
bizhanMonaHI all, I have a question on xwindow latency on Ubuntu, if it has any relevance to the choice of the window manager, and how I can measure that, could you point me to some references please?thx03:59
pittiGood morning05:07
dArKd3ViL what is the command/script to switch applications in reverse order? I am not asking for keyboard shortcut like alt+tab or alt+shift+tab.. but the command06:55
dArKd3ViLi want to add a custom shortcut as there is no listing of "switch applications in reverse order" under keyboard shortcuts06:56
desrtlarsu: good morning07:14
larsudesrt, good evening ;)07:14
desrtyou arrive wednesday?07:14
larsudesrt, oh, you're in Copenhagen already?! So good morning too you too07:15
larsudesrt, I arrive Tuesday evening07:15
kenvandinehey larsu!07:20
larsukenvandine, good morning! Are you in copenhagen already as well?07:20
AlanBellmorning larsu, got a few minutes to help with the new messagingmenu api?07:25
AlanBellI am trying to fix gm-notify as that is using the old and busted indicator stuff and not the new hotness messagingmenu07:26
* desrt pays attention07:26
larsuAlanBell, sure07:26
pittihey larsu07:26
pittihey desrt07:26
desrtpitti: hey07:27
larsumorning pitti07:27
desrtpitti: getting here wednesday?07:27
pittidesrt: no, next Sunday07:27
AlanBellhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1295825/ is I think something that should put something in the messaging menu07:27
* larsu has the feeling desrt is lonely :)07:27
AlanBellbut I can't get anything to turn up07:27
desrtdidrocks, kenvandine, jasoncwarner_ beside me :)07:27
desrtsabdfl on the other side :)07:27
larsuAlanBell, you need to start a main loop, libmessaging-menu does all d-bus calls async. `GLib.MainLoop().run()`07:28
AlanBellooh ok07:28
larsudesrt, sounds like excellent company :=)07:30
AlanBellyay, I have stuffs in the messaging menu \o/07:30
kenvandineAlanBell, woot07:31
AlanBellright, now I have the hello world level thing sorted I can probably fix gm-notify07:31
AlanBellbtw, when we "deprecate" an api that shouldn't normally mean "break totally"07:31
larsuyeah that's a bit unfortunate, but there was no practical way of supporting both in the same code base07:32
larsuand since there are not *that* many apps using it...07:32
AlanBellall the gmail notifiers and pidgin07:33
larsuand thunderbird, empathy, gwibber07:33
AlanBellyeah, but most of those got fixed07:33
gemadidrocks: are you aware of unity forgetting the locked apps to the launcher on update?07:42
gemaupgrade, rather07:42
didrocksgema: not really, do you have a precise reproducer?07:44
kenvandinehey davidcalle07:44
davidcallehey kenvandine07:44
gemadidrocks: what is a precise reproducer?07:44
gemadidrocks: I upgraded one of my machines on saturday and this happened07:44
didrocksgema: only on one machine? can you please ping popey's team on #ubuntu-unity?07:45
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didrockssil2100: can you take care of that? ^07:46
didrockshey sil2100 ;)07:46
popeygema, can you file a bug?07:51
gemapopey: yes, I am verifying it on another machine and the bug will be on its way07:51
popeythanks, ping me the bug number please gema07:52
sil2100gema: if you can reproduce it, please poke me with the bug number and I'll see what I can do07:55
gemasil2100: will do , thanks07:55
gemasil2100: I upgraded my big machine with apt, I am going to try with update-manager now, just in case07:56
Mirvhmm, I've that one precise virtual machine I could try07:58
Laneywho's seen the copenhagen shower situation? ;-)08:06
desrtLaney: all....08:08
pstolowskiLaney: don't know about Copenhagen, but there was extreme fog for last 48h in Poland and most flights cancelled so far :(08:08
gemasil2100: another annoying regression I have observed is with the sound indicator, when you slide the volume up it works, but if you just click somewhere to move the volume with one click it doesn't08:10
gemasil2100: is this intended behaviour or a regression?08:10
larsugema, that should work (and has been working for me all through the q cycle)08:14
