
David-Ameomic: no worries, we couldn't help you, so to see you'r good now, will make us sleep better tonight :)00:03
meomic: )00:04
n2diy_anyone using Mozilla's Thimble webpage maker? Curious how painful the install/setup might be?00:42
n2diy_when was 12.10 released, I missed the party! Anybody upgrade yet?00:47
RaytrayI have00:48
RaytrayAnd 18th?00:48
n2diy_Raytray, how'd the upgrade go?00:49
RaytrayFairly straight forward, a few short moments was spent fixing the panel so things expanded, and icon preferences, but nothing too painful.00:50
=== a is now known as Guest74514
n2diy_Raytray, roger that, thanks.00:53
Guest74514Hello xubuntu users/ people not as dumb as me. I am trying to get adobe flash to work on chromium but I cannot get it to work. Sorry if I am being dumb, I am very new to xubuntu and operating systems outside of Windows in general. Thanks!00:53
aoxiflash comes with chromium00:54
RaytrayGuest74514, what have you tried and is it showing 'missing plugin' box thing?00:54
Guest74514Apparently not. It is showing the yellow box on the top of the page saying that the plugin is missing. I tried to download it from adobe's website, but I got a bit confused by the file format. I assumed it would be an executable/runnable file, but it opens like a package.00:56
Guest74514Says: "adobe flash player required to display some elements on the webpage"00:56
Raytraysudo apt-get install flashplugin* ?00:57
Guest74514Trying that.00:58
Guest74514seems to be doing something. Thanks for the help!01:01
n2diy_Guest74514, I have three boxes here running 12.04, and none of them play flash, or pandora, but they all worked using 10.04. I'm hoping 12.10 will fix things.01:06
n2diy_Why doesn't my update manager show the 12.10 upgrade? I ran the check twice.01:13
David-An2diy_: in system>software sources>updates or synaptic>setting>repositories>updates you can select what release upgrades it should show: LTSs, all, or none01:18
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
nyRednekhello all01:25
n2diy_David-A, roger, upgrading the test box now.01:25
nyRednekanyone have a quick way to tell flashplugin-installer to look for the archive in a specified location?01:26
nyRednekor, does it look for the archive before attempting to download?01:26
n2diy_nyRednek, are you using Xubuntu to do the install, or going to the flash website?01:36
David-AnyRednek: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure flashplugin-installer" offers an option for you to download the tar.gz manually and if will work with it from there.01:41
n2diy_David-A, I think the tar.gz package from the website might work better than the 10.04 .deb, but I haven't tested it. There is also a Firefox plugin or add on called flash aid, but that didn't work for me either.01:43
WalterNhey... does compiz need any special things for xubuntu?03:49
WalterNI'd like to give the cube a try03:49
holsteinWalterN: i found, after several hours of piddling around, i was able to get compiz working with XFCE in 12.0403:57
holsteini felt like it was slow, and it took a lot of hacking to be useable... and i didnt really feel like it added to the experience03:58
WalterNwhat about 12.10?03:58
WalterNthe video drivers feel much better in 12.10 than was available in 12.0403:59
holsteinthat being said, http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2007/12/09/xubuntu-compiz-pretty-pretty-xubuntu/ is how i did it03:59
holsteinWalterN: i did not, and am not going to use compiz anymore03:59
holsteinas i said, i dont feel like it was worth the hassle for me03:59
holsteinthe tricky one is the window decorator... i used a .deb from 11.10 to get emerald (iirc)04:00
holsteinjust use the compiz --replace command, and know how to get to tty and reboot or whatever if you get stuck04:01
WalterNholstein: http://mylittlefacewhen.com/f/1156/04:05
WalterNsounds annoying04:05
zodiakpersonally, I had a bitch of a time with compiz and conky under xfce04:11
zodiakso .. compiz got flung ;)04:11
holsteinyeah... its not really what XFCE is about... i find by the time you get it all tricked out, its quite slow04:11
slackerboy /j #xfce05:01
slackerboyi cannot make my cobnky transperant at startup05:05
slackerboyit shows a blue screen for a while, then after some wait it becomes transperant05:05
suttiwiti found a bug05:20
suttiwiti plug in 1 USB drive (ext2fs), It has 1 partition. It is 31 GB. I have 2 icons showing my USB on the desktop and the file manager. I try clicking in to both icons, they do the same.05:21
suttiwiti'll give you the picture05:22
suttiwithttp://imgur.com/RFp1M <== as you can see on my desktop, it has 2 USB. While I only connect to one and i have only 1 partition on my USB.05:24
suttiwitquantal quetzal05:25
innotI have the same problem05:26
innotOne way to remove extra icons is right-click desktop and going to "desktop settings"->"Icons"-tab -> unchecking Removable Devices from "default icons". At least this worked for now.05:41
* WalterN goes to try kdenlive05:43
n2diy_12.10 upgrade completed, restarted, now i have a distorted login screen and no mouse.05:54
ChesterXhello everyone, i just finished setting up 12.10 and am encountering some problems with the applications menu05:55
ChesterXi deleted the settings launcher from the main menu and now when trying to re-enable it it appears in the category "others". so far i haven t found a way other "taking it out" and putting it into the main menu, nor to change the order of the icons in the main menu. What should i be looking for? anything i could do via terminal?05:56
n2diy_logged in blind, and  xfce4-panel came up, but the rest of the screen is afu.05:58
xubuntu868I just wanted to know the size usb drive to install xubuntu 12.10 with Unetbootin05:59
n2diy_computer crashed, clock is stuck at 01:56:51, rebooting.06:00
suttiwithi, thanks for advice, innot. but, will it show the icon for the usb i plugged in?06:01
n2diy_disregard, logged into the console now.06:01
n2diy_ubuntuone-syncd has 94% of the cpu.06:02
suttiwitn2diy_, ALT+PrtScr R,E,I,S,U,B.06:03
n2diy_suttiwit, gonna let her cook for now.06:04
n2diy_suttiwit, she's busy, let her do her stuff.06:07
suttiwituh.. nvm06:07
suttiwitby "her" you mean a person?06:08
n2diy_suttiwit, my test box, the computer. restarted, and the xfce window is still afu, gonna log in blind again.06:09
suttiwit..., i thought you mean your girlfriend :P Never mind, then.06:10
n2diy_suttiwit, no, she is on an other channel ;)06:11
n2diy_what's nvm mean?06:12
suttiwitn2diy_, nvm = never mind.06:12
n2diy_so... now I'm logged into my test box with the 12.10 upgrade. The bottom 1/8th of the screen is normal, but the top 7/8th is messed up, and I have now mouse? Can't do anything in Xwindow, but I can get to a CLI console, help!?06:17
n2diy_no mouse.06:17
suttiwitfresh install06:18
n2diy_suttiwit, I just upgraded the box from 12.04 to 12.10, isn't that fresh enough? Just did killall xfce4-panel, and restarted it, no change. I think I need to reconfigure X?06:21
suttiwitdon't be angry with me.06:21
suttiwitn2diy_, burn iso for 12.10 and reinstall.06:22
suttiwitupgrade = not so fresh. reinstall = fresh.06:22
n2diy_suttiwit, roger that, that's a pita, and it's late. I'd rather catch some Orionids.06:25
WalterNaudacity does not have any menus?06:27
