
SnapjackUpgraded to 12.10 last night and everything went smooth until today when I realised that I have no volume control on the panel.00:29
recon_lapSnapjack: try add a indicator applet to the panel00:31
Unit193Make sure thunar-volman (close to it) is installed.00:32
GridCubeplugin indicators do NOT work on xubuntu 12.1000:34
GridCuberead the release blog00:34
recon_lapOK, as a LTS Luddite I'll have to stop trying to answer questions00:35
GridCubeplugin indicators its coded on gtk3 and the xfce panel is on gtk200:36
GridCubetheres the option to add a volume controler from the xfce goodies00:36
Unit193GridCube: Some do.00:37
SnapjackIt isn't in the add new items to panel and I have installed xfce4-goodies. I saw a bug report on it but its status was fixed. My keyboard controls work fine.00:41
GridCubeSnapjack, try this: http://code.google.com/p/volti/00:43
SnapjackThank you, I will.00:44
ShodexHowdy, has anyone else upgraded to 12.10 and magically gotten a couple new floppy drives?00:45
Unit193Shodex: Yep.00:48
ShodexUnit193: Do you know of any way to fix it?00:49
Unit193Not looked, doesn't bother as much as some other things did.00:50
ShodexThe main menu options are givin' me hell too.00:50
Unit193Alacarte fails, yes.00:51
ShodexHopefully the bugs'll get patched out soon, 'cause I'm not really feeling the benefits atm.00:52
Unit193On several I am, but menu isn't an issue.00:52
SnapjackGridCube That worked! Thanks.00:56
john_rambowhen I click on my Home folder icon on Desktop it says Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken. And then it opens01:54
xubuntu969shui zhi dao zenme qiehuan shurufa?02:11
xubuntu969you ren zai ma ?02:11
UnknownForkphonetic chinese?02:11
xubuntu969yes ,, chinese shurufa.02:11
xubuntu969ru guo meiyou wangluo, hai nengbuneng anzhuang Xubuntu ?02:12
recon_lapxubuntu969:  /join #ubuntu-cn02:13
xubuntu969thank you02:14
c_smithanyone here know why in Xubuntu 12.10 the messaging menu isn't available?02:29
ubottuUbuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) release notes can be found here http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/12.1002:31
c_smithUnit193, thanks, didn't think to look there.02:32
Unit193There's a slightly hacky way to do it.02:32
c_smithI take hacky to mean modifying the source of the indicator?02:33
Unit193c_smith: Means pulling it up on LP, downloading the 4 packages for precise, and holding them.02:41
c_smithah, not that hard, had to do that type of thing before.02:41
Unit1935 Packages.02:41
c_smithnot often, but yeah02:41
Unit193(had to find it again, uploaded them so I wouldn't have to)02:43
soreauin gmusicbrowser, the equalizer sliders are all grayed out and can't use it. Do I need to install something extra to make it work?03:14
soreauah, just a setting I missed03:16
pwnedulongtimemenu editing not working to good in 12.1004:21
Unit193You are correct, menulibre and lxmenueditor are two not in the repo that may, unless you want to edit by hand (not too hard)04:23
pwnedulongtimein /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu ?04:24
pwnedulongtimeI really don't see the point of fixing something that isn't broke....but then breaking it04:25
Unit193Copy to ~/.config/menus/  xfce-applications.menu and applications.menu should already be in there.04:25
pwnedulongtimethere seem to be two: /etc/xdg/menus/xfce-applications.menu04:26
pwnedulongtimeI'm seeing some bad video tearing as well, i91504:31
Unit193i915 here, and it was my other one (not the i915) that hit it. :P04:32
pwnedulongtimeyou hit something with your i915?04:32
Unit193Meh, nothing like that, more of full on X failures.04:33
pwnedulongtimeironix isn't it?04:34
pwnedulongtimestill can't edit the menu04:36
sdollinsUnit193: So you found the cause for menu editing not working?04:44
pwnedulongtimei did an upgrade, so I may have profile data that's messing with it04:50
sdollinsNo, I'm having the same issue after a clean install.04:50
pwnedulongtimeah ok04:51
pwnedulongtimehey can you extract a zip file by right clicking and extract to...?04:51
pwnedulongtimeor tar,gz04:51
sdollinsI managed to get my menu edited without breaking anything.04:52
sdollinscopied the xfce-applications.menu file to ~/.config/menus/ and changed the merge path in applications.menu04:54
sdollinsthen removed the separator I wanted to remove in xfce-applications.menu04:54
pwnedulongtimehmm, I want to use the gui04:55
pwnedulongtimesince it's there and should work04:55
pwnedulongtimehow this wasn't caught in beta is beyond me04:56
pwnedulongtimesdollins, oh isee05:00
pwnedulongtimei'll try that05:00
Unit193sdollins: Not with alacarte, but yes.05:07
pwnedulongtimesdollins, your method works, but logout goes missing and the structure/naming is different05:20
sdollinspwnedulongtime: everything is fine for me...06:12
tasawanHello, I just upgraded to 12.10 and have some issues with my video drivers. I have an ati 4670 and I believe the new fglrx drivers don't support it anymore. The free drivers work fine except for some flickering while scrolling.06:24
tasawanPlaying video causes the audio to skip as well. I'd appreciate it if anyone could point me in the direction to a solution. Thanks06:25