gemalarsu: it doesn't work for me08:14
larsugema, are you sure it doesn't work? The click target is slightly thinner with the new theme, so it's a bit hard to hit08:14
gemalarsu: 100% sure08:14
gemalarsu: I am going to check as soon as I have the other machine upgraded08:15
gemawith different HW and everything08:15
LaneyI have to click wht looks like slightly above the slider08:15
sil2100gema: I can confirm this one, it doesn't work for me too08:15
sil2100Laney: right08:15
larsugema, thanks. Please also check if it works for other sliders (in System Settings, for example)08:15
sil2100gema: Laney is right, it works but you beed to click slightly above the slider08:15
gemasil2100: I have clicked everywhere and it doesn't seem to work08:16
sil2100So anyway, this is unintended behavior nevertheless..08:16
sil2100gema: could you check if  a bug report is present and if not, submit a new one?08:16
gemasil2100: will do08:16
gemasil2100:  which component, indicator?08:16
larsugema, indicator-sound08:17
gemalarsu: thanks08:17
gemaoh, the network indicator seems to also not show my VPN information08:21
popeygema, how did you upgrade? you said "via apt", did you just fudge your sources.list?08:21
gemapopey: yes, I s/precise/quantal/g and dist-upgraded08:22
popeyerk. why not use update-manager or do-release-upgrade?08:22
gemapopey: because this is a machine I care a lot for, and every time I use update manager to change releases something really bad happens and I need to reinstall08:23
gemapopey: I am using update-manager on the laptop08:23
popeygema, does "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^" offer to pull in more packages? i.e. is something missing?08:23
popey(note the caret on the end)08:23
gemapopey: trying08:24
gemapopey: it does, shall I go ahead with it?08:24
popeyi would, you don't have a clean desktop install if you are missing packages IMO08:25
popey(this probably wouldn't have happened if you had used update manager or do-release-upgrade ;)08:25
chrisccoulsonah, crap, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=80396108:25
ubot2Mozilla bug 803961 in Extension Compatibility "crash in unity_webapps_available_application_get_application_domain with Webapps-team on Ubuntu" [Critical,New]08:25
chrisccoulsonguys, you need to fix your addon :)08:25
gemapopey: I will confirm in no time with the laptop08:26
gemapopey: meanwhile I will try to fix my desktop :D08:26
sil2100gema: thanks08:33
gemasil2100: thank you :D08:33
Mirvgema, popey, sil2100: I just upgrade a virtual machine 12.04 to 12.10, and my custom locked apps (thunderbird, terminal) stayed alright in the launcher09:44
gemaMirv: that's good news, I am still upgrading the second machine09:45
gemawith update-manager09:45
GunnarHjpitti: Hi Martin! I have a couple of pending i18n related bug fixes:10:07
GunnarHjbug #632011 - see comment #510:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 632011 in language-pack-gnome-ko-base (Ubuntu) "gnome-language-selector won't install language support" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63201110:07
GunnarHjbug #875435 - MP + 2 branches for SRU10:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 875435 in OEM Priority Project precise "iBus indicator does not show on the panel" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87543510:07
GunnarHjDo you have time to review and sponsor them?10:07
pittiGunnarHj: hey!10:11
pittiGunnarHj: not right now, sorry; can you please put them into the sponsoring queue for now?10:11
GunnarHjpitti: Sure if you tell me how you do that...10:12
pittijust subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to bugs10:12
pittiMPs are automatically put there10:12
GunnarHjpitti: Ok, thanks!10:12
mitya57jbicha: I've uploaded a fix for segfault-when-handling-desktop to ppa:mitya57/nautilus10:42
seb128mitya57, 3.4 or 3.6 issue?10:42
mitya57(it's basically a drop of 21_correct_timestamp_use_fix_focus_issue.patch)10:43
mitya57seb128: 3.610:43
pittihey seb128, ça va?10:43