n2diy_suttiwit, there is a way to reconfigure X with apt-get, but I can't recall it now?06:27
sdollinsDo you know why there is a huge difference in version number between alacarte on Precise and Quantal?06:32
sdollinsPrecise: 0.13.2-2ubuntu4, Quantal: 3.5.5-0ubuntu106:33
ChesterXhello, i would like to add a custom key combination to minimize all windows "windows key + D". I found the settings but I am not sure how I have to define the value in order for it to work. Any suggestions?06:33
n2diy_how do I start or restart my X window manager, xfwm?06:34
baizonn2diy_: log out06:34
baizonwould be the best sollution06:34
baizonChesterX: press super, then D ?06:35
n2diy_xfwm4 "cannot open display"?06:35
baizonn2diy_: you have to restart everything, thats why log out and back in06:35
n2diy_baizon, ok.06:36
n2diy_baizon, shutdown -h now in progress.06:37
baizoni ment logging out, not restarting the whole system, but this will do it too :)06:38
ChesterXbaizon, didn t work06:39
n2diy_baizon, no change, X log in still afu.06:40
baizonbut whats the problem?06:40
baizonChesterX: is the key kombination not already set?06:40
baizonplease check it06:41
baizonn2diy_: afu?06:41
n2diy_baizon, all fouled up.06:42
baizonn2diy_: driver problem?06:42
baizonwhich one are you using?06:43
ChesterXi don t think so06:43
n2diy_baizon, maybe, it worked in 12.04, before I upgraded to 12.1006:43
baizonn2diy_: are you usnig the open-source or the proprietary?06:44
n2diy_baizon, whatever Xubuntu installed? I just went into menu>system>update manager, and told it to upgrade to 12.10.h06:45
baizonn2diy_: try to install the proprietary drivers06:46
sdollinsIf you have issues with editing the menu, you can downgrade alacarte and it works.06:46
baizongo to software sources and additionaly drivers06:46
n2diy_12.10 not 12.10h06:46
n2diy_baizon, I can't, my mouse isn't functioning now!?06:47
baizonsudo apt-get install fglrx06:48
baizonthat will do it too06:48
n2diy_baizon, I can get to a console terminal, but how can I do it with apt-get, or whatever?06:48
baizonwait a sec06:49
baizonyou got graphics problem or mouse problems?06:49
n2diy_baizon, both06:49
baizona ok06:49
n2diy_baizon, you still want my to install fglrx?06:50
baizonyes please06:50
n2diy_eta 5 minutes06:52
nonubyreading 12.10 is using 3.5 kernel, did they backport the further bufferbloat improvements from 3.6?06:55
baizonnonuby: i dont think so06:58
baizonnonuby: but you can use the default 3.6 kernel from: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/06:58
nonubybaizon, thanks!06:58
nonubyis there any on demand tv (paid or otherwise) that is compatible with Ubuntu. seems netflix, lovefilm and amazon are out the question06:59
nonubyi would of thought some announcements/partners be public by now especially given the hints around ubuntu tv07:00
n2diy_cooking is done, rebooting.07:01
n2diy_baizon, fglrx  was installed, no change.07:23
baizonwell can't help anymore, sorry. Have to go... class, gl with your problem07:24
n2diy_baizon, roger that, thanks for trying, 7307:26
kexworkhey does anyone know why I cannot seem to get menu icons to show?07:33
kexworkdespite being turned on07:34
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!07:53
BelseruskHi. I uninstalled thunar in Xfce virtualbox. Now I cannot login into it. How can I rescue it from recovery console? I am now in recov con.08:58
well_laid_lawnBelserusk: were other applications removed too when you removed thunar ?08:59
Yotsonah, had something along the same line yesterday. was fixed here by reinstalling the xfce4-desktop (spelling?) meta package. which also pulls in thunar.09:00
well_laid_lawnremoving just thunar won't stop a login - unless other apps went too09:00
Belseruskwell_laid_lawn, Yotson09:17
BelseruskI cannot install anything in RC.09:17
well_laid_lawnwhat's RC ?09:18
well_laid_lawnrelease candidate ?09:18
well_laid_lawnsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop09:18
Belseruskrecov cons09:19
Belseruskwell_laid_lawn, I am using Linux Mint 13 Xfce.09:20
well_laid_lawnBelserusk: best to try a mint channel then09:21
lestushey everyone09:21
well_laid_lawnI don't know about it09:21
Guest82103hello is there somewhere a .rar xubuntu to download?09:21
well_laid_lawn! hi > lestus09:21
ubottulestus, please see my private message09:21
Belseruskwell_laid_lawn, But it is an Xfce problem. Not solely a Mint or Xubuntu problem.09:22
well_laid_lawnBelserusk: this channel is for xubuntu - try #xfce or #mint09:22
Belseruskwell_laid_lawn, fair enough09:23
well_laid_lawnGuest82103: why do you want a rar?09:23
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels09:23
ubottuSupport: #xubuntu | Developer Discussion: #xubuntu-devel | Offtopic chatter: #xubuntu-offtopic09:24
well_laid_lawnGuest82103: the operating system comes as an iso09:25
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.09:25
well_laid_lawnGuest82103: see this website - http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/09:26
Guest82103well_laid_lawn , i ve learned something , i ll take a look09:27
well_laid_lawnluck :)09:27
Guest82103what about plop! is this a right channel to talk about it or should i try hardware channel?09:28
well_laid_lawnI don't know what plop is09:29
well_laid_lawn!info plop09:30
ubottuPackage plop does not exist in quantal09:30
lestuswow thats nice, the bot can do a package check even09:30
well_laid_lawnshe's a clever bot09:31
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots09:31
Guest82103and what is lubuntu?09:32
lestushaha nice09:32
lestusits got lxde09:32
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.09:32
well_laid_lawnit uses openbox as the window manager iirc09:33
Guest82103which is the lightest lubuntu or xubuntu?09:33
well_laid_lawnI'd say lubuntu - but it can take a little more setting up afaik09:34
lestuswhat he said09:34
lestusi prefer xubuntu09:34
Guest82103do both have same packages than ubuntu?09:35
lestusstill feels light but well configured imo out of the box09:35
well_laid_lawnthey all use the same repos09:35
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories09:35
well_laid_lawnprob has some info on it09:37
lestushey how do you reply to people?09:47
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:48
lestusand then?09:48
well_laid_lawnlest + <tab> makes lestus09:48
lestuswell_laid_lawn, AH NEVER MIND09:48
well_laid_lawnthat's what you meant ?09:48
lestuswell_laid_lawn, yea09:48
lestuscheck this09:49
lestusi went and bought a 64Gb, 8chan fast usb stick, and running a full installation of xubuntu on it directly booting from it09:50
lestusits multichannel so hopefully the memory chips won't die for a while09:51
well_laid_lawnit runs quick? I thought using a mem stick would have speed advantages09:51
lestusvery quick09:52
lestusyou have to get one that has at least 110Mb/s write speed and multichann09:52
well_laid_lawnI just use them for sneaker net09:53
lestusotherwise you try and copy files to it, while doing anything else it will halt the system to a crawl09:53
well_laid_lawnahh ok09:53
well_laid_lawnmakes sense09:53
lestussneaker net?09:53
well_laid_lawnpull out usb - walk it to other comp while wearing sneakers09:54
well_laid_lawnsneaker net09:54
well_laid_lawnwhen the lan is down09:54
lestusyea well09:54
