[02:00] goodmorning y'all [03:25] is there anything like wmtile for ubuntu / unity / compiz . . i'd really like a hotkey to auto tile the current workspace (plain tiling or recursive screen halves for descending stacking order ) [03:26] there's an option in fvwm that would be handy too, it doesn't resize anything but just attempts to replace windows for maximum visibility === `Optichip is now known as Optichip === tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter === attente_afk is now known as attente [14:35] jbicha: online? [14:39] jbicha, desrt: can you please copy nautilus 3.6.1 from https://launchpad.net/~mitya57/+archive/nautilus/+copy-packages to the gnome3 ppa? [15:42] thanks! [15:43] mitya57: thanks, that saved me time today :) [15:56] metacity --replace [16:51] does anyone know if there's any work done porting pidgin to libmessaging-meun? === m_conley_away is now known as m_conley [18:00] hyperair: bug 1040259 by any chance? [18:00] Launchpad bug 1040259 in skype-wrapper "FFE: libmessaging-menu transitions for quantal" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1040259 [18:05] AlanBell: yes i saw that. but i don't see any patch or any branch linked there related to pidgin, so i'm asking. [18:06] yeah, I am just looking at gm-notify which doesn't appear to work now [18:07] i see [18:08] well i think i'll just wait for seb128 to appear. it seems he assigned himself to the pidgin task and then unassigned himself later on [18:13] http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/technologies/messaging-menu/ is presumably now mostly junk [18:14] yeah that's junk [18:14] * hyperair sighs. why do we *have* to keep breaking API? [18:14] * AlanBell sighs too [18:15] the bug says it is *deprecated* [18:15] not too long ago we were porting every damn thing to libindicate 0.7 [18:15] this isn't deprecated it is *gone* [18:15] no it's been replaced by libmessaging-menu, hasn't it? [18:16] yeah, deprecated is supposed to mean "please don't use this any more, use the replacement, we might break the old method one day" [18:16] but stuff using deprecated apis should still work, even if there is a new method with added awesomeness [18:16] heh === m_conley is now known as m_conley_away [21:49] RAOF: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41115 please ;) [21:49] Freedesktop bug 41115 in Server/General "Please add option to avoid forcing of 96dpi" [Enhancement,New]