
ScottKDarkwing: Yes.01:01
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jussigood morning all05:59
Riddelltidy upo ti09:18
Riddelltidy up time09:18
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shadeslayercould someone on quantal test KDevelop from https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental11:06
* Riddell tries11:07
shadeslayerif all goes well, I'll upload to -proposed11:08
Riddellerror dialogue "Plugin 'Git Support' could not be loaded correctly and was disabled.11:10
RiddellReason: git is not installed."11:10
Riddellwhich will be because this is a new install11:10
Riddellthen crash11:10
Riddellsecond time it runs but when I click on Review tab it crashes11:11
shadeslayerdoes it work fine once you install git?11:12
Riddellthird time it seems to run fie11:13
shadeslayerRiddell: do you have a backtrace that we can send?11:16
Riddellshadeslayer: can't recreate it now :(11:20
shadeslayermaybe it disabled that plugin?11:21
Riddellhum well I guess you should find someone else to test, that was hardly successful11:21
ubottuTesting help needed in #kubuntu-devel ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw11:22
shadeslayerhttps://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental < KDevelop needs testing11:22
smartboyhwshadeslayer, what's up for the ping? ah OK wait11:22
Riddellmm, got the Review one again11:22
shadeslayerspecifically for quantal11:22
Riddellit is reproducable, just remove git, start kdevelop, enable the plugin in Settings and switch to Review tab11:27
shadeslayerwell ... that backtrace is of no use11:27
Riddellno it has no useful thread there that I can see11:27
shadeslayerschedule is up11:28
shadeslayerRiddell: okay, how about this, kdevelop should depend on git-core11:28
shadeslayerprimarily because when developing for kde, you'd need git anyway11:29
yofelwhat happens if you do the same with some other $VCS?11:29
yofelkdevelop has support for a few11:29
yofelshadeslayer: not unless the part you're working on is in svn11:29
* shadeslayer installs kdevelop on precise to check11:29
shadeslayernot to mention my install is all sorts of fscked11:30
Riddellshadeslayer: I downgraded to the kdevelop in quantal and it has the same issue11:30
yofelhm, now it only shows svn and git here11:30
shadeslayer"WebScale Packaging and Main Promotions"11:31
yofelshadeslayer: nvm, I was mixing up qtcreator and kdevelop as I seldomly use either of them11:33
shadeslayerhere's what I think, upstream enables git plugin by default, which means they expect distros to make sure instaling kdevelop users also install git-core11:34
shadeslayerRiddell: how do you trigger the crash?11:35
apacheloggerRiddell: what are we tidying?11:35
shadeslayersigh, most Kubuntu sessions are on Tuesday, when I'm on volunteer duty11:39
shadeslayerRiddell: can we move some tuesday sessions to Wednesday?11:40
shadeslayeror should I just move my volunteering to Wednesday?11:40
Riddellapachelogger: anything that needs it?11:42
Riddellshadeslayer: I've not looked at the sessions yet, I think I can do scheduling so I'll move them about11:42
shadeslayerwe have 1 session on Monday, 4(!) sessions on tuesday, 1 on Wednesday, None on Thursday11:43
Riddellnone on thursday is sensible, that means we can add them during the week11:44
shadeslayerright, but all the sessions got clustered on Tuesday :P11:44
Riddellyeah, I can fix that when I get onto it11:44
apacheloggerRiddell: my kitchen :P12:45
ScottKRiddell: Schedule looks like it worked out well.12:54
* ScottK is just glad our stuff is on there.12:54
shadeslayerheh yeah12:56
shadeslayerI wonder when I suggested shipping nm-vpnc12:58
BluesKajHiyas all13:12
yofelshadeslayer: a few days ago when someone complained that the option is there and does nothing13:13
shadeslayerI guess I did13:26
shadeslayerand a couple of minutes later I went to sleep13:26
shadeslayerno wonder why I don't remember it13:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: gj13:27
apacheloggeryofel: aren't the deps broken when the option is there but does not work?13:28
apacheloggeri.e. nm-kde uses a plugin system IIRC13:28