lestusthat's what i do09:54
lestusbut because of decent capacity i hold a fair bit of stuff on it also09:55
lestusi LOVE Blackbird09:55
GuessWhohello everybody, i am trying to access a shared drive that is present in my work place's network. What do I need to install/enable to see/access it from ubuntu?09:59
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.09:59
KageeDo you want a permanent mount or just to open it quick? Open the file manager, press Ctrl+L and write smb://servername for å quick connection10:00
well_laid_lawnGuessWho: ^^10:00
GuessWhoKagee, the servername being the ip in this case?10:01
Kageeyou can use either ip or name, yes.10:01
KageeIt depends on the server configuration how well it works10:02
xubuntu326who are the best? XUBUNTU 12,10 or LINUX MINT 13 XFCE ?????... Thanks in advance.10:11
TheSheep!best | xubuntu32610:12
ubottuxubuntu326: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Polls are highly discouraged to be taken on this channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, please ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:12
xubuntu326i like Xubuntu!!10:13
xubuntu326but Linux Mint have good view10:14
divisionmdAnyone got time to answer some xubuntu questions?11:02
xuserrTo make Xubuntu 12.10 fit on a CD (unlike Ubuntu), quite a few default applications were removed. In Xubuntu 12.10, you'll no longer find Synaptic Package Manager, GIMP or Startup Disk Creator installed by default. There are also less games: only Mines and Sudoku are available on the CD.11:04
xuserrso xubuntu 12.10 will no longer have synaptic , gimp... installed by default?11:04
ochosidivisionmd: just ask your question, if someone has time, they'll reply11:06
smellysallyam I blind or is there no option for disabling mirroring in xfce display settings? Oo11:08
divisionmdanyone with Ubuntu/Xubuntu skills got time for some questions?11:09
foobArrr@xubuntu cd: what is that important and takes that much space?11:11
foobArrrsmellysally: you can use arandr (gui) or xrandr (terminal) for that11:13
xuserrwhen cai i find a list with apps. instaled by default in cubuntu 12.10?11:42
xubuntu962Hello all11:45
xubuntu962По русски можно болтать? =)11:46
xubuntu962Как пробросить com порты в rdp?11:46
knome!ru | xubuntu962, uzver11:47
ubottuxubuntu962, uzver: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.11:47
xubuntu962knome: thx11:47
knomeno problem11:48
uzverxuserr, for x86_64 iso http://goo.gl/jSABj and for 32bit iso http://goo.gl/N894A11:51
WizardIs xubuntu 12.10 available for PPC?11:53
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ11:53
WizardCommunity or not, 12.04 works :)11:53
TheSheepWizard: also try #ubuntu-ppc11:54
WizardI asked.12:00
uxihi all, did they fix the issue with double device icons on desktop?12:05
lestusuxi, i've got that too12:09
lestusuxi, heck even a floppy drive has appeared twice even though i don't have a floppy drive12:10
uxilestus, same here12:10
uxii'm trying different distros... so i'll move on; too bad since it looked kinda cool12:11
lestusuxi, ah fair nuf, well up to you, if its a deal breaker, i personally dont think its a big deal and i really like the xubuntu compared to other distros12:15
uxilestus, yea well i just tried a few distros, i may come back after i see the others :)12:17
lestusuxi, which others are you going to try?12:18
podI have disabled all drive ions on the desktop. Before that i had all hard drive partitions (from windows) on the desktop12:19
uxilestus, i tried crunchbang, ubuntu, xubuntu, mandriva; i'm going to check mageia, lubuntu, fedora... and i'll check distrowatch :)12:19
uxiah, i tried also mint12:20
uxipod, that could be a solution, but i won't be able to access usb sticks from the desktop (right click -> remove/eject)12:24
Wizarduxi: They should be visible in Thunar too.12:25
podYeah, thats a problem. I would like to have removable drives on the desktop but somehow my windows partitions shows up as removable drives too... Perhaps if i automount them at startup into a folder somewhere?12:26
uxipod, idk, i hope they fix this thing soon12:27
WizardI don't have any partitions besides separate /home.12:27
knomepod, at least anything that is in fstab is not listed as a removable device. i add partitions i simply want to hide there with the option noauto (not mounting on boot)12:28
podok! so that would be a fix then. Thanks!12:29
lestusso umm installed NetBeans, but it's not running properly, keeps trying to load the project and hangs12:33
rhin0anyone know how to map key to command in xubuntu 10.0415:10
rhin0i see "application shortcuts" but it only allows me to put in command - wheres keycode15:10
xubuntu802good xubuntu 12.1015:10
holsteinrhin0: try http://askubuntu.com/questions/90513/how-do-i-change-my-keyboard-shortcuts-in-xubuntu15:11
rhin0this is horrible15:12
rhin0all i want to do is put a command onto a key ...... thats not even for 10.0415:13
rhin0i run 10.0415:13
holsteinrhin0: so, those keyboard settings are not found in 10.04? correct? do you see other keyboard settings.. i seem to remember it being under "keyboard"15:14
TheSheeprhin0: it works the same way15:14
holsteinrhin0: i was thinking most things havent changed much.. just let me and the other voluteers know how that works for you and we'll go from there15:14
TheSheeprhin0: you enter the command, then it asks you to press the key15:14
TheSheeprhin0: ah, it's the worng dialog, go to settings->keyboard->shortcuts15:15
TheSheeprhin0: second tab15:15
rhin0right im in application short cuts15:15
TheSheep"application shortcuts" actually15:15
rhin0i put in "add" -- it askse me for command (fair enough)15:15
rhin0then thats it -- nothing15:16
TheSheeprhin0: scroll down, there is a "+ Add" button there15:16
rhin0i've presse3d it15:16
rhin0it asks for command15:16
rhin0accepts command15:16
rhin0displays c0mmand - key = blank15:16
TheSheeprhin0: click on the 'shortcut' column in the table and you can set it again15:17
TheSheeprhin0: double-click, sorry15:17
TheSheeprhin0: yeah, press OK15:17
rhin0click on short cut on the bar?15:18
rhin0i press ok there and nothing15:18
holsteini usually test the commands in the terminal as well15:18
TheSheeprhin0: after you press ok, it will ask you to press the key15:18
rhin0non intuitive15:18
rhin0i think i see that15:18
rhin0it doesn't say "press key"15:18
TheSheepI can't remember what it said exactly in 10.415:19
rhin0well im there15:19
rhin0may as well use the crap windows key for something15:19
TheSheeprhin0: note that you probably want to start a terminal with python in it, not just python15:19
rhin0they don't even use it15:19
rhin0well I just chose that for whatever15:19
rhin0to test15:20
rhin0i run my app15:20
TheSheepI see, ok15:20
holsteinthey?... super+r runs commands in windows, or it used to... you can ask in the windows channels15:20
rhin0was going to use function keys but they're small on this laptop keybaord15:20
rhin0if i had to run windows i wouldn't run a compter15:20
holsteinim not saying you should, or shouldnt, just that the super key is mapped to something in windows15:21
rhin0its still not RUNNING my command though15:22
TheSheeprhin0: super by itself does nothing, it's a modifier key15:23
TheSheeprhin0: like shift or ctrl15:23
rhin0so it won't run a command from the command shell?15:23