seb128pitti, salut, et toi ?10:43
pittiseb128: ça va bien! comment est Copenhagen?10:43
seb128pitti, j'allais te pinger, j'ai réassigné https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udisks2/+bug/1068774 à udisks2, mais je suis pas sûr ... tu préfères être souscrit au bug ou que je réassign?10:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 1068774 in udisks2 (Ubuntu) "Does not detect hotplugged storage device" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:43
seb128pitti, je te dirai quand j'y serai ;-) J'y vais demain, je fais parti de ceux qui font mercredi à vendredi seulement10:44
pittiseb128: oui, je vais le regarder10:44
seb128pitti, merci10:44
mitya57bon jour pitti, seb128 btw10:44
pittiseb128: Je lis tous les bugs udisks210:45
seb128pitti, ok10:47
seb128mitya57, hey ;-)10:47
pittihey mitya57, how are you?10:47
mitya57fine, merci10:48
pittiseb128: (et corriges moi svp s'il mon français est mauvais :) )10:49
seb128pitti, ok, pas de problème, il est très bon là ;-) (svp -> stp, s'il ->si ... sinon le reste est correct ;-)10:50
pittiseb128: "corriges", I think10:50
pittierr, "corrigez"10:50
pittior is "corriges" right for the "tu" form?10:50
pittiseb128: ah, merci10:51
seb128pitti, "corrige moi" (tu) or "corrigez moi" (vous)10:51
seb128svp (vous), stp (tu)10:51
pittioui, j'ai comprendre svp vs. stp10:51
seb128"je comprends" ou "j'ai compris" ;-)10:51
pittimais je ne suis pas encore le impératif10:52
pittierr, "sais"10:52
seb128ca viendra ;-)10:52
seb128pitti, c'est l'heure de manger ici !10:53
pittiseb128: bon appetit!10:53
seb128merci ;-)10:53
seb128à toi aussi !10:53
chrisccoulsonhi seb128!10:57
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you?10:58
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, not too bad thanks. how are you?10:59
seb128good thanks, and on my way to lunch ;-)10:59
gemasil2100: finished the update on the other machine, everything went smooth and my launcher is still there with my config11:16
gemasil2100: the sound slider, as you said, you have to click a bit above it, but it works11:17
gemasil2100: so no need for further bugs today :D thanks for your help11:17
sil2100gema: thanks for testing! But the slider thing is still a bug though11:26
gemasil2100: yes, do you want me to raise it_11:26
sil2100gema: not sure if there's an existing bug for that - if not, would be cool if you could create one :)11:27
sil2100At least we'll have it on our radar11:27
gemasil2100: I couldn't find one, I will search again and raise it if not11:28
mitya57ricotz: maybe you can copy the nautilus bugfix (^) to the gnome3 ppa?11:33
ricotzmicahg, a version where the search-provider doesnt crash?11:34
ricotzmicahg, oops11:34
ricotzmitya57, ^11:34
mitya57ricotz: no, gnome bug 68658511:35
gemasil2100: bug 106976211:35
ubot2Gnome bug 686585 in general "Nautilus crashes with SIGSEV in nautilus_application_add_platform_data function" [Critical,Resolved: notgnome] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=68658511:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 1069762 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "Slider click only works slightly above the slider itself" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106976211:35
mitya57ricotz: it's caused by our patch, and that patch is no longer needed11:37
mitya57(the issue it was trying to fix is already fixed another way, see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=674816#c7)11:37
ubot2Gnome bug 674816 in general "Nautilus windows does not take the focus." [Normal,Resolved: fixed]11:37
sil2100gema: thanks!11:37
ricotzmitya57, i see, you could have remove the actual file too, but it is fine11:37
mitya57ricotz: I thought I removed it...11:37
ricotzmitya57, you didnt ;)11:38
mitya57ricotz: I see now, but let's remove it next time :)11:38
ricotzmitya57, done, thanks!11:40
mitya57ricotz: thank _you_ :)11:40
seb128chrisccoulson, you should stop reading bug comments from angry users during the w.e :p11:45
