
* karni back00:01
mmcchey rockstar , just checked back in (stupid dmv ruined my schedule today) - Virtualbox works fine, yeah, you'll see the unity effects, for instance.00:38
mmccwhoops, wrong window pane00:38
mmccanyway, I'll be back later tonight to make up this afternoon…00:40
JamesTaitGood mornin' all! :-D08:23
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ralsinagood morning karni!10:40
ralsinakarni: looks like mandel is stuck in an airport somewhere10:40
karniralsina: ouch :(10:41
gatoxgood morning!11:01
gatoxoops..... unity crash....... need to reboot12:03
gatoxwow.... this is so quiet12:50
* gatox wonders who is going to review his branches :P12:50
karnigatox: I could give it a try at least :)12:55
gatoxkarni, ok..... i have this one (and another one related coming soon): https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/search-filter/+merge/130862  if the ipc is unknown for you, we can wait for someone else... no pressure12:56
gatoxkarni, thanks! :D12:56
* karni gives it a shot12:57
karnigatox: where's that from, the dash? " shared files search"12:58
* karni looks at linked bugs12:58
gatoxkarni, is going to be related to that.... but now we are moving the implementation inside u1-client to fix the problems the bugs mention12:58
karnigatox: oh, this is public files list?12:58
gatoxkarni, ah.... no no, no the dash12:58
gatoxkarni, this is for the shares tab inside control panel12:59
ralsinagatox: I have a review started12:59
gatoxralsina, ahh ok12:59
gatoxralsina, hi!12:59
gatoxralsina, are you feeling better today12:59
ralsinagatox: yeah13:00
ralsinagatox: and it stpped raining too13:00
karniralsina: :)13:00
gatoxawesome x 213:00
karnigatox: /home is fake users home? What is /home/.local/udfs/ ?13:02
karnior /home/u113:02
gatoxkarni, yes, we are faking the paths for the tests13:03
karnigatox: I understand there's things like ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/shares, but the fake /udfs bit I don't understand :( Is it supposed to act as a fake UDF? Isn't udfs location usually same as users home?13:05
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ralsinaugh dobey!13:05
* dobey is not really feeling better13:05
ralsinadobey: what's happening?13:06
dobeysore throat13:06
ralsinadobey: doctor?13:06
dobeyprobably not that bad, at least yet13:06
gatoxkarni, this is just to make the tests clear.... we are not using real paths or locations, we are just patching those things and use them to match the data that is returned by the patched methods13:07
karnigatox: okey :)13:07
karni(right, I understand we're faking those paths, the /udfs bit was what I don't understand :) I'll assume it's "home" for udfs)13:08
gatoxkarni, yes13:09
karnigatox: what does line 490 do? https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/search-filter/+merge/13086213:10
karniself.search.search('u1 fs') -- I'm not sure why it's there.13:10
gatoxkarni, good catch! that was there for testing purposes.... removing13:11
karnigatox: so, I'm not familiar with this code base yet, but it looks fine :) Ideally, you'd have it reviewed by someone else.13:11
gatoxkarni, yap... ralsina is reviewing it too.... i've just removed the line you mention..... thx for that13:12
karnigatox: np!13:12
karnigatox: I would give it +1 if I were more confident in understanding every detail (say, yield keyword is still vague for me), but it looks good.13:13
karniIPC doesn't seem complicated as well there :)13:13
ralsinakarni: basically, you can imagine yield like "do this other thing, then come back here with the value"13:14
ralsinakarni: so, if x = yield foo() it works like x = foo()13:14
karniralsina: right. is it blocking?13:14
karniexactly. why not write x = foo() then, instead? :)13:14
karnia great example is when gatox is sorting elements, that he's returning one by one with yield13:15
karni(that's how I understand it)13:15
ralsinakarni: because foo() doesn't return a value, it returns a deferred13:15
karnioh okey =)13:15
ralsinakarni: so this makes it LOOK like if it's a "normal" function, but it's not :-)13:15
karniralsina: thank you!13:16
ralsinakarni: alecu knows how to explain this much better13:16
karniralsina: Basically yield is making an asynchronous call synchronous (or something close to that)13:16
ralsinakarni: yes, basically, if unravels the spaghetti of making a chain of async calls that then trigger callbacks13:17
karnihaha yeah :)13:17
ralsinakarni: and lets you write it in a sane manner13:17
