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uvirtbotNew bug: #1070093 in openldap (main) "package slapd (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107009301:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #1070094 in openldap (main) "package slapd (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107009401:26
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roy_muzzhi, I have a 64 bit Ubuntu LTS 10.04 headless server that i just upgraded to 12.04. The upgrade did not seem super clean and there was a "failed to read on buffer copy for md5hash: Input/output error" when installing bash-completion. The server is running fine now but I am worried that it wont come back up after a reboot. Any commands that I can run to check whether the machine will come back up? How can I find out whether the install was clean?01:51
sarnoldroy_muzz: perhaps checking debsums would be a good starting point?01:53
roy_muzzthanks sarnold, will do01:54
roy_muzzEverything looks ok after a "debsums -a". Is bash-completion an essential package?01:55
sarnoldroy_muzz: no, you can live quite well without it, though I'm stunned how quickly I got accustomed to having it to complete program arguments...01:57
roy_muzzWell, my commands are still being completed. Perhaps they wont be after a reboot.01:58
roy_muzzI can gracefully apt-get update and upgrade.. so that is positive01:58
sarnoldmmm, I've got a vague memory of a good dpkg command to run when you're not entirely certain that things ran to completion before; I _think_ that was dpkg --configure -a -- but _please_ verify that it does something sane before running it. :)01:59
sarnold.. a quick skim of dpkg(1) makes me think that dpkg --configure -a should be safe02:00
roy_muzzthanks, I ran it and there is no output.... looks fine02:01
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gabrielukhi,  how should i install libphp-phpmailer on ubuntu 10.04? ppa?03:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #1028823 in juju "Juju requires python-apt, but doesn't depend on it" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102882304:06
ScottKgabrtv: It's in the official archive, no PPA needed.04:08
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uvirtbotNew bug: #967435 in libvirt (main) "Failed to terminate/reboot instane (LXC)" [Low,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96743504:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #1068566 in juju "Juju 0.6 incompatible with MAAS in precise" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106856605:08
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1070190 in maas (main) "maas-enlist does not show on latest 12.04.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107019006:26
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koolhead17jamespage: ping06:33
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jamespagekoolhead17, pong06:44
koolhead17jamespage: how is hacklathon coming along sir? :)06:45
koolhead17jamespage: CRITICAL nova [-] No module named quantum.manager i found soln for this https://bugs.launchpad.net/quantum/+bug/106368906:45
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1063689 in quantum "CRITICAL nova [-] No module named quantum.manager" [Undecided,Invalid]06:45
koolhead17it was my stupid configration06:45
koolhead17but i wanted to know is there a way to get floating IP working with quantum any doc/source u can point or have u tested it works with our cloud repo?06:46
jamespagekoolhead17, OK thanks06:46
jamespagekoolhead17, which quantum topology are you working with?06:47
koolhead17jamespage: let me get the guy in channel06:48
koolhead17vivek: can you answer jamespage question please06:50
koolhead17vivek: [12:17] <jamespage> koolhead17, which quantum topology are you working with?06:50
* koolhead17 is still learning/reading quantum and has not reached so far06:51
koolhead17vivek_: can you answer the question jamespage asked06:52
koolhead17vivek_: [12:17] <jamespage> koolhead17, which quantum topology are you working with?06:52
vivek_per tenant seperate network with floating ips but not using multi tire06:53
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1068365 in linux (main) "openvswitch gre tunnels not working in quantal" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106836507:08
radishgood morning07:13
radishwould http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/precise/current/precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img be a valid image for the use with openstack/kvm?07:14
lifelessshould be yes07:15
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jamespagesmb: around?07:24
smbjamespage, just about... <warning>first coffee not yet finished</warning>07:26
jamespagevivek_, koolhead17: sorry - distracted by something else07:26
jamespagehttp://docs.openstack.org/trunk/openstack-network/admin/content/demo_logical_network_config.html shows how todo this07:26
jamespageyou can't allocate floating IP's using the nova cli ATM as far as I am aware07:26
jamespageand you must create the external network under a different tenant to the private ones07:26
