
darkxstjbicha, can you upload bug 1064354 for me?00:17
ubot5Launchpad bug 1064354 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "When running lightDM user locking doesnt work" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106435400:17
jbichadarkxst: done, thanks00:31
darkxstjbicha, thanks00:35
darkxstjbicha, seems the apport script is not picking up 'enabled-extensions' key01:29
jbichadarkxst: ok, my theory is that apport has trouble with schemas that have subfolders, it failed with org.gnome.anjuta too02:54
darkxsthmm, no we are calling attach_gsettings_schema(report, 'org.gnome.desktop.interface')02:56
darkxstextension ket is in org.gnome.shell02:57
jbichait also doesn't like org.gnome.settings-daemon but that's a pretty big tree02:57
jbichaI've just been editing /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_gnome-shell.py directly and then running ubuntu-bug gnome-shell to see if it catches changed schemas02:58
darkxstanyway having the dm session logs is gold!02:59
jbichaif you know python, you can poke around lp:apport if that helps02:59
darkxstyeh will have a look tonight03:00
darkxstit does seem to be rather broken03:14
darkxstnot sure this does anything either? "attach_gsettings_package(report, 'gnome-shell-common')"03:15
jbichadarkxst: I think that works, but looking at the apport code, we might as well just tell it what schema we actually want03:16
jbichaso, org.gnome.shell03:17
darkxstlol, really why arent they using gi?03:18
darkxstanyway, line 598 looks broken03:21
darkxstbut that doesnt explain why we can't get the keys in the specified schema03:22
darkxsti.e. org.gnome.shell returns nothing03:22
jbichaif it hits an exception, it wouldn't give us any output, right?03:23
jbichaor if line 598 is broken, I think we wouldn't get output either03:24
darkxstline 598 is broken in that it wont check sub-folders03:24
jbichaI wonder if using dconf dump would be a better idea than gsettings list-recursively03:26
jbichaoh good, my theory was right :)03:26
jbichatrial and error works eventually03:26
darkxstwell you should be able to access the schemas directly with gobject introspection03:28
darkxstso not sure why they are spawning command line utils03:28
trismit is actually not straightforward to get defaults (that I have found), that's why they use the XDG_CONFIG_HOME hack03:30
trismif you find any easy way though I'd love to know though (after digging through the gsettings code a bit it didn't seem like you could get at it without first reseting the key, which can cause issues)03:33
darkxstit must be available03:35
darkxstbut I can't really look now03:35
trismnot through the API anyway03:37
* everaldo just see now that our build script is much better/easy than live-build03:55
jbichaeveraldo: :)03:58
jbichait could be that we don't know what we're doing, but our way is a bit more documented04:00
darkxstjbicha, you have seen cjwatson's build scripts right?04:17
everaldodarkxst, the cjwatson's instructions just create squashfs, this is the easy part04:18
darkxstno his other scripts that build  the isos04:19
darkxstlots and lots of bash code04:19
everaldodarkxst, where?04:19
jbichauh, this one? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/debian-cd/ubuntu04:19
darkxston his launchpad page maybe04:19
darkxstno not that04:21
darkxstah jbicha beat me!04:21
jbichayeah, part of the fun was trying to figure out where all the branches hide04:22
everaldooh, it is not possible that this stuff is used to build iso04:23
jbichaI believe a few pieces are restricted to the Canonical release team members as they include the publishing credentials04:23
everaldowe have just two scripts and they are very easy to understand04:23
jbichaeveraldo: we skip the hard steps04:24
jbichathat part where we just use an already existing Ubuntu iso04:24
everaldoyes, but I will check my old scripts  that create all from scratch04:25
everaldojbicha, do we need to use live-build to be oficial?04:25
jbichaeveraldo: nope, this is what Lubuntu used https://code.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop/+junk/lubuntu-tools04:26
jbichacjwatson doesn't really expect any one else to duplicate exactly what they do04:26
everaldowe can use this lubuntu script as base04:27
everaldowill work on that, the live-build stuff is just too much04:28
darkxsteveraldo, lubuntu script looks quite similar to what we have already04:29
everaldoyes, I see04:29
jbichaand there's no need, our script does most of what we need04:29
darkxstwhich for now, works fine04:29
everaldowe just need to have a skel folder with contents of cd/dvd/iso04:29