holsteinrhin0: i remember it being a little tricky the first time i did it.. you might want to try something simpler.. soemthing that doesnt open in a temrinal... try mapping a terminal to super+t for examply15:23
G__81i am running 12.10 and when i do Alt+ F2 i see it takes lot of time to start. I need this shortcut desperately to work. Can someone help me15:25
holsteinG__81: i use kupfer.. its gnome-do like. theres synapse.. will a work around like that do? do you have realistic expectations of the hardware?15:26
rhin0i map to ctrl-a -- my command15:27
rhin0nothing when i press it15:27
holsteinrhin0: what command? have you tried super+t?15:28
holsteinmaybe super+t to "xfce4-terminal"15:28
rhin0shell out15:28
rhin0then run the thing15:28
holsteinrhin0: this is more to see that you can get *any* keyboard mapping to work..15:29
rhin0im about to give up15:30
rhin0make applet15:30
holsteinrhin0: do what works... super+t doesnt work? doesnt open a terminal?15:31
holsteinrhin0: then its either that you dont have xfce4-terminal installed, or you are not implementing the shortcut properly, or your harware is not supporting them somehow15:32
rhin0i'll do without15:35
holsteinkupfer might be a nice option for you as well... or synapse15:36
rhin0why if i run an applet it an't even see the files15:37
rhin0ok working directory15:38
rhin0im there - at least I got an applet15:38
holsteinrhin0: what applet? what files? whe you say "it", you mean the operating system? or you cant physically see them?15:38
rhin0that'll do15:38
G__81sorry got disconnected16:03
holstein11:26 < holstein> G__81: i use kupfer.. its gnome-do like. theres synapse.. will a work around like that do? do you have  realistic expectations of the hardware?16:04
G__81can someone give me some suggestions or alternatives to my problem ?16:04
holsteinG__81: are you reading my post above?16:05
G__81sorry just read it but i am not comfortable with kupfer16:06
uzversynapse keystroke launcher is awesome:)16:07
holsteinor anything like it? not synapse? nor gnome-do? what hardware are you using xubntu on?16:07
holsteinalt+f2 is press hold a key,, hit another and type a command... kupfer and synapse are the same in that way16:08
holsteinG__81: kupfer is not KDE-upfer... it doesnt pull in any KDE libs, if that is your hangup...16:09
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
holsteinG__81: not sure what all you missed, but kupfer is not a KDE app. it doesnt pull in a bunch of KDE stuff if that is your concern16:27
G__81holstein, i tried running it and i see an Alt+Tab kind of a window etc all coming up. xfrun4 is perfect but it does not work :(16:31
G__81it works fine in fedora16:31
G__81what i am curious is anyone else facing the same problem as what i am facing16:31
G__81coz i am using xubuntu 12.10 in 2 machines and in both i see the same problem one machine being 32 bit and the other 64 bit16:31
holsteinG__81: its just slow? what version of fedora? is it a simlar kernel? is it running xfce as well?16:31
holsteinG__81: i suggest kupfer and synpase becaues with alt+f2, you hit 2 keys and type.. same with kupfer16:32
holsteinif it opens faster, thats a way to hit 2 keys and type commands faster16:32
TroykaHi. How to uninstall whifi driver in xubuntu? I cant find any driver manager. Th wi-fi is disabled so I cant download any sofware.16:33
holsteinwhat is making your alt+f2 slow? i dont know.. i would first make a new user and test there16:33
holsteinG__81: if the issue is better or gone as the new user, then you know it is an issue with something you are configuring16:33
holsteinTroyka: a broadcom chip? you want to remove the driver? do you see it in the software sources menu under the addition software tab?16:34
Troykayes broadcom, no I dont see anything16:35
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx16:35
holsteinyou can see how to add the driver with no internet access.. you can remove whatever package you istalled, if thats the case16:35
Troykathe point is that I didnt install anything, I have the broadcom driver, but I dont know how to uninstall the existing one...16:37
holsteini would do https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#Identifying_Your_Card.2BAC8-Driver16:37
G__81holstein, i have not configured anything i just installed xubuntu-desktop. In fedora 17 it does run xfce 4.1016:37
holsteinTroyka: if you didnt install one, there is not one16:37
holsteinunless you have the one that is supported by the open driver.. then you would want to blacklist.. i did that with mine16:37
TroykaI have the broadcom b43 wi-fi, I dont know if it suported, The wi-fi managed to find a couple of nets exept mine. So do I need to uninstall anything before installin my broadcom driver?16:39
holsteinTroyka: you can blacklist, depending on what card you have.. if its seeing wifi access points, you might want to do a little more research before moving on16:40
holstein!broadcom | Troyka16:41
ubottuTroyka: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx16:41
holsteinthats waht i refered to ^^ and i installed and used that driver.. the b43 ones16:41
holsteini blacklisted my opensoure one that was not working great with my device16:41
holsteini02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)16:42
Troykawell,, im confused, thank you. I gess I have to google how to blacklist a device16:42
holsteinTroyka: i'll get you the guide i used16:43
holsteinTroyka: you will want to see what card you have.. i have the bcm4313, and im assuming this is relevant for you16:44
holsteinTroyka: you can open a terminal as referenced in the above link and use the lspci -vvnn | grep 14e4 command to identify the card16:45
recon_lapjust add the driver module name to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf i think16:45
holsteinat https://sites.google.com/site/mtrons/howtos/eeepc-1015pn#TOC-Notes you'll see how i "switched drivers" with my harware, which may work for you... feel free and share your device model #16:46
Troykaok, thank you, have to reboot to try this,16:46
holsteini would want to have the b43 driver on a usb stick.. referenced at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43_-_No_Internet_access16:47
recon_lapholstein: you see the link i have for the 1015pn ? https://sites.google.com/site/mtrons/howtos/eeepc-1015pn16:48
_Tristanhello. I have ubuntu 12.04 and I recently installed the xubuntu-desktop package, but now that 12.10 has come out I don't know how to upgrade. How can I do that without downloading unnecessary ubuntu packages (unity etc)?16:57
holstein_Tristan: the current setup you have should get upgraded.... it'll be easy enough to switch back to xubntu if not... i would download the live 12.10 version anyway just to be sure the hardare support is there16:58
holstein12.04 s the lts as well.. you might rather stay there?16:58
recon_lap_Tristan: I think it's best to wait about 4 weeks after any release before upgrading to allow the bugs to get ironed out. unless you like fixing things?17:05
baizonany news on the slow shutdown (network manager blocking) bug?17:06
_Tristanright, I do generally give it a few weeks. Still, I didn't get an update notification like I used to in gnome or unity, so I'm not sure how to upgrade when the time comes...?17:06
