
StevenKwgrant: Hmm, I thought we already had a script to clean up failed translations imports? Ref bug 57682203:09
_mup_Bug #576822: Add an option to clean up after a failed run of copy-translations-from-parent.py <lp-translations> <tech-debt> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/576822 >03:09
wgrantStevenK: I think there was a one-off script for precise03:12
StevenK450282.22s  OOPS-674539797ca55814a0c0894007b34498  Unknown03:34
StevenK5 days, 5 hours03:35
lifelessthats some request03:35
wgrantcheckwatches unhung03:36
wgrantThat explains a lot of the other OOPSes03:36
StevenKI just loaded that OOPS03:37
wgrantNext step03:37
wgrantWork out what bugwatch 57103 is03:38
wgrantbugzilla.filesystems.org #63203:38
wgrantThe host responds, but doesn't look much like a bugzilla at all really03:39
wgrantAh, on https there's a bugzilla with a bad cert03:39
StevenKBut 5 days 5 hours? Surely we should timeout much quicker03:40
wgrantBut should and do are different03:40
wgrantParticularly when it comes to checkwatches03:40
wgrantThat's the only bugwatch from that tracker03:41
StevenKwgrant: You've commented on bug 758258 about a migration03:45
_mup_Bug #758258: buildfarmjob schema is inefficient for reporting <critical-analysis> <timeout> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/758258 >03:45
wgrantThat's a reasonably big effort still, so it remains suspended until we run out of low-hanging fruit03:46
* StevenK has been looking to no avail for low-hanging fruit03:46
wgrantThere's a lot of fairly easy timeouts and OOPSes left03:47
wgrant2012-10-17 10:39:23 INFO    Updating 1 watches for 1 bugs on https://bugzilla.filesystems.org03:48
wgrant2012-10-22 15:44:03 INFO    An exception was raised when updating https://bugzilla.filesystems.org/ (OOPS-674539797ca55814a0c0894007b34498)03:48
wgrant2012-09-24 07:11:24 INFO    Updating 1 watches for 1 bugs on https://bugzilla.filesystems.org03:55
wgrantThat same bugtracker caused the earlier hang03:56
wgrant2012-10-23 04:03:58 INFO    Updating 1 watches for 1 bugs on https://bugzilla.filesystems.org04:04
wgrantand now we wait..04:04
wgrant2012-10-23 04:04:10 INFO    Error updating https://bugzilla.filesystems.org/: Failed to parse XML description for https://bugzilla.filesystems.org bugs [u'632']: mismatched tag: line 101, column 404:04
wgrantIt worked04:04
StevenKWhat did you changed?04:04
wgrantThis was locally04:04
StevenKSure, but did you change anything04:05
StevenKMaybe bugzilla.filesystems.org is blocking loganberry?04:06
wgrantIt even works via squid.internal04:08
StevenKBleh, are there no webservice tests for DSDs?04:08
wgrantNot even under registry?04:09
StevenKNot that I can see04:09
StevenKI suspect it's a lazr.restful bug anyway04:09
StevenKwgrant: I am disappoint. You didn't rip out contrib.glock in disgust while I was on holidays.04:33
StevenKwallyworld_, wgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/lazr.restful/lazr.restful-choice-marshaller-none/+merge/13093204:43
wallyworld_StevenK: looks ok, but i don't know enough about the semantics of the code to be able to offer a considered opinion04:47
wgrantStevenK: Is this circumstance actually valid?04:49
StevenKwgrant: Bug 92429104:50
_mup_Bug #924291: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'title' on package differences page <derivation> <oops> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/924291 >04:50
wgrantStevenK: It can happen, but is it valid?04:51
StevenKparent_package_diff_status is a Choice of PackageDiffStatus, but the property returns None if the DSD's parent_package_diff is None04:51
wgrantI thought it would usually escape earlier if the value was None04:52
StevenKwgrant: Like I say in the description, unmarshall_to_closeup will return the entire vocab in any case.04:53
StevenKI can change LP to just return PackageDiffStatus.PENDING and never-mind this lazr.restful branch04:53
wgrantAh, I see now reading the code that your argument makes sense04:53
StevenKwgrant: Thanks04:57
wgrantlifeless: Was lazr.postgresql intended for just schema migration stuff? There's some long lock/transaction tools that I need to find somewhere to put06:00