seb128chrisccoulson, I noticed your "that's fixed in proposed already" on the messaging menu bug :p11:46
chrisccoulsonheh, i need to stop reading bug comments in general :)11:46
seb128chrisccoulson, just stop reading emails :p11:47
seb128chrisccoulson, I made efforts to not reply to Bastien's trolling yesterday evening, I should stop reading emails during W.E ;-)11:47
chrisccoulsonyeah, turning off email over the weekend is a good idea :)11:48
ASAis this the right channel to ask about problems with GNOME 3 PPA'S ?11:53
ASAi have problems with nautilus 3.6 for ubuntu 12.10 since last update11:54
ASAit doesn't start anymore :(11:55
seb128ASA: that issue is being fixed, try updating again in a bit11:58
ASAwow seb128, thanks a lot.it works again :)12:01
ASAnice work  :)12:02
hyperairseb128: ping12:25
hyperairseb128: what's the status of pidgin's libmessaging-menu support?12:25
hyperairseb128: i noticed you assigned and unassigned yourself in that messaging menu bug.12:25
seb128hyperair, somebody posted a first draft patch this W.E12:26
seb128hyperair, I did, I wanted to work on it but got crazy busy with other work12:26
seb128hyperair, week end12:26
hyperairseb128: i don't see the patch though. where is it?12:27
hyperairoh hang on i see it12:27
chrisccoulsonsigh @ https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/211939 :(12:28
chrisccoulsonwhy would window methods throw permission errors with the webapps addon enabled? :/12:29
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GunnarHjseb128: Bon jour, Sebastien!13:31
seb128GunnarHj, hey, how are you ?13:31
GunnarHjseb128: I'm fine; hope you are as well.13:31
GunnarHjseb128: Could you please take a look at bug #632011. There is no MP or patch; I think it's merely about removing a couple of branches from -proposed. See comment #5.13:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 632011 in language-pack-gnome-ko-base (Ubuntu) "gnome-language-selector won't install language support" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63201113:31
seb128GunnarHj, hum, I'm not sure to understand the issue there13:34
seb128GunnarHj, installing language-pack-gnome-ko works on 12.10 here13:34
GunnarHjseb128: Yes, but not in 11.10 or 12.04 if you have proposed enabled.13:35
seb128GunnarHj, do you know why?13:35
seb128seems like a problem with the langpack generation, upload...13:35
seb128dpm, pitti: ^ is that a known issue?13:35
GunnarHjseb128: Yes, the base package depends on the other package with the same version number.13:35
pittiGunnarHj, seb128: yes, I've got a mail about this; apparently the -base packages in -proposed are newer than the update packages, for some weird reason13:36
pittiapparently something failed during copying the packages13:36
seb128hum, I wonder how that can happen13:37
seb128I see13:37
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seb128pitti, is that something on your list of things to look at then? or dpm's?13:37
pittidpm: how far are we from the next regular update cycle?13:37
pittiit seems much easier to just update the whole thing13:38
seb128dpm, pitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-pack-gnome-ko-base/+bug/632011 for tracking the issue13:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 632011 in language-pack-gnome-ko-base (Ubuntu) "gnome-language-selector won't install language support" [High,In progress]13:38
dpmseb128, my packaging-fu is not up to solving that one13:38
pittiit would be quite some work to restore the matching update packages for those -bases13:38
jbichadpm: you didn't publish a langpack schedule for quantal yet, right?13:38
pittidpm: it's not really a packaging problem13:38
dpmpitti, jbicha, we haven't got a calendar yet, but we can publish an update after UDS13:38
pittidpm: someone copied the -base packs from the PPA, but not the -update ones (or direct upload from macquarie)13:39
pittidpm: that's for precise, BTW13:39
dpmok, /me *really* reads the bug now13:39
