
wallyworld_sinzui: http://people.canonical.com/~ianb/new-related-projects.png00:24
wallyworld_remove bugs, questions, blueprints; add the role info as shown00:25
wallyworld_i think this then fixes bug 99659900:26
_mup_Bug #996599: Related projects does not say how the person is related <confusing-ui> <lp-registry> <related-projects-packages> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/996599 >00:26
StevenKBleh, I can't copy stuff into the bzr ppa00:26
wgrantcjwatson: There's a small potential issue with your source suite branch: the source series is looked up in the target archive's distribution, so it can't be used to do an explicit copy from another distro00:27
wgrantNot an issue in practice today, though00:27
StevenKlifeless, maxb: Can one of you please copy bzr-git 0.6.9-1~bazaar1~precise1 from bzr-proposed Quantal to bzr Quantal so that the bzr PPA has an index for Quantal?00:35
lifelessStevenK: you could just fix that bug00:50
StevenKlifeless: About needing a package published to produce indices? Yeah, no.00:51
lifelessyeah, you could00:51
StevenKlifeless: And you could just copy the package, too. :-)00:51
wgrantThe bug's not very easy to fix, and it's not quite clear what the fix is00:53
lifelessStevenK: so why do you need a quantal index? doesn't apt deal ?00:54
lifelesswgrant: as in, do you want empty indices ?00:54
wgrantlifeless: Right00:54
wgrantlifeless: As a PPA owner I don't want to support natty00:55
wgrantWhy does my PPA have natty indices?00:55
lifelesswgrant: you want just in time indices!00:55
wgrantIt confuses my users :(00:55
lifelesswgrant: thats clearly orthogonal00:55
lifelesswgrant: as otherwise any mistake leads to the same sitation and no way out00:55
wgrantIt may lead to an undesirable situation, sure00:55
wgrantDoesn't mean it's entirely orthogonal00:56
StevenKlifeless: No, apt does not deal00:56
StevenKlifeless: And rf-setup will add the bzr ppa for <release>00:56
lifelessI don't want to put the wrong thing in there is all00:56
StevenKlifeless: The version of bzr-git as published in Quantal is higher anyway, we just need *something* copied in01:00
StevenKlifeless: Thanks01:04
StevenKwallyworld_: You can change your sources.list entry for the LP PPA to quantal, it will work fine02:07
wallyworld_StevenK: awesome thanks02:07
StevenKIt will probably want to upgrade a few things, just due to q sorting higher than p02:07
* StevenK tries to find a bugwatch with comments02:58
wallyworld_wgrant: StevenK: do you have any recollection of what causes timeouts in merging people based on any past experience looking at oopses? i have a bug report but the oops has been deleted. i'm working on another bug and could potentially put in some effort to fix a merge timeout root cause as a drive by, but need info03:23
StevenKwallyworld_: Lots and lots and lots of FKs03:25
wgrantwallyworld_: They've mostly gone away now, since it's asynchronous03:25
wgrantThe FK thing is only relatively minor now03:25
wallyworld_the bit i'm looking at is 189 queries to collect the fk references03:25
StevenKwallyworld_: Person merging is a job now03:26
wallyworld_yes but isn;t a check done first?03:26
wallyworld_to see if merging is possible?03:26
wgrantIt has no reason to check all the FKs03:27
wgrantBut perhaps it does03:27
wallyworld_i'll look a little more, it could be the 189 queries is done in the job so it doesn't matter03:27
wallyworld_so much03:27
wallyworld_so it raises a RuntimeError in IPersonSet.merge if the FK stuff is not as it should be03:28
wallyworld_and that's done in the job03:30
* StevenK tries to work out how to delete a bugwatch04:19
wgrantedit, delete04:20
StevenKFrom a bug page?04:22
wgrantwallyworld_: Why don't we need to cascade, and are we sure that union will not perform absolutely terribly?05:32
StevenKwgrant: Is an unlinked bugwatch with a comment a plausible scenario?05:48
wgrantStevenK: Not linked to a task, just a bug?05:49
StevenKwgrant: Well, I suspect it's invalid -- I'm using factory.makeBugComment(bug_watch=) rather than IBugWatch.addComment()05:50
wgrantIt may be invalid, but I'm not sure if it's relevant05:51
wgrant16:32:54 < wgrant> wallyworld_: Why don't we need to cascade, and are we sure that union will not perform absolutely terribly?05:51
