
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from Ashur)01:37
bkerensabazhang: ahh enter02:06
bkerensaI need to have a laminated ubottu factoid cheat sheet :)02:06
bazhangbkerensa, yeah :)02:07
Jordan_Ubkerensa: When you're done designing it, put a link to it in !cheatsheet ;)02:07
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:18
tsimpsonsee the first link ;)02:18
Jordan_UBut that's comprehensive, not a quick cheat sheet.02:18
tsimpsonwell, it has a search feature, as well as listing by popularity02:19
tsimpsonthe top 5 factoids reall do tell the story of #ubuntu02:20
PiciIdleOne: smartboyhw question and jrib's answer in #ubuntu13:17
IdleOnehe should already know not to ask question about +1 in #ubuntu13:19
Myrttihe should already know a lot of things.13:22
AMDAthlonwhy cant we talk politics?16:28
PiciAMDAthlon: Because it annoys people.16:29
AMDAthlonis there a politics room?16:29
PiciThere is ##politics, but its not run by us and we have no control over its content.16:30
AMDAthlonok! thanks16:30
PiciI'm surprised that worked.16:31
jribthat guy is really persistent16:33
Tm_Tjrib: who?16:33
IdleOnewhere were they talking politics?16:33
PiciIdleOne: brought it up in -offtopic before being it with !o4o16:34
IdleOneyeah, I see it now16:34
jribTm_T: the credit card guy17:23
bazhang<Sicp> great, Smokey18:31
bazhangnice attitude18:31
h00khuh, that was interesting18:43
h00kI didn't have my ophat on in #ubuntu, did I?18:43
h00kOr did my client show things in an odd order18:43
h00k+b, part, deop, then op.18:44
h00kthen deop again.18:44
h00kyep to which?18:45
bazhangyou opped along with DJones18:45
IdleOneI see op, +b, remove, deop18:45
h00khuh. I only show DJones opping, my client forgot me :(18:46
bazhangyou kb'd then deopped18:46
DJonesYou got there ahead of me18:46
h00kThen I thought I was wearing my ophat for a long time, but I figured someone would have taken it away or pinged me on another protocol or something18:46
IdleOneDon't question why it works, it just does.18:47
h00kanyway, thanks!18:47
bazhangnah, you were ninja18:47
* h00k does karate type things while geting weird looks at the coffee shop18:47
* jussi hooks h00k18:48
jussiI just made cupcakes :D18:49
h00kheading home. back in a bit.18:49
bazhang<Spellanser> how many bugs it have?18:54

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