ralsinakarni: with inlineCallbacks at least ;-)13:17
* karni nods13:18
ralsinakarni: in fact, the real magic is inlineCallbacks. With that, you use try/except instead of errbacks, and just write sequentially instead of deferred+callbacks13:18
* ralsina has no idea how it does it, but likes it anyway13:18
mmccmorning folks13:25
gatoxmmcc, hi13:26
karniralsina: Right :)13:32
karniHi mmcc13:32
mmcchowdy gatox, howdy karni13:32
dobeyit is official, there can be no greater gangnam style videos now.13:33
gatoxdobey, did you find the epic one?13:34
dobeythisfred: ^^ i suspect you will love that one as well13:35
gatoxdobey, that's why you didn't see gangman style argentina style: http://youtu.be/Vy12xfkaJwc jejeje13:36
* thisfred doesn't understand the point of parodying things that were meant to be funny in the first place13:39
* thisfred is a cantankerous git, though13:40
dobeyBTILC wins13:40
thisfredI do like BTILC :)13:41
dobeythisfred: i don't think most of them are parodies. they're more like hacks, as PSY allows anyone to alter the original and make their own version. it's like open source or something13:46
dobeythe air raid siren thingy just went off here, which was a bit freaky; but it was only a test it seems13:47
dobeyalso, it's really annoying that downloading html5 videos off youtube is so hard to do13:48
mmccdobey - how do you find out that it was just a test? wait?13:49
dobeymmcc: opened the door and stuck my head outside and a faint announcement of "This is a test. This is a test of the emergency warning system. This is just a test."13:49
dobeyalso, it was very apropos after last night's debate i guess13:50
mmccwell ok then.13:50
thisfredin the netherlands it would be noon every first monday of the month. (Which I think now is scaled  back to twice a year.) So that's when you attack, obviously13:50
dobeyi wonder how many watts less my i7 is using with the on-board video turned off (if any)13:57
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dobeygatox: any ideas about that error btw?14:07
dobeygatox: or should i file a bug, @skip it, and move on?14:07
gatoxdobey, which error?14:07
ralsinawe don't have an emergency warning system. We like our emergencies surprising.14:07
dobeygatox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1300174/14:08
gatoxdobey, i would say to file the bug.... and i can check that later....... i think that probably someone change code related to that and forgot to update the test14:09
gatoxunless this is not happening in trunk14:09
gatoxdobey, if it is happening only in your branch..... i'll prefer that you give me a couple of minutes that i propose one branch... and then i debug yours... so we don't introduce this problem14:10
dobeywhat's weird is that it doesn't happen if i run only the tests in that test_reset_password file14:10
dobeybut it is also happening in trunk for me14:10
gatoxdobey, yes.... been there14:10
dobeyso i guess i'll file a bug and skip it for my branch14:11
gatoxdobey, ok.... so if it's happening on trunk.... file the bug please, and i'll fix it after this branch14:11
gatoxdobey, i already found stuff like that in the past.... so i might have an idea of what is going on14:11
dobeyok, seeing if it happens in stable also14:13
ralsinagatox: silly nitpick! Line 297 of the diff. One-line docstrings are to be in one line :-)14:13
gatoxralsina, hehe probably a pep8 thing.... i'll fix that14:14
ralsinagatox: if it's over 79, write shorter ;-)14:14
gatoxralsina, o i'l d tht14:15
ralsinagatox: for example, remove the "This method"14:15
gatoxralsina, done! :D14:16
dobeygatox: filed as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/+bug/107036214:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1070362 in Ubuntu Single Sign On Client trunk "test_show_hide_event is Failing with result mismatch" [High,Triaged]14:16
gatoxdobey, good..... i'll take a look at that soon14:17
ralsinagatox: nice branch, +1 but get mac/win reviews too14:18
gatoxralsina, ack! thx!14:19
dobeyyay, now i can propose my branch that switches to pyflakes14:19
gatoxmmcc, briancurtin sooo.... if you can :P https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/search-filter/+merge/13086214:19
mmccgatox, already have it up, got distracted, sorry14:20
gatoxmmcc, ahhhh ok then..... thx!14:20
dobeyand bah, i need to get my evolution fixed up so i can use it on my workstation14:21
ralsinadobey: when you fix evolution, can you get adamantium claws? Those are cool.14:23
