
=== morphis|away is now known as morphis
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twblilstevie: I heard a rumour that tf101 works perfectly now and I should man up and reflash it.  Is that true?06:58
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=== Guest2210 is now known as SoulShadow
angsI installed ubuntu-server to a beagleboard-xm. When I am connected to the board via the serial port at the first time (kernel building). The screen layout is too messed up http://i46.tinypic.com/34fog0p.png I use "screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 8N1" and minicom to connect the board but each time I get that messy screen. Can anyone tell me how I can fix it?13:27
suihkulokkiangs: are you sure your serial cable is ok?13:29
ppisatiangs: are weird13:29
ppisatiangs: two things:13:29
ppisatiangs: are you sure hw is ok?13:29
ppisatiangs: second: try with cu - cu -s 115200 -l /dev/ttyUSB013:30
ppisatiangs: usually that kind of garbage means wrong settings, or bad hw13:30
ppisatiangs: ah, and check the serial cable too13:30
angssuihkulokki, ppisati: yes cable is broken. although it was a new cable that I bought recently. Thank you for your help13:34
LetoThe2ndattention, complaint: i installed yesterday netinstaller filed under 13.04 on my panda but it still call itself 12.04! that makes me feel way less 1337!!!1!one!!!eleven13:40
LetoThe2nd(12.10, sry:P )13:41
RoyKfile a bug ;)13:41
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infinityLetoThe2nd: Calls itself 12.04 where?13:44
LetoThe2ndinfinity: sry, 12.10 ;) in the issue and usb-release...? at least thats what methinks.13:44
LetoThe2nd(just remembered it for the sake of trolling ;))13:44
infinityLetoThe2nd: Oh, you mean 13.04 is calling itself 12.10?  dist-upgrade.13:45
LetoThe2ndinfinity: yeah exactly. 13.04 is calling itself 12.10.13:45
infinityLetoThe2nd: I updated base-files almost two days ago, it should be fine.13:45
infinity(base)adconrad@cthulhu:~/build/debian-installer$ lsb_release -a13:45
infinityNo LSB modules are available.13:45
infinityDistributor ID:Ubuntu13:45
infinityDescription:Ubuntu Raring Ringtail (development branch)13:45
LetoThe2ndinfinity: i see. will try then probably tonight when i'm at home :P13:46
infinityLetoThe2nd: d-i itself may be wrong in some bits until we rebuild it, but the installed system should be right.13:46
infinityOh, wait.13:46
infinityNo, if you installed with d-i, you installed 12.10. :P13:47
LetoThe2ndit also seems to point to qq sources...13:47
infinitySince that's just a copy of the d-i from 12.1013:47
infinityYeah, exactly.13:47
LetoThe2ndinfinity: i did. netinstall, d-i13:47
infinityWe just haven't rebuilt the installer yet, that's all.13:47
infinitys/quantal/raring/ in sources.list and dist-upgrade, and you're there.13:47
LetoThe2nd*trolltrolltroll* too slow you are!13:47
LetoThe2ndmakes me feel way less version 133713:47
LetoThe2ndwill give it a try then :)13:48
puneriQUESTION : I asked question at UbuntuOpenWeek for contributing to Ubuntu For ARM. They advised me to get feedback here. May I know how to get started14:24
suihkulokkipuneri: best place to start is probably looking at arm team bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-arm14:25
punerisuihkulokki : Thanks. Prowess needed to resolve bugs ?14:26
puneriQUESTION : I have STM32F4DISCOVERY with me, possible to port Ubuntu For ARM ?14:27
LetoThe2ndpuneri: not for beginners, and even hard for experts.14:29
LetoThe2ndplus one would probably need one or two thousand years for the recompile on an v7m ;)14:30
puneriQUESTION : What are armel and armhf ? Are these something specific for ubuntu arm ?14:45
lilsteviethey are abis14:46
ogra_armel = arm eabi little endian ...14:47
ogra_armhf = arm eabi with hardfloat support14:47
puneriok. thanks.14:47
lilsteviearmel = arm eabi little endian, and uses a softfp14:48
lilstevieogra_ got it14:48
lilsteviedamn my slow typing :p14:48
ogra_and i'm even in a neeting14:48
lilstevieI had to turn a tap off in the kitchen half way through though so I didn't flood my water filter14:49
lilsteviebut eh, still could have typed faster14:49
lilsteviehm, I have to say, I do not like one of the new features in 12.10 (this isn't arm though really, noticed it on my desktop) is showing the battery levels of my bluetooth devices (keyboard and mouse) as if they were device batteries14:53
GrueMasterlilstevie: Actually, that is quite handy (but would be nice if it could be disabled).14:59
ogra_lilstevie, it always monitored these values15:01
ogra_since the very first release of gnome-power-manager15:01
ogra_they probably changed the display ppolicies upstream15:01
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lilstevieGrueMaster, it is how it displays it that is the problem15:08
lilstevieas a laptop battery15:08
puneriQUESTION : Sorry, However on Ubuntu ARM Bugs section I'm not able to understand anything. Help please to get started ?15:15
infinitylilstevie: Bugs are filed already about the presentation being misleading/confusing.15:53
infinitylilstevie: (But the feature is cool, once they sort out not making it look silly)15:53
lilstevieinfinity, :) I do agree the feature is cool, it is just how it is presented, actually something I would say <=12.04 was missing was an easy way to see levels, but last thing I want is gpower sending my computer to sleep for a flat mouse battery :p15:55
infinitylilstevie: It shouldn't sleep if the mouse battery dies, it's just that the display prioritises showing you whichever battery is lower which, when your laptop is charged, will pretty much always be the mouse/keyboard/whatever.15:57
infinitylilstevie: If you start running your laptop flat, the laptop battery should suddenly become the one displayed.15:57
infinitylilstevie: (But yes, both wildly unintuitive and confusing)15:58
infinitylilstevie: There are probably other bugs filed, but you might want to add your 2 bits to bug 106620815:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 1066208 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Battery indicator shows mouse battery instead of notebook battery" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106620815:58
infinitylilstevie: Assuming you have some bikeshed ideas about how to do it more sanely.15:59
infinity(I'd probably personally just refrain from swapping the indicator to a peripheral battery until the peripheral was at 5% or something)15:59
infinityBut even that would need some obvious indicator that it wasn't your laptop battery dying.16:00
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=== morphis is now known as morphis|away
infinityjanimo: Looks like you accidentally repurposed bug 1068733 for 3.2.0 (it was meant to be for 3.5.0), you might want to take the actual 3.2.0 bug 1068573 and use it for 3.5.0, I guess. :P22:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 1068733 in linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu) "linux-armadaxp: 3.2.0-1610.15 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106873322:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 1068573 in linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu) "linux-armadaxp: <version to be filled> -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106857322:41
wookeysomeone tell where to find the python module 'util'. (yes, I feel stupid asking this question)23:12
wookeyOK, been told.23:19

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