dpmin that case, we don't have a Precise langpack update on the calendar until December: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/PreciseLanguagePackReleaseSchedule13:40
GunnarHjFrom debian/control in -base: Depends: ${misc:Depends}, locales (>= 2.3.6), language-pack-gnome-ko (>= ${binary:Version})13:42
GunnarHjI think that's the reason it fails.13:42
seb128GunnarHj, the issue is what pitti said "someone copied the -base packs from the PPA, but not the -update ones"13:43
GunnarHjseb128: Not sure I understand that; if that version had been also in -update, then everyone would have had a problem.13:44
GunnarHjSince there is no language-pack-gnome-ko package with the same version number.13:46
pittiyes, that is the very probleM :)13:46
seb128GunnarHj, the issue is that there should be a language-pack-gnome-ko and it got lost somewhere in the copy13:47
seb128GunnarHj, language-pack-gnome-ko from the same version should be restored13:47
GunnarHjOk, then we are agreed.13:47
GunnarHjThink I have highlighted the issue now. It seems to be in good hands. ;-)13:48
seb128dpm, pitti, GunnarHj: what about just dropping https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-pack-ko-base/1:12.04+20120801 from proposed?13:48
seb128e.g skip this round13:48
pittiseb128: it affects all languages alike13:48
pittiyes, that's certainly an option13:48
seb128oh, crap13:48
pittiwe should just wait for the next round then13:48
seb128well, either drop them or or due an unscheduled update round13:49
pittidropping them sounds fine13:49
pittithey are uninstallable anyway13:49
pittii. e. drop all language-pack-* from precise-proposed13:49
seb128do you have the list/do you know the magic to run?13:49
seb128or should I ping the SRU guys?13:49
pittigrep '^Package: language-pack' /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-proposed_main_binary-i386_Packages | cut -f2 -d' ' > /tmp/packages13:50
pitti$ remove-package -m 'incomplete copy, uninstallable' -s precise-proposed $(< /tmp/packages)13:51
pittilooks plausible?13:51
pittithe output does, anyway13:51
* pitti running this13:51
seb128nothing looking wrong offhand to me13:52
seb128pitti, danke13:52
seb128it's only proposed anyway13:52
pittidpm, GunnarHj ^ this should fix the bug, feel free to close13:52
seb128so there is no potential for high damage there13:52
seb128pitti, thanks a lot!13:52
pittiright, and it's "just" uninstallable, so doesn't wreck existing systems13:52
GunnarHjThe same issue exists in Natty and Oneiric, I think.13:53
didrocksdesrt: #ubuntu-unity13:53
desrtdidrocks is having a bad day13:53
GunnarHjpitti, seb128, dpm: I'll close that task in the bug.13:54
seb128GunnarHj, thanks13:54
dpmthanks GunnarHj, pitti and seb12813:57
GunnarHjpitti, seb128, dpm: Just to be sure: Did you notice my remark that Natty and Oneiric probably suffers from the same issue?13:58
seb128desrt, we just call that "monday" around, seems like mondays always manage to remind Didier that a long work week is coming13:58
desrttoday is a good day13:58
pittiGunnarHj: not in general13:58
desrthe just got his bag13:58
desrtafter some combination of airfrance and CDG lost it...13:59
pittiGunnarHj: e. g. language-pack-gnome-ko vs. -base seems ok13:59
seb128desrt, they managed to loose that?13:59
desrtit arrived a hour or two ago :)13:59
dpmseb128, regarding the Shotwell translations: it seems awfully complex what they do to generate their .pot file. Do you think this could be automated in the packaging? Ideally this should be done upstream, but I do not have high hopes they'll get to it.13:59
seb128dpm, knowing yorba they will get to it for their next version for pretty sure14:00
GunnarHjpitti: Ok how? There are also -base packages with different version numbers.14:00
seb128dpm, I will generate the template manually with the steps they described for that one quantal upload14:00
seb128dpm, if they don't get to it during the R cycle I will have another look around beta time14:00
pittiGunnarHj: as I said, not for -ko; but there may be other languages, I didn't check all of them yet14:01
* pitti is working on something else ATM14:01