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yofel  Suggests: network-manager-vpnc13:28
apacheloggersomeone write a webapp to track SRUs13:31
* apachelogger is totally not able to remember all the crap13:31
yofeluse tags13:31
shadeslayerI have no idea what that means13:31
yofelEWRONGWORKFLOW (felt too long :P)13:32
shadeslayerbug 104808213:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1048082 in kdevelop (Ubuntu) "Please update kdevelop to 4.4 RC1" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104808213:32
apacheloggeryofel: WRGNWRKFLW13:32
apacheloggerlearn sms spelling for crying out loud :P13:32
shadeslayeraye, apachelogger's SMS speak makes more sense :P13:33
apacheloggeralso it has le typo13:33
yofelgood point13:33
shadeslayerI can approve my own SRU bug for raring13:33
shadeslayernot sure if advisable13:33
apacheloggeronly ubuntu-sru can approve shit :P13:34
yofelyou mean open the bug task? And dev can do that as long as he has upload rights13:34
* apachelogger preps digikam sru or something13:34
shadeslayerclearly I'm all powerful : http://i.imgur.com/L99Ug.png13:34
apacheloggerthat's a nomination13:35
apacheloggerany dev can approvae/decline a nomination13:35
apacheloggerthough it is funny that for you it does not auto-approve ^^13:35
* apachelogger never has to approve his own nominations13:35
* shadeslayer approves and preps raring upload13:35
apacheloggeris raring open yet?13:35
yofelI don't think so13:35
shadeslayerI can just stage it in my ppa no?13:35
* apachelogger is totally not following ubuntu-devel anymore13:35
yofelmy last upload got into the approval queue13:36
* apachelogger slaps shadeslayer13:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: your changelog entry in digikam is still not SRUable13:37
apachelogger"* Update install files"13:37
apacheloggeralso it still misses stuff13:37
shadeslayerI thought you said that it was fine earlier >.>13:37
apacheloggeralso not-isntalled is not updated13:37
apacheloggershadeslayer: no, I complained about that right after you pushed13:37
shadeslayerit isn't?13:37
apacheloggerme@novalis:~/src/bzr/digikam$ less debian/not-installed |grep kconf_up13:38
shadeslayerhm, not sure what a appropriate SRU entry would be for shipping adjustlevelstool.upd13:39
ubottuKDE bug 299755 in AdjustLevels "After latest X upgrades the Level Tools upgrade is a solid color (black, white, gray)" [Normal,New]13:40
shadeslayerI hate changelogs :|13:42
apacheloggershadeslayer: also stuff in not-installed is still not installed or documented13:43
apacheloggerand the likes13:43
shadeslayerauto-explainatory? those images are trademarked iirc13:44
shadeslayerand upstream does not ship a appropriate license for the same13:44
apacheloggerand report upstream13:44
shadeslayerand shouldn't they ship those icons with oxygen?13:45
smartboyhwNo ship it with nitrogen instead13:47
shadeslayeroh boy13:48
shadeslayer  * digikam 3.0.0 uses features from unreleased kdegraphics >=4.10 & ships13:48
shadeslayer   a private version of the kdegraphics libs - this is not the Debian way :-(13:48
shadeslayerand fun :    * Suspend digikam-dbg >130Mb13:48
apacheloggerit's the digikam way13:50
apacheloggerwe should talk to sune about it13:51
* apachelogger preps digikam precise sru14:04
apacheloggerNo primary archive build or not targetting main|restricted -> not cleaning l10n content.14:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: please be having a uds session to write a whitepaper on how exactly l10n crap is supposed to work nowadays14:05
shadeslayerdoes anyone who's attending UDS know how l10n crap works?14:06
shadeslayerRiddell: ^14:06
apachelogger*supposed* to work14:06
apacheloggerScottK: bug 658047 & bug 781728 precise SRU14:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 658047 in digikam (Ubuntu Precise) "Update digiKam icon to default Oxygen provided icon" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65804714:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 781728 in digikam (Ubuntu Precise) "digikam icon does not scale in unity (Ubuntu 11.04)" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78172814:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: did you fix0r changelog?14:15
