[03:53] Hi! Can I ignore the message "The region controller does not know whether any boot images have been imported yet. If this message does not disappear in 5 minutes..." ??? [03:54] That message does not disappear even after following this instructions: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maas/+bug/1067929 [03:54] Ubuntu bug 1067929 in maas (Ubuntu) "maas-region-celeryd connects to the wrong queue." [Critical,Fix released] [03:58] Even after 1 hour... That message is still here... :-@ [03:58] =( [04:03] I can add and use new nodes, so, I think I can ignore that message... Right?! [04:21] What this measn: "maas.maasserver ## Exception: No user data available for this node." "MAASAPINotFound: No user data available for this node."... This message appear in my maas.log right after first node's boot (allocated to root).... [04:35] creating my second node: "dhcpd: Can't create new lease file: Permission denied" on syslog. [04:36] "zone teste.com/IN: loading from master file /etc/bind/maas/zone.teste.com failed: CNAME and other data"... [04:37] "zone quilombas.com/IN: not loaded due to errors."... [04:37] tsc...tsc... [04:39] ops [04:39] not quilombas.com, teste.com (I forgot to edit before submit to IRC)... ehheh [04:39] damn [05:45] When I click "Add node", it does not begin registered at my DNS... When I let the machine boot over DHCP/PXE and appear automatically in MaaS, the DNS seems to work ok. [06:27] s/begin/being/ [20:55] Guys, MaaS DNS subsystem is broken: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maas/+bug/1069535 [20:55] Ubuntu bug 1069535 in maas (Ubuntu) "MaaS DNS - named, not loaded due to errors." [Undecided,New]