StevenKwgrant: bug 30174005:51
_mup_Bug #301740: It should be possible to delete an auto-generated bugwatch that has comments attached <bugwatch> <lp-bugs> <oops> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/301740 >05:51
wgrantYes, but I'm not sure how that's relevant to "an unlinked bugwatch with a comment"05:51
StevenKwgrant: Apparently, it OOPSes. Based on my reading of the code, it will only do that if it has no linked bugtasks and it has a bugmessage that references the bugwatch and IBugWatch.getImportedBugMessages() is empty05:52
wgrantStevenK: Well, I'd check the DB to see if there are any bugmessages with a bugwatch but no remote_comment_id05:56
StevenKSo, there are. So, awesome!06:01
wgrantSo I saw06:02
StevenKhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/hplip/+bug/1031503 is the most recent06:04
_mup_Bug #1031503: hplip-3.12.6 fails to scan on Photosmart_C309a <HPLIP:New> <Gentoo Linux:Fix Released> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1031503 >06:04
wallyworldwgrant: sorry, missed that question before. i'm not sure i understand what you are asking wrt cascading?06:07
wallyworldthe indirect references are only applicable for merge jobs06:07
wallyworldsince there is the need to check any and all indirect delete cascading06:08
wallyworldbut here for this case, we only care about whether there are any referencing columns06:09
wgrantAh, fair point06:10
StevenKAh ha06:15
StevenKI wonder if it's the  Awaiting synchronization comments06:15
wallyworldwgrant: and the union has got to be better than 189 individual, separate queries, each using a separate db call. the union does the same thing, but just in one db call06:16
StevenKHm, how do I check that06:17
* StevenK cheats and uses mawson06:17
StevenKRight, it is indeed, the Awaiting synchronization comment06:18
wgrantwallyworld: It's better in terms of roundtrips, but it's not necessarily better in terms of optimisation06:20
wgrantIn fact it's almost certainly much worse06:20
bigjoolshello hackers06:21
wgrantMorning bigjools06:21
StevenKbigjools: How is sunny, downtown Copenhagen?06:21
bigjoolsStevenK: haven't seen any sunlight since I got here - and we're not downtown, it's another "Brussels"06:21
wgrantIn more ways than one06:22
StevenKbigjools: Oh, you're 20 minutes in the forest?06:22
wgrantIn its defense, it was a pretty nice forest06:22
bigjoolsStevenK: worse - in a faceless, flat area with no trees near the airport06:22
wallyworldbigjools: stop whinging06:23
bigjoolswallyworld: blow me06:23
wallyworldi'll let StevenK do that06:23
wallyworldtake one for the team06:23
StevenKBut wallyworld will enjoy it much more06:24
wallyworldonly if i skipped breakfast06:24
wallyworlddog barking, gotta investigate06:25
StevenKwgrant: Isn't there already a bug for LocationError: (None, 'builder')06:59
StevenKFound it, since it's Fix Released07:01
nigelbquite a crowd at UDS ;)07:43
lifelessnigelb: are you there ?07:44
nigelblifeless: No. I was commenting on the joins ^^07:45
rick_h_party time!07:45
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cjwatsonwgrant: The missing -proposed announcements were actually a list mail configuration bug.  Apparently raring-changes is misconfigured and is requiring manual moderation.08:42
cjwatsonI hadn't realised that and will chase it up at some point, since that's clearly ridiculous.08:43
wgrantcjwatson: I was going to ask you to check that, since I could see nothing else wrong08:47
wgrantThough I thought the settings were carried across from quantal-changes08:48
cjwatsonSo did I.  But IS denied knowledge.08:48
cjwatsonI'll try a different sysadmin at some point :-)08:48
cjwatsonHow do I 'bzr lp-land' onto db-devel?  I've already run the full test suite.09:06
wgrantIt'll detect from the MP09:06
wgrantSo 'bzr lp-land'09:06
cjwatsonAh, OK09:06
StevenKcjwatson: ec2 land and bzr lp-land will prod at the relevant MP to work out how to land it. bzr pqm-submit has to be told by hand.09:15
cjwatsonwgrant: Thanks for spotting that bug in my copy-explicit-pocket branch.  How does https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/copy-explicit-pocket-2/+merge/131145 look?09:30
