
geekyadamhi all. anyone up?01:05
* waltman *yawns*01:08
geekyadamfinally got my linux machine up at our new apartment01:10
* InHisName is still hanging around, geekyadam02:32
InHisNameNiiiice Morning.11:06
teddy-dbearMorning peoples12:08
waltmanMorning bear12:09
ChinnoDogGood morning PA14:28
ssweenygood morning ChinnoDog14:45
ChinnoDogssweeny: what's new in yinz neck of the woods?15:36
ssweenyChinnoDog, not much. getting ready to head off to copenhagen15:36
ChinnoDogoh oh I want to go15:39
* ChinnoDog folds self into ssweeny's luggage15:39
ssweenyno way. i need that space for LEGOs15:40
ChinnoDogWhy are you taking LEGOs to Copenhagen?15:45
ssweenyi'm bringing them back15:59
ssweenycopenhagen has the largest LEGO store on the planet15:59
ssweenyso i guess i could take you along in my luggage but you're on your own to get back15:59
InHisNameHey guys, just build an SST of legos !18:18
ChinnoDogI'm going to build one of those and live in it18:35
ChinnoDogThe mattress will need a topper though.18:35
JonathanDsounds good.18:35

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