
head_victimHere's one for all you facebook and kde fans, didn't even know it existed https://www.facebook.com/kubuntu.au04:20
jeawho is running that?04:23
head_victimNot sure, if we knew it was someone sensible it might be ok to link to the main one.04:28
jeait is hard to tell what they are like based on the few posts there at the moment04:32
head_victimI found it looking around at that wah character04:32
jeaah, right. you would think that if he can find that page, you could find stuff for the questions he is asking04:35
jeaunless he made the page04:35
head_victimAnything is possible, that being said wah has liked about 20 windows 7 pages as well04:38
jeathey are an unusual character04:39
head_victimYep, just trying to pick and choose the questions I answer so they don't break their system04:40
jeathat is a good point04:40
head_victimAh crap, it's nearly 3 already. I gotta go try and fix the car. Good luck with your uni stuff mate04:41
jeagood luck to you with your uni also04:41
head_victim4 subjects down :)04:42
head_victim2 more to go this year and them I'm 1/4 the way there.04:42
jeaa bit shorter than my degree04:43
jeabut that is expected04:43
bigred-auIs Karl Goetz still around?05:58
head_victimbigred-au: I haven't seen Karl around this channel for a long time unfortunately.12:23
head_victimUbuntu open week is started in #ubuntu-classroom for any night owls13:29
sagacijust getting the final logistics for UDS-R13:30
bigred-auhead_victim: Oh, fair enough13:34
bigred-auI use to be hang out around here about 5 years ago, and remember him13:34
bigred-authe only other name i remember was elkbuntu, or something like that13:35
head_victimYeah that's now elky. I believe a few of the others on the nick list are of that vintage as well13:49
bigred-auYeah, unfortunately my brain copped a belting over the past 5 years. lol13:53
head_victimHah, I know how that goes13:57
bigred-auI stopped using Linux for 5 years, and now I'm completely lost :\ hahaha13:59
bigred-auyet, I've literally spent 5 years working on UNIX (AIX), but still have no idea on Linux anymore14:00
sagacijust plug the printer in14:00
head_victimbigred-au: Well my experience with linux has only really been over the last 5 years and I've got to say, I didn't have to learn much14:16
bigred-auYou see, I work on UNIX (AIX specifically), and you'd think most of it would be much of a muchness on Linux....turns out it's really not14:18
head_victimProbably were much closer long ago but no doubt drifted apart over time14:18

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