dpmseb128, my concern was that they said they'd get to it back in 2009 too, but you know them better than me, and if you think they'll take care of it, I'll take your word for it :)14:01
dpmthanks seb12814:01
GunnarHjpitti: Ok.14:02
seb128dpm, well, I think we managed to convince them that they need to solve that issue ;-)14:03
dpmyeah :)14:03
GunnarHjpitti: Checked it out, and now I understand better. My mistake about Natty and Oneiric. Sorry.14:07
pittiGunnarHj: ah, all ok with them? good *phew*14:07
pittiGunnarHj: thanks for checking14:07
hyperairseb128: oh god why does libindicate.patch look like that14:21
* hyperair claws his eyes out14:21
hyperairi can't tell what's for libindicate and what's for notify-osd any more14:21
seb128heh, blame ted!14:21
hyperairi just spent the last few hours in magit trying to isolate which hunk belongs to which, and there are these bits and pieces which are so intermingled..14:22
Laneydidn't jason do that in his patch?14:22
Laney+  * debian/patches/ubuntu_notify_support.patch:14:23
Laney+    - Split out notify changes from messaging-menu changes (was combined14:23
Laney+      in indicate.patch)14:23
hyperairit's unclean14:23
Laney+    - Merged libnotify-0.7.patch14:23
Sweetsharkseb128: is "blame ted" our very own "blame canada"?14:23
hyperairi looked at it.14:23
seb128Sweetshark, something like that ;-)14:23
hyperairLaney: there's stuff like the visibility manager stuff which shouldn't belong in the notify patch imo14:23
Laneyfair enough14:24
GunnarHjdpm: Hi David, did you notice that I asked you to review the MP attached to bug #991002? As you can see from the bug comments, my proposal seems to be 'politically' controversial somehow. ;-)14:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 991002 in iso-codes (Ubuntu) "Change name for bn-BD from 'Bengali(Bangladesh)' to 'Bangla(Bangladesh)')" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99100214:27
dpmGunnarHj, I saw the e-mail, but haven't had time to look into it yet, sorry14:29
LaneyGunnarHj: is it worth the fight with bubulle?14:30
GunnarHjdpm: No hurry; actually I'd like you to consider it carefully when you find the time.14:31
GunnarHjLaney: I don't know him...14:31
GunnarHjLaney: But an option might be an Ubuntu patch.14:32
LaneyDD very involved in i18n stuff14:32
GunnarHjLaney: Who is DD?14:33
Laneybubulle (Christian) who you are conversing with on that bug14:33
GunnarHjLaney: Aha, yes I have realized that he is dedicated at i18n.14:34
GunnarHjLaney: We have different positions on the matter, so I hope that dpm will help us solve the 'conflict'. ;-)14:35
* micahg is tempted to mark the bug won't fix in Ubuntu, it really should be fixed in the standard14:35
Laneythat's how it sounds to me to be honest14:37
Laneythen you avoid getting Ubuntu involved in the discussion at all14:37
seb128Laney, you want to target your bugs to the serie you upload the SRU to and subscribe ubuntu-sru ;-) (just did that for you on some quantal sru uploads)14:39
Laneytrue for the former14:39
Laneynot sure the latter is necessary, is it?14:39
pittiit's not any more14:39
seb128oh, ok14:39
* Laney looks for the SRU page14:40
micahgAIUI, uploader was still supposed to subscribe ubuntu-sru14:40
seb128well I saw it was useful to track verification-needed/done/failed comments14:40
Laneyif it's there it's fine14:40
seb128e.g for the SRU team to notice comment and flag as appropriate14:40
GunnarHjmicahg, Laney: Of course it would be best to get the standard fixed. But I'm not sure that the next best option is to not do anything. Think Ubuntu ought to show respect to the native Bangla speakers. But let's wait til dpm has considered the issue.14:40
micahgGunnarHj: it's not a matter of respect, the package is a reflection of the standard14:41
micahgnow, one might propose that using the iso-codes package for the localechooser might be wrong, but that's another discussion :)14:42
GunnarHjmicahg: But what's displayed in language-selector is Ubuntu's responsibility, right?14:42