apacheloggerScottK, Riddell: so..... no default page one for netbook as semi-workaround for now?14:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: can you have a look at  : http://paste.kde.org/577646/14:16
shadeslayerand see if that's suited for a SRU14:16
Riddellapachelogger: yes sounds like the best workaround14:34
Riddellapachelogger, shadeslayer: we ship whatever .po files upstream ships with the packages and language-pack-kde-xx is a meta package to install upstream lanuage packs like kde-l10n-xx14:35
apacheloggerand what about non-KDE apps?14:36
apacheloggerand what about desktop files?14:36
apacheloggerand how does not get missing translations for say kile14:36
apachelogger(kile having a kile-i18n package)14:36
Riddellapachelogger: desktop files in universe aren't stripped so they're just upstream14:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: everything fixed and uploaded to bzr branch14:38
Riddellnon-KDE apps in universe aren't stripped, the translations are in the packaes14:38
shadeslayerlet me know if you still face issues14:39
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Riddellkile-l10n should be added to the language-pack-kde-xx meta packages14:39
yofelhow does debian handle that? (kile-l10n for example)14:39
Riddellthey don't as far as I know, you just need to know to install kile-l10n14:39
Riddellkile's always been in universe so there's no change to it14:39
shadeslayerRiddell: btw what do we do about KDevelop?14:40
Riddellshadeslayer: SRU if the team will agree to it?14:41
apacheloggerRiddell: and what about firefox for example?14:41
shadeslayeridk ... maybe ask upstream what the best way to go about it would be?14:42
shadeslayerRiddell: because I can't trigger the crash ok precise14:42
Riddellapachelogger: same as always, language-pack-fr-base recommends firefox-locale-fr14:42
Riddellshadeslayer: well it's not a regression so no change there14:43
apacheloggerRiddell: but how is it loaded? :P14:43
Riddellbut it'll need someone other than me to declare it stable, cos it doesn't like my computer14:43
Riddellapachelogger: how is what loaded into what?14:44
apacheloggerthe mo file into whatever tries to display a localized versoin of the desktop file14:44
Riddellapachelogger: patch kubuntu_langpack_desktop_files.diff from kde4libs14:46
apacheloggerand can we please write down all that stuff somewhere?14:48
apacheloggeralso what is installed when by what14:48
apacheloggerand load when y what14:48
kubotuapachelogger meant: "and load when by what"14:48
apacheloggersomehow our kubuntu-netbook settings branch disappeared14:57
Riddellmaybe it was never there14:59
highvoltageit's part of the skunkworks now14:59
apacheloggerRiddell, ScottK: bug 106985915:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1069859 in kubuntu-netbook-default-settings (Ubuntu Quantal) "don't create initial newspaper page" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106985915:04
apacheloggerRiddell: it was there, it is mentioned all over packaging ^^15:04
Riddellapachelogger: patch is just a changelog? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/120633209/quantal.patch15:06
apacheloggerdebdiff is being silly15:09
apacheloggertar.gz contains the dir15:09
apacheloggeralso for future reference bug 106986915:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1069869 in kubuntu-netbook-default-settings (Ubuntu) "merge kubuntu settings into one source package" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106986915:09
apacheloggerRiddell: can I actually introduce a new package+dep on package in an SRU?15:15
Riddellapachelogger: mm unlikely15:17
apacheloggeralso bogus15:18
yuriyhi everyone, congratulations on another release!!15:24
* apachelogger hugs yuriy15:28
apacheloggerRiddell: plasma-mobile with declarative-plasmoids building in  ppa:apachelogger15:29
* apachelogger leaves for dinner15:29
yuriyhttp://www.kubuntu.org/news/12.10-release "The Calligra site includes many other applications" should be suite?  Also "We recommend you learn how to check your image file to ensure it has downloaded correctly." sounds a little condescending, or at least should have a link for how to do it15:32
