=== SudoKing is now known as sudo|hiding === sudo|hiding is now known as sudo|king === sudo|king is now known as SudoKing === frybye_ is now known as frybye [11:17] hello [12:24] howdy all [12:35] !schedule [12:35] A schedule of Raring Ringtail (13.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/ReleaseSchedule [12:50] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek starting in 10 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom === yofel_ is now known as yofel [17:24] hi uys [17:25] does ubuntu have any plans for developing their own applications like apple and microsoft does? [17:28] own applications? [17:28] like unity? [17:28] I'm pretty sure Unity was an in-house development... [17:28] in addition [17:28] ie apple has its iwork and ilife suites [17:28] microsoft has office etc [17:29] ubuntu has libreoffice [17:30] Because there are already other teams working on stuff like libreoffice there's not really much point to it, why re-invent the wheel? [17:30] something with more polish :) [17:32] Each *buntu flavour though usually has it's own little projects within to make it more integrated, like regular Ubuntu with Unity, Edubuntu with thin-client integration, etc [17:33] im running 12.10 on an eee pc 901 right now with a recently upgraded 32 gig sata ssd [17:35] I wish empathy would let you add irc contacts to the buddy list... === glebihan_ is now known as glebihan [21:19] so... whats new in 13.04? ;> [21:20] nothing yet [22:01] hi. #ubuntu is not a lot of help, so... I don't want to file a bug report by myself, so I'm throwing this here: http://linux.slashdot.org/story/12/10/24/1848203/ext4-data-corruption-bug-hits-linux-kernel https://lkml.org/lkml/2012/10/23/690 [22:02] I'm sure thats on someones agenda already [22:02] from what I read in slashdot, 3.5.0-18 from proposed and 3.6.3 from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.6.3-quantal/, both have the bug [22:02] * 3.6.2 [22:03] ak, ok jtaylor , thanks anyway [23:00] oh boy [23:00] just read about the ext4 bug :S === arand is now known as Guest36475 === arand_ is now known as arand