jamespagevivek_, koolhead17: also look at this https://github.com/EmilienM/openstack-folsom-guide/blob/master/scripts/quantum-networking.sh07:28
vivek_yes i tried  external network for via service , admin and xyz tenant but it is not working07:28
jamespagevivek_, OK - so what is not working?07:29
vivek_here you can find some information https://answers.launchpad.net/quantum/+question/21139507:29
jamespagevivek_, OK - so you just exceeded my working knowledge of quantum :-)07:30
jamespage(pretty new for me as well)07:30
jamespagevivek_, 12.04 or 12.10?07:32
vivek_i am not able to ping instances after assigning them floating ips07:32
vivek_while quantum show the ip is attached to the instance07:33
jamespagevivek_, this is a all in one install?07:35
vivek_we have tried two senirio07:35
vivek_one all in one the server is having 4 lancards and next one server act as a controller and compute,  second network controller third compute07:36
vivek_out one lan card is connected with public switch and rest three is connected with private switch , one port of controller or network node is connected to public switch to create br-ex07:38
vivek_and i am creating br-int on eth107:39
vivek_and eth0 is public facing for all servers07:39
jamespagesmb, so bug 106836507:41
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1068365 in linux "openvswitch gre tunnels not working in quantal" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106836507:41
smbjamespage, yes, tough luck07:41
jamespagesmb, is it fixable in the kernel or do we have to hit the dkms package until it works?07:41
jamespage(its not currently kernel 3.5 compatible...)07:42
smbjamespage, It would require to add functionality. How SRUable do you think that is? ;)07:42
jamespagesmb, I discussed with SpamapS - the consensus was that this is a must07:43
smbAnd it is something that even upstream openvswitch cannot be bothered with, so I really think making the dkms package is a better way to go07:43
radishI'm trying to upload an image to glance, however, regarding to the logs I'm not authorized, should I set the admin_token parameter in glance-api-paste.ini and glance-registry-paste.ini as suggested by https://answers.launchpad.net/glance/+question/203405 ?07:45
jamespagesmb: the dkms package would be isolated so may be a better route07:47
jamespagesmb, I'm up to patch 8 from upstream trunk and I think I nearly have it working...07:47
smbjamespage, Exactly, and it is in a sense opt-in, so even if it breaks something or has issues it would not affect the normal instlal.07:48
vivek_jamespage _, i am using gre and vlan type tunnel07:49
smbjamespage, Yeah I guess the network layer around changed sufficiently to make it a pita07:49
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1064638 in maas "Commissioning is failing to set node memory attribute" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106463808:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #1066958 in maas "DNS config is invalid after a node gets enlisted." [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106695808:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #1064672 in maas "Node listing page becomes unusable with increased number of nodes" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106467208:44
uvirtbotNew bug: #1067261 in maas "Web reference in UI points to wrong place" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106726108:44
AnvarHi all, I have a quick question. Does postfix need SASL? (this in use for a local SMTP system to send out emails because I have no SMTP relay available)08:49
cabbageAnvar: No. :)09:16
radishhi, I have some problems regarding the setup of openstack folsom on ubuntu 12.04.. glance can't authenticate with keystone, see the following pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1299554/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/1299600/09:41
kuuhmuhmuhey i want to start samba as service when start on ubuntu sever ... help me please09:46
kuuhmuhmuhey i want to start samba as service when start on ubuntu sever ... help me please09:46
SpamapSkuuhmuhmu: sudo apt-get install samba09:46
kuuhmuhmuyes i doned09:49
kuuhmuhmubut it not start when start : i install ubuntu gui on it09:49
kuuhmuhmuit must to start : sudo start samba everytime09:49
uvirtbotNew bug: #1068036 in postfix (main) "postfix (precise) has lost the ability to lookup aliases in NIS" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106803610:06
lamontScottK: ^^10:14
ScottKlamont: Yeah.  Fix just landed in precise/quantal-proposed for testing.10:15
ScottKThe bot never explains why it's mentioning a bug.10:15
Anvarkuuhmuhmu, do you get an error when starting samba manual?10:23
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Aisonis it possible to run a  HP 1/8 G2 Tape Autoloader under ubuntu server?10:48
fij0_anyone know any tool to get parallel ssh in ubuntu ?11:00
koolhead17fij0_: ?11:02
fij0_i have multiples serves, i want to execute the same command in parallel in those multiples servers11:02
koolhead17fij0_: i read something called func and salt11:03
koolhead17i have no idea there being any command i might b wrong11:04
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AnvarAison, yes is possible, see HP website for more info & drivers11:11
