
AlanBellanyone know how the new messaging menu API works?07:24
kenvandineAlanBell, talk to larsu in #ubuntu-desktop07:24
AlanBellthanks kenvandine07:25
tsdgeosTrevinho: reuploaded https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity/fix_panek_title_escaping_1067357/+merge/130111 to fix a merge conflcit in CMakeLists.txt can you reapprove?09:39
MCR1smspillaz: Hi :) Are you here ?10:10
MCR1sil2100: Hi :) Sorry for f*cking up the ARM build with my GL_BLEND fix recently - I will take & have taken more care of that now...10:14
Trevinhotsdgeos: sure10:16
Trevinhotsdgeos: in these case you can safely re-approve it yourself, btw ;)10:17
tsdgeosit did reapprove it myself to get the merger to try again10:18
tsdgeosbut since there was a "code" change i thought it was better if someone reapproved it :-)10:18
sil2100MCR1: Hi! No problem, things like that might happen - testing all code paths before submitting is impossible ;)10:19
MCR1sil2100: I could have seen it ;)10:19
MCR1sil2100: I got already another GL_BLEND fix - this time it fixes the opaque selection rectangle of the screenshot plug-in...10:20
MCR1sil2100: But this time I used #ifndef...10:20
MCR1Trevinho: Are you familiar with bool UnityWindow::place(CompPoint& pos) ?10:28
MCR1Trevinho: Hi :), btw10:28
TrevinhoMCR1: hi10:28
MCR1Trevinho: We have a big problem with unityshell overrriding the Place plug-ins working functionality10:28
TrevinhoMCR1: not strictly, what's the problem?10:28
MCR1Trevinho: bug 87414610:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 874146 in Compiz Core "New windows open on the wrong monitor, Place Plugin settings silently ignored" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87414610:30
MCR1I have solved it, but Sam does not like my approach, so I am trying to fix it by making sure PlaceWindow::place (CompPoint &pos) will be called in unityshell.10:32
MCR1This is the desired behaviour: https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz-core/+bug/874146/+attachment/3406177/+files/UnityAndPlacePluginWorkingTogether.webm10:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 874146 in Compiz Core "New windows open on the wrong monitor, Place Plugin settings silently ignored" [Undecided,In progress]10:33
TrevinhoMCR1: you should only make sure that the base function is called...10:33
TrevinhoMCR1: i.e. calling at the end window->Place(pos), does not work?10:34
MCR1Trevinho: That was the idea - I just wanted to ask if that would be okay ? - So instead of returning the result - calling PlaceWindow::place (CompPoint &pos) ?10:37
TrevinhoMCR1: the problem could be that it would ignore what unity changes...10:37
TrevinhoMCR1: so... mh, probably we should call it before our modifications10:38
MCR1Trevinho: A big problem is that we are doubling functionality... that creates several problems...10:38
MCR1Trevinho: If we have a dedicated Place lugin it ideally should do all the placing work IMHO10:39
MCR1Trevinho: Fact is also that the placing of windows across monitors does not work at all at the moment, which is a big issue for multimonitor users.10:40
MCR1Trevinho: From what I see in the unityshell code Unity cares just about the launcher regarding the placement and also about the monitor, but this is somehow broken...10:42
MCR1Trevinho: Another problem is that we have multiple settings for the same thing in CCSM -> namely the "placement mode" which is in general options and then you can set it once again in the place options... we should eliminate one of those settings10:44
MCR1The one in General options seems to be fake anyway, but I'll have to analyze more carefully here...10:44
MCR1Trevinho: Currently, if you start the Place plugin after unityshell its functionality is working again, because it overridess the broken unityshell place behaviour...10:46
MCR1Trevinho: It is the same problem like we had with showdesktop, which now also works...10:46
MCR1(enable CCSM->show desktop, Hit Super+D and your windows fly off screen now in trunk)10:47
MCR1Trevinho: I do not have much time today, but if you have a idea on how to best ensure that the place plugins functionality is called in unityshell, please comment on my merge request...10:53
MCR1c ya10:54
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tsdgeosTrevinho: and the same thing for 6.0 branch https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity/fix_panek_title_escaping_1067357_for_6.0/+merge/13054511:25
