
Unit193Also, even unapproved teams have IRC, forums, and mailing lists.00:44
Cheri703It is possible that we might not get approved. If not, then we work hard to make sure we're having events and documenting them and reapply in 6 months, still not the end of the world.01:03
Unit193Sure, though I would have thought we had enough.01:03
thafreakhey, anyone in here ever hear of diceware?13:01
gilberthey guys, i think we should put together an irc meeting to discuss recent events and whatnot.  we have some work to do on documenting our activities over the coming 6 months.18:15
gilbertplus we haven't had an official irc meeting in a while really18:15
gilberti'll send a message to the mailing list, probably schedule it for Nov 5th18:24
gilbertactuall oct 30 (a tuesday) would probably be better18:37
* gilbert is apparently talking to himself :(18:37
Cheri703gilbert: 10/30 would be fine for me20:04
Cheri703we could use Doodle to have people vote on a time20:05
gilbertCheri703: do you want to set that up?  i've never used it20:06
Cheri703yeah, pm me some dates/times that would work for you, and we can set up the options so they're definitely ok for us, then others can vote from there20:07
Cheri703www.doodle.com (iirc)20:07
gilbertlets start with 10/30,10/31, and 11/120:16
gilbertprobably like 7 or 8 pm20:16
gilbertugh, doodle = javscript only20:17
skellatgilbert -- October 30th would be a great night for a meeting.  November 5th would suck as it is the night before the presidential general election.20:24
gilbertskellat: agreed, that's why i took it off the table20:25
skellatgilbert: :-) It doesn't help that I'm a first-time substitute precinct election official who hasn't been assigned a precinct yet and can still be given a tasking order until 7:30 PM on the 6th...20:26
skellatgilbert: What were the LoCo Councils concerns with us this time around?  I know I'm stuck in Ashtabula County so my mobility is limited for the time being.20:28
skellatI can see what I can do to contribute to things from here, though20:29
Cheri703I voted today :)20:30
Cheri703I'll go poke at doodle and figure it out (I was doing some work stuff)20:30
skellatCheri703: Thank you for voting today, regardless of who or what you voted for or against.20:31
Cheri703I figured I'd get it out of the way since I still had a rental car20:32
skellatCheri703: Did you get to listen to BC88?20:33
Cheri703have not had a chance yet20:33
gilbertCheri703: are there alternatives to doodle that aren't so javascripty?20:33
Cheri703not sure. Let me make the poll, and maybe the voting page isn't so bad? I dunno. I can scrap it if we want to use something else20:34
skellatCheri703: Your e-mail statement got read out in full and we actually had lots of content for a change.  The speaking script came out over a thousand words this round.20:34
Cheri703cool :)20:35
Cheri703gilbert: sent you a link to try20:36
* skellat wanders off21:11

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