pwnedulongtimevideo flickering has always been a problem06:27
pwnedulongtimebut your audio problem sounds unrelated06:27
soreautasawan: it shouldn't flicker.. what do you mean by that exactly? flashing black or random corruption?06:28
tasawanWell, I don't quite know how to explain it, scrolling isn't smooth and sort of jumps around. Video, even 720p videos play fine besides the sound skipping. Not terribly serious problems, just slightly annoying.06:32
soreautasawan: Since you've upgraded and were using fglrx, maybe parts of it are still installed, causing problems with the open driver. Can you pastebin.com your /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?06:32
innotI didn't,but do u have a question about it?06:33
tasawan@soreu, it is quite long, any specific section you want to look at, or the whole thing?06:34
soreautasawan: yes, I want to see what driver it's using and if you have 3D working06:34
soreau!pastebin | tasawan06:34
ubottutasawan: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:34
QuelpGood morning guys. Have anyone found a way to use the indicator-messages within 12.10? I've already tried to use the precise packages, but it complains about missing libraries (libxfce4util.so.4, libxfce4panel-1.0.so.3).. Symlinking them doesnt work either: "undefined symbol: xfce_panel_plugin_provider_set_orientation"06:35
tasawanHope I'm doing this correctly: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1291310/06:36
soreautasawan: yea, it looks like everything is installed correctly except you could get rid of /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:39
soreautasawan: you might look around if anyone has filed a bug report about it or ask in #radeon06:41
tasawanI renamed xorg.cong to ~xorg.conf-bkp, would that work? I'll ask there. Thank you for your help.06:42
soreautasawan: What player are you using to test video playback btw?06:46
tasawanParole and VLC. Viedo plays fine, no problems there, the audio skips on videos that are 720p or higher.06:48
soreaumake sure to use xv rendering if you're not already06:49
tasawanHow do I check whether I am using xv rendering?06:51
soreautasawan: a good test would be to install mplayer and run mplayer -vo xv /path/to/video/file.ext06:52
soreauor check your players settings06:52
innotI upgraded from 12.04 to 12.10 and now my upper panel doesn't work right. Indicators,date&time and action buttons are in left of the panel and moves to the right when I opens new windows. When tested 12.10 from live-cd panel was working fine and in the 12.04 too. Should I disenable fglrx for example?06:55
pwnedulongtime12.10 is a lemon06:55
Quelpinnot: Open Panelproperties and check "expand-checkbox" the seperator-element between tasklist and date in its settings06:57
QuelpWow, did i wrioe that? :D06:59
tasawansoreau: I am using mpalyer -vo -xv and the video is playing and no sound trouble.06:59
innotQuelp: thanks!07:01
pwnedulongtimei'm switching to linux mint07:04
tasawanSoreau: Thank you for your help. I'll see if I can find a bug report for the video drivers. The rest seems to be working for now.07:13
innotHow can I remove disk icon from dekstop because I have them doubled. In desktop preferences in "default icons"-section removable devices hide the other but can I remove the extra icons?07:14
charleyfoxtrotxubuntu 12.10 is slick07:21
charleyfoxtrotreally nice07:22
charleyfoxtrotinstant favorite for me07:22
charleyfoxtrotgood job everyone involved, damn07:22
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johnSmithcan someone help me setting up xubuntu onto my flash drive? I need persistence...07:50
apm1johnSmith, what's the problem ?07:50
johnSmithi have a mac and im trying to figure out how to put xubuntu on my 16 gb flash drive and make it persistent07:51
apm1johnSmith, i too am typing this on a mac , running xubuntu and debian wheezy so fire away :p07:52
apm1johnSmith, is xubuntu on the HD of this mac ?07:52
johnSmithi am currently downloading the file now07:53
charleyfoxtrotdownloading xubuntu is =)07:53
apm1johnSmith, you can not run xubuntu from a flash drive on a mac but only from a HD or a CD07:54
apm1i have tried so hard to do it but to no avail07:54
johnSmithahh, even if i change the file to a .img like with ubuntu?07:54
apm1johnSmith, the image format doesn't matter07:55
apm1it's the GRUB2 efi bootloader we need :(07:55
johnSmithdam apple...07:55
apm1yes damn apple's decisions :p07:55
apm1johnSmith, try debian wheezy beta 3 it has grub2-efi , boots from flashdrives :p07:56
charleyfoxtrotthey can't be all that bad, Linus Torvalds himself uses a mac07:56
johnSmithok if i set it up for use on a pc, im in college and plenty of public access machines, how can i make the persistence file larger if using something like pendrivelinux.com07:56
charleyfoxtrotalbeit, his macbook air isn't running os x07:56
charleyfoxtrotjohnSmith you just want to use the mac to create the USB but not to use it?07:57
apm1Charleyfoxtront i am running debian and xubuntu on my mac , no os x07:57
apm1that is possible first install xubuntu from cd on the hd07:57
johnSmithi hate windows but i would like a unix like enviroment while working on my programs on campus07:57
charleyfoxtrotwait have you tried unetbootin??07:57