AisonAnvar, I just found some drivers before, but no idea how to install them. Well, I will try it again :)11:12
Anvarfij0_, try webmin, you can cluster your servers and run ssh scripts to your cluster then11:12
AnvarAison, normally you have to build & install them. The readme included normaly provides the installation inscrutions11:12
Aisonso you think I should download the sources instead of the debian+ubuntu packages?11:13
Aisonhmm, maybe that's better11:13
Anvarwebmin provides a handy webbased GUI11:13
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koolhead17zul: around12:44
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zulkoolhead17: kind of12:46
koolhead17zul: ok. will poke you later when your completely here :)12:47
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koolhead17zul: http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/openstack-network/admin/content/install_ubuntu.html  the doc uses testing repo you think it should be moved to cloud repo now?12:55
zulkoolhead17: yes12:56
koolhead17ok. so shall i assign the bug and change the repo path?12:57
zulkoolhead17: yep12:57
Aisondamn, a package would like to install sun-java6-jre, but of course this package is not available in precise13:02
Aisonjava is installed13:03
Aisonbut openjdk-6-jre13:03
Aisonwhat to do now?13:03
koolhead17Aison: i have a secret soln  for that but i need beer in return :P13:09
Aisonlol :P13:09
Aisonbad guy ^^13:10
koolhead17Aison: :D that i am :D13:11
koolhead17Aison: http://www.printandweb.ca/2012/04/manually-install-oracle-jdk-6-for.html13:11
koolhead17see if it helps man :)13:11
Aisonkoolhead17, but this does not generate a package so that in my ubuntu server there is a package sun-java6-jre13:16
Aisonsome stupid adaptec driver requires this13:16
koolhead17Aison: your stupid driver needs java-6 env13:17
koolhead17notthing else i suppose13:17
koolhead17to run13:17
Aisonadaptec-storage-manager-common : Depends: sun-java6-jre but it is not installable13:18
koolhead17Aison: i have no idea about the sf but u cannot install java from ubuntu repo anymore13:19
TLoT!java | koolhead1713:20
ubottukoolhead17: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.13:20
TLoTAison: if you've got packages dependent on those older packages, you'll run into a few issues there.13:20
TLoTAison: koolhead is right, Java is not installable from the repos anymore.13:21
TLoT(sorry koolhead17, misping)13:21
koolhead17TLoT: y013:22
TLoTwhat're they trying to install, koolhead17?13:22
TLoTlooks/sounds like some GUI utility for a drive or somethihng13:23
koolhead17TLoT: i use simple bash script13:24
TLoTurgh, they're installing drivers13:24
Aisonit is some adaptec stuff13:24
TLoTAison: did Adaptec provide a tarball rather than a debian package for it?13:25
TLoTyou may end up building and installing from source13:25
AisonI cannot install the debian package either13:25
Aisonso I tried this: http://hwraid.le-vert.net/wiki/DebianPackages13:25
TLoTand nobody listens.  i'll go back to stabbing php5 for a while13:25
TLoTAison: won't help you, those "repos" are old.13:27
TLoTAison: you will need to install java manually, and then likely build from source, i'll bet13:27
TLoTrather than just finding a "package" that'll fix it13:27
TLoTAison: what hardware are you installing drivers for?13:28
Aisonwell, the drivers itself from the kernel are working, but I also need to newest manager software13:28
Aisonit is for this card: http://www.adaptec.com/de-de/products/controllers/hardware/sas/performance/sas-51245/13:29
AisonAdaptec RAID 5124513:29
TLoTif you need the manager, build it from source.13:29
TLoTas i said, thsoe packages rely on nonexistent packages13:29
TLoTso you're pretty much left with just building from source13:29
Aisonand in a next step I would like to setup the LTO5 drive13:29
TLoTAison: 32bit or 64bit?13:31
Aisonjust found a howto http://samiux.blogspot.ch/2010/07/howto-adaptec-storage-manager-on-ubuntu.html13:36
Aisonmaybe that works13:36
TLoTi dont trust random how-tos :p13:36
TLoThttp://download.adaptec.com/raid/storage_manager/asm_linux_x64_v7_31_18856.tgz  <-- the tarball13:37
zulhallyn: ping13:44
zulhallyn: so im the middle of testing an lxc patch and moving the packaging to 0.10.2 is that kosher with you?13:45
zulfor libvirt13:45
hallynzul: +113:45
hallynfor r, or would you sru to q?13:45
zulfor r13:45
zulits a bit biggish for q and not accepted by upstream yet13:46
hallyncool.  do you have any interest in looking at my proposed qemu replacement pkgs for r? :)13:46
hallynyeah go nuts.  i've been very happy with how stable libvirt has been in q, so i fear regressions, but hey maybe it'll stay that way for good now13:47
zulhallyn: i do have interest13:47
hallynactually now that the bzr trees seem to be fixed for libvirt, maybe daily builds can be done automatically and we can do daily upstream testing to sniff out bugs13:47
hallynmy sandbox for qemu is ppa:serge-hallyn/crossc13:48
zulhallyn: my only concern with daily upstream testing is the amount of patches we are carrying in q13:48
hallyntaht reminds me i need to go subscribe slangasek to the qemu blueprint, as i'm hoping to merge the trees (not likely, but i have hope)13:48