dobeynot sure adamantium is the best option; i was pondering genetic engineering early this morning though, as i was waking14:24
mmccas do we all14:25
ralsinadobey: well, we'd first have to invent adamantium, of course. Ok, I'll settle for infinite livers.14:26
briancurtingatox: will look14:26
gatoxbriancurtin, thx14:26
dobeyralsina: actually, i was pondering about altering the dna sequence to program the cells which build bone, to create it using different material than calcium ;)14:27
dobeybah, i don't wnat to recreate all my evolution accounts again14:28
dobeybut perhaps it's the only way14:29
ralsinadobey: somehow "hey, I have phosporus bones!"  doesn't sound like a cool suprpower14:29
ralsinaalthough it reminds me of the experience of using evolution (the MUA)14:29
dobeyralsina: no, but perhaps some alloy of aluminum/steel/titanium perhaps; or quartz/diamond.14:29
ralsinatitanium is extremely difficult to alloy14:30
ralsinasame with steel, you need high temperature to absorb the carbon into the iron14:30
dobeyyou're thinking about it wrong :)14:31
ralsinaaluminum... ok, but it's not available in nature in metallic form so you would have to have a smelting organ and eat clay ;-)14:31
dobeydude. humans are built for smelting.14:32
* dobey just smelted a granola bar14:33
ralsinadobey: talking about metal, forwarding you twisted status update14:33
gatoxralsina, mmcc when you have a moment please: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/search-shared-files/+merge/13101914:33
gatoxwith that + the u1-client branch we complete the feature of having the search always up to date and not trying to share files that are not already synced14:34
mmccgatox, queued.14:35
gatoxmmcc, thx14:36
mmccgatox, in filesystem_manager.py, get_paths_by_pattern seems like it used to only search the basename - there's a stray commented-out line there, and the docstring mentions the basename. Should probably clean that up14:44
gatoxmmcc, ah yes.... i need to update the docstring14:45
dobeysigh; and evolution crashed :(14:47
dobeyralsina: hmmm14:51
dobeysigh, evolution has some issues it seems :(14:52
ralsinaDear team, I have a call, so I'm skipping standup.14:57
karniralsina: ack14:57
dobeyoh standup, meh14:59
karnimandel's away, ralsina, alecu not taking part15:01
karnione more person?15:01
karnirockstar: standup?15:01
dobeymvo is away as well, in .dk15:01
karniDONE: Some C++ derusting, a few RT tickets troubleshooting, code reviews15:02
karniTODO: Continue yesterday's work.15:02
gatoxProposed a branch for u1-client and control panel to move the search and filter of u1 files functionality to u1-client and consume that function via ipc from control panel.15:02
gatoxKeep fixing bugs.15:02
gatoxthisfred, go15:02
thisfredDONE: migrate playlists from couch to u1db(!) TODO: user count reporting script | review gouda merge proposals(!) BLOCKED: no NEXT: briancurtin15:02
briancurtinDONE: half-day, cert configuration testing/reading/trying15:02
briancurtinTODO: try another way to configure these certs to read from a file15:02
briancurtinNEXT: dobey15:02
karnithisfred: w000t :) congrats!15:02
dobeyDONE: bug #1068335 (sso), filed bug #107036215:02
dobeyTODO: #1068335 (u1cp), more pyflakes fix poking15:02
dobeyBLCK: None.15:02
karni(I've seen the RT/e-mails)15:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 1068335 in Ubuntu One Control Panel trunk "pylint is too complex and causes many problems" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106833515:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 1070362 in Ubuntu Single Sign On Client trunk "test_show_hide_event is Failing with result mismatch" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107036215:02
dobeymmcc: go15:02
thisfredkarni, yeah, big milestone! :)15:02
mmccDONE: Passed drivers license re-test, sync menu, windows :(15:02
mmccTODO: sync menu, tests, reviews15:02
mmccBLOK: no15:02
mmccNEXT: no one15:02
karniAny comments team? :)15:03
karniBesides congrats to thisfred on migrating playlists to u1db!15:03
mmccoh, or next: rockstar15:03
karnik, thanks all!15:04
karnimmcc: woo, congrats on that drivers license :)15:05
dobeyugh, reconfiguring evolution from scratch is pain15:05
dobeybut hey, who wants to do some reviews?15:06
karnidobey: One of the reasons I don't use desktop e-mail clients (though, they have their adventages)15:06
dobeykarni: i don't even want to think about trying to make a web mail client do what i want15:07