MCR1Trevinho, sil2100: We have another problem I think I've found a solution for. Please see this video: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/1069242/+attachment/3406760/+files/Multimonitor-LauncherHidesIfRevealedWithMouseAlthoughPointerHoversIt.webm11:40
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1069242 in Unity "Multi-monitor Unity Launcher Autohide Behaviour: Launcher hides, although revealed with the mouse and pointer still hovers it" [Undecided,New]11:40
MCR1The problem here is that although Displays Settings is aware of all monitors, unityshell seems to not fully know that it is possible to have more than 2 monitors attached...11:42
MCR1At least the mousepointer hovering the launcher is just detected on 2 monitors, but not on the third.11:43
MCR1I think we could fix this by tuning unityshell, where you can set the Launcher to either show on "Primary Desktop" or "All Desktops".11:44
phanimaheshis didrocks around?11:57
popeyphanimahesh, he's just powering his laptop on12:05
phanimaheshwe were trying to get the unity-reset script promoted on webupd8 when we were asked why is this better than using dconf directly.12:08
phanimaheshand we need didrocks to answer that, since he recommended using gsettings.12:08
sil2100MCR1: interesting find this bug12:09
MCR1sil2100: I am currently updating the description to narrow it down.12:10
MCR1sil2100: Conclusion is that it works on 2 of 3 monitors only - here of course the one monitor it does not work on is the one I want the Launcher to be on :P12:11
sil2100MCR1: ;p Well, it's not hight priority though, since I think auto-hide on multimonitors is not that popular12:16
MCR1sil2100: I will try to fix it, because it breaks the Launcher here ;)12:17
MCR1sil2100: Here is another fix: https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/compiz/compiz.merge-fix1047788-screenshot-selection-rectangle-opaque/+merge/13054712:17
MCR1sil2100: Video showing the fix in action ;) : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/771875/+attachment/3406112/+files/ScreenshotPluginAfterFixes.webm12:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 771875 in Compiz "Compiz Screenshot renders blue overlay on screenshots" [Undecided,In progress]12:18
phanimaheshdidrocks: can you explain why using Gsettings is preferred over invoking dconf?12:46
phanimaheshRelevant discussion here: http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/6586493#658649312:47
desrtwhy is gsettings sucking so much?13:54
desrtdconf seems a lot easier to use...13:54
didrocksdesrt: http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/6586493#658649313:54
phanimaheshdidrocks: argparse is now the preferred method according to python docs.Can i switch from optparse to argparse? ( unity.cmake )13:57
didrocksphanimahesh: oh sure13:57
didrocksphanimahesh: for R only though, not Q ;)13:57
didrocksyou can even switch to python3 please :)13:58
phanimaheshGimme a couple of days. :D13:59
phanimaheshwill the --reset get into Q or will it have to wait for R?14:00
didrocksphanimahesh: --reset can go into Q as a SRU if you don't change argparse and so on for it14:05
didrocksphanimahesh: so, I would say, propose 2 different branches14:05
didrocksone for Q with the minimal change14:05
didrocksand one for R with tests ;)14:05
phanimaheshI'll make a pull request with the minimal changes version. Amith's last one had a small typo.14:07
phanimaheshand I'll rewrite and port it to python3 for R.14:07
didrocksexcellent, thanks phanimahesh!14:08
phanimaheshthe pleasure is mine. :)14:09
phanimaheshdidrocks: using subprocess.call("unity") is what we have been doing. both you and me. can setsid unity be preferred over this because it releases the terminal and doesn't kill unity when the terminal is closed?14:26
balloonsmmrazik, ping15:06
mmrazikballoons: pong15:06
balloonsmmrazik, will you have a chance to add something to the slides?15:06
balloonsI know it's a traveling week for everyone -- I don't want to end up with a time crunch :-)15:07
mmrazikballoons: do you have a deadline?15:08
mmrazikI need chris/thomi for that15:09
mmrazikthey will be here wednsday15:09
mmrazikis Thursday fair for you?15:09
balloonsmmrazik, yes that's fine. I'm going to be traveling until Sunday -- so I wanted t touchbase with you today15:09