hallynyeah, that was painful before too13:49
hallynstgraber: woudl you want to attend the servercloud-r-libvirt blueprint to talk about implementing a lxc2 driver based on your api?  or is it too early for that?  or should we just do it (when ready) without chatting?13:55
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AisonTLoT, finally it is working now14:00
Aisonwell, next step I need some tape drive software :P14:00
TLoTAison: i assume you did go and build from source :P14:01
vizzoidis it possible to use apparmor within a chrooted enviroment such as an ulteo subsystem?14:01
AisonTLoT, well, it is just some piece of java software14:02
TLoTAison: true, but the "packages" are broken :P  so there.14:04
TLoTAison: and since those packages arent released *by* adaptec, i would not trust them ever in a million years14:04
TLoTput them in the same category of PPA, and then put a higher security threat on there.14:05
TLoT!ppa | Aison, just for the record since I mentioned PPAs14:05
ubottuAison, just for the record since I mentioned PPAs: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge14:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #1004606 in qemu-kvm (main) "virsh create-snapshot fails to create external snapshot (blockdev-snapshot-sync fails in json monitor)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100460614:09
jgcampbell300so i am thinking of hiring some help on a project I have in mind and im not sure who i can consult with... i am thinking it will involve web data and some form of out put after the data has been anelized14:10
jgcampbell300any ideas14:10
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stgraberhallyn: hmm, I think it's best to play with it on the side for this cycle and start talking with the libvirt-lxc author rather than discuss it at UDS and give the impression that we want to take over that driver entirely14:31
hallynstgraber: well they love their own driver, i don't think we have to worry about that :)  but yeah, basically agreed :)14:35
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hallynzul: Daviey: so, should we have canceled this weeks meeting?15:09
hallynor will the copenhagen crew be there?15:09
zulhallyn:  no idea15:09
hallynwasting 30 mins of time with the two of us going over an agenda for no reason doesn't seem productive15:11
hallynzul: bug 1069534 , do you know how the 'socket=' ends up in a graphics tag in libvirt xml?15:15
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1069534 in libvirt "libvirt doesn't include *.vnc files with apparmor profiles" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106953415:15
hallynif i'm being a moron and it's a well known way to do it, pls feel free to make fun of me in the bug15:16
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uvirtbotNew bug: #994887 in maas "Nodes listing does not support sorting" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99488715:17
zulhallyn: not off by hand...probably when they use vnc in their xml15:17
hallynzul: i reproduced her exact virt-install command, got the usual tag.15:17
hallynoh, maybe there's some libvirtd.conf option15:18
hallynno obvious one, oh well.15:18
jamespagehallyn, around?15:25
hallynjamespage: yup, what's up?15:26
jamespagehallyn, so - good spot on the ovs bridging issue15:26
hallynbtw, virt-install on ssd with apt-cacher from same ssd, is freaking fast :)15:27
jamespagehallyn, sure is!15:27
hallynjamespage: i feel bad that you went and built the pkg :)  thanks for doing that.  do you have it in a ppa?  i coud pull it into my charm as a test if you like15:27
jamespagehallyn, I've cherry picked what I think is enough patches from upstream trunk to re-enable the dkms package15:27
jamespageit will appear in ppa:james-page/junk ~ 5 hours unless I can find someone to rescore15:28
jamespagehallyn: I've tested it using your charms - although I did have issues when the bridge ports where setup using hostnames rather than IP's15:28
* hallyn makes puppy eyes toward stgraber 15:28
hallynjamespage: yeah hostnames never worked for me15:28
jamespageit appears functional - however I've not really been able to validate performance that well15:29
jamespageit looks the same-ish as precise15:29
jamespagebut not as good as the head of upstream trunk15:29
hallynjamespage: i never much worried about perf, didn't think gre could be al lthat fast :)15:29
jamespagebut that could be where my instances where running15:29
hallynjamespage: should we be engaging lkml about getting gre tunnels working there?15:29
jamespagehallyn, I get ~700MBps with 1.4 and ~1GBps on 1.815:29
jamespageover the bridge15:29
jamespagetunnel sorry15:29
jamespagewe should definately push and upstream snapshot into raring IMHO15:30
stgraberjamespage, hallyn: both are building now15:30
jamespagestgraber, thanks!15:30
hallynstgraber: thanks! :)15:30
jamespagehallyn, I spoke with SpamapS about the SRU as well - its pretty isolated into the dkms package15:31
jamespageso we are not likely to regress other bits of openvswitch15:31
jamespageso should be OK15:31
hallyndo we have a testsuite? :)15:32
hallynkoolhead17: say...  why 17?15:33
koolhead17hallyn, i need to change that nick sir, i got to www when i was 17 ::P15:33