baizon_Tristan: run update-manager -d17:06
_Tristanbaizon: thanks, that was strangely simple...17:07
recon_lap_Tristan: you probably on a LTS release, they don't prompt for automatic upgrades17:07
holsteinyou can change that in the software sources area17:07
holsteinchange from lts releases to all releases17:07
holsteinthe inbetween development releases17:08
_Tristancome to think of it, I'd disabled the updater because it was annoying me and I prefer to do it via terminal... my bad.17:08
G__81holstein, this is what i have been facing and its in LP https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-appfinder/+bug/104880517:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1048805 in xfce4-appfinder (Ubuntu) "xfrun4 launches very slowly" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:17
holsteinG__81: and the workaround?17:20
G__81holstein, xfrun4 --disable-server17:21
holsteinG__81: correct.. that workaround... how did it work for you? faster? as expected?17:24
holsteini need to run, but i would just map that to a shortcut key combo and try it for a while, and stay connected to that bug report17:25
morfhi, quick question... it seems to me my keyring password is changing itself... is there some bug you maybe heard about?17:26
baizonmorf: what do you mean by changing?17:28
morfbaizon: well it's simple i delete the keyring passwords (trough seahorse)... recreate it... after few days the password just don't work anymore (it so stupid password, it's not possible to forget it)17:29
baizonou well sorry dont know anything about it :)17:30
morfman... ;)17:30
xubuntu576so, it's a support chat right?17:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:36
xubuntu576I tried various Linux versions but all get an error of not being able to create the ext4 file system. I can't figure out why. Any help apreciated.17:38
uzverxubuntu576, do u have errors or what?17:39
xubuntu576it says it can1t create the file system and the install terminates17:39
recon_lapxubuntu576: can you pasetbin  you HDD;s partition table?17:40
recon_lapxubuntu576: are you using the automated install?17:41
uzverxubuntu576, u can try gparted from same livecd to manage partitions, before run installer17:42
martianI wonder if any Google Chrome users could tell me if they are also experiencing some clunkyness like this with the bookmark menu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlEZW4r9W_Y17:42
xubuntu576i think so i go to install xubuntu then /dev/sda1 317.... Mb17:43
uzverxubuntu576, and maybe u'll have some useful error:)17:43
tekkkkkjjIstalling Xubuntu for first time! :)17:44
xubuntu576how do i acces the gparted?17:45
recon_lapxubuntu576: before you go use gparted, are you backup? it there data on that machine you want to keep?17:45
xubuntu576no i wish to delete verything currently there is no OS on the machine17:46
recon_lapxubuntu576: have you tried using the automated install and select use entire hard drive?17:46
uzvermartian, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exR78w8aNWU17:47
xubuntu576yes, that is when the file system error came17:47
uzvermartian, looks fine17:47
recon_lapxubuntu576: ok, get gparted running and examine that HDD17:47
uzvermartian, xubuntu 12.10 google-chrome 22.0.1229.9417:48
recon_lapxubuntu576: I'm actually thinking there is a hardware problem with the HDD, but thats a bit of a guess17:49
xubuntu576i considered it as a posibility um, trying to figure out how to run gparted17:50
recon_lapxubuntu576: do you have a live usb?17:51
uzverxubuntu576, menu>system>gparted (liveCD)17:52
recon_laptekkkkkjj: hope it's going well17:53
azizI just restarted Xubuntu with session saving turned on, and now all windows have no borders and no title bar. they also don't appear in the task list17:53
azizwhat gives??17:53
recon_lapaziz: dont know, just know that session saving did not work on 12.0417:54
xubuntu576thanks so far people i am taking a screenshot now one moment17:54
recon_lapxubuntu576: how much ram on the machine you installing to?17:55
azizgah :(17:56
marcpvhi, is it ok to upgrade now or I better wait a few?17:56
recon_lapxubuntu576: well, there is that large unknown partition sda1 , I'd start by deleting all partitions.17:58
xubuntu576recon_lap> it allowed me to delete sda1 the other 2 has a key icon and can't be deleted18:00
Kageemarcpv: i upgraded yesterday without finding any problems18:00
recon_lapxubuntu576: try delete the sda5 first18:00
recon_lapxubuntu576: sorry , that is the current partition18:01
recon_lapxubuntu576: the one you using right now :)18:01
recon_lapxubuntu576: so forget sda218:01
xubuntu576okay we deleted all of them im running the os from the CD18:01
uzverxubuntu576,  ur drive hdd or ssd ?18:03
recon_lapxubuntu576: just to check, create a small 20gb partition on sda1 and format it, if that goes ok delete it, then see if the automated install will work18:03
xubuntu576i think its hdd but not sure thanks everyone recon_lap it works i try to install18:07
marcpvthanks Kagee! ok!18:07
recon_lapxubuntu576: that partition might have been confusing the installer, another possibility is that you got a bugged install disk18:08
xubuntu576i recieved the same error; i tried many different install disks and linuxes it must be a hardver problem then?18:09
martianuzver: thanks for that! I wanted to see if it was me or not before going further with it. How strange then; I did that test in a clean chrome profile :-/18:11
recon_lapxubuntu576: you hardware seems to be working , thats why I got you to format a partition. lets try a advanced install18:11
recon_lapxubuntu576: can you do that and stay online here so you can ask for help if you not sure of something18:12
xubuntu576how to do the advanced, is it under the "something else" option?18:13
recon_lapxubuntu576: just means we will manually create our partitions so we can see whats going wrong18:13
uzvermartian, i see this bug for the first time18:13
recon_lapxubuntu576: yes, it's under something else option18:13
xubuntu576okay done there's a sda1 and a swap18:14
uzvernew partition table18:15
recon_lapxubuntu576: ok, is the swap partition on sda1?18:15
xubuntu576 its under a dev/sda518:16
uzverits better to create new partition table and swap root and home partitions18:17
recon_lapxubuntu576: ok, ingnore it. create 2 partition on sda1 , a partition that is 1.5 times the ram on this system , and a 200gb partition18:17
recon_lapset the some one ( ram x 1.5) to be you swap space, set the 200gb one to /18:20
xubuntu576i've got 3000 gb total so  might have listed it wrongly there's a  'dev/sda' under it a 'dev/sda1' and the 'dev/sda5' so i should click new patrition table?18:22
xubuntu576i can only do it under dev/sda18:23
recon_lapxubuntu576: 3000gb? like 3T18:23
xubuntu576317998 MB sorry18:23
recon_lapxubuntu576:  ok, so make a 4.5 gb partition, and format/mount point as swap18:25
Diegohello all, Mathias do you remember me?18:25
DiegoI was going to try to install xubuntu18:25
xubuntu576got the swap18:26
DiegoI have problems with the usb install because a pair of usb installers didn't have the xubuntu 12.10installers18:27
recon_lapxubuntu576: ok, we going to make you main drive 200gb, so create a 200gb partition , set it's mount point as / , and format it to whatever format you like18:27