darkxstand saves a lot of effort!04:29
darkxstwe do? extract-cd04:29
darkxstexcept its stolen from the ubuntu iso :)04:30
jbichawe could use an extra publish function, to make the md5sums, .torrent's and .manifest's04:30
darkxstjbicha, that would be easy04:31
jbichaand stealing from the latest iso is good as it ensures that we get the latest .debs and wubi04:31
darkxstyeh all good, until they sneak in last minute changes to secure boot which burnt us!04:32
darkxstbut in general stealing from ubuntu is good. After all we are not that much different (compared to the other derivatives)04:38
darkxstor perhaps, borrowing is a nicer word!04:38
darkxstjbicha, when do the R archives open? after UDS?04:40
everaldohehe, we will have a stable distro for just two weeks and start again with a devel distro04:42
darkxsteveraldo, stable is too boring ;)04:42
jbichadarkxst: I don't rememember the archives ever taking this long to open; however cjwatson is setting up some magic where all uploads will go to -proposed first and then automatically migrate to the regular archives once they've built on all architectures04:47
jbichaI expect the archives to open before uds though04:48
jbichapitti traditionally upgrades his laptop to the development release on the last day of UDS (there's a local archive mirror there so it's faster than doing it at home)04:48
everaldojbicha, where we will discuss changes for 13.04 ? Wiki? Etherpad?04:50
jbichaprobably the mailing list or blueprints.launchpad.net, but you can try something else if you like04:53
* everaldo reading about blueprints 04:55
darkxstlol, ok, my free mirror is really slow04:57
darkxstbut actually have some really fast mirrors here04:57
darkxstlike ~100mbps04:58
everaldowell, my internet is just 10mbps... so, it is ok for me :)04:58
darkxstlol, I am capped at 120mbps04:59
everaldoand I could say that I have a "very fast internet", most people here have only 1~3 mbps04:59
everaldodarkxst, how much you pay in US$ ?05:00
darkxstand that includes a phone line I dont use05:03
everaldohere it is $80 (US)05:03
everaldobut 10mbps05:04
darkxstoh an I though ours was expensive05:12
darkxst200GB quota though05:12
darkxsteveraldo, so back on topic, setup a blueprint05:30
darkxstI have a few ideas that problably should be documented05:30
everaldodarkxst, I am reading other blueprints05:31
darkxsthmm what for? just make one for us!05:31
everaldojust to understand how it works05:31
everaldoright now, I am on the tour05:31
darkxsthmm its just like a wiki page but for planning?05:32
everaldodon't know, never used it before, that is why I am reading the tour05:32
everaldo"The project for which this proposal is being made." is mandatory05:35
everaldono idea about what project we can use for05:35
jbichause Ubuntu as the project05:36
darkxstyou can tag it onto the udr-iso-build project I suppose05:37
darkxstthat I made yesterday05:37
darkxsteveraldo, https://launchpad.net/ugr-iso-build05:37
jbichaand you can use desktop-q-gnomebuntu (or whatever) or other-q- as the prefix05:38
jbichaoops desktop-r- or other-r-05:38
darkxstjbicha, you pulling an all nighter?05:40
jbichanah, have a good night!05:41
darkxstwell its still day here, so I am fine!05:41
everaldor is for  Raring or  Ringtail?05:44
everaldonormally the short name is the first word05:45
everaldobut, raring don't looks to be a name05:45
darkxstr is for both05:46
darkxstthat is how they name them05:46
darkxstfirst word is an adjective05:47
darkxstsecond word is an animal05:47
everaldoyes, but the short name will be ringtail right?05:47
darkxstno raring05:47
darkxstjust like precise and quantal05:48
everaldodarkxst, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ugr-iso-build/+spec/topic-r-flavor-gnomebuntu05:49
darkxsteveraldo, your blueprint is empty!?08:35
darvin33hello where can i donwload ubuntu gnome remix 12.10?14:40
smartboyhwdarvin33, look at the topic14:40
darvin33thank you14:41
everaldojbicha, is it possible to create a project for gnomebuntu on launchpad or we can still use ugr-iso-build?17:11
jbichaanyone can make a lp project17:17
everaldojbicha, but is a good pratice?17:18
everaldocreate one project for a flavor?17:18
jbichabut...kubuntu and xubuntu don't have one and I'm not sure we need one17:18
jbichawe don't need one to use Ubuntu blueprints17:19
everaldowell, or blueprints are going to ugr-iso-build17:19
jbichano, just use Ubuntu please17:19
everaldook, moving17:19
jbichaskaet dis-recommended desktop so use other-r or community-r as the prefix17:20
jbichasomething like community-r-ubuntugnome-default-apps17:21
everaldolubuntu uses topic-raring-flavor-lubuntu17:22