micahgGunnarHj: yes, but that doesn't mean that iso-codes should necessarily be changed :)14:43
GunnarHjmicahg: As far as I know there is no other package that provides translations of languages and countries.14:43
GunnarHjmicahg: Of course, I could propose a language-selector hack as regards Bangla. But that would be a last resort...14:44
pittistill better IMHO than changing a standard without changing it upstream IMHO14:44
LaneyThe answer is "if you want it fixed, get it fixed upstream"14:45
Laneyyou've already clearly heard the opinion of the iso-codes maintainer saying this14:45
GunnarHjIndeed I have. Just haven't agreed in this particular case. ;-)14:46
GunnarHjBut I hear what you guys say.14:46
GunnarHjJust want to know what dpm thinks before I give up.14:46
micahgok, so I have webkit javascript core library spitting out ~4500 private symbols and I'd prefer not to push that symbols file, any ideas how I can reduce that easily?14:54
* micahg notes that the desktop team hasn't had to deal with this since they don't have a symbols file for that library even though d/rules is set up to process one14:55
mterryrobru, poke about that deja-dup branch.  I'd like to make a release of 25.1 this week with that branch in it14:56
seb128micahg, can you easily tell out what symbols are private or not? there is a ld flag to filter the public symbols list on a regexp you can use...14:59
micahgseb128: I thought everything prefaced with _ was private?15:00
seb128micahg, it usually is yes15:00
micahggrep -e ^_ debian/libjavascriptcoregtk-1.0-0.symbols | wc -l15:01
seb128micahg, you can use -export-symbols-regex15:03
seb128libfoo_la_LDFLAGS = -export-symbols-regex "^webkit_.*"15:03
seb128or something15:03
seb128or "^[^_].*"15:04
micahgseb128: ok, thanks, I'm guessing I have to patch the upstream build system for this?15:05
seb128well that's my best suggestion for your question15:05
seb128out of not using a .symbols (hate those, especially in the webkit case)15:05
seb128they tend to be different between arches in webkit, cpp mangling makes those interesting15:06
micahgyeah, I've got different results on some archs, I think I'm just going to end up with per arch symbols files15:06
Laneyyou could work around it with a wildcard and (optional)15:07
Laneybut they shouldn't be exported if private really15:07
* micahg just seems to get ignored in the webkitgtk+ channel...15:09
micahgLaney: should I try to push a patch upstream for it?15:15
micahgthey do filtering on win32 ATM15:15
Laneyupstream → send symbols to debian or upstream → send buildsys mangling to webkit?15:15
micahgbuildsys mangling15:16
Laneyyeah, probably for the best15:16
Laneyat least to find out what's supposed to happen15:16
Laneyah, cool, walters abstracted over CK/systemd for g-s-d15:18
jbichachrisccoulson: is there a reason we don't use https google for the Firefox searchbox?16:02
maxbHi, can anyone tell me what's changed with the removable drive automounting in Quantal? Automounting now seems to mount devices on /mediia/userid/volumelabel - but I've noticed that running 'udisks --mount /dev/foo' still mounts devices on /media/volumelabel as in previous releases16:05
robrumterry: sorry about that review! I've been totally swamped getting friends into a workable state. But barry and ken are both busy today so I think I should be able to do it today.16:47
mterryrobru, no worries16:48
chrisccoulsonjbicha, sort of ;)16:52
chrisccoulsonit will change at some point16:52
mitya57maxb: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/udisks/commit/?id=aa02e5fc53efdeaf66047d2ad437ed543178965b16:58
jbichachrisccoulson: ok, I was just surprised to read that we use https for some search providers16:59
maxbmitya57: Hmm - interesting - but udisks from the command line is still mounting in /media/VOLLABEL for me, and it's whatever else that triggers on plugging the device is choosing the directory with the username - and nothing's using /run/media17:00
maxbmitya57: Aha. udisks vs. udisks2 (udisksctl). I see now17:03