Diegothey have upto version 12.418:27
Diegoeven ubuntu 12.318:27
Diegoeven ubuntu 12.4 sory18:27
recon_lapxubuntu576: ext4 is want i go with18:27
Diegobut no 12.10 :p18:28
xubuntu963Do i have to install antivirus software for xububuntu?18:28
Diegobut I found the correct info at ubuntulive or something like that18:28
recon_lapxubuntu963: no, still not needed :)18:29
uzverxubuntu963, no18:29
xubuntu576ok i created it18:29
xubuntu963Why don't I need it?18:29
Diegospeaking of that recon_lap is bad to install on xt2 ?18:29
DiegoI think I've chosen that one18:29
recon_lapxubuntu576: ok, continue on with the install, just accept all the default if it asks you questions18:30
Diegodifference with xt4 system is about power off and recovery ?18:31
xubuntu963Why don't I need antivirus software?18:32
recon_lapDiego: I'm just conservative :) don't have a answer to your question18:32
Diegothat's ok, I think I can find that one18:32
Diegoand as the matters of facts I have just already installed xubuntu 12.10 successfuly18:33
recon_lapxubuntu963: because linux based OS's are quite hard to infect, so most viruses are targeted at windows, which is easy to infect18:33
Diegogot 3 updates so far only18:33
Diegobut I saw firewall on puppy linux, is that necessary?18:34
xubuntu576<recon_lap> thank you very much it is working now!18:34
xubuntu963Thanks for answer recon_lap18:35
recon_lapxubuntu576:  glad to hear it, you got a 100gb spare on your hdd if you ever need more space18:35
DiegoI have a question regarding to the first steps18:36
Diegoonece xubuntu is installed18:36
xubuntu576okay :) logging out good luck everyone!18:36
DiegoIt asked me if I wanted to run with xfdef or some18:36
Diegoor xubuntu18:36
Diegowhat is the difference ?18:36
xubuntu090Hi all.  Does anyone have any ideas about fixing a problem connecting to secured (wpa +passkey) networks in xubuntu 12.04?  I'm using an EeePC netbook (1gb ram, 4gb ssd, Atheros wifi).  Wifi's enabled and working right now on an unsecured network.  When I secure the network with WPA Passkey like usual, the nm applet in the top panel sees it and has a little lock next to it.  But when I try to sign on, xubuntu asks for system passw18:37
xubuntu090I did a minimum install, and then apt-get xfce and other stuff (i don18:37
recon_lapDiego: firewall may not be necessary, but no harm having one, while not having one could be harmful.18:38
genii-aroundxubuntu090: Do you have wpa_supplicant installed?18:38
xubuntu090let me check..18:39
xubuntu090't think so.. my synaptic "all" list goes from wnorwegian to wonim18:41
xubuntu090wodim that is18:41
recon_lapxubuntu090: have you added the password for the network to the network connection ?18:41
xubuntu090oh wait sorry, no i do.18:42
xubuntu090p is after o lol18:42
xubuntu090yes i do, it'18:42
xubuntu090my network18:42
xubuntu090when i click on it from the applet, the system asks me for my system password, but not the network password.  Then the notification comes up that says, "You are disconnected"18:44
xubuntu090I tried edit connections, wireless tab, and putting the password manually in there.. no dice18:44
xubuntu090it lets me put the password in, but it doesn't let me on the network.18:45
holsteincan you join any network?18:45
recon_lapxubuntu090: and why not? thats where it should go18:45
xubuntu090yeah i unsecured my network on the router temporarily, and that's what im on now.18:46
xubuntu090recon: i don't know why not :)18:46
recon_lapxubuntu090: well you going to have to give us some clues :)18:47
holsteinxubuntu090: i would double check the creds..18:47
xubuntu090ok.  here's iwconfig: wlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:"MixedNuts"             Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.437 GHz  Access Point: 00:22:75:15:02:27              Bit Rate=54 Mb/s   Tx-Power=20 dBm              Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off           Power Management:off           Link Quality=55/70  Signal level=-55 dBm             Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0           Tx excessive re18:47
xubuntu090what's creds?18:48
xubuntu090recon: what kind of clues would be helpful?18:48
recon_lapxubuntu090: ok, first, do you know what a pastebin is?18:49
holsteinxubuntu090: you can user pastebin18:49
xubuntu090sorry, bit of a noob18:49
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:49
holsteinxubuntu090: i would double check the password... *both* places.. join another network... join that network with another machine18:50
Diegocool I didn't know about imagebin18:52
recon_lapxubuntu090: when you say that you could not edit the password in network connection, do you mean that you could enter it but the network would not connect after you set it?18:53
xubuntu090i'm actually on it with another machine right now.. i know that i have the password right, bc i type it on the other machine when i switch back to secured.  xubuntu isn't asking me for the network password when i try to log on to it, just my system pwd...18:53
recon_lapxubuntu090: can you pastebin the output of lshw -C network18:54
xubuntu090no, i actually *could* edit the network password in edit connections, but it's like ubuntu didn't care about that, it just didn't want me on *any* secured network18:55
recon_lapxubuntu090: and what the make model of the computer thats giving the problem ?18:55
xubuntu090sorry for the interpretation, but that's what it seems like ;)18:55
xubuntu090it's a asus eeepc 900a18:55
holsteinxubuntu090: not being able to get on any network would be a good thing to know.. can you join any other secured network?18:55
xubuntu090took a while to get wireless working, but it is (i'm on an unsecured network right now)18:55
holsteinxubuntu090: works out of the box on my 900...18:56
xubuntu090holstein: that's a good idea.. unfortunately i don't know any other passwords to any other secured networks around here...18:56
xubuntu090holstein: did you do a minimum install?18:56
holsteinxubuntu090: i usually take one of the test routers i have and set up a network18:56
holsteinxubuntu090: or go to to a coffee shop18:57
holsteinxubuntu090: its running lubuntu right now... 12.0418:57
xubuntu090ok.. honestly, i installed last week, and im not sure how i did it exactly.. took a lot of fiddling to figure out how to get the applet at all.18:57
recon_lapxubuntu090: you sure the password is correct?18:58
xubuntu090but i figured out i had to comment out everything in /etc/network/interfaces except the 2 basic lines, let me see what they are18:58
xubuntu090recon: yeah i'm dead sure18:58
xubuntu090ok yeah commented out everything except18:59
holsteinxubuntu090: i literally installed and used it... maybe you should try and remember how you install.. maybe consider tring a xubuntu live CD18:59
xubuntu090auto lo iface lo inet loopback18:59
recon_lapxubuntu090: ok, pastebin the output of nm-tool18:59
xubuntu090recon: here you go http://paste.ubuntu.com/1298258/19:01
xubuntu090note: my network is "MixedNuts" -- currently unsecured... I can secure it, sign off, and sign on on my other computer which *can* get onto the secured network if you say so ..19:02
xubuntu090holstein: thats a good idea with the live cd.. maybe it will work from there..19:04