apm1johnSmith, can you burn a cd ?07:58
johnSmithyes i have tried unetbootin07:58
johnSmithdoesnt run =(07:58
johnSmithi have downloaded it from sourceforge but once i click it, it doesnt do anything07:58
apm1johnSmith, can you burn a dvd / cd for xubuntu ?07:58
charleyfoxtrotare you going to be using command-line tools? if so you can use SSH to your home computer07:58
johnSmithno cds avalible im poor college student haha07:58
charleyfoxtrotI doubt the computers on your campus will allow you to boot from USB or CD anyway. they might. but I wouldn't count on the security allowing it07:59
apm1johnSmith, if you can get a dvd it's just a moment's job07:59
johnSmiththey do allow it, i saw some other CS student using xubuntu from a flash drive07:59
charleyfoxtrotright on07:59
charleyfoxtrotso no luck with unetbootin?07:59
charleyfoxtrotbecause that's what I have always used when I needed to make a live usb08:00
charleyfoxtrotwith persistence, too08:00
johnSmithno cds around here =(08:00
apm1johnSmith, that other student is using os X + xubuntu with refit installed (google refit)08:00
johnSmithunetbootin, downloaded twice and it doesnt run, hangs after i put password to run the program08:00
charleyfoxtrotapml I don't think he meant that the campus computer was a mac08:01
apm1johnSmith, what OS are you on right now ?08:01
johnSmithand the other student does not use os x08:01
johnSmithim on mac, campus is all windows 7 =(08:01
apm1johnSmith, a mac running OS X ?08:01
johnSmithyea 10.708:02
apm1johnSmith, if you can somehow get a DVD you can save yourself a crapload of trouble :p08:02
johnSmithlol ok i will try and get some tomorrow08:03
apm1when you get a dvd08:03
johnSmithonce i have them, is there a tutorial or guide on how to do it?08:03
apm1do these steps08:03
apm11.burn xubuntu.iso on the dvd08:03
apm12. insert the dvd in mac08:04
apm13. reboot holding c , hold  the "C" key when you hear the startup chime08:04
apm1keep holding it it will get you to the live xubuntu session there click on try xubuntu without installing08:05
apm1now in the live session go to the xfce menu on the top pannel08:05
johnSmithnice, thank you for your help guys/gals08:05
apm1johnSmith, should i type the remaining steps ??08:06
johnSmithyes plz -=)08:06
apm1next click on the rat-mouse  icon in the top panel it is in the same place as the apple logo on os x the top left of the screen08:07
apm1now clicking that should bring up a drop down menu08:07
apm1in this drop down menu click on the system tab08:08
apm1in the submenu of system you will find a utility "startup disk creator"08:08
apm1click the startup disk utility08:08
charleyfoxtrotjohnSmith do you have access to windows? You can make a liveUSB a number of ways, just want you to know. You seem to want persistence08:08
johnSmithi do have access to windows, but locked machines so i cant do much08:09
apm1johnSmith, concentrate on the steps for once08:09
johnSmithso the startup disk util is like the one in ubuntu? where i can set up to 4gb or persistence storage?08:09
apm1yes it is exactly the same as in ubuntu :)08:10
johnSmithso once i have livecd it should be a breeze08:10
johnSmithok now, is there anyway to make that persistence file any bigger?08:10
johnSmithmore than 4gb?08:11
apm1johnSmith, partition the other partitions of the flash drive in ext408:11
apm1except the one on which you are creating the xubuntu live image08:11
apm1now mount these partitions when you need more space :)08:12
johnSmithso can i save system updates to these partitions?08:12
apm1system updates as in ?08:13
apm1yeah they are like normal harddrive partitions , they are not a part of this live install08:13
johnSmithlike the xubuntu updates, do they stick after reboot if i have these ext4 partitions? and do i have to name them casper-rw and delete the casper-rw file ?08:13
apm1i don't know what a "casper - rw " thingy is :p08:14
johnSmithi know in ubuntu casper-rw is the file they use for persistence08:15
apm1then in xubuntu it should be the same08:15
johnSmiththank you again so much for your help i really appreciate it08:15
apm1johnSmith, may the force be with you :p08:16
johnSmithand also with you08:16
Name141Is there anything special that 12.10 has that the LTS doesn't ?08:18
apm1Name141, honestly bloat :p08:18
apm1Name141, let's discuss in xubuntu-offtopic08:19
Name141apm1: I keep thinking of replacing XP with a Xubuntu since Ubuntu screwed up the UI worse than Windows 808:19
TheSheepapm1: did you even try it?08:19
apm1TheSheep, nope but if ubuntu is crap then it must have screwed xubuntu with it :(08:20
Name141apm1: Unity.08:20
TheSheepapm1: can you please limit yourself to factual information on this channel?08:20
apm1TheSheep, i can but i am a little paranoid so i at times slip :p08:21
TheSheepapm1: fear, uncertainty and doubt are not appreciated08:21
apm1TheSheep, let's talk in OT ?08:21
ovidiutkHello. I upgraded yesterday from 12.04 to 12.10 and now Xubuntu no longer asks for password when resuming from suspend. How can I fix that?09:12
xubuntu698I  installed yesterday xubuntu 12.10, but now the tv usb doesn't work (it worked ok with 12.04)  Anyone can help?10:15
helpmepllscan someone please help me jesus christ10:17
