasons along23:43
mjhouskai do get full resolution  just  not sure of 3d support23:43
holsteinmjhouska: you dont need 3d for ubuntustudio23:44
holsteinyou can get whatever resolution you specify in the xorg.conf23:44
holsteinanyway, im not kicking you out of here, not am i saying ubuntustudio didnt break your system.. im just offering suggestions that work for me23:45
holsteinwe are glad you are here23:45
holsteinand we'll help as much as possible23:45
holsteingtg.. good luck!23:45
mjhouskahaven't played with xorg conf much23:46
mjhouskarebooting now23:46

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