hallynkoolhead17: ah, when i was 17 there was no www yet :)15:34
hallynwe gophered, and we LIKED IT15:34
hallynkoolhead17: seeing you at uds next week?15:34
koolhead17hallyn, yes sir. looking forward for another volleyball match :)15:34
hallynthat's me at the net :)15:35
hallynyou know, even though i can barely reach the top15:35
koolhead17hallyn, would like to sit and understand LXC as well15:35
koolhead17hallyn, :P15:35
jcastro_SpamapS: is the mysql session for UDS sorted?15:35
jcastro_SpamapS: I see it on thursday morning15:35
koolhead17hola jcastro_ :)15:36
jamespagehallyn, I'd forgotten about gopher15:37
* jamespage remembers fondly15:37
hallynkoolhead17: i didn't realize you had questions!  by all means we can sit and chat about it :)15:37
koolhead17hallyn, cool. Btw jamespage hallyn i started computer with playing LOGO :P15:38
jamespagehallyn, we don't have a test suite that exercises the tunnelling15:38
* jamespage adds that to the list15:38
koolhead17and we were not allowed to wear shoes inside computer lab15:38
koolhead17Linus was working on kernel somewhere that time :P15:39
jamespagekoolhead17, I was installing linux from a 6 iso set that I got once every 3 months and building my own kernel...15:40
* jamespage remembers slackware15:40
koolhead17jamespage, i came very late to Linux i think with redhat915:41
koolhead17i guess i installed lots of distro in one week to get audio working15:41
koolhead17got introduced to Debian and then Ubuntu :)15:42
koolhead17arosales, hey there15:43
zuljames: iso?! you young'un15:43
arosaleskoolhead17: hello15:44
koolhead17zul, you used floppy? :)15:44
jamespagezul: I only had to use minix off floppys15:47
zuljamespage: hah15:47
hallyni did try to boot my sun 3/160 server off of 3 huge mag tapes, didn't work15:49
jamespagezul, hallyn: you guys want todo the irc meeting today? consensus here is to skip this week as not huge amounts to discuss15:50
zuljamespage:  skip it15:50
hallynjamespage: agreed15:51
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koolhead17SpamapS, jcastro_  i need my juju t-shirt this time15:51
jamespagehallyn, zul: okay!15:52
SpamapSjcastro_: uh, Thursday morning aint gonna work ;)15:52
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SpamapSjcastro_: I'll subscribe as essential, that should zap it back to M or Tu15:52
SpamapSjcastro_: actually I'm already marked as essential.. so.. hrm15:53
jcastro_ok, want me to move it?15:54
jcastro_SpamapS: this is why I check. :)15:54
SpamapSjcastro_: yeah, if I have too many essential ones, let me know and I'll go through them and remove a few15:54
jcastro_I am making it so the cloud and juju community ones don't conflict15:55
jcastro_SpamapS: tuesday 150015:55
SpamapSjcastro_: cool that should be good15:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #1067522 in openssh (main) "openssh-client / ssh does not set IP Type-of-service field" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106752215:57
zulSpamapS: galera support?15:59
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SpamapSzul: YES :)16:01
zulSpamapS:  ques que ce?16:01
SpamapSzul: http://www.codership.com/wiki/doku.php?id=faq16:02
zulSpamapS: bien sur16:03
SpamapSzul: de nada16:04
zulSpamapS: are people actually using that?16:04
nishttal2hi all.. i am running ubuntu server 12.04.. how can i tell it to use the onboard VGA for output and not the external nvidia gtx also installed16:25
RoyKnishttal2: usually a BIOS setting - use onboard first or something16:26
RoyKnishttal2: also, if you don't need that nvidia card, well, unplug it ;)16:26
nishttal2RoyK: bios is fine and uses the onboard vga.. its after the grub menu when ubuntu loads up that i get the blank screen16:27
nishttal2RoyK: i need the nvidia card just not for display (for computation)16:27
RoyKoh, opencl/cuda?16:27
nishttal2RoyK: yeah16:27
RoyKI guess the easiest would be to use it for the console as well as computing - it shouldn't make much difference if the card is used to display ASCII16:28
RoyKbut then - using the onboard card for the console would probably be best16:28
nishttal2RoyK: problem with that is that the KVM in the server room on supports VGA and the GTXs do not have VGA out.. the convertors dont work either16:29
RoyKubuntu uses the framebuffer drivers for the console, so I guess that's where you'll have to dig16:29
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RoyKnishttal2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#How_to_disable_the_framebuffer16:30
RoyKdisabling the framebuffer should work16:30
RoyKyou'll end up with a good old terminal, though, but hopefully you won't need it too often16:30
koolhead17Daviey, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/CloudArchive can i modify it with adding command 4 adding cloud keyring?16:31
nishttal2RoyK: yeah i dont anticipate frequent visits to the server room16:31
RoyKnishttal2: try to disable the framebuffer first16:32
RoyKif it doesn't help, well, perhaps we'll find another way...16:32
nishttal2ok trying now16:32
nishttal2RoyK: Highlight, again with the use of the arrow keys, the line that say "kernel" and press "e" to edit that line ...16:35