mmrazikballoons: ok. There should be something by Thu EOD in the slides15:10
balloonsbtw, I didn't have much success trying to run an example autopilot test -- is there more than this on the wiki someplace? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/QA/Autopilot15:10
mmrazikballoons: I think the wiki is terribly outdated...15:11
mmrazikballoons: thomi has a branch with new documentation somewhere...15:11
* mmrazik is looking for them15:11
mmrazikballoons: lp:~autopilot/autopilot/improved/documentation15:13
mmrazikthe docs should be built with: "python setup.py build_sphinx"15:13
balloonsmmrazik, ty.. trying that now15:16
balloonshmm.. not finding it15:18
balloonsis it under thomi?15:18
mmrazikballoons: can you try this: lp:~autopilot/autopilot/improved-documentation15:18
mmrazikthere was a typo in the previous one15:18
balloonsthat's it15:19
mmrazikballoons: I fail to build it, though15:19
balloons:-) same15:19
mmrazikballoons: sudo apt-get install python-sphinx15:21
mmrazikballoons: it should be in build/sphinx/html15:22
mmrazikthe result I mean...15:22
balloonsi see it15:24
bobweaverhello there How do I start llvm or get it to work ?16:11
maxbIn quantal, in my multimonitor setup, sometimes it seems that the edge stop / launcher reveal between the two monitors does not always work. I'm unsure if this is a bug, or a feature. It seems that Unity might be trying to be helpful, and guess when I don't want the launcher based on having quickly moved the pointer between screens a couple of times recently17:20
maxbbug 1020058 sounds related17:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 1020058 in unity (Ubuntu) "Multi-monitor - Add 'sticky edges deactivated for number of milliseconds after the user breaks the barrier' variable" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102005817:22
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pavolzetorHello, I reported a bug while ago and it seems like nobody is going to fix it17:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 934431 in Unity "arrows in alt-tab switcher are not pixel perfect" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:48
pavolzetorthese two icons needs higher res, I do not have original ones17:52
kruptosI've upgraded to Ubuntu 12.10 automatically from 12.04 and I have lost all sound.  Can someone help me get sound back?19:16
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ceolinhi folks, could someone tell me if appmenu requires patched versions of gtk and qt to work ?19:40
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crazydiphow do i order scropes in a lens?20:33
crazydipi can't find anything in the "Unity lenses and scopes" online docs20:35
Deluxoid like to report a bug20:40
Deluxoactive blur in compiz creates a very sluggish experience to the interface20:41
Deluxoi am using a decent notebook with optimus20:41
Deluxoso the bug is the following: when i change the active blur to no blur in CCSM20:42
Deluxoi get artifacts in dash and launcher area20:42
Deluxowhen the dash overlaps a window20:42
Deluxoit make the window behind the dash all over the dash area20:43
crazydipwhat plugin in that in?20:43
Deluxoi have screenshots to show it exactly how does it look20:43
Deluxoit is the unity plugin in CCSM20:44
=== Munchor95 is now known as Munchor
MunchorI'm an elementary OS Dev and we need some help from (you guys?). The bluetooth indicator is calling gnome-control-center (obviously). Does anybody have any idea of in which package that piece of code is? We couldn't find it anywhere on Launchpad and we really want to remove that link for elementary OS. Thank you in advance.20:47
crazydipDeluxo: submit the bug report with pictures to lauchpad's bug report - i would report one bug to compiz and then add "unity" to that bug report - go here to submit it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz20:47
Deluxoright on it, thanks20:48
crazydipDeluxo: once you submit the bug to the compiz project, click "also afects project" to add unity20:50
DeluxoAlright, i'll do it20:50
crazydipgood luck!20:50
Deluxothe report is complete.21:10
Deluxoso now i wait?21:10
MunchorDeluxo, I'm pretty sure so.21:11
Deluxoi reported some long time ago to launchpad, but i still very new to it.21:12
Deluxoalright, Thanks Munchor. Good bye!21:12
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