rick_h_anyone know what I'm missing in my locations.conf to get a "ERROR: No PQM submission email address specified" when lp-land'ing?09:31
rick_h_it's copied from my working install from before, I've got email, pqm_email, and pqm_user_email all set in there09:31
cjwatsonpqm_email = Canonical PQM <launchpad@pqm.canonical.com>09:31
wgrantcjwatson: r=me, thanks09:32
rick_h_hmmpqm_email = Launchpad PQM <launchpad@pqm.canonical.com>09:32
StevenKrick_h_: locations.conf is set by path, perhaps that's different?09:32
wgrantrick_h_: Is your Launchpad tree in the same spot?09:32
rick_h_wgrant: yea, it's the default setup from a rocketfuel09:32
StevenKHah, wgrant and I come to the same conclusion at roughly the same time.09:33
wgrantrick_h_: does 'bzr config' in the branch show pqm_email?09:33
rick_h_ah, I see part of my problems I think.09:33
rick_h_wgrant: no, don't see it09:33
StevenKThen check the headers in .bazaar/locations.conf versus your current path09:34
rick_h_StevenK: ah, you're right gotcha. I forgot I had the ubuntu user on the vm09:34
cjwatsonSo, if buildbot passes, would there be any chance of an FDT today?  I'm running out of time to get the -proposed migration stuff working before UDS :-)09:36
rick_h_oh son of a ...09:38
wgrantcjwatson: We're going to miss the 10UTC window, but we can probably just ignore that and do it at our leisure09:39
wgrantThe next window (in 8ish hours) is unstaffed09:39
wgrantApart from sinzui and jcackett09:40
wgrantOtherwise we can do the window in 16 hours09:40
rick_h_wgrant: StevenK thanks guys, think I got it in now.09:43
wgrantrick_h_: Great09:43
wgrantcjwatson: So, when do you expect to have the code changes ready/09:44
cjwatsonHeh, I'm just pushing a first cut as I type09:44
StevenKAh, so then it's 'RSN'09:44
cjwatson(In the expectation that it will need some review fixes, mind)09:44
wgrantcjwatson: You seem to log the warning twice09:55
cjwatsonOh, because of the nascentupload / uploadprocessor split, I guess10:04
cjwatsonMaybe this is a case where a doctest would actually be useful10:04
cjwatsonBut I'll see what I can pick out of test_uploadprocessor10:04
cjwatsonHmm, I only see one warning ...10:11
cjwatsonAlso, there seems to be a DB patch already ahead of mine in the queue - or was that applied live?10:21
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wgrantcjwatson: Well, two places in the code log it.10:42
cjwatsonYeah, I was just trying to work out why I wasn't seeing it in practice, but I've got it now10:42
wgrantAh, and indeed there is still one in the queue, hmm10:43
cjwatsonwgrant: fixed11:05
wgrantcjwatson: Indeed, thanks11:08
wgrantcjwatson: I'm not quite seeing how queue admins manage to bypass it11:08
cjwatson*blink* That's a good question, so how come that test passes ...11:09
wgrantIt looks like it'll just reject, which must mean the last test is wrong11:09
cjwatsonOh, blast, silly CannotCopy handling11:10
cjwatsonYeah, right, fixed the test11:11
cjwatson(locally - working on the model)11:12
wgrantYou had me quite worried there for a few minutes, as I struggled to work out how I had so fundamentally misunderstood the uploadprocessor checks :)11:20
StevenKdpm: O Hai. We've updated translations for raring on staging. The pages might require a bunch of reloads to load, but can you check it out?11:28
dpmheyt StevenK, thanks, looking...11:34
StevenKdpm: I'm about to crash into bed, but if it looks good, we should be able to run the script on production tomorrow.11:36
StevenKdpm: Drop me a note here, and I'll see it when I wake.11:37
dpmStevenK, I'm looking at https://translations.staging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring and I don't see any translations yet. Does it need to take a while to update the stats?11:38
cjwatsonwgrant: OK, should be fixed11:38
StevenKdpm: We haven't actually turned it all on, we've only run copy-translations-to-parent on staging, but the +translate URLs for raring source packages should work11:39
dpmStevenK, I can see that the templates have been copied ok from quantal at https://translations.staging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/+templates but I the translations themselves still don't appear on the stats page at https://translations.staging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring11:39