maxbThanks for leading me in the right direction.17:03
mitya57maxb: and /media vs /run/media thing is https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/raring/udisks2/raring/view/head:/debian/patches/mount_in_media.patch17:05
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maxbAha, yes I suspected that would be an Ubuntu delta.17:06
maxbWhat confused me was that 'udisks --mount' is still present but now I'm apparently supposed to use 'udisksctl mount -b'17:06
maxbBut now I have discovered this detail, I am happy :-)17:06
xnoxmaxb: well we did have /run/media/$user for a little in quantal, but then reverted to the saner /media/$user for now.17:11
maxbIs this the best place to be asking about a change in behaviour in Unity, which I'm unsure about being a bug or a "feature"?17:18
maxbIn quantal, in my multimonitor setup, sometimes it seems that the edge stop / launcher reveal between the two monitors does not always work17:18
xnoxmaxb: /j #ubuntu-unity17:18
maxbaha, thanks17:18
* maxb collects another channel17:19
qenghoHi all. I'm Chad, lp:~cmiller, and starting today, my day job is to make chromium-browser awesome in Ubuntu.17:27
qengho(By night, I will still Fight Crime.)17:27
mitya57hi qengho, that's very great!17:29
mitya57my wish is: please make the delta with debian as small as possible.17:29
micahgqengho: welcome17:29
sarnoldqengho: woot :)17:29
mitya57ah, you are DD, so you understand me :)17:31
qenghomitya57: I was cmiller@debian around the turn of the millenium, but merely "emritus" now.  But, I agree.17:32
micahgmitya57: that's unfortunately not so possible as we use more bundled libraries than Debian17:32
mitya57micahg: why can't we use non-bundled ones?17:33
micahgmitya57: because newer versions need new features from those libraries17:35
micahglibvpx is a good example17:35
mitya57micahg: debian is planning to include new versions to wheezy-security (afaic), so it should have the same problem17:37
micahgmitya57: yes, it'll be interesting for them :)17:37
chrisccoulsonsystem libraries are overrated ;)17:38
chrisccoulsonhi qengho :)17:38
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xnoxchrisccoulson: static linking ftw! =)17:59
jcastro_qengho: \o/18:02
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robruronoc: pong? you're not on #gwibber anymore ;-)19:38
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kenvandineqengho, welcome!21:43
TheMusoqengho: Welcome to the mad house! :)21:44
kenvandineTheMuso, don't scare him away :)21:51
TheMusoIts my traditional welcome to new recruits. :)22:06
desrtattente, qengho: welcome!!22:09
attentedesrt: hi22:09
desrtattente: are you enjoying your first day?22:09
attenteyep, today was ok22:10
desrtdid you finish the menu proxy work?22:12
kenvandinehey attente22:12
kenvandineattente, ignore desrt22:13
kenvandinefirst rule of order22:13
desrtattente: ignore kenvandine.  he's been drinking.22:13
attentenice to meet you, kenvandine22:13
kenvandineit's my first drink!22:13
kenvandinenice to meet you too22:13
attentedesrt: the only thing i managed to do was remove the segfault that was occuring on unrealize22:15
attentewhich is nothing22:15
desrtit's all good practice, at the very least :)22:15
kenvandineattente, fix gsettings so it doesn't segfault for schemas that aren't installed22:16
kenvandinedesrt, would approve that22:16
desrtit doesn't segfault, fool22:16
* kenvandine loves trolling from the bar22:16
desrtattente: ignore kenvandine.  he's been drinking.22:16
attentewhat interesting adventures you guys have...22:16
desrtSIGABRT != SIGSEGV22:16
kenvandineattente, it's fun!22:17
TheMusoI was right, it is a mad house. :)22:19
RAOFattente: Good morning!22:20
RAOFattente: Or late afternoon, as the timezone takes it.22:20
attentehello :)22:20
attenteit's about dinner time here22:21
RAOFProbably time to drop off IRC and have dinner, then ☺22:23
RAOFCrazy spherical world.22:23
desrtbed time here too22:30
=== attente is now known as attente_afk

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