
TeduardoJust fyi; the 12.10 installer has a big problem with the new Romley based intel matrix raid SCU12:32
xnoxTeduardo: boot with nodmraid option.12:33
xnoxand setup your md raid partitions before hand from bios. Or assemble those by hand.12:33
Teduardoim not actually using raid it is just enabled in the bios12:34
Teduardocauses all sorts of kernel errors to stream down the screen12:34
xnoxTeduardo: hence the nodmraid boot option is for you, or you can do ubiquity --nodmraid from try ubuntu session.12:34
Teduardothat seems like more of a workaround to a bug in the installer kernel than an actual solution to the problem but im sure they'll fix it in a later release12:35
xnoxTeduardo: by default we activate raid controllers, if they are detected. Previously it was unusual to have a raid controller, and if one was present it was intended / desired.12:37
Teduardoits fine to activate the controller but the devices behind the controller are pass-through12:38
xnoxwith intel matrix raid putting it on all motherboards is shifting the factors to the "my machine has this and I had no clue it did"12:38
Teduardoand it for whatever reason won't detect the disks12:38
Teduardoafter streaming tons of errors down the screen12:38
xnoxwell it detects the disks, and correctly shows that no raid volumes were setup. And it's a bit silly and doesn't offer any way to create raid volumes, nor to deactivate them.12:39
Teduardothe OS has direct access to the devices though12:39
Teduardoso it's doing something wrong12:39
Teduardoeven in the dmesg it sees sda, sdb, and sdc12:40
Teduardobut in the [!!] Partition disks screen the only option is configure iscsi volumes12:41
Teduardowonder if it's because of the ssd i have attached12:42
Teduardoits a server thank god real easy to pull a disk =)12:42
cr3cjwatson: if I recall, you mentionned it was now possible to choose a network interface based on mac address. if so, how's that done?16:28
stgrabercr3: set netcfg/choose_interface to the mac address16:32
zygawoot, thanks16:33
cr3stgraber: you must be kidding, that's freaking awesome!16:33
stgrabercr3: I did a quick grep through netcfg's code and it looks like that should work (and matches what I remembered of choose_interface)16:34
cr3stgraber: where's the source for netcfg?16:38
stgrabercr3: apt-get source netcfg16:38
cjwatsonor IPAPPEND 2 in pxelinux and it'll do it automatically16:44
cjwatsonbased on the pxe interfaces16:45
zygacjwatson: is this supported since precise?16:46
zygacjwatson: literally "IPAPPEND 2"16:48
cr3cjwatson: it prompts for the network interface, em1 or wlan016:50
cjwatsonzyga: since oneiric16:57
zygacjwatson: which part is doing that? grepping various udebs that are network related yields no hits16:58
cjwatsonyou won't find it grepping for IPAPPEND - that causes pxelinux to stick BOOTIF=<mac addr> on the kernel command line16:58
zygacjwatson: there is no IPAPPEND in netcfg source16:58
cjwatsoncr3: oh, yeah, try adding netcfg/choose_interface=auto too17:00
cjwatsonto say "just use the default, don't ask me"17:00
cr3cjwatson: thanks!17:00
cr3cjwatson: that worked!17:03
cjwatsongood good17:05
cr3cjwatson: we thought it might be more desirable to test with that than keep using the old eth* names with biosdevname=017:05
cr3cjwatson: not only because it's simpler but also because eth* interfaces are probably going to be unsupported sooner or later17:06
cjwatsonI don't see eth* going away in any reality terribly near mine, but sure, the closer you are to defaults the better17:09
cjwatson(biosdevname's support is only a certain fraction of hardware, and I haven't noticed it growing terribly rapidly)17:10
pjotrHello, I have encountered a showstopper bug in Ubiquity:18:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 1070485 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity switches sda and sdb in Grub configuration, causing boot failure" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:20
pjotrThis happens only with USB stick installations, not with the DVD. However, Live USB's are becoming increasingly important as install media.18:22
pjotrcjwatson: maybe you could look into this?18:24
pjotrif you have the time, of course.... :P18:24
cjwatsonpjotr: not at the moment; I have a solid three days' work to fit into two days of work time before UDS in order to get raring open and unblock the rest of the dev team18:51
cjwatson(don't know if you got the previous answer, since my client reconnected two minutes later)18:51
pjotrcjwatson: I only received your answer about UDS. Was there an answer before that?19:34
cjwatsonpjotr: no, just that19:40
cjwatsonI repeated it, but I expect only one got through19:40
pjotrOK. :-)19:40
pjotrGood luck with Raring!19:41
Berend1232336432Hi guys, wondering if I can I'm at the right place to get some answers about installing ubuntu 12.10 with LVM and an existing encrypted home directory21:09
xnoxBerend1232336432: please read the release notes first, if they do not make sense come back for a clarification.21:09
Berend1232336432ok, I'll start there21:11
Berend1232336432you mean this page? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop#Installation21:13
Berend1232336432the Ubuntu Desktop Guide doesn't seem to help either21:15
Berend1232336432just one question then21:16
Berend1232336432couldn't find the bootable flag option anywhere while installing (using manual approuch)21:17
xnoxBerend1232336432: yes that page. Known Issues, Installation, Third point.21:22
xnoxThe desktop image installer cannot unlock existing encrypted (LUKS) volumes. If you need to make use of existing encrypted volumes during partitioning, then use the "Try Ubuntu without installing" boot option to start a live session, open the encrypted volumes (for example, by clicking on their icons in the Unity launcher), enter your password when prompted to unlock them, close them again, and run ubiquity to start the installer. (1066480)21:22
Berend1232336432ok, thx21:24
Berend1232336432I'll go try that, thanks a lot!21:44

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