Riddellyuriy: mm yes, want to fix it or shall I?15:33
Riddellor you can poke mparillo, he's good with website updates15:33
yuriyRiddell: I don't know where the website is kept. probably quicker for whoever wrote/maintains the page15:35
mparilloRiddell, yuriy: Could it have been copied from a wiki, where it was a link to a URL?15:36
mparilloChecking ....15:36
mparilloI could change that to a link to the Calligra site (maybe http://userbase.kde.org/Calligra/Download#Ubuntu)? Or simply change it to suite.15:44
Riddellmparillo: change it to suite15:44
mparilloDone. Too minor for me to bother creating tracablity via Launchpad bug.15:48
mparilloBTW, yesterday I asked on #kubuntu about some warnings I got through kdesudo. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1296175/ The response was basically 'Do not worry.' Do you agree?15:50
Riddellmparillo: yes, to varying degrees of yes15:52
Riddellibus being broken isn't really news15:52
Riddell.desktop files often miss semi colons, it's not a problem for any parser as far as I know, but feel free to supply patches15:53
Riddell"D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication" I see often enough and it doesn't give problems although I'm not sure the cause15:53
mparilloThank you.15:59
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alleeapachelogger: mhmm, you've added the hicolor digikam icons to digikam-data, but not the hicolor versions of showfoto.  So showfoto will fallback to the (updated) pixmap  version16:37
apacheloggeroh la la16:38
apacheloggerScottK: please be rejecting digikam16:38
mparilloRiddell: Thank you. Based on this, http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=107192&p=247459&hilit=kdesudo#p247459 even if the messages are bugs, they might be upstream of Kubuntu.16:39
txwikinger2Anybody any sound  problems with quantal?16:41
apacheloggermparillo: unless I am completely mistaken the dbus stuff is caused by kuniqueapplications16:43
apacheloggeri.e. apps that are made to have one single instance run at a time16:43
alleemparillo: when I see kdesudo kate ... I always wisj there would be a   root:///not/my/file or   file://<user>@/not/myfile    would reduce the account of code running priviledged dramaticly ;-)16:43
mparilloallee: Could you elaborate, please?16:45
apacheloggerallee: would be simple enough to do in kate to begin with :P16:45
apachelogger"why good user I cannot write to this here file, perhaps you should give me temporary permission to do so"16:46
apacheloggersame goes for dolphin16:46
alleemparillo: I usualy use something like kate sftp://root@localhost/etc/hosts   but that needs an ssh server. 16:46
apacheloggercertainly more transparent than a separate kio slave or using a different file uri16:46
apacheloggerQFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths: /root/.config/ibus/bus16:47
apacheloggerlazy developers not doing file exists checks is also cool16:47
alleeapachelogger: I've added this check + create to our startkde a while ago.  16:48
apacheloggerthat thing is a big hack anyway16:48
alleeapachelogger: Yes, ibus should take care.  But better that this warning everytime you start a KDE prog.16:49
alleemparillo: with imaged root://  or  file:/root@  only the io-slave or d-bus backend would run as root everything else as the current user (unpriviledged)16:50
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Tm_Thmm, there's no anymore any install option for CD, right?17:04
* Tm_T cannot find any dvd for writing17:05
apacheloggerpxe boot17:05
Tm_Tcould be my only option eventually, but I wanted to avoid that17:06
Tm_Thah, found unused stack of dvd+rw disks17:09
Tm_Tthese must be from 7 years ago?17:10
RiddellUSB key is the more common way I'd think17:11
Tm_TI would use that if mine weren't used for installing by my boss17:11
Tm_T...and I haven't seen that usb key since (:17:12
* Tm_T is doing panic-rescue on his work laptop due to failing hard disk17:13
ScottKapachelogger: Rejected.17:16
soeeits annoying that every time kernel update shows up i have the same problem: http://pastebin.com/hVD6mWee17:17
* shadeslayer goes off reading cj's emails17:21