helpmepllsi have been trying to get my wifi card to work10:17
helpmepllson 12.04, the problem is i dont have ethernet internet to have all the hard work done easy10:18
helpmepllsi have followed guide10:18
helpmepllsbut i CANNOT get b43-fwcutter to install at all. any help is greatly appreciated10:19
xubuntu698hello helpmeplls, lot of people here but no answer10:22
helpmepllsif i double click to run b43-fwcutter its greyed out, i tried the other way and it doesnt work at all10:23
helpmepllsi cant seem to dl the correct one10:23
helpmepllshell i have tried all of them now10:23
helpmepllsim doing something wrong10:24
helpmepllsand im going to go calm down real fast brb been working on this stuff all night hours10:24
josy1982i have 12 GB RAM installed on my pc what version should i use 32 bit or 64 bit?11:49
Kageejosy1982: 32 bit is unable to use mote than ~311:51
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apm1can i damage my ssd by running an old kernel ?12:14
xubuntu365Morning all - anyone else had a problem with the xubuntu-12.3.10-desktop-amd64.iso torrent?13:16
xubuntu365Download with no errors reported - can't copy (thunar reports an error splicing the file) but can create a bootable usb which boots (VERY VERY slowly)13:20
dmbekkerhi, I just install xubuntu and installed the nvidia drivers (nvidia-current) but it gave me a error and said that I needed to restart X server.. I googled a bit and found "kill -9 `pidof X`" and now I can't login to a xubuntu/xfce session..14:37
dmbekkerI'm on a guest session with unity atm :/14:37
dmbekkerinstalled ubuntu first and installed the package xubuntu-destkop to get xubuntu kinda I mean14:38
dmbekkerI just reinstall ubuntu..14:45
IndustrialI've installed the package xmonad which gives me another window manager to run besides xfce, and adds itself to the gdm menu; I have a .xinitrc in my homedir (that doesn't launch a window manager atm but does contain other configuration) though it isn't ran. Hoow can I get this config file to run when I start an xmonad session?15:19
Industrialgnome display manager (if that's the one also used in xfce?)15:24
Industrialerr, in xubuntu>15:25
GridCubewich version of xubuntu?15:25
GridCubesince 11.04 we use lightdm15:25
apm1light dm rocks :)15:28
apm1even on debian it's better than gdm :)15:28
njall89Hey there, I am stuck with what seems to be a rather common problem with my broadcom wireless. it does not work. :P Can anyone help?15:45
njall89using xubuntu 12.0415:45
njall89And I am a ubuntu newb,15:45
njall89well, is anyone feels like it and sees this message give me some sort of a nod sometime soon, thank you15:47
GridCube!ot | njall8915:48
ubottunjall89: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:48
bazhang!broadcom | njall89 start here15:52
ubottunjall89 start here: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:52
schreberis it normal for the trash can (within the file manager) to simply disappear?15:52
holsteinschreber: maybe you have just removed a bookmark/shortcut15:53
schreberoddly no. but given the oddity that it is how would I check to see if that is the case?15:54
GridCubeoh... i have to read the whole messages people send :/ sorry njall8915:54
kbartercan I ask you for help? I am not sure where look for this specific problem cos its about Wake on Lan - ACPI..16:21
recon_lapjust ask, if anyone knows they will answer, you might want to create a pastebin with all the details so you can ask again easily16:23
zombyradHi, I have a question about the Parole media player: can you change the video output, like in mplayer?16:23
GridCubezombyrad, i dont know16:25
kbarterok. first: the problem is with network card which supports Wake on Lan - g. I can set up WOL, etc, all everything about it. but problem is when I turn off computer, network card is also turned off and there is no chance to do WOL after bigger amount of time (hour and so on). I am able to turn on server to minute with WOL so I presume there is a problem with ACPI or something like that. Something like "You, network card, stay turned o16:26
kbarterThat means I am able to turn PC on to a minute after poweroff, later not. I made this with Ubuntu wiki and network card does nothing :-(16:27
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.16:53
baizoni recommend openjdk16:53
GridCubeFor your safety, Firefox has disabled your outdated version of Java. Please upgrade to the latest version.16:55
baizonwell its on the java page16:55
GridCubeinstalling java7 its a pita16:55
baizonGridCube:  icedtea-7-plugin16:55
baizonthis will gelp16:56
recon_lapis their a safe version of java?16:56
GridCubebaizon, trying that16:56
baizonrecon_lap: openjdk is save :) java too just install the new version16:56
GridCubeholly earth, its 67MiB16:56
baizonGridCube: because of the openjdk-7-jre16:57
GridCubemmhm yes16:57
kbarterneed to go for a bit to test WOL17:05
kbarterwake on lan17:07
kbarteri have problem with network card, it turns off despite configured /etc/init.d/halt17:07
kbarterso IDK where the problem is17:09
xubuntu188I just upgraded to 12.10.  One of the changes I would like to find the fix for is the Panel.  Instead of being locked the part with you log in name, date/time, wifi, batttery and virtual desktops moves.  Can this be locked to the right side of the panel again?18:25