karnidobey: heheh15:07
mmcckarni heh, thanks. I only mention it because I had no idea they tested you when you moved back to california after a few years. I studied for one minute and missed exactly the allowed amount of questions - optimal effort/benefit :)15:07
karnidobey: Display random cat pictures daily?15:07
karnimmcc: hahahah :)15:07
dobeykarni: no; "actually be usable" is a good start though15:08
karnimmcc: I had no idea either. That's PITA you have to retake it.15:08
karnidobey: I know, j/k ;)15:08
karniIt is pain gmail doesn't allow filtering by e-mail headers.15:08
mmccdobey I am eager to review your lint-roller pylint killing branch, adding it to the queue15:08
dobeyi'd say a very amusing quote, but nobody in here would get it probably15:08
mmccdobey you can't just say something like that and not say the quote15:09
karnimmcc: Right?! :D15:09
dobeywell, a tweaked quote15:09
dobeythat may be quite offensive if you don't get it :P15:10
gatoxdobey, shoot15:10
dobeybut ok15:10
karniJust Do It ®15:10
mmccno, wait for mandel!15:10
gatoxkarni, jeje15:10
dobey"Cat pictures are for sycophants and products of incest."15:10
mvodobey: mutt! (I'm a bit late sorry)15:12
karnidobey: Heh ;) I probably don't fully get it, nor I feel offended :)15:12
dobeywhilst i could indeed run mutt on my server, but then i'd be using mutt :)15:13
dobeykarni: heh, well; one of the characters in Borderlands 2 says that, but s/cat pictures/bacon/15:13
karnidobey: hahahhaha15:14
mmccI remember hearing about that, and I was deeply offended.15:14
* mmcc loves bacon15:14
rockstarSorry folks. Had to a flat tire on my ride this morning...15:15
karniMOAR bacon15:15
karniHi rockstar!15:15
rockstarRoadside road bike tire changing is not optimal.15:15
karnirockstar: You all good?15:15
karnioh bike, that's safer. good.15:15
mmccwelcome rockstar. you probably escaped twitter shaming since ralsina's on a call15:16
karniha :D15:16
rockstarHeh. I'll Twitter shame myself then. :)15:16
dobeyrockstar: road bike tires are not fun at all, indeed15:16
briancurtinchanging a flat in the snow is the worst15:16
karnibriancurtin: I would just take it on my back ;d15:16
karnibriancurtin: Who (sane) rides a bike in snow :) It's slippery, isn't it?15:17
dobeybriancurtin: that's what trucks are for.15:17
dobeyalso, that's what moving south is for15:17
rockstarbriancurtin, ouch. We mostly only get snow on the two ends of winter, not in the middle, so I can still ride in the winter without that problem.15:17
briancurtinkarni: i used to commute by bike for about 2 years. slippery wasnt much of an issue, just the cold. the lowest i rode was -15F. i think when i changed that flat it was between 0-5F15:18
rockstarkarni, I do the *best* fixie tricks in the snow. I can actually pedal backwards and still move forward.15:18
briancurtinskids for days15:18
karnirockstar: HAHAH :D15:18
dobeydoes anyone know how to do this, globally in vbox: http://askubuntu.com/questions/204953/virtualbox-dns-stopped-working-on-upgrade-to-12-10 ?15:19
* gatox lunch15:21
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
briancurtini'll be back shortly, need to take my car in for a quick emission test. i'll make it an early lunch15:38
dobeybriancurtin: see you in a few hours then :)15:39
JoseExpositowith whom I have to talk to solve this?15:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1070415 in Ubuntu One Files App for iOS "Social Networking" [Undecided,New]15:44
dobeyJoseExposito: rockstar probably15:46
mmccanyone have pointers on how to setup a persistent IRC session somewhere? Stupid AT&T has been cutting out regularly for a week now15:47
rockstarJoseExposito, I'll make sure to take a look at your patch sometime this week.15:47
rockstarmmcc, I have bip installed on a Linode machine.15:48
dobeymmcc: no FiOS there?15:49
mmccrockstar so you set it up and administer it yourself? I'm hoping for something a little less hands-on (I don't actually like computers)15:49
rockstarmmcc, yeah, I set it up when I liked computers, and haven't given it a thought since.15:49
rockstarI have a little side project that would provide a web interface IRC client for you, with client support, but that's no where near showing anyone. :)15:50
ralsinammcc: if you use quassel I can give you an account15:50
ralsinammcc: for other clients there is a bip server that can help you, ask sidnei15:50