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1061073] Desktop effects are slow and desktop corruption using mesa 9 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1061073 (by Stefan Freyr)17:27
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1065096] Certain keyboard shortcuts disappear between 4.9.1 and 4.9.2 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1065096 (by Peder Chr. Nørgaard)17:27
shadeslayerhi Quintasan18:35
Quintasansup shadeslayer18:35
shadeslayernot much, looking at #kubuntu for a bit18:36
Quintasanwell, I'm providing live support for my roommate, he's a Kubuntu user :D18:37
QuintasanYou can't get better support than this :P18:37
shadeslayerI so want to say 'Thanks for the favor' in #kubuntu but will refrain myself18:39
shadeslayerheh, #debian-live just went beserk with commits18:47
Quintasanshadeslayer: how the hell does pidgin import gg contacts18:49
Quintasanit uses libpurple18:50
Quintasantelepathy-haze also uses that18:50
shadeslayerthat's how18:50
Quintasanso why the hell, ktp doesnt import them?18:50
shadeslayeridk ... sometimes software does weird shit18:50
shadeslayerand everyone calls them bugs18:50
Quintasanhow do you call this?18:50
Quintasanif pidgin can do it then other stuff using libpurple should be able to do so too18:51
Quintasani blame telepathy-haze or KTP18:51
shadeslayercan you check if empathy can import contacts?18:51
shadeslayerif it can, it's a KTP issue, if not, it's a tp-haze issue18:51
QuintasanI ain't polluting my install with gnome crap :P18:52
Quintasanbrb launching vm18:52
shadeslayerhmmm .. give me your account details? I've already polluted my install :P18:53
Quintasanshadeslayer: da fuq19:23
Quintasanhaze is installed but no gg in create account19:23
shadeslayerfor empathy?19:24
shadeslayerodd 19:24
Quintasanit uses sunshine19:26
Quintasanshadeslayer: make ktp work with sunshine :P19:27
Quintasanthere must be some reason why they do not use haze for GG19:27
shadeslayerdoes empathy + sunshine work?19:27
Quintasanlet me launch vm once again19:28
Quintasanno sunshine for quantal19:29
Quintasangoddamn it19:29
shadeslayerlawl right 19:29
Quintasaninstalling precise package19:31
Quintasanshadeslayer: It doesn't even list gg after installing sunshine19:32
Quintasanway to go Ubuntu19:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1032215 in telepathy-sunshine (Ubuntu) "gadu-gadu contacts invisible in empathy (telepathy-haze)" [Undecided,New]19:34
shadeslayer!info kadu19:35
ubottukadu (source: kadu): Gadu-Gadu/XMPP client for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.2-2 (quantal), package size 4173 kB, installed size 10743 kB19:35
shadeslayerxD 19:35
Quintasanshadeslayer: account-plugin-gadugadu is the way in quantal19:35
shadeslayerwhat's that?19:35
Quintasangod only knows19:35
QuintasanI installed it and GG showed up in empathy19:36
shadeslayerhurr durr19:36
Quintasanand it does not import contacts19:37
shadeslayeruse sane protocols, srsly19:37
Quintasanit has to be tp backend problem19:38
Quintasansunshine worked until they decided to remove it god knows why19:38
ScottKshadeslayer: In Poland, Gadu support is essential.  19:38
shadeslayerunmaintained 19:38
Quintasanshadeslayer: What ScottK said19:38
ScottKFWIW, Kadu is a KDE app that is maintained with an upstream that cares about Kubuntu.19:39
ScottKSo use that ...19:39
QuintasanScottK: Yes, but unfortunately it makes telepathy look a little bit silly IMO19:39
Quintasanpossible solutions: use Kadu19:40
Quintasanlook around and see why Pidgin can import contacts using libpurple and we can't19:40
shadeslayerfile a bug against haze?19:41
QuintasanI'll first do some research19:41
Quintasannot like I can fix this code-wise but at least I can provide information19:42
ScottKQuintasan: If telepathy wants to look silly, who am I to stop them.19:45
QuintasanDon't support the most popular network in Poland19:46
ScottKI don't happen to want my contacts unified, but whatever.19:46
QuintasanNot like it's the most important protocol but if you support AOL or sth then you could support GG as well19:47

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