GridCubeadd a separator and set it to auto expand18:28
xubuntu188Thanks GridCube18:34
recon_lapwow, 9 seconds must be a new record19:15
Evropihello everyone20:38
Evropibug to report20:38
Evropiand I guess -devel would not want imbeciles like -.-20:38
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:38
Evropilol, thanks20:39
Evropibut see20:39
EvropiI'm not sure if it IS a bug20:39
moetunesdepends on the type of bug I would guess20:39
TheSheepjust describe the problem already :)20:39
EvropiI can't delete separators in the edit menu dialog for the Applications Menu (top left by default)20:39
EvropiI removed Ubuntu Software Centre from there20:39
Evropioh yeah and I can't make USC appear in the System menu20:40
Evropi(by checking the box)20:40
Evropiis there some text configuration for this like with Openbox?20:40
Evropibut yeah basically in the "root" menu I have a separator that I'd like to remove and as many times as I click delete, nothing happens20:41
EvropiXubuntu 12.10 btw20:41
Evropiso, any ideas?20:42
TheSheepEvropi: well, the menu is assembled from files that are in your /usr/share/applications/20:43
TheSheepEvropi: you can copy them to your /home/username/.local/share/applications and edit there, they are text files20:44
TheSheepEvropi: and they might have additional rules in them that the menu editor doesn't understand20:44
Evropibtw, do you use WeeChat or something20:44
Suxumuxuhi guys :)20:45
EvropiI've learn to come to despise the auto-highlight thingymajiggy -.-20:45
Evropiγεια χαρά20:45
TheSheepEvropi: I use irssi20:45
Suxumuxugeia sou Evropi pou esi mas maranes :P20:45
Evropiyeah no hard feelings, just no need to highlight all the time :)20:45
Suxumuxuwraia parea!!!20:46
TheSheepsorry, that's a habit from the really busy channels20:46
Evropilol Suxumuxu, δεν είναι καλά τα ελληνικά μου, έχω μεγαλώσει στην Αγγλία αλλά ευχαριστώ20:46
Evropilet's continue in English20:46
SuxumuxuGuys , I love xfce!!!20:46
SuxumuxuEvropi, : Cool , glad to meet you ... , even in this digital form :P20:47
TheSheepthere is also #xubuntu-offtopic, just saying :)20:47
EvropiWahaha, this choice of handle actually came from educational aims20:48
Evropipeople would ask me what "Evropi" means, I tell them it's how Europe should pronounce and teach them a lesson in ethymology and linguistics20:48
Evropithat's the main idea but no-one has asked me to this day -.- feels bad man20:48
SuxumuxuEvropi, i won't ask you because i know that Evropi was one of the many Zeus lovers ;)20:49
TheSheepit's a channel where you can talk about things like education and linguistics, for example, without highlighting the peple who just want to help with xubuntu :)20:49
TheSheepit's really great20:49
Evropihaha sorry, I'll stop there then20:50
TheSheep*wink* *wink*20:50
Evropiseems pretty dead though20:50
TheSheepeasy to change20:50
Evropiokay TheSheep, I have a support query20:51
Evropiis there a way to make Java applications that use the infamous Swing GUI... integrate more?20:51
Suxumuxusorry guys can you suggest me a way to recover my files , the problem is that installed xubuntu with encryption on top of my old install partitions..20:51
EvropiI'm looking at GeoGebra in particular20:51
Suxumuxuthe result is that my partition were merged into one encrypted and disapeare with my files alltogether....20:52
TheSheepSuxumuxu: I don't have good news for you20:52
SuxumuxuTheSheep, : Tell what i am feeling already ...20:52
TheSheepSuxumuxu: they were most probably formatted in the process20:53
TheSheepSuxumuxu: and filled with random data before the encryption20:53
TheSheepSuxumuxu: but it's possible that your encrypted home partition is just mounted on top of your old home, in that case it's recoverable20:54
SuxumuxuTheSheep, : I think that xubuntu should have mentioned with more BOLD  that it will erase EVERYTHING20:54
TheSheepSuxumuxu: can you pastebin the output of 'mount' command?20:54
SuxumuxuTheSheep, : Sure one moment!!20:54
TheSheepSuxumuxu: well, you are supposed to make a backup before you touch any partitions anyways, and I believe xubuntu tells you that20:55
Evropiprivacy conscious pastebin (yes, I use DuckDuckGo)20:55
TheSheepthere is also an ubuntu one in the topic20:56
SuxumuxuTheSheep, : yeah yeah , The truth is that i let my selkf click next next without thinking enoupg . god demit ...20:56
SuxumuxuEvropi, : Cool I 'll use it :) ;) I LOVE YOU!!!20:57
EvropiNo homo20:57
SuxumuxuEvropi, : lol , me too , join me LOL :P20:58
SuxumuxuTheSheep, : https://pastee.org/nmnq420:59
SuxumuxuTheSheep, : the password is :   evropiMeansEurope21:00
TheSheepthat is ridiculous...21:00
TheSheepyou paste it on the same channel, one next to the other21:00
TheSheepwhat's the point?21:01
TheSheepit doesn't look like you have any encrypted partitions mounted?21:01
SuxumuxuTheSheep, : sorry i reinstalled without encryption after i realized that my files were not easy recoverable21:04
SuxumuxuTheSheep, : before reinstallation i tried with testdisk and photorec BUT nothing helpfull came out :(21:05