dobeymmcc: talk to ralsina or rye; they have quassel servers set up. there's also a company bip service i think if you want to use that (talk to is)15:50
dobeywell, that15:51
karniI think I've heard bip loosing some messages. Was that/is that still the case?15:51
ryerockstar: does your bip OMNOMNOM RAM?15:52
rockstarrye, nope.15:52
karniIf you use bip, you have means of asking it for the latest messages, right?15:52
ryekarni: quassel so far feels superior15:52
karnirye: I thought quassel was an IRC client.15:52
ralsinakarni: it's a client that has a server15:53
rockstarShowing me other options isn't going to help. This bip instance has lived for 5 years this way. I, like mmcc, don't actually like computers.15:53
ralsinakarni: usually you run both together, but if you connect your client to the server in a VPS, it works awesome :-)15:53
ralsinayou all could connect quassel client->quassel core -> bip ;-)15:54
ralsinarye: I have had to restart quassel core about once a month because it gets sluggish.15:54
karniaha, thanks guys15:55
ryeralsina: i had to restart bip every month too because it eat all the ram on my VPS15:56
ralsinarye: also, I have to trim the sqlite every year or so once it reaches 400MB :-)15:56
ryeralsina: now i just started a m1.tiny instance on canonistack and if it goes bad I will just rebuild it15:57
* karni is happy with good old screen+irssi (although I'm considering weechat, as it's more.. modern)15:57
ralsinarye: makes sense15:57
ralsinarye: I love having a year of backlog though15:58
karniSame here.15:58
JoseExpositorockstar, ok the only think that I need is a twitter and facebook developper account with the canonical correct mail16:00
JoseExpositocontact me if you have problems creating one or getting the necessary data to the app16:00
briancurtini'm back - way quicker than i thought16:05
dobeywell, at least i don't need my laptop on to read my mail any more16:09
dobeyick. python-qt4 in raring is apparently broken a bit16:14
ralsinadobey: there are some packaging issues yes16:18
ralsinadobey: as in "last I checked it doesn't build"16:18
dobeyralsina: it depends on a virtual package which is seemingly no longer provided; perhaps if it doesn't build, that's also the reason (the built version is causing this issue when trying to build some nightlies at least)16:20
ralsinadobey: there's also some problem about multiarch16:20
ralsinadobey: and python 3.216:21
ralsinadobey: should settle down in a couple of weeks16:21
dobeyguess i should probably go get lunch16:37
dobey(and feel bad about it, thanks rockstar :)16:37
rockstardobey, :)16:38
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatosx
=== gatosx is now known as gatox
mmccand I'm back, having sat on the phone with AT&T for a while...17:02
mmccgatox, I put a needsfixing here: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/search-filter/+merge/130862 -- but it could be needsdiscussion…17:08
mmccbasically if I use the search string "a file", it will match something like "anything-at-all-as-long-as-it-has-a-then-file", which is unexpected.17:09
* gatox check17:09
gatoxmmcc, we discuss that already with alecu and ralsina .... and that's how we want to do it17:10
mmccI'm curious what the motivation for replacing spaces in the search pattern was.17:10
mmccoh, huh.. ok, doesn't really make sense to me though…17:11
ralsinammcc, gatox: I was +0 on that argument17:11
ralsinagatox: I think we decided .+ not .* though17:11
gatoxmmcc, so you can have something like /home/u1/path/folder/fille.jpg..... and search for: "path fo file".... and you will looking for that..... kind of a fuzzy search17:12
mmccralsina that's .+17:12
mmccso we ignore 'afile' :)17:12
gatoxthat's what we decided with alecu17:13
mmccI like fuzzy search… maybe I'm +0 too, let me think if there's a version I like more17:14
mmccI did something a while ago that did a similar fuzzy search, but made sure to put the ones that matched a strict substring first in the results list17:15
mmcc(accomplished by just doing multiple searches in order of the "obviousness" of the regex)17:15
gatoxmmcc, well.... the reason we are using the regex too instead of basename, etc..... it's because we needed to be faster17:16
mmcchmmm. what was the alternative that was slower? (and how much slower on how many files?)17:17
gatoxmmcc, the alternative was using basename and "in" comparison.......17:19
gatoxbassically..... how the implementation was in control panel17:19
gatoxwe had a mumble about that with alecu and facundo17:19
