[01:40] it looks like I need to re-release Ubuntu GNOME amd64, I didn't realize we needed linux-signed-generic for efi boot to work [04:22] jbicha: you don't [04:22] except on stgraber's hardware [04:23] (this is an as-yet-undiagnosed bug in grub or shim; on reference hardware it boots unsigned linux just fine) [04:25] ok, well we found a second case then, it's third hand though but I told them to file a bug [04:25] ok [04:25] what package should they file the bug against? [04:26] mind you I'm not saying you can't reroll the images, I'm just saying it's not true that you need linux-signed-generic for efi boot [04:26] package - grub2 [04:26] why does ubuntu amd64 have linux-signed-generic pre-installed though? [04:27] furthermore, the only reported failures to date are with booting unsigned kernels under secure boot... is this user running SB? [04:28] because linux-signed-generic lets us hand off to the kernel without calling exitbootservices first, which allows leveraging of some EFI quirk handling in the kernel early boot [04:28] (e.g., the not-yet-landed fix for bug #1065263) [04:28] Launchpad bug 1065263 in linux (Ubuntu) "wrong stride for efifb on some systems" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1065263 [04:43] slangasek: I'm now convinced that multiarch in python3.3 is going to matter a lot more for migration than the actual changes in 3.3. [04:45] Unfortunately I think I mostly understand the PyQt build system now. [04:45] I had to waste a lot of brain cells on it in order to zero in on a two line fix. [05:28] ^^ rejected since I forgot the bug # === yofel_ is now known as yofel === doko_ is now known as doko [16:57] slangasek: any amd64 kernel lets you hand off without exiting boot services signed or not [16:59] but grub will not actually do so unless it's signed [16:59] so kind of moot [16:59] (well, I forget if it will allow that if SB is off) [18:48] ScottK: multiarch> doesn't surprise me