nishttal2RoyK: I dont see a line that says kernel16:35
RoyKyou should be at the end of the line after pressing e16:36
RoyKso just type away16:36
RoyKperhaps add a space first16:36
nishttal2same issue16:37
nishttal2let me try the CMOS/BIOS way to disable framebuffer16:38
RoyKI somewhat doubt it'll help if the linux kernel detects a new graphics card and uses that instead of the one onboar16:39
RoyKI somewhat doubt it'll help if the linux kernel detects a new graphics card and uses that instead of the one onboard16:39
nishttal2worth a try?16:39
RoyKcan't hurt to try16:40
sarnoldoof. one hopes the kernel would use whichever video card was selected in the bios as the one to power up..16:40
patdk-wkhmm, I haven't had any issues16:40
RoyKlinux doesn't always care much about BIOS settings16:40
patdk-wkI boot my laptop randomly with 1 or 2 video cards, it always gets it right16:40
RoyKperhaps a driver issue?16:41
nishttal2RoyK, i cant even find anything close to frame buffer in the bios.. so much for that try!16:41
patdk-wkfirst off, what motherboard is this?16:42
sarnoldnishttal2: does the bios give you the option of which card to use? at least mine does...16:42
RoyKsarnold: looks like it, since it works until grub is finished...16:43
nishttal2sarnold: yeah it does and its set to use Onboard-VGA.. and it uses that to boot up till grub.. after grub i guess ubuntu takes over and uses the nvidia gtx16:43
RoyKnishttal2: that's the linux kernel, not "ubuntu", but still I agree16:44
nishttal2sarnold: RoyK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-Wqf31DFMA16:44
hallynSpamapS: is 'static-network-up' in lucid?16:45
hallynwondering about bug 85030916:45
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 850309 in libvirt "libvirt fails to autostart VM attached to a bridged port" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85030916:45
sarnoldnishttal2: woo :) video. what an age to be alive.16:46
sarnoldnishttal2: good luck; I've gotta run. :/16:46
RoyKhallyn: I have a few VMs on Lucid with bridged networking...16:46
nishttal2sarnold: yeah :)16:47
RoyKnishttal2: I'd say file a bug16:47
hallynRoyK: i'm just wondernig whether the 'static-network-up' event was sru'd to lucid.  it came in around oneiric time.16:48
nishttal2RoyK: damn!16:49
RoyKnishttal2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics16:49
RoyKmight be relevant16:50
RoyKbut hardly so16:50
SpamapShallyn: no16:50
SpamapShallyn: and you shouldn't be using that event16:50
SpamapShallyn: runlevel [2345] for almost everything16:50
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1070413 in maas (main) "MaaS http config generates warnings about missing /home/maas" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107041316:51
hallynSpamapS: i'm in the middle of typing exactly taht into the bug16:51
nishttal2RoyK: wait.. changing the grub setting worked..16:51
hallynSpamapS: but the point remains that we'd need that event for it to work16:52
nishttal2RoyK: i added it to the last line.. and it didnt work.. i moved it to the last but one line and it worked16:52
nishttal2RoyK: thanks a lot man!!16:52
hallynSpamapS: but ok, if it wont' be fixed in upstart, then i guess it's wontfix in libvirt, and i'll simply offer a script they can add to libvirt-bin.upstart to work around it16:52
RoyKnishttal2: ;)16:52
RoyKnishttal2: you'll need to make that permanent16:53
RoyKnishttal2: what you set on boot only works for that session (until reboot)16:53
nishttal2RoyK: yeah.. do you know what file it is in 12.0416:53
SpamapShallyn: for lucid, people have to edit /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf to delay runlevel 2 until after the appropriate network is up16:53
nishttal2i dont see a menu.lst16:53
RoyKthat's grub116:53
RoyKgrub2 works differently16:53
hallynSpamapS: (or libvirt-bin.conf)16:54
RoyKthen update-grub (iirc)16:54
patdk-wkgrub2 initializes video, and passes it to linux16:54
patdk-wkgrub1 uses text console from bios16:55
RoyKpatdk-wk: thanks16:55
hallynSpamapS: but ok, so it's wontfix for upstart for lucid, thanks16:55
patdk-wkGRUB_TERMINAL=console, disables grub video, then also add nomodeset if needed to the kernel16:56
patdk-wkwhat I have to do on my very old system, I use for a firewall at home16:56
nishttal2patdk-wk: is this for my issue?16:56
* RoyK guesses so16:57
patdk-wkit's an attempt :)16:57
SpamapShallyn: yes indeed... it wouldn't be kosher to change the default boot sequence for lucid :-/16:57
RoyKnishttal2: or just add that option to the grub config16:57
nishttal2RoyK: i am confused.. where in grub config16:58
hallynSpamapS: wuss!  :)16:58
RoyK18:52 < nishttal2> RoyK: i added it to the last line.. and it didnt work.. i moved it to the last but one line and it worked16:58
RoyKuse that in /etc/default/grub16:58
* SpamapS disappears16:58
RoyKand run update-grub16:58
RoyKpatdk-wk's version will probably do just as well16:58
RoyKperhaps less hassle16:59
nishttal2RoyK: this is what my /etc/default/grub looks like http://fpaste.org/2icX/16:59
RoyKcomment out GRUB_TERMINAL=console17:00
RoyKfor a start17:00
nishttal2its already commented.. so uncomment it17:00
nishttal2ok and then update_grub17:01
RoyKupdate-grub, yes17:01
