[01:00] so, I take it the release party went well? [01:04] philballew, I take it you're Phil from the Ubuntu Hours? sorry, memory isn't serving me terribly well atm [01:04] if not, then sorry to have taken your time [01:05] guess not looking at the wiki [01:14] c_smith, If you live in San Diego then yeah [01:14] c_smith, You are not taking any of my time! [01:16] bkerensa: hmm, seems the plum cake I brought to the party was forgotten there. If the Puppet people are wondering why there's food left behind in a tupperware container next to the pizza, that's why. :) [01:28] slangasek: ahh [01:28] c_smith: no he is a different Phill [01:28] But I did see the Oregon Phill today [01:28] :) [01:28] c_smith: jvlb will be bringing a shirt for you [01:28] bkerensa: so whoever wound up with it is welcome to it, it was meant to be shared [01:43] slangasek: was it a ubuntu cake? [01:43] :D [01:43] slangasek: I need to bring meat and veggies next time btw... totally spaced it this time [02:37] it was not an ubuntu cake [02:37] it had purple in it, but it was plum, not aubergine [02:46] thanks for the release party today [02:46] bkerensa, alright. sorry, was playing Rochard === zenlinux_ is now known as zenlinux [16:13] bkerensa, can you email me that list you gathered from the presentation [18:30] so none of the gnome shell extensions work with 3.6? [19:02] goddard, I don't use gnome shell, but when I did the extensions had to explicitly set what versions they worked with [19:02] if 3.6 was released recently, I'd bet the developers haven't tested them yet