TheSheepSuxumuxu: ok, can you pastebin the result of 'sudo fdisk -l' (that will list all partitions on your disks)21:05
SuxumuxuTheSheep, :Testdisk is supposed to find accidentaly deleted partition...21:05
TheSheepbut if you formatted them, then there is really no hope21:06
SuxumuxuTheSheep, ; ok but i think that the bitpadding has done is job... to make my old partitions a ghost...21:06
SuxumuxuTheSheep, :  https://pastee.org/2f55321:08
SuxumuxuTheSheep, : Here you are21:08
EvropiSuxumuxu: if my proposition interests you please reply in query chat21:09
Evropiand yes, this is a genuine effort to recruit translators for open source21:09
SuxumuxuTheSheep, : I think that the problem is that i can't use the live-cd approach because the partition was encrypted....21:09
SuxumuxuEvropi, : One moment please :)21:10
TheSheepSuxumuxu: looks like it's all formatted and gone, sorry21:10
SuxumuxuTheSheep, ; Don't feel sorry ,it is my fault to be very "click Next" tolerant.....21:11
SuxumuxuTheSheep, : anyway Thanks for your time dude , really Thanks!21:12
SuxumuxuTheSheep, : What i learned today is that when you encrypt a disc21:13
Suxumuxubitpadding happens in the meantime.... and destroys your data....21:13
TheSheepSuxumuxu: there are two kinds of people, those who make backups and those who will be making backups21:13
SuxumuxuTheSheep, : I am probably ...the second one :P21:14
Evropihahaha, true dat :)21:14
EvropiI have yet to use one of those cloud backup services21:15
Evropithey seem like such a pain in the ass to set up21:15
TheSheepEvropi: that sounds like an oxymoron21:15
EvropiUbuntu One certainly was21:15
EvropiI closed my ubuntu one account, I couldn't figure out a good workflow21:16
TheSheepEvropi: you make a backup to know exactly where your data is, you put data in cloud to not know where it is21:16
Evropiit created a separate folder in /home IIRC21:16
TheSheepEvropi: you need a separate device that you keep in a separate building21:16
Evropimy own? Nah, too expensive and time consuming21:16
TheSheep(in case of fire or burglary)21:16
EvropiI would consider a remote service though21:17
Evropiassuming the price is reasonable21:17
EvropiownCloud and Tonido seem to require too much of a fuss to set up21:17
Evropithough ownCloud is pretty cool I must admit and I've always liked KDE (until my ancient tower began finding it too heavy)21:18
TheSheepall the cloud services that I ever used were so far less reliable than my own laptop21:18
TheSheepbut I might be a wrong example21:19
Evropiso how do you do your backups? I've always wanted an automated way to backup remotely21:19
Evropiinb4 rsync21:19
TheSheepI just tar it all to an external hard disk drive once a month, and keep it in a different location21:20
TheSheepbut I don't have that much data21:20
TheSheepabout 60GB compressed, maybe21:21
Evropithat's a LOT of data21:21
Evropialso, tarballs don't compress files21:21
TheSheeptar gz21:21
Evropibz2 is better21:21
TheSheep(I should be using bz2 but old habits)21:21
TheSheepanyways, an usb hdd is peanuts, and you only pay for it once21:22
TheSheepit doesn't need to be fast21:22
martinphonea restart has been lagging in my laptop for 6 hours, can that be a problem? are restart updates supossed to be restarted within seconds or minutes since the notification?21:22
TheSheepmartinphone: restart updates?21:23
martinphoneupdates that require a restart TheDrums eS21:23
martinphoneupdates that require a restart TheSheep21:23
Unit193I don't always, but I ignore those for days/weeks.21:24
TheSheepmartinphone: it's not restarting, it's just telling you that you need to restart to use the things it updated21:25
martinphonehow many days/weeks do you leave you machine on if you dont mind the question?21:25
xubuntu567can i set rss feed in xubuntu's panel?21:26
xubuntu567and it's possible to add pidgin and skype to startup in background?21:26
Evropieh, I don't think Xfce has these facilities (it ain't no Plasma desktop)21:27
Evropithere should be some X11 apps for it though21:27
TheSheepxubuntu567: I don't know of a panel plugin that supports rss21:27
TheSheepxubuntu567: you can, see the 'sessions and startup' in settings21:27
xubuntu567i know that, but i don't know commads21:29
TheSheepxubuntu567: the commands are 'pidgin' and 'skype' respectively21:31
QuelpI already asked a few hours ago, but unfortunately no one could answered my Question so try it again ;) Have anyone found a way to use the indicator-messages within 12.10? I've already tried to use the precise packages, but it complains about missing libraries (libxfce4util.so.4, libxfce4panel-1.0.so.3).. Symlinking them doesnt work either: "undefined symbol: xfce_panel_plugin_provider_set_orientation"21:31
TheSheepQuelp: I guess you would need to compile them for the new xfce4 versiob21:32
Unit193Quelp: Install indicator-messages_0.6.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb indicator-messages-gtk2_0.6.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb indicator-status-provider-mc5_0.6.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb indicator-status-provider-pidgin_0.6.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb libindicator-messages-status-provider1_0.6.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb  to have all that precise did.21:33