recon_lapseems that the ath5k driver had wpa problems, but that was a year ago.19:06
xubuntu090hm.. yeah. honestly, i fooled around with it so much trying to get wireless to work at all, i'm not sure all the steps i went through.19:07
xubuntu090i think im gonna leave the room, secure the network, and come back from my other computer so i can try getting on the secured network again.19:07
recon_lapxubuntu090: think having a try with a live Cd/USB might be worth checking, might be something you changed.19:08
xubuntu090thanks so much for your help guys.. brb19:08
xubuntu090ok.. yeah i'll try that first.  either way i'll be back to let you guys know if i get it working :)19:08
ArizonaHi guys19:20
ArizonaI'll be installing xubuntu today, but I haven't installed it on a dvd19:20
ArizonaI was wondering if thats possible, or can i only do it on a cd19:21
Arizonasorry, only ever installed operating systems on usb drives19:21
ArizonaRaytray, do you mind helping me out19:21
nyRednekArizona, the iso image is small enough for a cd19:21
ArizonanyRednek, I bought a pack of dvds though19:22
Arizonawould it still work19:22
holsteini have used dvd's to burn the cd sized iso's on19:22
nyRednekArizona, it'll work19:22
RaytrayTHe process is similar to using a usb drive19:22
ArizonaWhat program do you recomend for burning it onto the dvd19:23
Arizonai havent done this in a longgg time19:23
ArizonaWhen i'm burning the iso, do I just go and click it when im browsing for the file19:24
Arizonaand click burn19:24
holsteinArizona: what operating system are you using?19:24
Arizonaholstein, At the moment, windows 719:24
Arizonai'll be dual booting xubuntu19:24
Arizonaand win719:24
Arizona\on my laptop19:24
nyRednekArizona, from which OS?19:25
nyRednekArizona, any burning app will do the job19:25
ArizonanyRednek, I'll be installning xubuntu19:25
Arizonai already have win719:25
ArizonanyRednek, do you know any good burning software19:26
nyRednekArizona, any relatively modern app that handles iso's to cd's will do the job to burn the disc19:26
Arizonathats free19:26
nyRednekArizona, um, isoburn?19:26
holsteinArizona: i would just use what is on there.. there are plenty of options for burning19:26
nyRednekArizona, if you don't already have an app like roxio19:26
holsteinhttp://www.freeisoburner.com/ is the first that came up with i googled...19:26
Arizonaholstein, im not using windows media player19:26
Arizonato burn my iso onto the dvd19:26
nyRednekArizona, it's been a while since i've seriously used windows19:27
holsteinArizona: i didnt imply that you are using a media play.. i am saying, use what is on your hardware, as nyRednek suggests.. nero, roxio..19:27
Arizonadont have any of those19:27
holsteinArizona: then try the one i linked, of the one nyRednek suggested...19:28
ArizonanyRednek, I only use it for steam19:28
nyRednekArizona, iirc, there is an iso recorder that you can download that is freeware, integrates into windows explorer19:28
Arizonagood thing steam is coming out for linux :-)19:28
Arizonaholstein, i am using the one you linked19:28
holsteinArizona: lets move the "lol's" to the OT channel.. #xubuntu-offtopic :)19:29
nyRednekArizona, which program you use in windows to create an xubuntu cd is largely irrelevant19:30
nyRednekArizona, but if you have a 1g or larger usb key to use, you can always use unetbootin and the xubuntu iso to make one19:31
nyRednekholstein, doesn't canonical release a windows tool to make live usb images as well?19:32
nikolamArizona, I red somewhere Stream has some security holes19:33
holsteinnyRednek: i think so, but it will be listed on the main ubuntu site somewhere19:33
holsteinhttp://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/burn-a-dvd-on-windows is relevant Arizona / nyRednek19:34
holsteinhttp://infrarecorder.org/ is the one suggested at the connonical site19:35
ArizonaI just disconnected19:35
Arizonathank you holstein19:35
holsteinArizona: its the image iso maker suggested at the ubuntu site i lined above... above the link to the http://infrarecorder.org/ site19:36
ArizonaI'll be sure to use that :-)19:36
ArizonaThanks a bunch, holstein19:37
nyRednekholstein, thanks19:37
nyRedneki'll remember that next time someone asks19:37
holsteinthat of the other one i linked.. or the one nyRednek suggested... or just in the shell in win7 as that link suggests19:37
nyRednekholstein, i've already got my system up, though...about to redo the boot chip(seems xubuntu and vfat don't get along easily)19:38
nyRednekArizona, canonical reccomends http://infrarecorder.org19:38
ArizonanyRednek, I'll be using it :-)19:39
nyRednekall right, one of my laptops has that new atom with the proprietary driver for video19:43
nyRedneki enabled the proprietary driver, and now the display doesn't19:43
xubuntu090hey guys im back.  got the secured network problem fixed :)19:50
genii-aroundxubuntu090: What turned out to be the issue?19:50
xubuntu090i just had to change the password type to wpa/wpa2 in edit connections19:51
xubuntu090duh :(19:51
xubuntu090i tried booting up from live usb, and that one works without me tinkering around with network connections though19:51
xubuntu090plus the menu that drops from the applet is a little different than mine, but oh well19:52
xubuntu090i'm happy with the workaround, that's what i get for trying to install onto a 3gb partition after 1gb swap space..19:52
genii-aroundThat's pretty tight, yes19:52
xubuntu090which leads me to the next question... i don't really need swap space do i?  as long as i don't hibernate?19:53
genii-aroundDepends on how much physical RAM, and what you might for instance all have running at one time. So there's a lot of variables.19:55
xubuntu090well i have 1gb ram, and i'm not trying to do any video editing or anything.. i notice the live usb doesn't have any swap space, and it also doesn't offer hibernation in the shutdown dialog.19:57
WalterNI have 12gigs... I've ran without SWAP for a while.. (I have a tinsle bit now just so the OS does not complain as much)19:58
xubuntu090WalterN: you're an inspiration my friend :)  think im gonna try getting rid of my swap, as long as im tinkering around.19:59
WalterNwith one or two gigs of memory... I would have some swap :P20:00
xubuntu090oh yeah?  maybe reduce it to 500 mb then?  i only have about 500 mb left on / and i still want to install vlc20:00
WalterNwait... what kind of system are you using? lol20:03
xubuntu090haha eeepc 900a 4gb ssd 1gb ram atom 1.6ghz, xubuntu minimum install + xfce20:06
JonZEnne1 else having a prob with chromium and/or chrome on 12.1020:07
JonZEnon open  where favsrae as a large icon   no pic  only link under white rectangle20:09
JonZEnfavs are  sorry20:09
ChaserHello. I have installed xubuntu 12.04 - during installation I did select encrypt my home folder and gave it a passphrase. Everything works fine. I decided to test if its encrypted or not with a livecd and mounted my home partition and everything is visible in plain text. Has anyone seen the same behaviour ?20:42
Chaser10.04 was running on this laptop I simply chose to do a fresh install instead of upgrade.20:43
n2diy_I upgraded my test box from 12.04 to 12.10, and now X doesn't display correctly, and the mouse isn't working. I can use command line in a console.21:49
ArizonaHi guys22:38