mmcchmm. well I don't have any experience comparing performance of string ops to regexes on thousands of filenames, so if they think this is faster then OK. I'm not convinced it'd be meaningfully faster.17:21
mmccBut anyway, I'm not arguing against using regexes - I'm thinking a *different* regex might be less surprising for users17:22
mmccmy example of multiple searches from the other thing I did is probably not a great idea when we're searching through thousands of filenames, but again I'd want to measure before ruling it out - if I thought we should do it that way17:22
mmcc(which I don't think we need to)17:23
Captain_ProtonI have a odd problem every night a script runs that back up my server and creates a tar.gz file about 385mb then mv it to a folder that should be sync with ubuntu one. the problem is it never does.17:29
Captain_ProtonI can put other files in there and they sync but the tar.gz never do unless I mv them out the dir and mv them back in by hand.. any thoughts on this17:30
Captain_Protonoohh btw this is a folder call backup that I am syncing not the ubuntu one folder17:31
ralsina Captain_Proton: that looks like a bug, could you file one and attach your logs?17:31
Captain_Protoncan do17:31
Captain_Protonis there a command for u1sdtool that shows what file it is processing17:34
Captain_Protonnm I found it17:35
* karni lunching18:03
ralsinakarni: do you routinely have lunch at 7PM?18:07
beunoralsina, I've been trying to get him to behave like a human being, was this >< close to callign his mother18:09
elopiodobey: bug #820345 is kind-of-fixed in 12.10, right?18:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 820345 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "Please remove UbuntuOne from MessagingMenu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82034518:09
* ralsina googles for Mrs Karnicki18:10
ralsinaelopio: it is removed18:10
ralsinadobey: confirm? ^18:10
ralsinahey, chromium suddenly puts download count & progress in launcher! (or I never noticed before)18:11
dobeyno, it's not removed18:11
dobeybut i have no messaging menu in 12.10 either, so…18:12
dobeyralsina: if anything, we'll have to keep messaging menu integration for a while; for everything less than 12.10 as well18:12
* gatox brb18:13
=== gatox is now known as gatox_brb
dobeybut we only show things appropriate for the messaging menu in it, really18:13
ralsinadobey: the appropiateness has been argued before ;-)18:13
ralsinadobey: but yes, up to 12.04 we keep it, unless it ships theindicator in a refresh18:13
ralsinadobey: I thought we had removed it for 12.1018:13
ralsinaok then18:14
elopiodobey, ralsina, thanks. As I don't have U1 on my messaging menu I thougth it was removed.18:15
dobeythe two features are also separate modules of code, so doing an "if we're doing this and it's actually displayed, don't do this other thing" will be extremely complex18:16
ralsinamaybe someone else removed us :-)18:16
dobeyelopio: maybe the menu has a hardcoded blacklist then; it's not changed on our side though18:16
ralsinain any case, that's not kosher18:17
dobeyour code is definitely still in trunk: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntuone-client/trunk/view/head:/ubuntuone/platform/messaging/linux.py18:17
* karni back18:18
karniralsina: haha :D yes ;) I've got meals shifted by 6 hours maybe.. it just happens :)18:19
ralsinakarni: hmpf18:20
karniI also don't like eating breakfast right after waking up, so it takes my lunch spot, lunch takes dinner spot.. etc18:20
ralsinakarni: don't make me be a grumpy father figure ;-)18:20
karnihahah :)18:20
mmccon that note, now it's time for me to go have lunch…18:21
dobeyif i could get jackd to start properly i could at least be halfway recovered then18:23
dobeystill the raid though :(18:23
=== gatox_brb is now known as gatox
dobeyoh mike /quit or lost connectivity for lunch i guess18:43
dobeyanyone else can review my branch please?18:43
dobeyralsina: you perhaps? :)18:43
ralsinadobey: sure18:44
dobeyi hope control-panel has somewhat less in the way of crazy code18:45
dobeyralsina: another one ^^ :)19:32
ralsinadobey: got it19:33
dobeyand with that, i'm going to reboot my server to see if my raid will come back that way. brb19:35
dobeyraid is back19:43
ralsinadobey: +119:47
ralsinaI'll reboot now, wish me luck19:47
dobey13" retina macbook? starting to get into the range I'm looking for. 11.6" is the largest screen I'm willing to suffer using, but I still need > 200 dpi19:51