everaldoand the same for kubuntu and xubuntu17:22
everaldojbicha, all others are using topic-r-flavor-(falvor)17:23
jbichathe first word should be the UDS track (even though we're likely not going to have a UDS session this time)17:24
everaldoso, we can have another blueprint link to this one17:25
everaldolike other flavors do17:25
jbichaoh ok I guess we can have a master blueprint17:28
jbichaI never really used that feature before17:28
everaldoyes, this one is the master17:28
everaldolooks like my research of blueprint yesterday was a good idea ;-)17:28
everaldobtw, launchpad is like a new world, I just learn tons of things last month17:29
everaldoand still don't know anything17:29
everaldojbicha, what "propose for sprint" mean on blueprints?18:05
jbichayou can propose the blueprint as a session topic at UDS18:20
everaldoare we going to propose something?18:23
jbichaprobably not, it's best to have someone present to lead the session and I don't know who that would be18:27
jbichawe could do a Google+ hangout/IRC meeting instead18:27
everaldoyes, a hangout could be nice18:28
JDBuntuis this channel for the remix only, or if we are running gnome-shell on standard ubuntu is it OK to ask questions about that here as well?20:22
QueopsWell I just came here but I believe even the official #gnome channel would be better if it's gnome related20:24
TheLordOfTimeif its ubuntu related, #ubuntu, for the remix, you could talk here though20:24
Queopssorry i meant even the unofficial*20:28
darkxstJDBuntu, if its related to gnome-shell, fine to ask here20:34
JDBuntuOK thanks20:36
JDBunturunning ubuntu 12.10 with gnome-shell (as opposed to unity) with GDM as the display manager.  When I login, it shows the default wallpaper for a few seconds before it picks up the user specified wallpaper - is there any way to change that default wallpaper?20:36
JDBuntuI know not a mission critical type question.20:36
JDBuntuI also run wally to rotate wallpapers, and it shows that same default wallpaper for a brief instance when changing.  I would prefer to just have a black screen or some other wallaper.20:37
JDBuntucrap, I'm getting called away from my desk - so if anyone asks any follow up questions, I may not be able to answer right away.  and thank you in advance!20:39
darkxstJDBuntu, you need to change the system default wallpaper20:42
JDBuntuhow is that performed?20:43
JDBuntuI'll check it out20:44
JDBuntuthank you20:44
jbichawell, not that file exactly20:45
JDBuntuthis section:20:45
jbichayeah, copy the header and the picture-uri to a different file (with a higher number) in that directory20:46
jbichaotherwise, you'll lose your changes when you get an update to the package that provides that files20:46
jbichaand then you'll need to run sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/20:47
JDBuntuI am not quite clear on what you are suggesting regarding the higher number20:47
Queopsthe file you create starts with a number20:48
QueopsEven though darkxst suggested 10 i bet it can be higher if needed20:49
jbichadebian and ubuntu stuff use 10_ some flavor stuff uses 20_ , whatever has the higher number wins if two files change the same setting20:50
darkxsti.e. 30_JDBuntu-settings.gschema.override20:52
JDBuntuI'm going to logout now and test.  thank you!20:55
darkxstjbicha, I wonder are there really that many people with efi systems, or is everyone just downloading because it was a newer version!20:56
QueopsI'm really impressed with this release20:58
JDBuntuworked like a charm!  thank you!20:59
darkxsteveraldo, another blueprint for you to link against packageselection, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/gnomebuntu-package-management22:33
everaldodarkxst, done22:35
everaldodarkxst, you can't do it with your user?22:36
everaldo(just curious about access control)22:36
darkxsteveraldo, nope I don't get access to the  dependencies option22:39
everaldodarkxst, do you know how I can give you and jbicha access?22:40
everaldodone, linked22:43
darkxsteveraldo, I don't know22:43
darkxstunless its set by one of the approver/drafter etc fields22:44
everaldoyou are now in "Assignee"22:47
everaldonice, we have now Raring on PPA Series22:49
everaldoand also on our archives22:50
darkxstarchive were copied shortly after Q release22:51
darkxsthowever they are still closed (so just a copy of Q packages)22:51
darkxsteveraldo, yeh, I see the dependency buttons now22:53
everaldounfortunatelly we have slot only for 3 people22:54
darkxstwe could probably use a team?22:57
everaldoyes, we can22:58

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