nishttal2ok rebooting now.... fingers crossed17:01
nishttal2IT WORKED!!!!! :)17:02
nishttal2RoyK: patdk-wk thank you both.17:03
RoyKbtw, what are you doing with those GPUs?17:03
RoyKAFAICS four of them?17:03
* RoyK likes SuperMicro btw17:04
nishttal2I have 2 GTX 570s, 2 GTX 680s and a bunch of 560s (different machines ofcourse)..17:04
nishttal2run realtime analytics on stock market data17:04
nishttal2damn.. it seems its stuck at UHCI Host Controller...17:05
nishttal2SSH is up17:05
nishttal2RoyK: this is SuperMicro17:06
RoyKhad a rather bad issue at my last job, power were to be shut down for a day or so, so a diesel-based generator was connected to allow us to have the servers running, so poweroff, wait, connect new generators, open fuse, and some 2kV was sent to the UPSes, which paniced and went into pass-through, frying a large number of PSUs and some disks - except all the supermicros, which were happily running17:07
RoyKnishttal2: yeah, I saw that from the video ;)17:07
nishttal2RoyK: thats comforting to here :)17:08
nishttal2RoyK: any ideas on why its stuck .. i dont have the login prompt17:09
RoyKno idea17:09
RoyKtry to switch console17:09
RoyKalt+f2 or alt+(left|right(17:09
RoyKalt+f2 or alt+(left|right)17:10
nishttal2tried ctrl alt f1 thru 1117:10
RoyKsorry, no idea17:10
RoyKdoes caps lock work?17:10
RoyKif it doesn't, perhaps something is fubar with the usb connection17:10
nishttal2i tried num lock and that worked17:11
nishttal2rebooted so cant check if caps lock was fine17:11
RoyKalt+left or right should work17:11
hallynjamespage: all right, deploying my test with your ppa.  <crossing fingers>17:11
nishttal2RoyK: i didnt17:11
RoyKno idea, sorry17:11
RoyKhow did you reboot? ctrl+alt+del?17:12
nishttal2RoyK: there must be a way to directly modify the grub entry to say "nomodeset" somwhere.. bcoz that worked17:12
RoyKthen keyboard works17:12
RoyKbut console is fscked up somehow17:12
patdk-wkjust add nomodeset on the end of the kernel line17:12
patdk-wkadd it to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX option in /etc/default/grub17:13
patdk-wkand grub will always add it17:13
nishttal2patdk-wk: ok cool.. so change line # 12 in http://fpaste.org/2icX/ to look like GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="vga=normal nomodeset" ?17:14
patdk-wkI guess17:14
patdk-wkbut line 12 is the one to edit17:14
patdk-wkoh? 20 is still commented out?17:15
nishttal2patdk-wk: no17:15
nishttal2patdk-wk: that was the old post17:15
patdk-wk12 goes on all kernels17:15
patdk-wk11 only goes to non-recovery ones17:15
nishttal2patdk-wk: ok.. and update-grub after that?17:15
nishttal2patdk-wk: rebooting17:16
nishttal2patdk-wk: yup that did it.. thanks again17:17
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RoyKnishttal2: would GPUs really give realtime analysis of stock market that gain compared to CPUs?17:21
nishttal2RoyK: oh man.. dont even get me starting17:22
RoyKjust curious ;)17:23
nishttal21 GPU is performing 50 times better than a quad core xeons that i've used in the past17:23
RoyKGPUs are fast for very parallel computation17:23
nishttal2yeah.. and each stock ticker is independent (well depends on your analytic) so you can do them all in parallel17:23
RoyKgiven the amount of data is low, which I think is the case for your type of data17:24
nishttal2its the frequency of data17:24
nishttal225K ticks/sec17:24
RoyKso all you need is a dispatcher that's parallelized to the amount of CPU cores and then dispatch the lot to the GPU?17:24
RoyKperhaps the dispatcher won't need much parallelising, though, since its work is minor...17:25
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nishttal2RoyK: back17:41
nishttal2RoyK: so the architecture would depend on your application ofcourse.. but yeah thats the general idea17:42
hallynjamespage: drat, by default openvswitch.ko (not openvswitch_mod.ko) gets loaded17:42
hallynhm, maybe that's the problem, maybe not.  trying again17:44
nishttal2is it safe to install libglut on ubuntu server 12.0417:57
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1069302 in qemu-kvm (main) "kvm client does not start with pci passthrough (amd hd5450)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106930218:02
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hallynjamespage: \o/ new pkg works for m.e  HOWEVER, (we should ask this on #ubuntu-kernel) can we have that pkg disable the openvswitch.ko from linux-image?18:57
hallynjamespage: d'oh, hold on, nm, i see the problem.   <thwap>  i'm an idiot19:16
zulhallyn: doh http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1300923/19:19
Phibsmy config for a custom apt repo is thus: http://pastie.org/private/60bjfrzhrodww3ej3oekq, it finds the package metadata but 404s trying to install it. Any hints?19:21
hallynzul: why don't you have /var/run/dbus/system-bus-socket?  i have it here...19:22
zulhallyn: im nto sure19:22
zulhallyn: restarted dbus anyways and it works19:23
hallynzul: hm.19:25
zulhallyn: im running raring here so *shrug*19:26
Case_I am hoping someone can help me.  I have an Ubuntu Server with Apache.  I have multiple sites on this server and one of them the GET time for just the domain is like 30 seconds.  The others are perfectly fine.  They have the same naming server and the same domain registerar.  Does anyone have any clue what might cause this?19:45