lifelesswgrant: it was intended to pull out everything postgresql specific that doesn't rightfully belong in storm.06:07
lifelesswgrant: or in LP itself.06:07
lifelessand isn't pgbouncer specific06:07
wgrantThat's what I thought, but wanted to check06:07
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cjwatsonwgrant: So, early this month you fixed a packagediff generation bug that happened when we deleted things from -proposed a bit too early and then tried to copy the orphaned binary resulting from a build09:15
cjwatsonwgrant: packagediff generation is pretty late in the copy process; does that mean that this kind of situation should now completely work without us having to do weird copy dances?09:15
cjwatsonArchive.copyPackage and PCJ.attemptCopy don't seem to care about the publication status of the origin SPPH09:16
cjwatsonSo they ought to be able to copy from a deleted SPPH that's had some binaries added to it later ... I think09:17
cjwatsonwgrant: Also, did you forget to close bugs following the recent NDT, possibly?  I'd have expected e.g. bug 1068616 to be closed09:19
_mup_Bug #1068616: Archive.copyPackages hardcodes RELEASE pocket <package-copies> <qa-ok> <releases> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by cjwatson> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1068616 >09:19
wgrantcjwatson: Um, I was probably accidentally on the critical list, so missed non-criticals09:21
wgrantAs for the orphaned binary copy, yes, I believe it should all work now09:21
wgrantBut there's a catch09:21
cjwatsonAlso bug 1014641 (critical)09:21
wgrantThere's no way to specify the source pocket today09:21
_mup_Bug #1014641: +vouchers times out <bad-commit-16172> <qa-ok> <salesforce> <timeout> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by wallyworld> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1014641 >09:21
wgrantcjwatson: That's not deployed yet09:21
cjwatsonOh, sorry, that's still on the report09:21
cjwatsonConfusing, it was in the LPS dump09:21
wgrantcjwatson: Ah, yeah, it was landed and then reverted, and then landed again09:22
cjwatsonOh, the ambiguous pocket thing - right, that sounds pretty easy to fix09:22
wgrantThe first two bits are deployed09:22
wgrantBut reviving orphaned binaries should work fine now, if you copy back to -proposed first09:22
wgrantOr if you fix the API to allow an explicit pocket09:22
cjwatsonRight, so I'm conscious that there are some situations where britney is going to create this kind of thing09:22
cjwatsone.g. 1.0-1 ftbfs on powerpc, 1.0-2 initially does as well, britney sees it's no worse than before and copies, then somebody retries 1.0-2/powerpc and it works09:23
wgrantNote that we haven't tested it, but packagediff generation is so close to the end of the process that it surely has to09:23
wgrantwork, that is09:23
cjwatsonI was contemplating beefing up test_incremental_binary_copies a bit09:24
wgrantThat might be handy09:24
cjwatsonIt tests about 80% of this09:24
wgrantWhile you're there it may also be worth sorting out the random override issue09:24
wgrantSince that's a matter of a .order_by(BPPH.id) and a test09:24
cjwatsonOh god this is a horrible ancestry nightmare isn't it?09:24
wgrantI don't think so09:24
wgrantIt's not a total nightmare09:25
cjwatsonLast night I found vague allusions to a lot of this stuff in IRC logs from earlier in the month, but there wasn't enough to track them down to things I could fix on the spot09:25
wgrantI don't think it'll do the override dance for an intra-archive copy, will it?09:25
wgrantIt'll just use whatever getBuiltBinaries returns09:25
wgrantThe problem with that method is that it doesn't guarantee which publication will be returned if there are multiple BPPHs for a BPR09:26
wgrantSo, if you try to copy an upload that's had its overrides changed, you're going to get a random assortment of overrides09:26
cjwatson.order_by doesn't sound like a complete fix, then09:26
cjwatsonThere won't be a BPPH until the build happens; and we probably want to pick up the overrides from some other architecture that's already built09:27