Unit193Though, compiling may be better.21:33
QuelpUnit193: This are the packages i have tried, but the amd64 versions of them. Does this make a difference?21:34
Unit193If you have 64bit, that's what you should use.  Not had a 64bit Xubuntu.21:35
QuelpOkay thanks. I'll try it again21:36
Unit193I did sudo dpkg -i *.deb  (with those being the only ones in the dir)21:37
QuelpAh, so i should take xfce4-indicator-plugin from the quantal repo?21:37
jaminnear as I can tell, Xubuntu 12.10 uses gnome-disks as it's preferred disk manipulation tool (via Settings).  Which appears to use udisks2 behind the scenes.  However, it appears that policy kit authorizations were not created21:39
jaminof the possible actions it appears that local admins are only authorized for two: org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount-system and org.freedesktop.udisks2.encrypted-unlock-system21:43
Evropiweird, I thought Ubuntu had completed the /bin and /usr/bin merge?21:43
jaminmake that three..21:44
QuelpYep, with the quantal version of xfce4-indicator-plugin it works :)21:45
jrzabottgood evening everybody...21:59
jrzabottCan anyone help?21:59
jrzabottI have an fresh Kubuntu installed... I'd like to install xfce... but 500Mb seems to much to spend with it... May I install it in another manner than: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop ?22:01
holsteinjrzabott: xubuntu-desktop will get you just that... the xubuntu desktop, which is XFCE and more22:36
holsteinjrzabott: you can just install xfce if you want22:36
jrzabottholstein: I am already googling that... but.. I can't figure out how...22:39
jrzabottholstein: i'm looking in muon package manager, but still understand how... I'm feeling a little stupid. lol... The answer seems so close and easy and I can't grab it.22:41
holsteinjrzabott: you can open the package manager of your choice and search xfce22:42
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels22:42
holstein*instead* is a key word there... you should read about the changes that are about to happen to kubuntu22:43
jrzabottthankx ubottu , but i'm trying to avoid the additional 300Mb22:43
holsteinjrzabott: you will take on extra packages.. you have no gtk libs'22:43
jrzabottholstein: get it... 'a bit'.22:43
holsteinjrzabott: not really.. you'll need a lot22:43
holsteinjrzabott: its just like if i wanted KDE..i would have to take on all hte necessary packages to run the desktop... and i have none installed22:44
holsteinjrzabott: thats why i suggest just installing xfce22:45
jrzabottholstein: Yes... I understand that... And i am 'researching' some light window manager to use in my old notebook, to make is faster...22:45
holsteinjrzabott: you can always try them live.. then you dont have to change your system unecessarily22:45
jrzabottKubuntu was the best choice until today, when i saw Lubuntu running... Man... that was really fast.22:46
holsteinlubuntu is LXDE... sudo apt-get install lxde22:46
jrzabottYes... but i'm like to try both...22:47
holsteinjrzabott: sure.. and you'll need to install a lot of GTK stuff for either22:47
jrzabottand the 'logic' in xcfe must be very close do lxde22:47
holsteinjrzabott: they are just different options... i dont think anyone will argue LXDE is lighter... i find it easier and less hassle to just install LXDE, sudo apt-get install lxde22:48
jrzabottjust that?22:48
holsteinthat would be a nice thing to try on the way to installing either xubuntu-desktop or xfce422:49
Unit193Or lubuntu-core.22:49
jrzabottholstein: i've heard about 'mate' too...22:49
Unit193xubuntu-desktop --no-install-recommends22:49
holsteinjrzabott: ?.. you ask for the main package, and it will pull in what it needs.. mate is not in the repos22:49
holsteini would install xfce4 as Unit193 has suggested, or lxde22:50
jrzabottUnit193: thank you... Is it like holstein  just mentioned? Just installs what is needed to 'run' ?22:50
holsteinjrzabott: you dont need to pull in or specifiy anything else.. you say "install lxde" and the package manager manages what packages need installed22:51
jrzabottholstein: I'll try both... But I couldn't find any reference to just install XFCE or LDXEç... only 'l(x)ubuntu-desktop'...22:51
holsteinjrzabott: im still not sure where or how you are searching22:51
holsteinjrzabott: i would open a terminal and type "apt-cache search xfce" or "apt-cache search lxde"22:52
jrzabottgoogle: install XFCE on ubuntu22:52
holsteinor install/open synaptic, and search there.. or try the software center... or another package manager22:52
jrzabottI get... holstein  thanks... and thanks Unit193  too. =)22:53
jrzabotti'l looking in muon package manager.22:53
jrzabottright now22:53
holsteinhttp://www.techlw.com/2012/02/install-xfce-desktop-environment-on.html is the first that comes up for me in a google search, and suggests what Unit193 suggested22:53
holsteini would do the --no-install-recommends option22:53
holsteinhttp://complete-concrete-concise.com/ubuntu-2/ubuntu-12-04/ubuntu-12-04-how-to-install-the-xfce-desktop suggests "sudo apt-get install xfce4" as i suggested22:54
jrzabottok... I was looking for xubuntu or lubuntu.... my bad...22:55