sarnoldCase_: is that virtual host configured to log hostnames in its logfiles?19:46
sarnold(I don't know if that is possible, but DNS lookups are often the cause of 30-second-ish delays in software...)19:46
Case_I am not sure, not putty is being well slow to log into it.  Maybe the server is just going :/19:47
sarnoldheh, perhaps your sshd is configured to log hostnames too? :)19:47
Case_I half wonder if someone is just pinging it to death19:48
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1070519 in juju (universe) "zookeeper: WARN  [NIOServerCxn.Factory:$Factory@247] - Too many connections from / - max is 10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107051919:55
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HorvHeya! Need som help with troublshooting. Me and a friend (bark) are trying to set up a MAAS and got so far as to the pxe-boot-part. During the pxe-boot we get "connection 1:0 conn error detected (1020)" and googling have led us nowhere.21:05
HorvWe've tried pxe-boot with 4 different computer setups with the same result.21:05
HorvAny idea where to troubleshoot? Or what could be causing the error?21:07
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crono_logicalhi guys, anyone around able to help in this channel? just hosed a ubuntu VM doing apt-get upgrade, it no longer boots with error boot disk not found21:50
crono_logicalfilesystem looks ok and intact, it mounts cleanly when I mount the virtual disk in a different VM21:50
jamespagehallyn, the dkms module should override the kernel module21:53
submanI have a storage machine at and a machine that I want to backup on  Just looking for clarification on how to use rsync.  On the machine to be backed up,, do I use the command:  rsync -azvv -e ssh user@ /source_folder?22:00
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hallynjamespage: it didn't.  but i shouldn't have installed the linux-image-extras or wahtever package22:08
crono_logicalsubman: it should be source then destination, so other way round. if you're not sure, there's the -n switch to see what it would do without changing any data22:10
submancrono_logical, thanks.22:10
crono_logicalsubman: I'd also drop the '-e ssh' since I think it defaults to ssh for remote stuff anyway, and also drop -z if you're on local LAN22:11
crono_logicalthe compression would probably make the CPU the bottleneck rather than your network22:11
submancrono_logical, yes, I've noticed that.22:11
AisonI simply don't know how to use a LTO-5 Tape drive with ubuntu server :(22:17
Aisonit's a HP Drive connected to an adaptec raid controller22:17
xnoxAison: I find bacula documentation and community a good source of help with all things tape22:18
Aisonxnox, my problem is, that I don't even have got some /dev/st devices22:19
Aisonthe harddisk drives attached to the same raid controller are working22:20
genii-aroundAison: If the tape drive is last device make sure it doesn't have a conflicting SCSI id number, and that it is terminated22:21
Aisongenii-around, it is SAS22:22
genii-aroundAison: Ah, OK22:22
Aisonwith the adaptec special tool "StoreMan" I can see the device22:22
Aisonbut lsscsi no22:23
genii-aroundIt must be getting some odd devicename if not /dev/st022:25
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genii-aroundAison: Is there a /dev/nst#22:27
Aisonno :(22:29
Aisongenii-around, hmm, now after reboot I get st0 and st122:35
Aisonwhy two?22:35
Aison[6:3:0:0]    tape    HP       Ultrium 5-SCSI   Z58W  /dev/st0  /dev/sg1022:36
Aison[6:3:0:1]    tape    HP       Ultrium 5-SCSI   Z58W  /dev/st1  /dev/sg1122:36
genii-aroundProbably has autochanger22:36
Aisonyes, it is, so one is to control the autochanger?22:37
genii-aroundBelieve so, yes. I've not had one like that so can't say for certain however22:38
genii-aroundMostly I have to use ancient DAT tapes22:38
crono_logicaloh well, guess it was just faster to rebuild/reinstall the VM from scratch than to fix it :{22:42
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Psi-JackDoes anyone here specifically know how Ubuntu's version of mountall actually works in detail? Because it's almost completely undocumented for what it actually does, save for the minimal information in it's --help, but the manpage for mountall isn't even relevant at all to mountall that's actually provided by Ubuntu.23:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #1066845 in nova "nova-novncproxy is not running" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106684523:02
Aisongenii-around, funny, now I've got st0, st1 and nst0, nst0a, nst0l, nst0m nst1, nst1a, nst1l, nst1m23:18
Aisonquite many devices23:18
hijakkhowdy, I'm working on setting up a MaaS server VM, and am trying to find the instructions for what to do when you don't have control of the DHCP server, can anyone point me that way?23:20
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three18tihijakk, install from USB/cd and choose to manually enlist.23:50
three18tibut you're gone. so never mind.23:51

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