dpmI'll have another look later on in case it takes sometime for the stats to be updated or translations to be imported11:40
StevenKdpm: Ah, those are run by cron, which we don't run on staging11:40
wgrantIt would be worth running that manually.11:41
dpmStevenK, gotcha. In any case, without the stats it's really difficult to see whether the translations look overall right. I'm trying to look at individual templates right now, but it's timing out11:42
wgrantdpm: Templates should load after a refresh or two11:42
dpmthanks wgrant, that did it.11:43
StevenKwgrant: What does the stats? cronscripts/rosetta-pofile-stats.py ?11:44
wgrantStevenK: Heh heh heh11:44
wgrantYou may recognise that script11:44
dpmStevenK, so at a quick glance I can confirm that the translations are indeed in some individual templates such as https://translations.staging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/+source/gfxboot-theme-ubuntu/+pots/bootloader/ca/+translate - but updating the overall stats would give us a much better picture11:45
StevenKAh ha, cronscripts/update-stats.pu11:46
wgrantThat's the global stats11:47
StevenKwgrant: Then it is the great evilness that is rosetta-pofile-stats ?11:50
wgrantStevenK: I suspect so11:50
wgrantI doubt the copier creates jobs11:50
StevenKIDistroSeries.updateStatistics() did look relevant, though11:51
wgrantThat mostly just creates DistroSeriesLanguages11:52
wgrantWe care about POFile stats11:52
StevenKwgrant: What about the last bit, which is updating the message counts for the series itself?11:53
wgrantNot very interesting for this11:53
wgrantWell, slightly11:53
wgrantBut it's not the main thing that matters11:53
StevenKdpm: So with the stats updated it should be identical to precise?11:54
StevenKEr, quantal, even11:55
dpmStevenK, yes, identical to quantal, as the translations imports from package uploads are disabled for raring, so no new translations should have come in11:55
StevenKdpm: Right, I'll sort that out -- I'll prod you tomorrow to have another look11:56
wgrantStevenK: So, we could lower taxes to support POFileStatsJob creators, or we could be socialist and spend probably about 4 days running rosetta-pofile-stats11:57
dpmok cool, thanks StevenK :)11:57
StevenKEw, 4 days11:57
wgrantIt's probably faster to create jobs11:57
StevenKwgrant: Let's talk about it on the call tomorrow11:57
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rick_h_gary_poster: ping, deryck wants to know where you are12:20
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sinzuijcsackett, r=me14:48
jcsackettsinzui: awesome. off it goes.14:49
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cjwatsonI'm having great difficulty figuring out the problem in bug 1070804.  Can anyone help me out?16:06
_mup_Bug #1070804: Error notification by mails doesn't describe the error <email> <package-copies> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1070804 >16:06
cjwatsonI'm using http://paste.ubuntu.com/1302902/, which indeed causes the test to fail16:06
cjwatsonBut CannotCopy is in PlainPackageCopyJob.user_error_types, which *should* suppress this16:06
cjwatsonIf I use pdb to stop in JobRunner.runJobHandleError, the exception that's raised is an instance of CannotCopy, and job.user_error_types is indeed (<class 'lp.soyuz.interfaces.archive.CannotCopy'>,) - it's not the case that user_error_types is being defined in the wrong place, as far as I can tell16:08
cjwatsonBut the except doesn't fire, and I get:16:09
cjwatson(Pdb) p isinstance(info[1], job.user_error_types)16:09
cjwatson*** TypeError: TypeError('isinstance() arg 2 must be a class, type, or tuple of classes and types',)16:09
cjwatsonwhich has me totally baffled because as far as I can tell it *is* a tuple of types16:10
cjwatson('isinstance(info[1], (CannotCopy,))' returns True)16:10
cjwatsonIs this a Zope weirdness, or a Python weirdness, or what?16:10
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sinzuicjwatson, I am still thinking about this. I think this is python, not zope, but I agree that (CannotCopy,) is tuple16:50
* cjwatson wonders if a debug build of Python will make life any clearer17:09
cjwatson(But then I would have to rebuild all the extensions needed, argh)17:10