jrzabotti'm sorry7... i saw right now on my google tab.22:55
jrzabotti'll install both right now... soon as wine finishes installing.22:56
holsteinyou wont be able to install xubuntu in ubuntu.. you would convert ubuntu to xubuntu by installing xubntu-desktop or xfce4.. could have just been the jargon22:56
jrzabottLets see if I understood that... When I type in terminal... sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop... i'm now installing a window manager, i'm caonverting an entire contructed system to another?22:57
jrzabottis it something like that?22:57
jrzabott*.. i'm not installing...22:57
jrzabottThe 'right command', cut from 500Mb to use down to 70Mb. lol22:58
holsteinjrzabott: i would run "sudo apt-get install lxde"22:59
holsteinlubuntu *is* ubuntu with the lxde desktop, but lubuntu is not the same as just ubuntu with lxde installed.. though very similar22:59
holsteinif you say "install lubuntu-desktop", you might get parts of kubuntu removed... thats why Unit193 suggested --no-intall-recommends for the xubuntu-desktop install23:00
holsteinif you just want to add lxde,, you just install lxde... not the lubuntu desktop, which is a lot more than just lxde23:00
jrzabottOk, i'll do that. =)23:01
jrzabottholstein: ok. I'll read a little bit more, dig deeper... I really appreciate your  ( holstein )good will , and yours Unit193 . =)23:01
holsteinjrzabott: its challening to have more that on *-desktop installed.. since it includes the login manager and all that23:02
jrzabottsee ya soon, to ask a little more about lsde, like how to increse the icon in the taskbar,.23:02
holsteinjrzabott: theres a #lubuntu channel too :)23:02
jrzabottlightdm can hnadle it, right?23:02
jrzabottsorry... Xfce23:02
holsteinits not an issue of "handling it"... you said you wanted to add xfce to your kubuntu install.. what you have done could remove KDE and kubuntu-desktop, changing your install more than what i understood you wanted to23:03
Unit193If you just install xfce4, may want to install xubuntu-default-settings or xubuntu-artwork to get a little more of a feel what Xubuntu would be like.23:04
holsteinalso, just trying the live CD's til you are sure...23:04
jrzabottyes... I just want too add xfce and lxde23:05
jrzabottnot change the 'kubuntu'... that is working very fine until now.23:05
jrzabotti can't count on a live CD in my old notebook. lol23:06
holsteinjrzabott: installing lubuntu-desktop could change that... i would just insatll lxde23:06
jrzabottthis is what i'll after all the good advices =)23:06
holsteinsudo apt-get install lxde ..or sudo apt-get install xfce423:06
jrzabottSo just to make sure... sudo apt-get install xfcew4 --no-install-recommended23:07
holsteinits not the end of the world to go "oops" and install kubuntu-desktop.. but i would look at what is being installed and removed when you say what you are doing23:07
holsteinjrzabott: xfce4 is *not* xubuntu-desktop.. xfce4 is just xfce423:08
jrzabottok... for (l or x)ubuntu-desktop i would do --no-recomm...23:08
holsteinsudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop --no-install-recommends is what Unit193 suggested to get the xubuntu desktop without changing your kubuntu install23:08
jrzabottand just for the amanger sudo apt-get install 'desired package'23:08
holsteini personally havent used that --no-install-recommends command, though i trust Unit193 implicitly23:09
jrzabottBut I can't figure out... what is best...23:10
jrzabottxfce4 or xubuntu-desktop --no-reco...23:10
holsteinjrzabott: best is a matter of opinion... xfce4 is just xfce4... xubuntu-desktop is the xubuntu desktop.. depends on what you want23:10
jrzabottnot best... but more likelly  to not harm my kubuntu install23:10
jrzabottand my 'defaults configs' and etc.23:11
holsteinjrzabott: neither will "harm" anything.. just might remove it.. everything is open and fixable... if you are afraid you'll break something, try them live or in virtualization... or just add the xfce4 package23:12
holsteinjrzabott: no "configs" in the /home directory should be affected23:12
jrzabottI used before, Ubuntu with unity. i've installed "kubuntu-desktop". and everything in kde and unity was not like it was once before...23:13
jrzabottwas a real mess.23:13
jrzabottthe standard programs do pdf, file manager, IM client.23:13
jrzabotteven managing devices was messy23:13
jrzabottthis is why I've cleaned the mess up and installed kubuntu (that fist best my needs until now)23:14
holsteinjrzabott: thats the reason i suggest just installing xfce4... or lxde... i know sudo apt-get install lxde is pretty easy on the system, and a good place to start23:15
holsteinjrzabott: default application selection is part of the fun though23:15
jrzabottof course... but realizes that I openen pdf with document viewer from firefox,  but when through file manager open in okular23:17
jrzabottholstein: I was really obsessed...23:17
jrzabottholstein: this is just an example... there was lots of activities.23:20
jrzabottbut this is it... I will install at first the 'managers' then... the -desktops23:20
jrzabottthanks everybody... sorry for the slowness  ^^23:21
jrzabottgood night 4 ya all from Brazil.23:21
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