wgrantgetBuiltBinaries iterates through the entire set of binary publications, and IIRC uses the first one it finds for each BPR09:27
wgrantSo an order_by should fix it09:27
wgrantThe build will upload and do normal ancestry calculation, which is correct.09:27
wgrantIt's only copies that use getBuiltBinaries' arbitrary chooser09:27
cjwatsonOtherwise you change 1.0-2 to component: main for all the architectures that already exist, and then when 1.0-2/powerpc appears it'll flip back to whatever 1.0-1/powerpc was?09:27
wgrantWell, yes, but that's an ancient bug09:28
cjwatsonOh, right, I understand now09:28
wgrantFrom early 200609:28
wgrantWhich we've lived with for nearly 7 years :)09:28
_mup_Bug #180218: override mismatch race needs to be fixed <boobytrap> <lp-soyuz> <soyuz-publish> <soyuz-upload> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/180218 >09:28
wgrantThere was an older one, once upon a time09:28
cjwatsonYeah, not fixing that this week09:28
wgrantBut that's the current one about the situation you describe09:28
wgrantMine is perhaps more insidious and easier to fix09:28
cjwatsonWrong overrides are a relatively minor problem in the development series; we have a report for them09:29
cjwatson(i.e. override mismatches between architectures)09:29
cjwatsonAnd it's empty most of the time09:29
cjwatsonBut yeah, I'm a small handful of LP commits away from having britney allegedly fully working, so just trying to think of ways it might unintentionally explodify the archive in advance ...09:32
cjwatsonI've been able to run it over nearly-trivial cases in raring-proposed in production and have it copy stuff successfully09:33
wgrantAs long as we have robust binary revival copies it should all be recoverable09:33
cjwatsonwgrant: could you have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/db-redirect-release-uploads/+merge/130857 ?10:25
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wallyworld_sinzui: lines 236-241 of the diff add the extra Related Projects link to the person index page13:43
sinzuii suck. sorry wallyworld_13:45
wallyworld_np, merely an oversight13:46
wallyworld_easy to miss13:46
wallyworld_the rest we can discuss tomorrow, you raise good points, i wasn't sure what to remove and what to keep13:46
* wallyworld_ off to bed13:47
sinzuiwallyworld_, oversight? I knew exactly where the change had to be, and I read the diff, and I looked over the diff for the very file you did change, then told you you needed to make the change that is clearly in the diff13:48
wallyworld_don't worry, i'm not :-)13:48
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cjwatsonwgrant: Can you see why debootstrap/1.0.42ubuntu1 and apparmor/2.8.0-0ubuntu6 didn't get announcement mails when they were accepted into raring-proposed?  I didn't think PROPOSED was special here.  I think I used the API to accept the former; not sure how the latter was done.15:33
czajkowskicr3: your ml request should get done today16:13
cr3czajkowski: sweet, thanks so much!16:25
czajkowskicr3: well we're still checking it but updates will be on the question16:26
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cjwatsonwgrant: So, this random overrides thing - I'm having a hard time seeing how to trigger it, since getBuiltBinaries requires the BPPHs it returns to match the distroseries and pocket of the SPPH.  How could there ever be more than one per BPN/architecturetag?17:45
cjwatsonOh, changeOverride would create a new BPPH, wouldn't it, duh17:47
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wgrantcjwatson: It doesn't require that they're published, and changeOverride creates a new BPPH, indeed21:54
wgrantcjwatson: Did you find out what happened to the debootstrap and apparmor announcements?21:56
wgrantk, will investigate21:56
cjwatsonCouldn't figure out where useful logs would be21:56
wgrantYou tell funny jokes21:59
wallyworld_wgrant: StevenK: sinzui: http://askubuntu.com/questions/202677/nvidia-driver-doesnt-work-in-12-1022:51
sinzuiwgrant, I forgot to ask you to take a look at Colin's db branch in reviews23:25
wgrantsinzui: It's already on my list after he pinged me about it last night :)23:31

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