cjwatsonsinzui: Ah - job.user_error_types is security-proxied17:17
cjwatsonisinstance(info[1], removeSecurityProxy(job.user_error_types)) -> True17:17
cjwatsonSo is the right answer here to use 'except removeSecurityProxy(job.user_error_types) as e:' ?17:17
cjwatsonSeems a little clunky ...17:18
sinzuithat's yuck17:18
sinzuiI don't think any error should be wrapped in a proxy17:18
cjwatsonWell, the error isn't, but the attribute retrieved from job is17:19
sinzuiah, be I see we got the job via a zope utility, so all attrs are wrapped17:19
cjwatson(rSP there does work)17:20
cjwatsonIs there a way to declare some attributes as always being unproxied?17:20
sinzuidoesn't this mean that lazr.jobrunner.jobrunner never gets the tuple it expects17:20
sinzuino, but there is a helper that will unwrap everything. we use in webapp.authenticate I think17:21
sinzuicjwatson, we can create a property on our job class that unwraps and returns the error classes...17:23
sinzuimaybe we want the property to be on out base class, so that all subclasses define a private attr with the attr classes17:24
* cjwatson tries that17:24
cjwatsonhaha, there's already one of these for retry_error_types, called retryErrorTypes17:25
cjwatsonSo it kind of seems to me that to avoid surprising future developers we should add a userErrorTypes property to LP, deploy that, then add userErrorTypes support to lazr.jobrunner17:27
cjwatsonDoes that make sense?17:28
cjwatsonOtherwise we have two very similar things using different patterns17:29
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sinzuiwe could avoid changing lazr by instead defining our user_error_types property on lp.services.job... the four cases that have the property get a leading underscore to make them private17:30
cjwatsonSure, but then we'd have two things right next to each other that should really look the same but are different17:31
cjwatsonIs that worth it to avoid changing lazr?17:31
cjwatsonIt sort of seems like a "future developers will curse thy name" to me17:31
sinzuicjwatson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1303118/ looks right to me because lazr.job is not zope, so the zope implementations are violating the contract17:32
cjwatsonBy which I mean, user_error_types and retry_error_types are literally right next to each other in BaseRunnableJob17:32
cjwatsonThey should surely be handled similarly17:32
sinzuiah, yes, they must be treated the same17:33
cjwatson(BaseJob, I mean)17:33
cjwatsonActually, with the way the code is structured, it could work either way round; doing lazr.jobrunner first would make QA easier17:35
sinzuiright, so we want the same solution, and lazr.job has chosen its method approach17:36
cjwatsonAlso, lazr.jobrunner is only at 0.9 on PyPI for some reason; what happened to 0.10?17:43
cjwatsonadeuring: ^-17:44
jcsackettsinzui: if you have time, short review for you https://code.launchpad.net/~jcsackett/launchpad/email-authentication-type-error/+merge/131282/20:40
* sinzui looks20:40
sinzuijcsackett, I have a script I use to send "volleys" of emails at Lp. We might be able to use to to contrive the example address in the bug20:42
sinzuijcsackett, did I ever send you testemail.py20:43
jcsackettsinzui: you did not, but it sounds promising.20:47
jcsackett(or if you did, i have since forgotten).20:48
sinzuiI will send it20:48
sinzuijcsackett, you might want to just run all the tests in lp.services.mail and on success, lp-land the branch21:00
sinzuiStevenK, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/401633 , I found people removed the unused attrs, but left the schema behind22:10
_mup_Bug #401633: Remove POTMsgSet.potemplate from db schema. <lp-translations> <tech-debt> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/401633 >22:10
sinzuiStevenK, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/373269 is the bug I was thinking of about message-sharing22:30
_mup_Bug #373269: Message sharing and POFile statistics <lp-translations> <message-sharing> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/373269 >22:30
sinzuiwgrant, https://wiki.canonical.com/Launchpad/Translations/UbuntuOpenings22:38

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