dobeyhrmm, mmcc still not back :-/19:51
dobeyI wonder if i can reliably use a remote store mounted with gvfs as my music library…20:09
karnidobey: how did you fix your raid?20:10
dobeykarni: rebooted the server20:10
karnidobey: That's it ;)?20:10
dobeykarni: and then it magically was working again20:10
karnihaha \o/20:10
dobeyyep; hated rebooting, but at least it's back now.20:11
dobeywill need to buy another external sata enclosure i guess20:11
mmccback now, finally… sorry20:20
mmccdobey you were looking for me?20:21
mmccdobey, looking at your lint-roller branches, I'm not sure how to get the ppa version of pyflakes on my mac - is there an egg, or can you point me at a branch I can get instead?20:25
dobeymmcc: can you try without it first? i'm not sure you'll actually need it20:27
mmccdobey, oh, ok yeah sure20:27
dobeyi expect it might be needed, but would like to know for sure :)20:28
gatoxok...... eod here....... see you tomorrow20:40
gatoxdobey, i kinda found where the problem with the test is.... but i'm looking why it's happening20:40
gatoxmmmmm i think i know where it is exactly... maybe i propose the branch before leaving20:43
dobeythanks gatox20:44
mmccdobey, looks like I do need it, I get about 17 'redefinition of unused blah' errors on the sso branch20:45
dobeymmcc: ok; can you try the cp branch?20:50
ralsinaEOD for me20:51
ralsinaI'll be around, ping me if you need me20:51
mmccdobey: yes. my branches are a bit of a mess, sorry for the lag20:54
gatoxdobey, https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/bugtest/+merge/13109820:56
mmccok, cp pyflakes passes happily20:56
gatoxdobey, that branch fixes the problem20:57
gatoxralsina, bye20:57
dobeymmcc: cool; i'll see about getting a patched pyflakes for you20:59
mmccdobey, I think we should probably re-add the *_ui.py to the pep8 --exclude list though, it's mad about those21:00
mmccdobey an egg is probably best, that's easy to build into the buildout21:00
dobeymmcc: that's why i added the ./setup.py clean21:00
dobeyi guess i need to add the clean call to the .bat and mac-tests too?21:01
gatoxnow it's eod here........21:01
mmccdobey, no, at least on CP there's no mac-tests. I was just running the changed lines manually and didn't notice the clean21:02
mmcc(because the CP tests don't work on osx unless I unshelve a hack, etc etc)21:02
mmccok now I'm going to actually run it like a big boy21:03
mmccdobey: I'm getting this error from the controlpanel backend tests: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1301180/21:05
mmccthis is with your lint-roller sso client branch21:05
mmccthat class is there, but it's in utils.webclient.common…21:06
dobeywhy didn't it fail for me though21:06
mmccon Q or something, I assume?21:07
mmccit's there on trunk21:08
dobeyit's where on trunk?21:08
dobeymy lint-roller branch removes it21:09
dobeyare you running my cp branch against my lint-roller branch i guess?21:10
mmccyeah I was21:10
mmccit looks like it *should* be removed, right? just importing so it can be referenced with a shorter package name?21:10
mmccI'm not a fan, that makes finding things hard IMO21:11
dobeyyes i hate it when people do that nasty re-import/export stuff21:11
dobeyit's evil and makes fixing things harder21:11
dobeypython. grmbl.21:11
dobeymmcc: ok, so it looks like i need to make more fixes even :)21:11
mmcccool. well, glad to be of service :) I'm here all week. (AT&T willing)21:12
dobeyoh, ffs.21:14
dobeyi have to fix ubuntuone-client also, because of the stupid re-exports21:14
dobeyin the meantime, there is this: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/ignore-lock/+merge/13109721:14
dobeyand i'ver set my cp lint-roller branch to work in progress for the moment21:15
mmccok, looking at that one… it'll be hard to eval the tests though since u1-client tests still don't all pass on osx21:23
mmccoh, that's a simple one21:23
dobeymade a new branch for u1-client to fix the issues with the sso lint-roller branch and removing the re-exports; but the tests seem to be running anyway :(21:25
dobeyoh well; i think i'll call it a day and finish it up tomorrow21:26
dobeyhave a good evening all21:26
karnitake care dobey !21:37
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mmccok, I have to change locations now… I might not be back online until later, but I've got some local stuff to do, and tomorrow I'll plan around this outage better21:56

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