ArizonaIf you remember, I burned the iso onto the dvd22:38
Arizonaright now22:38
Arizonaand it seems to be fine, but when i turn on my computer with the dvd inside, it wont boot22:38
ArizonaI don't know whats wrong22:38
recon_laphi Arizona, can you open the dvd and see whats on it?22:39
recon_lapArizona: can you name a couple of the files22:40
recon_lapArizona: ok, thats fine22:40
recon_lapArizona: the computer is set to boot from the dvd?22:40
Arizonawhat do i do ?22:40
Arizonait hasn't22:40
recon_lapArizona: I mean you set the DVD drive to be the first boot device in the BIOS22:41
Arizonahow would i do this22:41
Arizonaim running windows 722:41
recon_lapArizona: does windows start when you try boot?22:41
recon_lapArizona: boot with the DVD in that is22:41
Arizonai put the dvd while im turning on my computer lol22:42
recon_lapArizona: ok, have you backed up your important data?22:42
Arizonano, i haven't22:42
recon_lapArizona: I know it's a pain, but you should do that now22:43
Arizonaho would i do that22:43
Arizonado you mean22:43
Arizonaburn my whole operating system22:43
Arizonaonto another dvd22:43
recon_lapArizona: well, depends. the whole OS wont fit on a DVD. You probably should burn you home folder onto a dvd at the least22:44
Arizonamy "home folder"22:44
Arizonawhat do you mean22:44
recon_lapArizona: you know, "my documents" and all that stuff. the things would would really miss of you did not have them any more22:45
Arizonarecon_lap, I don't really care about any of that22:45
recon_lapRaytray: he's on windows22:45
Raytrayoh sorry haha22:46
Arizonarecon_lap, if i change my bios though22:46
Arizonawould it be easy to go change it back22:46
ArizonaI can do that i think22:46
recon_lapArizona: ok, if you wont miss any of it that great :) another question, do you want to keep windows and duel boot , or just pure xubuntu22:47
Arizonadual boot22:47
recon_lapArizona: so, you have to reboot the computer to get into the bios , when the computer is starting press "del" or f2 and you should go to the bios menu22:48
recon_lapArizona: then find the boot order and make sure DVD is first22:48
Arizonaif i did this22:48
Arizonalets say i want to stop it from booting afterwards22:48
Arizonaif i dont like xubuntu22:48
Arizonawould i do the same thing22:48
Arizonaalso: how would i know which one is dvd22:49
ArizonaI know i can go on boot22:49
Arizonathrough the bios22:49
Arizonaand switch it up22:49
Chaseris there a way in xubuntu to add a network share into the places menu.22:49
recon_lapArizona: well, if there is no DVD is should move on to the HDD, you can go back in and change it back as well. but if you're hopeless with tech you could muck the BOIS up and need someone who knows what he's doing to put it all back right22:50
ArizonaI think i'll be fine :-)22:50
recon_lapArizona: do you have a second computer that you can chan on while you doing this?22:51
Arizonaone second, let me boot it up22:52
recon_lapChaser: I thinks so, but exactly do you mean by a share22:53
Arizonarecon_lap, lets say I wanted to delete the parition of xubuntu22:53
Arizonawould it be easy?22:53
Chaserrecon_lap, was about to type - got the answer looks like gigolo is the application to connect to network shares.22:53
recon_lapArizona: should be easy, but I've never needed to :)22:53
Chaserrecon_lap, was looking for ubuntu-gnome's places menu.22:54
Arizonarecon_lap, alright lol22:54
recon_lapArizona: question is do you have space to install ubuntu22:55
Arizonarecon_lap, yes22:55
Arizona500gb hdd22:55
Arizonai'll be fine22:55
Arizonaalso: im on my other computer now\22:55
Arizonaso im about to go into setup22:56
recon_lapArizona: but is all that 500gb being used by windows?22:56
Arizonayes, recon_lap22:56
Arizonabut doesnt it auto parition\22:56
Arizonawhen you want it too22:56
Arizonaok recon_lap, im in boot22:56
recon_lapArizona: not for duel boot systems22:56
Arizonapriority order is22:56
Arizonarecon_lap, well  when i installed22:56
Arizonalinux mint 12 onto my old windows xp computer22:57
Arizonait worked fiine22:57
Arizonaso this is my boot priority order:22:57
Arizona1: hdd22:57
Arizona2: atapi cd rom22:57
Arizonado i change cd rom to top priority22:57
recon_lapArizona: yep22:57
Arizonaok did it22:57
Arizonabooting up22:58
Arizonaeverything seems to be runnning smoothly, recon_lap22:58
ArizonaI'm onto the loading screen22:59
recon_lapArizona: well, I have not done a auto install ever I think :)22:59
Arizonawhys that?22:59
recon_lapArizona: always want to set my partitions up myself, I find it better to have your home folder on it's own partition,23:00
ArizonaIt was on the loading screen, and now its black23:01
ArizonaNevermind, its back onto the loading screen23:01
recon_lapArizona: just go to a live session first to see how everything goes before trying to install23:02
Arizonaobviously lol23:02
ArizonaI want to try it first23:02
recon_lapArizona: you deal with computers as long as i have the word obviously leaves your vocabulary.23:03
Arizonarecon_lap, alright, sorry23:04
Arizona_Hi recon_lap23:05
Arizona_I'm on xubuntu23:05
recon_lapnice :)23:05
=== Arizona_ is now known as Arizona`
recon_lapwell, somewhere you going to have to resize that windows partition, can be a dangerous operation23:06
Arizona`recon_lap, what do you mean23:06
recon_lapif windows is using all the 500gb drive, you going to have to make room if you want to install xubuntu23:07
Arizonarecon_lap, alright23:08
recon_lapand resizing drives can go wrong, but I have not done that much so maybe it's gotten better :)23:08
Arizonatrying weechat23:09
Arizonafor the first time in forever23:09
Arizonalooking nice :-)23:09
Arizona`recon_lap, I think I'm going to install it23:11
recon_lapArizona, well hope it goes well and you do not accidentally wipe your windows partition23:12
Arizonathanks lol23:12
sdollinsI'm always afraid resize2fs is going to go nuts on me.23:13
sdollinsI've used it probably a few hundred times and thankfully there hasn't been any power outages.23:13
Arizonashould i put around 60 gigs into the xubuntu parition23:16
recon_lapArizona: if you think that enough, it is well able to fit in that .23:17
Arizonadoing it now23:17
marcuspbairdhello xbuntu23:38
recon_lap!hi | marcuspbaird23:40
ubottumarcuspbaird: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!23:40
marcuspbairdits ok  thanks no a bit about the distro23:41
marcuspbairddo u guys have any voice chat  rooms  mumble etc teamspeak23:41
recon_lapmarcuspbaird: not that i know of23:45
marcuspbairdok cool23:48
ArizonaHi recon_lap23:53
Arizonaxubuntu installed succesfully23:53
ArizonaI was just wondering, when dual booting there is a prompt to change operating systems23:53
Arizonait says after 10 seconds it would automatically go to the first one highlighted23:53
Arizonathe first one highlighted happens to be xubuntu, and i was wondering if i could make win7 on the top of the list23:54
n2diy_I upgraded my test box from 12.04 to 12.10, and now X doesn't display correctly, and the mouse isn't working. I can use command line in a console.23:54
recon_lapArizona: think it's in grub.conf , you need to change it in there and run grup-update23:55
recon_lapArizona: let me check that23:56
n2diy_how do you reconfigure X in 12.10?23:57

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